IBM CDI5UG1107 User Manual

IBM Sterling Connect:Direct for i5/OS
User’s Guide
Version 3.7
This edition applies to the 3.7 Version of IBM Sterling Connect:Direct for i5/OS and to all subsequent releases and modifications until otherwise indicated in new editions.
Before using this information and the product it supports, read the information in Notices on page 159.
Chapter 1 About Sterling Connect:Direct for i5/OS
Issuing Sterling Connect:Direct CL Commands ........................................................... 7
Issuing CL Commands Through the Main Menu.......................................................... 9
Accessing the Administration Menu.............................................. ................................ 10
Chapter 2 Using Control Language
Embedding CL Commands............................................................................................ 15
Entering CL Commands in Free Format........................................................................ 15
Command Prompting..................................................................................................... 15
Sample CL Program....................................................................................................... 16
Accessing Command Level Help .................................................................................. 17
Prompting for a Command ............................................................................................ 17
Accessing Parameter Level Help................................................................................... 17
Using Parameter Level Prompt...................................................................................... 17


Chapter 3 Sending a File
Native File System ......................................................................................................... 19
Integrated File System................................................................................................... 19
Integrated File System Types ................................................................................. 19
Specifying a Path Name ......................................................................................... 20
Controlling the Character Set ................................................................................. 20
CDSND Command Example......................................................................................... 20
CDSND Command Format............................................................................................ 21
Required Parameters.............................................................. ........................................ 22
Optional Parameters....................................................................................................... 29
Simulating Blocksizes.................................................................................................... 40
Block Mode Transfer Examples .................................................................................... 40
Sending a File to a Remote Node .................................................................................. 42
Connect:Direct Send File Screen 1......................................................................... 42
Connect:Direct Send File Screen 2......................................................................... 43
Connect:Direct Send File Screen 3......................................................................... 43
Connect:Direct Send File Screen 4......................................................................... 44
Connect:Direct Send File Screen 5......................................................................... 44
Chapter 4 Receiving a File
Native File System ......................................................................................................... 45
Integrated File System................................................................................................... 45
Specifying a Path Name ......................................................................................... 46
CDRCV Command Example................................... .................................... .................. 46
4 IBM Sterling Connect:Direct for i5/OS User’s Guide
CDRCV Command Format................................. ........................................................... 47
Required Parameters............................................................................................... 48
Optional Parameters................................................................................................ 55
Simulating Blocksizes.................................................................................................... 65
Block Mode Transfer Examples..................................................................................... 66
Receiving a File From a Remote Node.......................................................................... 67
Connect:Direct Receive File (CDRCV) Screen 1................................................... 68
Connect:Direct Receive File (CDRCV) Screen 2................................................... 69
Connect:Direct Receive File (CDRCV) Screen 3................................................... 69
Connect:Direct Receive File (CDRCV) Screen 4................................................... 70
Connect:Direct Receive File (CDRCV) Screen 5................................................... 70
Connect:Direct Receive File (CDRCV) Screen 6................................................... 71
Chapter 5 Sending a Spool File
CDSNDSPL Command Example .................................................................................. 73
CDSNDSPL Command Format..................................................................................... 73
Required Parameters............................................................................................... 75
Optional Parameters................................................................................................ 81
Chapter 6 Running a Remote Task
CDRUNTASK Command Example .............................................................................. 93
CDRUNTASK Example With New TraceOpt Parameters............................................ 94
CDRUNTASK Command Format.................................... ............................................. 94
Required Parameters............................................................................................... 95
Optional Parameters................................................................................................ 96
Initiating a Task on a Remote Node............................................................................... 98
Chapter 7 Submitting a Sterling Connect:Direct Process on a Remote Node
CDSUBMIT Command Example .................................................................................. 101
CDSUBMIT Command Format................................................. .. .................................. 101
Required Parameters.................................... ........................................................... 102
Optional Parameters................................................................................................ 103
Submitting a Process on a Remote Node....................................................................... 107
Sterling Connect:Direct Submit Primary Screen.................................................... 108
Chapter 8 Submitting a Job on a Remote Node
CDRUNJOB Command Example .................................................................................. 109
CDRUNJOB Command Format .................................................................................... 110
Required Parameters.................................... ........................................................... 110
Optional Parameters................................................................................................ 111
Submitting a Job to a Remote Node............................................................................... 114
Chapter 9 Compressing Files
Required CDCOMP Tasks............................................................................................. 117
CDCOMP Command Example............................................................. ......................... 117
CDCOMP Command Format......................................................................................... 118
Required Parameters.................................... ........................................................... 118
Optional Parameters................................................................................................ 118
Compressing a File Prior to Sending ............... ... ........................................................... 120
Chapter 10 Controlling Processes
CDSUBPROC Command Example.................................... .................................. ......... 124
CDSUBPROC Command Format ................................................................................. 124
Required Parameter .. ..................................... ......................................................... 125
Optional Parameters ............................................................................................... 125
Submitting a Process for Asynchronous Execution....................................................... 127
Selecting Specific Processes.......................................................................................... 128
Viewing All Processes................................................................ ................................... 128
WRKCDPROC Command Example............................................................................. 128
WRKCDPROC Command Format................................................... ............................. 128
Required Parameters............................................................................................... 128
Optional Parameters ............................................................................................... 128
Monitoring and Controlling Processes .......................................................................... 130
WRKCDPROC Option Descriptions............................................................................. 131
Changing Process Characteristics...................................................... ..................... 131
Moving an Nonexecuting Asynchronous Process.................................................. 131
Removing an Nonexecuting Asynchronous Process..................................... ......... 131
Displaying Process Details.............................................................................. ....... 131
Releasing a Process in the HOLD Queue............................................................... 132
Terminating and Flushing an Executing PNODE Process..................................... 132
Interrupting an Executing Asynchronous Process........................... ....................... 132
Releasing or Holding Asynchronous Processes ..................................................... 132
RLSCDPROC Screen............................................................................................. 133
hldcdproc Screen .................................................................................................... 133
Chapter 11 Using Sterling Connect:Direct Statistics
Specifying Selection Criteria......................................................................................... 135
CDSELSTAT Command Example................................................................................ 135
CDSELSTAT Command Format............................... .................................................... 135
Required Parameters............................................................................................... 136
Optional Parameters ............................................................................................... 136
Selecting and Displaying Summary Statistics.......................................... ..................... 138
Selecting and Printing Detail Statistics......................................................................... . 140
Chapter 12 Decompressing Files
CDDECOMP Command Example ................................................................................ 143
CDDECOMP Command Format................................................................................... 143
Required Parameters........................................................................ ....................... 144
Optional Parameters ............................................................................................... 144
Decompressing a File..................................................................................................... 144
Chapter 13 Displaying Sterling Connect:Direct Message Descriptions
DSPCDMSGD Command Example....................................................................... ....... 148
DSPCDMSGD Command Format.......................................................................... ....... 148
Displaying Sterling Connect:Direct Message Text .......................... ............................. 148
Sample Message Description.......................................................................... ............... 149
Appendix A CL Program Examples
i5/OS Compress/Decompress Examples ....................................................................... 151
i5/OS Block Mode Transfer Examples ......................................................................... 151
i5/OS Run Task Example .............................................................................................. 152
i5/OS Send Example Using Send File Field Description ................. ............................. 152
6 IBM Sterling Connect:Direct for i5/OS User’s Guide
i5/OS Send and Receive Examples Using Native File System...................................... 152
i5/OS Send and Receive Examples Using Integrated File System ................................ 153
i5/OS–z/OS Send and Receive Examples ..................................................................... 154
i5/OS–NT Send and Receive Examples......................................................................... 155
i5/OS–Microsoft Windows Run Job and Run Task Examples ..................................... 156
i5/OS–UNIX Send and Receive Examples ................................................................... 156
i5/OS–UNIX Run Task and Run Job Examples............................................................ 157
i5/OS–UTIL Test Examples........................................................................................... 157
Chapter 1

About Sterling Connect:Direct for i5/OS

IBM® Sterling Connect:Direct® for i5/OS® is an enterprise solution for secure, automated file delivery between business applications. Its session management and extended recovery features help assure data delivery in support of 24 hours a day, 7 days a week business operations. It links technologies, moves all types of information, and manages high-performance transfers by providing easy-to-use automation, checkpoint/restart, and error recovery. Sterling Connect:Direct offers choices in communication protocols, hardware platforms, and operating systems. It provides the flexibility to move information from mainframes to midrange systems to desktop and LAN-based workstations.

Interfacing with Sterling Connect:Direct for i5/OS

When you install Sterling Connect:Direct for i5/OS, you create Control Language (CL) commands that enable you to use Sterling Connect:Direct. These CL commands enable you to send or receive data from other nodes running Sterling Connect:Direct. You can also use the CL commands to ad minister Sterling Connect:Direct. For example, you can use a CL command to display Sterling Connect:Direct message descriptions.

Issuing Sterling Connect:Direct CL Commands

Issue Sterling Connect:Direct CL commands interactively from the command line or use them in a CL program. Results of CL commands that interact with a remote node are recorded in three places:
Sterling Connect:Direct log User message queue of the local i5/OS node Statistics facility of the local and remote Sterling Connect:Direct node
Chapter 2, Using Control Language, provides information about CL commands, CL programmi ng, and Sterling Connect:Direct CL commands.

Understanding Sterling Connect:Direct for i5/OS Components

The Sterling Connect:Direct for i5/OS has several components that enhance its compatibility with other Sterling Connect:Direct platforms and run under the Sterling Connect:Direct subsystem:
Process Manager (PMGR)
The PMGR initializes and manages the Sterling Connect:Direct environment. PMGR is always active when Sterling Connect:Direct for i5/OS is active.
8 IBM Sterling Connect:Direct for i5/OS User’s Guide
Queue Manager (QMGR) The QMGR manages the Sterling Connect:Direct Process queue. The QMGR is always active when
Sterling Connect:Direct for i5/OS is active.
Timer (TIMER)
The TIMER component provides timer services to the session manager, the process queue manager, and other Sterling Connect:Direct for i5/OS components. The TIMER runs as a separate i5/OS job, submitted and controlled by the Process Manager component. The TIMER is always present when Sterling Connect:Direct for i5/OS is active.
Statistics Manager (STATMGR)
Sterling Connect:Direct for i5/OS logs statistics information for all Processes. Each component of Sterling Connect:Direct for i5/OS generates statistics data to the STATMGR job. The long-running STATMGR job formats the statistics information and writes it to the statistics file. The Statistics Manager supports CL commands that provide the ability to schedule the creation, archival, and deletion of statistics file members. The STATMGR is always active when Sterling Connect:Direct for i5/OS is active.
Spool Monitor (SPLMON)
The Sterling Connect:Direct SPLMON is a variable component of Sterling Connect:Direct for i5/OS. CDSPLMON uses Spool Monitor entries to associate output queues with destination Sterling Connect:Direct nodes.
TCP Listener (TCPLIST)
The TCPLIST is a long-running job started and controlled by the Process Manager component. CDTCPLIST processes incoming TCP/IP connection requests and requests session managers from the PMGR.
Session Manager (SMGR)
The SMGR component executes the Sterling Connect:Direct Processes. The Process Manager starts all session managers except for SMGRs started by the LU6.2 evoke function. Evoked SMGRs request permission to run from the PMGR and continue processing.

Connecting Sterling Connect:Direct for i5/OS to Sterling Connect:Direct/Plex

Sterling Connect:Direct for i5/OS can be connected to Sterling Connect:Direct/Plex, which is a Sterling Connect:Direct
Connect:Direct/Servers in a TCP/IP environment. Once the connection between Sterling Connect:Direct for i5/OS and Sterling Connect:Direct/Plex has been defined, each system can initiate sessions to the other. All requests to initiate sessions to the Sterling Connect:Direct/Plex system go through the Sterling Connect:Direct/Manager, which controls the traffic and determines which Sterling Connect:Direct/Server can run a particular Process based on the PLEXCLASS of the Sterling Connect:Direct/Server and the Process coming from the Sterling Connect:Direct for i5/OS system. One advantage of routing the Processes through the Sterling Connect:Direct/Plex Manager is that you only have to define a single network map entry fo r the Sterling Connect:Direct/Plex Manager rather than creating separate node entries for each Sterling Connect:Direct/Plex Server.
The PLEXCLASS parameter represents a type of server in the Sterling Connect:Direct/Plex system. In the example illustrated in the graphic, there is one Sterling Connect:Direct for i5/OS system connected to a Sterling Connect:Direct/Plex system called CD.PROD1. CD.PROD1 consists of a Sterling Connect:Direct/Manager and two Sterling Connect:Direct/Servers. Both Sterling Connect:Direct/Servers support the CLASS1 PLEXCLASS but only Sterling Connect:Direct/Server 1 can process the TAPE PLEXCLASS.
for z/OS system consisting of a Sterling Connect:Direct/Manager and one or more Sterling
About Sterling Connect:Direct for i5/OS 9
When the Sterling Connect:Direct/Manager receives a Process that requires PLEXCLASS=CLASS1 and determines that both Sterling Connect:Direct/Servers support CLASS1, it routes the Process to the Sterling Connect:Direct/Server with the lowest workload.
For more information on the PLEXCLASS parameter, see the CL command to execute in the IBM Sterling Connect:Direct for z/OS environment in the IBM Sterling Connect:Direct for i5/OS User’s Guide.
Remote node
Connect:Direct/Manager Connect:Direct/Server 1
Connect:Direct OS/400
Remote node
Remote node
Connect:Direct/Server 2
Remote node
Remote node

Accessing Sterling Connect:Direct Through the Main Menu

Sterling Connect:Direct for i5/OS includes an i5/OS system-style menu that allows you to execute Sterling Connect:Direct Command Language commands and related i5/OS CL commands from a menu. This menu consists of two screens.

Issuing CL Commands Through the Main Menu

The first screen allows you to issue basic Sterling Connect:Direct commands. The second screen allows you to issue administration Sterling Connect:Direct commands. Each screen contains a full-function i5/OS command line and function key descriptions near the bottom of the screen.
To access the Main Menu:
1. Type STRCDMNU and press Enter. The Sterling Connect:Direct for i5/OS copyright screen is displayed.
10 IBM Sterling Connect:Direct for i5/OS User’s Guide
2. Press Enter. The Sterling Connect:Direct Main Menu displays the Sterling Connect:Direct for i5/OS
functions that you can perform from this screen.
CMDCD Connect:Direct (tm) System: FRAN Select one of the following:
1. Send file to remote node CDSND
2. Receive file from remote node CDRCV
3. Send spooled file to remote node CDSNDSPL
4. RUNTASK on remote node CDRUNTASK
5. RUNJOB on remote node CDRUNJOB
6. SUBMIT process on remote node CDSUBMIT
7. Submit local process CDSUBPROC
8. Compress file CDCOMP
9. Decompress file CDDECOMP
10. Display C:D Version and PTF level CDVER
11. Display Connect:Direct message description DSPCDMSGD
12. Work with Connect:Direct processes WRKCDPROC
13. Select Connect:Direct statistics CDSELSTAT More... Selection or command
===>________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ F3=Exit F4=Prompt F9=Retrieve F12=Cancel (C) COPYRIGHT 1991, 2002 Sterling Commerce, Inc.

Accessing the Administration Menu

Option 20 on the Sterling Connect:Direct Main Menu provides access to the following Administration Menu.
Note: To use the Sterling Connect:Direct administration commands, you must have administrative authority
on the system.
CDADMIN Connect:Direct Administration System: FRAN Select one of the following:
Connect:Direct Configuration
1. Work with Connect:Direct parameters WRKCDPARM
2. Work with Connect:Direct Netmap WRKCDNTMP
3. Work with Connect:Direct users WRKCDUSR
4. Work with Spool Monitor entries WRKSPLMONE
5. Create Connect:Direct XTRAN table CRTCDXTTBL
6. Secure+ Admin Utility SPADMIN
Connect:Direct Administration
11. Start Connect:Direct subsystem STRCD
12. End Connect:Direct subsystem ENDCD
13. Work with Connect:Direct status WRKCDSTS
14. Work with Connect:Direct processes WRKCDPROC
More... Selection or command
===>________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ F3=Exit F4=Prompt F9=Retrieve F12=Cancel (C) COPYRIGHT 1991, 2002 Sterling Commerce, Inc.
About Sterling Connect:Direct for i5/OS 11
The Connect:Direct Administration menu consists of two screens. Access the second screen by pressing the page down key.
CDADMIN Connect:Direct (tm) Administration System: FRAN Select one of the following:
Connect:Direct Statistics.
21. Select Connect:Direct statistics CDSELSTAT
22. Archive Connect:Direct stat member CDARCSTATM
23. Create Connect:Direct stat member CDCRTSTATM
24. Delete Connect:Direct stat member CDDLTSTATM
25. Restore Connect:Direct stat member CDRSTSTATM
26. Display Connect:Direct stat information CDDSPSTATI
31. Vary communications device VRYCFG
32. Configure TCP/IP CFGTCP
34. Work with TCP/IP status WRKTCPSTS
Bottom Selection or command
===>________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ F3=Exit F4=Prompt F9=Retrieve F12=Cancel
12 IBM Sterling Connect:Direct for i5/OS User’s Guide
Chapter 2

Using Control Language

Sterling Connect:Direct for i5/OS uses Sterling Connect:Direct CL commands to perform Sterling Connect:Direct functions.
Sterling Connect:Direct CL commands have the following general i5/OS CL command format:
Each command can have required and optional parameters and subparameters that provide additional
information needed to run the command.
Subparameters are always positional. Each parameter provides a specific type of information or instruction. Each command is followed by one or more keywords and parameter pairs in the following format:
COMMAND keyword(parameter) keyword(parameter) ...
The following example shows a sample Sterling Connect:Direct CL command:

Reviewing Sterling Connect:Direct CL Command Functions

The following table lists the Sterling Connect:Direct for i5/OS command names and their functions.
Command Function
CDARCSTATM Compress and delete a statistics file member other than the active one. CDCOMP Compress a file on the i5/OS node before sending it to a remote node. CDCRTSTATM Create a new statistics file member and log statistics to that new member. CDDECOMP Decompress files received from another node and archived on the i5/OS node as compressed files. CDDEVACTG Turns VARY on and off on devices used by Sterling Connect:Direct. CDDLTARCST Deletes members from the archive statistics database file.
CDDLTSTATM Delete a specified statistics file member other than the active one.
Administrative commands
Sterling Connect:Direct Secure Plus for i5/OS commands
14 IBM Sterling Connect:Direct for i5/OS User’s Guide
Command Function
CDDSPSTATI Display information about where statistics are being logged. CDRCV Receive data from a remote node. CDRSTSTATM Decompress selected statistics file members to a user-designated file. CDSELSTAT Select statistics records and retrieve information about the active statistics file. CDRUNJOB Submit a job in batch mode on a remote node. CDRUNTASK Execute a Sterling Connect:Direct Run Task function on a remote node. CDSND Send data to a remote node. CDSNDSPL Send a spooled file to a remote node. CDSUBMIT Submit a Process to a remote node to initiate Sterling Connect:Direct work on the remote node. CDSUBPROC Submit Sterling Connect:Direct Processes to the process queue for asynchronous execution.
CDVER Display the installed Sterling Connect:Direct version and Sterling Connect:Direct PTF level.CNVNTMPF Convert Sterling Connect:Direct network map file. CNVUSRF Convert Sterling Connect:Direct user file. CRTCDOBJ Create Sterling Connect:Direct objects.CRTCDXTTBL Create and update the translation table.
DSPCDMSGD Display the text for the specified message ID. ENDCD End a Sterling Connect:Direct for i5/OS node and components. HLDCDPROC Identifies Processes to place in the Hold queue. RLSCDPROC Releases identified Processes from the Hold queue. STRCDTCPL Starts the Sterling Connect:Direct TCP listener. UNINSTALLM Uninstalls the latest Sterling Connect:Direct maintenance installation. UPDATECD Installs Sterling Connect:Direct maintenance.
WRKCDPARM View and change Sterling Connect:Direct initialization parameter values. †‡SPADMIN IBM Sterling Connect:Direct Secure Plus Administrative utility to provide security enhancements.STRCD Start Sterling Connect:Direct for i5/OS.
STRCDMNU Start Connect:Direct Menu. WRKCDNTMP Select remote node records and display attributes. This screen provides the options of copy or
change to attributes of the remote node records.
WRKCDPROC Monitor and control active and queued Processes.
WRKCDSTS View and control Sterling Connect:Direct job status.WRKCDUSR Browse existing user records and invoke other user maintenance commands.WRKSPLMONE View, change, or delete destination configuration file entries of the Spool Support for Sterling
Connect:Direct for i5/OS.
Administrative commands
Sterling Connect:Direct Secure Plus for i5/OS commands
Using Control Language 15

Entering CL Commands

You can type CL commands on an i5/OS node using any of the following methods:

Embedding CL Commands

You can embed CL commands in an application (user-written CL program), which allows you to com bine functions supplied by Sterling Connect:Direct for i5/OS with i5/OS CL commands within a user-written application.

Entering CL Commands in Free Format

You can type CL commands in a free format, which allows you to type a command and its parameters as a string of characters on a command line. This method is useful when typing familiar commands.

Command Prompting

Command prompting guides you through typing commands and parameters.
Note: Sterling Connect:Direct for i5/OS commands are case sensitive if the information sent to the remote
node is enclosed in single quotation marks.

Monitoring CL Program Messages

After issuing Sterling Connect:Direct for i5/OS commands such as, CDSND, CDRCV, CDRUNTASK, and CDRUNJOB, use the MONMSG command to monitor the following categories of error messages using a CL program:
Message Category Message ID Severity Other
Warning CDE0107 10 *ESCAPE Unrecoverable error CDE0108 30 *ESCAPE Unexpected error CDE0000
(for example, CDE0301)
Note: You cannot use MONMSG to monitor CDS0108 (Process execution ended) because it is not sent as
an error message; it is an informational message.
To capture the Sterling Connect:Direct error message after the MONMSG code, add the following after the MONMSG command:
16 IBM Sterling Connect:Direct for i5/OS User’s Guide
&MSGID is the CDE* error message. The first 8 characters of the &MSGDATA are the application error message that you can look up interactively with the following command:
Note: The &MSGID and &MSGDATA variables must be defined in the CL program. Specify the &MSGID
character length as 7 characters and &MSGDATA as 8 characters to capture the error message.

Using CL Programming and Sterling Connect:Direct CL Commands

An i5/OS CL program includes Sterling Connect:Direct CL commands as source statements. You can synchronize the processing of Sterling Connect:Direct operations by including Sterling Connect:Direct CL commands in a CL program.
Note: If you are using the Source Edit Utility (SEU) to edit a CL program, the prompt facility can help you
type all CL commands, including Sterling Connect:Direct CL commands.

Sample CL Program

The following figure shows a sample CL program with multiple CL commands:
ERROR: SNDMSG MSG('The process erred') TOUSR(*SYSOPR)
Using Control Language 17

Command Prompting for the Sterling Connect:Direct CL Commands

Sterling Connect:Direct CL commands follow the format of the native i5/OS CL commands, which provide an extensive help facility describing their purpose, parameters, values, and any dependencies.
In addition, you can use the prompt/help feature to select and type commands and appropriate parameters. Prompt/help is offered at the command level and at the parameter level. Both levels allow you to use F4 for prompting and F1 for help. You can access screen level help by moving the cursor off an entry or field and pressing F1.

Accessing Command Level Help

Complete the following steps to access the Help text:
1. For help with commands, type the command on the command line and press F1. Help text displays and
describes the function of the command with a description of each parameter and possible values.
2. After viewing help information, press F3 to exit the help function or F12 to cancel and return to the
command line.

Prompting for a Command

Complete the following steps to prompt for a command:
1. Type the command on the command line and press F4 to display an entry screen for the command. This
screen lists valid parameters and provides a brief description of each parameter.
2. Press F11 to display the keyword names.
3. Complete the command by filling in the parameter values on the screen.
4. After typing in all applicable parameters, press Enter to execute the command.

Accessing Parameter Level Help

Complete the following steps to access help with parameters:
1. Place the cursor by the parameter for which you want further description.
2. Press F1 to display a description of the parameter and valid values.
3. After viewing help information, press F3 to exit the help function or F12 to cancel and return to the
command line.

Using Parameter Level Prompt

Complete the following steps to prompt for a parameter:
1. Place the cursor by the parameter for which you want to prompt.
2. Press F4 for valid values for the parameter. At this screen, type in the appropriate value for the parameter.
3. Press Enter to set the parameter and return to the original screen. You can also press F3 or F12 to exit the
help function.
If a parameter is required to run the command successfully, the field is highlighted. Prompt does not provide the default value. A greater than (>) symbol indicates that the parameter field contains a user-supplied value.
18 IBM Sterling Connect:Direct for i5/OS User’s Guide
Sending a file on Sterling Connect:Direct for i5/OS requires the Sterling Connect:Direct Send (CDSND) command. Understanding the Sterling Connect:Direct for i5/OS file systems, the CDSND command parameters, block mode transfer, and the CDSND screens enables you to use this command more effectively.

Using the File Systems

Sterling Connect:Direct for i5/OS supports two types of file systems to perform file transfers: native fil e and integrated file. The native file system and the integrated file system can both be used to send files to and receive files from any supported file system.
Chapter 3

Sending a File

Native File System

The native file system used in previous releases of Sterling Connect:Direct for i5/OS remains functional. This file system accepts the file name in the following formats:
specifies the library and file name to be copied.
specifies the library, file, and member name of the member to be copied. You cannot use the EXCLUDE and SELECT parameters if you specify a member name.
Note: *LIBL, *CURLIB and QTEMP are not valid library names for a Sterling Connect:Direct Process.

Integrated File System

As part of i5/OS, the integrated file system provides an integrated structure over data stored in the iSeries system. This file system supports stream input/output and storage management like personal compu ters and UNIX operating systems.
Integrated File System Types
The Sterling Connect:Direct for i5/OS integrated file system provides application and data compatibility with other platforms. The integrated file system consists of five file system types:
/QLANSrv is a LAN server file system /QDLS is a document library file system
20 IBM Sterling Connect:Direct for i5/OS User’s Guide
/QSYS.LIB is the iSeries DB2 file system
/QOpenSys is a UNIX-style file system All others are part of the root file system
Specifying a Path Name
The integrated file system recognizes the objects by the path specification. You must specify the fully qualified path name to transfer a file. Sterling Connect:Direct for i5/OS identifies a path that starts with a slash (/) or a backslash (\) as a request for the integrated file system.
The integrated file system does not support file field description. You cannot specify the SNDFFD(*YES) under this file system. Similarly, you cannot specify SELECT or EXCLUDE with the integrated file system.
To use this system, specify the fully qualified path name in one of the following formats:
specifies the library, file name, and member name to be copied using the integrated file system.
/directory/file-name|/QLANSrv/file-name|/QDLS/folder-name| /QOpenSys/file-name
specifies the directory, folder, and file names to be copied using the integrated file system.
Directories like /QOpenSys and /root are case-sensitive. The /QSYS.LIB notation is case-sensitive only if you enclose the name in single quotation marks.
Controlling the Character Set
You can control the coded character set ID used by the integrated file system. To specify a coded character set ID other than the job-coded or the system-coded character set, set the SYSOPTS parameter called CCSID to the character set you want to use, for example, CCSID(819).
If this parameter is not set, the system default for CCSID is used.

Using the CDSND Command

Use the CDSND command to send a file to a remote node. This command sends files to any file systems supported by the i5/OS V3R1M0 or later. You can also specify a user-exit command (either EXITCMD or FAILCMD) to be executed after the completion of a copy process in either FROMSYSOP or TOSYSOP. Using EXITCMD, you can specify a command to be executed only if the copy process is successful. You can also specify a command to be executed only if the copy process is not successful by using the FAILCMD command. The EXITCMD and FAILCMD commands must be executed on an i5/OS using Sterling Connect:Direct version 3.3.00 and above. The FAILCMD and EXITCMD are executable iSeries commands as well as Sterling Connect:Direct as long as the size of the command does not exceed 127 bytes.

CDSND Command Example

The command shown in the following figure is an example of the CDSND command.
Sending a File 21

CDSND Command Format

The following table shows the parameters for the CDSND command. Required parameters are in bold.
Command Parameters
CDSND SNODE(remote-node-name)
SNODENVIRN(remote-environment-name) FDSN(‘from data-set-name’) TDSN(‘to data-set-name’) FMSYSOPTS(‘
TOSYSOPTS(‘ DECMPR(*YES|*NO EXITCMD(valid i5/OS command) FAILCMD(valid i5/OS command) TYPE(FILE CODEPAGE(nnnnn,nnnnn) CCSID(nnnnn) EORCHAR(xxxx) ’)
BLKSIZE(n|*CALC CKPTINV(n) CLASS(n) COMPRESS(*NO CRC(*INITPARMS ECTUNING(ecclevel,ecwinsize,ecmlevel) EXCLUDE(generic|member-name|(start-range|stop-range)|‘list’) FDISP(current, normal end, abnormal end) NOTIFY(userid) PLEXCLASS(user-defined class) PNAME(process-name)
Sterling Connect:Direct Secure Plus parameter.
PNODEID(id, pswd, newpswd) REPLACE(*YES
22 IBM Sterling Connect:Direct for i5/OS User’s Guide
Command Parameters
RMTWORK(*NO|*YES) SACCT(accounting-data) SECOPTIONS(* *) SELECT(member,new-name,R|NR,‘list’) SNODEID(id, pswd, newpswd) TBUFND(n) TDBPARMS(dbid, dbsubid) TDCB(modeldcb, blksize, den, dsorg, keylen, limct, lrecl, optcd, recfm, rkp, trtch) TDISP(current, normal end, abnormal end) TIOEXIT(program-name) TIOPARM(parameter-names) TLABEL(seqno,labeltype,pswdread,inout,retpd|expdt) TLINK(vmuserid,pwd,accmode,cuu) TMSVGP(data-definition name)
Sterling Connect:Direct Secure Plus parameter.
Trace Instructions: (L,S,F,C,X,K,D,H,V,W,P|*NONE|*ALL|*EXT| *COMMON|*INITPARMS|*CURRENT Command Trace Options: L,S,F,C,X,K,D,H,V,P|*ALL|*EXT|*COMMON| *
TSPACE(avgblk, type, primary, secondary, pdsblk, rlse, contig, round) TSQL(‘sql-statement’|‘DSN=data-set-name’) TTYPE(entry-name) TUNIT(file-address) TVOL(private, volcount, ser) TVOLREF(data-set-volume) TVSAMCAT(dsn,vmid,pwd,accmode,cuu)
Note: The CLASS parameter is not used for Sterling Connect:Direct for i5/OS.

Required Parameters

Unless otherwise noted, these required parameters apply to all remote node environments.
specifies a 1–16 character alphanumeric name for the receiving node (remote node). The node name must be defined in the network map.
Note: The name parameter is case sensitive.
Sending a File 23
specifies the 1–10 character alphanumeric name for the receiving node environment: OS400, OS390, MVS, MSP, OPENVMS, TANDEM, UNIX, VM, VOS, VSE, Microsoft Windows, or Microsoft Windows_NT.
FDSN(‘from data-set-name’)
specifies the file to be sent to the remote node. The file name can be up to 256 characters long. File names are verified based on the i5/OS standard file name conventions.The entire data set name must be in single quotes. If you are using the Sterling Connect:Direct for i5/OS F4 prompting feature, the system supplies the single quotes if you do not type them with the data set name on the command line. The length of the input field displayed is 132 characters, by default. To increase the length of the field
to 256 characters, type an ampersand(&) followed by a blank in the first two positions of the field.
Note: The values of *LIBL, *CURLIB, and QTEMP cannot be used when sending to or from an
iSeries system using Sterling Connect:Direct for i5/OS. A specific library name must be used for copying from or to a data set on the iSeries.
Sterling Connect:Direct for i5/OS supports two file systems: native file system and integrated file system. Refer to the Using the File Systems on page 19 for detailed information about the file systems.
TDSN(’to data-set-name’)
specifies the receiving file name on the remote node. The file name can be up to 256 characters long. The length of the input field displayed is 132 characters, by default. To increase the length of the field to 256 characters, type an ampersand(&) followed by a blank in the first two positions of the field.
Note: Do not use member names longer than eight characters when sending to z/OS, VSE or MSP
nodes. The results are unpredictable. For TDSN, the values of *LIBL,*CURLIB, QTEMP cannot be used when sending to or from an iSeries system using Sterling Connect:Direct for i5/OS. A specific library name must be used for copying from or to a data set on the iSeries.
TDSN specifies the destination file name. File names are verified based on the i5/OS standard file name conventions. The entire DSN must be in single quotes. When you are using the Sterling Connect:Direct for i5/OS F4 prompting feature, the system supplies the single quotes if you do not type them with the file name on the command line.
Sterling Connect:Direct for i5/OS supports both the native file system and the integrated file system. Refer to Native File System on page 19.
Note: If the TDSN requires a password, specify the password in the TDSN after the data set name.
A slash (/) must follow the data set name and precede the password. This password is used at data set allocation. If it is not correct, the system issues a Write to Operator Request (WTOR) which requests the password when Sterling Connect:Direct opens the data set.
The following table summarizes the data set name requirements for Sterling Connect:Direct platforms.
SNODENVIRN TDSN Format Special Considerations
OS/400 Native File System
‘library-name/file-name’ ‘library-name/file-name (member-name)’
Enclose in single quotation marks.
24 IBM Sterling Connect:Direct for i5/OS User’s Guide
SNODENVIRN TDSN Format Special Considerations
Integrated File System
‘/QSYS.LIB/library-name.LIB /file-name.FILE /member-name.MBR’ or ‘/directory/file-name| /QLANSrv/file-name| /QDLS/folder-name| /QOpenSys/file-name’
Spool File Support
VM Fully qualified file-name Tandem \system.$volume.subvolume.filename Microsoft
UNIX /directory/subdirectory/filename OpenVMS node::device:[directory]filename.type;version When you are copying a file, the file
Standard z/OS DSN naming conventions. Single quotes allow special characters. Do
drive:\directory\subdirectory\filename or \\servername\sharepointname\subdirectory\fil ename
You cannot specify the *SNDFFD, *SELECT, and *EXCLUDE parameters with the integrated file system.
Do not use member names longer than eight characters when sending to z/OS, VSE, and MSP. The results are unpredictable.
not use member names longer than eight characters. The results are unpredictable.
specification must be enclosed in single quotation marks if it uses spaces or other special characters not recognized by the other node.
Stratus VOS Fully qualified path and file name Enclose the file name in double quotation
marks when you use a reserved word (statement name or keyword) for the file name.
PRECMPR(*YES | *NO) EXITCMD(valid i5/OS command) FAILCMD(valid i5/OS command) SNDFFD(*YES | *NO
) TEXTFILE(*YES | *NO) TYPE(FILE | MBR | OBJ) XTRAN(table-name) CODEPAGE(nnnnn,nnnnn)[XTRANLSO(so-code) | XTRANLSI(si -code | XTRANLDATA(MIXED
’) specifies sending system operations. If you omit this parameter, Sterling
| DBCS)|XTRANPAD(pc)] CCSID(nnnnn) EORCHAR(xxxx)
Connect:Direct for i5/OS assumes ‘TYPE(FILE)’. The maximum number of characters for FMSYSOPTS is 2K.
Note: All FMSYSOPTS keyword values must be enclosed in parentheses. The entire
FMSYSOPTS string must be enclosed in single quotes, for example, FMSYSOPTS(‘TYPE(FILE) SNDFFD(*YES)’).
) specifies that the file being sent has previously been compressed using the
CDCOMP command. This option PRECMPR(*YES) cannot be specified if a secured copy function is being performed using Sterling Connect:Direct Secure Plus. To send a file that has been compressed, you must specify the PRECMPR(*YES) parameter with the CDSND command. For information about how to compress files, refer to Chapter 9, Compressing Files.
Note: Ensure that the output file contains no members before you execute CDCOMP.
Sending a File 25
EXITCMD(valid i5/OS command) specifies a command to execute only if the copy process is successful.
FAILCMD(valid i5/OS command) specifies a command to be executed only if the copy process is not successful.
) specifies whether the sending node transfers file field descriptions.
Use the following formula to determine whether a file is sent with the file field descriptions. If the bytes required value is greater than 12K, you cannot transfer the file field descriptions.
12 x number of keys) + (45 x number of fields) +SYSOPTS=bytes required
Note: You cannot use this parameter with the integrated file system.
) specifies the file being sent is a text file. This keyword is for the i5/OS
|MBR|OBJ) specifies the type of data to be sent. You must define the type of data to be
copied as one of the following:
specifies that the file being copied is a physical database file.
MBR specifies that the object being copied is a member of a physical database file. OBJ specifies that the data to be copied is in save file format.
XTRAN(table-name) specifies the translation table to use. The named table object must exist in a
library that is in the library list of the session manager job. If the library name is not in the list, the CDSND command fails.
If the XTRAN keyword is present, then the following related optional keywords can also be used:
XTRANLSO (so-code) specifies extended translation local shift-out code. This keyword specifies the hexadecimal code to use for the local (i5/OS side) shift-out (SO) character and overrides the default value of 0E. You can specify any two valid hexadecimal digits.
XTRANLSI (si-code) specifies extended translation local shift-in code. This keyword specifies the hexadecimal code to use for the local (i5/OS side) shift-in (SI) character and overrides the default value of 0F. You can specify any two valid hexadecimal digits.
|DBCS) specifies extended translation local data format. This
keyword specifies the format of the data on the local (i5/OS side) of the COPY.
indicates that the data can contain both double-byte character set (DBCS) and single-byte character set (SBCS) characters and that SO/SI characters are used. MIXED is the default.
XTRANPAD(pc) specifies that padding characters are in use. When DBCS data is translated from EBCDIC to ASCII, PAD specifies that the SHIFT-OUT and SHIFT-IN characters are replaced by a pad character to allow the displacement of fields within a record to remain unchanged during translation.
When DBCS data is translated from ASCII to EBCDIC, PAD specifies that the input ASCII DBCS file is in a padded format. The character immediately preceding a DBCS character or string is overlaid by the SHIFT-OUT character. The character immediately following a DBCS character or string is overlaid with the SHIFT-IN character. This allows the displacement of fields within a record to remain unchanged during translation.
pc is the pad character to be used during EBCDIC to ASCII translation. pc is ignored for ASCII to EBCDIC translations.
If XTRANPAD is not used, the SI/SO characters are stripped from the file when transferring from EBCDIC to ASCII, and added to the records when sending from ASCII to EBCIDC.
26 IBM Sterling Connect:Direct for i5/OS User’s Guide
DBCS indicates that the data is pure DBCS characters and that no SO/SI characters are used. The following rules apply to the use of the XTRAN keyword:
You must specify the XTRAN keyword to use extended translation; all other keywords are
The default for local shift-out is the IBM standard x0E. The default for local shift-in is the IBM standard x0F. The default local data format is MIXED with SO/SI in use. XTRAN is not allowed with
If you send a file to an ASCII platform using extended translation, you must specify in the
TOSYSOPTS that the data type is binary. Refer to the IBM Sterling Connect:Direct Processes Web site at platform-specific SYSOPTS parameters.
CODEPAGE(nnnnn,nnnnn) converts data from one code page to another. The supported conversions are identified on the IBM Web site in the V5R1 Information Center, DB2 Universal Database for iSeries SQL Reference, Appendix E. CODEPAGE() on Sterling Connect:Direct for i5/OS relates to CODEPAGE() developed for the z/OS system, UNIX, and Microsoft Windows.
nnnnn identifies the IBM CCSID codepage number to convert from and the IBM CCSID code page number to convert to. If the FROM code page or TO code page is locale, the code page for the locale where Sterling Connect:Direct is executing is used. For example, if fmsysopts(codepage(locale,1208)), then the FROM code page is the code page for the locale and the TO code page is UTF-8.
ALWNULL(Y) specifies if NULLS characters will be processed when sending DB2 files. CCSID(nnnnn) specifies the coded character set ID to use when creating IFS files. If no character set
ID is specified, the system default is used. EORCHAR(xxxx) specifies the two-to four-digit hexadecimal symbol to identify the character to use
in text files as the end-of-record character, for example, EORCHAR(0A).
TOSYSOPTS(‘DECMPR(*YES|*NO mand) FAILCMD(valid i5/OS Command)
CCSID(nnnnn) EORCHAR(xxxx) ’)
specifies system operation parameters a the receiving node. The maximum number of characters permitted for TOSYSOPTS is 256. The format of CODEPAGE is based on the remote operating system default values for CDSND.
For additional information about valid platform-specific SYSOPTS parameters, see the appropriate COPY statement section of the IBM Sterling Connect:Direct Processes Web site at
EXITCMD(valid i5/OSi5/OS command) specifies a command to be executed only if the copy process is successful.
FAILCMD(valid i5/OS command) specifies a command to be executed only if the copy process is not successful.
) specifies whether the receiving Sterling Connect:Direct node is to
decompress the received file. This parameter is valid only when the receiving system is a Sterling Connect:Direct for i5/OS node. The EXITCMD and FAILCMD are valid here if the receiving node is i5/OS 3.3.00 or higher. This option DECMPR(*NO) cannot be specified if a secured copy function is being performed using Sterling Connect:Direct Secure Plus.
Note: Ensure that the destination file contains no members before you send a file with
DECMPR(*NO) specified.
*NO instructs the receiving system to place the received data in a database file without decompressing it.
Sending a File 27
CCSID(nnnnn) specifies the coded character set ID to use when creating IFS files. If no character set ID is specified, the system default is used.
EORCHAR(xxxx) specifies the two-to four-digit hexadecimal symbol to identify the character to use in text files as the end-of-record character, for example, EORCHAR(0A).
CODEPAGE(nnnnn,nnnnn) converts data from one code page to another. The supported conversions are identified on the IBM Web site in the V5R1 Information Center, DB2 Universal Database for iSeries SQL Reference, Appendix E. CODEPAGE() on Sterling Connect:Direct for i5/OS relates to CODEPAGE() developed for the z/OS system, UNIX, and Microsoft Windows.
nnnnn identifies the IBM CCSID code page number to convert from and the IBM CCSID code page number to convert to. If the FROM code page or TO code page is locale, the code page for the locale where Sterling Connect:Direct is executing is used. For example, if tosysopt(codepage(1208,locale)), then the FROM codepage is UTF-8 code page and the TO code page is the local code page.
|MBR|OBJ|SPLF) specifies the type of data to be sent. Define the type of data to be sent
as one of the following:
specifies that the file being copied is a physical database file.
MBR specifies that the object being copied is a member of a physical database file. OBJ specifies that the data to be copied is in save file format. SPLF specifies that the data to be copied is an i5/OS spooled output file.
For each type of file, you can specify certain additional TOSYSOPTS parameters. If the receiving node is a Sterling Connect:Direct for i5/OS node, the following TOSYSOPTS
parameters are valid for TYPE(FILE) and TYPE(MBR) files:
RCDLEN(record-length) specifies the data length for each record in the file. FILETYPE(*SRC
|*DATA) specifies the type of file to be created.
TEXT(‘text description’) specifies a text description to be associated with this member (and
file, if created). This description cannot exceed 50 characters and must be enclosed in single quotes.
EXPDATE(expiration-date) specifies the date after which the new or replaced member cannot be used. If EXPDATE is not specified, then the file does not have an expiration date.
) specifies the maximum number of members a physical file
can contain. SIZE(#-of-recs|incr-value #-of-incrs|*NOMAX) used when a new file is created for the file
|*ALL|*USE|*EXCLUDE) specifies the authority to be given to a user who
does not have specific authority to the file or member, is not on the authorization list, and whose user group does not have specific authority to the file or member.
IGCDTA(*YES|*NO) specifies that DBCS support is installed on the destination i5/OS node and the file being sent contains DBCS data.The following TOSYSOPTS parameters are valid for
TYPE(OBJ) files: MAXRCDS(number|*NOMAX
) specifies the maximum number of records the save file (which
was created to hold the data received) can reach. ASP(auxiliary-storage-pool) specifies the auxiliary storage pool from which the system
allocates storage for the save file. TEXT(‘text description’) specifies a text description to be associated with this object. This
description cannot exceed 50 characters and must be enclosed in single quotes. AUT(*EXCLUDE|*CHANGE|*ALL|*USE) specifies the authority to give to a user who does
not have specific authority to the object, is not on the authorization list, and whose user group does not have specific authority to the object.
28 IBM Sterling Connect:Direct for i5/OS User’s Guide
The following TOSYSOPTS parameters are valid for TYPE(SPLF) files:
DEV(*JOB|*SYSVAL|device-name) specifies the name of the printer device description. DEVTYPE(*IPDS|*SCS)|*USERASCII specifies the type of data stream created for a printer
file from the data received. PAGESIZE(page-length page-width) specifies the length and width of the page us ed by the
printer. This parameter overrides the FORMT YPE par a meter.
LPI(3|4|6|7.5|8|9) specifies the line space setting (lines per inch) on the printer. CPI(5|10|12|13.3|15|16.7|18|20) specifies the printer character density, in characters per inch, for
the printer. OVRFLW(overflow-line-number) specifies the line number on the page where overflow to a
new page begins. The value specified must not exceed the form length specified for PAGESIZE. FOLD(*NO|*YES) specifies whether entire records are printed when the record length exceeds
the form width. RPLUNPRT(*YES ‘replacement-character’|*NO) specifies whether unprintable characters
are replaced with printable characters when printed. It also specifies the replacement character. ALIGN(*NO|*YES) specifies whether the page must be aligned in the printer before printing is
CTLCHAR(*NONE|*FCFC) specifies whether the data contains printer control characters. CHLVAL(*NORMAL| (channel#1 line#1) ... (channel#12 line#12)) specifies the list of
channel numbers with their assigned line numbers. Note that CTLCHAR(*FCFC) must be specified as a SYSOPTS parameter for this to be a valid parameter.
FORMFEED(*DEVD|*CONT|*CUT|*AUTOCUT) specifies the form feed attachments used by the printer (4214, 5219, and 5553 printers only).
PRTQLTY(*STD|*DRAFT|*DEVD|*NLQ) specifies the quality of print produced. DRAWER(1|2|3|*E1) specifies the source drawer to be used when automatic cut-sheet feed
mode is used. FORMFEED(*AUTOCUT) must be specified as a SYSOPTS parameter for this to be a valid parameter.
FONT(*CPI|*DEVD|font-identifier) specifies the font identifier to be used for the spooled output file.
CHRID(*DEVD|*SYSVAL| graphic-character-set code-page) specifies the character identifier to be used for the spooled output file. This parameter allows you to print data with different character identifier coding.
PAGRTT(*DEVD|*COR|0|90|180|270) specifies the degree of rotation (clockwi se from the edge of the paper first loaded into the printer) of text on each page printed. 0|90|180|270 indicates the specific angle of rotation.
PRTTXT(‘print-text’) specifies a line of text to be printed at the bottom of each page printed. Up to 30 characters enclosed in single quotes is specified.
JUSTIFY(0|50|100) controls the print positions of the characters on the page (in the spooled file) so the right margin is regular.
DUPLEX(*NO|*YES|*TUMBLE) specifies whether the spooled output file is printed on one or both sides of the paper.
SPOOL(*YES|*NO) specifies whether the data is sent to a spooled file prior to prin ting. OUTQ(*JOB|*DEV|library-name/output-q ueue- name) specifies the output queue for the
spooled output file created. This parameter is valid only when SPOOL(*YES). FORMTYPE(form-type) specifies the type of form to use in the printer when the spooled file is
printed. A form-type identifier is user-defined and is no longer than 10 characters. The PAGESIZE parameter overrides this parameter.
Sending a File 29
COPIES(number-of-copies) specifies the number of copies to be printed. Valid values range from 1–255. This parameter is valid only when SPOOL(*YES).
MAXRCDS(maximum-records) specifies the maximum number of records that is placed in the spooled file. Valid values range from 1–500000. This parameter is valid only when SPOOL(*YES).
FILESEP(number-of-file-separators) specifies the number of blank separator pages to be placed between each copy of the file printed.
HOLD(*YES|*NO) specifies whether the file is to be held on the output queue until released by the user. This parameter is valid only if SPOOL(*YES).
SAVE(*YES|*NO) specifies whether the spooled output file is to be saved on the output queue once printed. This parameter is valid only if SPOOL(*YES).
OUTPTY(*JOB|output-priority) specifies the scheduling priority of the file on the output queue. This parameter is valid only if SPOOL(*YES).
USRDTA(user-data) allows up to 10 characters of data to identify the spooled output file. This parameter is valid only if SPOOL(*YES).
Refer to the IBM Sterling Connect:Direct Processes Web site at
for general
information on SMS support and TOSYSOPTS parameters for other platforms.

Optional Parameters

The following parameters, listed alphabetically, are optional. Unless noted, the parameters apply to all remote node environments.
specifies the blocksize value for the source file. This value must be a multiple of the file record size. n specifies the block size of the file. This value must be a multiple of the record size. The valid range
is 1–32720
Number of bytes, from 1K to 2 gigabytes, to send or receive before taking a checkpoint. The format is nnnnnnn, nnnnnnK, or nnnnnnM, where K specifies thousands of bytes and M specifies millions of bytes. A value of 0 specifies no checkpoint restart Sterling Connect:Direct for i5/OS uses the value you specify, rounded up to the nearest record boundary, to determine when to take a checkpoint. If you specify a value between 1 and 1023, the value becomes 1024 or 1K.
A checkpoint interval specified here overrides the system-wide default value in the initialization parameters file.
Checkpointing cannot occur in the following cases, even if you specify a checkpoint interval:
The file being sent is compressed during the send operation by the local node using the extended
A precompressed file is sent and decompressed by the receiving node during the send operation.
A file is sent to a single z/OS partitioned data set member.
indicates that the blocksize is calculated.
compression feature, and decompression is deferred on the receiving node. That is, the TOSYSOPTS parameter has DECMPR(*NO).
If you request checkpointing when you are transferring multiple members of a file, checkpoints are taken only at member boundaries regardless of the interval specified in the initialization parameters or in the CDSND or CDRCV command.
30 IBM Sterling Connect:Direct for i5/OS User’s Guide
determines the node-to-node session on which an operation can execute. The CLASS is a number in the range of 1–255. If you do not specify the CLASS parameter, it defaults to the number of maximum
sessions defined in the mode description for the communications environment.
Note: The CLASS parameter is not used by Sterling Connect:Direct for i5/OS.
specifies that the data is to be compressed, which reduces the amount of data transmitted as the file is copied from one node to another. The file is automatically decompressed at the destination.
Note: Compression is CPU-intensive, and its effectiveness depends on the data and line speed.
Only use it if it benefits the installation.
You should specify the primary compression character for text data or single-character repetitive data. Extended compression generally offers improved compression for all types of data.
specifies no compression.
*YES enables compression. If *YES is specified, the default primary compression character is
PRIMEchar=X\40\ (hex 40=“ ”). If you specify *YES, Sterling Connect:Direct compresses the data transmitted based on the following
Repetitive occurrences (ranging from 2–63) of the primary compression character are
compressed to one byte.
Repetitive occurrences (ranging from 3–63) of any other character are compressed to two bytes.
*EXT specifies that extended compression is used to search for repetitive strings of characters in data and compress them to codes that are transmitted and converted back to the original string during decompression. Use this parameter when the line transmission speeds are limited, the CPU is available, and the data is repetitive.
X\xx\ enables compression, where xx is the hexadecimal representation of the value to be used for the primary compression character.
C\cc\ enables compression, where cc is the character representation of the value to be used for the primary compression character.
Determines whether node and Process statement overrides for Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) are allowed. If this value is set to *OFF, setting overrides for CRC checking will be ignored. The default value is *INITPARMS.
specifies that the CRC setting is determined by the value for the initialization
parameter TCP.CRC. *NETMAP specifies that the CRC setting is determined by the value for the NETMAP parameter,
Cyclic Redundancy Check. The value for the initialization parameter TCP.CRC must be set to *ON and the value for the initialization parameter TCP.CRC.OVERRIDE must be set to *YES.
*OFF specifies that CRC is disabled. *ON specifies that CRC is enabled.
ECCLEVEL specifies the extended compression level, which affects how much CPU the extended
compression routines use. Higher compression levels use more CPU but achieve greater compression. The valid values for this subparameter are 1–9, inclusive. The default value is *INITPARMS.
+ 148 hidden pages