This manual provides requirements and instructions for installing, configuring, and
licensing IBM Rational Rose.
Who should read this book
This guide is intended for those who are responsible for installing Rational Rose.
Contacting IBM Customer Support for Rational software products
If you have questions about installing, using, or maintaining this product, contact
Customer Support as follows:
The IBM software support Internet site provides you with self-help resources and
electronic problem submission. The IBM Software Support Home page for
products can be found at
Voice Support is available to all current contract holders by dialing a telephone
number in your country (where available). For specific country phone numbers, go
Note: When youcontactIBMCustomerSupport,pleasebepreparedtosupplythe
following information:
v Your name,companyname,ICNnumber,telephonenumber,ande-mail
v Your operatingsystem,versionnumber,andanyservicepacksorpatches
you have applied
v Product name and release number
v Your PMR number (if you are following up on a previously reported
Downloading the IBM Support Assistant
The IBM Support Assistant (ISA) is a locally installed serviceability workbench that
makes it easier to resolve software product problems. ISA is a free, stand-alone
application that you download from IBM and install on any number of machines.
It runs on AIX, RedHat Enterprise Linux, AS, HP-UX, Solaris, and Windows
This chapter provides a high-level guide to planning the installation of IBM
Rational Rose. Both administrators and users of the product should read this
chapter before beginning the installation.
Preliminary installation information
For the most current information related to Rational Rose installation procedures,
product features, and known issues, see the IBM Rational Rose Release Notes at
the IBM Publications Center, as follows:
1.Search for IBM Publications Center.
You can also access the release notes during the installation from the Launchpad
and once installation is complete from within the product (click Start > Programs > IBMRational>IBMRationalRose>RoseReleaseNotes).
v Ask youradministratorforthecorrectdeploymenttype.SeeSelectinga
deployment method.
v See Changetosearchorderforlicensekeysforadescriptionoftheorderin
which license keys are applied in this release.
v When installingRoseaspartofIBMRationalSuiteonMicrosoftWindows2000,
Rose might not run until you add the Rational \Common directory to your user
path. See Adding the IBM Rational directory to your user path if you encounter
this problem.
v In additiontoreviewingtheremainderofChapter1,includingbutnotlimited
– File location guidelines
– Shared file guidelines
– Backup guidelines
– Version Compatibility guidelines
Also review the following chapters prior to installing IBM Rational Rose:
– Chapter 2. Configuring the installation
– Chapter 3. Installing this product as part of IBM Rational Suite (If you will be
installing IBM Rational Rose as part of the IBM Rational Suite.)
– Chapter 4. Installing Rational Rose
File location guidelines
v The IBMRationalSoftwareSetupprogramrequiresthatyouinstallallIBM
Rational products in the same directory. If you already have IBM Rational
products installed on your system, the Setup program installs IBM Rational Rose
in the same directory.
v The SetupprograminstallsMicrosoftCoreComponentsandsomeadditional
files on the same drive as the operating system (often the C:\ drive), even if you
have specified an alternate drive for installation. These files can require up to 5 15 MB of disk space on your hard drive.
Shared file guidelines
The IBM Rational Software Setup program installs some shared components, which
are potentially available to other applications on your system. Setup installs the
U.S. English version of these files. It does not overwrite newer file versions.
If the Setup program needs to update shared components, it displays a list of the
shared components that require updates. The files listed must be installed on your
system before the installation can proceed.
In general, we recommend that you allow the installation procedure to install
shared files for you. In the following circumstances, you may want to install the
files yourself:
v Yo u are usingaU.S.Englishsystem,butinstallingnewfilesmayinvalidateyour
current environment. In this case, you need to determine how to correct your
environment so that you can run existing tools and the IBM Rational products
you want to install.
v Your sitemaymandatethatyouobtainsharedfilesdirectlyfromthesource(for
example, from Microsoft), rather than using files supplied by a third party. Or
your site may prohibit end users from installing shared components.
v Yo u may wanttoinstallequivalentfilesthatarelocalizedinyourlanguage.
2 IBMRationalRose:InstallationGuide
The Replace files with newer versions in English check box is selected when you
have installed earlier versions of shared files that are localized to a non-U.S.
English language. If you clear this check box, you can save and print the list of
files that need to be updated. Yo u will need to update the files yourself.
v There maybealaterversionofthefilesavailable.IBMRationalproductsshould
work with the supplied version of shared files or any later versions.
Backup guidelines
You should back up your registry and system directories prior to running the IBM
Rational Rose Setup program. In addition, make system backups of any machines
on which you plan to install Rose. Specifically, we recommend you make backups
of the following files:
v Model files
– Yo u should always have a back up of all your model files. These can include
files that end with .mdl,.cat,.ptl, .red, and .sub files.
– Custom property files (files that end with .pty or .prp)
– There is no need to save .pty files that ship with Rose, because these will be
– Custom script files (files that end with .ebs or .ebx)
– There is no need to save .ebs or .ebx files that ship with Rose, since these will
be reinstalled.
Rose path map variables are saved in the registry.
exported. (On Windows XP, select File > Import... as there is no Registry and
ImportRegistryFile menu.)
Version compatibility guidelines
If you have older IBM Rational products installed on your system, you must
ensure that all IBM Rational products on that system are upgraded to the same
version. Because IBM Rational tools share files and components, a new installation
can cause the older IBM Rational products to stop working. You will see no visual
clue that the older products may be compromised.
Installing a variant on the same desktop
If multiple variants of Rational Rose are installed on a single Windows desktop,
you can only run the last variant installed. For example, if you install Rose
Modeler Edition, and then install Rose Professional J Edition, you can only run the
Rose Professional J variant.
Adding the IBM Rational directory to your user path
When installing Rose on Microsoft Windows 2000, Rose might not run until you
add the Rational\Common directory to your user path. Use the following procedure
to add the directory to your user path:
(typically, C:\Program Files\Rational\Common), and then click Set.
Once IBM Rational Rose is installed
v Rational Rosedoesnotsupportdualbootsystemswherebothoperatingsystems
are on the same partition.
v If theonlineHelpforaninstalledRoseAdd-IndoesnotappearontheContents
tab of the Rose online Help, it may be because of an existing .gid file on your
system. To remedy this situation, locate the Add-In’s .gid file in the
rose_release_directory\help\ folder, anddeleteit.Anew,valid.gidfilewillbe
created automatically the first time you open the Add-In’s compiled Help (.hlp)
file. For example, if the Help book for Web Modeler does not appear in the
Contents , delete the webmod.gid file. If the errant .gid file was the problem, you
will see the Web Modeler Help book on the Contents tab the next time you open
the Rose online Help.
v The RoseDataModelerproducesmodelsforseveraldatabasevendors.The
vendor databases are listed in the IBM Rational Rose Release Notes. There are
no special configuration instructions for Rose Data Modeler. To install and
configure the databases, see the vendor documentation.
Yo ucannotruntwodifferentversionsofRoseonthesamemachine.
Upgrading from a previous version
If you are upgrading from a previous version of the product, review the upgrade
information before you install the current version. If the product was installed as
part of Rational Suite®, all Rational products are uninstalled when you install the
current version.
Although some mixed versions of the Rational products are supported across an
enterprise network, all Rational products on a single computer must be the same
version. For example, you cannot run Rational RequisitePro version 2003.06.15 with
Rational Rose version 7.0.
Setting up Rational Common Licensing
Setting up Rational Common Licensing, which is powered by FLEXlm, is a key
part of the installation process. Yo u must accomplish the following licensing
service tasks:
v Obtain licensekeysbyusingAccountLink,aWeb-basedtoolavailablefromthe
IBM Rational Licensing and Download center.
v Install and configure the IBM Rational License Server.
v Configure client desktops to import keys to the Rational License Server.
v Maintain and manage the IBM Rational License Server as a single, multiple, or