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xIBM eServer zSeries 990 Technical Guide
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The IBM Eserver zSeries® 990 scalable server provides major extensions to existing zSeries
architecture and capabilities. The concept of Logical Channel Subsystems is added, and the
maximum number of processor units and logical partitions is increased. These extensions
provide the base for much larger zSeries servers.
This IBM® Redbook is intended for IBM systems engineers, consult ants, and customers who
need to understand the zSeries 990 features, functions, availability, and services.
This publication is part of a series. For a complete understanding of the z990 scalable server
capabilities, also refer to our companion redbooks:
IBM Eserver zSeries 990 Technical Introduction, SG24-6863
IBM Eserver zSeries Connectivity Handbook, SG24-5444
Note that the information in this book includes features and functions announced on
April 7, 2004, and that certain functionality is not available until hardware Driver Level 55 is
installed on the z990 server.
The team that wrote this redbook
This redbook was produced by a team of specialists from around the world working at the
International Technical Support Organization, P oughkeepsie Center.
Bill White is a Project Leader and Senior Networking Specialist at the International
Technical Support Organization, Poughkeepsie Center.
Mario Almeida is a Certified Consulting IT Specialist in Brazil. He has 29 y ears of e xperience
in IBM Large Systems. His areas of expertise include zSeries and S/390 servers technical
support, large systems design, data center and backup site design and configuration, and
FICON™ channels.
Dick Jorna is a Certified Senior Consulting IT Specialist in the Netherlands. He has 35 years
of experience in IBM Large Systems. During this time he has worked in various roles within
IBM, and currently provides pre-sales t echn ica l su pport for the I BM zSeries product po rtfolio.
In addition he is zSeries product manager, and is responsible for all zSeries activities in his
Thanks to the following people for their contributions to this project:
Franck Injey
International Technical Support Organization, P oughkeepsie Center
Mike Scoba
zSeries Hardware Product Planning, IBM Poughkeepsie
First Edition authors
Franck Injey, Mario Almeida, Parwez Hamid, Brian Hatfield, Dick Jorna
6947pref.fmDraft Document for Review April 7, 2004 6:15 pm
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xiiIBM eServer zSeries 990 Technical Guide
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Chapter 1.IBM zSeries 990 overvie w
This chapter gives a high-level view of the IBM Eserver zSeries 990. All the topics mentioned
in this chapter are discussed in greater detail later in this book.
The legacy of zSeries goes back more than 40 years. Actually, on April 7th, 2004 it was 40
years ago that IBM introduced it’s S/360. Since then, mainframes have followed a path of
innovation with a focus on evolution to he lp protect investments made through the years.
The proliferati on of servers in the last decade or so has increased complexity in IT
management and operations and decreased the overall efficiency of resource use. On top of
this came the need for business solutions to support business pressures on demand, that
requires an on demand operating environment capable of being supportive, adaptive, and
responsive to on demand business objectives and offering infrastructure simplification with
the values of the mainframe technology as set forward with zSeries 990.
The zSeries 990 is designed for any ente rprise that needs the qualities of service required to
sustain and expand their on demand computing environment. Customers requiring the ability
to meet mission-critical requirements that include unexpected demands, high numbers of
transactions, a heterogeneous application environment, and the ability to consolidate a
number of servers will find the z990 an attractive solution since it leverages the current
application portfolio with Linux and z/OS, and simplifies the operation and management of
business applications by con solidatin g b oth L in ux a nd mainf rame applications onto the same
Customers with 9672 and z900 should consider using this server to consolidate servers and
workloads, add capacity, or expand their Linux workloads in a more cost-effective manner.
The increased capacity, bandwidth, number of channels and logical partitions provide
customers with the ability to reduce costs, while positioning them for future expansion.
The z990 is based on the proven IBM z/Architecture™ which was first introduced with the
z900 family of servers. It is the cont inuation of the zSeries z/Architecture evolution and
extends key platform characteristics with enhanced dynamic and flexible resource
management, scalability and partitioning of predictable and unpredictable workload
environments. Additionally, the z990 availability, clustering, and Qualities of Service are built
on the superior foundation of the current zSeries technologies.
6947ch01.fmDraft Document for Review April 7, 2004 6:15 pm
The z990 servers can be configured in numerous ways to offer outstanding flexibility in
deployment of e-business on demand™ solutions. Each z990 server can operate
independently, or as part of a Parallel Sysple x clust er of servers. In addition to z/OS , the z990
can host tens to hundreds of Linux images running identical or different applications in
parallel, based on z/VM® vir t ua liza tio n technology.
The z990 supports a high scalable standard of performance and integration by expan din g on
the balanced system approach of the IBM z/Archit ec tur e. It is designe d to elim in at e
bottlenecks through its virtually unlimited 64-bit addressing capability, providing plenty of
“headroom” for unpredictable growth in enterprise applications.
The z990 provides a significant increase in system scalability and opportunity for server
consolidation by providin g a “m ulti-book” syst em structure that su pports configurations of one
to four books. Each book consists of 12 Processor Units (PUs) and associated memory, for a
maximum of 48 processors in a four-book system. All books are interconnected with a very
high-speed internal communications links via the L2 cache, which allows the system to be
operated and controlled by the PR/SM™ facility as a symmetrical, memory-coherent
multiprocessor. The logical partitioning facility provides the ability to configure and operate as
many as 30 logical partitions, which have processors, memory , and I/O resources assigned
from any of the installed books.
The chart in Figure 1-1 shows growth improvements along all axes. While some of the
previous generatio n of servers have grown more along one axis for a given family, later
families focus on the other axes. Now, with the z990, the balanced design achieves
improvement equally along all 4 axes.
System I/ O B andwidt h
96 GB/sec
24 GB/sec
256 GB
External I/O or STI bandwidth only (Internal Coupling Channels and HiperSockets not included)
zSeries MCM internal bandwidth is 500 GB/sec. Memory bandwidth not included (not a system constraint) .
zSeries z9XX
zSeries z900
Generation 6
Generation 5
Generation 4
Figure 1-1 Balanced system design
2IBM eServer zSeries 990 Technical Guide
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1.1 Introduction
The z990 further extends and integrates key platform characteristics. Dynamic and flexible
partitioning, resource management in mixed and unpredictable workload environments,
availability, scalability, clustering, and systems management with emerging e-business on
demand application technologies (for example, WebSphere®, Java, Linux).
The zSeries 990 family provides a significant increase in performance over the previous
zSeries servers. The z990 introduces a different design from its predecessor, the zSeries
900. One noteworthy change is to the CEC cage, capable of housing up to four books. This
multi-book design provides enough processor units to impro ve tot al system capacity b y nearly
three times over that provided by z900.
Figure 1-2 Introducing the z990 - internal and external view
The z990 introduced the superscalar microprocessor architecture. This design, and the
exploitation of the CMOS 9SG-SOI technology, improves the uniprocessor performance by
54% to 61%, compared to z900 Model 2C1. However, the true capacity increase of the
system is driven by the increased number of processor units per system: from 20 in z900 to
48 processor units in z990. The 48 processor units are packaged in 4 MCMs with 12
processor units each, plus up to 64 GB of memory and 12 STI links per book. All books are
connected via a super-fast redundant ring structure and can be individually upgraded.
The I/O infrastructure has been redesigned to handle the large increase in system
performance. The multiple Logical Channel Subsystems (LCSS) architecture on the z990
allows up to four LCSS, each with 256 channels. Channel types supported on the z990 are:
The logical partitioning facility, PR/SM, provides the ability to configure and operate as many
as 30 logical partitions. PR/SM manages all the installed and enabled resources (processors,
memory) of the installed books as a single large SMP. Each logical partition has access to
physical resources (processors, memory, I/O) in the whole system across multiple books.
1.2 z990 models
The z990 has a machine type of 2084 and has four models: A08, B16, C24, and D32. The
model naming is representative of the book design of the z990, as it indicates the number of
books and the number of processor units available in the configuration. PUs are delivered in
single increment, orderable b y f eature code. A Pr ocessor Unit (PU) can be char acterized as a
Central Processor (CP), Integrated Facility for Linux (IFL), Internal Coupling Facility (ICF),
zSeries Application Assist Processor (zAAP) or System Assist Processor (SAP).
The development of a multi-book system provides an opportunity for customers to increase
the capacity and/or requirements of the system in three areas:
You can add capacity by activating more CPs, IFLs, ICFs, or zAAPs on an existing book
You can add a new book concurrently and activate more CPs, IFLs, ICFs, or zAAPs.
You can add a new book to provide additional memory and/or STIs to support increasing
storage and/or I/O requirements. The ability to LICCC-enable more memory concurrently
to existing books is dependent on enough physical memory being present. Upgrades
requiring more memory than physically available are disruptive, requiring a planned
General rules
All models utilize a 12 PU MCM, of which eight are available for PU characterization. The
remaining four are reserved as two standard SAPs and two standard spares.
Model upgrades, from A08 to B16, from B16 to C24, or from C24 to D32 are achieved by
single book adds.
The model number designates the
use. Using feature codes, customers can order CPs, IFLs, ICFs, zAAPs, and optional SAPs,
unassigned CPs and/or unassigned IFLs up to the maximum n umber of PUs for that model.
Therefore, a n in stalla ti on m ay order a model B16 with 13 CP featur es a nd th ree IFL features,
or a model B16 with only one CP feature.
Unlike prior processor model names, which indicate the number of purchased CPs, z990
model names indicate the maximum number of processor un its
the actual number that have been ordered as CPs, IFLs, ICFs, zAAPs or additional SAPs. A
software model notation is also used to indicate how many CPs are purchased and software
should be charged for. See “Software models” on p age63 for more information.
maximum number of PUs available for an installation to
potentially orderable, and not
Model upgrade paths
With the exception of the z900 Model 100, any z900 model may be upgraded to a z990
model. With the advance of Linux for S/390 and Linux on zSeries, customers may choose to
4IBM eServer zSeries 990 Technical Guide
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change the PU characterization of the server they are upgrading. In addition, customers who
are consolidating may not be increasing total capacity, and/or they may wish to take
advantage of the multiple Logical Channel Subsystems offered. z990-to-z990 model
upgrades and feature adds may be completed concurrently.
Model downgrades
There are no model downgrades offered. Customers may purchase unassigned CPs or IFLs
for future use . This avoids the placement of RPQ orders and su bsequent sequential MES
activity, and paying software charges for capacity that is not in use.
Concurrent Processor Unit (PU) con versions
z990 servers support concurrent conversion between different PU types, providing flexibility
to meet changing business environments. Assigned CPs, un assigned CPs, assigned IFLs,
unassigned IFLs, and ICFs ma y be converted to assigned CPs, assigned IFLs or ICFs, or to
unassigned CPs or unassigned IFLs.
1.3 System functions and features
The 990 system offers the following functions and features.
1.3.1 Processor
IBM introduced the Processor Resource/Systems Manager™ (PR/SM) feature in February
1988, supporting a maximum of four logical partitions. In June 1992, IBM introduced support
for a maximum of 10 logical partitions and announced the Multiple Image Facility (MIF, also
known as EMIF), which allowed sharing of ESCON channels across logical partitions—and
since that time has allowed sharing of more channels across logical partitions (such as
Coupling Links, FICON and OSA). In June 1997, IBM announced increased support - up to
15 logical partitions on Generation 3 and Generation 4 servers.
The evol ution co ntin ues a nd IBM is annou ncing suppo rt for 30 logical partitions. This support
is exclusive to z990 and z890 models.
MCM technology
The z990 12-PU MCM is smaller and more capable than the z900’s 20-PU MCM. It has
16 chips, compared to 35 for the z900. The total number of transistors is over 3 billion,
compared with approximately 2.5 billion for the z900. With this amazing technology
integration comes improvements in chip-to-substrate and substrate-to-board connections.
The z990 module uses a connection technology, LAN Grid Arrays (LGA), pioneered by the
pSeries™ in the p690 and the i890. LGA te chn o logy enables the z990 substrate, with only
53% of the surface area of the z900 20 PU MCM substrate, to have 23% more I/Os from the
logic package.
Both the z900 and z990 hav e 101 la yers in the glass ceramic substrate. The z990's subst rate
is thinner, sh ortening the paths that signals must tra v el to reach their destination (another chip
or exiting the MCM). Inside the low dielectric glass ceramic substrate is 0.4 km of internal
wiring that interconnects the 16 chips that are mounted on the top layer of the MCM. The
internal wiring provides power and signa l pat hs int o an d ou t of the MCM.
The MCM on the z990 offers flexibility in enabling spare PUs via the Licensed Internal Code
Configuration Control (LIC-CC) to be used for a number of different functions. These are:
A Central Processor (CP)
Chapter 1. IBM zSeries 990 overview 5
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A System Assist Processor (SAP)
An Internal Coupling Facility (ICF)
An Integrated Facility for Linux (IFL)
A zSeries Application Assist Processor (zAAP)
The number of CPs and SAPs assigned for particular general purpose models depends on
the configuration. The number of spare PUs is dependent on how many CPs, SAPs, ICFs,
zAAPs, and IFLs are present in a configuration.
1.3.2 Memory
The minimum system memory on any model is 16 GB . Memory size can be incr eased in 8 GB
increments to a maximum of to 64 GB per boo k or 256 G B f or t he entire CPC . Each book has
two memory cards which com e in thre e physical size cards: 8 GB, 16 GB, and 32 GB.
The z990 continues to employ stor age size selection b y Licensed Internal Code introduced on
the G5 processors. Memory cards installed may have more usable memory than required to
fulfill the machine order. LICCC will determine how much memory is used from each card.
1.3.3 Self-Timed Interconnect (STI)
An STI is an interface to the Memory Bus Adaptor (MBA), used to gather and send data. 12
STIs per z990 physical book is supported. Each of these STIs has a bidirectional bandwidth
of 2 GB/sec. The maximum instantaneous bandwidth per book is 24 GBytes/sec.
1.3.4 Channel Subsystem (CSS)
A new Channel Subsystem (CSS) structure was intr oduced with z990 to “ break the barrier” of
256 channels. With the introduction of the new system structure and all of its scalability
benefits, it was essential that the Channel Subsystem also be scalable and allow “horizontal”
growth. This is facilitated by multiple Logical Channel Subsystems (LCSSs) on a single
zSeries server. The CSS has increased co nnectivity and is st ructured to provide the f ollo wing:
– Four Logical Channel Subsystems (LCSS).
– Each LCSS may have from one to 256 channels.
– Each LCSS can be configured with 1 to 15 logical partitions.
– Each LCSS supports 63K I/O devices.
Note: There is no change to the operating system maximums. One operating system
image continues to support a maximum of 256 channels, and has a maximum of 63K
subchannels available to it.
The I/O subsystem continues to be viewed as a single Input/Output Configuration Data Set
(IOCDS) across the entire system with multiple LCSS. Only one Hardware System Area
(HSA) is used for the multiple LCSSs.
A three-digit Physical Channel Identifier (PCHID) is being introduced to accommodate the
mapping of 1024 channels to four LCSS, with 256 CHPIDs each. CHPIDs continue to exist
and will be associated with PCHIDs. An updated CHPID Mapping Tool (CMT) is being
introduced and the CHPID report from e-config is replaced by a PCHID report. The CHPID
Mapping Tool is available from Resource Link™ as a standalone PC-based program.
6IBM eServer zSeries 990 Technical Guide
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1.3.5 Physical Channel IDs (PCHIDs) and CHPID Mapping Tool
A z990 can have up to 1024 physical channels, or PCHIDs. In order for an operating system
to make use of that PCHID, it must be mapped to a CHPID within the IOCDs. Each CHPID is
uniquely defined with an LCSS and mapped to an installed PCHID. A PCHID is eligible for
mapping to any CHPID in any LCSS.
The z990 CHPID Mapping Tool (CMT) provides a method of customizing the CHPID
assignments for a z990 system to avoid attaching critical channel paths to single points of
failure. It should be used af ter the m achine order is placed and b ef or e the system is delivered
for installation. The tool can also be used to remap CHPIDs after hardware upgrades that
increase the number of channels.
The tool maps the CHPIDs from an IOCP file to Physical Channel Identifiers (PCHIDs) which
are assigned to the I/O ports. The PCHID assignments are fixed and cannot be changed.
A list of PCHID assignments for each hardware configuration is provided in the PCHID Report
available when z990 hardware is ordered. Unlike previous zSeries systems, there are no
default CHPID assignments. CHPIDs are assigned when the IOCP file is built. When
upgrading an ex isting zSeries configuration to z990, CHPI Ds can be mapped by importing the
IOCP file into the z990 CHPID Mapping Tool.
1.3.6 Spanned channels
As part of the z990 LCSS, the Channel Subs ystem is extended to provide the high-speed,
transparent sharing of some channel typ es in a ma nne r th at extends the MIF shared channel
function. Internal Channel types such as HiperSocket (IQD) and Internal Coupling Channels
(ICP) can be configured as “spanned” channels . External channels such as FICON chann els,
OSA features, and External Coupling Links can be defined as spanned channels. Spanned
channels will allow the channel to be configured to multiple LCSSs, thus enabling them to be
shared by any/all of the configured logical partitions, regar dle ss of the LC SS in which the
partition is configured.
Note: Spanned channels are not supported for ESCON channels, FICON conversion
channels (FCV), and Coupling Receiver links (CBR, CFR).
Chapter 1. IBM zSeries 990 overview 7
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Z frame
Dual SEs
Figure 1-3 System overview
1.3.7 I/O connectivity
A frame
4 flexible Models (A08, B16, C24 & D32)
64-bit Archite cture
32 characterizable PUs, CMOS 9G-SOI Technology
Capacity Upgrade on Dem and including Memory and I/O
Hybrid Coolin g (Air/L iquid)
Up to 30 Logical Partitions
Optional ETR feature
64 GB per Model, max system memory 256 GB
Card sizes 8, 16, 32 GB (2 cards pe r Book)
Bi-directional redundant Ring Structure
64-bit Architecture (42/48-bit I/O addressing in hardware)
Up to 4 8 x 2 G B/s Se lf-Time d Interc onnec ts (ST Is)
I/O cage with enhanced power
Up to 4 Logical Channel Subsystems (LCSS)
Up to 1 20 FIC ON E xpres s™ Channels
FCP SCSI over F ibre Channel
Up to 48 OSA-Express network connectors
Each book provides 12 STI links (48 STI maximum with four books) for I/O and coupling
connectivity, and for cryptographic feature cards. Each o f these links can either be co nfigured
for ICBs , or be connected to STI distrib ution car ds in the I/O cage (s). The data rate f or the STI
is 2 GBytes/sec.
Note: The z900 compatibility I/O cage is not supported on the z990.
The z990 I/O cage contains seven STI domains. Each domain has the capability of four I/O
slots. A subset of pre vious zSeries 900 I/O and cryptographic cards is supported by the I/O
cages in the z990.
Note: Parallel channels, OSA-2, OSA-Express ATM, pre-FICON Express channels and
PCICC feature cards are no t supported in the z990.
Installation of an I/O cage remains a disruptive MES, so the Plan Ahead feature remains an
important consideration when ordering a z990 system.
The z990 is a two-fram e server. The z990 has a minimum of one CEC cage and one I /O cage
in the A frame. The Z frame can accommodate an additional two I/O cages, making a total of
three for the whole system. Figure 1-4 on page 9 shows the layout of the frames and I/O
8IBM eServer zSeries 990 Technical Guide
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A-Fr ame
Gigabit Ethernet
1000BASE-T Ethernet
Tok e n R i n g
Coupling Links
ICB-2, ICB-3, ICB-4, IC
Not Supported
FICON (pre-FICON Express)
Front View
Figure 1-4 I/O cage layout and supported cards and coupling links
Up to 1024 ESCON channels
The high density ESCON feature (FC 2323) has 16 ports, of which 15 can be activated f or
customer use. One port is always reserved as a spare, in the event of a failure of one of the
other ports.
This is not an orderable feature. The configuration tool will select the quantity of features
based upon the order quantity of ESCON FC2324 ports, distributing the ports across features
for high availability. After the first pair, ESCON FC2323 are installed in increments of one.
ESCON channels are available on a port basis in increments of four. The port quantity is
selected and LIC CC is shipped to activate the desired quantity of ports on the 16-port
ESCON FC2323. Each port utilizes a light emitting diode (LED) as the optical transceiver, and
supports use of a 62.5/125-micrometer multimode fiber optic cable terminated with a small
form factor, industry standard MT-RJ connector.
Up to 120 FICON Express channels
An increased number of FICON Express features per z990 leads the way in distinguishing
this server family, further setting it apart as enterprise class in terms of the number of
simultaneous I/O connections available for FICON Express features. z990 supports 60
FICON Express features to be plugged, providing a total of 120 available channels. This is a
25% growth over what was av ailable on z900. These channels are available in long wa ve (LX)
and short wave (SX).
The FICON Express LX and SX channel cards have two ports. LX and SX ports are ordered
in increments of two. The maximum number of FICON Express cards is 60, installed in the
three I/O cages.
The same FICON Express channel card used for FICON channels is also used for FCP
channels. FCP channels are enab led on th ese cards a s a micr ocode load wit h an F CP mode
of operation and CHPID type definition. As with FICON, FCP is available in long wavelength
(LX) and short wavelength (SX) operation, though the LX and SX cannot be intermixed on a
single card.
Chapter 1. IBM zSeries 990 overview 9
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zSeries supports FCP channels, switches and FCP/SCSI devices with full fabric connectivity
under Linux on zSeries. Support for FCP devices means that z990 servers will be capable of
attaching to select FCP/SCSI devices, and may access these devices from Lin u x on zSeries.
This expanded attach ability means that customers have more choices for storage solutions,
or may have the ability to use existing storage devices, thus leveraging existing investments
and lowering total cost of ownership for their Linux implementation.
The 2 Gb capability on the FICON Express channel cards means that 2 Gb link speeds are
available for FCP channels, as well.
The Fibre Channel Protocol (FCP) capability , supporting attachment to SCSI devices in Linux
environments, was made generally availab le in conjunction with IBM TotalStorage®
Enterprise Tape System 3590, IBM TotalStorage® Enterprise Tape Drive 3592, IBM
TotalStorage Enterprise T ape Libr ary 3494. F or VM guest mod e , z/VM Version 4 Release 3 is
required to support Linux/FCP. When configured as a CHPID type FCP, FICON allows
concurrent patching of Licensed Internal Code without have to configure the channel off and
The required Linux level for this function is SLES 8 from SUSE. This support allows a z990
system to access industry standard devices for Linux, using SCSI control block-based
Input/Output (I/O) devices. These industry standard devices utilize Fixed Block rather than
Extended Count Key Data (ECKD™) format. For more information, consult the IBM I/O
Connectivity Web page:
Native FICON channels support CTC on the z990, z890, z900, and z800. G5 and G6 servers
can connect to a zSeries FICON CTC, as well. This FICON CTC connectivity will increase
bandwidth between G5, G6, z990, z890 , z900, and z800 systems.
Because the FICON CTC function is included as part of the native FICON (FC) mode of
operation on zSeries, a FICON channel used for FICON CTC is not limited to intersystem
connectivity but will also support multiple device definitions. For example, ESCON channels
that are dedicated as CTC cannot communica te with any other de vice , whereas nativ e FICON
(FC) channels are not dedicated to CTC only. Native mode can support both device and CTC
mode definition concurrently, allowing for greater connectivity flexibility.
FICON Cascaded Directors
Some time ago, IBM made generally available the FICON Cascaded Director function. This
means that a native FICON (FC) channel or a FICON CTC can connect a server to a device
or other server via two (same vendor) FICON Directors in between.
This type of cascaded support is important for disaster recovery and business continuity
solutions because it can provide high availability and extended distance connectivity, and
(particularly with the implementation of 2 Gb Inter Switch Links), has the potential for fiber
infrastructure cost savings b y reducing the number of channels for interconnecting the two
The following director s and switches are supported:
Draft Document for Review April 7, 2004 6:15 pm6947ch01.fm
IBM TotalStorage SAN Switches 2109-F16, S16, and S08
IBM TotalStorage Director 2109-M12
FICON Cascaded Directors have the added value of ensuring high integrity connectivity.
Transmission data checking, link incidence reporting, and error checking are integr al to the
FICON architecture, thus providing a true enterprise fabric.
For more information on Cascaded Directors, consult the I/O Connectivity Web page:
With the introduction of z990 and its increased processing capacity, and the availability of
multiple LCSSs, the Open Systems Adapter family of local area network (LAN) adapters is
also expanding by offering a maximum of 24 features per system (versus the maximum of 12
features per system on prior generations). The z990 can have 48 ports of LAN connectivity.
You can choose any combination of OSA features: the OSA-Express Gig abit Ethernet LX
(FC1364), the OSA-Express Gigabit Ethernet SX (FC1365), the OSA-Express 1000BASE-T
Ethernet (FC1366), or OSA-Express Token Ring (FC2367). You can also carry forward your
current z900 OSA-Express features to z990, OSA-Express Gigabit Ethernet LX (FC 2364),
OSA-Express Gigabit Ethernet SX (FC 2365), OSA-Express Fast Ethernet (FC 2366), and
OSA-Express Token Ring (FC 2367).
Gigabit Ethernet
The OSA-Express GbE features (FC1364, and FC1365) have an LC Duplex connector type,
replacing the current SC Duplex connector. This conforms to the fiber optic connectors
currently in use for ISC-3 and the FICON Express features shipped after October 30, 2001.
1000BASE-T Ethernet
The z990 supports a copper Ethernet feature: 1000BASE-T Ethernet. This feature is offered
on new builds and repla ces t he cu rr en t OS A- Expres s Fast Ethernet (FC 2366), which can be
brought forward to z990 on an upgrade from z900.
1000BASE-T Ethernet is capable of operating at 10, 100, or 1000 Mbps (1 Gbps) using the
same Category-5 copper cabling infrastructure that is utilized for Fast Ethernet. The Gigabit
over copper adapter allows a migration to gigabit speeds wherever there is a copper cabling
infrastructure instead of a fiber optic cabling infrastructure.
An additional function of the OSA-Express 1000 BASE-T Et hernet feature is its support as an
OSA-Express 100BASE-T Ethernet Integrated Console Controller. This function supports
TN3270E and non-SNA DFT 3270 emulation and means th at 3270 emulation for console
session connections are integrated in de z990 via a port of the 1000BASE-T Ethernet feature.
Checksum Offload for Linux and z/OS when QDIO mode:
A function introduced for the Linux on zSeries and z/OS environments, called checksum
offload, provides the capability of calculating the Transmission Control Protocol/User
Datagram Protocol (TCP/UDP) and Internet Protocol (IP) header checksums.
Checksum verifies the co rr ectness o f files. By moving the checksum calcul ation s to a Gi gab it
or 1000BASE-T Ethernet feature, host CPU cycles are reduced.
Improved performance can be realized by taking adv a nt age of th e ch ecksum offload function
of the OSA-Express Gigabit Ethernet, and OSA-Express GbE or the 1000BASE-T Ethernet
Chapter 1. IBM zSeries 990 overview 11
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(when operating at 1000 Mbps (1 Gbps)) features by offloading checksum processing to
OSA-Express (in QDIO mode, CHPID type OSD)) for most IPv4 packets. This support is
available with z/OS V1R5 and later as well as Linux on zSeries.
Token Ring
The OSA-Express Token Ring feature has two independent ports, each supporting
attachment to either a 4 Mbps , 16 Mbps, or 100 Mbps Token Ring Local Area Network (LAN).
The OSA-Express Token Ring feature supports autosensing as well as any of the following
settings: 4 Mbps half- or full-duplex, 16 Mbps half- or full-duplex, 100 Mbps full-duplex.
Note: The demand for Token Ring on mainframe continues to decline. Migration from
Token Ring to an Ethernet infrastructure is recommended as part of long term planning for
Local Area Network support.
OSA-Express ATM
The OSA-Express Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) features are not supported on z990.
They are not off ered a s a ne w b uild op tion and a re not offered on an upgrade from z900. This
satisfies the Statement of General Direction in the hardware announcement dated April 30,
If ATM connectivity is still desired, a multiprotocol switch or router with the appropriate
network interface (for example, 1000BASE-T Ethernet, Gigabit Ethernet) can be used to
provide connectivity between the z990 and an ATM network.
The OSA-2 Fiber Distributed Data Inter face (FDDI) feature is not supported on z990. It is not
offered as a new build option and is not offered on an upgrade from z900. This satisfies the
Statement of General Direction in the hardware announcement dated October 4, 2001.
If FDDI connectivity is still desired, a multiprotocol switch or router with the appropriate
network interface (for example, 1000BASE-T Ethernet, Gigabit Ethernet) can be used to
provide connectivity between the z990 and a FDDI LAN.
Parallel channels and converters
Parallel channels ar e not supported on z990. Customers who wish to use parallel-attached
devices with z990 must obt ain a parallel channel converter box such as the IBM 9034, which
may be available through IBM Global Services (IGS) or obtain a third-party parallel channel
converter box such as the Optica 34600 FXBT. In both cases, these are connected to an
ESCON channel.
For more information about Optica offerings, contact Optica directly:
1.3.8 Cryptographic
CP Assist for cryptographic function
The zSeries cryptography is further advanced with the introduction of the Cryptographic
Assist Architecture implemented on every z990 PU. The z990 processor provides a set of
symmetric cryptographic functions, synchronously executed, which enormously enhance the
performance of the encrypt/decrypt function of SSL, Virtual Private Network (VPN), and data
storing applications which do not require FIPS 140-2 lev el 4 security. The on-processor crypto
functions run at z990 processor speed.
12IBM eServer zSeries 990 Technical Guide
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These cryptographic functions are implemented in every PU; the affinity problem of pre- z990
systems is eliminated. The Crypto Assist Architecture includes DES and T-DES data
en/decryption, MAC message authenticati on, and SHA-1 secure hashing. These functions
are directly available to application programs (zSeries Architecture instructions). SHA-1 is
always enabled, but other cryptographic functions are available only when the Crypto
enablement f eature (FC 3863) is installed.
PCI Cryptographic Accelerator feature (PCICA)
The Peripheral Component Interconnect Cryptographic Accelerator (PCICA) feature has two
accelerator cards per feature and is an optional addition, along with the Peripheral
Component Interconnect X Cryptographic Coprocessor (PCIXCC) FC0868. The PCICA is a
very fast cryptographic processor designed to provide leading-edge performance of the
complex RSA cryptographic operations used with the Secur e Sockets layer (SSL) protocol
supporting e-business. The PCICA feat ure is designed specifically for maximum speed SSL
Each zSeries PCI Cryptographic Accelerator feature (PCICA) contains two accelerator cards
and can support up to 2100 SSL handshakes per second.
Note: To enable the function of the PCICA feature, the CP Assist feature (feature code
3863) must be installed.
PCI X-Cryptographic Coprocessor (PCIXCC) feature
The Periphera l Component Inter connect X Cryptographic Coprocessor (PCIXCC) f e ature has
one coprocessor and is an optional addition, containing support to satisfy high-end server
security requirements by providing full checking and fully programmable functions and User
Defined Extension (UDX) support.
The PCIXCC adapter is intended for applications demanding high security. The PCIXCC
feature is designed for the FIPS 140-2 Level 4 compliance rating for secure cryptographic
Note: To enable the function of the PCIXCC feature, the CP Assist feature (feature code
3863) must be installed.
1.3.9 Parallel Sysplex support
A 4-port ISC-3 card structure is provided on the z900 family of processors. It consists of a
mother card with two daughter cards that ha v e two ports each. Each daughter card is capab le
of operating at 1 gigabit/sec in compatibility mode (HiPerLink) or 2 gigabits/sec in peer mode
up to 10 km. The mode is selected for each port via CHPID type in the IOCDS.
InterSystem Coupling Facility-3 (ISC-3) channels provide the connectivity required for data
sharing between the Coupling Facility and the CPCs directly attached to it. ISC-3 channels
are point-to-point connections that require a unique channel definition at each end of the
channel. ISC-3 channels operating in peer mode provide connection between z990, z890,
and z900 general purpose models and z900-based Coupling Facility images. ISC-3 channels
operating in compatibility mode provide connection between z990 models and ISC HiperLink
channels on 9672 G5/G6 models.
Chapter 1. IBM zSeries 990 overview 13
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ICB-2 (Integrated Cluster Bus 2)
The Integrated Cluster Bus-2 (ICB-2) link is a member of the family of Coupling Link options
availab le on z990 . Like the ISC-3 link, it is used by coupled systems to pass information back
and forth over high speed links in a Parallel Sysplex environment. ICB-2 or ISC-3 links are
used to connect 9672 G5/G6 to z990 server s.
An STI-2 resides in the I/O cage and provides two output ports to support the ICB-2
connections. The STI-2 card converts the 2 GB/sec input into two 333 MB/sec ICBs. The
ICB-2 is defined in compatibility mode and the link speed is 333 MB/sec.
One feature is required for each end of the link. Ports are ordered in increments of one.
ICB-3 (Integrated Cluster Bus 3)
The Integrated Cluster Bus-3 (ICB-3) link is a member of the family of Coupling Link options
availab le on z990 . Like the ISC-3 link, it is used by coupled systems to pass information back
and forth over high speed links in a Parallel Sysplex environment. ICB-3 or ISC-3 links are
used to connect z900, z800, or z890 servers (2064, 2066, or 2086) to z990. servers.
An STI-3 card resides in the I/O cage and provides two output ports to support the ICB-3
connections. The STI-3 card converts the 2GB/sec input into two 1 GB/sec ICBs. The ICB-3 is
defined in peer mode and the link speed is 1 GB/sec.
One feature is required for each end of the link. Ports are ordered in increments of one.
ICB-4 (Integrated Cluster Bus 4)
The Integrated Cluster Bus-4 (ICB-4) link is a member of the family of Coupling Link options
availab le on z990. I CB-4 is a “nativ e” conne ction used betw een z990 and o r z890 processors .
An ICB-4 connection consists of one link that attaches directly to an STI port in the system,
does not require connectivity to a card in the I/O cage, and operates at 2 GB/sec. The ICB-4
works in peer mode and the link speed is 2 GB/sec.
One feature is required for each end of the link. Ports are ordered in increments of one.
Internal Coupling (IC)
The Internal Coupling-3 (IC) channel emulates th e Coupling Facility functions in LIC betw een
images within a single system. No hardware is required; however, a minimum of two CHPID
numbers must be defined in the IOCDS for each connection.
System-Managed CF Structure Duplexing
System-Managed Coupling Facility (CF) Structure Duplexing provides a general purpose,
hardware-assisted, easy-to-exploit mechanism for duplexing CF structure data. This provides
a robust recov ery mechanism for failures (such as loss of a single structure or CF or loss of
connectivity to a single CF) through rapid f ailo v e r to the other structure instance of th e duple x
The following three structure types can be duplexed using this architecture:
Cache structures
List structures
Locking structures
Support for these extensions is included in Coupling Facility Control Code (CFCC) Levels 11
12, and 13 and in z/OS V1.2, V1.3, V1.4, and V1.5 and later.
14IBM eServer zSeries 990 Technical Guide
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For those CF structures that support use of System-Managed CF Structure Duplexing,
customers have the ability to dynamically enable or disable, selectively by structure, the use
of System-Managed CF Structure Duplexing.
Customers interested in deploying System-Managed CF Structure Duplexing in their test,
development, or production Parallel Sysplex will need to read the technical paper
System-Managed CF Structure Duplexing, GM13-0103 and analyze their Parallel Sysplex
environment to understand the performance and other considerations of using this function.
Exclusive to IBM's z/Architecture is Intelligent Resource Director (IRD), a function that
optimizes processor and channel resource utilization across logical partitions based on
workload priorities. IRD combines the strengths of the PR/SM, Parallel Sysplex clustering,
and z/OS Workload Manager.
Intelligent Resource Director uses the concept of an “LPAR cluster”, the subset of z/OS
systems in a Parallel Sysplex cluster that are running as logical partitions on the same z900
server. In a Parallel Sysplex environment, Workload Manager directs work to the appropriate
resources, based on business policy. With IRD, resources are directed to the priority work.
Together, Parallel Sysplex technology and IRD provide flexibility and responsiveness to
e-business workloads that are unrival ed in the industry.
IRD has three major functions: LPAR CPU Management, Dynamic Channel Path
Management, and Channel Subsystem Priority Queuing, which are explained in the follo wing
Channel Subsystem Priority Queuing
Channel Subsystem Priority Queuing on the z900 allows priority queueing of I/O requests
within the Channel Subsystem, and the specification of relative priority among logical
partitions. WLM in goal mode sets priorities for a logical partition, and coordinates this activity
among clustered logical partitions.
Dynamic Channel Path Management
This feature enables customers to have channel paths that dynamically and automatically
move to those ESCON I/O devices that have a need for additional bandwidth due to high I/O
activity. The benefits are enhanced by the use of goal mode and clustered logical partitions.
LPAR CPU Management
Workload Manager (WLM) dynamically adjusts the number of logical processors within a
logical partition and the processor weight, based on the WLM policy. The ability to move the
CPU weights across an LPAR cluster provides processing power to where it is most needed,
based on WLM goal mode policy.
1.3.11 Hardware consoles
Hardware Management Console and Support Element interface
On z990 servers, the Hardwa re Man ag ement Conso le ( HMC) p rovides the platform and user
interface that can cont rol and mo nitor the stat us of the system via the two re dunda nt Support
Elements installed in each z990.
Chapter 1. IBM zSeries 990 overview 15
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The z990 server implements two fully redundant interfaces, known as the Power Service
Control Network (PSCN), between the two Support Elements and the CPC. Error detection
and automatic switch-over between the two redundant Su pport Elements provides en hanced
reliability and availability.
1.3.12 Concurrent upgrades
The z990 servers have concurrent upgrade capability via the Capacity Upgrade on Demand
(CUoD) function. This function is also used by Custo mer Initiated Upgr ades (CIUs) and b y the
Capacity BackUp (CBU) feature implementation; following are more details.
Capacity Upgrade on Demand (CUoD)
Capacity Upgrade on Demand offers server upgrades via Licensed Internal Code (LIC)
enabling. CUoD can concurrently add processors (CPs, IFLs, ICFs, or zAAPs), and memory
to an existing config uration when no har dware chan ges are required, re sulting in an upg raded
server. Also I/O features can be added concurrently.
However, adequate planning is required. Proper models and memory card sizes must be
used, and the Plan Ahead feature with concurrent conditioning enablement is recommended
in order to ensure that all required infrastructure components are available.
Customer Initiated Upgrade (CIU)
Customer Initiated Upgrades are Web-based solutions for customers ordering and installing
upgrades via IBM Resource Link and the z990 Remote Support Facility (RSF). A CIU
requires a special contract and registration with IBM. The CIU uses the CUoD function to
allow concurrent upgrades for processors (CPs, IFLs, ICFs, and zAAPs), and memory,
resulting in an upgraded server.
As a CUoD, it also requires proper planning with respect to z990 model and memory card
sizes. CIU is
not available for I/O upgrades.
On/Off Capacity Upgrade on Demand (On/Off CoD)
On/Off Capacity on Demand (On/Off CoD) for z990 gives the customer the ability to
temporarily turn on unowned PUs available within the current model. This capability allows
customers to add capacity (CPs, IFLs, ICFs, and zAAPs) temporarily to meet peak workload
Note: The On/Off CoD capability can coexist with Capacity BackUp (CBU) enablement.
Both On/Off CoD and CBU LIC-CC can be installed on a z990 server, but the On/Off CoD
activation and CBU activation are mutually exclusive.
The customer has to accept contractual terms for On/Off CoD to use this capability; activation
of the additional capacity uses th e CIU proces s. The usage is mo nitored an d customer incurs
additional charges f or b oth th e har dw are and sof tw ar e until t he adde d ca pacity is deactivated.
Capacity BackUp (CBU)
Capacity BackUp (CBU) is a temporary upgrade for customers who have a requirement for a
robust disaster/recovery solution. It requires a special contract with IBM. CBU can
concurrently add CPs to an existing configuration when another custome r’s servers are
experiencing unplanned outages.
16IBM eServer zSeries 990 Technical Guide
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