IBM Carrier Grade X3650 T User Manual

IBM® Carrier Grade Server X3650 T
SysCon User’s Guide
Order Number: D23731-003
Revision 3.0
IBM® Carrier Grade Server X3650 T
Revision History
Date Revision
May 2005 1.0 Preliminary. Initial Release.
June 2005 2.0 Preliminary. Restructured installation information.
March 2006 3.0 ECO release.
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IBM® Carrier Grade Server X3650 T
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IBM® Carrier Grade Server X3650 T
Table of Contents
1. Introduction ..........................................................................................................................1
2. SysCon Features ..................................................................................................................2
2.1 Automatic preservation of system settings .............................................................. 2
2.2 Detection of system setting changes ....................................................................... 2
2.3 Transfer of system settings...................................................................................... 2
3. Installing the SysCon Feature............................................................................................. 3
3.1 Microsoft Windows* ................................................................................................. 3
3.1.1 Python...................................................................................................................... 5
3.1.2 Installing the SysCon Device ................................................................................... 9
3.1.3 Installation Issues using Microsoft* Software ........................................................13
3.2 Linux ...................................................................................................................... 14
3.2.1 Installation Procedure ............................................................................................ 14
3.3 Activating/Deactivating the SysCon Feature ......................................................... 15
3.3.1 Activating the SysCon feature ...............................................................................15
3.3.2 Deactivating the SysCon feature ........................................................................... 18
4. SysCon Feature Operation Overview ............................................................................... 19
4.1 Configuring and booting the first time .................................................................... 19
4.2 Reconfiguring the system ...................................................................................... 19
5. Booting the System............................................................................................................ 20
6. Controlling SysCon Behavior Using Policies.................................................................. 21
7. Interacting with the SysCon Feature ................................................................................ 22
7.1 Using the SysCon Menu ........................................................................................ 23
7.1.1 Using the EFI Shell ................................................................................................ 25
7.2 Detecting system setting changes ......................................................................... 26
7.3 Applying transferred settings ................................................................................. 26
7.4 Using a SysCon Key.............................................................................................. 28
7.4.1 Backup system settings to a SysCon Key ............................................................. 28
7.4.2 Restore system settings from a SysCon Key Backup............................................ 28
7.4.3 Installing a SysCon Device using a SysCon Key................................................... 29
7.4.4 Updating a SysCon Device using a SysCon Key................................................... 34
8. Creating System Settings Files......................................................................................... 36
8.1 Encrypting Settings Data ....................................................................................... 36
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8.2 Applying new user-specified settings..................................................................... 37
8.3 Importing User-Specified Settings ......................................................................... 39
9. Monitoring SysCon Activity............................................................................................... 41
9.1 Logging SysCon Events ........................................................................................41
9.2 Configuring Event Notification Actions................................................................... 42
10. Using SysCon Operating System Services and Utilities ................................................ 43
11. Using the SysCon Device for Application Data ............................................................... 44
12. SysCon Services ................................................................................................................45
12.1 SysCon Service for Linux Features ....................................................................... 45
12.1.1 SysCon Install tool ................................................................................................. 45
12.1.2 Auto-mounting and Monitoring of the SysCon Device ........................................... 45
12.1.3 Auto-mounting and Monitoring of SysCon Keys .................................................... 45
12.1.4 Linux Hot-plug USB Support and SysCon Hot-plug Plugin.................................... 45
12.1.5 SysCon Daemon (syscond) ................................................................................... 45
12.2 Events, Notification, and Actions ........................................................................... 46
12.2.1 SysCon Events ...................................................................................................... 46
12.2.2 SysCon Event Logging and Notification ................................................................46
12.2.3 SysCon Event Logging and Notification Policies ................................................... 48
12.2.4 SysCon Actions on Events ....................................................................................48
12.2.5 SysCon Event/Notification API and Query Languages.......................................... 48
12.3 Other Policies ........................................................................................................53
13. APPENDIX A – SysCon Environment Folder Structure .................................................. 54
14. APPENDIX B – SysCon Policy File Format ...................................................................... 55
14.1 SysCon Device Policy Defaults: policydefaults.xml .............................................. 56
14.2 SysCon Policy Schema: syscon.xsd..................................................................... 63
15. APPENDIX C – System Settings File Format ................................................................... 64
15.1 A Typical System Settings File Example ...............................................................64
15.2 A “Full” System Settings File Example .................................................................. 68
15.3 System / Component Schema ............................................................................... 72
15.3.1 syscfg:BIOSV001 Settings..................................................................................... 73
15.3.2 bmccfg:IMMV001 Settings..................................................................................... 73
15.3.3 Nic:NICV001 Settings ............................................................................................ 74
15.4 Updating BIOS and Intel® Management Module firmware..................................... 75
15.4.1 Intel:BIOSVersion update example........................................................................ 75
15.4.2 Intel:IMMVersion update example ......................................................................... 75
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16. APPENDIX D – SysCon Log File Format .......................................................................... 76
17. APPENDIX E – POSIX Logging API and Query Specification for SysCon ....................77
17.1 Logging Functions .................................................................................................77
17.1.1 Write to the Log .....................................................................................................77
17.1.2 Write Formatted String to Log................................................................................ 79
17.2 Log Processing Functions .....................................................................................80
17.2.1 Open an Event Log for Read Access ....................................................................80
17.2.2 Read from an Event Log........................................................................................ 81
17.2.3 Notify Process of Availability of System Log Data ................................................. 82
17.2.4 Remove Notification Request ................................................................................ 86
17.2.5 Close Event Log ....................................................................................................86
17.2.6 Reposition the Read Pointer.................................................................................. 87
17.2.7 Compare Event Record Severities ........................................................................ 88
17.2.8 Create Log Query .................................................................................................. 89
17.2.9 Destroy Log Query................................................................................................. 96
17.2.10 Test Event Record against Query Criteria ............................................................. 97
18. Appendix F: Troubleshooting the SysCon Feature........................................................ 99
18.1 Embedded USB Device “Present” ......................................................................... 99
18.2 Embedded USB device “Not Present” ................................................................. 100
18.3 Problem USB devices.......................................................................................... 100
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List of Tables
Table 1. Seek Directions.............................................................................................................87
Table 2. Query Purpose Flags ....................................................................................................90
Table 3. Required Operations on Standard Attributes ................................................................ 93
Table 4. Required Operations in Limited Queries....................................................................... 95
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1. Introduction
The IBM SysCon feature checks server system configuration during the pre-boot process and manages the configuration of system components based on configuration data, vendor rules, and user policy settings. The SysCon feature includes a pre-boot application which controls the process of examining the system configuration and taking appropriate action during the system boot process.
The SysCon feature also provides OS (Linux and Windows*) services and utilities that allow secure access to data on the SysCon devices used for managing system configuration.
This User’s Guide describes the SysCon environment and the use of the SysCon Pre-Boot Application and operating system-based SysCon Services.
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2. SysCon Features
The SysCon feature is available on IBM servers that include an embedded USB device called a SysCon Device. The SysCon Device works in conjunction with the system firmware (BIOS) to manage the system settings for the BIOS and server management features (BMC and/or Intel
In addition, the user may use a removable USB flash device called a SysCon Key. A SysCon Key is a removable USB mass storage device that has been installed as a SysCon Key device (i.e. the SysCon runtime environment has been installed). A SysCon Key can be used to load and apply settings for multiple systems.
Services and utilities for managing a SysCon Device and SysCon Keys are available for both Linux and Windows* operating environments. SysCon utilities allow the user to install SysCon Devices and Keys and to perform other tasks, as well as providing continuous monitoring of SysCon devices to ensure their availability and security.
2.1 Automatic preservation of system settings
The SysCon feature is activated during system startup, immediately before the system firmware begins to determine the system boot device or path. The SysCon feature extracts and preserves the current settings of the BIOS and the server management features (BMC, Intel
Management Module).
Management Module).
2.2 Detection of system setting changes
The SysCon feature compares the current settings (recently-extracted) with settings that it has saved from previous system restarts. By default, if the current settings are different from those that were previously saved, the SysCon feature will restore saved settings to a system component and reboot the system. The user can modify this behavior through the use of SysCon policy settings, detailed later in this document.
2.3 Transfer of system settings
The SysCon feature allows the user to transfer system settings to a second system. If a system is to be replaced due to redeployment or for repair, the user can remove the SysCon Device and install it into the replacement system. The SysCon feature will determine that the SysCon Device has been relocated to a new system and will configure the new system using the settings currently stored on the Device.
Note: The SysCon feature will only allow settings to be transferred between systems with the same system BIOS, server management feature versions and the same Intel® Management Module versions (firmware, PIA and Boot Block).
The SysCon feature also allows the user to transfer settings using a SysCon Key. When a SysCon Key is present during system boot, the user can export the current system settings onto the SysCon Key. The exported settings can then be used to configure other systems.
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3. Installing the SysCon Feature
The SysCon feature may only be installed on IBM servers that are equipped with an IBM SysCon Device. See your system documentation to confirm that your system has a SysCon Device.
The SysCon feature should be installed following operation system installation in order to ensure that the security of the data on the SysCon Device is maintained. Installation packages for Microsoft Windows* and Linux are available on the Resource CD.
First, install the Operating System (Linux Red Hat EL 3, EL 4, SuSE SLES 9, or Microsoft Windows* 2003 Enterprise Edition Server) on your IBM® Carrier Grade Server X3650 T. Next, install the SysCon feature by inserting the IBM® Carrier Grade Server X3650 T IBM Server Resource CD into the system’s DVD­ROM drive and wait for the auto-launcher to display a start-up web page. Use the following procedure if the page does not display:
1. Go to the application used to explore files on your system and double click the CD ROM drive.
2. Open the x3650 T folder.
3. Open the file welcome.htm
4. If prompted, accept the license agreement.
5. Click on the “Additional Management Utilities” link in the left frame of browser’s display.
3.1 Microsoft Windows*
The SysConSetup.msi file found on the Resource CD installs the SysCon feature on Microsoft Windows* 2003 Enterprise Edition Server systems. It installs a Windows service to automatically mount the SysCon Device or SysCon Keys. Follow these installation windows until installation is complete.
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3.1.1 Python
Python is required to complete the installation of the SysCon device. Python version 1.5 is supported in EFI. These Python install packages can be skipped if a newer version of Python is already installed.
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In this example “F:” happens to be the Windows system root device. It is normally “C:.”
Tcl/TK is optional. You can uncheck this component here.
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Tcl/Tk is optional. You can click on "No" here. Or, if you decide to install Tcl/Tk, click “Yes” and follow the install instructions that follow.
PyXML is required also to complete the installation of the SysCon device. This package is included in newer versions of Python; it can be skipped if Python 2.3 or later is already installed.
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3.1.2 Installing the SysCon Device
Once Python is installed and the SysCon Service is installed and running, a Windows command window is launched to install the SysCon files onto the SysCon device. The user is required to enter the mount point of the SysCon USB device. Normally it is the next DOS drive letter following the DVD-ROM drive.
If there are SysCon files already installed on the SysCon device, the SysCon service will have remounted the device under the System Root directory in the “SysCon” folder as shown in the following example.
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When prompted for the SysCon device, you may copy and paste the mount point of the device into the command window.
Select Option 2 to install the SysCon device. Other options are not appropriate in this situation.
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Once the files are installed to the device, the SysCon service is automatically restarted. This will remount the SysCon device under the System Root in the “SysCon” folder.
To reformat the SysCon device using the startup.cmd the SysConMonitor service must be stopped. After the SysConMonitor service has been stopped the SysCon device will again have an assigned DOS drive mapping.
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The install script restarts the SysConMonitor service so the USB device will no longer have a DOS drive letter mapping. In this case, it is remapped under the Windows system root directory generally "C:\Windows\SysCon\IntelTSD SYSCN HS-NAND USB Device"
The SysCon device now has been prepared for use. See Activating/Deactivating the SysCon Feature for the procedure to enable the SysCon feature.
3.1.3 Installation Issues using Microsoft* Software Deleted SysCon device partition
When installing to Windows*, setup presents the SysCon device as a detected DOS partition and assigns it a DOS drive letter - usually C:. This partition must be deleted if the user wants the Windows installation to be assigned the DOS drive letter C:. Deleting the SysCon device’s partition removes the FAT file system on the device, so it must be recreated to install the SysCon feature. While the Windows Disk Manager will do this, the FAT file system that is created using this method is not recognized by EFI. The SysCon device needs to be formatted with the EFI format utility. An EFI menu option is provided for this purpose - see Installing a SysCon Device using a SysCon Key Introducing a new SysCon Key
If Windows is started with a SysCon key inserted in a USB port, and the device is “new “to Windows (i.e. it has not yet been configured as a Windows device on the target system), it will not be mapped under the System Root in the “SysCon” folder. Using Windows Services, restart the SysConMonitor service - the SysCon key will now be mapped properly whenever Windows starts.
If the SysCon device or a SysCon key needs to be reformatted, first use Windows Services to stop the SysConMonitor service. This will remap all the SysCon environments to a DOS drive letter. Use Windows Explorer to reformat the USB device, and then restart the SysConMonitor service.
. Reinstalling the SysCon device
In the event that the SysCon device needs to be reinstalled, open a Windows Command prompt and change to the “device” directory of the SysCon installation, typically “C:\Program
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Files\Intel\SysCon\device.” Next, execute the command script “startup.cmd.” If python.exe is not in the search path, this script will fail. This may be remedied by running the command script “setpython.cmd”. If you want to format the USB device first you must stop the SysConMonitor service. The script will ask for the DOS drive letter to designate as the target device. If the SysConMonitor process is running, the scripts will detect the SysCon device and reinstall it.
The SysConMonitor service is started after the installation is complete, remapping the installed device to the SysCon directory.
Note: The format option is not available when the device is mapped to the SysCon directory.
3.2 Linux
The Linux SysCon feature is contained in the RPM: syscon-*.i386.rpm. The following packages, which are included with the Red Hat Linux distribution, must also be installed prior to installing the SysCon utilities:
perl-libxml-enno.rpm (Red Hat distribution only)
Additional utilities required for full SysCon functionality are the ipmiutil package and the Telco Alarms Manager (TAM) package, both of which are available on the Resource CD.
3.2.1 Installation Procedure
1. Insert the Resource CD into the IBM® Carrier Grade Server X3650 T running an XFree86 session.
2. From the opening page, click on the “Additional Management Utilities” link in the left frame of browser’s display.
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3. Click the “Install SysCon feature on Linux” button to initiate the installation. When prompted, reboot the system.
4. Following the system reboot, restart the SysCon service to complete the initial service setup by executing /etc/init.d/syscon restart from a Linux shell prompt.
5. Run the Linux mount command from a shell prompt and review the output to the screen: /etc/sysconfig/syscon should appear as a mounted device. If it does not mounted device, then the SysCon device has not yet been completely installed and populated. Use the following steps to complete this process:
a. For Red Hat EL 3 and EL 4, run the command syscon_scan. Make note of the output:
the scan will indicate the SysCon device mapping (e.g. /dev/sdb). For SuSE Linux Enterprise Server 9, run the command udevinfo to identify the SysCon device.
Note: If syscon_scan, or udevinfo, does not report a SysCon device, there may be a hardware issue preventing its detection.
b. Determine if the SysCon device has a filesystem installed on it by attempting to mount
the device with the following shell commands:
i. mkdir /etc/syscon/mnt2
ii. mount <dev> /etc/syscon/mnt2 (where <dev> is the device identifier noted in (a.)
appear as a
If the device mount fails, the SysCon device needs to be formatted via the following procedure:
syscon_format <dev> (where <dev> is the device identifier noted in (a.)
Note: syscon_format will destroy any information currently stored on the SysCon device.
Restart the system and continue SysCon configuration detailed in step iii
If the device is mounted successfully, continue to the next step.
iii. Perform a SysCon copy by issuing the following commands:
syscon_copy /etc/syscon/mnt2
umount /etc/syscon/mnt2
/etc/init.d/syscon restart
The device is now installed and will be mounted to the /etc/sysconfig/syscon mount point.
Note: If the SysCon device has been installed previously and you are upgrading to a newer version of the SysCon RPM package, performing a syscon_format is necessary to re-initialize the SysCon Device.
3.3 Activating/Deactivating the SysCon Feature
Following installation via the operating system installation procedures noted above, the SysCon feature must be activated via the system BIOS.
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Note: the SysCon feature may be activated and deactivated without uninstalling the operating system
3.3.1 Activating the SysCon feature
On system startup, press [F2] to enter the BIOS setup.
From the [Boot] options page, highlight the [Boot Device Priority] option and press [Enter].
Set the [EFI Boot Manager] option as the first item in the boot order and press [F10] to save your
changes and restart the server.
On restart, the system will boot to the Extensible Firmware Interface – an embedded, pre-OS
system management environment.
From the EFI Main Menu, select “Boot Option Maintenance Menu” – a list of EFI boot options will
be displayed.
Select “Boot Option Maintenance Menu” and scroll to the “Manage BootNext Setting” option and
press Enter.
Add “EFI Shell [Built-in]” to the beginning of the Boot Manager list.
Set “Legacy Boot” as the second EFI Boot Manager selection – this option causes the next boot
device in the BIOS Boot Menu to be selected for boot. All ofther EFI boot selections are unsupported.
Finally, select “Save Settings to NVRAM” and “Exit”.
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3.3.2 Deactivating the SysCon feature
To deactivate the SysCon device, simply remove it from the top of the boot sequence in the BIOS Boot Selection Menu.
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4. SysCon Feature Operation Overview
4.1 Configuring and booting the first time
Once the SysCon feature has been installed and activated, but before rebooting the system, the user may configure the system and any components using the normal configuration methods, including using the BIOS Setup menus, the System Configuration Wizard, etc. Once the system is configured as desired, the user may boot the system normally.
The first time that a system is rebooted after installing the SysCon feature, the feature will extract system settings and store them to the SysCon Device before proceeding to boot using the configured system boot order.
4.2 Reconfiguring the system
After the SysCon feature has run once and saved the system settings, policy settings are used to compare the system settings stored on the device to those of the system itself, detecting any changes and acting according to its policy settings. By default, the SysCon policy is to reconfigure the system using saved settings whenever it detects that system settings have changed. The user may change this policy using the SysCon policy settings (see Controlling SysCon Behavior Using Policies
Changes to the SysCon configuration can be implemented in three ways:
1. Reconfigure the system using any of the normal system configuration tools, and then interrupt the SysCon feature during system boot (see Interacting with the SysCon Feature
2. Remove the settings files stored in the “saved” folder and reconfigure the system using any of the normal system configuration tools. On the next system boot, the SysCon device will save the current (new) settings (see APPENDIX A – SysCon Environment Folder Structure
3. From either the EFI shell or the operating system, create a new settings file in the “specified” folder on the SysCon Device and reboot the system. The settings will be applied during reboot (see
Creating System Settings Files
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5. Booting the System
Each time the system is booted, the SysCon feature will extract the current system settings and save them to the SysCon device. Once the current system settings are saved, the SysCon Device uses the policy settings to determine how to examine the system settings. This section describes the behavior of the SysCon feature whenever the default policy settings are in effect (see APPENDIX A – SysCon
Environment Folder Structure).
On system boot, the SysCon device checks the “specified” folder for any user-specific settings.
1) If user-specified settings are present, the SyCon device will:
a) Configure the system using the user-specified settings.
b) Move the user-specified settings from the “specified” folder to the “applied” folder.
c) Capture the current system settings in the “current” folder of the SysCon Device.
d) Copy the settings from “current” to the “saved” folder.
e) Reboot the system.
(See Creating System Settings Files
2) If user-specified settings are not
a) Capture the current system settings in the “current” folder of the SysCon Device.
b) Compare the current settings (in “current” folder) with previously-saved settings (in the “saved”
folder). If settings are different, configure the system using using the saved settings and reboot the system.
The SysCon feature displays a message indicating that it is beginning its system configuration check. If a system configuration action is required, the feature will display a message indication that reconfiguration is in progress. When reconfiguration is complete, the SysCon Pre-Boot Application displays a message that indicates that it is restarting the system with the updated settings.
for additional details).
present, the SysCon device will:
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6. Controlling SysCon Behavior Using Policies
The behavior of the SysCon feature can be customized by using the SysCon policy settings file, which details the policies in effect for a single system and resides in the top-level settings folder for that system. For example, the file sysconenv/data/config/thisSystem/policysettings.xml contains the policy settings for the current system. If this file does not exist, the file
sysconenv/data/common/policies/policydefaults.xml is copied to sysconenv/data/config/thisSystem/policysettings.xml and used as the policy settings for
the system.
In order to change SysCon feature policies, the user must edit the policy settings file. The policy settings file may be edited using an OS-based or EFI shell-based text editing tool.
The following SysCon policies are user-definable. The exact syntax of the policy settings file is documented in Appendix B behavior that can be customized by the user. These policies and their format are described in detail in the SysCon Service User’s Guide.
When this policy is selected, the SysCon feature will copy the extracted settings to a file in the “archived” folder each time the system is booted. If archival limited by policy or physical space on the SysCon device, the SysCon feature will remove the oldest copy of the extracted sectings and retain the latest copy.
. Note that the OS-based SysCon service also provides policy-driven
When this policy is selected, the SysCon feature will always restore the system to settings from the “saved” folder when it detects that the current settings have changed. This policy also applies to the transfer case, in which a replacement system is detected. In this case, settings from the previous system will be applied to the replacement system.
When this policy is selected, the SysCon feature will attempt to detect and use any SysCon Keys that are inserted into the system. This policy is not selected by default and is not implemented in the initial release.
When this policy is selected, the SysCon feature will copy the current settings to a SysCon Key (when present).
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7. Interacting with the SysCon Feature
If access to the system console is available during boot time, the user may interrupt the SysCon feature and override its behavior. The SysCon feature is started after the system performs any pre-boot diagnostics but before the system searches for a boot device. If there is no console, or if the console prompts time out, the SysCon feature follows the preset policies to determine its course of action.
At startup, the SysCon feature displays a message to the user indicating that the user can enter a keystroke at the system console in order to suspend the SysCon feature and:
Enter the SysCon Menu;
Enter command prompt mode;
Override SysCon feature behavior; or
Skip the SysCon process entirely and go immediately to the production boot device list.
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