IBM OS/400 Version 4 Release 3 - Version 5 Release 2
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IBM eServer iSeries and AS/400e System Builder:
IBM OS/400 Version 4 Release 3 - Version 5 Release 2
March 2007
Note: Before using this information and the product it supports, read the information in “Notices” on
page ix.
First Edition (March 2007)
This edition applies to Version 5 Releases 1 and 2 of OS/400 (product number 5722-SS1), and Version 4
Releases 3, 4, and 5 of OS/400 (product number 5769-SS1).
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xiSeries and AS/400e System Builder
This IBM eServer iSeries and AS/400e System Builder: IBM OS/400 Version 4 Release 3 Version 5 Release 2 IBM® Redpaper offers a comprehensive guide to IBM eServer®
iSeries™ and AS/400e™ hardware and associated IBM software. This document offers
detailed information about the IBM iSeries Models 250, 270, 820, 830, 840, SB2 and SB3, as
well as the IBM AS/400e Models 170, 250 package, 720, 730, and 740.
The IBM eServer iSeries and AS/400e System Builder: IBM OS/400 Version 4 Release 3 - Version 5 Release 2 is written for use by IBM System Specialists, Marketing Representatives,
Business Partners, and IBM clients.
Note: In the interest of maintaining the size of the IBM Redbook IBM eServer iSeries and
AS/400e System Builder, SG24-2155, the iSeries and AS/400e information was extracted
into this IBM Redpaper after the January 2006 edition of the Builder was produced.
For CISC and RISC models, only summary tables are included in this document. Readers
who require CISC information need to refer to AS/400 CISC System Builder, REDP-0042.
Readers who require RISC information need to refer to IBM eServer AS/400e RISC System Builder, REDP-0342.
Readers who require the latest iSeries information need to refer to the parent IBM
Redbook: IBM eServer iSeries and AS/400e System Builder, SG24-2155.
This paper is organized into chapters on IBM eServer iSeries and AS/400e processors and
associated towers. The chapters about processors include summary charts that show the
capacity and schematics of each model. Feature descriptions and rules for the processors
are in a chapter common to the supporting model. Features for the Models 820, 830, and 840
are in a stand-alone chapter.
Within each model chapter, the feature section is divided into these categories: power and
packaging, main storage, Peripheral Component Interconnect (PCI) input/output processor
(IOP) controllers, workstation controllers, communications, local area network (LAN) and
asynchronous transfer mode (ATM) adapters, disk units, internal tape and CD-ROM units,
and magnetic media controllers. Features are listed in numerical sequence within each
External storage components (storage devices and VXA-2 formats), CCIN and feature tables,
software, and cables are organized in stand-alone chapters. They serve to complement the
hardware content described in the mainstay of this paper.
Susan Powers is a Consulting I/T Specialist at the International
Technical Support Organization (ITSO), Rochester Center. She has
been the project manager for the iSeries Handbook and System Builder
suite of IBM Redbooks™ since 1997. Her work is made possible
through the work of the dedicated team of individuals, some of whom
are acknowledged in this preface.
Each edition of the
Rochester engineering and development teams with the ITSO. The teams of iSeries and
AS/400e specialists who contributed to the editions of the
IBM Redpaper are based are:
Louis Cuypers, iSeries Technical Support Specialist, IBM Belgium
Miklos David, iSeries Product Manager, IBM Hungary
Wolfgang Eckert, Senior Hardware Service Specialist, IBM Germany
Dwight Harrison, iSeries Remote Support Specialist, Rochester, Minnesota
Mark Huntley, Midrange System Sales, IBM United Kingdom, now Technical Manager for
TSF, an IBM Business partner in the United Kingdom
Miroslav Iwachow, Business Development Manager and iSeries Support Specialist
for Avnet, an IBM Business Partner in Czech Republic
Vihram Jihanian, IBM AS/400® Techline Sydney, Australia
Kendell Kinnear, formerly of IBM Techline, now Systems Consultant for Data Systems
International, an IBM Business Partner in Dallas, Texas
Axel Lachman, Project Manager and Senior Systems Engineer for FoxCom, an iSeries
Business Partner in Germany
Glen McClymont, Senior AS/400 Techline Specialist with IBM in Canada
Olga Miralles i Mulleras, Systems Manager for SOREA, an IBM cusotmer in Barcelona,
Jonathan Perry, Associate Consultant for ASTECH, an IBM Business Partner in St.
John’s Newfoundland
System Builder IBM Redbook is the result of close cooperation of the IBM
System Builder upon which this
Jerry Watson, iSeries Systems Specialist with IBM in the United Kingdom
Thank you to the extended team of developers, engineers, marketing, and writing resources
who assisted in answering questions, providing input, and editing output:
Gerald AllenMike GoolsbeyMark OlsonJenny Wong
Teresa BarreRandy GrimmRay PerkinsIBM Toronto
Jason CleggDuane GroszBrian Podrow
Larry ConnoyIan JarmanJeff TrachyJenifer Servais
Dave DoschMark MangesDave WellsLinda Robinson
Mike FallensteinScott MaxsonRon WeselyDebbie Willmschen
Mark GennrichDenis NizinskiJoe WritzIBM Editing Team
IBM RochesterIBM RochesterIBM Rochester
xiiiSeries and AS/400e System Builder
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Preface xiii
xiviSeries and AS/400e System Builder
Chapter 1.IBM AS/400e 170 models
This chapter identifies the features that are associated with each IBM AS/400e 170 server,
such as the processor features, power and packaging, main storage, and workstation
controllers. It also identifies the related communications—including wide area network
(WAN), local area network (LAN), and asynchronous transfer mode (ATM), disk units, internal
tape units, and magnetic media controllers.
Model and processorAnnounce dateGeneral availability dateWithdrawn from marketing
170 #215910 February 199827 February 199831 May 1999
170 #2160, #2164, #2176,
170 #228909 February 199927 February 199831 May 2001
170 #2290, #2291, #2292,
#2385, #2386, #2388
Dedicated Server for Domino®
#240703 August 199927 February 199831 May 2001
#2408 and #240903 August 199927 February 199828 December 2001
Note: The darker shaded areas in the following tables and graphics indicate the base
Main storage (MB min to max)64 to 83264 to 832256 to 1024256 to 1024256 to 1024
Minimum OS/400® level V4R3V4R3V4R3V4R3V4R3
Processor feature
Relative system performance
Processor performance 50731152204604601090
Interactive performance 15202530507070
Number/type/speed of processor 1/Northstar
Main storage (MB min to max)64 to 83264 to 83264 to 832256 to256 to256 to256 to
Minimum OS/400 level V4R3V4R3V4R3V4R3V4R3V4R3V4R3
/125 MHz
/262 MHz
/262 MHz
/125 MHz
Model 170 (September 1998/February 1999)
/262 MHz
/125 MHz
/262 MHz
/262 MHz
/125 MHz
/262 MHz
/125 MHz
/262 MHz
2iSeries and AS/400e System Builder
Base system for all
#7102 System
Expansion Unit
Total maximum5
Disk storage (GB)
Minimum internal 4.19 04.19
Maximum internal (V4R2) 34.3251.48 85.80
Maximum internal (V4R3 and later) 70.16105.24175.40
System I/O card slots
Low-speed PCI 246
Low-speed IPCS PCI 22 4
High-speed DASD IOA PCI 1 0 1
High-speed tape IOA PCI 0 1 1
High-speed Ethernet or ATM
Maximum communication lines
ATM adapters
Maximum LAN/ATM adapters
1 2 3
3 47
Non-Integrated Server LAN Low-Speed TR/Ethernet 1 45
Non-Integrated Server LAN 100/10 Ethernet123
Integrated Server LAN Low-Speed TR/Ethernet 2 2 4
Integrated Server LAN 100/10 Ethernet 1 1 2
Maximum workstation controllers
Twinaxial (only)356
Maximum workstations
Twinaxial (only) 28/108200228
Cryptographic processors022
Cryptographic accelerator
¼-inch cartridge tape (internal) 0-1 0 1
½-inch tape (external)
Reel 9348 0 0-2 2
Reel 2440, 9347 0 0 0
Cartridge 34xx, 35xx 0 0-2 2
8 mm ½-inch cartridge (external) 0 0-2 2
CD-ROM 1 0 1
Optical libraries 0 0-2 2
Note 1Commercial Processing Workload (CPW) is used to measure the performance of all iSeries and AS/400e processors
announced from September 1996 onward. The CPW value is measured on maximum configurations. The type and number
of disk devices, the number of workstation controllers, the amount of memory, the system model, other factors, and the
application being run determine what performance is achievable. With the introduction of the Dedicated Servers for Domino,
Simple Mail Users has been added as a performance measurement.
The constrained figures are for the 9406 Model 170 with its maximum configuration. The unconstrained figures show what
the performance would be if the processor was not limited by the maximum main storage and direct access storage device
(DASD) of the Model 170.
Note 2Processor performance represents the relative performance (maximum capacity) of a processor feature running CPW in a
client/server environment. Processor capacity is achievable when the commercial workload is not constrained by main
storage and DASD. Interactive performance represents the relative performance available to perform host-centric
workloads. The amount of interactive capacity consumed reduces the available processor capacity by the same amount.
Note 3The Integrated Server is mutually exclusive with the high-speed slot C03 for LAN, ATM or communications in the base
system unit.
Note 4One line is used by the Operations Console or Client Access Console if selected. The total is reduced by one if a Twinaxial
Console is selected. To reach the maximum of 18 communication lines using the #2745/#9745 in slot C03, remove the base
LAN adapter.
Note 5Base system totals are the maximum for the #2289 processor. The #2289 processor does not support attachment of the
#7101 or #7102 System Expansion Unit.
Note 6Integrated Server can refer to either Integrated PC Server (IPCS) or #2790 PCI Integrated Netfinity Server.
Chapter 1. IBM AS/400e 170 models 3
1.2 AS/400e Dedicated Server for Domino overview
The following table provides the Model 170 Dedicated Server for Domino minimum and
maximum capacities.
ModelDedicated Server for Domino (August 1999)
Processor feature
Relative system performance (CPW)
Client/server environment 3060120
Interactive environment 101520
Simple Mail Users130023004300
Number/type/speed of processor 1/Northstar/262 MHz1/Northstar/262 MHz2/Northstar/262 MHz
Main storage (MB min to max) 256 to 1024512 to 4096512 to 4096
Minimum OS/400 level V4R4V4R4V4R4
Base system for all
Disk storage (GB)
Minimum internal 4.19 04.19
Maximum internal (V4R2) 34.3251.48 85.80
Maximum internal (V4R3 and later) 70.16105.24175.40
System I/O card slots
Low-speed PCI 246
Low-speed IPCS PCI 22 4
High-speed DASD IOA PCI 1 0 1
High-speed tape IOA PCI 0 1 1
High-speed Ethernet or ATM
Maximum communication lines
ATM adapters
Maximum LAN/ATM adapters
Non-Integrated Server LAN Low-Speed 1 55
Non-Integrated Server LAN 100/10 Ethernet123
Integrated Server LAN Low-Speed TR/Ethernet 2 2 4
Integrated Server LAN 100/10 Ethernet 1 1 2
Maximum workstation controllers
Twinaxial (only)356
Maximum workstations
Twinaxial (only) 28/108200228
Cryptographic processors022
Cryptographic accelerator
¼-inch cartridge tape (internal) 0-1 0 1
½-inch tape (external)
Reel 9348 0 0-2 2
Reel 2440, 9347 0 0 0
Cartridge 34xx, 35xx 0 0-2 2
8 mm ½-inch cartridge (external) 0 0-2 2
CD-ROM 1 0 1
Optical libraries 0 0-2 2
1 2 3
3 47
#7102 System
Expansion Unit
Total maximum
4iSeries and AS/400e System Builder
1.3 9406 Model 170 system and expansion unit schematics
9406 Model 170 System Unit
9406 Model 170 System Unit
340 or 350 Watt Power
Supply (Note 8)
Base MemoryBase Memory
Memory Riser Card M02
M02 Riser Cards is only for processors
#2385, #2386, #2388, #2408 & #2409.
Memory DIMMs plug directly to the planar
on processors #2289, #2290, #2291 & # 2292
PCI Cards
PCI Card
ECS & Console #9720/#9721/#9745
Disk Cont. #2740/#2741/#9728/#2748
Integrated Server LAN Slot
Integrated Server LAN Slot
Integrated Server Bridge Card
(reserved) )
High Speed Slot
Integrated Server Proc. Card
#2857/#2866 (Note 10)
Magnetic Media
Disk Unit
Disk Unit
Disk Unit
Disk Unit
OP Panel
PCI Card Placement
WAN/Twinax IOA #9720 or
2-Line WAN IOA #9721/#9745
Disk Controller #9728/#2740/#2741/#2748
Integrated Server LAN Slot
Integrated Server High Speed LAN slot
Integrated Server Bridge Slot (reserved)
LAN/WAN/ATM slot (Notes 2, 3, 5,6 & 9)
Integrated Server Proc Slot #2857 / #2866
1. No high-speed LAN is allowed in slot C09.
2. If any card is in slot C03, then no LAN card is allowed in slot C09.
3. Communications cards #2750, #2751, and #2761 are only allowed in high-speed slot C03.
4. The #2289, #2290, #2291, and #2292 processors include embedded #9728 Base Disk
Unit Controller. A separate #9728 is not needed.
5. If any IPCS is in slots C02/C04, C03 must remain empty.
6. In C03, the #2811, #2812, #2819, #2745, #2750, #2751, #2761, #2746, #2723, #2724,
and #2838 are supported.
7. Integrated Server can refer to either Integrated PC Server or Integrated Netfinity® Server.
8. The 340W is in the #2289, #2290, #2291, and #2292, and the 350W is in the #2385 and
9. ATM is not supported after OS/400 V5R2. Upgrade to Ethernet.
10.The #2857 is not supported because Windows® NT is no longer supported. Upgrade to
#2866. Upgrade Windows NT® to Windows 2000.
Chapter 1. IBM AS/400e 170 models 5
Model 170 Main Storage Riser Card (M02)
for Processors #2385, #2386, #2388, #2408, #2409
Base Memory 1a
Base Memory 1a
1. DIMMS should be plugged in pairs in a sequential order, without leaving a gap.
2. Base memory cannot be upgraded.
3. When the upper half of the riser card is used (slot b), all DIMMS in those slots must match
the corresponding bottom (a) slots (that is, quad).
6iSeries and AS/400e System Builder
9406 Model 170 #7101/#7102 System Expansion Unit
Disk Unit
Disk Unit
Disk Unit
Disk Unit
Disk Unit
Disk Unit
* Note 7
350 Watt Power Supply
PCI Cards
Low Speed PCI Slot
Low Speed PCI Slot
Low Speed PCI Slot
Low Speed PCI Slot
Base Controller
Tape Controller #2729/#2718
LAN/ATM Adapter (Note 6)
Feat. Controller #2809/#2824
Integrated Server LAN Slot
Integrated Server LAN Slot
Int. Server Proc #2857/#2866 *
High Speed PCI Slot
Int. Server Bridge Card
PCI Card Cage for the #7101 System Expansion Unit
Base #2809/CCIN 2809
2-Line WAN IOA #2721/#2745 or Twinaxial IOA #2722 / #2746
2-Line WAN IOA #2721/#2745 or Twinaxial IOA #2722 / #2746
1. If any ATM is in slot E08, slot E13 must
remain empty. Base memory cannot
be upgraded.
2. If an Integrated Server is in slots
E02/E04, E03 must remain empty.
3. Both high-speed and low-speed ATMs
are supported in the system expansion
4. The disk units in the expansion unit are
covered by the #2740, #2741, #2748,
or #9740 PCI RAID Disk Unit Controller
in the system unit.
5. Integrated Server can refer to
Integrated PC Server or Integrated
Netfinity Server.
6. The #281x ATM is not supported after
OS/400 V5R2. Upgrade to Ethernet.
7. The #2857 is not supported because
Windows NT is no longer supported.
Upgrade to #2866. Upgrade Windows
NT to Windows 2000.
2-Line WAN IOA #2721/#2745 or Twinaxial IOA #2722 / #2746
2-Line WAN IOA #2721/#2745 or Twinaxial IOA #2722 / #2746
Base Controller (CCIN 2809)
Tape Controller #2729/#2718
#2723/#2724/#2745/#281x/#2838 (Note 6)
Feature Controller Slot #2809
Integrated Server LAN IOA #2723 / #2724
Integrated Server LAN IOA #2723 / #2724 / #2838
Integrated Server Processor Card Slot #2857 / #2866 (Note 7)
#2718/#2729#2723/#2724/#2745/#281x/#2838 (Note 6)
Integrated Server Bridge Card Slot (reserved position)
Chapter 1. IBM AS/400e 170 models 7
PCI Card Cage For #7101 System Expansion Unit
#2824/Base CCIN 2824
2-Line WAN IOA #2721/#2745 or Twinaxial IOA #2722 / #2746
2-Line WAN IOA #2721/#2745 or Twinaxial IOA #2722 / #2746
#2721 / #2722 / #2723 / #2724 / #2745 / #2746
#2721 / #2722 / #2723 / #2724 / #2745 / #2746
Base Controller (CCIN 2809)
Tape Controller #2729/#2718
High Speed LAN / ATM Adapter (Note 8)
Feature Controller Slot #2824
Integrated Server LAN IOA #2723 / #2724
Integrated Server LAN IOA #2723 / #2724 / #2838
Integrated Server Processor Card Slot #2857 / #2866 (Note 9)
Integrated Server Bridge Card Slot (reserved position)
1. If any ATM is in slot E08, slot E13 must remain empty. Base memory cannot be upgraded.
2. If an Integrated Server is in slot E02/E04, slot E03 must remain empty.
3. Both high-speed and low-speed ATMs are supported in the system expansion unit.
4. The disk units in the expansion unit are covered by the #2740, #9740, #2741, or #2748
PCI RAID Disk Unit Controller in the system unit.
5. Communications cards #2750, #2751, and #2761 are allowed in slot E03.
6. The #4800 PCI Cryptographic Processor is only allowed in high-speed slot E03.
7. Integrated Server can refer to Integrated PC Server or Integrated Netfinity Server.
8. The #2750 PCI ISDN BRI U Adapter, #2751 PCI ISDN BRI S/T IOA (Integrated Services
Digital Network (ISDN)), and #2761 Integrated Analog Modem are not supported. The
#281x ATM is not supported after V5R2. Upgrade to Ethernet.
9. The #2857 Integrated PC Server not supported because Windows NT is no longer
supported. Upgrade to #2866 PCI Integrated Netfinity Server. Upgrade Windows NT to
Windows 2000.
8iSeries and AS/400e System Builder
PCI Card Cage for the #7102 System Expansion Unit
#2824/Base CCIN 2824
Integrated Server Bridge Card Slot (reserved position)
1. If any ATM is in slot E08, slot E13 must remain empty. Base memory cannot be upgraded.
2. If either 100/10 Ethernet or any ATM card is in slot E03 or E08, no other LAN is allowed in
slots E11/E12 or E13/E14.
3. If an Integrated Server is in slots E02 or E04, slot E03 must remain empty.
4. Both high-speed and low-speed ATMs are supported in the system expansion unit.
5. The disk units in the expansion unit are covered by the #2740, #9740, #2741, or #2748
PCI RAID Disk Unit Controller in the system unit.
6. Communications cards #2750, #2751, and #2761 are allowed in slots E03, E08, and E09
(maximum one per input/output processor (IOP)).
7. The #4800 PCI Cryptographic Processor is allowed in high-speed slots E03, E08, or E09
(maximum one per IOP).
8. Integrated Server can refer to Integrated PC Server or Integrated Netfinity Server.
9. The #281x ATM is not supported after OS/400 V5R2. Upgrade to Ethernet. The #2750
PCI ISDN BRI U Adapter, #2751 PCI ISDN BRI S/T IOA (ISDN), and #2761 Integrated
Analog Modem are not supported.
10.The #2857 Integrated PC Server is not supported because Windows NT is no longer
supported. Upgrade to #2866 PCI Integrated Netfinity Server. Upgrade Windows NT to
Windows 2000.
Chapter 1. IBM AS/400e 170 models 9
1.4 AS/400e Model 170 processors
The AS/400e Model 170 systems are Customer Setup (CSU).
170 Processors
#2159 75.0 RSP CPW Processor in Client/Server Environment (Unconstrained), 16.0 RSP CPW Processor in Interactive
#2160 114.0 RSP CPW Processor in Client/Server Environment (Unconstrained), 23.0 RSP CPW Processor in
#2164 210.0 RSP CPW Processor in Client/Server Environment (Unconstrained), 29.0 RSP CPW Processor in
#2176 319.0 RSP CPW Processor in Client/Server Environment (Unconstrained), 39.0 RSP CPW Processor in
#2183 319.0 RSP CPW Processor in Client/Server Environment (Unconstrained), 65.0 RSP CPW Processor in
#2289 50 RSP CPW Processor in Client/Server Environment (Unconstrained), 15 RSP CPW Processor in Interactive
#2290 73 RSP CPW Processor in Client/Server Environment (Unconstrained), 20 RSP CPW Processor in Interactive
#2291 115 RSP CPW Processor in Client/Server Environment (Unconstrained), 25 RSP CPW Processor in Interactive
#2292 220 RSP CPW Processor in Client/Server Environment (Unconstrained), 30 RSP CPW Processor in Interactive
#2385 460 RSP CPW Processor in Client/Server Environment (Unconstrained), 50 RSP CPW Processor in Interactive
#2386 460 RSP CPW Processor in Client/Server Environment (Unconstrained), 70 RSP CPW Processor in Interactive
#23881090 RSP CPW 2-way Processor in Client/Server Environment (Unconstrained), 70 RSP CPW Processor in
#2407Dedicated Domino Processor, 1300 Simple Mail Users, 30 RSP CPW Processor in Client/Server Environment,
#2408Dedicated Domino Processor, 2300 Simple Mail Users, 60 RSP CPW Processor in Client/Server Environment,
#2409Dedicated Domino Processor, 4300 Simple Mail Users, 120 RSP CPW Processor in Client/Server Environment,
Environment (Constrained and Unconstrained). Base Memory 64 MB.
Interactive Environment (Constrained and Unconstrained). Base Memory 64 MB.
Interactive Environment (Constrained and Unconstrained). Base Memory 256 MB.
Interactive Environment (Unconstrained). Base Memory 256 MB.
Interactive Environment (Unconstrained). Base Memory 256 MB.
Environment (Unconstrained). Base Memory 64 MB.
Environment (Unconstrained). Base Memory 64 MB.
Environment (Unconstrained). Base Memory 64 MB.
Environment (Unconstrained). Base Memory 256 MB.
Environment (Unconstrained). Base Memory 256 MB.
Environment (Unconstrained). Base Memory 256 MB.
Interactive Environment (Unconstrained). Base Memory 256 MB.
10 RSP CPW in Interactive Environment. Base Memory 256 MB.
15 RSP CPW in Interactive Environment. Base Memory 512 MB.
20 RSP CPW in Interactive Environment. Base Memory 512 MB.
10iSeries and AS/400e System Builder
1.5 AS/400e Model 170 features
This section identifies the supported features for the AS/400e Model 170.
PCI cards are subject to plugging rules. See PCI Card Placement Rules for the IBM eServer iSeries Server, REDP-3638 for details.
Power and packaging
#1402Line cord 9-ft 120 volt
Feature #1402 specifies 9 ft (2.8 m), 15 Amp, and 120 volt (U.S. default). The #1402 specify feature provides up to two
line cords: one for the system and one for the expansion unit. One line cord is provided for the system unit.
#1403Line cord 9-ft 240 volt
Feature #1402 specifies 9 ft (2.8 m), 15 Amp, and 240 volt. This specify provides up to two line cords: one for the system
and one for the expansion unit. One line cord is provided for the system unit.
#7101 #7101 System Expansion Unit
The #7101 System Expansion Unit allows the addition of up to nine Peripheral Component Interconnect (PCI) cards. It
includes a base controller (CCIN 2809) as standard and can have another added by installing a #2809. The #7101 can
also support one #2857 Integrated PC Server or one #2866 PCI Integrated Netfinity Server. The #7101 supports up to
six disks (driven by the same disk controller located in the system unit).
The #7101 is mutually exclusive with a #7102 System Expansion Unit.
Maximum: One per system; requires one #1402 or #1403 line cord
Not available on the #2289, #2407, #2408, or #2409 processors
#7102#7102 System Expansion Unit
The #7102 System Expansion Unit allows the addition of up to nine PCI cards. It includes a base controller (CCIN 2824)
with 32 MB of memory as standard and can have another added by installing a #2824 PCI Feature Controller. The #7102
can also support one #2857 Integrated PC Server or one #2866 PCI Integrated Netfinity Server. The #7102 additionally
supports up to six disks (driven by the same disk controller located in the system unit).
The #7102 is mutually exclusive with a #7101 System Expansion Unit.
Maximum: One per system; requires one #1402 or #1403 line cord
Minimum operating system level: OS/400 V4R4
Not available on the #2289 processor
Main storage
Base There are no features to specify the base memory of 64 MB on the Model 170 #2159, #2160, #2289, #2290, and #2291
#3001 32 MB Main Storage (DIMM)
processors. There are also no features to specify for 256 MB on the Model 170 #2164, #2176, #2183, #2292, #2385,
#2386, and #2388 processors, for 256 MB on the #2407 Dedicated Domino Processor, or for 512 MB on the #2408 and
#2409 Dedicated Domino Processors.
The #3001 plugs directly into the CPU or memory riser card depending on the processor feature. Must be added in pairs.
Maximum: Six on all processors, except the #2385, #2386 and #2388 processors, which support a maximum of 12, and
#2408, #2409, which support a maximum of 12.
The #3001 is a Customer Install Feature (CIF) for an Miscellaneous Equipment Specification (MES) that only includes
CIF features.
#3002 128 MB Main Storage (DIMM)
The #3002 plugs directly into the CPU or memory riser card depending on the processor feature. Must be added in pairs.
Maximum: Six on all processors except the #2385, #2386, and #2388, which support a maximum of 14 and Dedicated
Domino processors #2408 and #2409, which support a maximum of 12.
The #3002 is a Customer Install Feature for an MES that only includes CIF features.
#3003 256 MB Main Storage (DIMM)
The #3003 plugs directly into the CPU or memory riser card depending on the processor feature. Must be added in pairs.
Mixing #3003 and #3004 within pairs (or quads on the #2385, #2386, and #2388 processors when more than eight
memory features are installed) is not allowed.
Maximum: 12.
Minimum operating system level: OS/400 V4R3
Supported on processors #2385, #2386, and #2388 only
The #3003 is a Customer Install Feature for an MES that only includes CIF features.
Chapter 1. IBM AS/400e 170 models 11
#3004 256 MB Main Storage (DIMM)
The #3004 plugs directly into the CPU board or memory riser card depending on the processor feature. Must be added
in pairs.
Mixing of #3003 and #3004 within pairs (or quads on the #2385, #2386 and #2388 processors when more than eight
memory features are installed) is
Maximum: Two on the #2289, #2290, #2291, #2292, and #2407 processors; 12 on the #2385, #2386, and #2388
processors; 14 on the #2408 and #2409 processors
The #3004 is a Customer Install Feature for an MES that only includes CIF features.
Base Multifunction IOP (for processors #2159, #2160, #2164, #2176, #2183, #2385, #2386, #2388, #2408, and
The base system includes this MFIOP (CCIN 6757), which plugs on the processor card, and supports two high-speed
PCI card slots C07, C03 and two low-speed PCI card slots C08, C09. The #2408 and #2409 processors include a #9740
Base RAID Disk Unit Controller in slot C07.
Slot C07 has a #9728 Base Disk Unit Controller, a #9740 Base RAID Disk Unit Controller, a #2740, #2741, or #2748 PCI
RAID Disk Unit Controller.
Slots C02/C04 are reserved for one #2857 Integrated PC Server or #2866 PCI Integrated Netfinity Server, and can only
be used if there is no card in C03.
Slot C03 supports one #2723/#9723/#2724/#9724/#2838/#9738 PCI LAN input/ output adapter (IOA), or low-speed
#2811/#2812/#2819 ATM, or #2745/#2750/#2751/#2761 PCI WAN IOA, or #2746 PCI Twinaxial Workstation IOA.
C08 is reserved for one base #9720/#9721 or #9745 Base PCI 2-Line WAN IOA.
C09 is limited to #2721/#2722/#2745/#2746 PCI IOAs if any card is in C03. If C03 is empty, it also supports one
#2723/#9723/#2724/#9724 PCI LAN IOA, or #9720 Base PCI WAN/Twinaxial IOA, or #2746 PCI Twinaxial Workstation
Base Multifunction IOP(for #2289, #2290, #2291, #2292, and #2407)
The MFIOP (CCIN 675A) and the processor are combined together on the planar board. It also includes embedded base
disk unit controller. A separate #9728 is not required. The #2407 includes a #9740 Base RAID Disk Unit Controller. The
MFIOP drives two low-speed slots C08, C09, and two high-speed PCI slots C03 and C07. It supports #2740/#9740,
#2741 or #2748 PCI RAID Disk Unit Controllers only, if there are more than four disk drives, and RAID-5 is required.
not allowed.
Workstation controllers
Slots C02/C04 are reserved for one #2857 Integrated PC Server or #2866 PCI Integrated Netfinity Server, and can only
be used if there is no card in slot C03.
Slot C03 supports one #2723/#9723/#2724/#9724/#2838/#9738 PCI LAN IOAs, or low-speed #2811/#2812/#2819
ATMs, or #2745, #2750, #2751 and #2761 PCI WAN IOAs or #2746 PCI Twinaxial Workstation IOA.
Slot C08 is reserved for one #9720/#9721 or #9745 Base PCI 2-Line WAN IOA.
Slot C09 is limited to #2721/#2722/#2745/#2746 PCI IOAs if any card is in C03. If C03 is empty, it also supports one
#2723/#9723/#2724/#9724 PCI LAN IOA or #9720 Base PCI WAN/Twinaxial IOA or #2746 PCI Twinaxial Workstation
The #2745 can be in either a low-speed or a high-speed slot.
Base IOPBase Controller for #7101 System Expansion Unit
One LAN/WAN/Workstation IOP (CCIN 2809) is supplied as standard within the #7101 and is installed in slot E10. It
provides support for two high-speed PCI card slots E08 and E09, and two low-speed PCI card slots E13 and E14.
Slot E08 supports one of the following LAN cards: #2838, #2723, #2724 or #281x ATM cards, or #2745 PCI 2-Line
Slot E09 supports the #2718 or #2729 PCI Magnetic Media Controller.
The low-speed slots E13 and E14 support cards #2721/#2745 PCI 2-Line WAN IOA and #2722/#2746 PCI
Twinaxial Workstation IOA. If any ATM card is in E08, then slot E13 must be empty.
12iSeries and AS/400e System Builder
Base IOPBase Controller for #7102 System Expansion Unit
One LAN/WAN/Workstation IOP (CCIN 2824) is supplied as standard within the #7102, and is installed in slot E10. It
provides support for two high-speed PCI card slots E08 and E09, and two low-speed PCI card slots E13 and E14.
Slot E08 supports one of the following LAN cards: The #2838, #2723, #2724, or #281x ATM cards or the #2745 PCI
2-Line WAN IOA or the #2746 PCI Twinaxial Workstation IOA or the #2750/#2751 PCI ISDN BRI S/T IOA, the
#2761 Integrated Analog Modem, or the #4800 PCI Cryptographic Processor.
Slot E09 supports the #2718/#2729 PCI Magnetic Media Controller the #2745 PCI 2-Line WAN IOA, the #2746 PCI
Twinaxial Workstation IOA, the #2750/#2751 PCI ISDN BRI S/T IOA, the #2761 Integrated Analog Modem, or the
#4800 PCI Cryptographic Processor.
The low-speed slots E13 and E14 support cards #2721, #2722, #2723, #2724, #2745, or #2746. If any ATM card is
in E08, E13 must be empty.
#2722 #2722 Twinaxial Workstation IOA
#2746 #2746 PCI Twinaxial Workstation IOA
#2720 Base PCI WAN/Twinaxial IOA
The #2720 is a combined twinaxial/communications adapter. It can be included as base in the Model 170. The #2720
provides four ports supporting a maximum of 28 twinaxial devices. It also provides a single communications line to
support ECS. See “#2720” on page 14.
PCI slots required: One
Maximum: One
One eight-port attachment is provided to support 40 twinaxial devices.
PCI slots required: One
Maximum: Five
The #2722 is a Customer Install Feature for an MES that only includes CIF features.
One eight-port attachment is provided to support 40 twinaxial devices. The #2746 can be attached both to high- and
low-speed slots.
PCI slots required: One
Maximum: Five
Minimum operating system level: OS/400 V4R4
The #2746 is a Customer Install Feature for an MES that only includes CIF features.
#2809 #2809 PCI LAN/WAN/Workstation IOP
The #2809 provides support for two low-speed PCI card slots E11 and E12, also one high-speed PCI card slot E03. It is
a feature controller for LAN/WAN/Workstation in the #7101 System Expansion Unit. It can be installed in E07 in the
#7101 System Expansion Unit only. One #2809 PCI LAN/WAN/Workstation IOP is supplied as standard within the #7101
with no feature required. See “Base IOP” on page 12.
Slot E03 can only be used if no #2857 Integrated PC Server or #2866 PCI Integrated Netfinity Server card is
installed in slots E02/E04.
Slot E03 supports one #2718, #2729, #2723, #2724, #2745, #2838, or #281x.
Slots E11 and E12 support #2721/#2745 PCI 2-Line WAN IOA and #2722/#2746 PCI Twinaxial Workstation IOA.
Maximum: One in #7101 System Expansion Unit
The #2809 does not attach to the #7102 System Expansion Unit.
The #2809 is a Customer Install Feature for an MES that only includes CIF features.
The #2809 was withdrawn from marketing on 31 May 2001.
Chapter 1. IBM AS/400e 170 models 13
#2824#2824 PCI Feature Controller
The #2824 PCI Feature Controller for LAN/WAN/Workstation has 32 MB of memory.
In the #7101 System Expansion Unit, one #2809 PCI LAN/WAN/Workstation IOP is supplied as standard with no feature
required. In the #7102 System Expansion Unit, one #2824 PCI Feature Controller is supplied as standard with no feature
required. See “Base IOP” on page 12. It can be installed in slot E07 in the #7101 and #7102 System Expansion Unit.
The #2824 PCI Feature Controller provides support for two low-speed PCI card slots E11 and E12, and one high-speed
PCI card slot E03.
Slot E03 can only be used if no #2857 Integrated PC Server or #2866 PCI Integrated Netfinity Server card is
installed in slots E02/E04.
Slot E03 supports one #2718, #2729, #2723, #2724, #2745, #2746, #2750, #2751, #2761, #281x, #2838, or #4800.
Slots E11 and E12 supports #2721, #2722, #2723, #2724, #2745, and #2746.
Maximum: One in the #7101/#7102 System Expansion Unit.
One #2750, #2751, or #2761 per #2824 PCI Feature Controller.
Minimum operating system level: OS/400 V4R4
The #2824 is a Customer Install Feature for an MES that only includes CIF features.
The #2824 was withdrawn from marketing on 21 November 2003.
#2721#2721 PCI Two-Line WAN IOA
See “Comm. Restrictions” on page 103, for communications rules and restrictions.
#2720 Base PCI WAN/Twinaxial IOA
The #2720 is a combined twinaxial/communication adapter. It is provided on the base system and supports a single
communications line intended for ECS. One #0348 V.24/EIA232 20-ft. (6 m) PCI cable must be specified.
The #2720/#9720 also supports twinaxial workstations. See “Workstation controllers” on page 12.
The #2720/#9720 is mutually exclusive with the #9721 and #9745.
The #2721 supports up to two multiple protocol communications ports when one or two of the following cables are
#0348 V.24/EIA232 20-ft. (6 m) PCI cable
#0349 V.24/EIA232 50-ft. (15 m) PCI cable
#0353 V.35 20ft/6 m PCI cable
#0354 V.35 50ft/6 m PCI cable
#0355 V.35 80ft/6 m PCI cable
#0356 V.36 20ft/6 m PCI cable
#0358 V.36 150ft/45 m PCI cable
#0359 X.21 20ft/6 m PCI cable
#0360 X.21 50ft/15 m PCI cable
#0365 V.24/EIA 232 80ft/24 m PCI cable
Restrictions apply using the #2721. See “Comm. Restrictions” on page 103, for communications rules and restrictions.
PCI slots required: One (low-speed only)
The #2721 is a Customer Install Feature for an MES that only includes CIF features.
14iSeries and AS/400e System Builder
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