IBM PowerPC® 970MP RISC Microprocessor
Application Note
(Includes Differences for 970FX to 970MP)
970MP Differences
Version: 1.0
November 15, 2006

Application Note
(Includes Differences for 970FX to 970MP)
IBM PowerPC® 970MP RISC Microprocessor Preliminary
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November 15, 2006 -Preliminary
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November 15, 2006

Application Note
(Includes Differences for 970FX to 970MP)
Preliminary IBM PowerPC® 970MP RISC Microprocessor
1. Abstract ....................................................................................................................... 9
2. Overview ...................................................................................................................... 9
3. Processor Version Register (PVR) ............................................................................ 9
4. General Parameters .................................................................................................. 10
5. Design Enhancements for PowerPC 970MP .......................................................... 10
5.1 Dual Core Design ............................................................................................................................ 10
5.1.1 1MB L2 Cache per Core ........................................................................................................ 12
5.2 Processor Interconnect Bus ............................................................................................................ 13
5.2.1 SCOM control and status registers ........................................................................................ 13
5.2.2 Test Modes ............................................................................................................................ 13 Transmitter Pseudo-Random Data Test (RDT) .............................................................. 13 Transmitter Electrical Shorts Test (EST) ........................................................................ 13 Receiver Electrical Shorts Test (REST) ......................................................................... 14 Receiver Random Data Self Test ................................................................................... 15
5.2.3 Bus Configuration .................................................................................................................. 15
5.3 PowerTuning ................................................................................................................................... 17
5.3.1 Power Modes ......................................................................................................................... 17
5.3.2 Time Base and Decrementer ................................................................................................. 18
5.4 I
C Bus Interface ............................................................................................................................. 18
5.4.1 Clock Dithering (New feature for 970FX DD3.0, enhanced in 970MP) ................................. 18
5.4.2 Programmable Delays for Power Saving Mode Transitions .................................................. 19
5.5 Additional Dynamic Power Management ........................................................................................ 19
5.6 More Precise Kelvin Circuitry .......................................................................................................... 19
7. Timings ...................................................................................................................... 20
8. Package ..................................................................................................................... 20
8.1 Design Considerations for a 970MP Thermal Solution ................................................................... 20
8.1.1 Die Size ................................................................................................................................. 20
8.1.2 Capacitor Position ................................................................................................................. 21
8.2 Description of Signal Changes ........................................................................................................ 21
8.3 PowerPC 970MP Microprocessor Package Dimensions ................................................................ 22
Revision Log ................................................................................................................ 25
November 15, 2006
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Application Note
(Includes Differences for 970FX to 970MP)
IBM PowerPC® 970MP RISC Microprocessor Preliminary
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November 15, 2006

Application Note
(Includes Differences for 970FX to 970MP)
Preliminary IBM PowerPC® 970MP RISC Microprocessor
Figure 5-1. Dual Cores sharing processor interface ................................................................................. 11
Figure 5-2. 970MP Power Modes ............................................................................................................. 17
Figure 8-1. PowerPC 970MP Mechanical Package (Side and Top View) ................................................ 23
Figure 8-2. PowerPC 970MP Bottom Surface of CBGA Package (Bottom View) .................................... 24
November 15, 2006
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Application Note
(Includes Differences for 970FX to 970MP)
IBM PowerPC® 970MP RISC Microprocessor Preliminary
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November 15, 2006

Application Note
(Includes Differences for 970FX to 970MP)
Preliminary IBM PowerPC® 970MP RISC Microprocessor
Table 3-1. PowerPC 970FX and 970MP Processor Version Registers (PVR) .......................................... 9
Table 4-1. General Parameters of the PowerPC 970FX and 970MP ...................................................... 10
Table 5-1. PowerPC 970MP Programmable Delay Parameters ............................................................. 16
Table 5-2. Power Mode States ................................................................................................................ 18
Table 5-3. PowerPC 970MP Latency of Deep Nap to Run Transition (Full Frequency Cycles) ............. 19
Table 8-1. PowerPC 970FX, and 970MP Die Size and Dimensions ....................................................... 20
Table 8-2. 970FX Pins Duplicated for each 970MP Processing Unit ...................................................... 21
Table 8-3. New 970MP Pins .................................................................................................................... 21
Table 8-4. Deleted 970FX Pins - not found on 970MP ............................................................................ 22
November 15, 2006
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Application Note
(Includes Differences for 970FX to 970MP)
IBM PowerPC® 970MP RISC Microprocessor Preliminary
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November 15, 2006