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viiip5-570 Technical Overview and Introduction
This document is a comprehensive guide covering the IBM® Sserver™ p5 570 UNIX®
servers. It introduces major hardware offerings and discusses their prominent functions.
Professionals wishing to acquire a better understanding of IBM Sserver p5 products should
read this document. The intended audience includes:
Sales and marketing professionals
Technical support professionals
IBM Business Partners
Independent software vendors
This document expands the current set of IBM Sserver documentation by providing a
desktop reference that offers a detailed technical description of the p5-570 system.
This publication does not replace the latest pSeries® marketing materials and tools. It is
intended as an additional source of information that, together with existing sources, may be
used to enhance your knowledge of IBM server solutions.
The team that wrote this Redpaper
This Redpaper was produced by a team of specialists from around the world working at the
International Technical Support Organization, Austin Center.
Giuliano Anselmi is a certified pSeries Presales Technical Support Specialist working in the
Field Technical Sales Support group based in Rome, Italy. For seven years, he was an IBM
Sserver pSeries Systems Product Engineer, supporting Web Server Sales Organization in
EMEA, IBM Sales, IBM Business Partners, Technical Support Organizations, and IBM Dublin
eServer Manufacturing. Giuliano has worked for IBM for 12 years, devoting himself to
RS/6000® and pSeries systems with his in-depth knowledge of the related hardware and
Gregor Linzmeier is an IBM Advisory IT Specialist for RS/6000 and pSeries workstation and
entry servers as part of the Systems and Technology Group in Mainz, Germany supporting
IBM sales, Business Partners, and customers with pre-sales consultation and implementation
of client/server environments. He has worked for more than 13 years as an infrastructure
specialist for RT, RS/6000, and AIX® in large CATIA client/server projects.
Wolfgang Seiwald is an IBM Presales Technical Support Specialist working for the System
Sales Organization in Salzburg, Austria. He holds a Diplomingenieur degree in Telematik
from the Technical University of Graz. The main focus of his work for IBM in the past five
years has been in the areas of the IBM Sserver pSeries systems and the IBM AIX operating
Philippe Vandamme is an IT Specialist working in pSeries Field Technical Support in Paris,
France, EMEA West region. With 15 years of experience in semi-conductor fabrication and
manufacturing and associated technologies, he is now in charge of pSeries Pre-Sales
Support. In his daily role, he supports and delivers training to the IBM and Business Partner
Sales force.
The project that produced this document was managed by:
Scott Vetter
Thanks to the following people for their contributions to this project:
Ron Arroyo, John Banchy, Barb Hewitt, Thoi Nguyen, Jan Palmer, Charlie Reeves, Craig
Shempert, Scott Smylie, Joel Tendler, Ed Toutant, Jane Arbeitman, Tenley Jackson, Andy
Derrick Daines, Dave Williams.
Volker Haug
IBM Germany
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xp5-570 Technical Overview and Introduction
Chapter 1.General description
The IBM ^ p5 570 rack-mount server is designed for greater application flexibility,
with innovative technology, to capitalize on the e-business revolution at the midrange level for
server environments. Introduced with the POWER4™ and POWER4+™ technology in 2001
and available from the 1-way entry-level through the 32-way high-end pSeries systems, the
IBM POWER™ architecture achieved a new stage of capability characteristics by including
features such as logical partitioning (LPAR). With POWER5™ microprocessor technology,
the p5-570 is the first cost-effective, high-performance midrange UNIX server to include the
next development of the IBM partitioning concept, Micro-Partitioning™.
Dynamic logical partitioning is supported from the 2-way p5-570 to the 16-way p5-570
system, allowing up to 16 dedicated partitions. In addition, the optional Advanced POWER
Virtualization hardware feature enables a technology called Micro-Partitioning technology.
The p5-570 system has been designed to support up to 160 partitions on a 16-way system.
The Micro-Partitioning technology is an advanced feature of the POWER5 processor that
enables multiple partitions to share a physical processor. The extended POWER Hypervisor
controls dispatching the physical processors to each of the partitions using Micro-Partitioning
technology. In addition to Micro-Partitioning technology, the Advanced POWER Virtualization
feature enables sharing of network and storage adapters to satisfy the I/O requests of
partitions that do not have a dedicated physical I/O adapter.
In combination with the extraordinary POWER5 processor, the Micro-Partitioning technology
is designed to increase system management efficiency and lowers operating expenses
through the multiple use of single physical resources that are installed in the p5-570 system.
Simultaneous multi-threading (SMT), a standard feature of POWER5 technology, enables
two threads to be executed at the same time on a single processor. SMT is user-selectable
with dedicated or processors from a shared pool for use by partitions using Micro-Partitioning
The symmetric multiprocessor (SMP) p5-570 system features base 2-way, 4-way, 8-way,
12-way, and 16-way, 64-bit, copper-based, SOI-based POWER5 microprocessors running at
1.5 GHz, 1.65 GHz, and 1.9 GHz with 36 MB off-chip Level 3 cache configurations. The
system is based on a concept of system building blocks. The p5-570 building blocks are
facilitated with the use of Processor interconnect and system SP Flex cables that enable as
many as four 4-way p5-570 building blocks to be connected to achieve a true 16-way SMP
combined system. Additional processor configurations are possible with the installation of
Capacity on Demand (CoD) features. Main memory starting at 2 GB can be expanded to
128 GB in a single drawer, based on the available DIMMs, for higher performance and
exploitation of 64-bit addressing, to meet the demands of enterprise computing, such as large
database applications.
One p5-570 building block includes six hot-plug PCI-X
slots with Enhanced Error Handling
(EEH) and an enhanced blind-swap mechanism, two Ultra320 SCSI controllers, one
10/100/1000 Mbps integrated dual-port Ethernet controller, two serial ports, two USB 2.0
ports, two HMC ports, two remote RIO-2 ports, and two System Power Control Network
(SPCN) ports.
The p5-570 includes two 3-pack front-accessible, hot-swap-capable disk bays. The six disk
bays of one IBM Sserver p5-570 building block can accommodate up to 880.8 GB of disk
storage using the 146.8 GB Ultra320 SCSI disk drives. Two additional media bays are used
to accept optional slim-line media devices, such as DVD-ROM or DVD-RAM drives. The
p5-570 also has I/O expansion capability using the RIO-2 bus, which allows attachment of the
7311 Model D10, 7311 Model D11, and 7311 Model D20 I/O drawers.
Additional reliability and availability features include redundant hot-plug cooling fans and
redundant power supplies. Along with these hot-plug components, the p5-570 is designed to
provide an extensive set of reliability, availability, and serviceability (RAS) features that
include improved fault isolation, recovery from errors without stopping the system, avoidance
of recurring failures, and predictive failure analysis.
PCI stands for Perhiperal Component Interconnect, and the X stands for extended performances.
2p5-570 Technical Overview and Introduction
1.1 System specifications
Table 1-1 lists the general system specifications of a single p5-570 drawer.
Table 1-1 p5-570 specifications
Operating temperature5 to 35 degrees C (41 to 95 F)
Relative humidity8% to 80%
Maximum wet bulb23 degrees C (73 F) (operating)
Noise level6.5 bels (operating)
Operating voltage200 to 240 V AC 50/60 Hz
Maximum power consumption1,300 watts (maximum)
Maximum power source loading1.37 kVA (maximum configuration)
Maximum thermal output4,437 Btu
a. British Termal Unit (BTU)
1.2 Physical package
One p5-570 drawer is packaged in a 4U2 rack-mounted enclosure, and it is available only in
the rack-mounted form factor. The following sections discuss the major physical attributes
that are found on the p5-570 building block, as shown in Table 1-2 on page 3.
/hr (maximum configuration)
Table 1-2 Physical packaging of the p5-570
DimensionOne p5-570 building block
Height174.1 mm (6.85 in)
Width483 mm (19.0 in)
Depth790 mm (31.1 in)
Weight63.6 kg (140 lb)
Using the p5-570 building block, an installed system can be made of one to four building
blocks. To help ensure the installation and serviceability in non-IBM, industry-standard racks,
review the vendor’s installation planning information for any product-specific installation
requirements. The processor and SP Flex cables present an additional planning requirement.
One Electronic Industries Association Unit (1U) is 44.45 mm (1.75 in).
Chapter 1. General description 3
power supply 2
power supply 1
three processor
power regulators
processor card 1
processor card 2
optional RIO-2 ports HMC Eth ports
View from the front
FSP card
operator panel
CUoD card
PCI-X adapter with
blind-swap mec hanism
I/O blowers
two slim-line
media bays
six disk drive bays
PCI-X slots 1 to 5
PCI-X slot 6 or R IO-2 expantion card
Ethernet and USB por ts
Figure 1-1 Views of the p5-570
1.3 Minimum and optional features
The p5-570 full configuration system is made of four p5-570 building blocks. It features:
Up to eight processor books using the POWER5 chip, for a total of 16 processors
From 2 GB to 512 GB of total system memory capacity using DDR1 DIMM technology, or
from 2 GB to 64 GB total memory with DDR2 DIMM technology in a four-drawer system
24 SCSI disk drives for an internal storage capacity of 3.5 TB using 146.8 GB drives
24 PCI-X slots
Eight slim-line media bays for optional optical storage devices
The combined system (made of more than one p5-570 building block) requires the proper
Processor interconnect cable and the system SP Flex cable. (See 2.2.1, “Processor drawer
interconnect cables” on page 24, and 2.4.2, “SP bus” on page 28.)
Power Supply 1Power Supply 2
default RIO-2 ports system connector
serial port 1
serial port 2
Rear view
The p5-570 building block includes the service processor (SP), which is described in 2.10,
“Service processor” on page 41, and the following native ports:
Two 10/100/1000 Ethernet ports
Two serial ports
Two USB 2.0 ports
– Optional external USB diskette drive 1.44 (FC 2591) can be used.
Two HMC p or ts
Two remote I/O (RIO-2) ports
4p5-570 Technical Overview and Introduction
Two SPCN ports
In addition, the p5-570 building block features two internal Ultra320 SCSI controllers,
redundant hot-swap power supply and redundant hot-swap cooling fans, and redundant
processor power regulators (FC 7875).
There is a CUoD card as part of the hardware configuration. This card stores VPD, and
processor information required for management of CUoD features. Since the p5-570 can
have processors in up to four physical building blocks, the card can be replaced or updated
by the IBM service representative to reflect hardware configuration changes.
Note: In a p5-570 combined system made of more than one building block, only the two
HMC ports and the two serial ports in the building block with the service processor are
available to use.
The system supports 32-bit and 64-bit applications, and it requires specific levels of operating
system. (See 2.12, “Operating system requirements” on page 49.)
1.3.1 Processor card features
Each p5-570 building block can contain 2-way processor cards with state-of-the-art, 64-bit,
copper-based, POWER5 microprocessors running at 1.5 GHz, 1.65 GHz, or 1.9 GHz. The
processor cards running at 1.5 GHz support up to eight processors per combined system.
The 1.65 GHz and 1.9 GHz processor card features are available only as Capacity Upgrade
on Demand (CUoD). The initial order of the p5-570 system must contain the feature code
related to the desired processor card, plus it must contain the processor activation feature
code. The feature can be
belonging to Value Pak options; see 1.4, “Value Paks” on page 11),
manufacturing as activated, or for later activation of available non-activated processors),
reserve CoD activation of prepaid processor, and On/Off CoD activation to use the On/Off
CoD capabilities. See 3.1, “Capacity on Demand” on page 52 for further details about CoD
activation concepts. Table 1-3 and Table 1-4 on page 5 contain all of the available feature
codes for processor cards that were available at the time of writing.
no-additional-charge CUoD (one processor no additional charge,
a. The 1.5 GHz processor card does not support CUoD. However, for ordering, any FC 7834
requires two entitlements. The entitlement features are available either full priced or no additional charge (when ordering in a Value Pak).
Each processor card features one POWER5 chip, with two processor cores that share
1.9 MB of L2 cache, 36 MB of L3 cache, eight slots for memory DIMMs using DDR1 or DDR2
technology, and requires a minimum of 2 GB memory. (See “Memory features.”)
1.3.2 Memory features
The processor cards that are used in the p5-570 system offer eight sockets for memory
DIMMs. The total memory capacity requires four p5-570 building blocks and eight processor
cards. DDR1 DIMM and DDR2 DIMM are different technologies that require different memory
sockets, so the processor card with POWER5 microprocessors running at 1.9 GHz is
available with two feature codes to allow the two different memory technologies. Table 1-5
shows the memory feature codes that are available at the time of writing. The p5-570 system
supports CUoD options for memory. (See 3.1.2, “Capacity Upgrade on Demand for memory”
on page 53 for more details.)
It is recommended that each processor card have an equal amount of memory installed.
Balancing memory across the installed processor cards enables memory accesses to be
distributed evenly over system components to provide optimal performance.
1.3.3 Disk and media features
Each p5-570 building block features six disk drive bays and two slim-line media device bays.
In a full configuration with four connected p5-570 building blocks, the combined system
supports up to 24 disk bays; therefore, the maximum internal storage capacity is 3.5 TB
(using the disk drive features available at the this time of writing). The minimum configuration
requires at least one 36.4 GB disk drive. Table 1-6 shows the disk drive feature codes that
each bay can contain.
Table 1-6 Disk drive feature code description
Feature CodeDescription
327336.4 GB, 10K RPM Ultra320 SCSI disk drive assembly
6p5-570 Technical Overview and Introduction
Feature CodeDescription
327736.4 GB 15K RPM Ultra320 SCSI disk drive assembly
327473.4 GB 10K RPM Ultra320 SCSI disk drive assembly
327873.4 GB 15K RPM Ultra320 SCSI disk drive assembly
3275146.8 GB 10K RPM Ultra320 SCSI disk drive assembly
In a full configuration, with four connected p5-570 building blocks, the combined system
supports up to eight slim-line media device bays. To support two slim-line devices in each
p5-570 building block, the optional media enclosure and backplane (FC 7869) is required.
Any combination of the following DVD-ROM and DVD-RAM drives can be installed:
DVD-RAM drive, FC 5751
DVD-ROM drive, FC 2640
A logical partition running a supported release of the Linux® operating system requires the
media enclosure and backplane feature code, and a DVD-ROM drive or DVD-RAM drive.
1.3.4 USB diskette drive
For today’s administration tasks, an internal diskette drive is not state-of-the-art, but in some
situations the external USB 1.44 MB diskette drive for p5-520 systems (FC 2591) is helpful.
This super-slim-line and lightweight USB V2 attached diskette drive takes its power
requirements from the USB port. A USB cable is provided. The drive can be attached to the
integrated USB ports or to a USB adapter (FC 2738). A maximum of one USB diskette drive
is supported per integrated controller/adapter. The same controller can share a USB mouse
and keyboard.
1.3.5 I/O drawers
The p5-570 has six internal blind swap PCI-X slots: five are long slots and one is a short slot.
The short PCI-X slot may also be used for the Remote I/O expansion card (FC 1800). If more
PCI-X slots are needed, such as to extend the number of LPARs and partitions using
Micro-Partitioning technology, up to 20 7311 Model D10, 7311 Model D11, or 7311 Model D20
I/O drawers can be attached.
7311 Model D10 I/O drawer
The 7311 Model D10 I/O drawer is supported if it is migrated from an existing system, but it
cannot be ordered with the p5-570. The 7311 Model D10 is a 4U half-wide drawer that must
be mounted in the rack enclosure (FC 7311) where two 7311 Model D10 I/O drawers could be
mounted side-by-side. It features five hot-pluggable PCI-X slots and one standard hot-plug
PCI slot with blind swap mechanism. (FC 4599 is the PCI Blind Swap Cassette Kit, Single
Wide Adapter, Universal.) The 7311 Model D10 I/O drawer includes redundant concurrently
maintainable power and cooling devices as default. The 7311 Model D10 I/O drawer does not
slide out from the enclosure on rails, and therefore the IBM service representative must
remove it for service.
The p5-570 system supports up to 20 7311 Model D10 drawers. A fully optioned system
supports up to 124 PCI-X slots and up to 20 PCI slots (in full configuration, one PCI-X slot
must be reserved for a Remote I/O expansion card).
Chapter 1. General description 7
The drawer has the following attributes:
4U rack-mount enclosure that can host one or two D10 drawers
Six adapter slots
Default redundant hot-plug power and cooling devices
Two RIO-2 and two SPCN ports
Note: The 7311 Model D10 I/O drawers require FC 6431 to ensure RIO-2 port capability,
or an upgrade to RIO-2 is requested to support the connection to the p5-570 system.
7311 Model D10 I/O drawer physical package
Because the 7311 Model D10 I/O drawer must be mounted into the rack enclosure (FC 7311),
these are the physical characteristics of one I/O drawer or two I/O drawers side-by-side:
One 7311 Model D10 I/O drawer
– Width: 223 mm (8.8 in)
– Depth: 711 mm (28.0 in)
– Height: 175 mm (6.9 in)
– Weight: 19.6 kg (43 lb)
Two I/O drawers in a 7311 rack-mounted enclosure have the following characteristics:
– Width: 445 mm (17.5 in)
– Depth: 711 mm (28.0 in)
– Height: 175 mm (6.9 in)
– Weight: 39.1 kg (86 lb)
Figure 1-2 on page 8 shows the different views of the 7311 Model D10 I/O drawer.
Two I/O drawers
side by side
Two redundant
power supplies
Front view
SPCN Ports
RIO Card
Rear view
123 456
Figure 1-2 7311-D10 I/O drawer views
8p5-570 Technical Overview and Introduction
7311 Model D11 I/O drawer
The 7311 Model D11 I/O drawer is very similar to the 7311 Model D10, except that it features
six long PCI-X slots and uses an improved blind-swap cassette design. Only the improved
blind-swap cassettes are supported (FC 7862, for full-sized PCI cards), so the previous
release of blind-swap cassettes, which were used in the 7311 Model D10 I/O drawer, are not
Two 7311 Model D11 I/O drawers or two 7311 Model D10 I/O drawers fit side-by-side in the
4U enclosure (FC 7311) mounted in a 19-inch rack, such as the IBM 7014-T00 or 7014-T42.
The 7311 Model D11 I/O drawer offers a modular growth path for the p5-570 systems with
increasing I/O requirements. A fully configured p5-570 supports 20 attached 7311 Model D11
I/O drawers. The combined system supports up to 144 PCI-X adapters. (In full configuration,
Remote I/O expansion cards are required.)
The I/O drawer has the following attributes:
4U rack-mount enclosure (FC 7311) that can hold one or two D11 drawers
Six PCI-X slots: 3.3 V, keyed, 133 MHz blind-swap hot-plug
Default redundant hot-plug power and cooling devices
Two RIO-2 and two SPCN ports
7311 Model D11 I/O drawer physical package
The I/O drawer enclosure has the same physical characteristics of the 7311 Model D10 I/O
drawer; therefore the width, depth, height and weight dimensions are the same as described
in “7311 Model D10 I/O drawer physical package” on page 8.
7311 Model D20 I/O drawer
The 7311 Model D20 I/O drawer is a 4U full-size drawer, which must be mounted in a rack. It
features seven hot-pluggable PCI-X slots and optionally up to 12 hot-swappable disks
arranged in two 6-packs. Redundant concurrently maintainable power and cooling is an
optional feature (FC 6268). The 7311 Model D20 I/O drawer offers a modular growth path for
the p5-570 systems with increasing I/O requirements. When a p5-570 is fully configured with
20 attached 7311 Model D20 drawers, the combined system supports up to 164 PCI-X
adapters (in full configuration, a Remote I/O expansion card must be present, and 264
hot-swappable disks, for a total internal storage capacity of 38.7 TB using the 146.8 GB drive.
PCI-X and PCI cards are inserted into the slot from the top of the I/O drawer. The installed
adapters are protected by plastic separators, which are designed to prevent grounding and
damage when adding or removing adapters.
The drawer has the following attributes:
4U rack mount enclosure assembly
Seven PCI-X slots: 3.3 V, keyed, 133 MHz hot-plug
Two 6-pack hot-swappable SCSI devices
Optional redundant hot-plug power
Two RIO-2 and two SPCN ports
Note: The 7311 Model D20 I/O drawer initial order, or an existing 7311 Model D20 I/O
drawer that is migrated from another pSeries system, must have the RIO-2 ports available
(FC 6417).
Chapter 1. General description 9
7311 Model D20 I/O drawer physical package
The I/O drawer has the following physical characteristics:
Width: 482 mm (19.0 in)
Depth: 610 mm (24.0 in)
Height: 178 mm (7.0 in)
Weight: 45.9 kg (101 lb)
Figure 1-3 on page 10 shows the different views of the 7311-D20 I/O drawer.
Operator panel
Power supply 2
Power supply 1
RIO ports
1 2 3 45 6 7
8 9 A B C D 8 9 A B C D
SCSI d isk loc ations and ID s
Reserved ports
SPCN ports
Rack indicator
PCI-X slots
Figure 1-3 7311-D20 I/O drawer views
Note: The 7311 Model D10, and the 7311 Model D11, or the 7311 Model D20 I/O drawers
are designed to be installed by an IBM service representative.
I/O drawers and usable PCI slots
The different I/O drawer model types can be intermixed on a single p5-570 server and within
the same RIO-2 loop. Depending on the p5-570 system configuration, the maximum number
of I/O drawers supported is different. Table 1-7 summarizes the maximum number of I/O
drawers supported and the total number of PCI-X slots available when expansion consists of
a single drawer type.
Table 1-7 Maximum number of I/O drawers supported and total number of PCI slots
p5-570 drawer/processorsMax number of I/O
1 drawer / 2-way430
Total number of PCI-X slots
10p5-570 Technical Overview and Introduction
p5-570 drawer/processorsMax number of I/O
1 drawer / 4-way854
2 drawers / 8-way1284
3 drawers / 12-way16114
4 drawers / 16-way20144
a. One slot per drawer is PCI.
b. One slot is reserved for the Remote I/O expansion card.
1.3.6 Hardware Management Console models
The Hardware Management Console (HMC) provides a set of functions that is necessary to
manage the p5-570 system when LPAR, Capacity on Demand without reboot, inventory and
microcode management, and remote power control functions are needed. These functions
include the handling of the partition profiles that define the processor, memory, and I/O
resources that are allocated to an individual partition.
The 7310 Model CR2 and the 7310 Model C03 HMC are specifically for POWER5
processor-based systems. However, an existing 7315 Model CR2 and the 7315 Model C03
(POWER4 processor-based systems HMC) can be converted for POWER5 processor-based
system use when it is loaded with the HMC software that is required for POWER5
processor-based systems (FC 0961).
Total number of PCI-X slots
POWER5 processor-based system HMCs require Ethernet connectivity. Ensure that
sufficient Ethernet adapters are available to enable public and private networks if you need
both. The 7310 Model C03 is a desktop model with only one native 10/100/1000 Ethernet
port, but three additional PCI slots. The 7310 Model CR2 is a 1U, 19-inch rack-mountable
drawer that has two native Ethernet ports and two additional PCI slots.
When an HMC is connected to the p5-570, the p5-570 integrated serial ports are disabled. If
you need serial connections, for example non-Ethernet HACMP™ heartbeat, you must
provide an async adapter.
Note: It is not possible to connect POWER4 and POWER5 processor-based systems to
the same HMC simultaneously.
1.4 Value Paks
Value Paks are a new offering that is available on an initial order only. They provide a
predefined configuration that is designed to meet typical customer requirements. Activations
are available when a system order satisfies specific configuration requirements for memory,
disk drives, and processors. When a Value Pak is ordered, you can select additional features.
Customers can configure systems with 2 to 16 processors and 2 to 16 processor activations.
For each paid processor activation, the customer is entitled to one processor activation at no
additional charge if the following requirements are met:
The system must have at least two disk drives of at least 73.4 GB each.
There must be at least 2 GB of memory installed for each activated processor, as
described in Table 1-8.
Chapter 1. General description 11
Table 1-8 Value Pak configuration
Val ue
1.5 GHz2-way, 7834 x 114096 MB, 4452 x 22x73.6 GB (FC 3274)
1.5 GHz4-way, 7834 x 218192 MB, 4452 x 42x73.6 GB (FC 3274)
1.5 GHz8-way, 7834 x 4216384 MB, 4452 x 82x73.6 GB (FC 3274)
1.65 GHz2-way, 7830 x 114096 MB, 4452 x 22x73.6 GB (FC 3274)
1.65 GHz4-way, 7830 x 218192 MB, 4452 x 42x73.6 GB (FC 3274)
1.65 GHz8-way, 7830 x 4216384 MB, 4452 x 82x73.6 GB (FC 3274)
1.9 GHz4-way, 7832 x 218192 MB, 4452 x 42x73.6 GB (FC 3274)
1.9 GHz8-way, 7832 x 4216384 MB, 4452 x 82x73.6 GB (FC 3274)
1.9 GHz16-way, 7832 x 8432768 MB, 4452 x 162x73.6 GB (FC 3274)
1.9 GHz4-way, 7833 x 218192 MB, 7892 x 42x73.6 GB (FC 3274)
1.9 GHz8-way, 7833 x 4216384 MB, 7892 x 82x73.6 GB (FC 3274)
1.9 GHz16-way, 7833 x 8432768 MB, 7892 x 162x73.6 GB (FC 3274)
Processors, FCBuilding
1.5 Model type conversion
Memory (MB), FCDisk
Customers who own an IBM pSeries 650 system may convert their system to an
IBM Sserver p5 570 system. System hardware for the new model will consist of one or more
drawers to replace the old system chassis. Supported features from the old model will be
transferred to the new system.
Model conversions allow any valid number of processors in the new model, regardless of the
number of processors in the old model. The valid processor quantities are 2, 4, 8, 12, and 16.
Any supported memory and disk drive features that are transferred from the previous system
can be counted toward the requirements for no additional charge processor activations, using
the same Value Pak rules that apply to new system orders. The p5-570 primary building block
retains the serial number of the older IBM pSeries 650. Upon completion, the previous IBM
pSeries 650 system will be returned to IBM. Parts that are removed or replaced become the
property of IBM. Supported features cannot be ordered on the converted model, but they can
be left on or removed from the converted model.
1.6 System racks
The Enterprise Rack Models T00 and T42, which are 19 inches wide, are general-use racks
with IBM Sserver p5, pSeries, and RS/6000 rack-based or rack drawer–based systems.
The racks provide increased capacity, greater flexibility, and improved floor space utilization.
The p5-570 uses a 4U rack-mounted server drawer as its basic building block. If a rack is
ordered without a door, an enhanced front trim kit (FC 6246 for the T00, or FC 6247 for the
T42) provides the additional clearance that is required for the p5-570 bezel.
If an IBM Sserver p5 system is to be installed in a non-IBM rack or cabinet, you should
ensure that the rack conforms to the EIA
page 16.)
12p5-570 Technical Overview and Introduction
standard EIA-310-D. (See 1.6.6, “OEM rack” on
Note: It is the customer’s responsibility to ensure that the installation of the drawer in the
preferred rack or cabinet results in a configuration that is stable, serviceable, safe, and
compatible with the drawer requirements for power, cooling, cable management, weight,
and rail security.
1.6.1 IBM RS/6000 7014 Model T00 Enterprise Rack
The 1.8-meter (71-inch) Model T00 is compatible with past and current p5, pSeries, and
RS/6000 racks, and is designed for use in all situations that previously used the older rack
models R00 and S00. The T00 rack has the following features:
36 EIA units (36U) of usable space.
Optional removable side panels.
Optional highly perforated front door.
Optional side-to-side mounting hardware for joining multiple racks.
Standard black or optional white color in OEM format.
Increased power distribution and weight capacity.
Optional reinforced (ruggedized) rack feature (FC 6080) provides added earthquake
protection with modular rear brace, concrete floor bolt-down hardware, and bolt-in steel
front filler panels.
Support for both AC and DC configurations.
DC rack height is increased to 1926 mm (75.8 in) if a power distribution panel is fixed to
the top of the rack.
Up to four Power Distribution Units (PDUs) can be mounted in the proper bays, but others
can fit inside the rack. (See 1.6.3, “AC Power Distribution Unit and rack content” on
page 14.)
An optional rack status beacon (FC 4690). This beacon is designed to be placed on top of
a rack and cabled to servers, such as a p5-570, and to other components, such as a 7311
I/O drawer, inside the rack. Servers can be programmed to illuminate the beacon in
response to a detected problem or changes in system status.
A rack status beacon junction box (FC 4693) should be used to connect multiple servers
and I/O drawers to the beacon. This feature provides six input connectors and one output
connector for the rack. To connect the servers or other components to the junction box or
the junction box to the rack, status beacon cables (FC 4691) are necessary. Multiple
junction boxes can be linked in a series using daisy chain cables (FC 4692).
T00 base empty rack: 244 kg (535 lb)
T00 full rack: 816 kg (1795 lb)
Electronic Industries Alliance (EIA). Accredited by American National Standards Institute (ANSI), EIA provides a
forum for industry to develop standards and publications throughout the electronics and high-tech industries.
Chapter 1. General description 13
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