IBM BNT RackSwitch G8124R, BNT RackSwitch G8124EF, BNT RackSwitch G8124DC, BNT RackSwitch G8124F, BNT RackSwitch G8124ER Installation Manual

IBM BNT RackSwitch G8124R, IBM BNT RackSwitch G8124F, IBM BNT RackSwitch G8124ER, IBM BNT RackSwitch G8124EF, and IBM BNT RackSwitch G8124DC
Type 0446 and 7309
Installation Guide
IBM BNT RackSwitch G8124R, IBM BNT RackSwitch G8124F, IBM BNT RackSwitch G8124ER, IBM BNT RackSwitch G8124EF, and IBM BNT RackSwitch G8124DC
Type 0446 and 7309
Installation Guide
Environmental Notices and User Guide documents on the IBM Documentation CD, and the Warranty Information document that comes with the product.
First Edition (May 2011) © Copyright IBM Corporation 2011.
US Government Users Restricted Rights – Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.
Safety v
Each caution and danger statement in this document is labeled with a number. This number is used to cross reference an English-language caution or danger statement with translated versions of the caution or danger statement in the Systems Safety Notices document.
For example, if a caution statement is labeled “D005,” translations for that caution statement are in the Systems Safety Notices document under “D005.”
Be sure to read all caution and danger statements in this document before you perform the procedures. Read any additional safety information that comes with the switch or optional device before you install the device.
vi BNT RackSwitch G8124 Installation Guide
Safety vii
viii BNT RackSwitch G8124 Installation Guide
Safety ix
Circuit breaker rating Minimum: 20 amps
Maximum: 20 amps
Wire size 16 AWG (IBM part number 90Y35 38 DC po wer cable from PDP
output to server input)
1.31 mm2
Wiring terminal screw torque -- inch-pounds (IBM part number 90Y3538 provided with
connector, both ends)
-- newton-meters
x BNT RackSwitch G8124 Installation Guide
Safety xi
xii BNT RackSwitch G8124 Installation Guide
Safety v
Chapter 1: Introduction
The IBM Documentation CD Related Documentation Notices and Statements in this Document RackSwitch G8124 Features
Management Features Software Features
Switch Components
Hardware Options Switch Unit Switch Ports LEDs
Technical Specifications
Physical Characteristics Environmental Specifications Power Specifications
Chapter 2: Installing the RackSwitch G8124
Required Tools Package Contents Environmental Requirements
Preventing Electric Shock
Handling Static-Sensitive Devices Installing the RackSwitch G8124 in a Standard Equipment Rack Installing the RackSwitch G8124 in an iDataPlex Rack Installing the RackSwitch G8124 in a 4-post Rack Initializing the RackSwitch G8124
© Copyright IBM Corp. 2011 xiii
Default Configuration 33
Configuring an IP Interface Using the Boot Management Menu
Installing an SFP or SFP+ Transceiver
SFP+ Optical Transceiver
SFP Copper Transceiver Troubleshooting
System LEDs Do Not Light
Port link LED Does Not Light
Temperature Sensor Warning
Switch Does Not Initialize (Boot)
Chapter 3: Replaceable Parts
Appendix A: Getting Help and Technical Assistance
Before You Call
Using the Documentation
Getting Help and Information from the World Wide Web
Software Service and Support
Hardware Service and Support
IBM Taiwan Product Service
Appendix B: Notices
Telecommunication Regulatory Statement
Important Notes
Particulate Contamination
Documentation Format
xiv BNT RackSwitch G8124 Installation Guide
This Installation Guide provides information and instructions for installing the following products:
IBM IBM BNT RackSwitch G8124F, Type 7309 IBM BNT RackSwitch G8124ER, Type 7309 IBM BNT RackSwitch G8124EF, Types 1455 abd 7309 IBM BNT RackSwitch G8124DC, Type 7309
For information about configuration and management of the switch, refer to your Command Reference and the product release notes.
If firmware and documentation updates are available, you can download them from the IBM website. The switch might have features that are not described in the documentation that comes with the swtich, and the documentation might be updated occasionally to include information about those features, or technical updates might be available to provide additional information that is not included in the switch documentation.
BNT™ RackSwitch™ G8124R, Type 0446
Note – Changes are made periodically to the IBM website. Procedures for locating firmware and
documentation might vary slightly from what is described in this document.
To check for firmware and documentation updates, go to For firmware updates, click Downloads. For documentation updat es, click Documentation.
© Copyright IBM Corp. 2011 1
The IBM Documentation CD
The IBM Documentation CD contains documentation for your switch in Portable Document Format (PDF) and includes the IBM Documentation Browser to help you find information quickly.
Hardware and Software Requirements
The IBM Documentation CD requires the following minimum hardware and software:
Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 (with Service Pack 3 or later), Windows 2000, or Red Hat® Linux. 100 MHz microprocessor. 32 MB of RAM. Adobe Acrobat Reader 3.0 (or later) or xpdf, which comes with Linux operating systems.
Acrobat Reader software is included on the CD, and you can install it when you run the
Documentation Browser.
Using the Documentation Browser
Use the Documentation Browser to browse the contents of the CD, read brief descriptions of the documents, and view documents, using Adobe Acrobat Reader or xpdf. The Documentation Browser automatically detects the regional settings in use in your computer and displays the documents in the language for that region (if available). If a document is not available in the language for that region, the English-language version is displayed.
Use one of the following procedures to start the Documentation Browser:
If Autostart is enabled, insert the CD into the CD drive. The Documentation Browser starts
If Autostart is disabled or is not enabled for all users, use one of the following procedures:
If you are using a Windows operating system, insert the CD into the CD drive and click
Start --> Run. In the Open field, type
where e is the drive letter of the CD drive, and click OK.
If you are using Red Hat Linux, insert the CD into th e CD drive; then, run the fol lowi ng
command from the /mnt/cdrom directory: sh
2 BNT RackSwitch G8124 Installation Guide
Select switch drive from the Product menu. The Available Topics list displays all the documents for your drive. Some documents might be in folders. A plus sign (+) indicates each folder or document that has additional documents under it. Click the plus sign to display the additional documents.
When you select a document, a description of the document is displayed under Topic Description. To select more than one document, press and hold the Ctrl key while you select the documents. Click View Book to view the selected document or documents in Acrobat Reader or xpdf. If you selected more than one document, all the selected documents are opened in Acrobat Reader or xpdf.
To search all the documents, type a word or word string in the Search field and click Search. The documents in which the word or word string is displayed are listed in order of the most occurrences. Click a document to view it, and press Ctrl+F to use the Acrobat search function, or press Alt+F to use the xpdf search function within the document.
Click Help for detailed information about using the Documentation Browser.
Related Documentation
For documentation about configuring your switch, see the RackSwitch G8124 Application Guide and Command Reference.
For details about the switch information, statistics, and configuration parameters, see the RackSwitch G8124 Command Reference.
Notices and St atement s in this Document
The caution and danger statements in this document are also in the multilingual Safety Information document, which is on the IBM® Documentation CD. Each statement is numbered for reference to the corresponding statement in the Safety Information document.
The following notices and statements are used in this document:
Note: These notices provide important tips, guidance, or advice. Important: These notices provide information or advice that might help you avoid
inconvenient or problem situations.
Attention: These notices indicate potential damage to programs, devices, or data. An attention
notice is placed just before the instruction or situation in which damage could occur.
Caution: These statements indicate situations that can be potentially hazardous to you. A
caution statement is placed just before the description of a potentially hazardous procedure step
or situation.
Danger: These statements indicate situations that can be potentially lethal or extremely
hazardous to you. A danger statement is placed just before the description of a potentially lethal
or extremely hazardous procedure step or situation.
Introduction 3
RackSwitch G8124 Features
This section provides an overview of RackSwitch G8124 features.
240 Gbps throughput (full duplex), non-blocking switching architecture 100% line rate at all packet sizes Deterministic port-to-port latency under 700 nanoseconds with 64B packets
Management Features
Industry standard command-line interface (ISCLI)
Browser-based Interface (BBI)
BladeHarmony Manager
SNMP v1, v2, v3
Secondary NTP support
Software upgrades
Dual software images
Upgrade via serial, browser, or FTP/TFTP
Software Features
Secure interface login & password
SSH v1, v2
HTTPS Secure Browser-based interface
Wire-speed filtering with Access Control Lists (ACLs)
4 BNT RackSwitch G8124 Installation Guide
Layer 2
1024 VLANs (802.1Q), including Private VLANs
Multi-link trunking, compatible with Cisco EtherChannel
LACP (IEEE 802.3ad)
Spanning Tree (802.1D), Multiple Spanning Tree (802.1s),
Rapid Spanning Tree (802.1w), with Fast Uplink Convergence
16K forwarding database entries
Layer 3
128 configurable interfaces (static or DHCP)
IP forwarding
IGMP Snooping v1, v2 , v3
4K ARP entries
RIP v1, v2
Quality of Service
802.1p priority qu eues
Differentiated Services Code Point (DSCP) support
Layer 2 Failover
Introduction 5
Switch Components
This section describes the RackSwitch G8124 hardware components.
Hardware Options
The following list provides an overview of G8124 hardware:
Switch unit Mounting hardware
Standard rack mounting brackets and screws
IBM iDataPlex
4-post rack mounting brackets and screws
Switch Unit
Each RackSwitch G8124 series switch unit is a 1U rack-mountable 10 Gigabit Ethernet switch. You can mount the G8124 in either the horizontal or vertical direction.
rack mounting brackets and screws
The RackSwitch G8124-E is a performance-enhanced switch with a faster management processor for improved aggregation layer functionality. Both the RackSwitch G8124 and G8124-E have identical Layer 2 and Layer 3 data plane performance characteristics.
The RackSwitch G8124 and G8124-E allow for flexible mounting of the switch, as follows:
Front-to-rear airflow Rear-to-front airflow
The DC powered RackSwitch G8124 provides front-to-rear airflow.
The switch unit contains twenty-four 10Gb SFP+ slots, plus two management ports, and one serial console port:
24 SFP+ slots 2 RJ-45 management ports 1 RS-232 console port (mini-USB)
Note – Shielded twisted pair cables are recommended for use in the RJ-45 management ports.
6 BNT RackSwitch G8124 Installation Guide
Figure 1 IBM BNT RackSwitch G8124 Front Panel
Rackswitch G8124
1 2 3 4
System status LEDs RS-232 port
9 10 11 125 6 7 8
17 18 19 2013 14 15 16 21 22 23 24 Mgmt
SFP+ slots
Figure 2 IBM BNT RackSwitch G8124 Rear Panel (AC)
RJ-45 ports
10101 Reset
Reset button
IEC 320 Power connector
DC Power connector
IEC 320
Power connector
Figure 3 IBM BNT RackSwitch G8124 Rear Panel (DC)
DC Power connector
Introduction 7
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