8271 Nways Ethernet LAN Switch ATM OC-3c Module
User’s Guide
Before using this inform ation an d the prod uct i t supports, b e sure
to read the general information under Appendix A,“Safety Infor-
mation” and Appendix F, “Notices, Trademarks, and Warranties”.
First Edition (October 1997)
Ethernet LAN Switch Models 524, 612, 624, 712 with agent software
version 3.1.
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Introduc tion 1 Terminology 1
AT M Te rmino logy 1 Finding Information in This Guide 2 Conventions 2 Related Documentation 3
ATM Benefits 1-1 ATM Module Features 1-2
The Layered Network Architecture 2-1 Upper Layer Protocols 2-2 What is LAN Emulation (LANE)? 2-2
LAN Emulation Components 2-3
LAN Emulation Client (LEC) 2-3 LAN Emulation Server (LES) 2-3 Broadcast and Unknown Server (BUS) 2-3 LAN Emulation Configuration Server (LE C S) 2-3
LAN Emulation Components in Your Network 2-4
LAN Emulation and IBM Dev ices 2-4
Joining th e ELAN 2- 5
Locating the LECS 2-5
Mapping Ethernet and ATM Addresses 2-6
Address Resolution 2-6 LAN Emulation Address Resolution Protocol (LE_ARP)
2-7 What Happens to Unic ast Frames? 2-7 What Happens to Broadcast and Mult icast Frames? 2-7
AT M Adaptation Layer (AAL) 2-8 Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) Layer 2-8
ATM is Cell-based 2-8 AT M i s Service Transparent 2-9 AT M is Connection-oriented 2-9
Switched Virtual Circuits (SVCs) 2-12 Permanent Virtual Ci rcuits (PVCs) 2-12
ATM Interfaces 2-12
Interim Local Man agem ent Interface ( ILMI) 2-13 ATM Address Registration 2-13
The A TM Layer and Cell Stru cture 2-14
Physical Layer 2-15
SONET STS-3c 2-15 SDH STM-1 2-15
What is a Virtual LAN (VLAN)? 3-1 Creating Inter-switch VLANs 3-1 Extending VLANs into the AT M N e tw o rk 3-2
Planning Your Network 4-1 ATM Configuration Rules 4-2 Extending VLANs Through the A TM Network 4-2 A TM Connections Within Your Network 4-3
A TM Backbone in the Buildi ng 5-1 Campus Configuration 5-2 Making a Building Resilient to Network Failure 5-4
Following Saf ety Information 6-1 Device Support 6-3 Pre-installation Procedure 6-3
Check the Power Supply 6-3
Installa tion 6-4
Connecting a cable to the ATM Port 6-5 Powering Up the Switch 6-5
Power On Sel f Test (POST) 6-5
Post-Installation Checks 6-5
LED Summary 6-6 Checking the Power Supply 6-7 Checking that the ATM Module is Installed Cor rectly 6-7 Checking the Physical Connections 6-7
Screen Map 7-1 Keyboard Shortcuts 7-1 Correcting Text Entry 7-1
Logging On 7-3 Logging Off 7-4
Automatic Logout 7-4
Configuring an ATM Port 8-2 Extending VLANs into the AT M N e tw o rk 8-4
Displaying all VLANs 8-5 AT M Por t Setup 8-6 Mapping Far End MAC Addresses 8-8
Creating a MAC Addre ss to ATM Ent ry 8-9
Finding an Addre ss Entry 8-10
Updating Addres s Entries 8-10
Deleting an Address Entry 8-10 Displaying an ATM Connecti on 8-10
Finding an ATM Connectio n 8-11
Updating Addres s Entries 8-11 Setting Up Resilient Links 8-11 Upgrading Software 8-12
Error Messages 8-13
Status Messa ges 8-14
Statisti cs O verview 9-2 ATM Port Statistics 9-3 AT M VLAN LEC Status 9-5 AT M Physical Layer Statistics 9-10
Using Physical Layer Statistics to Troubleshoot 9-12
Safety Notices A-1
World Trade Safety Information A-1
Environm ental Specifications C-1 ATM Cable Specification C-1
Does the Cable Provide Sufficient Bandwidth? C-2
How to Use this Guide to Troubleshoot D -1 Using LEDs D-2 Identifying the Problem D-3
ELAN Configuration Problems D-15
Solving Known Problems D-17
Power Supply Problems D-18 Power On Self Test (POST) Failure D-19 Cable Connection Problems D-20 ATM Problems D-21 VLAN or ELAN Problems D-22
Cleaning Dirty Fiber Optic Connectors D-24
Electr onic Support E-1
WWW E-1 FTP E-1 IBM Bulletin Board System E-1
Vo ice Support E-1
, T
T rademarks F-1 Statement of Limited Warranty F-2
Production Status F-2 The IBM Warranty for Machines F-2 Warranty Service F-3 Exten t of Warr a nt y F -3 Limitation of Liability F-4
Electronic Emission Notices F-5
Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Statement
Canadian Department of Comm unications (DOC)
Compliance Statement F-5
Avis de confor mite aux normes du ministere des
Communications du Canada F-5 European Union (EU) Statement F-6 Japanese Voluntary Control Council for Inter ference
(VCCI) Statement Class B F-7 Korean Communications Statement F-7 Information To The User F-7
Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) 1 LAN Emulation (LANE) 1
This guide provides the information that you need to install and configure the IBM 8271 Nways Ethernet LAN Switch ATM OC-3c Module (agent software version 1.05) within an IBM 8271 Nways Ethernet LAN switch which has version 3.1 agent software installed.
This guide is intended for use by network administrators who are responsible for installing and setting up networking equipment. It assumes a basic working knowledge of Local Area Networks.
This guide explai ns Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) and LAN Emulatio n (LANE) concepts, and provides a Bibliography for further reading.
The Release Notes shipped with the ATM Module may contain information that updates or overrides information in this guide. You should always follow the informa t ion in t he Rel ea se N ot es if it is dif f e rent from the information given in this guide.
In this User’ s Guide the term ATM Module is used when referring to the IBM 8271 Nways Ethernet LAN Switch ATM OC-3c Module.
The device into which the ATM Module is fitted, is known simply as the Switch. An example of a Switch is the IBM 8271 Nways Ethernet LAN Switch Model 624.
This type of Switch is often referred to as an edge-device, edge-switch or boundary switch.
The term ATM S witch is used to identify the ATM device to which the edge-switch is connected.
Switches in IBM’s 8271 Nways Ether net LAN Switc h device range provide support for the ATM Module.
ATM Terminology
This user guide uses the term Network-To-Network Interface (NNI). You may know this protocol by its
alternative name, Network-to-Node Interface (NNI). Additional ATM definitions can be found in the Glossary at the end of this guide.
2 A
Finding Information in This Guide
The following table shows you where to find specific information within this guide.
Convent ions
Table 1 and Table 2 list conventions that are used throughout this guide.
Task Location
Learning concepts
Chapter 1, ‘Features and Benefits” Chapter 2, ‘Network Layer Concepts” Chapter 3, ‘Virtual LAN Concepts”
Planning your network
Chapter 1, ‘Features and Benefits” Chapter 4, ‘Putting Your ATM Network Together” Chapter 5, ‘Network Configuration Examples” Appendix C, ‘ATM Module T echnical Specifications”
Upgrading Software
Chapter 8, ‘Managing the ATM Module”
Installing the A TM Mo dule
Chapter 6, ‘Installing and Setting Up the Module” Appendix A, ‘Safety Information”
Accessing screens Chapter 7, ‘Accessing Management Features”
Appendix B, ‘Screen Access Rights”
Managing the ATM Module
Chapter 8, ‘Managing the ATM Module”
Monitoring the ATM Module
Chap ter 9, ‘Monit oring t he ATM Modu le”
Troubleshooting Appendix D, ‘Troubleshooting” Getting Technical
Appendix E, ‘Technical Support and Service”
Identifying terms ‘Glossary” Further reading ‘Bibliography”
Table 1
Notice Icons
Icon Notice Type Alerts you to...
Information note
Important features or instructions
ATTENTION Risk of system damage or data loss
CAUTION Conditions or procedures that can cause
personal injury that is neither lethal nor extremely hazardous
DANGER Conditions or proce dures that can result in
death or severe personal injury
Table 2
Text Conventions
Convention Description
Screen display
This typeface represents information as it appears on the screen.
The words “Enter” and “Type”
The word “enter” means type something and then press the Retu rn or En ter k ey. Do not press the Return or Enter key when an instruction simply says “type.”
[Key] names Key names appear in text in one of two ways:
Referred to by their labels, such as “the Return key” or “the Escape key”.
Enclosed within brackets, such as [Return] or [Esc].
If you must press two or more keys simultaneously, the key names are linked with a plus sign (+). For example: Press [Ctrl]+[Alt]+[Del].
Related Documentation 3
Related Documentation
The ATM OC-3c Module documetation set includes:
IBM 8271 Nways Ethernet LAN Switch ATM OC-3c Module Quick Reference Guide.
Part Number 02L1333
IBM 8271 Nways Ethernet LAN Switch ATM OC-3c Module Release Notes.
Part Number 02L1334
Words in
Italics emphasize a point or denote new terms at the place where they are defined in the text.
Words in
Bold text denotes key features.
Table 2
Text C onventions (continued)
Convention Description
4 A
This chapter describes the main features of the IBM 8271 Nways Ethernet LAN Switch ATM OC-3c Module and the benefits of ATM within your network.
The ATM Module provides a high-speed ATM connection between your IBM 8271 Nways Etherne t LAN Switch and the ATM network.
Positioned within a workgroup or departmental LAN, the A TM Module p ro vides a fas t ATM downlink to the building or ATM campus.
Resilient links protect your Switch from network and equipment failure, while the software upgrade feature future-proofs your Switch by allowing you to add new features as they become available.
Additional featur es ar e provided by the Switch, and you should refer to the guide that accompanies y our Switch for mor e details. The Release Notes that accompany the ATM Module list the IBM 8271 Nways Ethernet LAN Switches that support the ATM Module.
ATM Benefits
ATM is the only technology specifically designed to carry voice, video and data traffic simultaneously and to provide the required level of service that these different applications need in order to run effectively across a network. ATM provides the following benefits:
It is easy and low cost to add additional services to the ATM network.
Services can be added as and when they are needed. It is easier to scale ATM networks compared to other network technologies.
ATM devices interoperate with your existing network. LAN Emulation (LANE) is a standards based technology specifically designed to provide interoperability between existing Ethernet/Fast Ethernet networks and ATM networks. LANE allows users to interoperate with ATM or traditional LAN based servers over ATM for higher performance and functionality.
1-2 C
1: F
ATM Module Features
The following list summarizes the ATM Module featu re s . These feat u res are d escrib ed in more detail in this guide.
Conforms to ATM Forum Standards
OC-3c 155Mbps Interface
SONET (STS 3c) and SDH (STM-1) compliant
Multi-mode Fiber, SC connectors
LAN Emulation (LANE)
version 1.0
16 Emulated LAN Clients
512 Virtual Circuits
1024 remote MAC Addresses
User -To-Network Interf ace (UN I)
version 3.0 and 3.1
Interim Local Management Interface (ILMI)
AAL5 ATM Adaptation Layer
16 Virtual LANs (VLANs)
RMON per Em ul ate d L AN. R MON Gr ou ps su pp ort e d:
Data buffer to store 40,000 ATM cells
High performance with fast data transfer
Wire Rate Transmission
on ATM port
Low Latency (68 microseconds when using Store and Forward traffic management between ATM and Ethernet components)
Resilient Links protect your network against cable and equipment failure
SNMP management
Telnet and local management (using VT100 screens)
Cabling and environmental specifications are listed in Appendix C, ‘ATM Module Technical Specifications”.
This guide contains several chapters that describe the basic concepts behind ATM technology, and integrating ATM into your existing network:
This chapter describes some of the concepts behind the network layer architecture of a typical AT M network.
Chapter 3, “Virtual LAN Concepts” describes how Virtual LANs (VLANs) are extended into the ATM network.
Chapter 4, “Putting Y our ATM Network Together” describes how to plan your ATM network.
Chapter 5, “Network Configuration Examples” provides some examples of how you can use the AT M Module within an ATM networks.
If you are already familiar with these concepts, refer to Chapter 6, “Installing and Setting Up the Module”.
If you have read the concepts chapters and still requir e a more in-depth explan ati on , refer to the technical publications listed in the Bibliography.
The Layered Network Architecture
Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) is on ly part of a layered net wo rk arch ite ct u re. Th is ar chit e c ture is shown in Figure 2-1.
Each of the layers in discussed in turn; starting with the Upper Layer and working down to the Physical Layer.
Figure 2-1
Network Layer Architecture
2-2 C
2: N
Upper Layer Protocols
Upper Layer
is the layer in the network architecture that rel a tes to user applications and service requ ests. For example, an application could be fi l e transfer softwar e, and t he ser vic e reque st c ould be a req uest t o transfer a file from a user’s PC to a shared file server.
User data and control information is passed down the network layers in the source device, and passed up the layers at the destination device.
What is LAN Emulation (LANE)?
LAN Emulation (LANE)
allows users on Ethernet, Token Ring, and other traditional LAN networks, to communicate with each other over an ATM network.
LANE emulates the broadcast nature of traditional LANs. Each LANE broadcast domain is known as an
Emulated LAN (ELAN)
Each ELAN can only carry one type of traffic. For example, an ELAN could carry either Ethernet frames or Token Ring frames, but not both.
There can be several ELANs on a single ATM network. Some of these ELANs could be carrying Ethernet traffic and others could be carrying Token Ring traffic.
T raffic from one ELAN is not seen on another ELAN, as they are logically separate broadcast domains. If devices from different ELANs need to communicate with each other, t hey must do so using an ATM ro uter.
LAN emulation software is contained within ATM devices which can be added to your existing network.
LANE allows you to add ATM to your network without having to replace or upgrade the whole of your underlying technology. LANE allows you to do this because it is completely transparent to the ATM network and to the traditional LAN network, end-users, operating systems and applications.
LAN Emulation allows users on traditional LANs to communicate over ATM by performing the following tasks:
Emulates the broadcast nature of LANs.
Maps MAC addresses to ATM addresses.
Maps upper layer connection-less technologies to the
ATM network.
Although LAN Emulation emulates a range of network technologies, all examples in this guide are be based on an Ethernet network.
What is LAN Emulation (LANE)? 2- 3
LAN Emulation Components
Emulated LAN (ELAN)
is composed of a set of LAN Emulation components. This section describ es each of these components.
LAN Emulation Client (LEC)
Each ATM de v ic e has a number of LAN Emul at i on clients. Each
LAN Emulation Client (LEC)
is responsibl e for tak i ng Ethernet fr am e s and passing them through the ATM network to the LEC se rving the destination address. The dest ination LEC is r esponsible for re ceiving the frame from the ATM network and passing it to the local Ethernet network, where it can be delivered to the destination address.
LAN Emulation Server (LES)
LAN Emulation Server (LES)
controls a single
Emulated LAN (ELAN)
. The purpose of the LES is to store address and control information for the ELAN it is serving, and to pass this information onto the clients and other components within the ELAN.
The LES, therefore, needs to know the address of every client and component in the ELAN.
Broadcast and Unknown Server (BUS)
Each ELAN has a
Broadcast and Unknown S erver (BU S)
. The BUS fo rward s frames that it receiv es fro m a n y client to all of the clients in the ELAN. The BUS is used to forward broadcast and multicast frames so that they are
throu ghout the ELAN . The BUS also
unicast frames if the location of the destination MAC address is u nkn own.
LAN Emulation Configuration Ser ver (LECS)
LAN Emulation Configuration Server (LECS)
is an optional component, and is not essential for the normal running of an ELAN
The LECS stores the names of all th e ELA Ns that ha ve been set up on the ATM network, and the address of the
LAN Emulation Server (LES)
that serves each of
these ELANs. If there is an LECS on the network, any client can
interrogate the LECS to find the address of the server associated with the ELAN they wish to join. The clients may also get ELAN configuration information from the LECS.
If a LECS is not present on the A TM network, the server addres s to be used by the clie nt must be specif ied using the management software on that client’s ATM d evice.
2-4 C
2: N
LAN Emulation Components in Your Network
Each Emulated LAN consists of a single
LANE Service
and a number of LAN Emulation clients. A LANE Service consists of:
LAN Emulation Server (LES)
Broadcast and Unknown Server (BUS)
LAN Emulation Configuration Server (LECS)
Figure 2-2 shows a logical view of a typical ELAN.
LAN Emulation Components
The router shown in Figure 2-2 is not a LAN Emulation component, but would be required should a device on one Emulated LAN need to communicate with a device on another Emulated LAN.
You may wish to have more than one LECS on your network for security reasons. For example, you may wish the Finance department to be controlled by one LECS and the rest of your network to be controlled by a different LECS.
LAN Emulation and IBM Devices
LAN Emulation components are implemented in ATM dev ic e s . The L A N Emulatio n standards ( re f erence d i n the Bibliography) do not specify how each vendor implements each of these components.
What is LAN Emulation (LANE)? 2- 5
Joining the ELAN
Before a LAN Emulation Client (LEC) can transmit any Ethernet frames onto the ATM network it must first join an ELAN . To join the ELAN:
The LEC must know the name of the ELAN it is to join.
The ELAN name is specified through the management software on the Switch.
The LEC must communicate with the LAN Emulation Server (LES) that is serving that ELAN.
To communicate with the LES, the LEC must first locate the LES. The LEC can find the ATM address of the LES in one of the following ways:
If there is a LAN Emulation Configuration Server (LECS) on the networ k, the LE C gets the ad dr ess of the LES from the LECS.
The way in which the LECS determines which LES the LEC needs to communicate with, depends on the
that the LECS is running. Refer to the user guide that accompanies your LECS for more details of the policies your LECS uses.
If the network does not have a LECS, the LEC gets the LES address from the management software on the ATM device.
The LEC must have a connection to the Broadcast and Unknown Server (BUS).
When the LEC has joined the LES, the LES helps the LEC locate the
Broadcast and Unknown Server
associated with that ELAN.
Locating the LECS
Before the LEC can ask the LECS for the address of the LES, the LEC must first locate the LECS. There are three ways i n w h ich th e LEC can locat e the LECS, and the LEC tries these methods in the following order:
The LEC can ask the adjacent ATM Switch using the
Interim Local Management Interface (ILMI)
The LEC can use a well known ATM addr es s that is reserved for the LECS. The well known address is pre-programmed into most LECS devices. The well known address is:
47007900000000000000000000:00A 03E000001:00
The LEC can use a reserved
Permanent Virtual
Circuit (PVC)
which the ATM Switch has already routed to the LECS. The reserved PVC is VPI 0, VCI 17.
2-6 C
2: N
Mapping Ethernet and ATM Addresses
Each device connected to an Ethernet port has one or more MAC addresses.
Each ATM device has a number of LAN Emulation clients, and each
LAN Emulation Client (LEC)
has an
A TM address . A n exa mpl e of t hi s i s s how n in F i gur e2-3.
LAN Emulation Clients and Ethernet Hosts
These clients represent (act as a proxy) for devices connected to the Ethernet ports.
Whenever an Ethernet device wants to communicate with another device over the ATM network, the LEC must first discover the ATM address of the LEC that is acting as a proxy for the destination MAC address. The LEC must do this for each unicast Ethernet fram e sent. The process is known as
Address Resolution.
Address Resolution
The process by which a LEC associates a LAN destination address with the ATM address of another LEC (or the BUS) is known as
Address Resolution
Each LEC keeps a LAN Emulation
ARP Table
(which should not to be confused with the IP ARP Table). The ARP T able lists the remote destination MAC addresses and the ATM address of the LEC though which each destination MAC address can be reached.
Prior to sending a frame with a known destination, the LEC checks th e ARP Table to s ee if the dest inati on MAC address of the frame is listed in the ARP Table. The action the LEC then takes depends on whether the MAC address is listed in the ARP Table:
If the destination MAC address is listed in the ARP Table:
and there is an A TM connection to that LEC, the frame is sent directly to that LEC.
and an ATM connection has not already been set up, the LEC sets up an ATM connection.
If the destination MAC address is not listed in the ARP Table
, the LEC sends the frame to the BUS. The BUS then sends the frame to all LECs on the Emulated LAN.
Sending a frame to every LEC is an inefficient use of resources, so the LEC also tries to locate the MAC address for future use.
To discover the correct address, the LEC uses a process called
LAN Emulation Address Resolution
Protocol (LE_ARP)
What is LAN Emulation (LANE)? 2- 7
LAN Emulation Address Resolution Protocol (LE_ARP)
An LE_ARP request is sent to the LES to locate the destination MAC address. The LES in turn sends the LE_ARP request to all of the LECs in the E mulated LAN.
LECs represent (act as a proxy) for MAC address devices connected to the Ethernet ports. When a LEC receives an LE_ARP request it checks whether the MAC address is on its Switch. It does this by checking the entries in the Switch database.
If the MAC address belongs to one of the devices connected to an Ethernet port, the LEC sends an LE_ARP response to the LEC that sent the original LE_ARP request.
The LEC that sent the LE_ARP request adds this information to its ARP Table. The LEC then sets up a direct connection through the ATM network to the appropriate LEC, so that subsequent frames are forwarded more efficiently.
What Happens to Unicast Frames?
The path a unicast frame takes through the ATM network depends on whether the location of the destination address is known to the sending LEC.
If the location of the destination address is known
, the LEC sets up a direct connection to the
LEC serving the destination address.
If the location of the destination address is unknown
, a unicast frame is sent to the
and Unknown Server (BUS)
; where it is treated in
the same way as a broadcast or multicast frame.
In addition the sending LEC attempts to locate the LEC serving the destination address. It does this using the LE_ARP process, described in “LAN Emulation Address Resolution Protocol (LE_ARP)”.
What Happens to Broadcast and Multicast Frames?
Emulated LAN (ELAN)
acts as a broadcast domain. When a broadcast or multicast frame is passed to the LEC for transmission, the frame is sent to the
Broadcast and Unknown Server (BUS)
When the LEC receives a broadc as t, mul tic as t, or unicast frame it checks to see if it originally sent the frame, and then does the following:
If the LEC sent the frame, it discards the frame.
If the LEC did not send the frame, the LEC passes the frame to the Ethernet device so that it can be forwarded to the appropriate port(s).
Unlike broadcast and multicast frames, the number of unicast frames that can be sent to the BUS every second is limited so as not to overload the BUS and LECs with too much traffic.
2-8 C
2: N
ATM Adaptation Layer (AAL)
Ethernet frames can be between 64 and 1514 bytes in length. ATM transmits data in fixed length
Each cell contains 48 bytes of user data. The
Adaptation Layer (AAL)
converts data between the
Ethernet and A TM formats. The AAL has a
Segmentation and Reassemb ly (SAR)
sub-layer that does the conversion. In the sending device the LEC passes the Ethernet
frames to the SAR. The SAR converts the user data into fixed length cells, and passes these cells to the ATM Layer for transmission across the ATM network.
In the receiving device, the SAR converts the ATM cells back into the appropriate user data again, and passes this data to the LEC.
As ATM can carry different traffic types (for example, voice, video, and other data), several Adaptation Layer protocols have been defined. These protocols operate simultaneously within the Adaptation Layer, and allow the ATM Layer to support different applications and traffic types.
The IBM 8271 Nways Ethernet LAN Switch ATM OC-3c Module uses the AAL5 ATM Adaptation Layer protocol, which is a data-oriented protocol. The ATM Module will only work with other AAL5 devices.
Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) Layer
Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM)
is a connection­oriented transmission protocol that has the following features:
ATM us es the
Signalling Protocol (Q.2931)
to dynamically create, maint ain and clear ATM connections between end-systems.
ATM uses fixed length packets known as
, and
each cell identifies the connection to be used.
ATM is transparen t to the m ul t ip l e se rv i ces it supports and c a n c arry cells f rom diffe rent applications over the same physical connection.
ATM has well-defined user and network interfaces.
ATM is Cell-based
ATM uses fixed length packets called
. The first
five bytes of the cell is the
cell header
. The cell he ader contains the information necessary to deliver the cell to the correct destination.
Fixed-length cells offer smaller and more predictable switchin g d e la ys, be ca u se ce ll switching is le ss complex than variable-length packet switching.
Having all the data in the same cell format also dramatically increases the speed of transmission, by eliminating the need for protocol recognition and decoding. A good analogy is containerized shipping, where uniform shape and weight containers with standardized labelling, ease and speed up processing.
Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) Layer 2-9
ATM is Service Transparent
ATM allows for the high speed transfer of a wide range of user traffic, inc l uding voice, v ideo and other da ta.
The cell format means that more than one service (traffic type) can be
multip lexed
over the same
physical line, see Figure 2-4.
Service Processing
Cells ar e
at the other end of the connection and forwarded to the correct service destination.
Multi-service processing promotes scalability by significantly reducing the number of changes needed to add new service traffic types to your network.
ATM is Connection-oriented
ATM is a
transport service that requires a communication channel to be set up between the ATM source and destination end-systems before ATM cells can pass between them.
Before a direct data connection can be set up between two end-systems, a number of control connections are set up. These control connections are beyond the scope of this guide. If you require further information about control connections, refer to the ATM Forum’s “LAN Emulation Over ATM” document.
Figure 2-5 shows the logical structure of a communication channel.
Figure 2-5
Communication Channels
Several communication channels can operate over the same physical link. Each
Virtual Path Connection (VPC)
contains several communication channels known as
Virtual Channel Connections (VCCs)
The ATM Module only manages Virtual Channel Connections (VCC).
2-10 C
2: N
A VCC is defined as spanning end-to-end, whereas a
Virtual Channel (VC)
is the name given to a section of
the VCC, refer to Figure 2-6.
Connection Terminology
Many virtual channels can exist on the same physical link. Each virtual channel is identi fie d by a pair of numbers:
Virtual Path Identifier (VPI)
Virtual Channel Identifier (VCI)
Any end-system that wishes to communicate with another end-system must first use the
protocol to set up the VCC. The
protocol negotiates with each ATM device between the end-systems to set up a series of virtual channels. Each of these virtual channels is identified u sing the VPI and VCI values.
Figure 2-7 on page 2-11 shows how ATM cells are switched through the A TM network using the VPI/VCI values.
Instead of containing the ATM address of the final destination device, each cell header contains the VPI/VCI values associated with the virtual channel it is going to take to get to the next ATM Switch in the connection.
Each ATM switch kno w s th at when it r eceives a cel l with a particular VPI/VCI value on one port that it must transmit the cell on another port with another VPI/VCI.
Cells are switched through the network based on these VPI/ VC I va lues, and swit c hin g is p e rf o rme d independently for every cell. Each cell can be thought of as taking a virtual channel connection.
The VPI/VCI values are only meaningful in the c onte xt of that user-to-switch, or switch-to-switch, interface. Identica l VP I/ VCI values ca n e xist on differ e nt interfaces within the network.
Connections t ha t ar e e stabl ishe d d ynamica lly usi ng the Signalling protocol are known as
Switched Virtual
Circuits (SVCs). Switche d V irtual C i rc uits
are described
in “Switched Vir tual Circu i ts (SVCs)” on pa ge 2-12. ATM connections can also be established via
management, and these type of connections are known as
Permanent Virtual Circuits (PVCs)
Permanent Virtual Circuits
are described in
“Permanent Virtual Circuits (PVCs)” on page 2-12.
Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) Layer 2-11
Switching Cells using VPI and VCI values.
2-12 C
2: N
Switched Virtual Circuits (SVCs)
SVCs use the signalling protocol to dynamically define connections as they are needed and to release them when they are no longer needed.
SVCs use signalling for:
Connections initiated by the user/application.
Connections established and dropped dynamically.
Varied connection time.
Connections not automatically re-established after network failure.
Permanent Virtual Circuits (PVCs)
The most basic connection setup requires the definition of each connection via management. These type of connections generally remain established for long periods of time.
PVC attributes include:
Connections initiated by network management.
Long-term connection duration.
Automatically re-established after network failure.
Supported by MIB or other management entity.
The ATM Module does not support PVCs.
ATM Interfaces
ATM technology is implemented in A TM edge-devices and ATM Switches.
ATM provides a
User-to-Network I n terface
(UNI). The User-to-Netw o rk Interfac e (UNI) is us ed to con nect an ATM edge devic e to an ATM switch that is managed as part of the same network.
ATM al so provides a
Network-to-Network Interface (NNI)
that is typically used to interconnect two ATM switches managed as part of the same network.
The ATM Interfaces are shown in Figure 2-8.
Figure 2-8
ATM Interfaces
The User-to-Network Interface (UNI) is managed by the
Interim Loca l Management Interface (ILMI)
Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) Layer 2-13
Interim Local Management Interface (ILMI)
The ATM Forum produced the
Interim Local
Management Interface (ILMI)
to increase monitoring and diagnostic facilities, and to provide ATM address registration at the
User-to-Network Interface (UNI)
ILMI uses a
Management Information Base (MIB)
Each device that provides ILMI support contains a
UNI Management Entity (UME)
, which uses SNMP to access management information stored in the ILMI MIB of the adjacent switch, see Figure 2-9.
UNI Management Enti ti es
ATM Address Registrati on
In order to establish an ATM connection, both the user and the network must know the ATM addresses used at that
User -to-Ne twork Int erfac e (UNI)
. An
example of an ATM address is shown below. 47007900000000000000000000:00A03E000001:00 An ATM address consists of three sections of
information and is 20 bytes in length:
is a network prefix assigned to the
device by the ATM Switch, and is 13 bytes long. Where
is the edge-device identifier, and is 6
bytes long. Where
identifies the client within the
edge-device, and is 1 byte long. ILMI provides a mechanism for the edge-device (in
this case the ATM Module) to inform the ATM Sw i tch of the addresses it represents.
When the ATM Module initializes, the ATM Switch sends a network prefix to th e ATM Module. The ATM Module then tries to register itself with the ATM Switch by attaching the prefix to the front of its MAC address, and an identifier to the end of the address. It then sends this back to the A TM switch. If a cceptable, the ATM Switch registers the address as the ATM Module’s ATM address.
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2: N
The ATM Layer and Cell Structure
This section describes the cell structure, and how the ATM Layer uses the information stored in the cell header to perform each of its task s.
The ATM Layer’ s primary responsibility is to manage the sending and receiving of cells between the user and the network.
The A TM Layer acc ept s the user data and control information from the ATM Adaptation Layer , adds the cell header, and passes the resulting 53 byte cell to the physical layer.
In addition, it also receives cells from the physical layer, strips off the cell header and passes the remaining 48 bytes to the higher layer protocols.
The ATM cell has 48 bytes of payload (information to be carried) and five bytes of header information, making the cell 53 bytes in length.
The cell header contains the information used by the network to forward each cell to its destination. The AT M cell structure is shown in Figure 2-10.
ATM Cell Structure
The ATM cell header consists of the following fields:
Generi c Flow Control (GFC)
— Provides local
functions, such as flow control over the
User- to Network I nterface (UNI)
. The valu e enco ded i n the GFC is not carried end-to-end and can be overwritten by the ATM Switch.
Virtual Path Identifier (VPI)
Virtual Channel
Identifier (VCI)
— The VPI/VCI values allow the network to associate a cell with a given connection, so that the cell can be switched to its destination.
Payload Type Identifier (PTI)
— The PTI is used to indicate whether the cell contains user information, or management information. The management information is used for resource and network congestion management.
Cell Loss Priority (CLP)
— The purpose of the
Loss Priority (CLP)
bit in the A TM cell is to i ndicate that cells with this bit set should be discarded before cells which do not have the CLP bit set. Cells can be discarded based on CLP condition and according to the network load. When the network overloads, a discard mechanism, based on the value of the CLP bit in the cell header, may come into operation.
Header Error Check (HEC)
— The HEC field is used for detecting bit errors in the cell header. It is also used for cell delineation, defining where the cell begins in a SONET frame.
Physical Layer 2-15
Physical Layer
The physical layer is responsible for transmitting and receiving ATM cells over a physical medium. It is also responsible for checking the integrity of the bits being transferred over a physical media, and for making sure that they are error-free.
The ATM Module is compliant with both
physical layer standard s.
These standar d s ar e similar, and most devices allow you to use either framing standar d on each link in the AT M network.The same framing standard must be used at each end of the link.
Many users prefer to use the same framing st anda rd throughout the ir ne twork (f or example SONET STS-3c ).
The physical layer is sub-divided into:
— SONET and SDH are capable of carrying traffic for a number of uppers layers, and ATM is only one of those layers. Each upper layer uses its own
through the SONET/SDH layer.
— A
is the whole path between one ATM device and the adjacent ATM switch or ATM end-station.
— When ATM is used for telephone
networks, a
may cover a large distance, requiring optical repeaters to boost the signal along its way . The part of a
between an optical repeater and the adjacent repeater or switch is known as a
Synchronous Optical N et w ork (SONET) is the phy sical layer most often associated with ATM. SONET provides, throug h a f raming struc ture, the mechanism for the transport of AT M c ells. Data c a n be transferred at
SDH STM-1 is a physical layer similar to the SONET layer, but with some differences in frame fields. SDH STM-1 is the physical layer commonly used in Europe.
The physical layer and ATM layers in the network provide simple performance monitoring functions between ATM devices; providing basic information about the health of the link. These functions are known as “Operation and Maintenance (OAM)” functions.
2-16 C
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This chapter provides a brief overv i ew of Virt ual LAN (VLAN) concepts, and describes how to extend VLANs into the ATM network.
This user guide does not describe how to create or configure VLANs. VLAN configuration is described in the user guide that accompanies your Switch.
What is a Virtual LAN (VLAN)?
A V irtual LAN (VLAN) is a fle xibl e, loc ati on and t opolog y independent group of end-stati ons communicating as if they are on a common physical LAN.
You can create VLANs that closely correspond to how your network and business functions. For example, marketing personnel in different physical locations could be part of one VLAN and finance personnel could be in another VLAN.
VLANs provide the following benefits:
VLANs make mo ves an d cha nge s sim ple .
As each VLAN is a common broadcast domain, you can erect firewalls against broadcast storms.
VLANs improve security.
For a full description of VLAN functionality, refer to the user guide that accompanies your Switch.
Creating Inter-switch VLANs
You can create inter-switch VLANs using Virt ual LAN Trunks (VLTs ) on Fast Etherne t connec tions, as shown
in Figure 3-1.
Figure 3-1
Inter-sw itch VLANs
3-2 C
3: V
Extending VLANs into the ATM Network
You can use LAN Emulation to define and extend VLANs seamlessly through the ATM network, as shown in the example in Figure 3-3.
Traffic from one
Emulated LAN (ELAN)
is not seen on another ELAN as they are logically separate domains. For this reason, when you plan your network, you should consider what ELANs you require, and how the VLANs will map to these ELANs.
The A T M Module has a LE C for each of th e Switch ’s 16 VLANS, and each VL A N/ L EC c an be mapped onto an
Emulated LAN (ELAN)
. In this way , E thernet traffic is mapped to an ELAN by a VLAN-to-LEC association. The mapping of VLANs to ELANs is shown in Figure 3-2.
When an Ethernet device attached to a Switch generates traffic, the Switch forwards the frames to the appropriate port.
A unicast frame is only forwarded to a port if the address of the destination device is known to be on that port and the destination port is in the same VLAN as the source port. If a unicast frame is forwarded to the ATM port, the ATM port uses the destination MAC addr es s to identify the ATM connection to use.
A broadcast or multicast frame is forwarded to all ports in the same VLAN as the source port. If a frame is received by the ATM port, the ATM port forwards i t to the BUS for the associated VLAN.
Figure 3-2
VLAN to ELAN M apping
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