IBM 4247 A00 User Manual

4247 Printer Model A00
User’s Guide
4247 Printer Model A00
User’s Guide
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Note to U.S. Government Users — Documentation related to restricted rights — Use, duplication or disclosure is subject to restrictions set forth in GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.
Notices ...........................xiii
Electronic Emissions ......................xiii
Trademarks and Service Marks .................. xv
Safety Information .......................xvi
Preface ...........................xix
How to Use this Guide......................xix
Related Publications ......................xx
Chapter 1. Printer Setup .................... 1
Information Necessary for Printer Setup ............... 1
Unpacking Your Printer ..................... 2
Setting Up Your Printer ..................... 3
Removing Packing Materials .................. 3
Installing Operator Panel Overlay................. 4
Installing Wire Forms Guide................... 5
Locating Operator Accessible Areas and Controls............ 5
Operator Panel ........................ 6
Operator Panel Display .................... 7
Audible Alarm ........................ 7
Status Indicators ....................... 7
Function Keys ........................ 9
Default Forms Path .......................13
Setting Up Front Push Forms Path (Default)..............14
Setting Front Push Tractor ...................14
Installing Front Push Tractor ..................15
Installing Ribbon Cartridge ....................17
Connecting Electrical Power....................18
Changing Display Language ...................19
Stacking Forms for Front Push Forms Path ..............20
Loading Forms into Front Push Forms Path ..............20
Creating Print Test Sample (Self Test Printout-with Firmware Level) .....23
Tearing Off Forms .......................24
Choosing Tear-Off Option....................25
Checking and Adjusting Tear-Off Position ..............25
Checking Configuration .....................27
Printing Power On Configuration Setup ..............27
Printing Program Configuration Setup ...............28
Parking Continuous Forms ....................29
Setting Up Manual Sheet Feed Path ................30
Optional Printer Stand ......................32
Summary ..........................32
Chapter 2. Considering Other Forms Paths .............33
Choosing Other Forms Paths ...................33
Choosing a Forms Path for Your Needs ...............34
Choosing a Forms Path for Special Forms ..............35
Other Considerations for Forms ..................35
Description of Each Forms Path ..................36
Front Push Forms Path ....................36
Rear Push Forms Path ....................36
Dual Push Forms Paths ....................36
Rear Pull Forms Path .....................37
© Copyright IBM Corp. 1995, 1998 iii
Push Pull Forms Path .....................37
Manual Sheet Feed ......................37
Chapter 3. Setting Up Another Forms Path .............39
Summarizing Forms Path Set Up..................39
Changing to a Different Forms Path .................41
Identifying Existing Forms Path .................42
Identifying New Forms Path...................42
Removing Existing Forms Tractor.................42
Preparing Printer for Selected Forms Path ..............44
Setting Forms Guide Deflector ..................44
Setting Push-Pull Selector ...................46
Removing or Installing Paper Bail.................47
Setting Forms Tractors.....................50
Setting Up and Configuring Front Push Forms Path ...........52
Setting Up Rear Push Forms Path .................53
Installing Rear Push Tractor...................53
Configuring Forms Path for Rear Push...............54
Loading Forms For Rear Push..................55
Setting Up Dual Push Forms Paths .................57
Preparing Dual Push Forms Paths ................58
Configuring Printer for Linking Dual Push ..............59
Parking One Continuous Form and Loading Another (Dual Push) .....59
Setting Up Rear Pull Forms Path ..................60
Installing Rear Pull Tractor ...................61
Configuring Forms Path for Rear Pull ...............63
Loading Forms For Rear Pull ..................64
Setting Up Push Pull Forms Path..................70
Installing Push Pull Tractors...................71
Configuring Forms Path for Push Pull ...............71
Loading Forms For Push Pull ..................72
Chapter 4. Configuring Your Printer ................79
Operator Panel Function Keys Used for Configuration ..........80
Entering Printer Configuration ...................81
Exiting Printer Configuration....................82
Power On Configuration .....................82
Power On Configuration Menu Tree ................83
Jam Sensors ........................84
Parallel Interface .......................84
Serial Interface .......................91
Functions .........................99
Sensor Tune ........................103
Bidirectional Adjustment ....................104
Restore Manufacturing Defaults .................104
Printing Power On Configuration Setup ...............105
Program Configuration......................106
Program Configuration Menu Tree ................107
Tear Position Adjustment ....................108
1 Form Per Path .......................109
Path ...........................109
Impact Strength .......................110
Perforation Safety ......................111
Adjustments ........................111
Form Setting ........................113
iv 4247 Printer Model A00 User’s Guide
Another Path ........................119
Additional Entry Point to Power On Configuration Menu ........119
Hexadecimal Printing .....................120
Store Mode .........................120
Printing Program Configuration Setup ................121
Chapter 5. Attaching Your Printer .................123
Attaching to Your Computer ....................123
Attaching Parallel Cable ....................123
Attaching Serial Cable .....................124
Installing Printer Drivers .....................125
AIX Operating Systems Installation ................126
OS/400 Operating Systems Installation...............126
OS/2 and Windows Operating Environment Installation .........126
AIX Driver Installation .....................126
OS/400 Printer Object Installation.................127
OS/2 or Windows Printer Driver Installation .............127
Attaching Network Print Server ..................128
Ethernet 10BaseT or 10Base2..................128
Token-Ring UTP or STP ....................131
Chapter 6. Operator Tasks....................133
About This Chapter .......................133
Changing Ribbon Cartridge ....................133
Removing Ribbon Cartridge ...................133
Installing Ribbon Cartridge ...................135
Cleaning Printer ........................137
Cleaning Inside of Printer....................137
Cleaning Covers .......................137
Clearing Forms Jams and Restarting a Print Job ............137
Chapter 7. Resolving Printer Problems...............139
About This Chapter .......................139
Status Codes and Messages ...................139
Various Problems .......................142
Printed Output Problems ....................142
Other Problems .......................143
Print Quality and Ribbon Problems ................147
Configuration Problems ....................150
Miscellaneous Problems ....................150
Chapter 8. Supplies, Forms, and Cables ..............151
Ordering Ribbon Cartridges ....................151
Forms Specifications ......................151
Ordering Signal Cable ......................153
Serial Attachment .......................154
RS-232C Connector Pin Assignments ...............154
RS-422A Connector Pin Assignments ...............154
Attachment Cables for PCs and Compatible Serial Ports ........154
Attachment Cables for AS/400 Workstation Controllers .........155
Attachment Cable for RISC System/6000..............155
Cable Configurations ......................155
IBM Parallel Attachment .....................157
Contents v
Appendix A. Specifications ...................159
Site Location .........................159
Environmental Requirements ...................160
Operating Environment ....................160
Nonoperating Environment ...................160
Shipping Environment .....................160
Storage Environment .....................161
Physical Requirements .....................161
Clearance .........................161
Weight ..........................162
Electrical Requirements .....................162
Electrical Safety .......................162
Plugs and Receptacles by Country ................162
Plug and Receptacle Depictions .................164
Power Cord.........................165
Branch Circuits and Grounding .................165
Power Consumption ......................165
Heat Output .........................165
Declaration of IBM Product Noise Emission Values ...........166
Operator and Service Clearance ..................166
Appendix B. Optional Features ..................169
Appendix C. Native 4247 Commands ...............171
Native Commands .......................171
Bar Code Commands ......................173
SELECT Command Format ...................173
PRINT Command Format ...................175
Bar Code Examples......................176
Valid Bar Code Data .....................177
Reinitialize Printer Command ...................178
Set Vertical Spacing (Inches) ...................178
Set Vertical Spacing (Metric) ...................178
Character (Horizontal) Spacing ..................179
Forms Path Control .......................179
Select Resident Font ......................180
Select Emulation ........................180
Select AFTA in Column .....................181
Select/Deselect ASF Bin .....................181
Appendix D. Personal Printer Data Stream (PPDS) ..........183
About This Appendix ......................184
Print Job Processing ......................184
Page Printing Concept......................185
Page Presentation .......................185
Graphic and Control Character Sequences ..............187
PPDS Compatibility .......................188
One-Byte Controls .......................188
Null (NUL) .........................188
Bell (BEL) .........................189
Backspace (BS) .......................189
Horizontal Tab (HT) ......................189
Line Feed (LF) .......................189
Vertical Tab (VT) .......................189
vi 4247 Printer Model A00 User’s Guide
Form Feed (FF) .......................189
Carriage Return (CR) .....................190
Shift Out (SO) / Double-Wide Print ................190
Shift In (SI) / Condensed Print ..................190
Device Control 1 (DC1) / Select or XON ..............190
Device Control 2 (DC2) / Select 10 CPI ..............190
Device Control 3 (DC3) / Deselect or XOFF .............191
Device Control 4 (DC4) / Cancel Double-Wide Print ..........191
Cancel (CAN) ........................191
Escape (ESC) ........................191
Space (SP) .........................191
Escape Sequence Controls ....................191
Null (ESC NUL) .......................193
Bell (ESC BEL) .......................193
Backspace (ESC BS) .....................193
Horizontal Tab (ESC HT) ....................193
Line Feed (ESC LF) .....................194
Vertical Tab (ESC VT) .....................194
Form Feed (ESC FF) .....................194
Carriage Return (ESC CR) ...................194
Shift Out (ESC SO) / Double-Wide Print ..............194
Shift In (ESC SI) / Condensed Print ................195
Device Control 1 (ESC DC1) / Select or XON ............195
Device Control 2 (ESC DC2) / Select 10 CPI ............195
Device Control 3 (ESC DC3) / Deselect or XOFF ...........195
Device Control 4 (ESC DC4) / Cancel Double-Wide Print ........196
Cancel (ESC CAN) ......................196
Turn Auto Sheet Feeder On or Off (ESC EM) ............196
Auto Underscore (ESC -)....................196
Set 1/8 Inch Line Spacing (ESC 0) ................196
Set 7/72 Inch Line Spacing (ESC 1)................197
Invoke Text Line Spacing (ESC 2) ................197
Set Graphics Line Spacing (ESC 3) ................197
Set Top of Form (ESC 4) ....................197
Set Auto Line Feed (ESC 5)...................197
Select PC Character Set 2 (ESC 6) ................198
Select PC Character Set 1 (ESC 7) ................198
Set 12 CPI (ESC :) ......................198
Unidirectional Printing (ESC <)..................198
Character Font Image Download (ESC=) ..............198
Select n/72 Inch Line Spacing (ESC A) ..............200
Set Vertical Tabs (ESC B) ...................200
Set Page Length (ESC C) ...................200
Set Horizontal Tabs (ESC D) ..................201
Begin Emphasized Print (ESC E).................201
End Emphasized Print (ESC F) .................201
Begin Double-Strike Print (ESC G) ................201
End Double-Strike Print (ESC H) .................201
Change Font (ESC I) .....................201
Relative Move Baseline (ESC J) .................202
Normal Density Bit Image Graphics (ESC K) ............203
Dual Density Bit Image Graphics Type 1 (ESC L) ...........203
Begin Skip Perforation (ESC N) .................203
End Skip Perforation (ESC O) ..................203
Proportional Space Mode (ESC P) ................204
Deselect on Positive Query Reply (ESC Q) .............204
Contents vii
Set Default Tabs (ESC R) ...................204
Begin Subscript / Superscript Mode (ESC S) ............204
End Subscript/Superscript Mode (ESC T) ..............205
Set Print Direction (ESC U) ...................205
Double-Wide Continuous Mode (ESC W) ..............205
Set Horizontal Margins (ESC X) .................205
Dual Density Bit Image Graphics Type 2 (ESC Y)...........206
High Density Bit Image Graphics (ESC Z) .............206
Print All Characters (ESC \) ...................206
Reverse Line Feed (ESC ]) ...................206
Print Single Character (ESC |)..................207
Continuous Overscore (ESC _) .................207
Relative Move Right (ESC d) ..................207
Relative Move Left (ESC e) ...................207
Select Line Scoring (ESC [ -) ..................207
Set Presentation Highlight (SPH) (ESC [ @).............208
Set Font Global (SFG) (ESC [ I) .................209
Set Initial Conditions (SIC) (ESC [ K) ...............209
Select Code Page (SCP) (ESC [ T) ................211
Set Print Quality (SPQ) (ESC [ d).................212
Buffer Terminating Conditions ...................213
Appendix E. Epson FX-1050 Data Stream ..............215
About This Appendix ......................217
Print Job Processing ......................217
Page Printing Concept......................217
Page Presentation .......................218
One-Byte Controls .......................219
Null (NUL) .........................220
Bell (BEL) .........................220
Backspace (BS) .......................220
Horizontal Tab (HT) ......................220
Line Feed (LF) .......................220
Vertical Tab (VT) .......................221
Form Feed (FF) .......................221
Carriage Return (CR) .....................221
Shift Out (SO) / Double-Wide Print ................221
Shift In (SI) / Condensed Print ..................221
Device Control 1 (DC1) / Select or XON ..............222
Device Control 2 (DC2) / Cancel Condensed Print ..........222
Device Control 3 (DC3) / Deselect or XOFF .............222
Device Control 4 (DC4) / Cancel Double-Wide Print ..........222
Cancel (CAN) ........................222
Space (SP) .........................222
Delete Character (DEL) ....................223
Escape Sequence Controls ....................223
Escape (ESC) ........................225
Null (ESC NUL) .......................225
Bell (ESC BEL) .......................225
Backspace (ESC BS) .....................225
Horizontal Tab (HT) ......................225
Line Feed (ESC LF) .....................225
Vertical Tab (ESC VT) .....................226
Form Feed (ESC FF) .....................226
Carriage Return (ESC CR) ...................226
Shift Out (ESC SO) / Double-Wide Print ..............226
viii 4247 Printer Model A00 User’s Guide
Shift In (ESC SI) / Condensed Print ................226
Device Control 1 (ESC DC1) / Select or XON ............227
Device Control 2 (ESC DC2) / Cancel Condensed Print ........227
Device Control 3 (ESC DC3) / Deselect or XOFF ...........227
Device Control 4 (ESC DC4) / Cancel Double-Wide Print ........227
Cancel (ESC CAN) ......................227
Turn Auto Sheet Feeder On or Off (ESC EM) ............227
Set Intercharacter Spacing (ESC SP) ...............228
Master Select (ESC !) .....................228
Cancel MSB Control (ESC #) ..................228
Set Absolute Print Position (ESC $) ................229
Select User-Defined Set (ESC %) ................229
Define User-Defined Characters (ESC &)..............229
Select Graphics Mode (ESC *)..................230
Auto Underscore (ESC –) ...................230
Select Vertical Tab Channel (ESC /) ................230
Set 1/8 Inch Line Spacing (ESC 0) ................230
Set 7/72 Inch Line Spacing (ESC 1)................231
Set 1/6 Inch Line Spacing (ESC 2) ................231
Set n/216 Inch Line Spacing (ESC 3) ...............231
Select Italic Mode (ESC 4) ...................231
Cancel Italic Mode (ESC 5) ...................231
Printable Code Area Expansion (ESC 6) ..............231
Cancel Printable Code Area Expansion (ESC 7) ...........232
Copy ROM into Ram (ESC : NUL) ................232
Select Unidirectional Mode (one line only) (ESC <) ..........232
Set MSB to 0 (ESC =) .....................232
Set MSB to 1 (ESC >) .....................232
Reassign Graphics Mode (ESC ?) ................232
Initialize Printer (ESC @)....................233
Select n/72 Inch Line Spacing (ESC A) ..............233
Set Vertical Tabs (ESC B) ...................233
Set Page Length (ESC C) ...................233
Set Horizontal Tabs (ESC D) ..................234
Begin Emphasized Print (ESC E).................234
End Emphasized Print (ESC F) .................234
Begin Double-Strike Print (ESC G) ................234
End Double-Strike Print (ESC H) .................234
Printable Code Area Expansion (ESC I) ..............235
Perform n/216 Inch Line Feed (ESC J)...............235
Select Single Density Graphics Mode (ESC K) ............235
Select Double Density Graphics Mode (ESC L) ...........235
Select 12 CPI (ESC M) ....................236
Begin Skip Perforation (ESC N) .................236
End Skip Perforation (ESC O) ..................236
Select 10 CPI (ESC P) ....................236
Select Right Margin (ESC Q) ..................236
Select Character Set (ESC R) ..................236
Begin Subscript/Superscript Mode (ESC S) .............237
End Subscript/Superscript Mode (ESC T) ..............237
Set Print Direction (ESC U) ...................237
Double-Wide Continuous Mode (ESC W) ..............237
Dual Density Bit Image Graphics Type 2 (ESC Y)...........238
High Density Bit Image Graphics (ESC Z) .............238
Set Relative Position (ESC \) ..................238
Set Letter Quality Justification (ESC a)...............239
Contents ix
Select Vertical Tabs in Channels (ESC b) ..............239
Move Right n/120 (ESC d) ...................239
Move Left n/120 (ESC e)....................239
Set 15 CPI (ESC g)......................240
Feed Paper n/216 Reverse (ESC j) ................240
Select NLQ Font (ESC k)....................240
Set Left Margin (ESC l) ....................240
Turn Proportional Mode On/Off (ESC p) ..............240
Quiet Printing (ESC s) .....................240
Select Character Table (ESC t) .................241
Double High Printing (ESC w) ..................241
Select NLQ or DP Print Quality (ESC x) ..............241
Buffer Terminating Conditions ...................241
Unsupported Command Processing .................243
Appendix F. Code Pages ....................245
ASCII Code Pages .......................245
USA (Personal Computer) ...................247
Greek/Latin (ISO 8859-7)....................248
Latin 1 (ISO 8859-1) .....................249
Multilingual .........................250
Old Greek .........................251
Latin 2/ROECE .......................252
Turkish ..........................253
Turkish ..........................255
Portuguese .........................256
Icelandic ..........................257
Hebrew ..........................258
Canadian French.......................259
Danish/Norwegian ......................261
Cyrillic 2 (Personal Computer) ..................262
New Greek .........................263
Thai ...........................264
OCR-A ..........................265
OCR-B ..........................266
Latin 2 (ISO 8859-2) .....................267
Latin 3 (ISO 8859-3) .....................268
Latin 4 (ISO 8859-4) .....................269
Cyrillic (ISO 8859-5) .....................270
Latin 8 (ISO 8859-8) .....................271
Latin 5 (ISO 8859-8) .....................272
Baltic Multilingual.......................273
Estonian ..........................274
Urdu ...........................275
Arabic Extended .......................276
Latin 6 (ISO 8859-6) .....................277
Farsi (Personal Computer) ...................278
Estonian (Personal Computer) ..................279
Latvian (Personal Computer) ..................280
Lithuanian (Personal Computer) .................281
Cyrillic Windows .......................282
Epson FX-series Code Pages ...................283
Extended Graphics Character Table ................283
Italic Character Table .....................283
x 4247 Printer Model A00 User’s Guide
Epson Extended Character Variables ...............284
Glossary ..........................285
Index ............................293
Contents xi
xii 4247 Printer Model A00 User’s Guide
References in this publication to IBM products, programs, or services do not imply that IBM intends to make these available in all countries in which IBM operates. Any reference to an IBM product, program, or service is not intended to state or imply that only IBM’s product, program, or service may be used. Any functionally equivalent product, program, or service that does not infringe any of the intellectual property rights of IBM may be used instead of the IBM product, program, or service. The evaluation and verification of operation in conjunction with other products, except those expressly designated by IBM, are the responsibility of the user.
IBM may have patents or pending patent applications covering subject matter in this document. The furnishing of this document does not give you any license to these patents. You can send license inquiries, in writing, to the IBM Director of Licensing, IBM Corporation, 500 Columbus Avenue, Thornwood, NY 10594 USA.
Electronic Emissions
Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Statement
Note: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a
Class A digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference when the equipment is operated in a commercial environment. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instruction manual, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. Operation of this equipment in a residential area is likely to cause harmful interference, in which case the user will be required to correct the interference at his own expense.
IBM is not responsible for any radio or television interference caused by unauthorized changes or modifications to this equipment. Unauthorized changes or modifications could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.
This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.
Canadian Department of Communications Compliance Statement
This Class A digital apparatus meets all requirements of the Canadian Interference-causing Equipment Regulations.
Avis de conformité aux normes du ministère des Communications du Canada
Cet appareil numérique de la classe A respecte toutes les exigences du Reglèment sur le matériel brouilleur du Canada.
United Kingdom Telecommunications Compliance Act
This equipment is approved under approval number NS/G/23/J/100003 for indirect connections to the public telecommunications systems in the United Kingdom.
European Community (EC) Electromagnetic Compatibility Directive
© Copyright IBM Corp. 1995, 1998 xiii
This product is in conformity with the protection requirements of EU Council Directive 89/336/EEC on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to electromagnetic compatibility. IBM cannot accept responsibility for any failure to satisfy the protection requirements resulting from a non-recommended modification of the product, including the fitting of non-IBM options cards.
This product has been tested and found to comply with the limits for Class B Information Technology Equipment according to CISPR 22/European Standard EN
55022. The limits of Class B equipment were derived for typical residential environments to provide reasonable protection against interference with licensed communication devices.
Zulassungsbescheinigung laut EMVG vom 9. November 1992
Dieses Gerät ist berechtigt in Übereinstimmung mit dem deutschen EMVG vom
9.Nov.92 das EG-Konformitätszeichen zu führen. Der Außteller der Konformitätserklärung ist die IBM Deutschland
Informationssysteme GmbH. Dieses Gerät erfüllt die Bedingungen der EN 55022 Klasse B.
United Kingdom Telecommunications Compliance Act
This equipment is approved under approval number NS/G/23/J/100003 for indirect connections to the public telecommunications systems in the United Kingdom.
New Zealand Compliance Statement
This is a Class A product. In a domestic environment, this product may cause radio interference in which case the user may be required to take adequate measures.
Japanese VCCI
xiv 4247 Printer Model A00 User’s Guide
Taiwan EMI Statement
EPA Energy Star
The EPA ENERGY STAR program is a partnership effort with manufacturers of data processing equipment to promote the introduction of energy-efficient personal computers, monitors, printers, fax machines, and copiers to help reduce air pollution and global warming caused by electricity generation.
IBM Printing Systems Company participates in this program by introducing printers that reduce power consumption when they are not being used.
As an Energy Star partner, IBM Printing Systems Company has determined that this product meets the Energy Star guidelines for energy efficiency.
Trademarks and Service Marks
The following are trademarks of the IBM Corporation in the United States or other countries or both.
AS/400 IBM and the IBM logo Personal System/2 Proprinter
Notices xv
RISC System/6000 S/370 S/390
The following terms are trademarks, or registered trademarks of other companies or entities.
Centronics Centronics Data Computer Corporation ENERGY STAR United States Environmental Protection Agency Epson Seiko-Epson Corporation ESC/P Seiko-Epson Corporation Ethernet Xerox Corporation Intel Intel Corporation Lexmark Lexmark International, Inc. Novell Novell, Incorporated
Safety Information
There are three levels of safety notices used in this guide.
Calls attention to a situation that is potentially lethal or extremely hazardous to people.
Calls attention to a situation that is potentially hazardous to people.
Alerts you to the possibility of damage to a program, device, system, or data.
The following notices are the Dangers and Cautions used in this guide. Attention notices and Notes are located throughout this guide but are not listed here.
<1> The construction of this printer provides extra protection against the risk of electric shock by grounding appropriate metal parts. The extra protection may not function unless the power cord is connected to a properly-grounded outlet. This printer has a grounding-type (3-wire) power cord because grounding is necessary. It is the responsibility of the customer or the person installing the printer to connect it to a properly-grounded outlet. Seek professional assistance before using an adapter or extension cord; such a device could interrupt the grounding circuit.
If this printer is connected to an outlet that has been incorrectly connected to the building wiring, serious electric shock could result.
<2> To prevent serious personal injury from electrical shock when connecting or disconnecting the interface cable, power off (O) the printer and disconnect the power cord from the power source at the receptacle.
xvi 4247 Printer Model A00 User’s Guide
<3> To avoid personal risk, do not install or reconfigure a communication port or a teleport during a lightning storm.
CAUTION: <1> The printer (without optional features attached) weighs approximately
24.9 kilograms (55 pounds). Before attempting to lift the printer, get help from another person.
CAUTION: <2> The printhead may get hot during operation. Be careful when removing or replacing the ribbon cartridge.
CAUTION: <3> The paper feed motor may get hot during operation. Avoid contact when installing or removing the front tractor.
CAUTION: <4> Close the gear protector cover immediately after removing the front tractor.
Do not plug in the power cord or power on (|) the printer until instructed to do so.
Notices xvii
xviii 4247 Printer Model A00 User’s Guide
4247 Printer Model A00 User’s Guide
the IBM 4247 Printer Model A00. This guide should be read and used by those who install or operate the printer, or supervise printer operations.
You can use the printer for many different types of applications. This guide includes the procedures necessary for you to put together step-by-step instructions tailored to your operation.
Some editorial changes have been made to this User’s Guide to correct formatting and printing errors.
How to Use this Guide
The following list describes the contents of each chapter and each appendix: v “Chapter 1. Printer Setup” on page 1 provides information about unpacking,
setting up, connecting, and operating your printer. You should complete all of this
chapter to prepare the printer for your environment. v “Chapter 2. Considering Other Forms Paths” on page 33 describes how to select
a different forms path. v “Chapter 3. Setting Up Another Forms Path” on page 39 describes setting up a
forms path for your printer other than the default path.
describes the operating procedures for
v “Chapter 4. Configuring Your Printer” on page 79 describes how to configure the
printer for your operating environment. v “Chapter 5. Attaching Your Printer” on page 123 describes how to attach the
printer to your computer. v “Chapter 6. Operator Tasks” on page 133 provides the information you need for
ordering new supplies, replacing worn ribbons, and available printer options. v “Chapter 7. Resolving Printer Problems” on page 139 describes how to diagnose
and solve printer problems. Always start your problem determination procedure
with this chapter. v “Chapter 8. Supplies, Forms, and Cables” on page 151 provides information
about ordering ribbon cartridges and cables, and specifying forms. v “Appendix A. Specifications” on page 159 contains general printer information and
planning requirements. It also contains information on the electrical and
environmental requirements, cabling information, and forms specifications. v “Appendix B. Optional Features” on page 169 lists the optional features available
for your printer. v “Appendix C. Native 4247 Commands” on page 171 provides information about
the 4247 Native commands. v “Appendix D. Personal Printer Data Stream (PPDS)” on page 183 contains the
programming information for the Personal Printer Data Stream (PPDS)
commands. v “Appendix E. Epson FX-1050 Data Stream” on page 215 contains the
programming information for the Epson FX printers data stream commands. v “Appendix F. Code Pages” on page 245 lists all code pages supported by the
4247 Printer Model A00.
© Copyright IBM Corp. 1995, 1998 xix
Related Publications
The following publications provide information about the 4247 Printer. Contact your IBM marketing representative to order a publication.
4247 Printer Model A00 Quick Reference Guide
the key functions and the available configuration values, and the process for setting the values. This item is often shipped with the printer.
4247 Printer Models A00, 001, and 002 Maintenance Information Manual
(SA24-4400). This manual provides detailed maintenance procedures for problem determination and repair and also contains a parts listing and illustrations of all replacement assemblies and detailed parts for the printer.
4247 Printer Safety Notices
languages the safety information that is contained in the 4247 Printer customer and service documentation. This manual is not shipped with the printer in the United States.
4247 Printer Automatic Sheet Feeder Guide
how to install and operate the optional Automatic Sheet Feeder (ASF). It is shipped with the ASF.
Network Print Server for Token-Ring Networks Administrator’s Guide
(S246-0112). This guide provides information about configuring and connecting your printer to a token-ring network. This guide is often shipped with your Network Print Server.
(SA24-4405). This guide shows
(SA24-4406). This manual lists in English and other
(SA24-4407). This guide describes
The following publication provides helpful information.
Advanced Function Printer: Cut Sheet Paper Reference for use with IBM
Electrophotographic Printers
xx 4247 Printer Model A00 User’s Guide
Chapter 1. Printer Setup
Information Necessary for Printer Setup ............... 1
Unpacking Your Printer ..................... 2
Setting Up Your Printer ..................... 3
Removing Packing Materials .................. 3
Installing Operator Panel Overlay................. 4
Installing Wire Forms Guide................... 5
Locating Operator Accessible Areas and Controls............ 5
Operator Panel ........................ 6
Operator Panel Display .................... 7
Audible Alarm ........................ 7
Status Indicators ....................... 7
Function Keys ........................ 9
Default Forms Path .......................13
Setting Up Front Push Forms Path (Default)..............14
Setting Front Push Tractor ...................14
Installing Front Push Tractor ..................15
Installing Ribbon Cartridge ....................17
Connecting Electrical Power....................18
Changing Display Language ...................19
Stacking Forms for Front Push Forms Path ..............20
Loading Forms into Front Push Forms Path ..............20
Creating Print Test Sample (Self Test Printout-with Firmware Level) .....23
Tearing Off Forms .......................24
Choosing Tear-Off Option....................25
Checking and Adjusting Tear-Off Position ..............25
Checking Tear-off Position ..................25
Adjusting Tear-off Position ..................26
Checking Configuration .....................27
Printing Power On Configuration Setup ..............27
Printing Program Configuration Setup ...............28
Parking Continuous Forms ....................29
Setting Up Manual Sheet Feed Path ................30
Optional Printer Stand ......................32
Summary ..........................32
Information Necessary for Printer Setup
You should complete all of “Chapter 1. Printer Setup” to fully prepare your printer for your environment. You must continue with “Chapter 2. Considering Other Forms Paths” on page 33 if you need to set up a different forms path.
To set up your printer, you will need the following information: v Is a forms path required other than the Front Push forms path?
The 4247 Printer is shipped to you with the Front Push forms path set as the
default. IBM recommends you consider this your primary forms path and use it
whenever possible. If you do not intend to keep the Front Push as your primary
forms path, “Chapter 2. Considering Other Forms Paths” on page 33 will guide
you through making another selection, after you verify correct operation of the
Front Push forms path and the Manual Sheet Feed.
© Copyright IBM Corp. 1995, 1998 1
You can configure the printer for any one of five forms paths; the Front Push, the Rear Push, the Dual Push, the Rear Pull, or the Push Pull forms paths.
One forms tractor is supplied with the printer; this allows you to setup the Front Push, the Rear Push, or the Rear Pull forms path. If you are setting up either the Dual Push or the Push Pull forms path, install a second (optional) forms tractor. Contact your IBM marketing representative to order this option.
v What type of interface cable was ordered?
See “Ordering Signal Cable” on page 153.
v Was an optional Automatic Sheet Feeder (ASF) ordered?
For information about setting up or using the ASF, refer to the
Automatic Sheet Feeder Guide
v Was an optional printer stand ordered?
If you ordered a printer stand, you will find it in a separate shipping container. See “Optional Printer Stand” on page 32 for more information about the optional printer stand. Contact your IBM marketing representative to order this option.
CAUTION: <1> The printer (without optional features attached) weighs approximately
24.9 kilograms (55 pounds). Before attempting to lift the printer, get help from another person.
4247 Printer
Unpacking Your Printer
Check the list below as you unpack the shipping container. Contact your local IBM Branch Office if any of the following items or items listed on the printer order are missing.
h Printer h One forms tractor (and optional second unit, if ordered) h Ribbon cartridge
4247 Printer Model A00 User’s Guide,
4247 Printer Model A00 Quick Reference Guide,
h Printer driver diskette h Interface cable (if ordered) h Power cord h Operator panel overlay h Wire forms guide (For Push forms paths)
4247 Printer Safety Notices,
SA24-4406 (outside USA)
2 4247 Printer Model A00 User’s Guide
Additionally, you can order the following options. Contact your IBM marketing representative.
v Automatic Sheet Feeder - Allows feeding of envelopes or from as many as three
additional cut sheet forms paths v Printer stand - Especially helpful when using Dual Push forms path
Setting Up Your Printer
The next few steps guide you through removing all packing materials, installing the operator panel overlay, and installing the wire forms guide.
Removing Packing Materials
1. Remove the printer from the plastic bag.
2. Place the printer on a flat work area, printer stand, or table. Ensure that you
have access to both the front and the rear of the printer. See “Appendix A. Specifications” on page 159 for dimensions of the table and the clearances required around the printer.
3. Lift the bottom edge of the front tractor cover into the open position.
Chapter 1. Printer Setup 3
4. Remove the packing from each side in the front tractor area.
5. Close the front tractor cover.
Installing Operator Panel Overlay
To install the operator panel overlay, perform the following:
1. Remove the paper from the back of the operator panel overlay.
2. Align the bottom of the overlay; align each side.
3. Press the overlay in place at the bottom below the keys and then continue working upwards until the overlay is pressed into place.
4 4247 Printer Model A00 User’s Guide
xxxx xxxx
xxxx xxxxx
xxxx xxxxx
Installing Wire Forms Guide
The wire forms guide helps direct the forms for stacking in the Front Push and Rear Push forms paths.
1. Open the acoustic cover and tilt it all the way back until it lays flat on the top cover.
2. Insert one end of the wire forms guide into the hole on the right hinge block of the acoustic cover. See orientation in Figure 1.
3. Insert the other end of the wire forms guide into the hole on the left hinge block of the acoustic cover.
xxxxx xxxx
xxxxxx xxxxx
xxxx xxxx
xxxxx xxxxx
x x
Figure 1. Installing Wire Forms Guide
4. Close the acoustic cover.
Locating Operator Accessible Areas and Controls
As with many IBM printers, a part that is colored blue or has a blue decal on it is for your use in operating the printer. These blue marks indicate tabs and levers that control settings and changes for the machine.
Chapter 1. Printer Setup 5
Operator Panel
The operator panel consists of 6 status indicators, a one-line 16-character display, 12 function keys, and an audible alarm. Figure 2 on page 7 illustrates the operator panel.
6 4247 Printer Model A00 User’s Guide
Figure 2. Operator Panel
Throughout this book, procedures instruct you to view the display on the operator panel, to view a status indicator, or to press a function key. The procedure then describes the correct response.
Operator Panel Display
The 16-character display shows several types of messages:
v Information messages v Intervention required messages v Power On Configuration messages v Program Configuration messages v Error messages
Audible Alarm
The audible alarm beeps to let you know of a printer status condition or an error such as an end-of-forms condition, forms jam, or top cover open.
Some operations you are asked to perform, such as opening the top cover when the printer is online, cause the alarm to sound. In this case, press the Online key before you open the top cover to prevent the alarm from sounding.
You can set the audible alarm off in the Power On Configuration menu. See “Alarm”
on page 102 for more information.
Status Indicators
Table 1 on page 8 describes the six status indicators shown in Figure 3 on page 8.
Chapter 1. Printer Setup 7
Figure 3. Status Indicators
Table 1. Operator Panel Status Indicators
Status Indicators Continuously Lighted Blinking
v Printer READY
Auto Sheet Feed
Manual Sheet Feed Selected
Front Push Selected
v Communicating with host v Able to receive and print
Condition 1 Printer disabled and no data in input buffer Condition 2 Printer in one of following modes:
v Power On Configuration v Program Configuration v Test and Diagnostic
Data in input buffer and Printer
not ready
offline (
v Bin empty v Forms jam
v Manual tray empty v Forms jam
v End of forms (EOF) v Forms jam
Rear Pull Selected
Rear Push Selected
8 4247 Printer Model A00 User’s Guide
v End of forms (EOF) v Forms jam
v End of forms (EOF) v Forms jam
+ 292 hidden pages