Reliable high-speed printing a nd forms fle xibility on
a single printer .
IBM 4247 -V 03 and 4247 -003
multiform printers
Keeping your supply ch ain up
Fast, quiet, reliable printing at up
to 1,100 characters per second
Rugged design for superior
Tw o front tractors for reliab le
paper feeding, automatic
forms loading and thickness
Multiple input form paths,
including paper parking
and linking
High-quality printing on up to
eight-part forms
User-installable and sw itchable
interface cards
and running
Supply chain success hinges on
achieving high productivity and
streamlined costs. Printers help keep
your supply chain moving. And a
breakdown could mean lost profits
and even lost customers. Designed
for high output performance in
demanding print environments, the
IBM 4247 industrial strength printers
provide professional reliability at
attractive prices. With support for both
cutsheet and continu ous form paper,
the 4247-V03 a nd 4247- 00 3 are fas t
and flexible, and can positively
con tr ibut e to y ou r b ot tom l in e.
Fast speed, high functionality
With print speeds up to 1,100 cps,and
durable metal covers, the IBM 4247-V03
is built to handle rigorous industrial
applications. Dual front tractors help
ensure paper feeding reliability and
enable acceptance of a wide range of
paper thicknesses. And the attention
light is visible from a distance, so
operators are quickly alerted to
any problems. The 4247-V03 offers
high functionality and performance,
so you can consolidate your print
applications for lower maintenance
and supply costs.
Adaptable to your business needs
A powerful dot matrix printing design
enables the 4247 printers to print up to
eight- part forms. The combination of
paper parking, switching and linking can
help you maximize your printing options
and increase productivity. The all-points -
addressable graphics capability enables
applications to print bar codes, scanned
logos and more. And users can install
and switch serial, parallel, twinaxial and
Ethernet 10/100 BaseT interface cards
to meet network needs now and in
the future.

Easy t o use and eff icient
Automatic forms loading, thickness
adjustment and selection features make
for simple operation of the IBM 4247
printers. The user-friendly operator panel
features a 2x40 LCD display for easy-to-
read menus and messages. And with the
document- on- demand feature, you can
eject and then print on the very next form,
helping to reduce paper waste.
Worldwide service and support
In addition to the standard warranty, IBM
Printing Systems offers comprehensive
service and support that is available
24x7x365. For more information, visit:
IBM 4247 Multi-Form Printers at a glance
For expanded specifications visit: ibm.com/printers/4247
Max. Print Speed 4247-003 cps (at 10 cpi) 4247-V03 cps (at 10 cpi)
Data processing mode 700 Fast draft mode 1100
D P t ex t mod e 35 0 D at a pro ce ssin g m ode 8 00
NLQ mode 175 DP text mode 480
NLQ mode 240
Print Options
Vertical spacing: —6 or 8 lines per inch (lpi) selectable from operator panel for text
—3, 4, 6, 8 or 9 lpi selectable under program control for text
—1/144” increments under program control available for graphics
Horizontal spacing: —10, 12, 15, 16.7, 17.1 and 20 characters per inch (cpi)
—10 cpi in Fast draft mode (4247-V03)
—Propor tional spacing is available in DP text and NLQ mode
Bar codes: — Po stne t, UP C- A, UP C- E, EAN - 8 , Cod e 3 of 9, Co de 128,
Standard —Epson FX, IBM Proprinter III XL and IBM 2381 Personal Printer
Optional —Twinaxial: IBM 4224, 4230 —Twinaxial non-IPDS: IBM 4214, 4230
—Coaxial IPDS: IBM 3268, 4224 —Coaxial non- IPDS: IBM 4230
—13.6” maximum print line
Interleaved 2 of 5, Codabar, MSI, Interleaved 2 of 5 and Matrix 2 of 5
© International Business Machines Corporation 2002
IBM Printing Systems
Dept. HT7/002N
P.O. Box 1900
Boulder, Colorado 80301-9191
Printed in the United States of America
All Rights Reserved
References in this publication to IBM products or
services do not imply that IBM intends to make them
available in all countries in which IBM operates.
IBM hardware products are manufactured from new
parts, or new and used parts. Regardless, our
warranty terms apply.
The following terms are trademarks or registered
trademarks of IBM Corporation in the United States
and/or other countries: IBM, Infoprint, Intelligent
Printer Data Stream, IPDS and the e-business logo.
Other company, product and service names may
be trademarks or service marks of others.
Visit the IBM Printing Systems Web site at
/printers for more information.
The IBM home page can be found on the
Internet at
Printed on an IBM Infoprint
Full-Color Digital Printer.
Color System
Paper Handling
—Support for two continuous forms paths
4247-003: 8 -part front, 4-part rear
4247-V03 : Dual front tractors. 8- part support for both
—Manual cutsheet w/3 -part support (4247-003)
—Optional 1, 2 or 3 bin auto-sheet feeder (4247-003)
—Paper parking, switching and linking
—Automatic forms loading and thickness adjustment
—Push or pull capability (4247-0 03)
Paper Sizes
Continuous forms:
—3” to 17” Width —3” to 24” Length
Cutsheet forms: (up to 4 -part forms manual feed/three- part auto- feed)
—3” to 15” Width —5” to 14” Length
Serial (RS -232C, RS -422 A), Centronics PC Parallel, Twinaxial, Coaxial,
Ethernet 10/100 BaseT
Depth Height Width Weight
4247- 00 3 15.6” (658 mm) 12.4” (315 mm) 26.75” (679.5 mm) 45 lbs. (20.4 kg)
4247-V03 15.7” (400 mm) 13.8” (350 mm) 28.4” (720 mm) 72.6 lbs. (33 kg)
—Relative Humidity: 8% to 80% RH (4247-003 and 4247-V03)
—Temperature 50° to 105° F(10° to 40.6°C)(4247-003 and 4247-V03)
60° to 90° F (15.6° to 32.2° C) with auto-sheet feed
—Acoustics Printing: (in DP text mode)
4247-003: 55 dBA
4247-V03: 56.3 dBA
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