IBM Combined Boot User Manual

Combined Boot
Version 5.01a0
for Emulex HBAs
User Manual
Copyright© 2005 Emulex Corporation. All rights reserved worldwide. No part of this document may be reproduced by any means nor translated to any electronic medium without the written consent of Emulex Corporation.
Emulex and LightPulse are registered trademarks, and AutoPilot Installer, AutoPilot Manager, BlockGuard, FibreSpy, HBAnyware, InSpeed, MultiPulse and SBOD are trademarks, of Emulex Corporation. All other brand or product names referenced herein are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies or organizations.
Emulex provides this manual "as is" without any warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied, including but not limited to the implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. Emulex Corporatio n may make improvements and changes to the product described in this manual at any time and without any notice. Emulex Corporation assumes no responsibility for its use, nor for any infringements of patents or other rights of third parties that may result. Periodic changes are made to information contained herein; although these changes will be incorporated into new editions of this manual, Emulex Corporation disclaims any undertaking to give notice of such changes.
Combined Boot User Manual Page ii
Introduction.............................................................................................................. 1
Things to Know Before You Download .............................................................. 1
Known Issues.................................................................................................... 1
Files Included in This Release...........................................................................1
Loading x86 BootBIOS............................................................................................2
Load x86 BootBIOS Using lputilnt .....................................................................2
Load x86 BootBIOS Using elxcfg ......................................................................3
Load x86 BootBIOS Using lputil........................................................................4
Loading x86 BootBIOS Using lp6dutil................................................................ 4
Enable x86 BootBIOS on HBAs Using the BIOS Utility .....................................6
Configuring x86 BootBIOS....................................................................................... 8
Introduction ....................................................................................................... 8
Start the BIOS Utility..........................................................................................8
Adapter Configuration Menu Summaries...........................................................9
Change the Default AL_PA.............................................................................. 10
Change the PLOGI Retry Timer ...................................................................... 11
Change Topology ............................................................................................ 11
Enable/Disable the Spinup Delay....................................................................12
Set Auto Scan .................................................................................................13
Enable/Disable EDD 3.0 .................................................................................. 14
Enable/Disable the Start Unit Command.........................................................14
Enable/Disable the Environment Variable........................................................15
Enable/Disable Auto Sector Format Select......................................................15
Configure Boot Devices ................................................................................... 16
Install Windows 2000 Server on a Fibre Channel Disk....................................17
Use Multi-Boot BIOS .......................................................................................18
Troubleshooting x86 BootBIOS ............................................................................. 19
The x86 BootBIOS Message Does Not Appear on Bootup..............................19
Retry This Adapter Message...........................................................................19
The .prg File Fails During Downloading........................................................... 19
Loading OpenBoot................................................................................................. 20
Load OpenBoot using lputil ............................................................................. 20
Configuring OpenBoot........................................................................................... 21
Creating a Fibre Channel Remote Boot Disk...................................................21
Making a Bootable System Disk...................................................................... 23
Viewing OpenBoot Commands........................................................................ 26
Troubleshooting OpenBoot.................................................................................... 27
The System Cannot mount or fsck /etc/vfstab Fibre Channel Boot Disk.......... 27
A Loaded File Is Not Executable .....................................................................27
The System Hangs or Reboots After Displaying Driver Information.................27
Fibre Channel Disk Is Not Found ....................................................................27
Combined Boot User Manual Page iii


Combined Boot contains two types of boot code: x86 BootBIOS for x86 systems, and OpenBoot for SPARC Peripheral Component Interconnect (PCI) and AIX systems. Combined Boot determines you r system platform (x86 or SPARC) and automatically downloads the proper boot code image to the host bus adapter (HBA).
x86 BootBIOS works with the existing basic input output system (BIOS) on x86 systems. x86 BootBIOS allows you to designate a Fibre Channel drive as the boot drive.
OpenBoot is a set of FCode instructions in the HBA flash read-only memory (ROM) that allows you to designate a Fibre Channel hard drive as the boot drive. OpenBoot works with the existing system BIOS on SPARC PCI systems.


Combined Boot is compatible with the following Emulex® Fibre Channel PCI HBAs:
LP9402DC, LP90 02DC, LP9002L a nd LP9000 ( minimum firm ware versio n 3.82a1)
LP8000 an d LP8000DC (minimu m firmware version 2.81)

Things to Know Before You Download

Combined Boot is a complete single boot image. Therefore, the HBA utility software enables or disables two types of boot code (x86 BootBIOS and OpenBoot).
This download assumes that there is already a local boot disk.
As a measure of protection, ensure that critical files on your local boot disk are ba cked up .
The .PRG files included in this release contain only the boot code overlay (no firmware).

Known Issues

The following issue has been reported at the time of publication.
None at this time.

Files Included in This Release

This kit includes the following files:
File Name Description
readme.txt cc501a0.prg dc501a0.prg
Release notes for Combined Boot version 5.01a0 LP9402DC, LP9002DC, LP9002L and LP9000 Combined Boot image LP8000 and LP8000DC Combined Boot image
Combined Boot User Manual Page 1

Loading x86 BootBIOS

Before you update x86 BootBIOS, decide which utility to use. Emulex offers a variety of utilities that you can use to update x86 BootBIOS. The utilities that you can use depend on your operating system and, in some cases, driver:
Operating System lputilnt* elxcfg** lputil lp6dutil***
Windows X X X Linux X X Solaris (x86 system) X X
* SCSIport Miniport and Storport Miniport drivers only ** FC Port driver only *** Requires DOS (will not run in a DOS window)
After you decide which utility to use, see the appropriate update procedures:
lputilnt: See
elxcfg: See
lputil: See
lp6dutil : See
Load x86 BootBIOS Using lputilnt on page 2.
Load x86 BootBIOS Using elxcfg on page 3.
Load x86 BootBIOS Using lputil on page 4.
Loading x86 BootBIOS Using lp6dutil on page 4.

Load x86 BootBIOS Using lputilnt

One of the following drivers is installed and loaded properly:
SCSIp ort Miniport driver for Windows Server 2 003, Windows 200 0 Server or Win dows NT.
Storport Miniport driver for Windows Server 2003.
lputilnt is installed properly.
The x86 BootBIOS file has been downloaded from the Emulex Web site and extracted to a folder on your local hard drive.
The system is in a state in which this type of maintenance can be performed:
I/O activity on the bus has been quieted.
Clu ster software, or any other software that relie s on the HBA to be available, has been stopped or paused.
To load x86 BootBIOS using lputilnt:
1. Start lputilnt: Click Start, Programs, Emulex and lputilnt.
2. Select the desired HBA.
3. Select Firmware Maintenance from the Category list.
4. Click Download and locate the new x86 BootBIOS file.
5. Click Open. The new boot code is transferred to flash ROM.
Combined Boot User Manual Page 2
6. Click Boot Bios Firmware (Figure 1).
Figure 1: lputilnt, Program Type list.
7. If the Disable button appears, the boot code is already enabled; skip to step 9. Otherwise, continue with step 8.
8. Click Enable; the Enable button changes to Disable and the letter W appears to the left of "Boot Bios Firmware" in the Program Type list. This indicates that x86 BootBIOS is in use.
9. Continue by enabling x86 BootBIOS on HBAs (page 6).

Load x86 BootBIOS Using elxcfg

The FC Port driver for Windows Server 2003, Windows 2000 Server or Windows NT is installed.
elxcfg is installed properly.
The x86 BootBIOS file has been downloaded from the Emulex Web site and extracted to a folder on your local hard drive.
The system is in a state in which this type of maintenance can be performed:
I/O activity on the bus has been quieted.
Clu ster software, or any other software that relie s on the HBA to be available, has been stopped or paused.
To load x86 BootBIOS using elxcfg:
1. Start elxcfg: Click Start, Programs, Emulex and elxcfg.
2. Locate and select an HBA from the Available Adapters list (Figure 2).
Figure 2: elxcfg Utility, Available Adapters List
3. Select Download Firmware from the Tools menu. A browse window is displayed.
4. Browse to the folder into which you extracted the x86 BootBIOS file and select the file.
5. Click Open. The file is downloaded, and a confirmation window is displayed.
6. Click OK to close the confirmation window.
7. Enable the x86 BootBIOS Bootup Message Using lp6dutil, if necessary (page 4).
8. Continue by enabling x86 BootBIOS on HBAs (page 6).
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Load x86 BootBIOS Using lputil

The Emulex driver for Linux or Solaris is installed and loaded properly.
The x86 BootBIOS file has been downloaded from the Emulex Web site and extracted to a directory on your local hard drive.
lputil is installed properly.
To load x86 BootBIOS using lputil:
1. Start lputil by entering the complete path. The path in the example reflects the default installation path. If the installation path was modified, adjust the command appropriately.
2. From the Main menu, enter 3, Firmware Maintenance.
3. From the list that appears, choose the HBA onto which you want to load x86 BootBIOS.
4. Enter 1, Load Firmware Image.
5. Enter the full path to the remote boot image file. The new boot code is transferred to flash ROM.
6. From the Firmware Maintenance menu, press 6, Boot BIOS Maintenance.
7. Press 1, Enable Boot BIOS, to enable the Boot mess age. (If ite m 1 is Disable Boot BIOS, the BIOS message is already enabled.)
8. Continue by enabling x86 BootBIOS on HBAs (page 6).

Loading x86 BootBIOS Using lp6dutil

The x86 BootBIOS file has been downloaded from the Emulex Web site and extracted to a directory on your local hard drive.
All lp6dutil tasks can be performed using the graphical user interface (GUI) screen menus. All screens require navigation and selection using the keyboard.
Note: You cannot start lp6dutil at the screen’s command prompt.
To load x86 BootBIOS using lp6dutil:
1. Start lp6dutil: a. Boot up your system with DOS. b. From the directory where the lp6dutil.exe file resides, enter the following command:
2. Press and hold down the < Alt> key and press L. The flash menu is displayed.
Figure 3: lp6dutil, Flash Menu
Combined Boot User Manual Page 4
3. Press D. The Download Image window is displayed.
Figure 4: lp6dutil, Download Image Window
4. Specify the location of the image file and the adapter to be updated.
5. Specify the Reset After Download setting.
Defau lts to Yes. If you are updating a single file to one HBA, keep the default setting.
If you are up dating seve ral HBAs or severa l files to one HBA, select No.
6. Tab to the OK button and press <Enter>. The screen closes and the load process begins.
Various steps of the download process are displayed along with the results of the download (success or error).
7. Press and hold down the <Alt> key and press L. The flash menu is displaye d (Figure 3).
8. Press B. The Change Boot BIOS State window is displayed. This window is used to change the
x86 BootBIOS state for an adapter.
Figure 5: lp6dutil, Change Boot BIOS State Window - Disabled BootBIOS Message
9. Highlight the HBA in the Adapters list.
10. Highlight the x86 BootBIOS image in the BIOS Images list.
11. Tab to Change and press <Enter>. The BootBIOS message is enabled for the selected HBA.
12. Tab to OK and press <Enter> to close the window.
13. Continue by enabling x86 BootBIOS on HBAs (page 6).
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Enable x86 BootBIOS on HBAs Using the BIOS Utility

To use any of its features, x86 BootBIOS must be enabled on at least one installed HBA.
x86 BootBIOS is loaded on the HBA.
The BIOS message is enabled.
To enable BootBIOS on the HBA:
1. Boot the system.
2. Press <Alt E> immediately (within five seconds) when the x86 BootBIOS message is displayed
to start the BIOS utility. A menu displays a list of HBAs (Figure 6).
Figure 6: BIOS Utility, HBA Listing
3. Select the HBA by entering the appropriate number.
4. The main configuration menu is displayed (Figure 7).
Figure 7: BIOS Utility, Main Configuration Menu
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