Before using this information and the product it supports, be sure to read the general information under “Notices” on page vii.
Third edition (March 1999)
This edition applies to Release 3 of CICS Transaction Server for OS/390, program number 5655-147, and to all
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This edition replaces and makes obsolete the previous edition, SC33-1777-01. The technical changes for this edition
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Notices ........................... vii
Preface ........................... ix
What this book is about ..................... ix
Who this book is for...................... ix
What you need to know to understand this book ........... ix
How to use this book ..................... ix
Determining if a publication is current ............... ix
Notes on terminology ..................... x
Bibliography ......................... xi
CICS Transaction Server for OS/390................ xi
CICS books for CICS Transaction Server for OS/390......... xi
CICSPlex SM books for CICS Transaction Server for OS/390 ...... xii
Other CICS books ...................... xii
Summary of changes......................xiii
Changes for the CICS Transaction Server for OS/390 Release 3 edition . . . xiii
Changes for the CICS Transaction Server for OS/390 Release 2 edition . . . xiii
Changes for the CICS Transaction Server for OS/390 Release 1 edition . . . xiii
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viiiCICS Transaction Affinities Utility Guide
What this book is about
This book describes the affinity utility program. It explains what the utility does,
how to install it, and how to run the various components of the utility.
Who this book is for
This book is for CICS system programmers who may be planning to use CICS
dynamic routing for workload balancing, and need to determine whether any of the
transactions in their CICS applications use programming techniques that cause
inter-transaction affinity. It can also be used by application programmers to detect
whether application programs they are developing are likely to cause
inter-transaction affinity.
In particular, this book is of interest to CICS system programmers who are planning
to use the CICSPlex®SM element of CICS Transaction Server for OS/390 Release
3 for workload balancing. For more information about CICSPlex SM, see the
CICSPlex SM Concepts and Planning
It is also of use if you are planning to implement asynchronous processing using
CICS function shipping or are planning to use the CICS transaction isolation facility.
What you need to know to understand this book
You need to be familiar with the CICS application programming interface (API) and
the various programming techniques available to CICS application programmers. In
particular, you should be familiar with those techniques that CICS application
programs can use to pass data from one to another, such as sharing common
storage, and techniques to synchronize their execution.
“Chapter 1. Introducing transaction affinities” on page 1 gives a brief introduction to
the inter-transaction affinity that can be caused by some of these techniques. For a
full discussion of transaction affinities, see the
CICS Application Programming
How to use this book
This book is intended to be read sequentially, so that you understand how to:
1. Install the affinity utility
2. Run the separate components
Later, when you are familiar with the utility, you need only refer to the chapter
dealing with the particular component that you want to run.
Determining if a publication is current
IBM regularly updates its publications with new and changed information. When first
published, both hardcopy and BookManager softcopy versions of a publication are
usually in step. However, due to the time required to print and distribute hardcopy
books, the BookManager version is more likely to have had last-minute changes
made to it before publication.
Subsequent updates will probably be available in softcopy before they are available
in hardcopy. This means that at any time from the availability of a release, softcopy
versions should be regarded as the most up-to-date.
For CICS Transaction Server books, these softcopy updates appear regularly on the
Transaction Processing and Data Collection Kit
reissue of the collection kit is indicated by an updated order number suffix (the -xx
part). For example, collection kit SK2T-0730-06 is more up-to-date than
SK2T-0730-05. The collection kit is also clearly dated on the cover.
Updates to the softcopy are clearly marked by revision codes (usually a “#”
character) to the left of the changes.
Notes on terminology
CICSIn general, this book refers to the Customer Information Control System as
MVS“MVS” is used for the operating system, which is an element of the CICS
Argument zero
CD-ROM, SK2T-0730-xx. Each
“CICS”, the element in the CICS Transaction Server for OS/390.
Transaction Server for OS/390.
When an EXEC CICS command is translated and compiled, it results in an
encoded parameter list to be used with a call statement. The first parameter
in this list is a constant known as the CICS argument zero. The first two
bytes of this constant identify the command; for example, X'0A04' identifies
it as a READQ TS command.
xCICS Transaction Affinities Utility Guide
CICS Transaction Server for OS/390
CICS Transaction Server for OS/390: Planning for Installation
CICS Transaction Server for OS/390 Release Guide
CICS Transaction Server for OS/390 Migration Guide
CICS Transaction Server for OS/390 Installation Guide
CICS Transaction Server for OS/390 Program Directory
CICS Transaction Server for OS/390 Licensed Program Specification
CICS books for CICS Transaction Server for OS/390
CICS Master Index
CICS User’s Handbook
CICS Transaction Server for OS/390 Glossary
CICS System Definition Guide
CICS Customization Guide
CICS Resource Definition Guide
CICS Operations and Utilities Guide
CICS Supplied Transactions
CICS Application Programming Guide
CICS Application Programming Reference
CICS System Programming Reference
CICS Front End Programming Interface User’s Guide
CICS C++ OO Class Libraries
CICS Distributed Transaction Programming Guide
CICS Business Transaction Services
CICS Problem Determination Guide
CICS Messages and Codes
CICS Diagnosis Reference
CICS Data Areas
CICS Trace Entries
CICS Supplementary Data Areas
CICS Intercommunication Guide
CICS Family: Interproduct Communication
CICS Family: Communicating from CICS on System/390
CICS External Interfaces Guide
CICS Internet Guide
Special topics
CICS Recovery and Restart Guide
CICS Performance Guide
CICS IMS Database Control Guide
CICS RACF Security Guide
CICS Shared Data Tables Guide
CICS Transaction Affinities Utility Guide
CICS DB2 Guide
CICSPlex SM books for CICS Transaction Server for OS/390
CICSPlex SM Master Index
CICSPlex SM Concepts and Planning
CICSPlex SM User Interface Guide
CICSPlex SM View Commands Reference Summary
Administration and Management
CICSPlex SM Administration
CICSPlex SM Operations Views Reference
CICSPlex SM Monitor Views Reference
CICSPlex SM Managing Workloads
CICSPlex SM Managing Resource Usage
CICSPlex SM Managing Business Applications
CICSPlex SM Application Programming Guide
CICSPlex SM Application Programming Reference
CICSPlex SM Resource Tables Reference
CICSPlex SM Messages and Codes
CICSPlex SM Problem Determination
If you have any questions about the CICS Transaction Server for OS/390 library,
CICS Transaction Server for OS/390: Planning for Installation
which discusses
both hardcopy and softcopy books and the ways that the books can be ordered.
xiiCICS Transaction Affinities Utility Guide
Summary of changes
The affinity utility program is an integral part of CICS Transaction Server for OS/390
and is for use only with the CICS Transaction Server for OS/390.
To use the utility on CICS for MVS/ESA 4.1 and earlier releases of CICS, install the
IBM CICS Transaction Affinities Utility MVS/ESA (program number 5696-582).
Changes for the CICS Transaction Server for OS/390 Release 3 edition
This book is based on the CICS Transaction Server for OS/390, release 2, edition,
Significant changes for this edition are indicated by vertical lines to the left of the
Changes for the CICS Transaction Server for OS/390 Release 2 edition
This book is based on the CICS Transaction Server for OS/390, release 1, edition,
A new section has been added to “Chapter 6. Running the Reporter” on page 41.
“Using the IBM Cross System Product” on page 50 describes the use of the
Transaction Affinities Utility with programs developed using the IBM Cross System
Changes for the CICS Transaction Server for OS/390 Release 1 edition
The chapter entitled “Installing the affinity utility” was renamed to “Preparing to use
the Transaction Affinities Utility”, and was largely rewritten.
The messages and codes previously published in Appendix C were moved to the
CICS Messages and Codes
standard CICS messages. They are prefixed with the letters “DFH”, and have a
component identifier of “AU”.
manual. The affinity utility program messages became
This chapter provides a brief introduction to the concept of transaction affinities and
the associated CICS programming techniques, and highlights the significance of
transaction affinities in a dynamic routing (known in previous releases of CICS as
affinities, see the
CICS Application Programming Guide
routing) environment. For more information about transaction
This chapter introduces the following topics:
v “The benefits of dynamic routing” on page 3
v “Transaction affinities” on page 3
v “CICS programming techniques for transaction affinity” on page 5
v “Avoiding the effects of transaction affinity” on page 6
v “Protecting applications from one another” on page 7
CICS has been handling customers’ online transaction processing requirements for
over thirty years. In that time, it has been extensively enhanced to meet the
ever-growing needs of business applications, and to exploit the capabilities of
modern computer processors and communication systems. One of the most
significant enhancements in recent times is the addition of the dynamic routing
Originally, a full-function CICS ran in a single address space (region) within the
MVS environment. Currently, most CICS users use some form of
intercommunications to operate multiple, interconnected, CICS regions (a
CICSplex). Using the CICS multiregion operation (MRO) facility, a CICSplex
typically consists of one or more terminal-owning regions (TOR), and a number of
application-owning regions to which the TORs route the incoming transactions for
processing. The CICSPlex SM element of CICS Transaction Server for OS/390
Release 3 includes a workload management component that optimizes processor
capacity by dynamically routing transactions to whichever CICS region is the most
appropriate at the time, taking into account any transaction affinities that exist. For
an introduction to CICSPlex SM, see
CICSPlex SM Concepts and Planning
information about CICSPlex SM workload management, see
Managing Workloads
terminalCICS RelayUser
Figure 1. The CICS transaction routing facility
Region (TOR)Region (AOR)
; for
Before CICS Transaction Server for OS/390 Release 3, TORs routed transactions to
the AORs predefined in transaction resource definitions by the system programmer.
This static form of transaction routing adds to the system administration burden of
the system programmer, because when transaction workloads have to be
rebalanced across the AORs, transaction resource definitions have to be modified
CICS Transaction Server for OS/390 Release 3 introduces extended dynamic
routing facilities, that allow the dynamic routing of:
v Transactions initiated at a terminal
v EXEC CICS START requests that are associated with a terminal
v EXEC CICS START requests that are not associated with a terminal
v Dynamic program link (DPL) requests that are received using:
– The CICS Web support
– The CICS Transaction Gateway
– External CICS interface (EXCI) client programs
– Any CICS client workstation products using the External Call Interface (ECI)
– Distributed Computing Environment (DCE) remote procedure calls (RPCs)
– Open Network Computing (ONC) RPCs
– Internet Inter-Object Request Block Protocol (IIOP)
– Any function that issues an EXEC CICS LINK PROGRAM request
v Transactions associated with CICS business transaction services (CICS BTS)
New terms have been introduced that describe the roles played by CICS regions in
dynamic routing:
Requesting region
The CICS region in which the dynamic routing request originates. For
transactions initiated at a terminal, and inbound client DPL requests, this is
typically a TOR. For terminal-related EXEC CICS START commands, for
non-terminal-related EXEC CICS START commands, for peer-to-peer DPLs,
and for CICS BTS activities, the requesting region is typically an AOR.
Routing region
The CICS region in which the decision is taken on where the transaction or
program should be run. For transactions initiated at a terminal, for EXEC
CICS START commands associated with a terminal, and for inbound client
DPL requests, this is typically a TOR. For non-terminla-related EXEC CICS
START commands, for peer-to-peer DPL requests, and for CICS BTS
activities, the routing region is typically an AOR.
Target region
The CICS region in which the transaction or program runs. For all
dynamically-routed requests, this is typically an AOR.
Full details about the new dynamic routing facilities are described in
Intercommunication Guide
The dynamic routing facility removes the need to specify the remote system name
of a target region in the transaction definition. Instead, you let the routing determine
dynamically to which target region it should route incoming transactions. Unlike
static routing, where there can only ever be one target region to which the routing
region can route a transaction, dynamic routing gives you the means to create
several target regions with the capability to process any given workload, and to let
the routing regions choose the best one from a candidate list.
2CICS Transaction Affinities Utility Guide
The benefits of dynamic routing
Being able to route transactions to target regions dynamically offers many benefits
in an online transaction processing (OLTP) system. The user can achieve:
v Improved performance
v Improved availability
v Simplified systems management
What does dynamic routing cost?
Of course, the CICS-supplied code cannot determine where to send a transaction,
this depends on your CICS environment and routing policies. It needs a facility for
you to specify your routing policies in a form that CICS can use. This can be a
user-written dynamic routing program used to supply the name of a suitable target
region, or you can use the dynamic routing program EYU9XLOP provided with
CICSPlex SM.. You can define the name of a dynamic routing program on either
the DTRPGM system initialization (SIT) parameter, for terminal-related START and
dynamic program link (DPL) requests, or the DSRTPRG SIT parameter for
non-terminal-related START requests and CICS BTS processes.
At the basic level, a dynamic routing program simply contains tables of user
transaction identifiers, with the matching system identifiers (SYSIDs) of the target
regions that can process the transactions. At the highest and most sophisticated
level, the dynamic routing program would also be capable of detecting and
managing any special factors that might affect transaction routing.
One factor that can affect the otherwise free choice of target region is the use of
particular CICS programming techniques that transactions use to pass data from
one to another.
Transaction affinities
CICS transactions use many different techniques to pass data from one to another.
Some techniques require that the transactions exchanging data must execute in the
same CICS region, and therefore impose restrictions on the dynamic routing of
transactions. If transactions exchange data in ways that impose such restrictions,
there is said to be an affinity between them.
There are two categories of affinity:
v Inter-transaction affinity; see “Inter-transaction affinity” on page 4
v Transaction-system affinity; see “Transaction-system affinity” on page 4
The restrictions on dynamic routing caused by transaction affinities depend on the
duration and scope of the affinities. Clearly, the ideal situation for a dynamic routing
program is for there to be no transaction affinity at all, which means there is no
restriction in the choice of available target regions for dynamic routing. However,
even when transaction affinities do exist, there are limits to the scope of these
affinities determined by the:
v Affinity relations; see “Affinity relations” on page 4
v Affinity lifetime; see “Affinity lifetimes” on page 5
Chapter 1. Introducing transaction affinities3
Note that, if you are dynamically routing non-terminal-related START and DPL
requests, you should review your application to determine whether or not the
application is suitable for dynamic routing. The Transaction Affinities Utility cannot
detect affinities in these circumstances.
Inter-transaction affinity
Inter-transaction affinity is an affinity between two or more CICS transactions. It is
caused by the transactions using techniques to pass information between one
another, or to synchronize activity between one another, in a way that requires the
transactions to execute in the same CICS region. Inter-transaction affinity, which
imposes restrictions on the dynamic routing of transactions, can occur in the
following circumstances:
v One transaction terminates, leaving “state data” in a place that a second
transaction can access only by running in the same CICS region as the first
v One transaction creates data that a second transaction accesses while the first
transaction is still running. For this to work safely, the first transaction usually
waits on some event, which the second transaction posts when it has read the
data created by the first transaction. This synchronization technique requires that
both transactions are routed to the same CICS region.
Transaction-system affinity
Affinity relations
Transaction-system affinity is an affinity between a transaction and a particular
CICS region (that is, it is not an affinity between transactions themselves). It is
caused by the transaction interrogating or changing the properties of that CICS
Transactions with affinity to a particular system, rather than to another transaction,
are not eligible for dynamic transaction routing. In general, they are transactions
that use INQUIRE and SET commands or, depend on global user exit programs.
The affinity relation determines how the dynamic routing program selects a target
region for a transaction instance associated with the affinity. An affinity relation can
be classified as one of the following:
A group of transactions where all instances of all transactions in the group
that are initiated from any terminal must execute in the same target region
for the lifetime of the affinity. The affinity lifetime for global relations can be
system or permanent.
All instances of all transactions in the group are associated with the same
CICS BTS (Business Transaction Services) process. There may be many
different userids and terminals associated with the transactions included in
this affinity group.
A group of transactions where all instances of all transactions in the group
that are initiated from the same terminal must execute in the same target
region for the lifetime of the affinity. The affinity lifetime for LUname
relations can be pseudoconversation, logon, system, or permanent.
4CICS Transaction Affinities Utility Guide
Affinity lifetimes
A group of transactions where all instances of the transactions that are
initiated from a terminal and executed on behalf of the same userid must
execute in the same target region for the lifetime of the affinity. The affinity
lifetime for userid relations can be pseudoconversation, signon, system, or
The affinity lifetime determines when the affinity is ended.An affinity lifetime can be
classified as one of:
The affinity lasts for as long as the target region exists, and ends whenever
the target region terminates (at a normal, immediate, or abnormal
termination). (The resource shared by transactions that take part in the
affinity is not recoverable across CICS restarts.)
The affinity extends across all CICS restarts. (The resource shared by
transactions that take part in the affinity is recoverable across CICS
restarts.) This is the most restrictive of all the inter-transaction affinities.
The affinity exists until the process completes.
The affinity exists until the activity completes.
The (LUname or userid) affinity lasts for the whole pseudoconversation, and
ends when the pseudoconversation ends at the terminal.
The (LUname) affinity lasts for as long as the terminal remains logged on to
CICS, and ends when the terminal logs off.
The (userid) affinity lasts for as long as the user is signed on, and ends
when the user signs off.
1. For userid affinities, the pseudoconversation and signon lifetimes are possible
only in those situations where one user per userid is permitted. Such lifetimes
are meaningless if multiple users are permitted to be signed on with the same
userid at the same time (at different terminals).
2. If an affinity is both userid and LUname (that is, all instances of all transactions
in the group were initiated from the same terminal and by the same userid),
LUname takes precedence.
CICS programming techniques for transaction affinity
Associated with transaction affinity, there are three broad categories of CICS
programming techniques:
v Safe programming techniques
v Unsafe programming techniques
v Suspect programming techniques
Chapter 1. Introducing transaction affinities5
Safe programming techniques
The programming techniques in the safe category are the use of:
v The communication area (COMMAREA) on CICS RETURN commands
v A terminal control table user area (TCTUA) optionally available for each terminal
defined to CICS
v ENQMODEL definitions to give sysplex-wide scope to ENQs and DEQs
Unsafe programming techniques
The programming techniques in the unsafe category are the use of:
v Long-life shared storage:
– The common work area (CWA)
– Storage obtained via a LOAD PROGRAM HOLD
v Task-lifetime local storage shared by synchronized tasks
v Synchronization or serialization of tasks using CICS commands:
– ENQ and DEQ commands that do not specify a length parameter and
therefore ENQ by address
– ENQ and DEQ commands that do specify a length and therefore ENQ by
name, unless you have used ENQMODEL definitions to give sysplex-wide
scope to the ENQs (and DEQs)
Suspect programming techniques
Some programming techniques may create affinity, depending on exactly how they
are implemented. A good example is the use of temporary storage. Application
programs using techniques in this category must be checked to determine whether
they will work without restrictions in a dynamic routingenvironment.
The programming techniques in the suspect category are the use of:
v Temporary storage queues with restrictive naming conventions
v Transient data queues and trigger levels
v Synchronization or serialization of tasks using CICS commands:
In a dynamic routing environment, your dynamic routing program must take account
of transaction affinity in order to route transactions effectively. Where possible, you
should avoid creating application programs that cause affinity. However, where
existing applications are concerned, it is important that you determine whether they
are affected by transaction affinity before using them in a dynamic routing
environment. The Transaction Affinities Utility is designed to help you with this task.
6CICS Transaction Affinities Utility Guide
Protecting applications from one another
The transaction isolation function offers storage protection between application
programs, ensuring that one application does not accidentally overwrite the storage
of another.
Transaction isolation ensures that user-key programs
subspace, with appropriate access to any shared storage, or to CICS storage. Thus
a user transaction is limited to its own view of the address space. In general,
transaction isolation ensures that each user-key program is allocated a separate
(unique) subspace, with appropriate access to any shared storage or to CICS
storage. They do not have any access to the user-key task-lifetime storage of other
tasks. Existing applications should run unmodified provided they conform to
transaction isolation requirements. However, a minority of applications may need
special definition if they:
v Issue MVS macros directly
v Modify CICS control blocks
v Have a legitimate need for one task to access or share another task’s storage
Some existing transactions may share task-lifetime storage in various ways, which
may prevent them running isolated from each other. To allow such transactions to
continue running without requiring that they run in the base space (where they
could corrupt CICS data or programs), a single common subspace is provided in
which all such transactions can run. They are then isolated from the other
transactions in the system that are running in their own subspaces, but are able to
share each other’s data within the common subspace.
execute in their own
You may have some transactions whose application programs access each other’s
storage in a valid way. One such case is when a task waits on one or more event
control blocks (ECBs) that are later posted, by another task, either an MVS POST
or ‘hand posting’. For example, a task can pass the address of a piece of its own
storage to another task (via a temporary storage queue or some other method) and
then WAIT for the other task to post an ECB to say that it has updated the storage.
Clearly, if the original task is executing in a unique subspace, the posting task will
fail when attempting the update and hence fail to post the ECB, unless the posting
task is executing in CICS key. CICS therefore checks when a WAIT is issued that
the ECB is in shared storage, and raises an INVREQ condition if it is not.
Storage for the timer-event control area on WAIT EVENT, and storage for event
control blocks (ECBs) specified on WAIT EXTERNAL and WAITCICS commands,
must reside in shared storage.
You can use the Transaction Affinities Utility to identify those transactions whose
programs issue WAIT EVENT, WAIT EXTERNAL, or WAITCICS commands, or MVS
POST macros.
1. User key defines both the storage and execution key for user application programs.
2. Shared storage is allocated from one of the user-key shared dynamic storage areas, below or above the 16MB boundary (SDSA or
Chapter 1. Introducing transaction affinities
What next?
This chapter has briefly summarized the techniques and commands that can
cause transaction affinity. “Chapter 2. Introducing the Transaction Affinities
Utility” on page 9 gives an overview of the Transaction Affinities Utility, and
details of all the commands and command sequences that the Transaction
Affinities Utility looks for.
8CICS Transaction Affinities Utility Guide
Chapter 2. Introducing the Transaction Affinities Utility
This chapter gives an overview of the Transaction Affinities Utility, and describes the
basic components:
v “Commands detected by the Transaction Affinities Utility” on page 11
v “The Scanner component” on page 12
v “The Detector component” on page 12
v “The Reporter component” on page 18
v “The Builder component” on page 18
The Transaction Affinities Utility is designed to detect potential causes of
inter-transaction affinity and transaction-system affinity for those users planning to
use the CICS dynamic routing facility. It can be used to detect programs using
EXEC CICS commands that may cause transaction affinity. It can also be used to
create a file containing combined affinity transaction group definitions, suitable for
input to the CICS system management product, the CICSPlex SM element of CICS
Transaction Server for OS/390 Release 3.
The commands that can be detected are listed in “Commands detected by the
Transaction Affinities Utility” on page 11. The Transaction Affinities Utility is also of
value for those users planning to use either asynchronous processing by CICS
function shipping, or the transaction isolation facility.
The Transaction Affinities Utility determines the affinities that apply to a single CICS
region: that is, a single pure target region or single combined routing region/target
region. It can be run against production CICS regions, and is also useful in a test
environment, to detect possible affinities introduced by new or changed application
suites or packages.
Important note
The Transaction Affinities Utility is only an aid to help you find any affinities in
your applications. Relate the output from the Transaction Affinities Utility to the
applications that contain affinities before deciding whether or not the
applications are suitable for CICS dynamic routing.
To ensure that you detect as many potential affinities as possible, use the
Transaction Affinities Utility against all parts of your workload, including
rarely-used transactions and abnormal situations.
1. The Scanner may detect some instances of these commands that do not cause
an affinity. For example, all FREEMAIN commands are detected but only those
used to free GETMAIN SHARED storage may cause affinity.
2. The Scanner also detects MVS POST SVC calls and MVS POST
LINKAGE=SYSTEM non-SVC calls, because of their tie-up with the various
EXEC CICS WAIT commands.
3. The Transaction Affinities Utility does not search for transient data and file
control EXEC CICS commands. They are assumed not to cause affinity
because you can define transient data and file control resources as remote (in
which case the request is function-shipped, causing no affinity problem).
4. The Detector ignores commands that target remote resources and are function
shipped, because by function shipping the command there is no affinity problem.
5. The Scanner and Detector do not search for commands issued by any program
named CAUxxxxx or DFHxxxxx, because CICS programs are not considered
part of the workload. Also, the Detector does not search for commands issued
v DB2® and DBCTL task-related user exits
v User-replaceable modules
6. There are other ways in which transactions can cause affinity with each other,
but they are not readily detectable by the affinity utility program because they do
not take place via the EXEC CICS API.
7. The Detector lists WAIT commands as transaction-system affinities because
only half of the affinity can be detected. (The Detector does not detect MVS
POST calls or the hand posting of ECBs.)
8. The Detector and the Report ignore ENQ and DEQ commands that specify an
Chapter 2. Introducing the Transaction Affinities Utility11
The Scanner component
The Scanner is a batch utility that scans a load module library to detect those
programs in the library that issue EXEC CICS commands that may cause
transaction affinity. It examines the individual object programs looking for patterns
matching the argument zero
The Scanner detects the use of the EXEC CICS commands listed in Table 1 on
page 11, and MVS POST requests.
The report produced by the Scanner indicates only that potential affinity problems
may exist because it only identifies the programs that issue the commands. It
cannot obtain dynamic information about the transactions using the programs, or
the names of the resources acted upon. Use the report in conjunction with the main
report produced by the Reporter (see “The Reporter component” on page 18).
1. The Scanner operation is independent of the language the scanned program
was written in and the release of CICS the scanned program was translated
2. The Scanner may indicate an affinity problem that does not really exist, because
the bit pattern found accidentally matches the argument zero format for an
affinity command.
3. The Scanner does not detect CICS macro-level commands.
4. The Scanner distinguishes between ENQ by name and ENQ by address based
on the presence of a length parameter on the EXEC CICS ENQ command. It
does the same for DEQs. The reports show which ENQs and DEQs are by
name and which are by address.
format for the commands in question.
The Detector component
You can use the Detector in real-time to detect transaction affinities in a running
CICS region, and to save details of the affinities in an MVS data space. This data is
subsequently saved to DASD. The Detector consists of:
v A control transaction, CAFF
v An autosave transaction, CAFB
v Some global user exit programs
v A task-related user exit program
This is shown in Figure 3 on page 13.
The data is collected by the global user exit programs at exit points XEIOUT,
XBADEACT, XMEOUT, and XICEXP, and a task-related user exit at task start and
task end. Between them, these exit programs intercept all the EXEC CICS
commands and other events (pseudoconversation end, terminal log off, user sign
off) that are needed to deduce the affinities and their relations and lifetimes. These
exit programs coexist with any other exit programs at the same exit points. (They
can be placed before or after other exit programs, without any of the exit programs
being affected.)
3. For an explanation of argument zero, see “Notes on terminology” on page x.
12CICS Transaction Affinities Utility Guide
Data space
Collected affinity data
Figure 3. Detector components
You are recommended to run the Detector on stable CICS regions only. Do not
apply maintenance to application programs while the Detector is running. Such
maintenance may introduce or remove affinities, thus rendering collected data
What is detected
The Detector detects the EXEC CICS commands listed in Table 1 on page 11 that
can cause transaction affinity. For ENQ and DEQ commands, the Detector
distinguishes between ENQ by name and ENQ by address based on the presence
of a length parameter on the EXEC CICS ENQ command. It does the same for
DEQs. The reports show which ENQs and DEQs are by name and which are by
It also detects:
v The end of pseudoconversations, by detecting when one of the transactions in
the pseudoconversation terminates without issuing an EXEC CICS RETURN
TRANSID command with a non-zero transaction identifier. If a
pseudoconversation ends, and the resource shared by transactions that take part
in the affinity still exists, the lifetime of the affinity must be greater than PCONV.
Chapter 2. Introducing the Transaction Affinities Utility13
v Log offs and sign offs by intercepting messages DFHSN1200, DFHZC3462, and
v Completion of CICS BTS activities and processes.
For more information, see “Appendix A. Details of what is detected” on page 65.
Worsening of transaction affinities relations
In some cases, the Detector may not detect enough occurrences (at least 10) of an
affinity command to be sure that the affinity is definitely with a terminal (LUNAME),
userid (USERID), or CICS BTS process (BAPPL). In such cases, the Detector
records the (worsened) affinity relation as GLOBAL instead of LUNAME or USERID.
Such relation worsening is flagged by the Detector and reported by the Reporter.
Worsening of transaction affinities lifetimes
If a pseudoconversation ends, and the resource still exists, the Detector deduces
that the lifetime is longer than PCONV, that is, one of LOGON, SIGNON, SYSTEM,
If a log off or sign off occurs, and the resource still exists, the Detector deduces that
the lifetime is longer than LOGON or SIGNON: that is, either SYSTEM or
If a CICS BTS activity completes and the resource still exits, the lifetime is
worsened to process. If a CICS BTS process completes and the resource still exits,
the liftime is worsened to system.
In some cases, the Detector may not detect a log off or sign off, so cannot be sure
that the affinity lifetime is LOGON or SIGNON. In such cases, the Detector records
the (worsened) lifetime as SYSTEM or PERMANENT instead of LOGON or
SIGNON. For example, this occurs when the CICS region the Detector is running
on is a target region, because it is impossible in some cases to detect a log off or
sign off that occurs in a connected routing region.
Such lifetime worsening is flagged by the Detector, and reported by the Reporter.
What is not detected
The Detector does not detect EXEC CICS commands when the:
v Detector is not running
v Issuing program was translated with the SYSEIB option
v Command is an EXEC CICS FEPI command
v Command is not one that can cause transaction affinity
v Program name starts with “CAU” or “DFH”
v Program is a DB2 or DBCTL task-related user exit
v Program is a CICS user-replaceable module
v Transaction identifier does not match the prefix, if specified, for transactions to be
v Command is not one of the affinity types specified to be detected
v Command is function shipped to a remote CICS region
v Inter-transaction affinity commands are used within the same task
14CICS Transaction Affinities Utility Guide
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