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2BMD00082, February 2009
Preface 7
Who Should Use This User’s Guide 7
What You’ll Find in This User’s Guide 8
Typographic Conventions 9
How to Get Help 9
Part 1: Basic Concepts & Configuration11
Chapter 1: VSE SmartConnect Software Operation 13
VSE SmartConnect Software Overview 13
VSE SmartConnect Software Quick Start 15
Configuring the Chassis Management System 15
Configuring the Upstream Networking Device 15
Configuring the Chassis Processor Blades 15
Chapter 2: Getting Started with the Browser-Based Interface 17
Requirements 17
Web Browser Set Up 17
Starting the BBI 18
Updating the Software Image 20
Loading the New Software Image 20
Transferring the New Image to the Switch 20
Selecting a Software Image to Run 22
Uploading a Software Image from the Switch 22
Selecting a Configuration Block 23
Resetting the Switch 24
BMD00082, February 20091
SmartConnect User’s Guide
Chapter 3: Switch Virtualization 25
Virtual Switch Groups 26
Port Groups 26
Virtual Machine Groups 26
Link Aggregation 27
VLANs 28
Network Segmentation 28
Port Access 28
Port-Based VLAN Tagging 28
Defined VLANs 29
CLI Menus 58
Viewing, Applying, and Saving Changes 61
Viewing Pending Changes 61
Applying Pending Changes 61
Saving the Configuration 62
ContentsBMD00082, February 2009
Chapter 6: Configuring Switch Access 63
Management Module Setup 63
Factory Default vs. MM Assigned IP Addresses 64
Configuring the Default Gateway 64
Configuring Management Module for Switch Access 65
Using Telnet 67
Connect to the Switch via SSH 67
Using the Browser-Based Interface 68
Access via HTTP 68
Access via HTTPS 68
Securing Access to the Switch 70
Setting Allowable Source IP Address Ranges 71
RADIUS Authentication and Authorization 72
TACACS+ Authentication 74
End User Access Control 75
Protected Mode 77
Secure Shell and Secure Copy 78
Part 2: BBI Reference87
SmartConnect User’s Guide
Chapter 7: Understanding the Browser-Based Interface 89
Chapter 8: Virtual Switch Groups 95
Virtual Switch Groups Membership 97
Virtual Switch Groups Settings 98
Virtual Switch Groups ACL QoS 100
Chapter 9: Switch Policies 101
Internal Port Settings 102
External Port Settings 103
Management Port Settings 104
Port Mirroring 105
Access Control Lists 106
ACL Configuration Table 106
Add or Edit ACLs 108
Access Control List Sets 111
BMD00082, February 2009Contents
SmartConnect User’s Guide
Quality of Service 112
IEEE 8021p for MAC-Level QoS 112
DiffServ Code Point QoS 113
ServerMobility 114
ServerMobility General Configuration 115
ServerMobility Port Configuration 116
Chapter 10: System Settings 117
Management Settings 118
General Settings 119
Local User Administration 120
Remote User Administration 122
Time Services Settings 124
ErrDisable System Settings 125
Switch Protected Mode 125
Management Network Settings 126
Bootstrap Protocol Settings 126
SSH/Telnet Settings 127
Virtual Machine Group Settings 128
Syslog Settings 129
Stacking Configuration 130
Stack Switch Configuration 130
Stack IP Interfaces 131
Chapter 11: Boot Management 133
General Boot Settings 133
Boot Schedule 135
Chapter 12: Switch Information 137
Access Control List Information 138
Access Control List Sets Information 138
ARP Cache Information 139
Bootstrap Protocol Relay Information 139
Forwarding Database Information 140
Virtual Switch Group Information 141
IGMP Information 142
IP Information 143
Link Status Information 144
ContentsBMD00082, February 2009
ServerMobility 145
ServerMobility General Information 145
ServerMobility Port Information 146
SNMPv3 Information 147
Syslog Messages 149
Port Transceiver Status 150
Trunk Groups Information 150
User Information 151
Virtual Machine Group Information 151
Chapter 13: Switch Statistics 153
Access Control List Statistics 153
FDB Statistics 154
Layer 3 Statistics 154
IGMP Group Snooping Statistics Summary 158
IP Statistics 159
MP-Specific Information 160
CPU Utilization 161
MP Packet Statistics 161
Network Time Protocol Statistics 162
Port Statistics 162
SmartConnect User’s Guide
BMD00082, February 2009Contents
SmartConnect User’s Guide
ContentsBMD00082, February 2009
Virtual Switch Extension (VSE) for IBM BladeCen ter, SmartConnect, is a simplified software
image that can be run on a BNT 1/10Gb Uplink Ethernet Switch Module (GbESM). VSE
SmartConnect software provides an easy-to-use graphical user interface (GUI) and a reduced
function set to minimize networking mis-configuration.
This User’s Guide describes how to configure and us e the VSE SmartConnect software. Refer
to the blade server chassis Installation Guide for details about how to install the switch module
Note – When the term switch is used in this document, it specifically refers to a BNT 1/10Gb
Uplink Ethernet Switch Module (GbESM) that is running VSE SmartConnect software.
Who Should Use This User’s Guide
This User’s Guide is intended for server administrators who need to connect the blade switch
to a data network. The administrator does not require extensive knowledge of Ethernet or IP
networking concepts to install and configure the VSE SmartConnect software. The VSE
SmartConnect software’s static configuration provides basic connectivity to the data network.
BMD00082, February 20097
SmartConnect User’s Guide
What You’ll Find in This User’s Guide
This User’s Guide will help the administrator plan, implement, and administer the VSE Smart-
Connect software software. Where possible, each section provides feature overviews, usage
examples, and configuration instructions.
Part 1: Basic Concepts and Configuration
Part 1 of this User’s Guide contains fundamental information necessary to use the VSE Smart-
Connect software. Chapters are arranged in the best order for making quickest use of the VSE
SmartConnect software.
Chapter 1, “VSE SmartConnect Software Operation,” provides a general theory of operation
for the VSE SmartConnect software.
Chapter 2, “Getting Started with the Browser-Based Interface,” provides an overview of the
browser-based interface (BBI), the primary tool used to view and configure the VSE SmartConnect software.
The remaining chapters in this part describe key VSE SmartConnect software features, providing detail for their use and configuration. Features covered include switch virtualization for
port groups, VLANs, trunking, failover, and stacking, the command-line interface, and methods for remote administration.
See “Basic Concepts & Configuration” on page 11 for the complete description of the chapters
in this part of the User’s Guide.
Part 2: BBI Reference
Part 2 of this User’s Guide contains information about the settings and controls on each page
of the browser-based interface (BBI) used for configuring and monitoring the switch.
Chapter 7, “Understanding the Browser-Based Interface,” starts Part 2 of this User’s Guide and
provides information about the BBI screen layout, menu system, and basic operation.
The remaining chapters are arranged in hierarchical order, as they appear in the BBI menu bar.
See “BBI Reference” on page 87 for the complete description of the section s in thi s part of the
User’s Guide.
PrefaceBMD00082, February 2009
SmartConnect User’s Guide
Typographic Conventions
The following table describes the typographic styles used in this book.
Table 1 Typographic Conventions
Typeface or
AaBbCc123This type is used for names of commands,
AaBbCc123This bold type appears in command exam-
<AaBbCc123> This italicized type appears in command
[ ]Command items shown inside brackets are
AaBbCc123This block type depicts menus, buttons, and
files, and directories used within the text.
It also depicts on-screen computer output and
ples. It shows text that must be typed in
exactly as shown.
examples as a parameter placeholder. Replace
the indicated text with the appropriate real
name or value when using the command. Do
not type the brackets.
This also shows book titles, special terms, or
words to be emphasized.
optional and can be used or excluded as the
situation demands. Do not type the brackets.
other controls that appear in Web browsers
and other graphical interfaces.
View the readme.txt file.
Main# sys
To establish a Telnet session, enter:
host# telnet<IP address>
Read the
host# ls [-a]
Click the Save button.
User’s Guide thoroughly.
How to Get Help
If help, service, or technical assistance is needed, see the blade server chassis software Installation Guide for the appropriate contact information.
BMD00082, February 2009Preface
SmartConnect User’s Guide
PrefaceBMD00082, February 2009
Part 1: Basic Concepts &
The chapters in this part of the User’s Guide cover the following information:
Chapter 1, “VSE SmartConnect Software Operation,” provides a general theory of opera-
tion for the VSE SmartConnect software.
Chapter 2, “Getting Started with the Browser-Based Interface,” provides an overview of
the browser-based interface (BBI) that enables the administrator to view and configure
settings on the switch.
Chapter 3, “Switch Virtualization,” describes how to use virtualization features to com-
bine multiple ports to aggregate bandwidth between large-scale network devices, or segregate ports or virtual machines to form smaller, independent switch entities.
Chapter 4, “Stacking,” describes how to configure the switch fo r st acking, which allows
multiple switches to work together as a single unit.
Chapter 5, “Command Reference,” provides an overview of menu commands that enable
the administrator to view information and statistics about the switch, and to perform any
necessary configuration.
Chapter 6, “Configuring Switch Access,” describes different methods to access and man-
age the switch, including remote administration using the management system, RADIUS
authentication, Secure Shell (SSH), and Secure Copy (SCP).
BMD00082, February 200911
SmartConnect User’s Guide
Part 1: Basic Concepts & ConfigurationBMD00082, February 2009
VSE SmartConnect Software
VSE SmartConnect Software Overview
The Virtual Switch Extension (VSE) for IBM BladeCenter, SmartConnect, provides a simple
Ethernet interface option for connecting a blade server chassis to the network infrastructure. The
administrative effort and network skills required to connect to the network are minimized. The
number and type of configuration options on the VSE SmartConnect software are restricted to
reduce the initial setup complexity and to minimize the impact on upstr eam networki ng devices.
The VSE SmartConnect software requires basic administ ration tasks similar to those required to
connect a single multi-linked server to the network. Connecting the blade server chassis with up
to fourteen (14) server blades becomes as easy as connecting a single server to the network.
The default network configuration of the VSE SmartConnect software consists of a single Virtual Switch Group (VSG). As the switch is configured, additional VSGs may be created, and
switch resources (internal ports, external ports, and virtual machines) may be reassigned to
take advantage of various switch virtualization features.
By default, all of the external uplink ports in each VSG are aggregated together into a static
Link Aggregation Group (LAG, or trunk), which is fully compatible w ith Cisco EtherChannel
technology. This configuration eliminates the need for Spanning Tree Protocol to prevent network loops among the individual links, since the uplink ports act as a single link.
The VSE SmartConnect software provides improved network reliability. By default, uplink
ports participate in a static trunk so that if an individual link fails, the existing traffic is redirected to the remaining links. In addition to default static trunks, VSGs may be configured to
use dynamic Link Aggregation Control Protocol (LACP) for their trunks.
BMD00082, February 200913
SmartConnect User’s Guide
The VSE SmartConnect software permits the uplink ports to auto-negotiate the flow-control
settings of each link (the default setting). Port characteristics can also be configured to specified values. All of the trunked uplink ports in each VSG must be configured to the same port
characteristics in order to participate (form an active link) in the trunk.
Note – In the default switch configuration in which all external ports (even those of different
physical types) belong to one trunk, some external ports may be automatically disabled by the
switch to satisfy general trunking restrictions. See “Trunking Rules” on page 32 for details.
With Network Adaptor Teaming configured on the server blade Ethernet NICs, the servers can
maintain redundant links to multiple swit ch es within the blade chassis to provide enhanced
reliability. The L2 Failover option allows the VSE SmartConnect software to disable the
server-blade ports when all of its external uplinks are inactive. This causes the Network Adaptor Teaming software to failover to the other switch(es) in the blade server chassis.
The VSE SmartConnect software permits effective management of the server blades using the
Serial Over LAN (SOL) feature over a VLAN dedicated to the blade chassis management system. If no external ports are enabled, Layer 2 Failover must be disabled to use SOL.
Most administrators will find the Browser-based Interface (BBI) adequate for configuring and
using the VSE SmartConnect software. However, a command-line interface (CLI) is available
for users familiar with the CLI, or who want to use scripting facilities. Other interface products, such as the IBM Director or Blade Harmony Manager, may also be used for managing
some or all switch functions.
Chapter 1: VSE SmartConnect Software OperationBMD00082, February 2009
SmartConnect User’s Guide
VSE SmartConnect Software Quick Start
When VSE SmartConnect software is loaded, the default configuration allows the switch to
function correctly with no configuration changes. The administrator must make some configuration changes to the upstream network device and the blades in the blade chassis, as described
in the following sections.
Configuring the Chassis Management System
The link through the management system is used to connect to the switch. The management
system is also used to control several operational characteristics of the switch:
Plug the Ethernet cable into the management system and verify the link.
Verify access to the management system.
Verify that the external ports are enabled.
Configuring the Upstream Networking Device
If only one link is required to the switch, do the following:
Plug in the Ethernet cable (straight through or crossover) that connects the switch to the
upstream networking device.
Configure the upstream networking device to transmit the desired data on a single
untagged (native) VLAN.
Verify that the upstream networking device is configured to auto-negotiate the link’s
speed, duplex and flow control. If fixed port characteristics are desired, configure the
switch port characteristics using the appropriate BBI or CLI interfaces.
If more than one link is required to the switch, configure a static link aggregation group (also
referred to as a trunk group or EtherChannel) to include all of the ports that are being connected.
Configuring the Chassis Processor Blades
The operating system should be configured to have a single 802.1Q untagged interface. If two
switches are used in the chassis, the server blades can be configured to support Network Adaptor Teaming Failover. For details, refer to the appropriate documentation for the operating system.
BMD00082, February 2009Chapter 1: VSE SmartC onnect Software Operation
SmartConnect User’s Guide
Chapter 1: VSE SmartConnect Software OperationBMD00082, February 2009
Getting Started with the BrowserBased Interface
This chapter briefly describes the software features and requirements for the Browser-Based
Interface (BBI), and explains how to access the BBI.
The BBI allows the administrator to perform basic configuration tasks quickly and easily. The
command line interface provides more detailed configuration options for VSE SmartConnect
software (see “Command Reference” on page 57).
BNT 1/10Gb Uplink Ethernet Switch Module (GbESM)
Installed VSE SmartConnect software
PC or workstation with HTTP access to the switch’s management IP interface as config-
ured using the management system
Frame-capable Web browser, such as the following:
Netscape Navigator 4.7x or higher
Internet Explorer 6.0x or higher
Mozilla FireFox 1.0.4 or higher
JavaScript enabled in the Web br ow ser
Web Browser Set Up
Most modern Web browsers work with frames and JavaScript by default, and require no additional set up. However, check the Web browser ’s features and configuration to make sure
frames and JavaScript are enabled.
Note – JavaScript is not the same as Java. Please make sure that JavaScript is enabled in the
Web browser.
BMD00082, February 200917
SmartConnect User’s Guide
Starting th e BBI
When the VSE SmartConnect software and browser set up is done, follow these steps to launch
the VSE SmartConnect software BBI:
1. Start the Web browser.
2. In the browser URL address window, specify the IP address of the target switch.
If the switch is configured correctly for BBI access, the login prompt will appear.
3. Log in to the switch.
If the switch and browser are properly configured, the password prompt will appear:
Figure 2-A SmartConnect Login Prompt
Note – The sample screens that appear in this User’s Guid e might differ slightly from the
screens displayed in any given system. Screen content varies based on the type of blade server
chassis being used, the firmware versions and options that are installed, and the specific hardware and software of the system used for accessing the switch.
Enter the account name and password for the switch’s administrator or user account. The
default account name is admin, and the default password is admin.
Note – There may be a slight delay while the main BBI page is being initialized. Do not stop
the browser while loading is in progress.
Chapter 2: Getting Started with the Browser-Based InterfaceBMD00082, February 2009
SmartConnect User’s Guide
Once the administrator is properly logged in, the VSE SmartConnect software BBI appears in
the Web browser’s viewing window:
Figure 2-B BBI Startup Screen
There are three main regions on the BBI screen:
The port status area is used to view po rt status. Click a port icon to view details.
The menus are used to select particular items or features to act upon.
The configuration window is used to view and configure switch features.
See “BBI Reference” on page 87 for general details on using the BBI.
BMD00082, February 2009Chapter 2: Getting Started with the Browser-Based Interface
SmartConnect User’s Guide
Updating the Software Image
The software image is the executable code running on the switch. Upgrading the software
image on the switch typically involves the following actions:
Load a new software image onto a FTP or TFTP server on the network, or onto a local
Transfer the newly loaded software image to the switch.
Select the new software image to be run when the switch is next reset.
Reset the switch.
Loading the New Software Image
Use the BBI to determine which version of software is currently installed on the switch. On the
BBI menu, choose System Settings > Boot Management > General. The resulting window displays the current software information.
If the switch requires a software update, the latest version of the VSE SmartConnect software
is available from the support web site. Download the switch image and place it on a FTP or
TFTP server, or on a local computer.
Transferring the New Image to the Switch
The switch can store up to two different software images, called image1 and image2, as well as
boot software, called boot. When loading new software, the administrator must specify where
it should be placed: either into image1, image2, or boot.
For example, if the active image is currently loaded into image1, best practice is to load the
new software into image2. This allows the administrator to test the new software and reload
the original active image (stored in image1), if needed.
Note – The switch image type is checked during the software download, to validate that the
image is compatible. If the image is incompatible, an error message is displayed.
The BBI may be used for loading software onto the switch. The software image to load can
reside in one of the following locations:
FTP server
TFTP server
Local computer
Chapter 2: Getting Started with the Browser-Based InterfaceBMD00082, February 2009
SmartConnect User’s Guide
Perform the following steps to load a software image:
1. On the BBI, choose menu System Settings > Boot Management > General.
The Boot Management window appears.
Figure 2-C Boot Management Window (shown with Stacking enabled)
2. Use the Image to transfer drop-down list to select the desired image.
3. In the Update Image/Cfg section, use the Method to use for transfer drop-down list to
specify the desired method (such as TFTP, FTP, or HTTP).
4. Get the image from the appropriate source:
If transferring software from a TFTP server, enter the Server IP Address, and the Remote
File Name. Then click Get Image.
If transferring software from a FTP server, enter the Server IP Address, and the Remote
File Name. Also enter the FTP Username and FTP Password. Then click Get Image.
If transferring software from a local computer (HTTP), click Browse. In the File Upload
dialog, select the desired file and click OK. Then click Get Image.
Once the image is transferred, the page refreshes to show the new software.
BMD00082, February 2009Chapter 2: Getting Started with the Browser-Based Interface
SmartConnect User’s Guide
Selecting a Software Image to Run
Perform the following steps t o select which software image (image1 or image2) desired to run
after the next reboot.
1. On the BBI, choose menu System Settings > Boot Management > General.
2. In the Boot Management page, use the Image to boot drop-down list to select the
desired image.
The VSE SmartConnect software can store two different types of software image, as follows:
This procedure can be used to change from one image type to the other. However, the configuration block for one image type is not compatible with the other type.
3. If necessary, select an option from the Next boot config block drop-down list.
If the software image type is changed, a compatible configuration block must be loaded or the
configuration must be reset to factory defaults. It is recommended that both the active and
backup configurations remain compatible with the active image type. For example, if a VSE
SmartConnect software configuration file is in the active config, do not store a normal configuration file in the backup config.
Note – When resetting the switch to its factory default configuration, the switch will retain its
stacking settings. To reconfigure or disable stacking, see “Stacking” on page 43.
4. Click Apply to submit the image and configuration changes to the switch.
The changes will remain pending until the switch is next reset.
5. Click Reboot the Module to activate the new image file and configuration block.
Uploading a Software Image from the Switch
Software images can also be uploaded from the switch to a FTP or TFTP server. The same
software can then be transferred to other compatible switches.
Perform the following steps to upload a software image from the switch to a FTP/TFTP server.
1. On the BBI, choose menu System Settings > Boot Management > General.
In the Boot Management window, page appears.
2. Use the Image to transfer drop-down list to select the desired image.
Chapter 2: Getting Started with the Browser-Based InterfaceBMD00082, February 2009
SmartConnect User’s Guide
3. In the Update Image/Cfg section, use the Method to use for transfer drop-down list to
specify the desired method.
4. Get the image from the appropriate source:
If loading a software image to a TFTP server, enter the Server IP Address, and the Remote
File Name. Then click Put Image.
If loading a software image to a FTP server, enter the Server IP Address, and the Remote
File Name. Also enter the FTP Username and FTP Password. Then click Put Image.
If loading a software image to a local computer (HTTP), click Browse. In the File Upload
dialog, select the desired file and click OK. Then click Put Image.
Selecting a Configuration Block
When configuration changes are made to the switch, the administrator must save the changes so
that they are retained beyond the next time the switch is reset. When the save command is
issued, the new configuration changes are placed in the active configuration block. The previous configuration is copied into the backup configuration block.
There is also a factory configuration block. This holds the default configuration of the VSE
SmartConnect software. Under certain circumstances, it may be desirable to reset the switch
software to its default configuration.
Perform the following steps to select which configuration block the switch will load the next
time it is reset:
1. On the BBI, choose menu System Settings > Boot Management > General.
2. In the Boot Management window, select an option in the Next boot config block
(active, backup, or factory).
Note – When resetting the switch to its factory default configuration, the switch will retain its
stacking settings. To reconfigure or disable stacking, see “Stacking” on page 43.
3. Click Apply to submit the configuration block changes to the switch.
The changes will remain pending until the switch is next reset.
4. Click Reboot the Module to activate the new configuration block.
BMD00082, February 2009Chapter 2: Getting Started with the Browser-Based Interface
SmartConnect User’s Guide
Resetting the Switch
The switch must be reset to make the software image file and configuration block changes
active. To reset the switch module:
1. On the BBI, choose menu System Settings > Boot Management > General.
The Boot Management page appears.
2. Click Reboot the Module.
Chapter 2: Getting Started with the Browser-Based InterfaceBMD00082, February 2009
Switch Virtualization
The following virtualization features are included in the VSE SmartConnect software:
The switch’s VMready software makes it virtualization aware. The switch automatically
discovers the Virtual Machines (VMs) of hypervisors connected to internal ports on the
switch. The VSE SmartConnect software accepts up to 1024 VMs.
Virtual aggregation
Switch resources can be pooled together, combining their capacity while at the same time
simplifying their management. This can be accomplished on a number of levels:
Grouping multiple internal and external switch ports into a single, logical switching
entity with shared bandwidth capacity. Up to 32 such Virtual Switch Groups (VSGs)
can be configured on the switch or stack.
Trunking multiple switch ports into a single, high-bandwidth link to other networking
devices. Each VSG supports up to two external trunks which can be used indepen-
dently, or as a primary and backup.
Stacking multiple switches from the same or different chassis into a single super-
switch. VSE SmartConnect software supports one stack with up to eight switches.
Stacking also permits the use of up to 56 internal port trunks.
Virtual segmentation
VSGs act as independent logical units. Traffic assigned to different VSGs is thoroughly
separated within the switch, essentially dividing the switch into smaller switch entities.
VSG segmentation occurs internally within the switch, requiring no support changes to the
broader network configuration (such as VLANs). Internal and external switch ports, as
well as any attached VMs, can be independently assigned to VSGs.
The ServerMobility feature allows server IP addresses to be assigned based on their physical location in a blade server chassis. Then, if a server fails, a replacement server (in the
same or different slot) can assume the identity (and configuration) of the failed unit.
By combining virtualization features, VSE SmartConnect software provides a highly-flexible
framework for allocating and managing switch resources.
BMD00082, February 200925
SmartConnect User’s Guide
Virtual Switch Groups
Switch resources can be assigned to VSGs. Up to 32 VSGs are available. Each VSG behaves
independently, which allows for segmenting the switch into smaller logical entities. Within
each VSG, member ports can be aggregated into trunks, combining their bandwidth.
T wo different types of resources can be assigned to VSGs:
Ports (internal and external)
Port Groups
Each internal and external port can be independently assigned to one of the 32 available VSGs.
Each VSG can contain multiple ports, but each port can belong to only one VSG.
VSGs for port groups must have the following characteristics:
It is recommended that each VSG contain internal server ports and external ports for
proper network operation.
By default, all external ports in the same VSG are placed into one trunk to aggregate their
bandwidth. For more information, see “Trunking” on page 30.
For VSG port group and trunk configuration, see “Assigning Ports to VSGs” on page 97.
Virtual Machine Groups
The switch automatically discovers VMs that reside in the hypervisor directly connected to the
switch. As with ports, VMs can be independently assigned to VSGs in order to group or separate them. Optionally, uplink ports can also be assigned to VSGs that include VMs.
The switch will accept a maximum of 1024 VMs. Once this limit is reached, the switch will
reject additional VMs.
Note – In some rare situations, the switch may reject the addition of new VMs prior to reach-
ing the 1024 VM limit. This can occur when the hash bucket corresponding to the new VM is
already full. If this occurs, change the virtual machine’s MAC address and retry the operation.
The MAC address can usually be changed from the virtualization platform’s management console (such as the VMware Virtual Center). This limitation is independent of whether switches
are acting alone or as part of a stack.
Chapter 3: Switch VirtualizationBMD00082, February 2009
SmartConnect User’s Guide
VSGs containing VMs have the following characteristics:
The VSG may consist of VMs and (op tio nally) external ports.
Internal ports cannot be added to VSGs which contain VMs, and VMs cannot be added to
VSGs which contain internal ports .
The sw itch all ows com munication between VMs in the same group.
The switch does not allow communication between VMs which are not in the same group.
However, VMs which are in the same hypervisor may still communicate with each other
even if they are not assigned to the same VSG on the switch.
For information on configuration, see “Assigning Virtual Machines to VSGs” on page 97.
Link Aggregation
The default network configuration of the VSE SmartConnect software places all ports into a
single VSG, and aggregates all external ports together into a static Link Aggregation Group
(LAG), also known as a trunk (see “Trunking” on page 30).
This configuration eliminates the need for Spanning Tree Protocol to prevent network loops,
since the uplink ports act as a single link. Also, since all of the uplink ports in each VSG participate in a static LAG, if a link fails, the existing traffic is redirected to the other links.
To overri de default VSG assignments and trunk settings, see “Assigning Ports to VSGs” on
page 97).
BMD00082, February 2009Chapter 3: Switch Virtualization
SmartConnect User’s Guide
Network Segmentation
Virtual Local Area Networks (VLANs) are commonly used to split up groups of network users
into manageable broadcast domains, to create logical segmentation of workgroups, and to
enforce security policies among logical segments.
By default, the VSE SmartConnect software treats all VLAN traffic as regular , untagged traffic
(as if no VLAN is assigned), and does not use VLAN information for making decisions on
whether to forward, drop, or segment traffic.
Switches with VSE SmartConnect software use VSGs to provide similar network segmentation functions without the need to alter the configuration of the broader network.
Though VSG numbers do not technically correlate to any specific VLAN IDs, if VSGs are
used as a way to emulate VLANs in the switch, for ease of management the administrator can
set the name of the VSG to reflect the equivalent VLAN identity.
Port Access
VLAN security policies can be enforced for ports within VSGs by using Access Control Lists
(ACLs). Port ACLs can be configured to consider a packet’s VLAN ID for making decisions
on whether to permit or deny the packet’s ingress.
ACLs can be configured in the BBI through the Switch Policy menus (see “Access Control
Lists” on page 106 and “Access Control List Sets” on page 111), and applied to ports through
the Virtual Switch Groups menu (see “Virtual Switch Groups ACL QoS” on page 100).
Port-Based VLAN Tagging
Each internal and external port can be independently configured with a Port VLAN ID (PVID)
for tagging purposes. Under specific circumstances, the configured VLAN ID will be added to
or stripped from traffic passing through the switch.
Upon the ingress of untagged packets:
If the PVID on the port is 0 (the default), the packets will remain untagged.
If the PVID on the port is set to any value other than 0, the switch will tag the packets,
placing the port’s VLAN identifier into the frame headers. One application of this
feature is to set a VLAN for traffic outbound from servers that do not perform their
own VLAN tagging.
Chapter 3: Switch VirtualizationBMD00082, February 2009
+ 136 hidden pages
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