IBM VIAVOICE 10-PRO USB EDITION, ViaVoice 10 for Windows User Manual

IBM®ViaVoice®for Windows
Pro USB Edition
User’s Guide
Release 10
Before using this information and the product it supports, be sure to read the information in Appendix B, “Notices” on page 139.
This edition applies to version 1, release 10, modification 0 of IBM ViaVoice for Windows Pro USB Edition US/UK English (program number 5724-C96) and to all subsequent releases and modifications until otherwise indicated in new editions.
When you send information to IBM, you grant IBM a nonexclusive right to use or distribute the information in any way it believes appropriate without incurring any obligation to you.
US Government Users Restricted Rights – Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.
Welcome to ViaVoice ........vii
US English and UK English are both
described in this book .........ix
Conventions in this book ........x
Chapter 1. Setting up your speech system . 1
Installing the ViaVoice software ......2
Setting up your microphone and audio system 6
Creating a voice model.........8
Analyzing your voice .........10
Analyzing your documents .......12
Troubleshooting setup problems .....13
Unable to install ViaVoice ......13
Problems with audio setup ......13
Poor recognition .........14
Chapter 2. The magic of dictating with
ViaVoice .............17
Practice dictating ..........18
Finding recognition errors .......20
Correcting errors ..........21
Try re-dictating your text before correction 21
Correcting misrecognized words ....21
Removing inserted words ......22
Correcting capitalization errors.....22
Next steps after correction .......23
Analyzing My Documents .......24
Troubleshooting dictation problems ....24
Chapter 3. Introducing VoiceCenter . . . 27
VoiceCenter components ........28
ViaVoice menu ...........30
Chapter 4. Dictating into SpeakPad . . . 33
SpeakPad menus and buttons ......34
General hints and tips.........36
Dictating numbers in the US English version
of ViaVoice ............37
Currency ............37
Dates .............37
Decimals ............37
Ordinals ............37
Long numbers ..........37
Dictating numbers in the UK English version
of ViaVoice ............37
Currency ............37
Dates .............37
Decimals ............38
Ordinals ............38
Long numbers ..........38
Dictating numbers in number mode ....38
Spelling words in spell mode ......38
Saying commands while dictating.....39
Inline dictation commands ......39
"Scratch that" command .......39
Text-editing commands .......40
Bullet lists............40
Just say their names ........40
Commands recognized as text .....40
Dictating e-mail user IDs and URLs ....42
Transferring your dictation to another
application ............43
Saving your dictation in SpeakPad ....44
Saving a speech session .......44
Saving your dictation as text .....44
Finding new words in your document . . . 45
Chapter 5. Dictating into Microsoft Word 47
Installing Word Program Support .....47
Try your first dictation into Word .....48
ViaVoice menus and buttons in Word . . . 50
General hints and tips.........52
Dictating numbers in the US English version
of ViaVoice ............53
Currency ............53
Dates .............53
Decimals ............53
Ordinals ............53
Long numbers ..........54
Dictating numbers in the UK English version
of ViaVoice ............54
Currency ............54
Dates .............54
Decimals ............54
Ordinals ............54
Long numbers ..........54
© Copyright IBM Corp. 1998, 2002 iii
Dictating numbers in number mode ....55
Spelling words in spell mode ......55
Saying commands while dictating.....56
Inline dictation commands ......56
"Scratch that" command .......56
Text-editing commands .......56
Bullet lists............57
Just say their names ........57
Commands recognized as text .....57
Dictating e-mail user IDs and URLs ....59
Saving your dictation .........60
Saving a speech session .......60
Saving your dictation as text .....60
Finding new words in your document . . . 61
Creating ViaVoice Documents ......62
Creating ViaVoice Templates ......63
Using ViaVoice Bookmarks .......64
Chapter 6. Correcting your dictation . . . 65
Using the Correction window ......66
Correcting by voice .........68
Correcting words by typing .......69
Delayed correction ..........70
Delegated correction .........71
Chapter 7. Dictating to your applications 73
Dictating directly ..........73
Using Auto-start dictation .......74
Dictating directly into a spreadsheet ....74
Chapter 8. What Can I Say ......75
Interacting with What Can I Say .....78
Expanding or collapsing a view ....78
Commands with words in angle brackets 78
Changing views..........79
Creating notes for What Can I Say . . . 79
Printing the commands in a view ....79
Using an Attention word with commands . . 79
Training a command .........81
Chapter 9. Using natural commands . . . 83
General guidelines ..........83
Using commands that have variables. . . 85
Correcting errors .........85
Excel ..............87
Entering data into a spreadsheet ....87
Outlook .............89
Chapter 10. Using the Internet and E-mail 91
Internet Explorer ..........91
Working with e-mail .........92
Composing e-mail .........92
Checking for e-mail ........93
America Online (AOL) ........94
Navigating ...........94
Dictating e-mail ..........94
Dictating in a chat room .......95
Sending messages with Instant Messenger
Chapter 11. Navigating with your voice . . 97
Desktop commands .........98
Navigate the active program ......98
Just say their name.........98
Say what you can’t see .......98
Say letters and numbers .......99
When you see 'Pardon me' ......99
Text editing ...........100
Selecting keys with your voice ....100
Voice Mouse ...........100
Positioning the pointer .......101
Stopping and fine-tuning the pointer . . 101
Clicking the mouse buttons .....101
Chapter 12. Customizing ViaVoice . . . 103
Changing VoiceCenter’s appearance....103
Appearance tab .........103
General tab ...........104
Taskbar tab ...........104
Docked tab ...........104
Agent tab ...........104
Floating tab ...........104
Changing the microphone’s startup state . . 105
Creating additional voice models ....106
Selecting a vocabulary or topic .....106
Changing the active vocabulary to improve performance (UK English version only) . . 108
Adding a user ...........109
Making a user name the current user . . . 109
Backing up and restoring user data ....110
Deleting a user name or voice model . . . 111
Setting dictation options .......111
Changing the appearance of the Correction
window .............113
Enabling command sets ........114
Setting Text-To-Speech options .....115
Adjusting recognition sensitivity .....116
iv ViaVoice for Windows Pro USB Edition
Chapter 13. Creating macros .....117
Creating a dictation macro .......117
Creating a macro template .......119
Before you start .........119
Creating the template form......119
Creating navigation macros ......122
Always Active macro .......123
Application macro ........123
Cross Program macro .......125
Creating ViaVoice Marks ......126
Importing and exporting ......127
Chapter 14. Getting help .......129
Information Central .........129
Getting context-sensitive help ......130
Question Button Help .......130
What’s This Help .........130
Printing help ...........130
Using Teach Me commands ......130
How do I troubleshoot a problem? ....131
Appendix A. Frequently used commands
in dictation ...........133
Formatting and spacing ........133
Punctuation in dictation........133
Symbols and characters in dictation ....134
Symbols and characters in number mode 135 Symbols and characters in spell mode . . . 136
Appendix B. Notices ........139
Trademarks ............140
Other attributions ..........141
Glossary ............143
Index .............145
Contents v
vi ViaVoice for Windows Pro USB Edition
Welcome to ViaVoice
IBM ViaVoice will change the way you use your computer. You can now dictate text and control your computer by voice.
Imagine yourself sitting at your computer, composing a letter to a friend. Say "Dictate to SpeakPad". ViaVoice’s word processor opens, and you dictate the letter using normal speech. You can do this with ViaVoice—you talk, it types! The computer translates your words and phrases into actions that carry out commands or create text. Imagine the simplicity of working at your computer just by speaking. With ViaVoice, say goodbye to the drudgery of typing.
ViaVoice is probably not like any software you have ever used! To get the most from ViaVoice and become a great user—even if you have already used a speech-recognition product—we recommend that you go through this book following these sign posts.
Install the software and set up your speech system. Start by following the instructions in Chapter 1 to install ViaVoice and prepare your sound system so that ViaVoice can understand you. You must set
up your speech system as described in Chapter 1 before you can work satisfactorily with ViaVoice.
Get comfortable by practicing dictation. Having installed ViaVoice
and set up your speech system, you will then probably want to practice dictating. Chapter 2 shows you how to dictate into SpeakPad. We recommend that you practice with the material in this chapter, and become comfortable speaking to SpeakPad, before exploring other parts of ViaVoice.
Learn how to use the VoiceCenter. Once you are comfortable with speaking to your computer, familiarize yourself with VoiceCenter, the heart of your speech system. VoiceCenter controls your spoken interactions with your computer. Chapter 3 describes the functions available through VoiceCenter.
Once you have mastered the material in the first three chapters, explore the other ViaVoice functions to become even more productive:
© Copyright IBM Corp. 1998, 2002 vii
v Use SpeakPad, described in Chapter 4, to dictate your documents and
letters. A word of advice: make sure you’ve gone through Chapter 2, mentioned above, before turning to this chapter.
v Do you prefer using Microsoft
Word? Chapter 5 gives you the complete
picture on dictating into Word 97, Word 2000, or Word 2002.
v Your dictation is not finished until you have corrected the recognition errors
in the text. Correcting these errors is one of the most important ways to help ViaVoice learn what you say. Do not close your dictation sessions until you have corrected them as described in Chapter 6.
v What do you want to do? You can see all the commands for controlling
your computer in the What Can I Say window, described in Chapter 8. If you are primarily interested in dictating documents rather than speaking commands, you can skip this chapter.
v If you are not comfortable with the mouse and keyboard, no problem! Issue
commands and control your computer by speaking. See Chapter 11 for information on navigating by voice.
v Once you are comfortable with your system, personalize ViaVoice.
Chapter 12 describes the features for extending the usefulness of your system and gives you suggestions for tailoring it for your needs.
v ViaVoice is loaded with information like online help and printable online
material. Chapter 14 describes all the information available at your fingertips.
viii ViaVoice for Windows Pro USB Edition
US English and UK English are both described in this book
This book contains information on using ViaVoice in both UK English and US English. You will select one of these languages to install on your computer. Make sure you use the appropriate information in this book for the installed language.
Keep in mind that these languages have many differences, and each language version of ViaVoice is specifically tailored to understand what speakers of that language will probably say. For example, if you are using US English and say 'analyze my voice' during a dictation, that is what you will see in your text. However, the same words spoken for UK English will result in 'analyse my voice'.
Other differences include the following: v The words for some punctuation marks and symbols differ between the two
languages. In US English, the words "pound sign" result in "#"; in UK English, the same words result in "£". The punctuation at the end of a normal declarative sentence is "period" in US English and "full stop" in UK English. See Appendix A, “Frequently used commands in dictation” on page 133, where these differences are highlighted.
v Numbers and number formatting are handled differently between the two
languages. See “Dictating numbers in the US English version of ViaVoice”
on page 37 and “Dictating numbers in the UK English version of ViaVoice” on page 37 for usage and examples.
v Folder names, window titles, program components and voice commands
are referred to using their US English names throughout this book. In the UK English language version of ViaVoice some of these items appear in a slightly different form, e.g.: VoiceCenter/VoiceCentre, Capitalize this/Capitalise this, IBM ViaVoice/IBM ViaVoice UK English.
The text in this book uses the US English orthography. All pictures of windows and panels are taken from the US English language version.
Welcome to ViaVoice ix
Conventions in this book
Please note the following textual and graphical conventions used in this book.
Commands and words that you say to your computer are shown in bold within double quotation marks.
Say "Capitalize this". Say "What Can I Say for Desktop".
Some multiple-word commands are shown as joined words or hyphenated words.
Spelling a word is shown with a hyphen separating each letter in the word.
Dictate "r-e-c-o-g-n-i-t-i-o-n".
The names of buttons, fields and check boxes appear in bold.
Click OK to accept the name in the User Name field.
A series of items that you click with the mouse to start a function appear in bold and are separated by angle brackets. In this example, the first item to click is the Start button, and the last is the function to open VoiceCenter.
Select Start > Programs > IBM ViaVoice > VoiceCenter.
This symbol identifies information that is particularly important.
In addition, navigation and some commands are available only when ViaVoice is installed on Windows 98 Second Edition, Windows Me, or Windows XP Home and Professional Edition. This symbol alerts you to information about this limitation.
Woodrow, the ViaVoice agent, points out a helpful hint or tip.
x ViaVoice for Windows Pro USB Edition
Chapter 1. Setting up your speech system
This chapter describes how to install ViaVoice on your computer and then set up your sound system. You should allow 30–45 minutes to complete the procedures in this chapter:
v Install ViaVoice from the CD-ROM that comes in your package. v Set up your audio system. The User Wizard will assist you! v Record a story and let ViaVoice create a model of your voice. v Optionally, if you already have documents that reflect the style and words
(lexicon) that you plan to dictate, you can have ViaVoice analyze those documents.
The computer on which you will set up your speech system should be in the location where you plan to dictate. During setup, background noises should be like those you will hear during future dictation sessions. If there is unusual background noise (for example, street repairs being done outside an open window) or if you plan to dictate in a noisy location which is now quiet, wait until the acoustics return to normal before setting up your speech system.
First check the following points before installing this program.
1. Refer to the side of the box to ensure your computer meets the minimum
requirements for installing this program.
2. Ensure that the disk drive where you plan to install ViaVoice has not been
compressed with disk-compression utilities.
3. If you are installing on Windows NT, Windows 2000 or Windows XP, your
user ID must have administrator authority.
4. If you are installing ViaVoice over an existing IBM speech product or have
IBM speech products in more than one language, read the information in the Readme file on the ViaVoice distribution CD before installing ViaVoice.
5. If you plan to use ViaVoice with a digital recorder, read the information in
the Readme file on the ViaVoice distribution CD before installing ViaVoice.
© Copyright IBM Corp. 1998, 2002 1
Installing the ViaVoice software
1. Insert the ViaVoice CD in your CD-ROM drive to start the installation
program. If it does not start automatically, do the following:
a. Click Start > Run from the Windows taskbar. b. Type d:\setup (where d is your CD-ROM drive). c. Click OK.
2. Follow the instructions on the screen.
During installation you will see the following windows. (This section does not show all windows you will see.)
Language selection—Choose the language version you want to install and click Next.
2 ViaVoice for Windows Pro USB Edition
User Information—Type your name and company name, if appropriate. Click Next when you have finished.
Chapter 1. Setting up your speech system 3
Installation Options—Select the Installation Options. To clear an option, click on the check mark in the box.
Select to install ViaVoice support for Microsoft Office. This option is only available if you have Microsoft Office 97, Office 2000, or Office XP programs installed on your computer. This option includes support for dictation into Word and natural commands
for Word, Excel and Outlook®. If you choose
not to install this support now, you can install it later.
Adobe Acrobat Reader—If Adobe Acrobat Reader is not already installed on your computer, you can select this option to have ViaVoice automatically start the Adobe Acrobat Reader installation program. Adobe Acrobat Reader enables you to view the ViaVoice Command Reference and this book.
Click Next when you have finished.
1. Natural commands are commands that use a flexible, natural speaking style like "Make the next paragraph bold" and "Select from here to the top". More information can be found in Chapter 9, “Using natural commands” on page 83.
4 ViaVoice for Windows Pro USB Edition
Setup Complete—This window indicates that you have successfully installed the software.
Chapter 1. Setting up your speech system 5
Setting up your microphone and audio system
Woodrow appears if you placed VoiceCenter in your StartUp folder. If Woodrow does not appear, start VoiceCenter by clicking Start > Programs > IBM ViaVoice VoiceCenter.
Woodrow gives you a short presentation. (To skip this presentation, right-click on Woodrow and then select Hide.) Then, the Audio Setup Wizard starts to help you set up the microphone and audio system so you can get started with ViaVoice.
The name in the User Name field is probably the one you typed earlier. Leave it as it is, or type a name by which you want ViaVoice to know you. As you use ViaVoice, words you add and other enhancements you make go into your personal speech files. These files are associated with your user name.
You can use any name that contains the letters a to z in both uppercase and lowercase as well as numbers, but it must not contain typographic symbols (like " or /).
If other people will use your speech system, add their user names later but before they start ViaVoice for themselves. (“Adding a user” on page 109 describes how to do this.) People using your speech system must have their own user names. 'Sharing' your user name with others will corrupt your personal speech files and cause recognition problems.
For now, ignore the other three fields and click Next.
6 ViaVoice for Windows Pro USB Edition
Audio Setup Wizard—This wizard presents several windows to help you set up your microphone. We recommend that you use the microphone that comes with ViaVoice until you are thoroughly comfortable with your speech system.
1. If you have not already done so, remove the microphone and its
equipment from the package:
v The microphone itself v One or more plugs and USB adapters
v Warranty and other material from the manufacturer. The Audio Setup Wizard will prompt you to identify the type of
microphone and components you have.
2. With the microphone on, complete all audio tests that the Audio Setup
Wizard presents to you.
At the window shown below, for example, click Start and then read aloud the text inside the box. Speak the text clearly in your normal voice, pausing naturally between phrases or after punctuation marks. (Imagine you are speaking to someone for whom English is not the native language.) After you have read the sentences, ViaVoice will display the quality of your audio. Should ViaVoice find that the audio quality is poor, click Fixing Poor Audio Quality to learn how to take corrective action.
2. If you are using a USB microphone and do not have the USB port installed, the Windows program for adding this
new hardware begins. Follow the on-screen instructions to install the USB device driver. After installing the new hardware and restarting your computer, run VoiceCenter and complete the Audio Setup Wizard.
Chapter 1. Setting up your speech system
During these tests, the Audio Setup Wizard might display information windows or even start your Web browser to display a ViaVoice-related Web page. Use the information proposed by the wizard to solve any difficulty you might encounter during Audio Setup. ViaVoice needs these tests to be completed successfully to set up your system properly.
If you have difficulty completing any test successfully in the Audio Setup Wizard, see “Troubleshooting setup problems” on page 13.
Creating a voice model
You must give ViaVoice a sample of your voice so that it can understand you. The User Wizard makes it easy for you to do this.
When you see this window, click Start, then read aloud the text in the box, speaking in a normal style. As ViaVoice recognizes you, some text will become gray. In the window below, the first sentence and all but the last word of the next sentence have been recognized. If ViaVoice does not recognize what you say, simply say the text again until it is grayed.
8 ViaVoice for Windows Pro USB Edition
When you have finished reading this text aloud, ViaVoice displays the Analyzing My Voice window. Here you can choose what to do next.
Record my voice
This is the recommended choice. Recording your voice requires about 10 to 30 minutes and significantly increases the recognition accuracy of ViaVoice.
I prefer to do this later
If you select this option, the User Wizard presents the Analyze My Documents panel. (See “Analyzing your documents” on page 12 for details.) However, your speech recognition accuracy might not be optimal. To improve your recognition accuracy you can relaunch the User Wizard at any time by selecting Tools > Analyze My Voice from the ViaVoice menu.
Chapter 1. Setting up your speech system 9
Analyzing your voice
After selecting Record my voice and clicking Next, ViaVoice displays the Choosing a Story window. Select the story that you want to read aloud for analyzing your voice. If the story you want has two Parts, select Part 1 first. Read the story aloud using your normal speaking voice.
When ViaVoice has enough recorded data, you will see the Story Finished window. Click Analyze to have ViaVoice create your voice model. However, if you have a strong regional accent, we recommend that you click Continue Reading so that you can record more sentences, giving ViaVoice more data for analysis. Doing everything you can to give ViaVoice as much information about your voice as possible is one of the best ways to ensure excellent recognition accuracy.
10 ViaVoice for Windows Pro USB Edition
You see this window after clicking Analyze.
Wait until ViaVoice has fully processed your recording before turning off your computer or working with other processing-intensive programs.
Chapter 1. Setting up your speech system 11
Analyzing your documents
You can get a head start on dictation by having ViaVoice analyze your existing document files.
ViaVoice can analyze Word document files (DOC), Rich Text Format files (RTF), text files (TXT) and HTML document files (HTM, HTML).
The User Wizard displays this window so that you can make these files available for analysis:
When ViaVoice analyzes your files, it identifies words that are not in its base vocabulary. You can then select which words you want added to your personal vocabulary. (Your personal vocabulary contains new words that ViaVoice finds in your dictated documents.) ViaVoice also updates its information with your personal writing style so that, when you dictate in that style, it will understand you better.
For now, select the middle or bottom option, then click Next.
Once a voice model has been created, you can go on to the next chapter, where you will begin dictating with SpeakPad, the speech-enabled word processor in ViaVoice. We recommend that you start with SpeakPad, which is easy to use.
12 ViaVoice for Windows Pro USB Edition
Troubleshooting setup problems
Before you can obtain satisfactory results with ViaVoice, you must install the ViaVoice software, set up your microphone and audio system properly and create a model of your voice. The procedures for doing these successfully were described above. If you are unable to solve a setup problem, look for it in this section and carry out the suggested corrective action.
Unable to install ViaVoice
U Your computer must meet the hardware and software requirements
listed on the side panel of your ViaVoice package. Refer to your computer’s documentation to ensure that the type and speed of your processor are sufficient for ViaVoice. Also ensure that the drive on which you want to install ViaVoice has sufficient free disk space.
U During software installation, you should completely and accurately
provide data at every window and click Next when prompted to do so. In windows where the Next button was inactive, did you type data or select with the mouse until the button became active and clickable? Dismissing windows instead of continuing with Next,or clicking a button to cancel or exit, prevents the installation program from completing successfully.
U If you are installing on Windows NT, Windows 2000 or Windows XP,
your user ID must have administrator authority.
Problems with audio setup
complete Audio Setup successfully. To do so, the microphone must be plugged into your sound card or USB adapter and port correctly. The Audio Setup Wizard shows you how to do these properly.
U Your sound card must be fully compliant with the specification on the
ViaVoicepackage,andthelatestdevicedriverforyoursoundcard should be installed on your computer. Check the sound-card informationatourWebsiteat, andcontactyoursound-cardmanufacturertoobtainthelatestdevice driver. If you have more than one sound card, there should be no addressconflictbetweenthesoundcards.ViaVoicemustusethe sound card to which you attach the microphone. You can see whether a conflict exists by looking at Start > Settings > Control Panel >
System > Device Manager. (Windows XP: Click on Start > Control Panel > Performance and Maintenance > System > Hardware > Device Manager.) A sound card showing a yellow exclamation mark
has an address in conflict with another device on your computer. Look in Windows help for instructions on resolving this conflict.
U Use the microphone supplied with ViaVoice. If you want to use a
Chapter 1. Setting up your speech system 13
different microphone, it must be one listed at ontheInternet.Youcanalso see a list of supported microphones during Audio Setup. When setting up your microphone, select Other microphone as the type of microphone you are using, then click the Other microphones button to see the list of supported microphones.
U Ensure that no special effects are set in Windows. These settings,
which can prevent the sound card from working with ViaVoice, are found in Advanced Settings in the Device Manager for your sound card. Effects like full-duplex, 3-D sound and reverb should be turned off when using ViaVoice.
U Is your computer set up to record sound? If you are unsure, test your
system by doing this:
1. Click Start > Programs > Accessories > Entertainment > Sound
2. Try to record your voice and play it back with the Sound Recorder.
If you cannot hear your recording, contact your computer or sound card manufacturer. If the Sound Recorder is working but Audio Setup still fails, you might need to update the device driver for your sound card.
The sound you hear should be free of hiss or other noise.
U Make sure that settings like volume control are set. Check boxes for
muting audio components in Windows should not be ticked. Search for Windows Audio Settings in Windows help to see how to adjust sound settings. Multiple mixers can cause problems.
Poor recognition
U Speak at a normal pace, not too fast, not too slowly. Don’t clip or slur
words, or elongate or exaggerate their pronunciation. Do not run words together, but avoid overemphasizing them. At first you might tend to speak quickly. Be patient and slow down a bit.
U Make sure you wear your microphone headset correctly and in the
same way each time you speak. The white dot next to the microphone under the foam pad must face your mouth. Do not remove the foam pad from the microphone when speaking; this pad acts as a windshield. Do not position the microphone directly in front of your mouth where it will capture breathing noises; instead, position it to either side of your mouth, about 2 cm away from your mouth. When speaking, do not change the position of the microphone boom or touch the foam pad or boom. Do not allow the microphone to touch your face or hair.
U Say only the words shown to you for the tests. Should you talk to
14 ViaVoice for Windows Pro USB Edition
someone while the microphone is on, ViaVoice will capture your conversation and not recognize your words as part of the story. Hesitation noises like 'um' or 'uh', coughing and 'slips of the tongue' are picked up as words.
U If a word can be pronounced more than one way—like 'thuh' and
'thee' for the word the—try both pronunciations.
U Are you actually saying all words correctly? For example, do not
misread this as the. Do not skip any words.
U If you are speaking in a room with a lot of unusual background noise,
wait until the noise subsides before reading the story.
U Are you using the appropriate language version of ViaVoice? You can
verify this by selecting Start > Settings > Control Panel > ViaVoice Options. At the User tab in the Voice model field you will see either 'US English' or 'UK English'. If you find that you are using the wrong language version, uninstall the program and install the correct language version.
Chapter 1. Setting up your speech system 15
16 ViaVoice for Windows Pro USB Edition
Chapter 2. The magic of dictating with ViaVoice
Congratulations! You have successfully set up your speech system and are now ready to practice dictation with SpeakPad, the speech-enabled word processor in ViaVoice.
We should first establish a few guidelines to help you get started.
v If you have not used speech recognition before, relax! Talking to
your computer is fun and easy. Get a glass of water and follow along with us in this chapter.
v ViaVoice understands when you speak clearly and in a normal,
natural manner. For some people, getting comfortable with speech recognition takes time and practice. So, please be patient and try not to be self-conscious! Talking to your computer is almost as easy as talking on the telephone, and the more you use your speech system, the more comfortable you’ll become.
v As you work through this chapter, consider everything you do as
practice—we sincerely want you to become a great ViaVoice user! This is your chance to play with the technology and learn how to make ViaVoice serve you.
v Work through the material in this chapter until you obtain
satisfactory results and feel comfortable speaking to your computer.
Take your time and just follow the instructions.
© Copyright IBM Corp. 1998, 2002 17
Practice dictating
1. If VoiceCenter is not on your screen, start it by clicking Start > Programs >
IBM ViaVoice VoiceCenter.
2. Click the ViaVoice menu button on the far left side of the VoiceCenter,
then select Dictate To and click SpeakPad. SpeakPad opens. The microphone button changes and turns green. Your
microphone is on, and SpeakPad is ready to recognize your speech.
3. If you are using the US English version of ViaVoice, begin dictating the
following text. If you are using the UK English version, go to step 4. Dictate this text by speaking clearly in your normal speaking voice:
It contains many new features PERIOD NEWPARAGRAPH
Our new User Wizard makes it easy to get started PERIOD NEWPARAGRAPH
We hope you enjoy using the new ViaVoice PERIOD MICROPHONE-OFF
Continue with step 5 on page 19.
4. If you are using the UK English version of ViaVoice, begin dictating the
following text. Dictate this text by speaking clearly in your normal speaking voice:
It contains many new features FULLSTOP NEWPARAGRAPH
Our new User Wizard makes it easy to get started FULLSTOP NEWPARAGRAPH
We hope you enjoy using the new ViaVoice FULLSTOP MICROPHONE-OFF
18 ViaVoice for Windows Pro USB Edition
5. The text appears in the SpeakPad window. It should look like this:
Congratulations, you have successfully dictated for the first time!
This being your first dictation, your text probably contains some recognition errors. Your next step is to learn how to identify these errors, so please go to the next section.
Chapter 2. The magic of dictating with ViaVoice 19
Finding recognition errors
After dictating a paragraph or so of text, you should correct any recognition errors you find in it. Recognition errors are words that ViaVoice understood in
error for the words you said. Several types of recognition errors can occur:
Type of error Examples Causes
A single word is recognized as some other word
You said a, but ViaVoice displayed the.
You said their, but ViaVoice displayed there.
v You didn’t say the word clearly. v The word you said is not in ViaVoice’s
base vocabulary or your personal vocabulary.
v The context of the word caused ViaVoice
to guess incorrectly.
A single word is recognized as two or more words
You said oversubscribed but got over subside.
v You paused between syllables in a word. v You didn’t say the word clearly. v The word is not in ViaVoice’s base
vocabulary or your personal vocabulary.
A word that you did not say is inserted in the text
You said for branch staff but got for a branch staff.
v The microphone picked up background
noise or breathing noises.
Two or more adjacent words are recognized as one word
You said that this but got that’s.
v You ran the words together or spoke them
too quickly.
v You slurred the pronunciation of the
A word is not capitalized correctly
You started a sentence with Their but ViaVoice did not capitalize it.
v ViaVoice guessed the wrong form of the
A command is recognized as text
You said MICROPHONE OFF but got the words microphone off.
v You did not pause before and after saying
the command.
v ViaVoice did not interpret your words as a
Recognition errors happen. Saying words that ViaVoice does not know, making slips of the tongue, and the occasional bad guess by ViaVoice lead to errors. By correcting recognition errors, you teach ViaVoice more about the words you use. The more it knows, the fewer errors ViaVoice will make.
Next you will correct the recognition errors in your practice dictation.
20 ViaVoice for Windows Pro USB Edition
+ 130 hidden pages