IBM Deskstar 120 GXP, IC35L060AVVA07, IC35L020AVVN07, IC35L040AVVN07, IC35L080AVVA07 Specifications

IBM storage products - official published specifications
Hard disk drive specifications
Deskstar 120 GXP
3.5 inch Ultra ATA/100 hard disk drive
Revision 4.1 18 June 2002
IC35L020AVVN07 IC35L040AVVN07 IC35L060AVVA07 IC35L080AVVA07 IC35L100AVVA07 IC35L120AVVA07
S07N-4778-08 Publication #2820
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IBM storage products - official published specifications
Hard disk drive specifications
Deskstar 120 GXP
3.5 inch Ultra ATA/100 hard disk drive
Revision 4.1 18 June 2002
IC35L020AVVN07 IC35L040AVVN07 IC35L060AVVA07 IC35L080AVVA07 IC35L100AVVA07 IC35L120AVVA07
S07N-4778-08 Publication #2820
1st Edition (Revision 0.1) S07N-4778-00 (1 October 2001) Preliminary 2nd Edition (Revision 0.2) S07N-4778-01 (24 October 2001) Preliminary 3rd Edition (Revision 0.3) S07N-4778-02 (7 November 2001) Preliminary 4th Edition (Revision 1.0) S07N-4778-03 (9 November 2001) 5th Edition (Revision 2.0) S07N-4778-04 (10 December 2001) 6th Edition (Revision 2.1) S07N-4778-05 (10 January 2002 ) 7th Edition (Revision 3.0) S07N-4778-06 (18 February 2002) 8th Edition (Revision 4.0) S07N-4778-07 (11 April 2002 ) 9th Edition (Revision 4.1) S07N-4778-08 (18 June 2002 )
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Table of contents
iiiList of figures .....................................................................
11.0 General .......................................................................
11.1 Glossary ........................................................................
11.2 General caution .................................................................
11.3 References .....................................................................
32.0 General features ...............................................................
Part 1. Functional specification
73.0 Fixed disk subsystem description ..............................................
73.1 Control Electronics ...............................................................
73.2 Head disk assembly .............................................................
73.3 Actuator ........................................................................
94.0 Drive characteristics ...........................................................
94.1 Default logical drive parameters ...................................................
104.2 Data sheet ....................................................................
114.3 Drive organization .............................................................
114.3.1 Drive format .............................................................
114.3.2 Cylinder allocation ........................................................
134.4 Performance characteristics ....................................................
134.4.1 Command overhead ......................................................
134.4.2 Mechanical positioning ....................................................
154.4.3 Drive ready time .........................................................
164.4.4 Data transfer speed ......................................................
174.4.5 Throughput ..............................................................
184.4.6 Operating modes .........................................................
195.0 Defect flagging strategy ......................................................
216.0 Specification ................................................................
216.1 Electrical interface ............................................................
216.1.1 Connector location .......................................................
226.1.2 Signal definition ..........................................................
256.1.3 Interface logic signal levels ................................................
266.2 Signal timings .................................................................
266.2.1 Reset timings ............................................................
276.2.2 PIO timings ..............................................................
296.2.3 Multiword DMA timings ....................................................
306.2.4 Ultra DMA timings ........................................................
386.2.5 Addressing of registers ....................................................
386.2.6 Cabling .................................................................
396.3 Jumper settings ...............................................................
396.3.1 Jumper pin location .......................................................
396.3.2 Jumper pin identification ..................................................
406.3.3 Jumper pin assignment ...................................................
416.3.4 Jumper positions .........................................................
456.4 Environment ..................................................................
456.4.1 Temperature and humidity .................................................
466.4.2 Corrosion test ............................................................
Deskstar 120GXP hard disk drive specifications
476.5 DC power requirements ........................................................
476.5.1 Input voltage .............................................................
476.5.2 Power supply current (typical) .............................................
496.5.3 Power supply generated ripple at drive power connector ......................
506.6 Reliability .....................................................................
506.6.1 Data integrity ............................................................
506.6.2 Cable noise interference ..................................................
506.6.3 Start/stop cycles .........................................................
506.6.4 Preventive maintenance ...................................................
506.6.5 Data reliability ............................................................
506.6.6 Required Power-Off Sequence .............................................
516.7 Mechanical specifications .......................................................
516.7.1 Physical dimensions ......................................................
536.7.2 Hole locations ............................................................
546.7.3 Connector locations ......................................................
546.7.4 Drive mounting ...........................................................
546.7.5 Heads unload and actuator lock ............................................
556.8 Vibration and shock ............................................................
556.8.1 Operating vibration .......................................................
556.8.2 Nonoperating vibration ....................................................
566.8.3 Operating shock .........................................................
566.8.4 Nonoperating shock ......................................................
576.8.5 Rotational shock .........................................................
586.9 Acoustics .....................................................................
596.10 Identification labels ...........................................................
606.11 Safety .......................................................................
606.11.1 UL and CSA standard conformity ..........................................
606.11.2 German Safety Mark ....................................................
606.11.3 Flammability ............................................................
606.11.4 Safe handling ...........................................................
606.11.5 Environment ............................................................
606.11.6 Secondary circuit protection ..............................................
616.12 Electromagnetic compatibility ..................................................
616.12.1 CE Mark ...............................................................
616.12.2 C-Tick Mark ............................................................
Part 2. Interface specification
Deskstar 120GXP hard disk drive specifications
657.0 General .....................................................................
657.1 Terminology ..................................................................
657.2 Deviations from standard .......................................................
678.0 Registers ....................................................................
688.1 Alternate Status Register .......................................................
688.2 Command Register ............................................................
688.3 Cylinder High Register .........................................................
688.4 Cylinder Low Register .........................................................
698.5 Data Register .................................................................
698.6 Device Control Register ........................................................
698.7 Drive Address Register ........................................................
708.8 Device/Head Register .........................................................
708.9 Error Register ................................................................
718.10 Features Register ............................................................
Deskstar 120GXP hard disk drive specifications
718.11 Sector Count Register .........................................................
718.12 Sector Number Register .......................................................
728.13 Status Register ...............................................................
739.0 General operation ............................................................
739.1 Reset response ...............................................................
749.2 Register initialization ...........................................................
759.3 Diagnostic and reset considerations ..............................................
769.4 Sector Addressing Mode .......................................................
769.4.1 Logical CHS Addressing Mode .............................................
769.4.2 LBA Addressing Mode ....................................................
779.5 Overlapped and queued feature .................................................
789.6 Power management feature .....................................................
789.6.1 Power modes ............................................................
789.6.2 Power management commands ............................................
789.6.3 Standby timer ............................................................
799.6.4 Interface capability for power modes ........................................
809.7 S.M.A.R.T. function ............................................................
809.7.1 Attributes ................................................................
809.7.2 Attribute values ..........................................................
809.7.3 Attribute thresholds .......................................................
809.7.4 Threshold Exceeded Condition .............................................
809.7.5 S.M.A.R.T. commands ....................................................
809.7.6 Off-line read scanning ....................................................
809.7.7 Error log ................................................................
819.7.8 Self-test .................................................................
829.8 Security Mode Feature Set ......................................................
829.8.1 Security mode ...........................................................
829.8.2 Security level ............................................................
829.8.3 Passwords ..............................................................
839.8.4 Operation example .......................................................
869.8.5 Command table ..........................................................
889.9 Host Protected Area Function ...................................................
889.9.1 Example for operation (in LBA mode) .......................................
899.9.2 Security extensions .......................................................
909.10 Seek Overlap ................................................................
919.11 Write cache function ..........................................................
919.12 Reassign function ............................................................
919.13 Auto Reassign function ........................................................
919.13.1 Nonrecovered write errors ................................................
919.13.2 Nonrecovered read errors ................................................
929.13.3 Recovered read errors ...................................................
929.14 Power-Up In Standby feature set ...............................................
929.15 Advanced Power Management feature set (APM) ................................
939.16 Automatic Acoustic Management feature set (AAM) ..............................
939.17 Address Offset Feature .......................................................
939.17.1 Enable/Disable Address Offset Mode ......................................
949.17.2 Identify Device Data .....................................................
949.17.3 Exceptions in Address Offset Mode .......................................
9510.0 Command Protocol .........................................................
9610.1 PIO Data In commands .......................................................
9810.2 PIO Data Out commands ......................................................
10010.3 Non-data commands .........................................................
10110.4 DMA commands ............................................................
10210.5 DMA queued commands .....................................................
Deskstar 120GXP hard disk drive specifications
10311.0 Command descriptions ....................................................
10711.1 Check Power Mode (E5h/98h) ................................................
10811.2 Device Configuration Overlay (B1h) ............................................
10811.2.1 DEVICE CONFIGURATION RESTORE (subcommand C0h) ................
10911.2.2 DEVICE CONFIGURATION FREEZE LOCK (subcommand C1h) ............
10911.2.3 DEVICE CONFIGURATION IDENTIFY (subcommand C2h) .................
10911.2.4 DEVICE CONFIGURATION SET (subcommand C3h) ......................
11111.3 Execute Device Diagnostic (90h) ..............................................
11211.4 Flush Cache (E7h) ...........................................................
11311.5 Format Track (50h) ..........................................................
11511.6 Format Unit (F7h) ...........................................................
11611.7 Identify Device (ECh) ........................................................
12311.8 Idle (E3h/97h) ...............................................................
12411.9 Idle Immediate (E1h/95h) .....................................................
12511.10 Initialize Device Parameters (91h) ............................................
12611.11 NOP (00h) .................................................................
12711.12 Read Buffer (E4h) ..........................................................
12811.13 Read DMA (C8h/C9h) .......................................................
13011.14 Read DMA Queued (C7h) ...................................................
13211.15 Read Long (22h/23h) .......................................................
13411.16 Read Multiple (C4h) ........................................................
13611.17 Read Native Max Address (F8h) .............................................
13711.18 Read Sectors (20h/21h) .....................................................
13911.19 Read Verify Sectors (40h/41h) ...............................................
14111.20 Recalibrate (1xh) ...........................................................
14211.21 Security Disable Password (F6h) .............................................
14311.22 Security Erase Prepare (F3h) ................................................
14411.23 Security Erase Unit (F4h) ....................................................
14611.24 Security Freeze Lock (F5h) ..................................................
14711.25 Security Set Password (F1h) .................................................
14911.26 Security Unlock (F2h) .......................................................
15111.27 Seek (7xh) .................................................................
15211.28 Service (A2h) ..............................................................
15311.29 Set Features (EFh) .........................................................
15411.29.1 Set Transfer mode ....................................................
15411.29.2 Write Cache ..........................................................
15411.29.3 Advanced Power Management .........................................
15511.29.4 Automatic Acoustic Management .......................................
15611.30 Set Max Address (F9h) .....................................................
15811.30.1 Set Max Set Password (Feature = 01h) ..................................
15911.30.2 Set Max Lock (Feature = 02h) ..........................................
16011.30.3 Set Max Unlock (Feature = 03h) ........................................
16111.30.4 Set Max Freeze Lock (Feature = 04h) ...................................
16211.31 Set Multiple (C6h) ..........................................................
16311.32 Sleep (E6h/99h) ............................................................
16411.33 S.M.A.R.T. Function Set (B0h) ...............................................
16511.33.1 S.M.A.R.T. Subcommand ..............................................
16811.33.2 Device Attributes Data Structure ........................................
17211.33.3 Device Attribute Thresholds Data Structure ...............................
17311.33.4 SMART error log sector ................................................
17611.33.5 Self-test log data structure .............................................
17711.33.6 Error reporting ........................................................
17811.34 Standby (E2h/96h) .........................................................
18011.35 Standby Immediate (E0h/94h) ...............................................
18111.36 Write Buffer (E8h) ..........................................................
18211.37 Write DMA (CAh/CBh) ......................................................
18411.38 Write DMA Queued (CCh) ...................................................
18611.39 Write Long (32h/33h) .......................................................
18811.40 Write Multiple (C5h) ........................................................
19011.41 Write Sectors (30h/31h) .....................................................
19312.0 Timings ...................................................................
195Index ...........................................................................
Deskstar 120GXP hard disk drive specifications
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List of figures
9Figure 1. Formatted capacity ..........................................................
10Figure 2. Mechanical positioning performance .........................................
11Figure 3. Cylinder allocation ........................................................
13Figure 4. Command overhead ......................................................
13Figure 5. Mechanical positioning performance .........................................
14Figure 6. Full stroke seek time ......................................................
14Figure 7. Head switch time ..........................................................
15Figure 8. Cylinder switch time .......................................................
15Figure 9. Single Track Seek Time ...................................................
15Figure 10. Latency Time ............................................................
15Figure 11. Drive ready time .........................................................
16Figure 12. Data transfer speed ......................................................
17Figure 13. Simple Sequential Access performance .....................................
17Figure 14. Random Access Performance .............................................
18Figure 15. Mode transition times .....................................................
19Figure 16. PList physical format .....................................................
21Figure 17. Connector location (2 and 3 disk model shown) ..............................
21Figure 18. Power connector pin assignments .........................................
22Figure 19. Table of signals ..........................................................
22Figure 20. Signal special definitions for Ultra DMA .....................................
26Figure 21. System reset timing chart .................................................
26Figure 22. System reset timing ......................................................
27Figure 23. PIO cycle timings chart ...................................................
27Figure 24. PIO cycle timings ........................................................
29Figure 25. Multiword DMA cycle timing chart ..........................................
29Figure 26. Multiword DMA cycle timings ..............................................
30Figure 27. Ultra DMA cycle timing chart (Initiating Read) ................................
30Figure 28. Ultra DMA cycle timings (Initiating Read) ....................................
31Figure 29. Ultra DMA cycle timing chart (Host pausing Read) ...........................
31Figure 30. Ultra DMA cycle timings (Host pausing Read) ...............................
32Figure 31. Ultra DMA cycle timing chart (Host terminating Read) ........................
32Figure 32. Ultra DMA cycle timings (Host terminating Read) ............................
33Figure 33. Ultra DMA cycle timing chart (Device terminating Read) ......................
33Figure 34. Ultra DMA cycle timings (Device Terminating Read) ..........................
34Figure 35. Ultra DMA cycle timing chart (Initiating Write) ................................
34Figure 36. Ultra DMA cycle timings (Initiating Write) ....................................
35Figure 37. Ultra DMA cycle timing chart (Device Pausing Write) .........................
35Figure 38. Ultra DMA cycle timings (Device Pausing Write) .............................
36Figure 39. Ultra DMA cycle timing chart (Device Terminating Write) ......................
36Figure 40. Ultra DMA cycle timings (Device terminating Write) ..........................
37Figure 41. Ultra DMA cycle timing chart (Host Terminating Write) ........................
37Figure 42. Ultra DMA cycle timings (Host Terminating Write) ............................
38Figure 43. I/O address map .........................................................
39Figure 44. Jumper pin location (2 and 3 disk model shown) .............................
39Figure 45. Jumper pin identification (2 and 3 disk model shown) .........................
40Figure 46. Jumper pin assignment ...................................................
41Figure 47. Jumper positions for normal use ...........................................
42Figure 48. Jumper positions for 15 logical head default ................................
43Figure 49. Jumper positions for capacity clip to 2GB/32GB .............................
44Figure 50. Jumper settings for Disabling Auto Spin ....................................
Deskstar 120GXP hard disk drive specifications
Figure 59. Bottom and side views of 20GB and 40GB models with breather hole and
mounting hole locations .........................................................
Deskstar 120GXP hard disk drive specifications
45Figure 51. Temperature and humidity ................................................
46Figure 52. Limits of temperature and humidity .........................................
47Figure 53. Input voltage ............................................................
47Figure 54. Power supply current of 120 GB and 100 GB models .........................
48Figure 55. Power supply current of 80 GB and 60 GB models ...........................
48Figure 56. Power supply current of 40 GB and 20 GB models ..........................
49Figure 57. Power supply generated ripple at drive power connector ......................
51Figure 58. Top and side views of 60 GB - 120 GB models with mechanical dimensions ....
52Figure 60. Physical Dimensions .....................................................
53Figure 61. Mounting hole locations (all dimensions are in mm) ..........................
54Figure 62. Connector locations ......................................................
55Figure 63. Random vibration PSD profile break points (operating) .......................
55Figure 64. Random vibration PSD profile break points (nonoperating) ....................
57Figure 65. Sinusoidal shock wave ...................................................
57Figure 66. Rotational Shock .........................................................
58Figure 67. Sound power levels ......................................................
67Figure 68. Register Set .............................................................
68Figure 69. Alternate Status Register .................................................
69Figure 70. Device Control Register ..................................................
69Figure 71. Drive Address Register ...................................................
70Figure 72. Device/Head Register ....................................................
70Figure 73. Error Register ...........................................................
72Figure 74. Status Register ..........................................................
73Figure 75. Reset Response Table ...................................................
74Figure 76. Default Register Values ...................................................
74Figure 77. Diagnostic Codes ........................................................
75Figure 78. Reset error register values ................................................
79Figure 79. Power conditions ........................................................
83Figure 80. Initial Setting ............................................................
84Figure 81. Usual Operation .........................................................
85Figure 82. Password Lost ...........................................................
86Figure 83. Command table for device lock operation (part 1 of 2) ........................
87Figure 84. Command table for device lock operation (part 2 of 2) ........................
90Figure 85. Seek overlap ............................................................
94Figure 86. Device address map before and after Set Feature ...........................
103Figure 87. Command set (1 of 2) ...................................................
104Figure 88. Command set (2 of 2) ...................................................
105Figure 89. Command set (Subcommands) ...........................................
107Figure 90. Check Power Mode Command (E5h/98h) ..................................
108Figure 91. Check Power Mode Command (E5h/98h) ..................................
108Figure 92. Device Configuration Overlay Features register values ......................
110Figure 93. Device Configuration Overlay Data structure ...............................
110Figure 94. DCO error information definition ..........................................
111Figure 95. Execute Device Diagnostic Command (90h) ................................
112Figure 96. Flush Cache Command (E7h) ............................................
113Figure 97. Format Track Command (50h) ............................................
115Figure 98. Format Unit Command (F7h) .............................................
116Figure 99. Identify Device Command (ECh) ..........................................
117Figure 100. Identify Device Information (part 1 of 6) ..................................
118Figure 101. Identify Device Information (part 2 of 6) ...................................
119Figure 102. Identify Device Information (part 3 of 6) ...................................
120Figure 103. Identify Device Information (part 4 of 6) ...................................
Deskstar 120GXP hard disk drive specifications
121Figure 104. Identify Device Information (part 5 of 6) ...................................
122Figure 105. Identify Device Information (part 6 of 6) ...................................
123Figure 106. Idle Command (E3h/97h) ...............................................
124Figure 107. Idle Immediate Command (E1h/95h) .....................................
125Figure 108. Initialize Device Parameters Command (91h) .............................
126Figure 109. NOP Command (00h) ..................................................
127Figure 110. Read Buffer Command (E4h) ............................................
128Figure 111. Read DMA Command (C8h/C9h) ........................................
130Figure 112. Read DMA Queued Command (C7h) .....................................
132Figure 113. Read Long Command (22h/23h) .........................................
134Figure 114. Read Multiple Command (C4h) ..........................................
136Figure 115. Read Native Max LBA/CYL (F8h) ........................................
137Figure 116. Read Sectors Command (20h/21h) ......................................
139Figure 117. Read Verify Sectors Command (40h/41h) .................................
141Figure 118. Recalibrate Command (1xh) ............................................
142Figure 119. Security Disable Password Command (F6h) ..............................
142Figure 120. Password Information for Security Disable Password command .............
143Figure 121. Security Erase Prepare Command (F3h) .................................
144Figure 122. Security Erase Unit Command (F4h) .....................................
144Figure 123. Erase Unit Information ..................................................
146Figure 124. Security Freeze Lock Command (F5h) ...................................
147Figure 125. Security Set Password Command (F1h) ..................................
148Figure 126. Security Set Password Information .......................................
149Figure 127. Security Unlock Command (F2h) ........................................
150Figure 128. Security Unlock Information .............................................
151Figure 129. Seek Command (7xh) ..................................................
152Figure 130. Service Command (A2h) ................................................
153Figure 131. Set Features Command (EFh) ...........................................
156Figure 132. Set Max Address (F9h) .................................................
158Figure 133. Set Max Set Password .................................................
158Figure 134. Set Max Set Password data contents .....................................
159Figure 135. Set Max Lock .........................................................
160Figure 136. Set Max Unlock (F9h) ..................................................
161Figure 137. Set Max Freeze Lock (F9h) .............................................
162Figure 138. Set Multiple Command (C6h) ............................................
163Figure 139. Sleep Command (E6h/99h) .............................................
164Figure 140. S.M.A.R.T. Function Set Command (B0h) .................................
166Figure 141. Log sector addresses ..................................................
168Figure 142. Device Attributes Data Structure .........................................
169Figure 143. Individual Attribute Data Structure ........................................
172Figure 144. Device Attribute Thresholds Data Structure ...............................
172Figure 145. Individual Threshold Data Structure ......................................
173Figure 146. SMART error log sector ................................................
174Figure 147. Error log data structure .................................................
174Figure 148. Command data structure ...............................................
175Figure 149. Error data structure ....................................................
176Figure 150. Self-test log data structure ..............................................
177Figure 151. S.M.A.R.T. Error Codes ................................................
178Figure 152. Standby Command (E2h/96h) ...........................................
180Figure 153. Standby Immediate Command (E0h/94h) .................................
181Figure 154. Write Buffer Command (E8h) ............................................
182Figure 155. Write DMA Command (CAh/CBh) ........................................
184Figure 156. Write DMA Queued Command (CCh) ....................................
186Figure 157. Write Long Command (32h/33h) .........................................
188Figure 158. Write Multiple Command (C5h) ..........................................
190Figure 159. Write Sectors Command (30h/31h) ......................................
193Figure 160. Time-out values .......................................................
Deskstar 120GXP hard disk drive specifications
1.0 General
This document describes the specifications of the Deskstar 120GXP, an IBM 3.5-inch 7200-rpm ATA interface hard disk drive with the following model numbers:
! IC35L020AVVN07 (20 GB) ! IC35L040AVVN07 (40 GB) ! IC35L060AVVA07 (60 GB) ! IC35L080AVVA07 (80 GB) ! IC35L100AVVA07 (100 GB) ! IC35L120AVVA07 (120 GB)
Part 1 defines the functional specification. Part 2 defines the interface specification. The specifications in this document are subject to change without notice.
1.1 Glossary
ESD Electrostatic Discharge Kbpi 1,000 bits per inch Ktpi 1,000 tracks per inch Mbps 1,000,000 bits per second GB 1,000,000,000 bytes MB 1,000,000 bytes KB 1,000 bytes unless otherwise specified 32KB 32 x 1024 bytes 64KB 64 x 1024 bytes S.M.A.R.T. Self-Monitoring Analysis and Reporting Technology DFT Drive Fitness Test ADM Automatic Drive Maintenance
1.2 General caution
The drive can be damaged by shock or ESD (Electrostatic Discharge). Any damage sustained by the drive after removal from the shipping package and opening the ESD protective bag are the responsibility of the user.
1.3 References
! Information Technology-AT Attachment with Packet Interface-6
Deskstar 120GXP hard disk drive specifications
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2.0 General features
! Data capacities of 20 GB - 120 GB ! Spindle speeds of 7200 RPM ! Enhanced IDE interface ! Sector format of 512 bytes/sector ! Closed-loop actuator servo ! Load/Unload mechanism, non head disk contact start/stop ! Automatic Actuator lock ! Interleave factor 1:1 ! Seek time of 8.5 ms in Read Operation (8.2 ms typical without Command Overhead) (2 and 3
disk models)
! Sector Buffer size of 2048 KB (Upper 184.5 KB is used for firmware) ! Ring buffer implementation ! Write Cache ! Queued feature support ! Advanced ECC On The Fly (EOF) ! Automatic Error Recovery procedures for read and write commands ! Self Diagnostics on Power on and resident diagnostics ! PIO Data Transfer Mode 4 (16.6 MB/sec) ! DMA Data Transfer
- Multiword mode Mode 2 (16.6 MB/sec)
- Ultra DMA Mode 5 (100 MB/sec)
! CHS and LBA mode ! Power saving modes/Low RPM idle mode (APM) ! S.M.A.R.T. (Self Monitoring and Analysis Reporting Technology) ! Support security feature ! Quiet Seek mode (AAM)
Deskstar 120GXP hard disk drive specifications
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Part 1. Functional specification
Deskstar 120GXP hard disk drive specifications
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3.0 Fixed disk subsystem description
3.1 Control Electronics
The drive is electronically controlled by a microprocessor, several logic modules, digital/analog modules, and various drivers and receivers. The control electronics performs the following major functions:
! Controls and interprets all interface signals between the host controller and the drive. ! Controls read write accessing of the disk media, including defect management and error recovery. ! Controls starting, stopping, and monitoring of the spindle. ! Conducts a power-up sequence and calibrates the servo. ! Analyzes servo signals to provide closed loop control. These include position error signal and
estimated velocity.
! Monitors the actuator position and determines the target track for a seek operation. ! Controls the voice coil motor driver to align the actuator in a desired position. ! Constantly monitors error conditions of the servo and takes corresponding action if an error occurs. ! Monitors various timers such as head settle and servo failure. ! Performs self-checkout (diagnostics).
3.2 Head disk assembly
The head disk assembly (HDA) is assembled in a clean room environment and contains the disks and actuator assembly. Air is constantly circulated and filtered when the drive is operational. Venting of the HDA is accomplished via a breather filter.
The spindle is driven directly by an in-hub, brushless, sensorless DC drive motor. Dynamic braking is used to quickly stop the spindle.
3.3 Actuator
The read/write heads are mounted in the actuator. The actuator is a swing-arm assembly driven by a voice coil motor. A closed-loop positioning servo controls the movement of the actuator. An embedded servo pattern supplies feedback to the positioning servo to keep the read/write heads centered over the desired track.
The actuator assembly is balanced to allow vertical or horizontal mounting without adjustment. When the drive is powered off, the actuator automatically moves the head to the actuator ramp outside of
the disk where it parks.
Deskstar 120GXP hard disk drive specifications
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4.0 Drive characteristics
This section describes the characteristics of the drive.
4.1 Default logical drive parameters
The default of the logical drive parameters in Identify Device data is as shown below.
Physical Layout
61.441.120.5Label capacity (GB) 512512512Bytes per Sector
Sectors per Track
Data sectors per cylinder Data cylinders per zone
Logical Layout
Number of Cylinders
448-928 480-984
480-984 1537-2123 1550-2020
448-928 480-984
960-1968 1537-2123 1550-2020
321Number of Heads 211Number of Disks
1344-2784 1537-2123
161616Number of Heads 636363Number of Sectors/ Track
120,103,20080,418,24040,188,960Number of Sectors
61,492,838,40041,174,138,88020,576,747,520Total Logical Data Bytes
Physical Layout
123.5102.982.3Label capacity (GB) 512512512Bytes per Sector
448-928448-928448-928Sectors per Track
654Number of Heads
332Number of Disks 2688-55682240-46401792-3712Data sectors per cylinder 1537-21231537-21231537-2123Data cylinders per zone
Logical Layout
161616Number of Heads 636363Number of Sectors/ Track
Number of Cylinders
241,254,720201,045,600160,836,480Number of Sectors
123,522,416,640102,935,347,20082,348,277,760Total Logical Data Bytes
Figure 1. Formatted capacity
Number of cylinders: For drives with capacities greater an 8.45 GB the IDENTIFY DEVICE information
word 01 limits the number of cylinders to 16,383 per the ATA specification.
Deskstar 120GXP hard disk drive specifications
Logical layout: Logical layout is an imaginary drive parameter (that is, the number of heads) which is used to access the drive from the system interface. The Logical layout to Physical layout (that is, the actu­al Head and Sectors) translation is done automatically in the drive. The default setting can be obtained by issuing an IDENTIFY DEVICE command
4.2 Data sheet
Low TPI modelsHigh TPI modelsDescription
627592Data transfer rate (Mbps)
Data buffer size
Areal density - max (Gbits/in
Upper 184.5 KB is used for firmware
100100Interface transfer rate (MB/s)
7,2007,200Rotational speed (RPM) up to 12up to 12Number of buffer segments (read) up to 56up to 56Number of buffer segments (write)
547524Recording density- max (Kbpi)
5456.7Track density (Ktpi)
29.729.7 3131Number of data bands
Figure 2. Mechanical positioning performance
Deskstar 120GXP hard disk drive specifications
4.3 Drive organization
4.3.1 Drive format
Upon shipment from IBM manufacturing the drive satisfies the sector continuity in the physical format by means of the defect flagging strategy described in Section 5.0 on page 19 in order to provide the maximum performance to users.
4.3.2 Cylinder allocation
Physical Cylinders
High TPI model Low TPI model
High TPI Low TPI
984 9799211750-3479 1939-37561 9609123480-5199 3757-55642 9608965200-7219 5565-76873 9328887220-8969 7688-95264 9218838970-10689 9527-113345 91286410690-1239911335-133316 89085012400-1410913332-151287 88384014110-1581915129-169258 86482215820-1771916926-189229 85080617720-1941918923-2070910 83279219420-2121920710-2260111 82278721220-2291922602-2413812 80676822920-2461924139-2602413 79275224620-2616926025-2765214 76874026170-2792927653-2950115 76872527930-2957929502-3123416 74069829580-3126931235-3300917 72569131270-3295933010-3478418 70467232960-3464934785-3660919 68264864650-3632936610-3837420 65863036330-3800937375-4013921 64061438010-3968940140-4190422 62459539690-4136941905-4351923 60857641370-4296943520-4525024 57655242970-4463945251-4700425 55853344640-4630947005-4875826 54451246310-4795948759-5049127 51849347960-4963950492-5225628 49947149640-5130952257-5401029 48044851310-5289054011-55571 30
Figure 3. Cylinder allocation
Physical cylinder is calculated from the starting data track of 0. It is not relevant to logical CHS. Depending on the capacity some of the inner zone cylinders are not allocated.
Deskstar 120GXP hard disk drive specifications
Data cylinder
This cylinder contains the user data which can be sent and retrieved via read/write commands and a spare area for reassigned data.
Spare cylinder
The spare cylinder is used by IBM manufacturing and includes data sent from a defect location.
Deskstar 120GXP hard disk drive specifications
4.4 Performance characteristics
Drive performance is characterized by the following parameters:
! Command overhead ! Mechanical positioning
- Seek time
- Latency
! Data transfer speed ! Buffering operation (Look ahead/Write cache)
All the above parameters contribute to drive performance. There are other parameters that contribute to the performance of the actual system. This specification defines the characteristics of the drive, not the characteristics of the system throughput which depends on the system and the application.
4.4.1 Command overhead
Command overhead is defined as the time required
! from the time the command is written into the command register by a host ! to the assertion of DRQ for the first data byte of a READ command when the requested data is not
in the buffer
! excluding Physical seek time and Latency
The table below gives average command overhead.
Time (Typical) for
queued command
0.30.3Read (Cache not hit) (from Command Write to Seek Start)
0.10.1Read (Cache hit) (from Command Write to DRQ)
0.050.015Write (from Command Write to DRQ)
not applicable0.3Seek (from Command Write to Seek Start)
Command type (Drive is in quiescent state)
Figure 4. Command overhead
Time (Typical)
4.4.2 Mechanical positioning Average seek time (without command overhead, including settling)
Max (ms)Typical (ms)Command Type
9.28.2Read (60 GB – 120 GB models)
9.58.5Read (20 GB & 40 GB models)
20.519.5Read (Quiet Seek mode)
21.520.5Write (Quiet Seek mode)
Figure 5. Mechanical positioning performance
Deskstar 120GXP hard disk drive specifications
The terms Typical and Max are used throughout this specification with the following meanings:
Typical. The average of the drive population tested at nominal environmental and voltage con­ditions.
Max. The maximum value measured on any one drive over the full range of the environmental and voltage conditions. (See Section 6.4, “Environment” on page 45 and Section 6.5, “DC Power Requirements on page 47.
Seek time is measured from the start of the motion of the actuator to the start of a reliable read or write operation. "Reliable read or write" implies that error correction/recovery is not used to correct arrival pro­blems. The average seek time is measured as the weighted average of all possible seek combinations.
Weighted Average =
Σ (max. + 1 – n) (Tnin + Tn
(max. + 1) (Tnin + Tn
where: max = maximum seek length n = seek length (1 to max) Tn Tn
= inward measured seek time for an n-track seek
= outward measured seek time for an n-track seek
out Full stroke seek (without command overhead, including settling)
Max (ms)Typical (ms)Function
17.714.7Read (60 GB – 120 GB models)
18.315.7Read (20 GB & 40 GB models)
18.715.7Write (60 GB – 120 GB models)
19.316.3Write (20 GB & 40 GB models)
35.532.5Read (Quiet Seek mode)
36.533.5Write (Quiet Seek mode)
Figure 6. Full stroke seek time
Full stroke seek is measured as the average of 1000 full stroke seeks with a random head switch from both directions (inward and outward). Head switch time (Head skew)
Head switch time - typical (ms)
1.556.7 kTPI
2.054 kTPI
Figure 7. Head switch time
Head switch time is defined as the amount of time required by the fixed disk to complete a seek of the next sequential track after reading the last sector in the current track
The measuring method is given in 4.4.5 “Throughput” on page 17.
Deskstar 120GXP hard disk drive specifications
14 Cylinder switch time (Cylinder skew)
Cylinder switch time - typical (ms)
2.056.7 kTPI
2.554 kTPI
Figure 8. Cylinder switch time
Cylinder switch time is defined as the amount of time required by the fixed disk to access the next sequential block after reading the last sector in the current cylinder.
The measuring method is given in 4.4.5, Throughput on page 17. Single track seek time (without command overhead, including settling)
Max (ms)Typical (ms)Function
1.50.8Read (Quiet Seek mode)
2.01.3Write (Quiet Seek mode)
Figure 9. Single Track Seek Time
Single track seek is measured as the average of one (1) single track seek from every track with a random head switch in both directions (inward and outward). Average latency
Rotational speed
Figure 10. Latency Time
Time for a revolution
Average latency
4.178.37200 RPM
4.4.3 Drive ready time
Maximum (sec)Typical (sec)Power on to ready
311020 GB & 40 GB models 31960 GB & 80 GB models 3111100 GB & 120 GB models
Figure 11. Drive ready time
Ready The condition in which the drive is able to perform a media access command
(such as read, write) immediately.
Power on This includes the time required for the internal self diagnostics.
Note: Max Power On to ready time is the maximum time period that Device 0 waits for Device 1 to assert PDIAG–.
Deskstar 120GXP hard disk drive specifications
4.4.4 Data transfer speed
Data transfer speed
Disk-Buffer transfer (Zone 0)
Disk-Buffer transfer (Zone 30)
Figure 12. Data transfer speed
! Instantaneous disk-buffer transfer rate (Mbyte/sec) is derived by the following formula:
512 (Number of sectors on a track) (revolution per second)
Note: The number of sectors per track will vary because of the linear density recording.
! Sustained disk-buffer transfer rate (Mbyte/sec) is defined by considering head/cylinder change time
for read operation. This gives a local average data transfer rate. It is derived by the following formula: (Sustained Transfer Rate) = A / (B +C +D ) where
A = 512 (number of data sectors per cylinder) B = (number of Surfaces per cylinder – 1) (head switch time) C = cylinder change time D = (number of surfaces) (time for one revolution)
120 GB model
57.2Instantaneous - typical
48.0Sustained - read typical
27.6Instantaneous - typical
23.2Sustained - read typical 100Buffer-Host (max)
! Instantaneous buffer-host transfer rate (Mbyte/sec) defines the maximum data transfer rate on the AT
Bus. It also depends on the speed of the host.
The method of measurement is given in 4.4.5, "Throughput" on page 17.
Deskstar 120GXP hard disk drive specifications
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