Maximizes I/O transfer rates with up to
500,000 IOPS per port at 4 Gbps
Utilizes N_Port Trunking capability
to create a single logical 4 Gbps
high-speed link
Supports virtualized environments with
N_Port ID Virtualization (NPIV) for
255 virtual ports
Brocade 4 Gb FC HBAs
for IBM System x
Fibre Channel SAN solutions for data centers with
easy-to-manage virtualization
IBM Systems and Technology Group
Data Sheet
System x
The Brocade 4 Gb Fibre Channel (FC) single-port and dual-port host
bus adapters (HBAs) provide a new level of server connectivity through
unmatched hardware and unique software features and performance.
End-to-end storage networking
As part of the Brocade DCF architecture, the Brocade single- and
dual-port HBAs lay the foundation for extending fabric intelligence to
servers, virtual machines and applications—enabling end-to-end storage network management. Organizations have a platform to extend traditional Brocade fabric technologies—such as Quality of Service, port
trunking, load balancing, authentication, and encryption—to the HBA
and server level.
Brocade HBAs in IBM® System x® servers enable the use of NPIV
and Adaptive Networking and provide Quality of Service (QoS) from
the virtual port throughout the fabric. Brocade Data Center Fabric
Manager (DCFM) provides a unified, end-to-end management across
fabrics with unique features such as virtual machine visibility, and realtime performance monitoring. DCFM is integrated with IBM Systems
Strategic data center fabric architecture
As virtualization becomes more prevalent, however, organizations
require new connectivity options with higher performance, guaranteed
service levels, simplified management and greater data protection for
both physical and virtualized environments.
The Brocade Data Center Fabric architecture provides a strategic
framework that simplifies connectivity, optimizes performance and
scalability, and reduces cost and risk. It combines storage, networking
and servers into a converged infrastructure composed of FC switches,
directors and backbones.

Brocade 4 Gb FC Host Bus Adapters for System x at a glance
Part number 59Y1987 (single-port), 59Y1993 (dual-port)
Performance Up to 500,000 IOPS per port
Topology Point-to-point (N_Port), switched fabric (N_Port)
Distance support 50 meters at 4 Gbps on 62.5/125 µm
Multi-Mode Fibre (MMF)
Bus interface PCIe Gen 2.0 compatible (x8), with MSI-X and INTx
0ºC/32ºF to 50ºC/122ºF
-43ºC/-40ºF to 73ºC/163ºF
5% to 93% (relative humidity, non-condensing)
5% to 95% (relative humidity, non-condensing)
Power dissipation 6 W (typical) x 4 lanes; reduced in green power mode
Operating voltage 3.3 V
Transceivers 4 Gbps FC LC-style pluggable (SFP+), MMF (850 nm)
Bracket size Standard: 1.84 cm x 12.08 cm (.73 in. x 4.76 in.)
Low-profile: 1.84 cm x 8.01 cm (.73 in. x 3.15 in.)
Management suite Brocade DCFM, Brocade HCM, IBM Systems Director
Supported servers Visit the ServerProven page for the latest supported
servers at ibm.com/servers/eserver/serverproven/
Operating Systems Microsoft® Windows® 2003/2008, Linux® Red Hat
and SUSE, VMware
Protocols SCSI-FCP, FCP-2, FC-SP
Form factor Low-profile MD2 form factor PCIe card
Dimensions 16.77 cm x 6.89 cm (6.60 in. x 2.71 in.)
Limited warranty 1-year limited warranty. When installed in System x
server cards assume system’s base warranty and any
IBM ServicePac® upgrade
© Copyright IBM Corporation 2010
IBM Systems and Technology Group
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March 2010
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Planned for a future driver release.
Maximizing investments
To help optimize technology investments, IBM offers a single point of
serviceability backed by industry-renowned education, support and
training. In addition, Brocade 4 Gb HBAs are in the ServerProven®
program, enabling compatibility among IBM and partner products.
For more information
U.S. ibm.com/servers/systems/x
Canada ibm.com/systems/ca/en/servers/x/
Buy Direct
U.S. 1-888-SHOP-IBM
Canada 1-888-411-1WEB
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