IBM 1483DSV, 1483 User Manual

1483/1483DSV Display Station
Operator’s Manual
P/N 701344-003
IBM is a registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation.
NetView is a registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation.
Proprinter is a trademark of IBM Corporation.
HP LaserJet Series II is a trademark of Hewlett-Packard Co.
Epson is a trademark of Epson America, Inc.
© Copyright 1998 by MTX Corporation
ii 701344-003
This equipment complies with FCC regulations for EMI.
This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy, and, if not installed and used in accor­dance with the manual, may cause interference to radio communications. It has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class A computing device pursuant to Subpart J of Part 15 of FCC Rules, which are designed to provide reasonable protection against such interference when operated in a commercial environment. Operation of this equipment in a residential area is likely to cause interference, in which case users, at their own expense, will be required to take whatever measures may be neces­sary to correct the interference.
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Table of Contents

Chapter 1. Introduction ............................................................................................1-1
Standard Features............................................................................................1-1
Chapter 2. Customer Installation .............................................................................2-1
Physical Statistics ...........................................................................................2-1
Environmental Requirements..........................................................................2-1
Inspecting the Packages ..................................................................................2-2
Setting Up the Display Station........................................................................2-3
Installing the Optional Light Pen ....................................................................2-4
Connecting the Display Station to the Host Systems......................................2-4
Setting Up the Display Screen ........................................................................2-5
Color Monitor.............................................................................................2-5
Monochrome Monitor ................................................................................2-5
Conducting the Preliminary Operating T est....................................................2-6
Chapter 3. Setup Menus, Controls, and Indicators...................................................3-1
Display Controls .............................................................................................3-1
Keyboard Operation Modes ............................................................................3-1
Emulation Mode .........................................................................................3-1
Native Mode ...............................................................................................3-2
Keyboard Definition Mode.........................................................................3-2
Keyboard Controls..........................................................................................3-3
Offline Setup Mode ........................................................................................3-4
Offline T est Menu.......................................................................................3-5
User Menus ................................................................................................3-6
Offline Screen Menu ..................................................................................3-6
Offline Cursor Menu ................................................................................3-10
Offline Ke yboard Menu............................................................................3-12
Offline Printer Menu ................................................................................3-15
Offline Miscellaneous Menu ....................................................................3-22
Offline Color Menu ..................................................................................3-24
Online Setup Mode .......................................................................................3-27
Online Screen Menu .................................................................................3-28
Online Cursor Menu .................................................................................3-29
Online Keyboard Menu ............................................................................3-30
Online Printer Menu .................................................................................3-31
Online Miscellaneous Menu.....................................................................3-38
Online Color Menu...................................................................................3-39
Operator Status Row Indicators ....................................................................3-40
System Symbols .......................................................................................3-40
Local Symbols..........................................................................................3-45
Chapter 4. Operating Procedures .............................................................................4-1
Preparing to Operate .......................................................................................4-1
Adjusting the Screen Display..........................................................................4-2
Color Monitor.............................................................................................4-2
Monochrome Monitor ................................................................................4-2
Assigning a Coax Printer ................................................................................4-3
Data Entry Function........................................................................................4-3
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Table of Contents
Keyboard Operations ......................................................................................4-4
Keyboard Switch Settings.............................................................................4-15
Display Indicators .........................................................................................4-17
Using the Light Pen to Select Data ...............................................................4-17
Using the Electronic Security Lock ..............................................................4-18
Chapter 5. Entry Assist ............................................................................................5-1
Moving the Cursor......................................................................................4-5
Entering Data Characters and Selecting Modes .........................................4-6
Keystroke Record/Playback........................................................................4-7
Record/Play Security Mode........................................................................4-8
Cursor Select Data Entry ............................................................................4-9
Data Editing Function.................................................................................4-9
Message Transmitting Function................................................................4-10
Print Function ...........................................................................................4-11
Partitioning ...............................................................................................4-14
Extended Select Function .........................................................................4-14
Setting the Keyboard Switches through K ey Sequences...........................4-16
Power -On..................................................................................................4-17
Cursor .......................................................................................................4-17
Entry Assist Functions ....................................................................................5-2
Entering Document Mode ..........................................................................5-2
Format Controls..........................................................................................5-2
Cursor Movement and Editing Functions ...................................................5- 5
Chapter 6. Calculator Operation ..............................................................................6-1
Calculator Mode .............................................................................................6-1
Moving the Calculator on the Screen .........................................................6-1
Jumping Between Calculator Mode and Normal Operation .......................6-2
Decimal Calculator.....................................................................................6-2
Binary Calculator .......................................................................................6-5
Hex Calculator............................................................................................6-6
Hex Mathematical Operations ....................................................................6-7
Chapter 7. Problem Determination and Maintenance ..............................................7-1
Diagnostic Testing Function ...........................................................................7-1
Offline T ests ...............................................................................................7-1
System Manager Menu ...................................................................................7-2
User Defined Data ....................................................................................7-10
Product ID.....................................................................................................7-11
Symptom/Action Chart .................................................................................7-12
Preventi ve Maintenance ................................................................................7-14
Chapter 8. Operating the Split Screen Feature.........................................................8-1
Installation Requirements ...............................................................................8-1
Display Requirements ................................................................................8-1
Other Requirements....................................................................................8-1
vi 701344-003
Table of Contents
Operation ........................................................................................................8-2
Entering Split Screen Mode........................................................................8-2
Active and Suspended Screens ...................................................................8-2
Key Assignments........................................................................................8-3
Split Screen Mode Enhancements ..............................................................8-3
W alk Through .............................................................................................8- 9
Screen Print Mode ....................................................................................8-10
Chapter 9. Operating the Dual Screen Feature.........................................................9-1
Installation Requirements ...............................................................................9-1
Display Requirements ................................................................................9-1
Other Requirements....................................................................................9-1
Operation ........................................................................................................9-2
Entering Dual Screen Mode .......................................................................9-2
Active and Suspended Screens ...................................................................9-2
Key Assignments........................................................................................9-3
Dual Screen Mode Enhancements ..............................................................9-3
W alk Through .............................................................................................9- 8
Screen Print Mode ......................................................................................9-8
Appendix A. Printer Information .............................................................................A-1
Supported Character Sets...............................................................................A-1
Switch Settings ..............................................................................................A-1
Hewlett-Packard ThinkJet .........................................................................A-1
Hewlett-Packard DeskJet...........................................................................A-2
Epson FX1050 ...........................................................................................A-3
Epson LQ1050...........................................................................................A-4
4019 Datastream Modes ................................................................................A-4
Index ...................................................................................................................Index-1
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List of Illustrations

Figure 2-1. 1483 Receptacle Connectors....................................................2-3
Figure 2-2. Offline T est Menu ....................................................................2-6
Figure 3-1. Keyboard Ke y Functions..........................................................3-3
Figure 3-2. Offline T est Menu ....................................................................3-5
Figure 3-3. Offline Screen Menu................................................................3-7
Figure 3-4. Intensity Control Options.........................................................3-9
Figure 3-5. Offline Cursor Menu..............................................................3-10
Figure 3-6. Offline Ke yboard Menu .........................................................3-12
Figure 3-7. Offline Printer Menu..............................................................3-15
Figure 3-8. Programmable Setup Strings for Prints Screen ......................3-18
Figure 3-9. Offline Miscellaneous Menu..................................................3-22
Figure 3-10. Offline Color Menu................................................................3-24
Figure 3-11. Online Screen Menu ..............................................................3-28
Figure 3-12. Online Cursor Menu ..............................................................3-29
Figure 3-13. Online Keyboard Menu..........................................................3-30
Figure 3-14. Online Printer Menu ..............................................................3-31
Figure 3-15. Online Miscellaneous Menu ..................................................3-38
Figure 3-16. Online Color Menu ................................................................3-39
Figure 3-17. System Operator Status Row Fields.......................................3-40
Figure 4-1. T ypical Formatted Screen ........................................................4-4
Figure 4-2. Online Print Menu .................................................................4-11
Figure 4-3. Paper Control Options Menu .................................................4-12
Figure 4-4. Session Control Options Menu ..............................................4-13
Figure 4-5. Extended Select Overlay
(104-Key and 122-K ey Keyboards)........................................4-14
Figure 4-6. Extended Select Overlay
(102-Key K eyboards).............................................................4-15
Figure 5-1. The Format Scale .....................................................................5-3
Figure 6-1. Simulated Decimal Calculator .................................................6-3
Figure 6-2. Simulated Binary Calculator....................................................6-5
Figure 6-3. Simulated Hex Calculator ........................................................6-6
Figure 7-1. System Manager Menu ............................................................7-2
Figure 7-2. KDB Test .................................................................................7-3
Figure 7-3. Mod Size Test ..........................................................................7-4
Figure 7-4. Screen Centering Screen ..........................................................7-5
Figure 7-5. User Defined Data Screen......................................................7-11
Figure 8-1. Two Sessions in Top and Bottom F ormat.................................8-2
Figure 8-2. 122-Key Split Screen K eyboard K eys......................................8-3
Figure 8-3. Example of Step Acti ve Session ..............................................8-5
Figure 8-4. Example of Swap Session........................................................8-5
Figure 8-5. Example of Step Acti ve Session ..............................................8-9
Figure 9-1. Two Sessions in Side-by-Side F ormat .....................................9-2
Figure 9-2. 122-Key Dual Screen K eyboard Ke ys......................................9-3
Figure 9-3. Example of Step Acti ve Session ..............................................9-5
Figure 9-4. Example of Swap Session........................................................9-5
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Chapter 1. Introduction

The 1483 and the 1483DSV Enhanced Function Display Stations (hereafter referred to as the 1483) are ergonomically designed data entry display stations that offer a wide range of functions and applications. The 1483 can be used with a color monitor or a monochrome monitor. Each monitor has f ive selectable screen sizes (see the table below).
The only difference between the 1483V and the 1483DSV models is the operation in split screen mode. See the appropriate chapter description for mode of operation.
2doM 3doM 4doM 5doM
With a monitor that also meets the standard, the 1483 meets ISO 9241 Part 3 requirements.
This manual describes the 1483, identifies controls and operating procedures, and presents diagnostic and maintenance procedures that you can perform. The manual also introduces you to the 1483’s data entr y and editing procedures.
As part of a system configuration, the 1483 can transmit and receive data from a central processor unit (CPU) via the attaching controller. Y ou enter or change information on a keyboard that resembles a typewriter. Entered data is simultaneously displayed as alphanumeric characters and symbols on the screen. Y ou can use Function k eys to transmit entered data to the CPU or to recall data from the CPU to the screen. The unit can be configured for up to four screen sizes.
Hardware within the display station processes data during transmit and receive opera tions. Attachment of a coax printer via the controller or an optional local screen printer enables you to generate hard copy of all data displayed on the screen.
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Standard Features

The 1483 can be attached to any of the following control units or their plug-compatible equivalents:
T elex 076 Control Unit
T elex 174 Control Unit
T elex 274 Control Unit
T elex 276 Control Unit/Display Station
MTX/MTC 1174 Network Controller
701344-003 1-1
Memorex T ele x 1274 Control Unit
• Memorex T elex 1374 Control Unit
• Memorex T elex 2374 Control Unit
• Memorex 2274 Control Unit
• IBM 3174 Control Unit
• IBM 3276 Control Unit Display Station
• IBM 3274 Control Unit or plug-compatible equivalent
• IBM 4321 Processor by way of its Display Printer Adapter
• IBM 4331 Processor by way of its Display Printer Adapter
• IBM 4361 Processor by way of its Display Printer Adapter
• IBM 470X Control Units
In addition, the 1483 display station has the following standard features: Full Screen Menus The full screen menus offer simplicity and ease of use for all setup
functions. You can choose between English, French, German, Spanish, and Italian for menu display .
Color Display The 1483’ s super VGA color monitor can be set to one of the following color options:
• 2 color (green and white)
• 4 color (green, white, blue, and red)
• 4 color programmable
Reverse Video – The Reverse Video feature is supported on 15-inch monochrome monitors only .
Intensity Control – W ith the 1483’ s 15-inch monochrome monitor, you can select areas, such as the background or characters only, that recei ve emphasis within an intensif ie d field.
Overscan – Ergonomic feature that removes the black border around the display area. A vailable for use with 14- and 15-inch monochrome monitors that can support o verscan.
Decimal/Hex/Binary CalculatorA Decimal/Hexadecimal/Binary calculator that offers convenience to programmer s, systems analysts, and others who need to work in decimal, hexadecimal, or binary is available. W ith the import feature, you can copy the value from the current cursor position on the coax screen to the Results field in any of the calculators. With the decimal calculator , you can set from 0 through 9 decimal places.
Electronic Security Lock – If enabled, requires the entry of a 3-key password to “unlock” the display.
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Password Protection – Y ou can select to limit access to all the setup menus or to just the System Manager menu, or you can select no password protection at all.
Selectable Vertical Refresh Rate – The 1483 is designed for use with a super VGA (SVGA) monitor . When attached to a color SVGA monitor , three modes are possible, 72 Hz mode (the default), 60 Hz mode, and 75 Hz mode.
Country Extended Code Page When attached to a properly conf igured controller, the 1483 supports Country Extended Code Page.
Mono/Dual Case Mode – Allo ws you to specify all uppercase character entry or upper­and lowercase character entry .
Mark Unprotected Field Indicator – The 1483 provides a menu option that activates the Mark Unprotected Field indicator. When activated, a dot, a double dot, an underscore, an overscore, or a box is displayed in each unprotected field on the screen. This is particularly useful in data entry environments where fields of data are being entered.
Row/Column – Displays the current cursor location on the operator status row. Switchable Screen Formats – The 1483 supports four screen sizes (up to 3564
cha racters) that you can select from setup menus. The controller to which the 1483 attaches must be configured to support the screen size used.
Partitioning – When the controller supports this function, you can use the cursor positioning keys to scroll vertically through a presentation space designated by the host.
Auto Screen Cutoff – Automa tically blanks the screen, leaving only the operator stat us line and the cursor displayed after a specified length of time (5, 10, 15, 20, . . . 55, 60 minutes) has passed during which no key is pressed and no data is written to the screen by the host.
Screen Standby – When used with compatible monitors, it allows screens to go to blac k and reduce monitor power consumption. It also allows nearly instant screen display after a keystroke. This meets the TCO StandBy requirement of <30w.
1483 Split Screen – Displays two MOD 2 sessions simultaneously . The top session is 24 full lines and the bottom session is a scrollable 18-line window . Marking and pasting data is supported between the two sessions.
1483DSV Split Screen – The 1483 DSV displays two full MOD 2, 3, or 4 sessions simultaneously side by side. Marking and pasting data is supported between the two sessions.
Power Down – Automatically cuts power to the monitor after the specified number of minutes (after Auto Screen Cutof f) during which no key is pressed and no data is written to the screen by the host. Meets TCO power-do wn requirement of less than 5 watts.
Numeric Lock – Allo ws a field to be defined to accept only numeric characters, and the Period, Minus, and Dup keys. The comma may be substituted for the period on some international keyboards.
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Audible Alarm – Sounds when a character is entered in the next-to-last c haracter position of the screen (if the last character position is unprotected) or when the host system signals the terminal.
Tilt/Rotate Capability – Allows the display to be tilted over 20 degrees of arc and rotated a full 180 degrees for viewing ease.
Host Addressable Print – Lets the host print to a printer attached directly to the 1483. Local Screen Print – Allo ws you to make a hard copy of displayed text using the scr een
print function. You can specify print area, print quality, line density, and print pitch. Plain Printer Support – By selecting the plain or generic printer for the printer type and
manually entering printer escape codes, you can customize the 1483 to support a wide range of ASCII printers.
Landscape and Portrait Printing – The 1483 supports both landscape and portrait paper orientation when printing on an HP LaserJet or compatible printer.
Print All User Setup Menus – You can keep a record of the setup defaults you set by printing the online and offline user setup menus.
Keystroke Record/Pause/Playback – Enables you to store k eystroke sequences under each of the F or PF keys. A maximum of 7000 keystrokes can be stored in nonvolatile memory and can be played back at any time. During playback, a pause feature allows you to perform normal operations before resuming playback. Calculator keystrokes can be recorded and played back.
Record/Playback Security Mode – Enables you to either disable the Record/Play feature or to inhibit playback in a protected field.
Response Time Monitor – Supports host-controlled transaction response time monitoring.
Modifiable Keyboard – Using the Keyboard Definition mode, you can modify the keyboard layout by interchanging and adding keycaps. The control unit must be properly configured to support this feature.
Entry Assist Function – Facilitates the creation and editing of text such as memos, letters, and documents. Refer to Chapter 5 for Entry Assist operation information. The attached controller must support this function.
Print T rim Function – Allo ws for printing only the selected portion of the screen when making a local screen print.
Auto Skip After Local Print – Enables the printer to automatically advance a selected number of lines after it performs a local or host addressable print.
Stationary or Movable Rule Function – Enables you to set a horizontal and/or a vertical line at the cursor position to facilitate construction and use of tables.
Cursor Speed Selection – You can choose from three horizontal cursor speeds of slow , medium, and fast.
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Repeat Delay – Y ou can select a short, medium, or long time interv al before starting the continuous display of characters on autorepeat keys.
Serial Number Entry – In Offline mode, you can verify or enter the display station serial number . This information, along with the Product ID, is stored in the display station’ s nonvolatile memory and is a v ailable to be read by the control unit for systems statistics gathering by NetView. The control unit to which the display station is attached must support this function.
Extended Vital Product Data – From the Offline Test menu, you can review a 15-character Label field and a 25-character Data field of Extended Vital Product Data. Extended V ital Product Data is read by control units that support NetV iew , and is part of a network management program.
Variable Lines per Page – You can select from 1 through 127 lines per pa ge. Light Pen – Optional feature that lets you select data from a display panel by pointing to
it with a pen-like device. This selection method is a quick alternati v e to keying.
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Chapter 2. Customer Installation

This chapter lists the physical statistics and environmental requirements for the 1483. It also describes the procedures for setting up the display station and performing a preliminary operating test.
The 1483 is designed to be installed by the user . No special tools are required.

Physical Statistics

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Refer to the owner’ s manual that comes with your monitor for the monitor’s specif ications.

Environmental Requirements

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For units operating at 100–120V: The power cable required for domestic units is a UL listed, CSA certified 18/3 AWG, type SVT or SJT cable (15-foot [4.6-meter] maximum). It is terminated on one end by a 125V, 15A grounding type attachment connector. It is terminated at the other end by a 125V, 15A parallel blade, grounding type attachment plug.
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Customer Installation
For units operating at 200–240V: The power cable required for domestic units is a UL listed, CSA certified, 18/3 AWG, type SVT or SJT cable (15-foot [4.6-meter] maximum). It is terminated on one end by a 250V, 15A grounding type attachment connector. It is terminated at the other end by a 250V, 15A tandem blade, grounding type attachment plug.
The power cable required for international units is an 18/3 AWG, type SJT cable (15-foot [4.6-meter] maximum). It is terminated on one end by a 250V, 15A grounding type attachment plug body. It is terminated at the other end by a 250V, 15A grounding type cord connector. The cord set is marked HAR to signify appropriate safety approvals. T he socket outlet must be nearby and easily accessible, per IEC 950 Sec.
The installation site must provide a properly wired and grounded power outlet. Circuits connected to air conditioners and devices that generate significant transient electrical noise should be avoided.
Electrostatic discharge in the vicinity of the unit should be minimized by avoiding high resistance floor material and carpeting that does not have antistatic properties, by av oiding the use of plastic seats and covers, and by avoiding lo w humidity levels. The unit should be located away from areas that generate electromagnetic interference (for example, transformers, power distribution panels, welding equipment, motors, transmitters). Do not put the unit next to fluorescent lights. The 1483 should not be installed where the atmosphere contains corrosive elements that can damage the unit.
Do not run the cable in areas that produce electromagnetic interference (for example, near transformers, switching equipment, welding equipment, power distribution pan els, and under carpets where vacuum cleaning is done). Also, do not r oll heavy equipment over the cable.

Inspecting the Packages

Before you unpack the Display element, Logic element, and Keyboard element, inspect the carton for physical damage.
If the exterior package is damaged, contact your local MTX Inc. sales office or distributor. Also contact the carrier to request e xamination of the damage. The carrier is required to complete and sign a damage report form.
Note: To report damage, customers in the Continental US should call MTX Inc.
toll-free at 1-888-648-7826 and ask for the Customer Service Department.
If the package is not damaged, remove the package contents.
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Setting Up the Display Station

1) Place the Display element on top of the Logic element and place both within connecting distance of an appropriate AC power outlet.
2) Place the keyboard in front of the Logic element. Pull out the feet underneath the keyboard to adjust it to a higher setting, if desired. Insert the keyboard plug into the keyboard connector on the back of the Logic element (Figure 2-1, below).
Customer Installation
Light Pen
Display Element
Logic Element
AC Power Cable
(to Display)
AC Power Cable

Figure 2-1. 1483 Receptacle Connectors

3) Refer to the owner’ s manual that comes with your monitor for instructions on ho w to attach the monitor cable.
If the power rating on the Logic element is not equal to or greater than the power rating on the Display element, do not plug the monitor cable into the Logic element. Plug it into a wall receptacle.
4) For the host addressable or local screen pr int function, a printer connector is located on the back of the Logic element (Figure 2-1, above). Attach the printer cable (provided with the printer) to the printer connector on the back of the Logic element.
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Customer Installation
5) Make sure that the Po wer-On/Off switch is set to O (Of f) on both the Logic element
and the Display element.
There are two AC power cables. Follow the instruction in Step 6 to install one power cable and follow the instructions in Step 7 to install the other power cable.
6) Attach one end of the monitor AC power cable to the AC power cable connector on the back of the Display element (see the booklet that came with the Display element for the location of the AC power connector) and the other end to the AC power connector on the back of the Logic element (Figure 2-1).
7) Plug one end of the power cord into the AC connector on the back of the Lo gic element (Figure 2-1). Plug the other end of the AC power cord into a wall receptacle.

Installing the Optional Light Pen

Follow these steps to install the optional light pen:
1) Remove the light pen and its holder from the protecti ve wrap.
2) Insert the light pen’s cable connector into the 4-pin receptacle on the rear of the Logic element. Check to ensure that the connector is firmly seated. Figure 2-1 on Page 2-3 shows the location of the light pen connector on the back of the Logic element.
3) Peel the protectiv e cov er from the light pen holder’ s mounting surface.
4) Mount the light pen holder on the side of the display station.
5) Measure the amount of cord needed for the light pen to reach from the holder to any point on the screen. Leaving this amount free, place the light pen cord into the cord retainers.
Note: The light pen is not supported in Split Screen mode.

Connecting the Display Station to the Host Systems

Connect the display station to the host or to a controller with a coax cable up to 1500 meters (4920 feet) long, or a twisted-pair cable with a minimum length of 30.5 meters (100 feet) and a maximum length of 277 meters (900 feet). Coax cable and twisted-pair cables can be combined. The following formula shows lengths:
(coax length) + (5 x twisted-pair length)
Follow these steps to connect the 1483 to the host system or to a controller:
1) Locate the coax or twisted-pair cable extending from the controller.
< 1370 meters (4500 feet)
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2) Align the end of the connector cable with the Coax connector that is on the back of the Logic element (see Figure 2-1 on Page 2-3). Connect the cable and secure it in place by turning the retaining ring clockwise until it is tight.

Setting Up the Display Screen

The 1483 is designed to operate with color SVGA and/or VGA monitors, or monochrome SVGA or VGA monitors. Depending on whether you have a color or monochrome monitor, follow one of the procedures below to set up the screen before you turn power on the first time.
Color Monitor
1) Determine the type of monitor (SVGA, VGA, or combined SVGA/V GA) you have. You will set the monitor to operate in SVGA or VGA mode.
2) Press and hold one of the following function keys while you turn the Power-On/ O ff s wit ch t o On :
• F1 – Sets the monitor to color SVGA mode.
Customer Installation
• F2 – Sets the monitor to color VGA mode (default).
• F7 – For multifrequency monitors that can operate up to 42 KHz, sets the vertical refresh rate to 75 Hz.
Monochrome Monitor
1) Determine whether you have a 14-inch VGA or 15-inch SVGA monochrome monitor (measured diagonally).
2) Press and hold one of the following function k eys while you turn the Power-On/ Of f switch to On:
• F3 – Sets the monitor to 14-inch monochrome VGA mode with “color” menus that display varying monochrome intensities in different fields. This mode is preferred for US operation.
• F4 – Sets the monitor to 14-inch monochrome VGA mode with “color” menus that display varying monochrome intensities. This setting g ives a different set of intensity defaults than those generated by pressing F3.
• F5 – Sets the terminal to 15-inch SVGA mode.
• F6 – Sets the monitor to 14-inch or 15-inch monochrome with overscan. (For use only with monitors that support overscan).
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Customer Installation

Conducting the Preliminary Operating Test

1) Ensure that the system control unit is powered on and operational.
2) T urn the Po wer On/Of f switch to Off (O) .
3) Set the Power-On/Off switch to On ( | ) while simultaneously holding down the
space bar. After a fe w seconds, an alarm sounds.
4) Continue to hold the space bar down until a screen lik e the one in Figure 2-2, below , is displayed. You may need to adjust the Brightness or Contrast control.
Offline Test Menu
Select One of the Following
User Menus System Manager Menus
User Defined Data Product ID 1483V (c)1995 Go Online

Figure 2-2. Offline Test Menu

5) If the display station is designated to operate with settings other than the default modes, see “Offline Test Menu” on Page 3- 5 for a description of the Offline Setup menus to change the modes. Obtain the settings designated for the display station from the system operator. The controller to which the display station attaches must be configured to support the settings selected. When the display station is set correctly, it is ready to go online. Press the Reset key to display the cursor in the upper left corner of the screen and the operator status row at the bottom.
6) If the screen does not have the cursor in the upper left corner and the operator status row at the bottom, see Chapter 7, “Problem Determination and Maintenance.”
7) Installation of the display station is now complete. Certain settings may be changed while online. See Figure 3-11, “Online Screen Menu” for further information.
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Chapter 3. Setup Menus, Controls,
and Indicators
This chapter describes the display controls, keyboard controls, and display indicators on the 1483 and its attached keyboard.

Display Controls

Refer to the installation booklet that comes with your Display element for an illustration of the locations of the Brightness, Contrast, and other controls. An y controls not on the display station are regulated from the setup menus and are described in the sections on Online and Offline Setup mode.

Keyboard Operation Modes

Y ou can select either of two keyboard operation modes, Emulation mode or Nati ve mode. The default setting is to emulate an IBM 3278 88-key keyboard. You can change the keyboard operation mode by changing the keyboard type on the Offline K eyboard menu (Figure 3-6 on Page 3-12).
With Nativ e mode selections, Ke yboard Definition mode is supported.
Emulation Mode
Emulation mode can be used with a 122-key or a 104-key keyboard. Emulation mode causes the display station to provide to the controller con verted keyboard scan codes that allow the attached keyboard to emulate a standard IBM 3278 88-key keyboard or an IBM 3278 88-key keyboard with a PF pad. In Emulation mode, some keys on the 122­key keyboard are not functional. The controller to which the display station is attached must be configured to support Emulation mode.
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Setup Menus, Controls, and Indicators
Native Mode
Native mode causes the display station to provide to the attached controller uncon verted keyboard scan codes which are defined by the controller depending on how it is configured. Native mode is available on the 102/103-key, 104-key, and 122-key keyboards. In Native mode, all 122-key k eyboard functions are av ailable. Native mode also allo ws the use of Keyboard Definition mode on the 122-key keyboard. To use Native mode, you must be connected to one of the following controllers:
• MTX/MTC 1174 Network Controller
• Memorex T elex 1274 Control Unit at firm ware release lev el 11.0 or higher
• IBM 3174 Control Unit
• IBM 3274 Control Unit at configuration support D microcode release level 63.0 or
T o use Nati ve mode with a 102/103-ke y ke yboard, you must be connected to one of the following controllers:
• MTX/MTC 1174 Network Controller
• Memorex Telex 1274 Control Unit at firmware release 16.0 or higher (if the 1274
supports Multiple Logic Sessions, firmware release 53.0 or higher)
• Memorex T elex 1374 Control Unit
• IBM 3174 Control Unit
• IBM 3274 Control Unit at configuration support D microcode release level 65.0 with
RPQ # 760825.
The control unit to which the 1483 is attached also must be configured to support Native mode.
Keyboard Definition Mode
In Native mode, the 1483 supports Ke yboard Definition mode. Keyboard Def inition mode enables you to modify the keyboard layout by using the control unit’ s Keyboard Definition Utility. The attached control unit must be configured properly to support this feature.
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Keyboard Controls

This section describes keys on the 102/103-key, 104-key, and 122-key keyboards that control functions associated with the display.
Alt –Simultaneously press the Alt ke y and any other key to acti v ate functions specified on the front key face. Only keys with labeled front faces ha ve alternate functions.
Shift –Press and hold the Shift key and press any key with a shifted function on the keytop to activ ate that shift function.
Reset –Press the Reset key to restore keyboard operations after an error condition, to end character insertion in Insert mode, or to terminate a printer identification sequence before all characters have been entered.
Change Screen – Press the Change Screen key to toggle between sessions. The Change Screen key does not work with all controllers. In Emulation mode, if the Change Screen key does not function, press and hold the Alt key while you press the Insert key. If the Change Screen key does not function in Nativ e mode, press and hold the Alt key while you press the P A2 k ey.
Setup Menus, Controls, and Indicators
PA3 – The P A3 k ey is an additional function key. It does not work with all controllers. The P A3 key does not function in Emulation mode.
Shift Function
Nonshift Function
Alt Function
Key Top
Key Face

Figure 3-1. Keyboard K ey Functions

Note: On some international keyboards, the Alt function is located on the top right
quadrant of the key .
701344-003 3-3
Setup Menus, Controls, and Indicators
Each keyboard type contains autorepeat keys that repeat their functions as long as they are pressed. The autorepeat keys include all keys that enter alphabetic, numeric, or symbol characters, the space bar, all keys tha t assign or move the cursor position, and the following special-purpose keys:
• Field Mark (Data Entry keyboards only)
• Duplicate (Data Entry keyboards only)
• Skip (Data Entry keyboards only)

Offline Setup Mode

All the controls described in “Online Setup Mode” except for the options on the Online Printer menu (see Page 3-31) can be operated by entering Setup mode any time after the display is powered on, whether online or offline. The following special adjustments are made from Offline Setup mode only:
• Screen Size
• Partition
• Keyboard T ype
• Numeric Lock
• Keyless Security Lock
• Printer Type
• Host Addressable Print
• Offline T ests
• Screen Centering
• Password Protection
• Serial Number
• Play/Record Options
• Reset NVRAM
Check with the system operator before changing any of these control values.
T o enter Of fline Setup mode, perform one of the following steps: From the Online Miscellaneous menu, highlight Go Offline and press the Enter key . The
following message is displayed in blinking characters to warn you that data may be lost:
Data May Be Destroyed Hit ENTER to Continue RESET to Abort
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Press Reset to remain online with no loss of data, or press Enter to go offline.
With the display po wer off, pr ess and hold down the space bar and simultaneously turn on the display station.
After either step is performed, the Offline Test menu (Figure 3-2, belo w) is displayed.
Offline Test Menu
Select One of the Following
Setup Menus, Controls, and Indicators
Offline Test Menu
User Menus System Manager Menus
User Defined Data Product ID 1483 (c) 1993 Go Online

Figure 3-2. Offline Test Menu

Use the Up and Down Arrow keys to highlight User Menus on the Of fline T est menu and press the Enter key . The Offline Screen menu is displa yed (Figure 3-3 on Page 3-7 ).
Offline T est Menu Selections
1) The User Menus selection displays offline menus for operator setup. Offline menus
include all Online functions as well as functions that can only be selected offline.
2) The System Manager Menus selection displays a menu for system setup by the
system manager. See Page 7-2 for detailed information.
701344-003 3-5
Setup Menus, Controls, and Indicators
3) The User Defined Data selection displays a panel of Extended V ital Product Data information. This panel is for information only . Extended V ital Product Data cannot be entered or changed from the 1483. Extended Vital Product Data is entered from the controller. See the documentation for your controller for information about entering and changing Extended V ital Product Data.
4) The Go Online selection puts the display station online for normal operation.
User Menus
To display the Offline Menu screens, highlight User Menus on the Offline Test menu and press the Enter key. If password protection is enabled (see Page 7-5), you are prompted to enter the password. Enter the password and press the Enter key. The offline Screen menu is displayed (Figure 3-3 on Page 3-7).
Press the Left or Right Arrow key to highlight
Screen, Cursor, Keyboard, Printer, Miscellaneous, or Color (the Color option is
displayed only if you have a color monitor) to display other offline user setup menus.
Note: Y ou can print the of fline setup user menus. To print a menu, display the menu
on the 1483 screen and press the Print key .
Offline Screen Menu
All of the options in Figure 3-3 on Page 3-7 may not be displayed on your screen. The options available to you depend on whether you are using a color or monochrome monitor .
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3-6 701344-003
Setup Menus, Controls, and Indicators
Offline Menu Screen
Screen Cursor Keyboard Printer Miscellaneous Color
MONOCASE/DualCase DualCase Mark Unprotected No MUP Character . MUP overstrikes No Row/Column Off Screen Size 24 X 80 (Mod 2) Partition On Reverse Video On Intensity Control Normal
Use Arrow Keys to choose item Use ENTER Key to change item RESET Key Exits

Figure 3-3. Offline Screen Menu

To select MONOCASE or DualCase mode, highlight MONOCASE/DualCase and press the Enter key to toggle between MONOCASE and DualCase. When MONOCASE is selected, all characters are displayed on the screen as uppercase letters. When DualCase is selected, all characters are displayed as both upper- and lowercase.
Mark Unprotected
When activated, the Mark Unprotected Field indicator displays a selectable symbol in each unprotected field on the screen. This enables you to recognize locations where keystrokes can be entered. To activate the Mark Unprotected Field indicator, highlight Mark Unprotected and press the Enter key to select Yes or No (the default).
Mark Unprotected Field Character (MUP)
To select a Mark Unprotected Field symbol, highlight MUP Character and press the Enter key to display one of the following symbols: dot ( . ), two dots ( .. ), underline ( _ ),
overscore ( ¯ ), or character outline box ( If Mark Unpr otected (above) is set to No, your selection for MUP Character is ignored.
). The default is dot ( . ).
701344-003 3-7
Setup Menus, Controls, and Indicators
MUP Overstrikes
With MUP Overstrikes set to Yes, the selected MUP symbol ov erstrikes the displayed character. With No selected, the displayed character replaces the MUP character. To change the MUP overstrikes option, highlight MUP Overstrikes and press the Enter key to toggle between Yes and No (the default).
If Mark Unprotected (see Page 3-7) is set to No, your selection for MUP Overstrikes is ignored.
When Row/Column is turned on, the current row and column position of the cursor is displayed on the operator status row . The indicated position may not be the actual cursor position on the display screen. The numbers indicate the location of the cursor in the actual image that the display station receives from the host system. Highlight Row/ Column and press the Enter key to turn the cursor row/column display On or Off (the default).
Screen Size
T o adjust the display screen, highlight Screen Size on the Of fline Screen menu and press Enter to cycle through the four possible screen size settings:
24 X 80 (Mod 2) – default
32 X 80 (Mod 3)
43 X 80 (Mod 4)
27 X 132 (Mod 5)
The screen size displayed is the active screen size.
The partitioning function supported by the display station is completely a host controlled function. The display receives partitioning commands from the host when Partition is enabled on the Of fline Screen menu and Native T ypewriter is selected on the Offline Keyboard menu (Figure 3-6 on Pag e 3-12). To enable the partition function, highlight Partition and press the Enter key to toggle between On and Off until On is displayed. The default value is On.
Reverse Video
The Reverse Video setting enables you to display blac k characters on a green, amber, or white screen. To set the Reverse V ideo option, highlight Reverse V ideo and press the Enter key to toggle between On (white characters on a black screen) and Off (black characters on a white screen). The default setting is On.
Note: The Reverse V ideo feature is supported on 15-inch monochrome monitors only .
3-8 701344-003
Setup Menus, Controls, and Indicators
Intensity Control
The Intensity Control setting enables you to determine the area to be highlighted. There are three settings for Intensity Control: Normal (the default), Data only, and Highlight. It is available only on monochrome monitors.
To use the Intensity Control option, you must first set the Reverse Video option On (black characters on an amber, green, or white screen). Highlight Intensity Control and press the Enter key to cycle through the choices: Normal (the default), Data Only, and Highlight.
Normal – The entire background field, data area and nulls, is highlighted.
This is Normal Intensity.
Data only
– The background field, data only, is highlighted.
This is Data Only Intensity.
– The foreground color is highlighted (only the data characters, not the nulls).
This is Highlight Intensity.

Figure 3-4. Intensity Control Options

Leaving the Offline Screen Menu
T o leave the Of fline Screen menu, use the Left and Right Arrow ke ys to highlight another offline setup menu, or press the Reset key to lea ve Offline Setup mode and display the Offline T est menu.
701344-003 3-9
Setup Menus, Controls, and Indicators
Offline Cursor Menu
T o display the options on the Offline Cursor menu, use the Left and Right Arro w keys to highlight Cursor on any offline setup menu and press the Enter key . The Offline Cursor menu is displayed (Figure 3-5, below).
All of the options in Figure 3-5 may not be displayed on your screen. The options av ailable to you depend on whether you are using a color or monochrome monitor.
Offline Menu Screen
Screen Cursor Keyboard Printer Miscellaneous Color
Cursor Size Block Cursor Blink No Rule Style Line (-) Stationary Rule Moves Rule Color C1
Use Arrow Keys to choose item Use ENTER Key to change item RESET Key Exits

Figure 3-5. Offline Cursor Menu

Cursor Size
The Cursor Size option enables you to choose an underline cursor ( _ ) or a block cursor (
). Highlight Cursor Size and press the Enter key to toggle between Block
(the default) and Underline.
Cursor Blink
You can select a blinking cursor or a nonblinking cursor by highlighting Cursor Blink and pressing the Enter key to toggle between Off (the default) and On.
Rule Style
You can select the rule style for the rule function. The rule style can be a line ( – ), cross ( + ), or bar ( | ). To select a rule style, highlight Rule Style, then press the Enter key to toggle through the choices Line ( – ) (the default), Cross ( + ), and Bar ( | ).
T o use the rule cursor when y ou are online, press the Rule key.
3-10 701344-003
Setup Menus, Controls, and Indicators
Stationary Rule
The rule cursor can function as a horizontal or vertical ruler . If you select Stationary for the Stationary Rule, the rule line does not move with the cursor, but remains as an alignment aid for columns or rows. (T o relocate the rule line to the current position of the cursor, press the rule key twice.)
If you select Moves for the stationary rule, the rule moves with the cursor . To set the stationary rule, highlight Stationary Rule and press the Enter key to toggle
between Moves (the default) and Stationary.
T o use the rule cursor w hen you are online, press the Rule key.
Rule Color
Note: To use the rule cursor when you are online, press the Rule key.
F or color monitors:
The rule can be set to any of the selectable colors. To chang e the rule color, highlight Rule Color and press the Enter key to cycle through the color options. The rule color you select is displayed on the screen. The color options are:
C1 (blue) – default setting
C2 (red)
C3 (pink)
C4 (green)
C5 (turquoise)
C6 (yellow)
C7 (white)
F or monochrome monitors:
The rule can be set to be intensified or normal. Press the Enter key to toggle between Intensified (the default) and Normal.
Leaving the Offline Cursor Menu
T o leav e the Offline Cur sor menu, use the Left and Right Arro w keys to display another offline setup menu, or press the Reset key to lea ve Offline Setup mode and display the Offline T est menu.
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