Before using this information and the product it supports, be sure to read the general information in
Appendix J, “Special Notices” on page 389.
First Edition (December 1997)
This edition applies to Version 3, Release 7, Modification 0 of the AS/400 Operating System and to all subsequent
releases until otherwise indicated in new editions or technical bulletins.
Comments may be addressed to:
IBM Corporation, International Technical Support Organization
Dept. JLU Building 107-2
3605 Highway 52N
Rochester, Minnesota 55901-7829
When you send information to IBM, you grant IBM a non-exclusive right to use or distribute the information in any
way it believes appropriate without incurring any obligation to you.
Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 1997. All rights reserved.
Note to U.S. Government Users — Documentation related to restricted rights — Use, duplication or disclosure is
subject to restrictions set forth in GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.
Improving communication performance is not a trivial task. The purpose of this
redbook is to discuss how to manage communications performance and ways to
locate the problem areas in communication performance. This redbook collects
a large amount of the performance information from several sources and
presents it in an ordered manner. The databases created by the Performance
Tools/400 were used to give the key performance indicators.
This redbook is intended for technical professionals including network designers
who want to tune the IBM AS/400 system to improve communications
An intermediate knowledge of the Performance Tools/400 (5716-PT1) and
Query/400 (5716-QU1) is assumed.
The Team That Wrote This Redbook
This redbook was produced by a team of specialists from around the world
working at the International Technical Support Organization Rochester Center.
Suehiro Sakai is an Advisory International Technical Support Specialist for the
AS/400 system at the International Technical Support Organization, Rochester
Center. He writes extensively and teaches IBM classes worldwide in all areas of
AS/400 communications. Before joining the ITSO, he worked in AS/400 Brand,
Japan as an AS/400 Solution Specialist.
Petri Nuutinen is a Systems Support Engineer in Finland. He has 15 years of
experience in the Work Management field; first with S/38 and with the AS/400
system from 1987. H is areas of expertise include performance tuning and work
management. He has written extensively on how to find a performance problem
and whether it is related to hardware or software.
Jozsef Redey has been with IBM for 5 years and is a Software Customer
Engineer in Hungary. He has 15 years of experience in the IBM network and
connectivity fields. He holds a degree in electrical engineering from the HfV in
Dresden and in digital systems design from the Technical University in Budapest.
His areas of expertise include multi-platform SNA communications, Client Access
and AS/400 Internet connectivity.
Marcelo Porta has been supporting AS/400 in Argentina since 1988. Since 1991,
he has been working in the AS/400 communications area, and PC Support/Client
Access areas. His areas of expertise include APPN, main frame
communications, TCP/IP connection with RS/6000 and the satellite
This document is based on the ITSO redbook,
Performance Investigation
The authors of the redbook were:
Petri Nuutinen, IBM Finland
, GG24-4669.
AS/400 Communication
Philip Ryder, IBM Australia
Copyright IBM Corp. 1997 xi
Meindert de Schiffart, IBM Netherlands
Thanks to the following people for their invaluable contributions to this project:
Allan Johnson, Rochester Development
Bob Manulik, Rochester Development
Tom Freeman, Rochester Development
John Horvath, Rochester Development
Doug Prigge, Rochester Development
Lois Douglas, ITSO Rochester
Comments Welcome
Your comments are important to us!
We want our redbooks to be as helpful as possible. Please send us your
comments about this or other redbooks in one of the following ways:
Fax the evaluation form found in “ITSO Redbook Evaluation” on page 399 to
the fax number shown on the form.
Use the electronic evaluation form found on the Redbooks Web sites:
For Internet users
For IBM Intranet users
Send us a note at the following address:
xiiComm Perf Investigation - V3R6/V3R7
Chapter 1.Tools Used for Finding Performance Problems
Finding a performance problem is similar to solving a three-dimensional
crossword puzzle: all of the puzzles are different from each other but after
solving several puzzles, you begin to grasp a pattern. For example, you start the
puzzle from the lower left-hand corner and continue systematically towards the
upper right-hand corner. Solving a communications performance problem is a
task even more challenging. You need to have the AS/400 system tuned
properly before trying to figure out what is causing the communications
performance problem.
As it is impossible to give anyone explicit instructions for solving a crossword
puzzle, it is impossible to give you an exact check-list to be followed to find and
solve a communications performance problem. In this book, we are leading you
to the beginning of a never-ending task of finding the perfect performance.
The first step of solving a communication performance problem is to collect
material to be analyzed with the tools available. The collection is done by
entering the Start Performance Monitor (STRPFRMON) command that is
described in Section 1.2, “Collecting Communications Performance Data” on
page 2.
The tools you need to solve a performance problem are:
CL commands described in more detail in Chapter 2, “Using CL Commands
to Find Performance Problems” on page 11:
−WRKSYSVAL, Work with System Values
−WRKSYSSTS, Work with System Status
−WRKACTJOB, Work with Active Jobs
−WRKDSKSTS, Work with Disk Status
Performance tools/400
Tools/400” on page 27 and consists of the following parts:
−WRKSYSACT, Work with System Activity command
This command differs from the rest of the performance tools because it
is the only tool used for a real-time analysis. For information about
using this command, see Chapter 2, “Using CL Commands to Find
Performance Problems” on page 11.
−DSPPFRDTA, Display Performance Data command
−BEST/1 is used to plan for system growth and analyze the effect of work
load and hardware changes. Using this tool is discussed in Chapter 4,
“Using BEST/1 for Communications Performance Analysis and Capacity
Planning” on page 53.
−Programmer performance utilities such as:
- Job trace
- Disk Data Collection
- Analyze Process Access Group
- Performance Explorer
System Service Tools is discussed in Chapter 5, “Using System Service
Tools” on page 71.
Communications Trace is discussed in Chapter 5, “Using System Service
Tools” on page 71.
is described in Chapter 3, “Using Performance
Copyright IBM Corp. 1997 1
The tools should be used in sequence from top to bottom. First, use the Work
with System Values command to find out the settings of the allocation system
values. After that, check the overall performance by using the Work with System
Status command. Then find out if any individual jobs are using too much of the
systems′ resources by using the Work with Active Jobs command. The Work
with Disk Status command helps you to determine if any of the actuators are
being over-committed or whether the total amount of disk arms is adequate.
By using the Performance tools, you find out the bottlenecks of the performance
that can be analyzed more thoroughly by running queries to the performance
tools database. Communications trace is used to find out how the data is
passed between the AS/400 system and the remote end.
Please note that the users on a local token-ring are considered as remote users.
1.1 Usual Symptoms of Degraded Performance
There are several ways of finding out if your AS/400 system is having a
performance problem in the communications area, but a good starting point is to
ask users what they think about response times. Bear in mind that usually
workstation users are not satisfied with the response time even if it were
something similar to a sub-second...
The indicators to pay attention to are:
Poor response time
Reduced throughput
Heavy faulting rate in the main storage
High usage of system resources such as CPU, IOP, or DISK
Normally the degradation of response times is the first indication of something
getting out of order. Be aware that usually the response times get longer little
by little so noticing the degradation is almost impossible without a regular
observation of system performance.
1.2 Collecting Communications Performance Data
Before collecting the performance data to solve a communications performance
problem, decide what might be the problem to be investigated. The problem
description does not need to be overly detailed or technical, just try to simply
describe one problem. For example:
Remote response time seems too slow.
File transfer should go faster.
At times, the entire system seems sluggish.
Next, determine when the problem usually occurs. Maybe remote response time
is slow the first thing in the morning, or the file transfers seem slow late in the
When you can describe the communications performance problem and have
determined when it seems to occur, you are ready to collect communications
performance data for your analysis.
If possible, focus on collecting data for one problem at a time. Of course, try to
collect the data when the problem is the most likely to appear. You can decide
2Comm Perf Investigation - V3R6/V3R7
later how much of the data you want to analyze. For more information about
when to collect performance data and how much to collect, see the first few
pages of Chapter 4 in the
AS/400 Performance Tools/400 Guide
1.2.1 Why Collect Performance Data
Collect performance data on a regular basis and create historical data out of the
material collected. For example, you can run the performance data collection for
two hours on every Wednesday afternoon with the default parameters; the trace
data is not needed for the historical data. The reason for doing this is that
viewing the historical data graphics is the easiest way to notice any trends in
system performance if you are not using the Performance Monitor/400 software.
Another reason for collecting data regularly is that without having a baseline to
compare your performance data with, you have no way of telling whether the
performance is improving or degrading.
1.2.2 How to Collect Performance Data
You do not need Performance Tools/400 to collect the data, the collection part is
done by entering the Start Performance Monitor (STRPFRMON) command. This
generates several performance database files that contain statistics for each
communications protocol used. When collecting performance data to analyze a
communications performance problem, set the sampling interval to the smallest
value possible.
Figure 1 shows an example of how to collect performance data to generate
communications statistics to be analyzed either by the advisor or Performance
F3=Exit F4=Prompt F5=Refresh F12=Cancel F13=How to use this display
F24=More keys
Start Performance Monitor (STRPFRMON)
+ for more values
Figure 1. STRPFRMON Command
Chapter 1. Tools Used for Finding Performance Problems3
1 When collecting performance data, you can use the default library
QPFRDATA or you can create a specific library for your data. For
example, you can create a library with your customer name.
2 As you may have several performance members in that library, put a
text description of each member collected to help identify them. Usually,
it is a good idea to include the date of the collection in the description
3 Set the time interval to five minutes.
4 This specifies the type of information collected.
The possible values are:
*ALLAll of the information is collected including system information,
communications information, and input/output processor (IOP)
*SYSOnly system information is collected. IOP information is not
5 This parameter is new from Version 3 Release 6. Specifying *YES
starts Database monitoring for all the jobs in the system and that usually
is not preferable. Start Database Monitor (STRDBMON) Command
You may use the STRDBMON command to start monitoring database activities if
special information is required. Entering the STRDBMON command provides you
with the following display:
Type choices, press Enter.
File to receive output . . . . .
Library . . . . . . . . . . .*LIBL
Output member options:
Member to receive output . . .*FIRST
Replace or add records . . . .*REPLACE
Job name . . . . . . . . . . . .*
User . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Number . . . . . . . . . . . .
Type of records . . . . . . . .*SUMMARY
Force record write . . . . . . .*CALC
Comment . . . . . . . . . . . .*BLANK
F3=Exit F4=Prompt F5=Refresh F12=Cancel F13=How to use this display
F24=More keys
Start Database Monitor (STRDBMON)
Name, *FIRST
2Name, *, *ALL
0-32767, *CALC
Figure 2. STRDBMON Command
4Comm Perf Investigation - V3R6/V3R7
1 Use this parameter to specify both the library and the file name to
which the performance statistics are written. If the file does not exist, one
is created based on the QAQQDBMN file in library QSYS.
2 Use this parameter to choose the job or jobs whose database
activities are to be monitored.
3 Enter up to 100 characters of descriptive text on this input field.
Please note that at the time this publication was being written, there were no
tools available for analyzing the data collected. Be extremely careful when
collecting data because there is no way of knowing whether database monitoring
is active or not.
Usually the data collected through the STRDBMON command includes no data
directly related to communications performance.
If you forget to turn the monitoring off, you may eventually fill up all of the
disk space on the AS/400 system.
1.2.3 Automatic Data Collection
Automatic data collection allows you to select specific days of the week to
collect the data using the OS/400 performance monitor. Use the Add
Performance Collection (ADDPFRCOL) command or choose option 1 (add) on the
Work with Performance Collection menu (achieved by entering WRKPFRCOL
command) to establish a regular schedule for collecting performance data
automatically on any day of the week.
You may either specify the day and the time to collect the performance data or
just specify starting and ending times and run it every day of the week. Please
make sure that the collection time includes the peak hours or the period you
want to monitor.
Note: The default value of the RMTRSPTIME (Remote Response Time)
parameter is
collected unless otherwise specified.
*NONE which means that remote workstation response time is not
1.2.4 Performance Management/400
One tool that is completely different from all the other tools discussed in this
publication is Performance Management/400. It is a tool that is a combination of
both collecting and analyzing the performance data.
Performance Management/400 (PM/400) is an IBM system management service
offering that assists customers by helping them to plan and manage system
resources through regular analysis of key performance indicators.
The service uses a set of software and procedures installed on the customer′s
system. The software collects performance data and summarizes and transmits
the summarized data weekly to your local service provider.
PM/400 automates these functions and provides a summary of capacity and
performance information. Reports and graphs are produced in a format that
both non-technical and technical persons can understand.
Chapter 1. Tools Used for Finding Performance Problems5
Performance data is both analyzed and maintained by IBM. Contact your local
service provider for more information about using PM/400.
PM/400 does not require Performance Tools/400 (5716-PT1) and has no intention
to replace that product.
1.3 Using CL Commands Interactively
You have several commands to use for identifying the performance problem
WRKSYSSTSThis command is used to get a quick look at the system wide
performance figures such as:
CPU usage
Disk usage
Memory usage
Note: There is no way of knowing the amount of memory
used; you can only observe the rate of paging, which
indirectly tells you whether there is enough storage
available or not.
Job State transition rates
WRKACTJOBWith this command, you can easily find out how the individual
jobs are using system resources.
WRKDSKSTSWith this command, you can observe the performance of each
disk arm on the system.
WRKSYSACTWith this command, you can observe both external jobs and
internal task or processes. This command is actually the two
previous commands in one package and is only available as a
part of the Performance Tools/400 licensed program.
Please bear in mind that using these commands can add a significant
amount of workload to the system, especially if you are using the console
display. In other words, analyzing a performance problem can cause more
performance problems.
1.4 Using Performance Tools/400
Performance Tools/400 provides more ways for you to display performance
related information about the system being analyzed.
1.4.1 WRKSYSACT Command
The Work with System Activity display allows you to view performance data in a
real-time fashion. The data is reported for any selected job or task that is
currently active on the system. Besides having the capacity to view this data on
the display station, you may also direct the data to be stored in a database file
for future use.
6Comm Perf Investigation - V3R6/V3R7
1.4.2 PRTACTRPT Command
The Print Activity Report (PRTACTRPT) command generates reports based on
the data collected by the Work With System Activity (WRKSYSACT) command.
1.4.3 DSPPFRDTA Command
The Display Performance Data (DSPPFRDTA) command starts the interactive
displays that are used for showing the performance data.
Note: This command can only be used when previously collected performance
data is available.
1.4.4 The Advisor
Pay attention to any communications related recommendations or conclusions.
1.4.5 Produce Reports
The following list contains reports that you can produce by using the
Performance Tools/400 licensed software.
System reportPrints an overview of what happened on the system.
Component report
Transaction report
Prints performance data by job, user, pool, disk, IOP, local
workstation, and exception.
Prints information about the transactions that occurred during
the time that the performance data was collected.
The transaction report may be extended to print:
Transaction detail report
Transition detail report
Note: The transaction detail and transition detail reports are
quite detailed. Use select/omit parameters to choose specific
jobs, users, and time intervals only.
Lock reportPrints a report that is used to determine whether jobs are
delayed during processing because of unsatisfied lock requests
or internal machine waits.
Job reportPrints performance data about jobs that were active during the
time that the performance data was collected.
Pool reportPrints performance data about pools.
Resource report
Prints performance data about the system resources such as
disks and workstation controllers.
Batch job report
Prints performance data about batch jobs traced through time.
Resources utilized, exceptions, and state transitions are
Chapter 1. Tools Used for Finding Performance Problems7
1.5 What to Look For
Follow the flow chart shown in Figure 3 on page 9 to solve your communication
performance problem.
Questions to ask yourself about the performance problems are:
Is the performance always unacceptable?
Is the AS/400 system balanced? If it is not, follow the map in Figure 7 on
page 20 or contact your service provider to get assistance with tuning the
Is there a specific time of day/week/month when performance is poor?
Are there batch jobs or file transfer jobs running during the poor
performance time?
Are all of the users affected?
Are only remote users affected?
What do the complaining users have in common?
−If the answer is yes, are the batch jobs running in the same storage pool
as the communication jobs?
−If the answer is yes, consider creating a separate storage pool for either
batch jobs or the communication jobs.
−Is the same application used both in remote locations and locally?
−Are all of the users for this application complaining?
−Is there only one group of users having a problem?
−Are all of the users connected to the same controller/line/IOP?
8Comm Perf Investigation - V3R6/V3R7
Figure 3. Where to Read, 1 of 2
Chapter 1. Tools Used for Finding Performance Problems9
Figure 4. Where to Read, 2 of 2
10Comm Perf Investigation - V3R6/V3R7
Chapter 2.Using CL Commands to Find Performance Problems
This chapter provides information about identifying a communications
performance problem by using command language (CL) commands interactively.
Please bear in mind that using these commands can add a significant amount of
workload to the system, especially if you are using the console display. In other
words, analyzing a performance problem can cause more performance
2.1 WRKSYSVAL Command
System values are pieces of information that affect the operating environment in
the entire system. System values are not objects and, therefore, they cannot be
passed as parameter values the same as CL variables.
There are some system values that affect performance such as QTOTJOB,
values first because they can relate to your situation.
This value controls the total number of jobs for which the storage is allocated
during IPL.
The correct setting of this system value can be obtained by entering the
WRKSYSSTS command. Pay attention to the value displayed in the ″Jobs in
system″ field because the amount of jobs in the system should never be greater
than the value of QTOTJOB. Add 15% to the number of ″Jobs in system″ field
and set this to be the system value QTOTJOB provided that the followingcautions are followed:
Remember to clear output queues regularly because OS/400 reserves
storage for a job as long as there is at least one spooled output file for that
job even though the job is inactive. The more files there are in output
queues, the more jobs you see on the Work with System Status display.
If you have a high number of spooled files on the system while using the
WRKSYSSTS command and you add 15% more to set the QTOTJOB value,
you significantly increase the time it takes to IPL the system. Performance is
also affected at run time of any system functions that search through the
system wide Work Control Block Table (WCBT). These functions include the
WRKACTJOB command, WRKJOB command, and STRSBS command.
Consider using the AS/400 Operational Assistant options to clean the
obsolete spooled files such as old job logs and program dumps from the
system. This can be done by entering
If the amount of ″Jobs in system″ reaches this value, all of the jobs are paged
out from the main storage and the amount of job structures given with the
QADLTOTJ system value (the shipped value is 10) is created before all of the
jobs are paged into the main storage and normal processing continues.
GO CLEANUP on any command line.
You can suspect a wrong setting of QTOTJOB if the system seems to ″slow
down″ periodically with no apparent reason such as a heavy batch job visible.
The ″hang up″ situation normally lasts a couple minutes after which normal
Copyright IBM Corp. 1997 11
processing continues until the previously created job structures are used up and
a new ″hang up″ situation arises.
The value shipped with the operating system is 30 which normally is not large
Note: A change of this system value is effective only after the next IPL.
This value controls the initial number of active jobs for which storage is to be
allocated during IPL. The amount of storage allocated for each active job is
approximately 110K.
The correct setting for this value can be determined by entering the
WRKACTJOB command; on the right-hand top corner of the display is the
amount of active jobs in the system. Find out what is the highest amount of the
active jobs during a busy day, add 10% to the number, and you have found the
correct setting for the QACTJOB system value. The number of active jobs
should not exceed this value, or all of the jobs are paged out from main storage
until a number of job structures given with QADLACTJ are created.
You can suspect a wrong setting of QACTJOB if the system seems to ″fall
asleep″ periodically with no apparent reason visible. The ″sluggish
performance″ situation normally lasts a couple of minutes after which normal
processing continues until the amount of previously created job structures are
used up and a new ″hang up″ situation arises.
The value shipped with the operating system is 20 which normally is not large
Note: A change of this system value is effective only after the next IPL.
reasonable values. If you make QACTJOB and QTOTJOB excessively high,
the IPL is slower due to excessive storage allocation. If you make QACTJOB
and QTOTJOB too small for your environment and you make QADLTOTJ and
QADLACTJ excessively large, run-time performance can be impacted.
This value determines the maximum activity level of the system. This is the
number of all the jobs that can compete at the same time for main storage and
processor resources. If a job cannot be processed because no activity levels
are available, the job is held until another job reaches a time slice end or a long
wait. See Chapter 14 in the
state transitions.
Even though the value shipped with V3R7 is *NOMAX, ensure that this is the
setting on your AS/400 system. This is because the value shipped with the
previous releases (prior to V3R1M0) was 100 and normally the system values are
not changed during the update of the operating system. A change to this system
value takes effect immediately.
Do Not Set the Values Too Large!
Work Management Guide
for information about job
12Comm Perf Investigation - V3R6/V3R7
This system value affects the size of the *MACHINE storage pool. The machine
storage pool contains the highly-shared microcode and operating system
programs. Some of the programs are pageable and some of them are not
pageable. This means that you must be careful when changing the size for this
storage pool because system performance may be impaired if the storage pool
is too small.
1. A change to this system value takes effect immediately. The shipped value
2. This value may be changed by the performance adjust support when the
You can also change the setting of the QMCHPOOL system value by using the
Work with System Status display as described in the Section 2.4, “WRKSYSSTS
Command” on page 16.
The third way of changing this system value is done by using the WRKSHRPOOL
(Work with Shared Pools) command.
This system value provides recovery limits for system communications recovery.
It specifies the number of recovery attempts to make and when to send an
inquiry message to the system operator if the specified number of recovery
attempts has been reached.
is 20000KB.
system value QPFRADJ is set to 1, 2, or 3.
The recommended value is (2 5), which means that two communication line or
control unit retries are tried within a 5-minute interval. Never set the first value
(count limit) equal to or greater than the second value (time interval) excluding
(0 0).
If the count limit is 0, regardless of the time interval, no recovery attempts are
made. When the count limit is greater than 0 and the time interval is 0, infiniterecovery attempts are being made. If the count limit is greater than 0 and the
time interval is greater than 0, the specified number of recovery attempts are
made and an inquiry message is sent to the operator after the specified time
Table 1. QCMNRCYLMT Settings Examples
Count LimitTime IntervalAction
00No recovery
01 through 120No recovery
1 through 990Infinite recovery
1 through 991 through 120Count and time recovery
An incorrect setting of a QCMNRCYLMT value can cause the system to perform
the line or controller recovery continuously. Under some conditions, the
continuous retries can consume a significant amount of system resources. If this
occurs, stop the process by varying the configuration object off.
Chapter 2. Using CL Commands to Find Performance Problems13
2.2 PRTERRLOG Command
The next step of solving a communications performance problem is to verify that
the hardware is functioning properly. This can be done with the PRTERRLOG
(Print Error Log) command that is used primarily for problem analysis tasks. The
command places a formatted printer file of the data in the system error log (in
case there are errors reported) into a spooled printer device file named
QPCSMPRT or into a specified output file.
This command is shipped with public *EXCLUDE authority. The following user
profiles have private authorities to use the command: QPGMR, QSYSOPR,
The first page of the PRTERRLOG command prompt looks similar to the following
F3=Exit F4=Prompt F5=Refresh F12=Cancel F13=How to use this display
F24=More keys
Print Error Log (PRTERRLOG)
Name, *ALL
Time, *AVAIL
Figure 5. PRTERRLOG Command Prompt
You can also view the error log by using the System Service Tool as described
in Chapter 5, “Using System Service Tools” on page 71.
If the list produced with the Print Error Log command contains no hardware
errors in lines, controllers, or IOPs, proceed with the next topic. Otherwise,
contact your hardware service provider.
2.3 PTF Commands
This topic provides only part of the information about working with PTFs. For
more information, see Chapter 4 in
Install the latest cumulative PTF package about every four months or at least
twice a year. This is to ensure that your system has the latest level of code
14Comm Perf Investigation - V3R6/V3R7
, SC41-4206.
AS/400 System Startup and Problem
installed, and usually most of the so-called ″performance PTFs″ are included in
the cumulative PTF packages.
IBM creates PTFs to correct problems or potential problems found within IBM
licensed programs. PTFs may fix problems that appear to be hardware failures,
or they may provide new or enhanced functions.
2.3.1 DSPPTF
The Display Program Temporary Fix (DSPPTF) command shows the program
temporary fixes (PTFs) for a specified product.
To find out what level of code is running on the system, type the DSPPTF 5716999
command on any command line and you receive the ″Display PTF Status″
display. The first line displayed shows you the latest cumulative PTF package
installed on your system.
To find out what the latest PTF package is, enter the SNDPTFORD
PTFID((SF98370)) command and press Enter. I f you have a maintenance
agreement with IBM, you receive a file that has information about:
PTF packages available for Version 3 Release 7
Installing the latest cumulative package
Preventive service planning (PSP) information for installing the latest
cumulative PTF package
PSP information for installing Version 3 Release 7
IBM frequently-asked questions about the AS/400 system
Summary of the Version 3 Release 7 High Impact/Pervasive (HIPER) PTFs
and PTFs that are in error (PE)
Complete detailed list of the Version 3 Release 7 PTFs that are in error (PE)
Complete detailed list of the Version 3 Release 7 High Impact/Pervasive
(HIPER) problems
Summary of the generally available Version 3 Release 7 PTFs
Enter the SNDPTFORD PTFID((SF97370)) command to obtain a listing that
provides you with a convenient reference of the License Internal Code fixes and
program temporary fixes (PTFs) that are available by IBM licensed program
categories. This listing is updated regularly. You may choose to order a
PTF/FIX that effects one of your IBM licensed programs.
Enter the SNDPTFORD PTFID((SF99370)) command to order the latest cumulative
PTF package that is available in your country.
Information about the latest performance PTFs can also be obtained by reading
item 130NC in HONE.
Chapter 2. Using CL Commands to Find Performance Problems15
2.4 WRKSYSSTS Command
Observe and balance the overall (system wide) performance before focusing on
a communications performance problem. The reason for this is that the
communications performance is only a relatively small part of the overall
performance. If the entire system is functioning poorly, there normally is no use
trying to figure out what might be wrong with communications.
The Work with System Status display shows the current status of the system in
real time. Use this display to observe the paging fault rates and job transitions.
The indicators you need to pay special attention to (in order of priority) are:
1. Non database fault rates in the machine pool
2. Non database fault rates in all the other pools
3. Page rates in all the pools
4. Transition rates in all the pools
Note: When tuning the system, make sure that the machine pool is treated
separately from the other pools.
Use the faulting guidelines in the
Work Management Guide
manual and
Appendix I, “Guidelines for Interpreting Performance Data” on page 379 to
determine the effects that faulting has on performance. The following examples
may help you to understand the faulting guidelines:
The response time of an interactive transaction is affected by any faults that
occur during that transaction. Each fault adds from 10 to 30 milliseconds to
the end-user′s response time. For example, if the disk response time is 20
milliseconds and the transaction has five faults per transaction, add about
0.1 seconds to the total response time.
Each fault consumes a certain amount of the CPU power: the more faults that
occur, the more CPU is being consumed for unproductive work. In the
following examples, processing the transactions consumes 70% of the CPU
capability and the faulting rate is 100.
−On a 9401 class (CPW close to 7) processor, these faults use CPU for 0.6
−On an 9402 model 2130 class (CPW close to 12) processor, these faults
use CPU for 0.3 seconds.
−On an 9406 530 class (CPW close to 132) processor, these faults use CPU
for 0.02 seconds.
If the faulting rate of your system is close to the poor end of the faulting
guidelines tables, approximately 10% to 20% of the CPU is used for faulting.
Adding main storage to reduce the faulting rate also lowers the CPU
utilization, thus leaving more processing power available to handle more
With the increasing faulting rate, the amount of disk I/O also increases. If
you have only a few actuators, these faults can cause the disk utilizations to
increase more rapidly than if you have many disk arms. As your disk arm
(actuator) utilization increases, the time to process disk I/Os increases and
the response times get longer.
16Comm Perf Investigation - V3R6/V3R7
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