Before using this information and the product it supports, be sure to read the general information under “Notices” on page xi.
Third Edition (May 1999)
This edition applies to Version 4, Release 4, Modification 0, of IBM Application System/400 Integrated Language Environment RPG
for AS/400 (Program 5769-RG1) and to all subsequent releases and modifications until otherwise indicated in new editions. This
edition applies only to reduced instruction set computer (RISC) systems.
This edition replaces SC09-2507-01.
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Programming Interface Information
This publication is intended to help you create programs using RPG IV source. This
publication documents General-Use Programming Interface and Associated Guidance Information provided by the ILE RPG for AS/400 compiler.
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obtain the services of the ILE RPG for AS/400 compiler.
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xiiILE RPG for AS/400 Programmer's Guide
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xivILE RPG for AS/400 Programmer's Guide
About This Guide
This guide provides information that shows how to use the ILE RPG for AS/400
compiler (ILE RPG) in the Integrated Language Environment. ILE RPG is an
implementation of the RPG IV language on the AS/400 system with the Operating
System/400 (OS/400) operating system. Use this guide to create and run ILE
applications from RPG IV source.
This guide shows how to:
¹ Enter RPG IV source statements
¹ Create modules
¹ Bind modules
¹ Run an ILE program
¹ Call other objects
¹ Debug an ILE program
¹ Handle exceptions
¹ Define and process files
¹ Access devices
¹ Convert programs from an RPG III format to RPG IV format
¹ Read compiler listings
Who Should Use This Guide
This guide is for programmers who are familiar with the RPG programming language, but who want to learn how to use it in the ILE framework. This guide is also
for programmers who want to convert programs from the RPG III to the RPG IV
format. It is designed to guide you in the use of the ILE RPG compiler on the
AS/400 system.
Though this guide shows how to use the RPG IV in an ILE framework, it does not
provide detailed information on RPG IV specifications and operations. For a
detailed description of the language, see the
SC09-2508-02 .
Before using this guide, you should:
¹ Know how to use applicable AS/400 menus and displays, or Control Language
(CL) commands.
ILE RPG for AS/400 Reference
¹ Have the appropriate authority to the CL commands and objects described
¹ Have a firm understanding of ILE as described in detail in the
Copyright IBM Corp. 1994, 1999 xv
ILE Concepts
Prerequisite and Related Information
Use the AS/400 Information Center as your starting point for looking up AS/400
technical information. You can access the Information Center from the AS/400e
Information Center CD-ROM (English version: SK3T-2027-01) or from one of these
Web sites:
The AS/400 Information Center contains important topics such as logical partitioning, clustering, Java, TCP/IP, Web serving, and secured networks. It also contains Internet links to Web sites such as the AS/400 Online Library and the AS/400
Technical Studio. Included in the Information Center is a link that describes at a
high level the differences in information between the Information Center and the
Online Library.
For a list of related publications, see the “Bibliography” on page 439.
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xviILE RPG for AS/400 Programmer's Guide
What's New This Release?
|The major enhancements to RPG IV since V4R2 are the support for running ILE
|RPG modules safely in a threaded environment, the new 3-digit and 20-digit signed
|and unsigned integer data types, and support for a new Universal Character Set
|Version 2 (UCS-2) data type and for conversion between UCS-2 fields and graphic
|or single-byte character fields.
|The following list describes these enhancements:
|¹ Support for calling ILE RPG procedures from a threaded application, such as
|Domino or Java.
|– The new control specification keyword THREAD(*SERIALIZE) identifies
|modules that are enabled to run in a multithreaded environment. Access to
|procedures in the module is serialized.
|¹ Support for new 1-byte and 8-byte integer data types: 3I and 20I signed
|integer, and 3U and 20U unsigned integer
|– These new integer data types provide you with a greater range of integer
|values and can also improve performance of integer computations, taking
|full advantage of the 64-bit AS/400 RISC processor.
|– The new 3U type allows you to more easily communicate with ILE C proce|dures that have single-byte character (char) return types and parameters
|passed by value.
|– The new INTPREC control specification keyword allows you to specify
|20-digit precision for intermediate values of integer and unsigned binary
|arithmetic operations in expressions.
|– Built-in functions %DIV and %REM have been added to support integer
|division and remainder operations.
|¹ Support for new Universal Character Set Version 2 (UCS-2) or Unicode data
|– The UCS-2 (Unicode) character set can encode the characters for many
|written languages. The field is a character field whose characters are two
|bytes long.
|– By adding support for Unicode, a single application can now be developed
|for a multinational corporation, minimizing the necessity to perform code
|page conversion. The use of Unicode permits the processing of characters
|in multiple scripts without loss of integrity.
|– Support for conversions between UCS-2 fields and graphic or single-byte
|character fields using the MOVE and MOVEL operations, and the new
|%UCS2 and %GRAPH built-in functions.
|– Support for conversions between UCS-2 fields or graphic fields with dif|ferent Coded Character Set Identifiers (CCSIDs) using the EVAL, MOVE,
|and MOVEL operations, and the new %UCS2 built-in function.
|Other enhancements have been made to this release as well. These include:
|¹ New parameters for the OPTION control specification keyword and on the
|create commands:
About This Guidexvii
|– *SRCSTMT allows you to assign statement numbers for debugging from
|the source IDs and SEU sequence numbers in the compiler listing. (The
|statement number is used to identify errors in the compiler listing by the
|debugger, and to identify the statement where a run-time error occurs.)
|*NOSRCSTMT specifies that statement numbers are associated with the
|Line Numbers of the listing and the numbers are assigned sequentially.
|– Now you can choose not to generate breakpoints for input and output spec|ifications in the debug view with *NODEBUGIO. If this option is selected, a
|STEP on a READ statement in the debugger will step to the next calcu|lation, rather than stepping through the input specifications.
|¹ New special words for the INZ definition specification keyword:
|– INZ(*EXTDFT) allows you to use the default values in the DDS for initial-
|izing externally described data structure subfields.
|– Character variables initialized by INZ(*USER) are initialized to the name of
|the current user profile.
|¹ The new %XFOOT built-in function sums all elements of a specified array
|¹ The new EVALR operation code evaluates expressions and assigns the result
|to a fixed-length character or graphic result. The assignment right-adjusts the
|data within the result.
|¹ The new FOR operation code performs an iterative loop and allows free-form
|expressions for the initial, increment, and limit values.
|¹ The new LEAVESR operation code can be used to exit from any point within a
|¹ The new *NEXT parameter on the OVERLAY(name:*NEXT) keyword indicates
|that a subfield overlays another subfield at the next available position.
|¹ The ability to use hexadecimal literals with integer and unsigned integer fields
|in initialization and free-form operations, such as EVAL, IF, etc.
|¹ New control specification keyword OPENOPT{(*NOINZOFL | *INZOFL)} to indi|cate whether the overflow indicators should be reset to *OFF when a file is
|¹ Ability to tolerate pointers in teraspace — a memory model that allows more
|than 16 megabytes of contiguous storage in one allocation.
|The following tables summarize the changed and new language elements, based
|on the part of the language affected.
|OPTION(*{NO}SRCSTMT)|*SRCSTMT allows you to request
|cation keywords
|that the compiler use SEU sequence
|numbers and source IDs when gen-
|erating statement numbers for
|debugging. Otherwise, statement
|numbers are associated with the
|Line Numbers of the listing and the
|numbers are assigned sequentially.
|OPTION(*{NO}DEBUGIO)|*{NO}DEBUGIO, determines if break-
|points are generated for input and
|output specifications.
|Definition spec-
|INZ(*EXTDFT)|All externally described data struc-
|ture subfields can now be intialized
|to the default values specified in the
|INZ(*USER)|Any character field or subfield can
|be initialized to the name of the
|current user profile.
|OVERLAY(name:*NEXT)|The special value *NEXT indicates
|that the subfield is to be positioned
|at the next available position within
|the overlayed field.
|a value or constant parameter in a
|function prototype indicates that the
|character, graphic, or UCS-2 value
|passed as a parameter is to be right
|adjusted before being passed on the
|procedure call.
|Definition spec-
|3 and 20 digits allowed for
|Added to the list of allowed values
|ification posi-
|I and U data types
|for internal data types to support
|tions 33-39 (To
|1-byte and 8-byte integer and
|unsigned data.
|been added to the OPTION param-
|eter on the CRTBNDRPG and
|CRTRPGMOD commands.
About This Guidexix
|Control specifi-
|Sets the default graphic CCSID for
|cation keywords
|the module. This setting is used for
|literals, compile-time data and
Table 2 (Page 1 of 2). New Language Elements Since V4R2
Language UnitElementDescription
|program-described input and output
|fields and definitions. The default is
|CCSID(*UCS2: number)|Sets the default UCS-2 CCSID for
|the module. This setting is used for
|literals, compile-time data and
|program-described input and output
|fields and definitions. The default is
|INTPREC(10 | 20)|Specifies the decimal precision of
|integer and unsigned intermediate
|values in binary arithmetic operations
|in expressions. The default,
|INTPREC(10), indicates that 10-digit
|precision is to be used.
|OPENOPT{(*NO | *YES)}|Indicates whether the overflow indi-
|cators should be reset to *OFF when
|a file is opened.
|THREAD(*SERIALIZE)|Indicates that the module is enabled
|to run in a multithreaded environ-
|ment. Access to the procedures in
|the module is to be serialized.
|Definition spec-
|CCSID(number | *DFT)|Sets the graphic and UCS-2 CCSID
|for the definition.
|Built-in functions|%DIV(n:m)|Performs integer division on the two
|operands n and m; the result is n/m.
|The operands must be numeric
|values with zero decimal positions.
|%GRAPH(char-expr |
|Converts to graphic data from single-
|graph-expr | UCS2-expr {:
|byte character, graphic, or UCS-2
|%REM(n:m)|Performs the integer remainder oper-
|ation on two operands n and m; the
|result is the remainder of n/m. The
|operands must be numeric values
|with zero decimal positions.
|%UCS2(char-expr | graph-
|Converts to UCS-2 data from single-
|expr | UCS2-expr {: ccsid})
|byte character, graphic, or UCS-2
|%XFOOT(array-expr)|Produces the sum of all the ele-
|ments in the specified array
xxILE RPG for AS/400 Programmer's Guide
Table 2 (Page 2 of 2). New Language Elements Since V4R2
|Language Unit|Element|Description
|Operation codes|EVALR|Evaluates an assignment statement
|of the form result=expression. The
|result will be right-justified.
|FOR|Begins a group of operations and
|indicates the number of times the
|group is to be processed. The initial,
|increment, and limit values can be
|free-form expressions.
|ENDFOR|ENDFOR ends a group of operations
|started by a FOR operation.
|LEAVESR|Used to exit from anywhere within a
| Changes to this Guide Since V4R2
|This V4R4 guide,
|in many places from the V4R2 guide,
ILE RPG for AS/400 Programmer's Guide
ILE RPG for AS/400 Programmer's Guide
, SC09-2507-02, differs
|SC09-2507-01. Most of the changes are related to the enhancements that have
|been made since V3R7; others reflect minor technical corrections. To assist you in
|using this manual, technical changes and enhancements are noted with a vertical
|bar (|).
About This Guidexxi
xxiiILE RPG for AS/400 Programmer's Guide
ILE RPG Introduction
Before using ILE RPG to create a program, you must know certain aspects of the
environment in which you will be using it. This part provides information on the following topics that you should know:
¹ Overview of RPG IV language
¹ Role of Integrated Language Environment components in RPG programming
¹ Integrated Language Environment program creation strategies
¹ Overview of coding a module with more than one procedure and prototyped
Copyright IBM Corp. 1994, 1999 1
2ILE RPG for AS/400 Programmer's Guide
RPG IV Overview
Chapter 1.Overview of the RPG IV Programming Language
This chapter presents a high-level review of the features of the RPG IV programming language that distinguish RPG from other programming languages. You
should be familiar and comfortable with all of these features before you program in
the RPG IV language. The features discussed here encompass the following
¹ Coding specifications
¹ The program cycle
¹ Indicators
¹ Operation codes
For more information on RPG IV, see the
RPG IV Specifications
RPG code is written on a variety of specification forms, each with a specific set of
functions. Many of the entries which make up a specification type are positiondependent. Each entry must start in a specific position depending on the type of
entry and the type of specification.
There are seven types of RPG IV specifications. Each specification type is optional.
Specifications must be entered into your source program in the order shown below.
Main source section:
1. Control specifications provide the compiler with information about generating
and running programs, such as the program name, date format, and use of
alternate collating sequence or file translation.
2. File description specifications describe all the files that your program uses.
3. Definition specifications describe the data used by the program.
4. Input specifications describe the input records and fields used by the
5. Calculation specifications describe the calculations done on the data and the
order of the calculations. Calculation specifications also control certain input
and output operations.
ILE RPG for AS/400 Reference
6. Output specifications describe the output records and fields used by the
Subprocedure section:
1. Procedure specifications mark the beginning and end of the subprocedure,
indicate the subprocedure name, and whether it is exported.
2. Definition specifications describe the local data used by the subprocedure.
3. Calculation specifications describe the calculations done on both the global
and local data and the order of the calculations.
Copyright IBM Corp. 1994, 1999 3
Cycle Programming
When a system processes data, it must do the processing in a particular order.
This logical order is provided by:
¹ The ILE RPG compiler
¹ The program code
The logic the compiler supplies is called the program cycle. When you let the
compiler provide the logic for your programs, it is called cycle programming.
The program cycle is a series of steps that your program repeats until an end-of-file
condition is reached. Depending on the specifications you code, the program may
or may not use each step in the cycle.
If you want to have files controlled by the cycle, the information that you code on
RPG specifications in your source program need not specify when records for these
files are read. The compiler supplies the logical order for these operations, and
some output operations, when your source program is compiled.
RPG IV Overview
If you do not want to have files controlled by the cycle, you must end your program
some other way, either by creating an end-of-file condition by setting on the last
record (LR) indicator, by creating a return condition by setting on the return (RT)
indicator, or by returning directly using the RETURN operation.
Note: No cycle code is generated for subprocedures or when NOMAIN is speci-
fied on the control specification.
Figure 1 shows the specific steps in the general flow of the RPG program cycle.
heading and
detail lines
Move fields
Get input
LR on
End of
Figure 1. RPG Program Logic Cycle
.1/RPG processes all heading and detail lines (H or D in position 17 of the
output specifications).
4ILE RPG for AS/400 Programmer's Guide
RPG IV Overview
.2/RPG reads the next record and sets on the record identifying and
control level indicators.
.3/RPG processes total calculations (conditioned by control level indicators
L1 through L9, an LR indicator, or an L0 entry).
.4/RPG processes all total output lines (identified by a T in position 17 of
the output specifications).
.5/RPG determines if the LR indicator is on. If it is on, the program ends.
.6/The fields of the selected input records move from the record to a proc-
essing area. RPG sets on field indicators.
.7/RPG processes all detail calculations (not conditioned by control level
indicators in positions 7 and 8 of the calculation specifications). It uses
the data from the record at the beginning of the cycle.
The first cycle
The first and last time through the program cycle differ somewhat from other cycles.
Before reading the first record the first time through the cycle, the program does
three things:
¹ handles input parameters, opens files, initializes program data
¹ writes the records conditioned by the 1P (first page) indicator
¹ processes all heading and detail output operations.
For example, heading lines printed before reading the first record might consist of
constant or page heading information, or special fields such as PAGE and *DATE.
The program also bypasses total calculations and total output steps on the first
The last cycle
The last time a program goes through the cycle, when no more records are available, the program sets the LR (last record) indicator and the L1 through L9 (control
level) indicators to
output, then all files are closed, and then the program ends.
Subprocedure logic
The general flow of a subprocedure is much simpler: the calculations of a subprocedure are done once, and then the subprocedure returns. There is no cycle code
generated for a subprocedure.
. The program processes the total calculations and total
An indicator is a one-byte character field that is either set on ('1') or off ('0'). It is
generally used to indicate the result of an operation or to condition (control) the
processing of an operation. Indicators are like switches in the flow of the program
logic. They determine the path the program will take during processing, depending
on how they are set or used.
Indicators can be defined as variables on the definition specifications. You can
also use RPG IV indicators, which are defined either by an entry on a specification
or by the RPG IV program itself.
Chapter 1. Overview of the RPG IV Programming Language5
Each RPG IV indicator has a two-character name (for example, LR, 01, H3), and is
referred to in some entries of some specifications just by the two-character name,
and in others by the special name *INxx where xx is the two-character name. You
can use several types of these indicators; each type signals something different.
The positions on the specification in which you define an indicator determine the
use of the indicator. Once you define an indicator in your program, it can limit or
control calculation and output operations.
Indicator variables can be used any place an indicator of the form *INxx may be
used with the exception of the OFLIND and EXTIND keywords on the file
description specifications.
An RPG program sets and resets certain indicators at specific times during the
program cycle. In addition, the state of indicators can be changed explicitly in calculation operations.
Operation Codes
The RPG IV programming language allows you to do many different types of operations on your data. Operation codes, entered on the calculation specifications,
indicate what operations will be done. For example, if you want to read a new
record, you could use the READ operation code. The following is a list of the types of
operations available.
This section illustrates a simple ILE RPG program that performs payroll calculations.
Problem Statement
The payroll department of a small company wants to create a print output that lists
employees' pay for that week. Assume there are two disk files, EMPLOYEE and
TRANSACT, on the system.
The first file, EMPLOYEE, contains employee records. The figure below shows the
format of an employee record:
6ILE RPG for AS/400 Programmer's Guide
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