IBM 1000-90 User Manual

For IBM® PC/XT/AT/PS2 and True Compatibles
Communications Software
Support Software For:
LI-6252 CO2 Analyzer
LI-6262 CO2/H2O Analyzer
LI-3000A Portable Area Meter
LI-1600 Steady State Porometer
LAI-2000 Plant Canopy Analyzer
LI-1800 Portable Spectroradiometer
LI-1200S Minimum Data Set Recorder
LI-6200 Portable Photosynthesis System
LI-6400 Portable Photosynthesis System
© 1999, LI-COR, inc.
For IBM PC Compatibles
1000-90 Communication and Utility
Software for LI-COR Instruments
Publication No. LDL102-8903 January, 1991
Revised April, 1992
Revision 2, January, 1998
LI-COR, inc.
4421 Superior Street
P.O. Box 4425
Lincoln, Nebraska 68504 USA
Telephone: (402) 467-3576
FAX: 402-467-2819
Toll-free 1-800-447-3576 (US & Canada)
Copyright 1991
LI-COR Software Product
License Agreement and Limited Warranty
License Agreement
Customer may not reverse assemble or decompile this software.
Customer may make copies of the software for archival purposes, or to facilitate its use with the mass storage media of a particular computer (e.g. copy to hard disk).
Customer may make copies of the software for use on two or more computers ONLY in the case when the data to be analyzed or manipulated is generated by the same individual LI-COR instrument.
Customer has no other rights to copy this software without express permission from LI-COR.
Limited Warranty
LI-COR warrants for a period of 90 days from the date of purchase that the product will execute its instructions when properly installed on the computer indicated in its instruction manual. LI-COR does not warrant that the software is free from errors. In the event that this product fails to execute properly during its warranty period, customer should contact LI-COR. If the problem cannot be resolved in a reasonable amount of time, the customer's recourse is to return the software and all copies to LI-COR for a refund.
LI-COR warrants the media upon which this software is recorded to be free from defects of material or workmanship under normal usage for a period of 90 days from the date of purchase. Should the media prove to be defective in the warranty period, the customer's recourse is to return the media to LI-COR for replacement.
General Information
Contents page
COMM.EXE ......................................................................................................................................... 5
Sending Files to the Computer ....................................................................................................... 7
LAI-2000 Plant Canopy Analyzer ........................................................................................... 7
LI-1000 Data Logger ............................................................................................................... 7
LI-1400 Data Logger .............................................................................................................. 8
LI-1200S Minimum Data Set Recorder ................................................................................... 8
LI-3000A Portable Area Meter ............................................................................................... 9
LI-1600 Steady State Porometer ............................................................................................. 9
LI-1800 & LI-1800UW Portable Spectroradiometers ............................................................ 10
LI-6200 Portable Photosynthesis System ............................................................................... 10
LI-6400 Portable Photosynthesis System ............................................................................... 11
LI-6252 & LI-6262 Infrared Gas Analyzers ........................................................................... 12
C20 Cassette Reader ............................................................................................................... 12
Cables ............................................................................................................................................. 13
EQUIP.EXE........................................................................................................................................... 15
REFORMAT.COM ............................................................................................................................... 17
R1600.EXE ........................................................................................................................................... 19
The 1000-90 diskette contains a collection of programs which are used to get data out of LI-COR instruments and into your computer. The COMM program accomplishes this. Also included are several programs that can operate on data files generated by COMM (or any other similar program) to reformat, recompute, or otherwise manipulate the data.
The files on the disk are:
Program Files
COMM.EXE - General purpose communications program. EQUIP.EXE - Serial port diagnostics program. REFORMAT.COM - Reformats LI-1000 data files (V format) into channel groupings. R1600.EXE - Reformats LI-1600 data files (2-line format) into channel groupings.
General Information 3
Documentation Files
READ.ME - Recent changes. *.HLP - Help files. LCONFIG.LCR - List of configurations and help files. REFORMAT.PAS - Source code for REFORMAT program.
The 1000-90 programs are approximately 243K bytes in size, and run on any IBM PC/XT/AT/PS/2 or true IBM compatible computer.
4 General Information
(General Purpose)
No special installation procedures are required to install the 1000-90 program. Make a backup copy of the diskette if you plan to use the 1000-90 program directly from the floppy disk, or copy the contents of the diskette onto a hard disk drive in your computer.
The 1000-90 program is a general purpose data communications program. Data incoming from the selected RS-232C port is displayed on the CRT, and optionally written to the system printer, and/or written to a disk file. Typed characters are transmitted out the selected serial port (COM1 or COM2).
To run the program, type COMM <enter>.
The program is controlled by the softkeys F1 thru F9:
The file 'LCONFIG.LCR' is accessed, and you can select the configuration entry you wish to use. This file is simply an ASCII file that contains preset RS-232C configurations. Move the cursor using the down/up arrow keys on your computer to access the appropriate LI-COR instrument configuration, and press <Enter> to select that configuration. Notice that there is also a 'General Purpose' configuration for instruments which do not appear on the menu. If you wish to add to the file, use a text editor, and model the new entries after the existing ones. Help files for each configuration can also be specified.
When F1 is pressed, there is always a 'User Defined' entry appended to the list found in the configuration file. Selecting this entry allows you to set whatever configuration you might wish to use that is not already in one of the existing options. Simply model your entry as
they appear in the existing configuration files (i.e., Com1 or Com2:Baud Rate, Data Bits, Stop Bits, and Parity).
Any text editor can also be used to append the 'LCONFIG.LCR' file as well. Model the new entries as they appear in this file, and save the file as a Text (ASCII) file.
Alt + x
Change serial (COM) ports. If more than 1 COM port is present, this key will toggle between COM1 and COM2.
Local Echo ON or OFF. If ON, characters typed on the keyboard are echoed to the CRT, in addition to being transmitted.
Clears the upper portion of the display.
Printer ON or OFF. When ON, incoming data is copied to the system printer.
File: Press this key to specify a file into which incoming data will be copied. Once defined, press F6 again to close the file.
Help. Accesses the specified help file (see F1).
CRT: ON Toggling this to OFF prevents incoming data from being displayed on the CRT. Instead, only a byte count is displayed. If a
file (F6) is not open, the incoming data is lost.
Terminates the program.
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