IBM 4400 User’s Guide

IBM 4400 Series Thermal Printer
User’s Guide
Form Number G544-5731-00
IBM Thermal Printer

User’s Guide

The EPA ENERGY STAR** Computers program is a partnership effort with manufacturers of data processing equipment to promote the introduction of energy-efficient personal computers, monitors, and printers, and to reduce air pollution caused by power generation.
IBM participates in this program by introducing printers that reduce power consumption when they are not being used. This feature can cut energy use by up to 50 percent.
Note: The any product or service.
ENERGY STAR emblem does not represent EPA endorsement of


References in this publication to IBM products, programs, or services do not imply that IBM intends to make these available in all countries in which IBM operates. Any reference to an IBM licensed product, program, or service is not intended to state or imply that only IBM’s product, program, or service may be used. Any functionally equivalent product, program, or service that does not infringe any of IBM’s intellectual property rights may be used instead of the IBM product. Evaluation and verification of operation in conjunction with other products, except those expressly designated by IBM, is the user’s responsibility.
Any performance data contained in this document was obtained in a controlled environment based on the use of specific data. The results that may be obtained in other operating environments may vary significantly. Users of this document should verify the applicable data in their specific environment. Therefore, such data does not constitute a performance guarantee or warranty.
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Communication Notices

Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Statement: This equipment
has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class A digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provided reasonable protection against harmful interference when the equipment is operated in a commercial environment. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instruction manual, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. Operation of this equipment in a residential area is likely to cause harmful interference, in which case the user will be required to correct the interference at his own expense.
Properly shielded and grounded cables and connectors must be used in order to meet FCC emission limits. IBM is not responsible for any radio or television interference caused by using other than recommended cables and connectors or by any unauthorized changes or modifications to this equipment. Unauthorized changes or modifications could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.
This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.
Canadian Department of Communications Compliance Statement: This Class A digital apparatus meets the requirements of the Canadian Interference-Causing Equipment Regulations.
Avis de conformite aux normes du ministere des Communcations du Canada: Cet appareil numerique de la classe A respecte toutes les
exigences du Reglement sur le materiel brouilleur du Canada.
The United Kingdom Telecommunications Statement of Compliance:
This apparatus is approved under the approval No. NS/G/1234/J/100003 for the indirect connections to the public telecommunications systems in the United Kingdom.
New Zealand: Warning - This is a Class A product. In a domestic environment this product may cause radio interference in which case the user may be required to take adequate measures.
Japanese VCCI:
Communication Notices
European Union (EC) Electromagnetic Compatibility Directives: This
product is in conformity with the protection requirements of EC Council Directive 89/336/EEC on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to electromagnetic compatibility. IBM cannot accept responsibility for any failure to satisfy the protection requirements resulting from a non­recommended modification of the product, including the fitting of non-IBM option cards.
Dieses Gerät ist berechtigt in Übereinstimmung mit dem deutschen EMVG vom 9.Nov.92 das EG-Konformitätszeichen zu furhren.
Properly shielded and grounded cables and connectors must be used in order to reduce the potential for causing interference to radio and TV communication and to other electrical or electronic equipment.
This product has been tested and found to comply with limits for Class A Information Technology Equipment according to CISPR 22/European Standard EN 55022. The limits for Class A equipment were derived for commercial and industrial environments to provide reasonable protection against interference with licensed communication equipment.
Warning: This is a Class A product. In a domestic environment this product may cause radio interference in which case the user may be required to take adequate measures.
Dieses Gerät erfüllt die Bedingungen der EN 55022 Klasse A. Für diese Klasse von Geräten gilt folgende Bestimmung nach dem EMVG:
Geräte dürfen an Orten, für die sie nicht ausreichend entstört sind, nur mit besonderer Genehmigung des Bundesminesters für Post und Telekommunikation oder des Bundesamtes für Post und Telekommunikation betrieben werden. Die Genehmigung wird erteilt, wenn keine elektromagnetischen Störungen zu erwarten sind.
(Auszug aus dem EMVG vom 9.Nov.92, Para.3, Abs.4) Hinweis: Dieses Genehmigungsverfahren ist von der Deutschen Bundespost
noch nicht veröffentlict worden.

Electrical Safety

Electrical Safety
This printer is inspected and listed by recognized national testing laboratories, such as Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. (UL) in the U.S.A. and Canadian Standards Association (CSA) in Canada. Listing of a product by a national testing laboratory indicates that the product is designed and manufactured in accordance with national requirements intended to minimize safety hazards. IBM equipment meets a very high standard of safety in design and manufacture. Remember, however, that this product operates under conditions of high electrical potentials and heat generation, both of which are functionally necessary.

Trademarks and Service Marks

The following terms, denoted by an asterisk (*) in this publication, are trademarks of IBM Corporation in the United States or other countries or both:
AS/400 IBM IPDS PC-DOS Proprinter RISC System/6000 SCS
The following terms, denoted by a double asterisk (**) in this publication, are trademarks of other companies:
Acrobat Adobe Systems Incorporated Adobe Adobe Systems Incorporated Centronics Genicom Corporation Code V Quality Micro Systems Dataproducts Dataproducts Corporation ECOS ECOS Electronics Corp., Inc., Oak Park, Ill. EIA Electronic Industries Association Energy Star United States Environmental Protection Agency Epson Seiko Epson Corporation Ethernet Xerox Corporation Fluke John Fluke Manufacturing Co., Inc. FX Seiko Epson Corporation IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc. IGP Printronix, Inc. MS-DOS Microsoft Corporation MTOS Industrial Programming, Inc. PrintNet Printronix,Inc. Printronix Printronix, Inc. QMS Quality Micro Systems, Inc. SureStak Printronix, Inc. Torx Camcar/Textron Inc.
Communication Notices
NOTE: Before using the information and the product it works with, make sure
that you read the general information under “Notices.” First Edition (April 2000) This edition applies to the IBM Thermal Printer. The following paragraph does not apply to any other country where such
provisions are inconsistent with local law: INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MACHINES CORPORATION PROVIDES
THIS PUBLICATION “AS IS” WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Some states do not allow disclaimer of express or implied warranties in certain transactions; therefore, this statement may not apply to you. Requests for IBM publications should be made to your IBM representative or to the IBM branch office serving your locality. Publications are not stocked at the address given below.
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When you send information to IBM or IBM Printing Systems Division, you grant a nonexclusive right to use or distribute the information in any way IBM or IBM Printing Systems Division believes appropriate without incurring any obligation to you.
© Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 2000. All
rights reserved.
Note to U.S. Government Users - Documentation related to restricted rights ­Use, duplication or disclosure is subject to restrictions set forth in GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.
Table of Contents
1 Introduction..........................................................13
Notes and Notices ............................................................................... 13
Requesting IBM Service................................................................ 15
Printing Conventions in This Manual............................................. 16
The 4400 Thermal Label Printer.......................................................... 17
Features........................................................................................ 17
Thermal Printer Technology ................................................................ 18
The Printing Process..................................................................... 18
Dynamic Print Control ................................................................... 19
Thermal Consumables......................................................................... 19
Media Selection............................................................................. 19
Ribbons......................................................................................... 20
Thermal Features ................................................................................ 21
Emulations .................................................................................... 21
Hardware Options ......................................................................... 21
Setting Up The Printer ......................................................................... 22
Unpacking The Printer .................................................................. 22
Check List ..................................................................................... 24
Installation..................................................................................... 25
2 Operation..............................................................31
Using The Printer................................................................................. 31
Controls & Indicators..................................................................... 31
The POWER Switch and Indicator ................................................ 34
Powering On The Printer............................................................... 34
Operating Modes........................................................................... 35
Loading Media and Ribbon.................................................................. 36
Loading Roll Media ....................................................................... 37
Loading Fanfold Media.................................................................. 44
Loading Ribbon............................................................................. 48
Print Option.......................................................................................... 50
Label Peel Off ............................................................................... 50
Printing Adjustments............................................................................ 54
Printhead Pressure Adjustment..................................................... 54
Printhead Pressure Block Adjustments......................................... 55
Label Variations and the TOF/Paper Out Sensor.......................... 56
Table of Contents
TOF/Paper Out Sensor Horizontal Adjustment............................. 56
Calibrating the TOF/Paper Out Sensor......................................... 57
Calibrate Procedure ...................................................................... 58
Cleaning............................................................................................... 60
General ......................................................................................... 60
Printhead....................................................................................... 60
3 Configuring the Printer......................................... 63
Overview.............................................................................................. 63
Menu Navigation.................................................................................. 63
Setting Printer Configuration Parameters ..................................... 64
Moving Within the Configuration Menu ......................................... 64
Selecting a Menu Option............................................................... 65
Changing Printer Settings ............................................................. 66
Configuration Options.......................................................................... 68
Saving a Configuration.................................................................. 68
Modifying a Saved Configuration .................................................. 69
Printing a Configuration................................................................. 71
Menu Overview.................................................................................... 75
Menu Options ...................................................................................... 76
Printer Configuration Menu Items........................................................ 82
Control Functions.......................................................................... 82
Emulation Setup Functions ........................................................... 103
Diagnostics Functions................................................................... 150
Parallel Port Functions .................................................................. 152
Serial Port Functions..................................................................... 154
Optional Ports Functions............................................................... 160
Downloading True Type Fonts...................................................... 163
4 Interfaces........................................................... 165
Overview.............................................................................................. 165
Auto Switching..................................................................................... 165
Centronics Parallel Interface................................................................ 166
Centronics Parallel Interface Signals ............................................ 167
IEEE 1284 Parallel Interface................................................................ 168
Compatibility Mode........................................................................ 168
Nibble Mode.................................................................................. 168
Byte Mode..................................................................................... 168
Signals .......................................................................................... 169
Terminating Resistor Configurations............................................. 171
RS-232 and RS-422 Serial Interfaces ................................................. 172
RS-232.......................................................................................... 172
RS-422.......................................................................................... 173
Table of Contents
5 Diagnostics and Troubleshooting ......................175
Requesting IBM Service ...................................................................... 175
Printer Self-Test................................................................................... 176
Troubleshooting Common Situations................................................... 177
Improving Processing Time........................................................... 177
Data Exchange.............................................................................. 177
Controlling Print Quality................................................................. 179
Determining Printhead Wear......................................................... 180
Replacing The Printhead ..................................................................... 181
Prepare the Printer........................................................................ 181
Replace the Printhead................................................................... 182
Restore the Printer to Operation ................................................... 185
Other Printer Problems.................................................................. 186
Printer Alarms ............................................................................... 191
Fault Messages............................................................................. 191
A Specifications.................................................... 201
Standard.............................................................................................. 201
Print Method.................................................................................. 201
Media ............................................................................................ 202
Ribbon........................................................................................... 204
Indicators and Switches ................................................................ 204
Memory ......................................................................................... 204
Host Interfaces.............................................................................. 205
Power............................................................................................ 205
Environmental ............................................................................... 205
Physical......................................................................................... 205
Acoustic Specifications ................................................................. 206
Options ................................................................................................ 206
B Printer Options ...................................................207
C Setting the Label Length................................... 209
D ASCII Control Codes..........................................211
E Glossary ............................................................ 213
Table of Contents

1 Introduction

Notes and Notices

For your safety and to protect valuable equipment, it is very important that you
read and comply with all information highlighted under notes and notices:
<#> The word Danger next to the lightning slash indicates the
presence of a hazard that could cause death or serious personal injury. Danger and Caution notices are numbered to help you find the translated versions in the
IBM 4400 Safety
<#> The word Caution next to the exclamation point (!) indicates the
presence of a hazard that could cause moderate or minor personal injury.
<#> The word Caution next to this symbol indicates a heavy
assembly that requires two or more persons to lift or hold.
Chapter 1 Notes and Notices
<#> The word Caution next to this symbol indicates a part or
assembly that is hot enough to burn you.
<#> The word Caution next to this symbol indicates a part or
assembly that is sharp enough to cut you.
The wo rd Attention indica tes the possibility of damage to a program, device, system, or data.
The word Important indicates information vital to proper operation of the printer.
A note gives you helpful information and tips about printer operation
and maintenance.

Requesting IBM Service

Requesting IBM Service
Follow the actions in the troubleshooting tables in chapter 5, Diagnostics and
Troubleshooting. Most problems can be easily resolved using these tables. If
you are unable to resolve the problem, you may want to request service from
your IBM service team. To request service on your IBM 4400 Series Thermal
Printer in the U.S. or Canada, call 1-800-358-6661. Service is available from 8
a.m. to 8 p.m. eastern time. To request service in other countries, call your
countryCall Center.
You may call for service free of charge during the printer's warranty period.
You can obtain service after the warranty period has expired if you sign a
service contract agreement with an authorized service provider.
You also can obtain service on a billable-per-call basis after the warranty
period has expired. Please have your service contract information and printer
serial number available when you call. The four digit machine type is 4400.
Please enter this number when prompted.
NOTE: Technical support is also available from the IBM Printing Systems
Division home page at:
Chapter 1 Notes and Notices

Printing Conventions in This Manual

Operator panel keys and LCD messages are set off from regular text in this manual:
Operator panel keys and indicators are printed boldface.
Example: Press the Cancel key, then press the Pause key.
Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) messages are printed in capital letters inside
quotationmarks(“”). Key combinations are denoted by the + (plus) symbol.
Example: Press + means
Press the Up↑key and the Down↓key at the same time.

The 4400 Thermal Label Printer

NOTE: As used in this manual, the terms “4400” and “printer” refer to all
models within the 4400 series.
The printer series consists of a family of high quality, direct thermal and
thermal transfer printers specifically designed for printing labels and tags,
from any MS-DOS
option) based compatible computer.
The IBM thermal printer series is comprised of the products detailed in Table
, Windows**, ASCII or EBCDIC (with the Coax/Twinax
Table 1. The IBM thermal printer Series


4400-004 10 203 4.1 4400-004 8 300 4.1 4400-006 10 203 6.6 4400-006 8 300 6.6 4400-008 8 203 8.5 4400-008 6 300 8.5
Max Print
Speed (ips)
Density (dpi)
Max Print
Width (inches)
Thermal transfer and direct thermal printing.
Supports over 20 types of bar codes.
Download forms, fonts and graphics to printer memory.
High resolution printhead for sharp graphics and text.
Built-in label rewinder for label Peel-Off operation.
Label Taken Sensor for detecting removal of labels in Peel-Off or Tear-
Off modes.
Peel-Off mode for peeling off labels one at a time, before printing the next
Tear-Off mode for positioning the label at the tear-off position and
detecting its removal before printing the next label.
Tear-Off Strip mode for printing a specified number of labels and
positioning the last label at the tear-off position.
8MB DRAM memory (4MB for the 4400-004).
4MB Flash memory.
Chapter 1 Thermal Printer Technology
Dynamic Print Control provides exceptional print quality. A circuit monitors the data to be printed and automatically adjusts the energy applied to the thermal printhead for maximum performance.
The printer can be connected to communicate with the host via RS-232 and RS-422 serial, Centronics parallel, and, optionally, coax/twinax host connections or Ethernet Base-T. The interface cable needed to connect the printer to the host device is supplied by the user.

Thermal Printer T echnolog y

Quiet and fast, with excellent print quality, the IBM multifunction thermal printer uses an inline thermal printhead. The operation of a thermal printer is different from that of a line-matrix or laser printer. The thermal printer uses a printhead with heating elements and special paper or ribbon.

The Printing Process

The thermal printhead allows two modes of operation:
Direct Thermal
During small, rectangular paper, the dyes and developers in the coating react to the heat and develop an image. This mode of printing is generally used for short-term labeling applications.
thermal printing, the thermal printhead selectively heats
-compatible parallel, IEEE**1284 compliant
dots. When these contact the coated thermal
Thermal Transfer
During thermal thermal ribbon. The heat reacts with the ribbon and bonds the image to the paper. This method is used especially for abrasive, long-storage applications and for specialized applications, such as in extreme environmental conditions or where tamper-proofing is required.
printing, the heated thermal dots contact a

Dynamic Print Control

The thermal printer has a unique feature that provides excellent print quality
by preventing unevenness of print density. Unevenness is usually caused by
the stored heat from previous dots. Print quality largely depends on how the
thermal paper or the thermal ribbon and thermal transfer paper responds to
the heat of the thermal printhead.
During printing, the thermal printhead must reach a set temperature in the
shortest possible time. Then it must cool down to the original temperature in
the shortest possible time after printing. Thus print quality is dependent on the
precise control of the energy supplied to the thermal dots.
The Dynamic Print Control is a method for predicting the quantity of heat
required to print dots based on the results of the previous printing. This
prevents unevenness of print density and results in the printing of narrow-
ladder bar codes or vertical grid lines that are straight from the microscopic

Thermal Consumables

Dynamic Print Control

Media Selection

Since there are two print modes of operation, there are two kinds of thermal
Direct thermal media
Thermal transfer media
Direct thermal media is paper coated with special chemicals that act as an
accelerator, acceptor dye and binder. During direct thermal mode, the heat
from the thermal printhead contacts the paper and causes a chemical reaction
to take place.
There is a wide range of thermal transfer media available, such as film or
synthetic paper substitutes that are excellent in their ability to transfer an
image (print quality) and others in scratch resistance (long storage). Most of
these media options can be die-cut for easy label applications.
NOTE: The term “media” used in this manual refers to all the different kinds
of paper or tag stock that can be used in the printer.
Chapter 1 Thermal Consumables


IBM offers a wide range of ribbons that have been specifically engineered to enhance printing capabilities and to prevent premature printhead wear. Therefore, it is strongly recommended that you use a Genuine IBM Thermal Ribbon in your printer.
IBM 4400 TTW Thermal T ransf er Ribbon
This ribbon provides superior print quality on coated and uncoated thermal transfer paper, labels and tags. IBM 4400 TTW ribbons are an excellent choice for general-purpose applications.
IBM 4400 TTB Thermal T ransf er Ribbon
This ribbon provides excellent high-speed print quality with premium durability and performance on a wide range of thermal transfer paper and synthetic labels. IBM 4400 TTB ribbons are formulated to provide excellent print quality at the highest IBM 4400 print speeds.
IBM 4400 TTR Thermal T ransf er Ribbon
Specifically designed for use with high-end synthetic labels. Provides the highest heat, chemical, and abrasion resistance where toughness and label durability are needed.
Ordering Ribbons (U.S. Only)
Ribbons may be purchased from Lexmark Authorized IBM Supplies Dealers or directly from Lexmark by calling: 1-800-438-2468
Fax orders may be sent to: 1-800-522-3422 Mail orders may be sent to: Lexmark International, Inc., 1221 Alverser Drive,
Midlothian, VA 23113.
Ordering Ribbons (Outside of U.S.) Order supplies by contacting your local Lexmark International distributor or by
writing to Lexmark International, Inc.
Lexmark International, Inc. P.O. Box 11427 Lexington, KY, 40575-1427 USA

Thermal Features


The 4400 has the standard IBM ASCII Emulation which provides direct
compatibility with IBM series printers. In addition, the printer has co-resident
IGP and Code V emulations which provide printer system commands for text,
barcodes, graphics, lines, and boxes.

Hard ware Options

Ask your IBM representative about the following options, which can enhance
the versatility of your printer.
Memory Expansion
16MB DRAM SIMM - Provides additional memory to accommodate long label formats.
Coax/Twinax Host Interface
Provides connection to an IBM host computer system using a coax or twinax interface.
Ethernet** 10/100 BASE T
Allows the user to attach the printer to a LAN (Local Area Network) rather than attaching it directly to a host system. This Ethernet Interface server supports 10/100 Base T (UTP) only and is mounted inside the printer.
Chapter 1 Setting Up The Printer

Setting Up The Printer

<6> The printer weighs between 15.9 kg (35 lb.) and 22.7 kg
(50 lb.). Use two persons to carry the printer. Use appropriate lifting precautions.

Unpacking The Printer

The printer is shipped in a carton and protective bag. Keep all packing material in case you need to move or re-ship the printer. Avoid touching the electrical connectors to prevent electrostatic discharge damage while setting up the printer.
The discharge of electrostatic energy that accumulates on the surface of the human body or other surfaces can damage or destroy the printhead or electronic components used in this device.
Damage to the p rinter interface connector may result from placing the printer on its backside during unpacking or handling.
Unpacking The Printer
Open the media cover by lifting it in the center of its bottom right edge.
1) Media Cover
Remove the tape securing the liner rewinder clamp to the rewinder spindle.
Slide the Media Hanger Guide outward to the end of the Media Hanger. Place
the Guide in the down (horizontal) position and remove the sample roll of
ribbon and media from the media hanger and set them to one side.
Chapter 1 Setting Up The Printer

Check List

Your thermal printer kit contains the items listed below.
The thermal printer.
AC Powercord
User’s Manual
Quick Reference Manual
Printer Manual CD
Terminating Resistor Packs
Ribbon Take-Up Core (mounted in printer)
Starter Kit Roll Media
Sample Roll of IBM Thermal Transfer Wax Ribbon (wrapped inside media
Printhead Cleaning Pen (wrapped inside media roll)
NOTE: If any items are missing, contact your dealer for replacement parts.


The following sections will guide you through the installation of the printer.
<6> The printer should never be operated in a location where
the operator or printer can get wet.
1. Place the printer in a suitable location on a flat level surface that allows easy access to all sides of the printer. The printer should never be operated while resting on its side or upside down.
2. Check that the printer power switch is in the OFF (O) position.
1) AC Power Receptacle
2) On/Off Power Switch
On Position Off Position
Chapter 1 Setting Up The Printer
The following sections will guide you through the installation of the printer.
3. Attach Interface a. Parallel Interface
Do not connect or disconnect any communication port, teleport, attachment connector, or power cord during an electrical storm.
Attach a suitable parallel printer cable from the computer to the Centronics interface connector at the back of the printer. Snap the bail locks to the Centronics connector to secure the interface cable to the printer.
b. Serial Interface
Attach a suitable serial printer cable from the computer to the DB-25 RS-232 Serial interface connector at the back of the printer. For additional information on serial cable wiring, refer to “Diagnostics and Troubleshooting” on page 175.
NOTE: The printer supports simultaneous connection of the Parallel and
Serial interfaces using the Auto Switching feature. See Auto Switching described on page 165.
Chapter 1 Setting Up The Printer
If your printer is equipped with the Coax/Twinax and ethernet interfaces, the rear I/O panel will look like the picture below.
c. Coax Interface
Attach a suitable coaxial cable from the computer to the coax connector located in the I/O plate in the back of the printer.
d. Twinax Interface
Attach a suitable twinax cable from the computer to the twinax connector located in the I/O plate in the back of the printer.
e. Ethernet Interface
Insert a suitable ethernet cable from your hub or switch to the ethernet connector located in the I/O panel in the rear of your printer.
Chapter 1 Setting Up The Printer
4. Attach the AC power cord to the AC power receptacle in the rear of the printer.
Attach the AC power cord to a grounded (three prong) electrical outlet of the proper voltage.
Before powering on the printer, ensure that the printer is plugged into the appropriate power source.
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