IBM AS-400e User Manual

OS/400 Network File System Support
Ve r s i o n 4
OS/400 Network File System Support
Ve r s i o n 4
Before using this information and the product it supports, be sure to read the information in “Notices” on page 99.
Second Edition (May 1999)
© Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 1997, 1999. All rights reserved.
Note to U.S. Government Users — Documentation related to restricted rights — Use, duplication or disclosure is subject to restrictions set forth in GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.
Figures ........................... vii
Tables ........................... ix
About OS/400 Network File System Support (SC41-5714) ....... xi
Who should read this book .................... xi
AS/400 Operations Navigator ................... xi
Installing Operations Navigator.................. xii
Prerequisite and related information ................. xii
How to send your comments ...................xiii
Summary of Changes .....................xv
Chapter 1. What is the Network File System? ............ 1
Introduction.......................... 1
A Brief History ......................... 3
The Network File System as a File System .............. 3
Stateless Network Protocol .................... 4
Overview of the TULAB Scenario.................. 4
Chapter 2. The Network File System Client/Server Model........ 7
Network File System Client/Server Communication Design ........ 7
Network File System Process Layout ............... 8
Network File System Stack Description .............. 8
AS/400 as a Network File System Server ............... 9
Network File System Server-Side Daemons ............. 9
AS/400 as a Network File System Client ...............11
Network File System Client-Side Daemons .............12
NFS Client-Side Caches ....................12
Chapter 3. NFS and the User-Defined File System (UDFS) .......15
User File System Management ..................15
Create a User-Defined File System ................15
Display a User-Defined File System ................17
Delete a User-Defined File System ................18
Mount a User-Defined File System ................19
Unmount a User-Defined File System ...............20
Saving and Restoring a User-Defined File System ..........21
Graphical User Interface ....................21
User-Defined File System Functions in the Network File System ......22
Using User-Defined File Systems with Auxiliary Storage Pools ......23
Chapter 4. Server Exporting of File Systems ............25
What is Exporting? .......................25
Why Should I Export? ......................26
TULAB Scenario .......................26
What File Systems Can I Export?..................27
How Do I Export File Systems? ..................28
Rules for Exporting File Systems .................28
CHGNFSEXP (Change Network File System Export) Command .....30
Exporting from Operations Navigator ...............33
Finding out what is exported ..................36
Exporting Considerations ....................38
© Copyright IBM Corp. 1997, 1999 iii
Chapter 5. Client Mounting of File Systems .............39
What Is Mounting? .......................39
Why Should I Mount File Systems? .................41
What File Systems Can I Mount?..................42
Where Can I Mount File Systems? .................42
Mount Points ........................45
How Do I Mount File Systems? ..................45
ADDMFS (Add Mounted File System) Command ...........45
RMVMFS (Remove Mounted File System) Command .........48
DSPMFSINF (Display Mounted File System Information) Command ....50
Chapter 6. Using the Network File System with AS/400 File Systems ...55
RootFile System (/) ......................55
Network File System Differences .................56
Open Systems File System (QOpenSys) ...............56
Network File System Differences .................56
Library File System (QSYS.LIB) ..................57
Network File System Differences .................57
Document Library Services File System (QDLS) ............60
Network File System Differences .................60
Optical File System (QOPT)....................61
Network File System Differences .................61
User-Defined File System (UDFS) .................62
Network File System Differences .................63
Administrators of UNIX Clients ...................63
Network File System Differences .................63
Chapter 7. NFS Startup, Shutdown, and Recovery ..........65
Configuring TCP/IP .......................65
Implications of Improper Startup and Shutdown ............66
Proper Startup Scenario .....................66
STRNFSSVR (Start Network File System Server) Command.......67
Proper Shutdown Scenario ....................70
Shutdown Consideration ....................70
ENDNFSSVR (End Network File System Server) Command .......70
Starting or stopping NFS from Operations Navigator...........72
Locks and Recovery ......................74
Why Should I Lock a File? ...................74
How Do I Lock A File?.....................74
Stateless System Versus Stateful Operation .............74
RLSIFSLCK (Release Integrated File System Locks) Command .....75
Chapter 8. Integrated File System APIs and the Network File System ...77
Error Conditions ........................77
ESTALE Error Condition ....................77
EACCES Error Condition ....................77
API Considerations .......................77
User Datagram Protocol (UDP) Considerations............77
Client Timeout Solution ....................78
Network File System Differences ..................78
open(), create(), and mkdir() APIs ................79
fcntl() API .........................79
Unchanged APIs ........................79
Chapter 9. Network File System Security Considerations........81
The Trusted Community .....................81
iv OS/400 Network File System Support V4R4
Network Data Encryption ....................82
User Authorities ........................83
User Identifications (UIDs) ...................83
Group Identifications (GIDs)...................83
Mapping User Identifications ..................84
Proper UID Mapping .....................86
Securely Exporting File Systems ..................87
Export Options .......................88
Appendix A. Summary of Common Commands ...........91
Appendix B. Understanding the /etc Files..............93
Editing files within the /etc directory .................93
Editing stream files by using the Edit File (EDTF) command .......93
Editing stream files by using a PC based editor ...........94
Editing stream files by using a UNIX editor via NFS ..........94
/etc/exports File ........................94
Formatting Entries in the /etc/exports File..............94
Examples of Formatting /etc/exports with HOSTOPT Parameter .....96
/etc/netgroup File........................96
/etc/rpcbtab File ........................97
/etc/statd File .........................97
Notices ...........................99
Programming Interface Information .................101
Bibliography .........................103
Index ............................105
Readers’ Comments — We’d Like to Hear from You..........113
Contents v
vi OS/400 Network File System Support V4R4
1. AS/400 Operations Navigator Display ..............xii
2. The local client and its view of the remote server before exporting data . . 1
3. The local client and its view of the remote server after exporting data . . 2
4. The local client mounts data from a remote server ......... 2
5. Remote file systems function on the client............. 2
6. The TULAB network namespace ................ 5
7. The NFS Client/Server Model ................. 7
8. A breakdown of the NFS client/server protocol ........... 8
9. The NFS Server ......................10
10. The NFS Client ......................12
11. Using the Create User-Defined FS (CRTUDFS) display........16
12. Display User-Defined FS (DSPUDFS) output (1/2)..........17
13. Display User-Defined FS (DSPUDFS) output (2/2)..........18
14. Using the Delete User-Defined FS (DLTUDFS) display ........19
15. A Windows 95 view of using the CRTUDFS (Create UDFS) command . . 21
16. A Windows 95 view of using the DSPUDFS (Display UDFS) command . . 22
17. Exporting file systems with the /etc/exports file ...........25
18. Dynamically exporting file systems with the -Ioption ........26
19. Before the server has exported information ............27
20. After the server has exported /classes/class2 ...........28
21. A directory tree before exporting on TULAB2............29
22. The exported directory branch /classes on TULAB2 .........29
23. The exported directory branch /classes/class1 on TULAB2 ......29
24. Using the Change NFS Export (CHGNFSEXP) display ........31
25. The Operations Navigator interface. ...............34
26. The NFS Export dialog box. ..................34
27. The Add Host/Netgroup dialog box. ...............35
28. The Customize NFS Clients Access dialog box............36
29. The NFS Exports dialog box. .................37
30. A local client and remote server with exported file systems ......39
31. A local client mounting file systems from a remote server .......40
32. The mounted file systems cover local client directories ........40
33. The local client mounts over a high-level directory..........41
34. The local client mounts over the /2 directory ............41
35. Views of the local client and remote server ............43
36. The client mounts /classes/class1 from TULAB2 ..........43
37. The /classes/class1 directory covers /user/work...........43
38. The remote server exports /engdata ...............44
39. The local client mounts /engdata over a mount point .........44
40. The /engdata directory covers /user/work .............44
41. Using the Add Mounted FS (ADDMFS) display ...........46
42. A Windows 95 view of Mounting a user-defined file system ......47
43. Using the Remove Mounted FS (RMVMFS) display .........49
44. Using the Display Mounted FS Information (DSPMFSINF) display ....51
45. Display Mounted FS Information (DSPMFSINF) output (1/2) ......52
46. Display Mounted FS Information (DSPMFSINF) output (2/2) ......52
47. The Root(/) file system accessed through the NFS Server ......55
48. The QOpenSys file system accessed through the NFS Server .....56
49. The QSYS.LIB file system accessed through the NFS Server .....57
50. The QDLS file system accessed through the NFS Server .......60
51. The QOPT file system accessed through the NFS Server .......61
52. The UDFS file system accessed through the NFS Server .......62
53. Using the Start NFS Server (STRNFSSVR) display .........69
© Copyright IBM Corp. 1997, 1999 vii
54. Using the End NFS Server (ENDNFSSVR) display .........71
55. Starting or stopping NFS server daemons. ............73
56. NFS Properties dialog box. ..................73
57. Using the Release File System Locks (RLSIFSLCK) display ......76
58. Client outside the trusted community causing a security breaches ....82
viii OS/400 Network File System Support V4R4
1. CL Commands Used in Network File System Applications .......91
© Copyright IBM Corp. 1997, 1999 ix
x OS/400 Network File System Support V4R4
About OS/400 Network File System Support (SC41-5714)
The purpose of this book is to explain what the Network File System is, what it does, and how it works on AS/400. The book shows real-world examples of how you can use NFS to create a secure, useful integrated file system network. The intended audiences for this book are:
v System administrators developing a distributed network using the Network File
System. v Users or programmers working with the Network File System
Chapters one and two introduce NFS by giving background and conceptual information on its protocol, components, and architecture. This is background information for users who understand how AS/400 works, but do not understand NFS.
The rest of the book (chapters three through nine) shows detailed examples of what NFS can do and how you can best use it. The overall discussion topic of this book is how to construct a secure, user-friendly distributed namespace. Included are in-depth examples and information regarding mounting, exporting, and the following topics:
v How NFS functions in the client/server relationship v NFS exceptions for AS/400 file systems v NFS startup, shutdown, and recovery v File locking v New integrated file system error conditions and how NFS affects them v Troubleshooting procedures for NFS security considerations
It is assumed that the reader has experience with AS/400 client/server model, though not necessarily with the Network File System.
Who should read this book
This book is for AS/400 users, programmers, and administrators who want to know about the Network File System on AS/400. This book contains:
v Background theory and concepts regarding NFS and how it functions v Examples of commands, AS/400 displays, and other operations you can use with
NFS v Techniques on how to construct a secure, efficient namespace with NFS
AS/400 Operations Navigator
AS/400 Operations Navigator is a powerful graphical interface for Windows clients. With AS/400 Operations Navigator, you can manage and administer your AS/400 systems from your Windows desktop.
You can use Operations Navigator to manage communications, printing, database, security, and other system operations. Operations Navigator includes Management Central for managing multiple AS/400 systems centrally.
Figure 1 on page xii shows an example of the Operations Navigator display:
© Copyright IBM Corp. 1997, 1999 xi
Figure 1. AS/400 Operations Navigator Display
This new interface has been designed to make you more productive and is the only user interface to new, advanced features of OS/400. Therefore, IBM recommends that you use AS/400 Operations Navigator, which has online help to guide you. While this interface is being developed, you may still need to use a traditional emulator such as PC5250 to do some of your tasks.
Installing Operations Navigator
To use AS/400 Operations Navigator, you must have Client Access installed on your Windows PC. For help in connecting your Windows PC to your AS/400 system, consult
AS/400 Operations Navigator is a separately installable component of Client Access that contains many subcomponents. If you are installing for the first time and you use the Typical installation option, the following options are installed by default:
v Operations Navigator base support v Basic operations (messages, printer output, and printers)
To select the subcomponents that you want to install, select the Custom installation option. (After Operations Navigator has been installed, you can add subcomponents by using Client Access Selective Setup.)
1. Display the list of currently installed subcomponents in the Component
2. Select AS/400 Operations Navigator.
3. Select any additional subcomponents that you want to install and continue with
Client Access Express for Windows - Setup
Selection window of Custom installation or Selective Setup.
Custom installation or Selective Setup.
, SC41-5507-00.
After you install Client Access, double-click the AS400 Operations Navigator icon on your desktop to access Operations Navigator and create an AS/400 connection.
Prerequisite and related information
Use the AS/400 Information Center as your starting point for looking up AS/400 technical information. You can access the Information Center from the AS/400e Information Center CD-ROM (English version: Web sites:
xii OS/400 Network File System Support V4R4
) or from one of these
The AS/400 Information Center contains important topics such as logical partitioning, clustering, Java, TCP/IP, Web serving, and secured networks. It also contains Internet links to Web sites such as the AS/400 Online Library and the AS/400 Technical Studio. Included in the Information Center is a link that describes at a high level the differences in information between the Information Center and the Online Library.
For a list of related publications, see the “Bibliography” on page 103.
How to send your comments
Your feedback is important in helping to provide the most accurate and high-quality information. If you have any comments about this book or any other AS/400 documentation, fill out the readers’ comment form at the back of this book.
v If you prefer to send comments by mail, use the readers’ comment form with the
address that is printed on the back. If you are mailing a readers’ comment form
from a country other than the United States, you can give the form to the local
IBM branch office or IBM representative for postage-paid mailing. v If you prefer to send comments by FAX, use either of the following numbers:
– United States and Canada: 1-800-937-3430
– Other countries: 1-507-253-5192 v If you prefer to send comments electronically, use one of these e-mail addresses:
– Comments on books: IBMMAIL, to IBMMAIL(USIB56RZ)
– Comments on the AS/400 Information Center:
Be sure to include the following:
v The name of the book. v The publication number of the book. v The page number or topic to which your comment applies.
About OS/400 Network File System Support (SC41-5714) xiii
xiv OS/400 Network File System Support V4R4
Summary of Changes
This manual includes changes made since Version 4 Release 1 of the OS/400 licensed program on the AS/400 system. This edition includes information that has been added to the system to support Version 4 Release 4.
Changes made to this book include the following items:
v Updated graphic files. v Updated examples. v Updated NFS to FSS/400 comparisons. v Added information about short and long names. v Added a new section about editing files within the /etc directory.
© Copyright IBM Corp. 1997, 1999 xv
xvi OS/400 Network File System Support V4R4
Chapter 1. What is the Network File System?
OS/400 Network File System Support
aids users and administrators who work with network applications and file systems. You can use the Network File System (NFS**) to construct a distributed network system where all users can access the data they need. Furthermore, the Network File System provides a method of transmitting data in a client/server relationship.
The Network File System makes remote objects stored in file systems appear to be local, as if they reside in the local host. With NFS, all the systems in a network can share a single set of files. This eliminates the need for duplicate file copies on every network system. Using NFS aids in the overall administration and management of users, systems, and data.
NFS gives users and administrators the ability to distribute data across a network by:
v Exporting local file systems from a local server for access by remote clients.
This allows centralized administration of file system information. Instead of
duplicating common directories on every system, NFS shares a single copy of a
directory with all the proper clients from a single server. v Mounting remote server file systems over local client directories. This allows
AS/400 client systems to work with file systems that have been exported from a
remote server. The mounted file systems will act and perform as if they exist on
the local system. The following figures show the process of a remote NFS server exporting
directories to a local client. Once the client is aware of the exported directories, the client then mounts the directories over local directories. The remote server directories will now function locally on the client.
introduces a system function for AS/400 that
Figure 2. The local client and its view of the remote server before exporting data
Before the server exports information, the client does not know about the existence of file systems on the server. Furthermore, the client does not know about any of the file systems or objects on the server.
© Copyright IBM Corp. 1997, 1999 1
Figure 3. The local client and its view of the remote server after exporting data
After the server exports information, the proper client (the client with the proper authorities) can be aware of the existence of file systems on the server. Furthermore, the client can mount the exported file systems or directories or objects from the server.
Figure 4. The local client mounts data from a remote server
The mount command makes a certain file system, directory, or object
the client. Mounting does not copy or move objects from the server to the client. Rather, it makes
Figure 5. Remote file systems function on the client
When remote objects are mounted locally, they are placed over. Mounted objects also cover any objects that are
objects available for use
cover up
any local objects that they
of the mount point, the place on the client where the mount to the server begins. The mounted objects will function locally on the client just as they do remotely on the server.
For more information on these aspects of NFS, see the following sections: v “Chapter 4. Server Exporting of File Systems” on page 25
v “Chapter 5. Client Mounting of File Systems” on page 39
2 OS/400 Network File System Support V4R4
| | | | | | |
A Brief History
OS/400 Network File System Support is the replacement for the TCP/IP File Server Support/400 (FSS/400) system application. Users who are accustomed to working with FSS/400 will notice many similarities between FSS/400 and NFS. It is important to note, however, that FSS/400 and NFS are other. The FSS/400 system application can exist on the same AS/400 with OS/400 Network File System Support, but they cannot operate together. On any given system, do not start or use FSS/400 and NFS at the same time.
Sun Microsystems, Inc.** released NFS in 1984. Sun introduced NFS Version 2 in
1985. In 1989, the Request For Comments (RFC) standard 1094, describing NFS Version 2, was published. X/Open published a compatible version that is a standard for NFS in 1992. Sun published the NFS Version 3 protocol in 1993.
Sun developed NFS in a UNIX** environment, and therefore many UNIX concepts (for example, the UNIX authentication) were integrated into the final protocol. Yet the NFS protocol remains platform independent. Today, almost all UNIX platforms use NFS, as do many PCs, mainframes, and workstations.
compatible with each
| | |
Most implementations of NFS are Version 2, although a number of vendors are offering products that combine Version 2 and Version 3. The AS/400 implementation of the Network File System supports both Version 2 and Version 3 of the protocol.
The Network File System as a File System
AS/400 file systems provide the support that allows users and applications to access specific segments of storage. These logical units ofstorage are the following:
v libraries v directories v folders
The logical storage units can contain different types of data:
v objects v files v documents
Each file system has a set of logical structures and rules for interacting with information in storage. These structures and rules may be different from one file system to another, depending on the type of file system. The OS/400 support for accessing database files and various other object types through libraries can be thought of as a file system. Similarly, the OS/400 support for accessing documents through folders can be thought of as a separate file system. For more information on AS/400 file systems, please see the SC41-4711.
Integrated File System Introduction,
The Network File System provides seemingly “transparent” access to remote files. This means that local client files and files that are accessed from a remote server operate and function similarly and are indistinguishable. This takes away many complex steps from users, who need a set of files and directories that act in a consistent manner across many network clients. A long-term goal of system administrators is to design such a transparent network that solidifies the belief of
Chapter 1. What is the Network File System? 3
users that all data exists and is processed on their local workstations. An efficient NFS network also gives the right people access to the right amount of data at the right times.
Files and directories can be made available to clients by exporting from the server and mounting on clients through a pervasive NFS client/server relationship. An NFS client can also, at the same time, function as an NFS server, just as an NFS server can function as a client.
Stateless Network Protocol
NFS incorporates the Remote Procedure Call (RPC) for client/server communication. RPC is a high-end network protocol that encompasses many simpler protocols, such as Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) and User Datagram Protocol (UDP).
NFS is a stateless protocol, maintaining absolutely no saved or archived information from client/server communications. State is the information regarding a request that describes exactly what the request does. A stateful protocol saves information about users and requests for use with many procedures. Statelessness is a condition where no information is retained about users and their requests. This condition demands that the information surrounding a request be sent with every single request. Due to NFS statelessness, each RPC request contains all the required information for the client and server to process user requests.
By using NFS, AS/400 users can bypass the details of the network interface. NFS isolates applications from the physical and logical elements of data communications and allows applications to use a variety of different transports.
In short, the NFS protocol is useful for applications that need to transfer information over a client/server network. For more information about RPC and NFS, see “Network File System Stack Description” on page 8.
Overview of the TULAB Scenario
This book uses the fictional namespace TULAB to describe detailed applications of NFS concepts. A namespace is a distributed network space where one or more servers look up, manage, and share ordered, deliberate object names.
TULAB exists only in a hypothetical computer-networked environment at a fictitious Technological University. It is run by a network administrator, a person who defines the network configuration and other network-related information. This person controls how an enterprise or system uses its network resources. The TULAB administrator, Chris Admin, is trying to construct an efficient, transparent, and otherwise seamless distributed namespace for the diverse people who use the TULAB:
v Engineering undergraduate students v Humanities undergraduate students v Engineering graduate students v TULAB consultants
4 OS/400 Network File System Support V4R4
Each group of users works on sets of clients that need different file systems from the TULAB server. Each group of users has different permissions and authorities and will pose a challenge to establishing a safe, secure NFS namespace.
Chris Admin will encounter common problems that administrators of NFS namespaces face every day. Chris Admin will also work through some uncommon and unique NFS situations. As this book describes each command and parameter, Chris Admin will give a corresponding example from TULAB. As this book explains applications of NFS, Chris Admin will show exactly how he configures NFS for TULAB.
The network namespace of TULAB is complex and involves two NFS server systems:
1. TULAB1 — A UNIX server system
2. TULAB2 — An AS/400 server system The following figure describes the layout of the TULAB namespace.
Figure 6. The TULAB network namespace
Chapter 1. What is the Network File System? 5
6 OS/400 Network File System Support V4R4
Chapter 2. The Network File System Client/Server Model
To understand how the Network File System works on AS/400, you must first understand the communication relationship between a server and various clients. The client/server model involves a local host (the client) that makes a procedure call that is usually processed on a different, remote network system (the server). To the client, the procedure appears to be a local one, even though another system processes the request. In some cases, however, a single computer can act as both an NFS client
an NFS server.
Figure 7. The NFS Client/Server Model
There are various resources on the server which are not available on the client, hence the need for such a communication relationship. The host owning the needed resource acts as a server that communicates to the host which initiates the original call for the resource, the client. In the case of NFS, this resource is usually a shared file system, a directory, or an object.
RPC is the mechanism for establishing such a client/server relationship within NFS. RPC bundles up the arguments intended for a procedure call into a packet of data called a network datagram. The NFS client creates an RPC session with an NFS server by connecting to the proper server for the job and transmitting the datagram to that server. The arguments are then unpacked and decoded on the server. The operation is processed by the server and a return message (should one exist) is sent back to the client. On the client, this reply is transformed into a return value for NFS. The user’s application is re-entered as if the process had taken place on a local level.
Network File System Client/Server Communication Design
The logical layout of the Network File System on the client and server involves numerous daemons, caches, and the NFS protocol breakdown. An overview of each type of process follows.
© Copyright IBM Corp. 1997, 1999 7
A daemon is a process that performs continuous or system-wide functions, such as network control. NFS uses many different types of daemons to complete user requests.
A cache is a type of high-speed buffer storage that contains frequently accessed instructions and data. Caches are used to reduce the access time for this information. Caching is the act of writing data to a cache.
For information about NFS server daemons, see “Network File System Server-Side Daemons” on page 9. For information about NFS client daemons, see “Network File System Client-Side Daemons” on page 12. For information about client-side caches, see “NFS Client-Side Caches” on page 12 Detailed information about the NFS protocol can be found in “Network File System Stack Description”.
Network File System Process Layout
Figure 8. A breakdown of the NFS client/server protocol
Local processes that are known as daemons are required on both the client and the server. These daemons process both local and remote requests and handle client/server communication. Both the NFS client and server have a set of daemons that carry out user tasks. In addition, the NFS client also has data caches that store specific types of data locally on the on the client. For more information about the NFS client data caches, see “NFS Client-Side Caches” on page 12.
Network File System Stack Description
Simple low-end protocols make up a high-end complex protocol like NFS. For an NFS client command to connect with the server, it must first use the Remote Procedure Call (RPC) protocol. The request is encoded into External Data
8 OS/400 Network File System Support V4R4
Representation (XDR) and then sent to the server using a socket. The simple User Datagram Packet (UDP) protocol actually communicates between client and server. Some aspects of NFS use the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) as the base communication protocol.
The operation of NFS can be seen as a logical client-to-server communications system that specifically supports network applications. The typical NFS flow includes the following steps:
1. The server waits for requests from one or more clients.
2. The client sends a request to the server and blocks (waits for a response).
3. When a request arrives, the server calls a dispatch routine.
4. The dispatch routine performs the requested service and returns with the results of the request. The dispatch routine can also call a sub-routine to handle the specific request. Sometimes the sub-routine will return results to the client by itself, and other times it will report back to the dispatch routine.
5. The server sends those results back to the client.
6. The client then de-blocks.
The overhead of running more than one request at the same time is too heavy for an NFS server, so it is designed to be server can only process one request per session. The requests from the multiple clients that use the NFS server are put into a queue and processed in the order in which they were received. To improve throughput, multiple NFS servers can process requests from the same queue.
. This means that an NFS
AS/400 as a Network File System Server
The NFS server is composed of many separate entities that work together to process remote calls and local requests. These are:
v NFS server daemons. These daemons handle access requests for local files
from remote clients. Multiple instances of particular daemons can operate simultaneously.
v Export command. This command allows a user to make local directories
accessible to remote clients.
v /etc/exports file. This file contains the local directory names that the NFS server
exports automatically when starting up. The administrator creates and maintains this file, which is read by the export command. For more discussion about this file, see “/etc/exports File” on page 94 and “Chapter 4. Server Exporting of File Systems” on page 25.
v Export table. This table contains all the file systems that are currently exported
from the server. The export command builds the /etc/exports file into the export table. Users can dynamically update the export table with the export command.
For discussion regarding the CHGNFSEXP (Change Network File System Export) and EXPORTFS (Export File System) commands and how they work with both the /etc/exports file, see “Chapter 4. Server Exporting of File Systems” on page 25.
Network File System Server-Side Daemons
Chapter 2. The Network File System Client/Server Model 9
Figure 9. The NFS Server
NFS is similar to other RPC-based services in its use of server-side daemons to process incoming requests. NFS may also use multiple copies of some daemons to improve overall performance and efficiency.
RPC Binder Daemon (RPCD)
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This daemon is analogous to the port mapper daemon, which many implementations of NFS use in UNIX. Clients determine the port of a specified RPC service by using the RPC Binder Daemon. Local services register themselves with the local RPC binder daemon (port mapper) when initializing. On AS/400, you can register your own RPC programs with the RPC binder daemon.
NFS Server Daemons (NFSD)
The most pressing need for NFS server daemons centers around the need for multi-threading NFS RPC requests. Running daemons in user-level processes allows the server to have multiple, independent threads of processes. In this way, the server can handle several NFS requests at once. As a daemon completes the processing of a request, the daemon returns to the end of a line of daemons that wait for new requests. Using this schedule design, a server always has the ability to accept new requests if at least one server daemon is waiting in the queue. Multiple instances of this daemon can perform tasks simultaneously.
Mount Daemon (MNTD)
Each NFS server system runs a mount daemon which listens to requests from client systems. This daemon acts on mount and unmount requests from clients. If the mount daemon receives a client mount request, then the daemon checks the export table. The mount daemon compares it with the mount request to see if the client is allowed to perform the mount. If the mount is allowed, the mount daemon will send to the requesting client an opaque data structure, the file handle. This structure uniquely describes the mounting point that is requested by the client. This will enable the client to represent the root of the mounted file system when making future requests.
10 OS/400 Network File System Support V4R4
Network Status Monitor Daemon (NSMD)
The Network Status Monitor (NSM) is a stateful NFS service that provides applications with information about the status of network hosts. The Network Lock Manager (NLM) daemon heavily uses the NSM to track hosts that have established locks as well as hosts that maintain such locks.
There is a single NSM server per host. It keeps track of the state of clients and notifies any interested party when this state changes (usually after recovery from a crash).
The NSM daemon keeps a informed after a state change. After a local change of state, the NSM notifies each host in the notify list of the new state of the local NSM. When the NSM receives a state change notification from another host, it will notify the local network lock manager daemon of the state change.
notify list
Network Lock Manager Daemon (NLMD)
The Network Lock Manager (NLM) daemon is a stateful service that provides advisory byte-range locking for NFS files. The NLM maintains state across requests, and makes use of the Network Status Monitor daemon (NSM) which maintains state across crashes (using stable storage).
The NLM supports two types of byte-range locks:
1. Monitored locks. These are reliable and helpful in the event of system failure. When an NLM server crashes and recovers, all the locks it had maintained will be reinstated without client intervention. Likewise, NLM servers will release all old locks when a client crashes and recovers. A Network Status Manager (NSM) must be functioning on both the client and the server to create monitored locks.
2. Unmonitored locks. These locks require explicit action to be released after a crash and re-established after startup. This is an alternative to monitoring locks, which requires the NSM on both the client and the server systems.
AS/400 as a Network File System Client
that contains information on hosts to be
Several entities work together to communicate with the server and local jobs on the NFS client. These processes are the following:
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| | | |
v RPC Binder Daemon. This daemon communicates with the local and remote
daemons by using the RPC protocol. Clients look for NFS services through this daemon.
v Network Status Monitor and Network Lock Manager. These two daemons are
not mandatory on the client. Many client applications, however, establish byte-range locks on parts of remote files on behalf of the client without notifying the user. For this reason, it is recommended that the NSM and NLM daemons exist on both the NFS client and server.
v Block I/O daemon. This daemon manages the data caches and is therefore
stateful in operation. It performs caching, and assists in routing client-side NFS requests to the remote NFS server. Multiple instances of this daemon can perform tasks simultaneously.
v Data and attribute caches. These two caches enhance NFS performance by
storing information on the client-side to prevent a client/server interaction. The attribute cache stores file and directory attribute information locally on the client, while the data cache stores frequently used data on the client.
Chapter 2. The Network File System Client/Server Model 11
v Mount and Unmount commands. Users can mount and unmount a file system
in the client namespace with these commands. These are general tools, used not only in NFS, but also to dynamically mount and unmount other local file systems. For more information about the ADDMFS (Add Mounted File System) and RMVMFS (Remove Mounted File System) commands, see “Chapter 5. Client Mounting of File Systems” on page 39.
Network File System Client-Side Daemons
Figure 10. The NFS Client
Besides the RPC Daemon, the NFS client has only one daemon to process requests and to transfer data from and to the remote server, the block I/O daemon. NFS differs from typical client/server models in that processes on NFS clients make some RPC calls themselves, independently of the client block I/O daemon. An NFS client can optionally use both a Network Lock Manager (NLM) and a Network Status Monitor (NSM) locally, but these daemons are not required for standard operation. It is recommended that you use both the NLM and NSM on your client because user applications often establish byte-range locks without the knowledge of the user.
Block I/O Daemon (BIOD)
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The block I/O daemon handles requests from the client for remote files or operations on the server. The block I/O daemon may handle data requests from the client to remote files on the server. Running only on NFS clients or servers that are also clients, this daemon manages the data caches for the user. The block I/O daemon is stateful and routes client application requests either to the caches or on to the NFS server. The user can specify the regular intervals for updating all data that is cached by the block I/O daemon. Users can start multiple daemons to perform different operations simultaneously.
NFS Client-Side Caches
Caching file data or attributes gives administrators a way of tuning NFS performance. The caching of information allows you to delay writes or to read ahead.
12 OS/400 Network File System Support V4R4
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