IAI America RCS-E User Manual

RCS Series ROBO Cylinder Controller RCS-E Type
Operation Manual Seventh Edition
Please Read Before Use
Thank you for purchasing our product. This Operation Manual explains the handling methods, structure and maintenance of this product, among others,
ensure safe use of the product. The CD that comes with the product contains operation manuals for IAI products. When using the product, refer to the necessary portions of the applicable operation manual by printing them out or displaying them on a PC.
After reading the Operation Manual, keep it in a convenient place so that whoever is handling this product can reference it quickly when necessary.
This Operation Manual is original. The product cannot be operated in any way unless expressly specified in this Operation Manual. IAI shall
assume no responsibility for the outcome of any operation not specified herein.
Information contained in this Operation Manual is subject to change without no tice for the purpose of
product improvement.
If you have any question or comment regarding the content of this manual, please contact the IAI sales
office near you.
Using or copying all or part of this Operation Manual without permi ssion is prohibited. The company names, names of products and trademarks of each company shown in the sentences are
registered trademarks.
(1) Hold · Servo ON Signal
When operating the RCS (ROBO cylinder) controller, you will need to turn ON the Hold & Servo ON signal Input Signal of PIO.
In case the Hold Stop Input Signal of PIO remains OFF, RCS controller will not move due to hold status. Therefore, please be careful.
(2) Position 0 may be output regardless of the actual position. At the timings specified below,
the positioning completion signal turns ON no matter where the actual position is. As a result, the output status becomes “Position 0.”
1. When the power is turned on
2. When the emergency stop is reset
3. When the alarm is reset
4. When a reset is performed after hold Be extra careful when using Position 0.
(3) With the absolute type, 0E5 (Encoder Reception Error) will be displayed under certain
conditions, such as when the power is first turned on after disconnecting the battery or PG cable. This display does not indicate fault. Perform an absolute reset in accordance with the specified procedure.
(4) Recommendation for backing up latest data
This controller uses nonvolatile memory to store position table data and parameters. Although data in the memory is retained even after the power is cut off, the stored data will be lost if the nonvolatile memory is damaged. It is therefore recommended that you regularly back up the latest position table data and parameters in case of accidental data loss. Regular backup will also let you restore data quickly if the controller must be replaced for other reasons. Use the following methods to back up data: [1] Use the PC software to save the data to a CD or FD. [2] Create a position table sheet or parameter sheet and keep a written record of backup.

Table of Contents

Safety Guide.......................................................................................................1
1. Overview........................................................................................................1
1.1 Forward .....................................................................................................................................................1
1.2 How to Read Model Number.....................................................................................................................2
1.3 Safety Precautions ....................................................................................................................................3
1.4 Warranty Period and Scope of Warranty...................................................................................................4
1.5 Setting Environment and Noise Measures................................................................................................5
1.6 Heat Radiation and Installation .................................................................................................................8
2. Specification .................................................................................................. 9
2.1 Base Specifications...................................................................................................................................9
2.1.1 Backup Battery (Absolute Specification)..........................................................................................10
2.2 Names and Functions of Parts................................................................................................................11
2.2.1 Names..............................................................................................................................................11
2.2.2 Functions .........................................................................................................................................11
2.2.3 Pin Assignments of the Communication Ports.................................................................................14
2.3 External Dimensions................................................................................................................................16
2.4 Connection Method .................................................................................................................................17
2.4.1 Standard Type..................................................................................................................................17
2.4.2 Absolute Specification......................................................................................................................18
2.5 Supplied Cable........................................................................................................................................19
2.5.1 I/O Flat Cable...................................................................................................................................19
2.5.2 Motor Extension Cable ....................................................................................................................19
2.6 Wiring ......................................................................................................................................................21
2.6.1 Wiring for Power Supply/Emergency Stop.......................................................................................21
2.6.2 External Connection Diagram..........................................................................................................22
2.6.3 PIO Interface....................................................................................................................................23
2.6.4 Non-isolated External I/O Specification...........................................................................................26
3. Data Entry <Basics>.................................................................................... 28
3.1 Description of Position-Data Table ..........................................................................................................29
3.2 Explanation of Modes..............................................................................................................................33
3.3 Timing Chart............................................................................................................................................37
4. Using the Controller <Practical Steps>........................................................ 38
4.1 How to Start (Standard Type)..................................................................................................................38
4.2 How to Execute Absolute Reset (Absolute Specification).......................................................................39
4.3 Movement after Power On (Standard T ype)............................................................................................41
4.4 Positioning Mode (Back and Forth Movement between Two Points)......................................................43
4.5 Push & Hold Mode...................................................................................................................................45
4.6 Speed Change during Movement............................................................................................................47
4.7 Operation at Different Acceleration and Deceleration Settings...............................................................49
4.8 Pause ......................................................................................................................................................51
4.9 Zone Signal Output..................................................................................................................................53
4.10 Returning Home ......................................................................................................................................55
4.11 Incremental Moves..................................................................................................................................57
4.12 Notes on Incremental Mode ....................................................................................................................59
Parameters.................................................................................................. 61
5.1 Parameter Classification .........................................................................................................................61
5.2 Parameter List.........................................................................................................................................61
5.3 Parameter Settings..................................................................................................................................62
5.3.1 Parameters Relating to Actuator Stroke Range...............................................................................62
5.3.2 Parameters Relating to Actuator Operating Characteristics............................................................63
5.3.3 Parameters Relating to External Interface.......................................................................................66
5.3.4 Servo Gain Adjustment....................................................................................................................66
6. Troubleshooting...........................................................................................67
6.1 What to Do When A Problem Occurs ............................................................................................... .......67
6.2 Alarm Level Classification ..................................................................................................... .................. 68
6.3 Alarm Output by PIO ...............................................................................................................................68
6.4 Alarms, Causes and Actions ...................................................................................................................69
6.5 Messages Displayed during Operations Using Teaching Pendant or PC Software................................75
* Appendix......................................................................................................... 77
Specification List of Supported Actuators ...........................................................................................................77
Flat Type (F45) - Moments and Loading Capacity..............................................................................................78
Example of Basic RCS Positioning Sequence....................................................................................................79
Position Table Record (1/2).................................................................................................................................82
Parameter Record...............................................................................................................................................83
Change History.................................................................................................86

Safety Guide

This “Safety Guide” is intended to ensure the correct use of this product and prevent dangers and property damage. Be sure to read this section before using your product.
Regulations and Standards Governing Industrial Robots
Safety measures on mechanical devices are generally classified into four categori es un der the International Industrial Standard ISO/DIS 12100, “Safety of machinery,” as follows:
Safety measures Inherent safety design
Protective guards --- Safety fence, etc. Additional safety measures --- Emergency stop device, etc. Information on use --- Danger sign, warnings, operation manual
Based on this classification, various standards are established in a hierarchical manner under the International Standards ISO/IEC. The safety standards that apply to industrial robots are as follows:
Type C standards (individual safety standards) ISO10218 (Manipulating industrial robots – Safety)
JIS B 8433 (Manipulating industrial robots – Safety)
Also, Japanese laws regulate the safety of industrial robots, as follows: Industrial Safety and Health Law Article 59
Workers engaged in dangerous or harmful operations must receive special education.
Ordinance on Industrial Safety and Health Article 36 --- Operations requiring special education
No. 31 (Teaching, etc.) --- Teaching and other similar work involving industrial robots (exceptions
No. 32 (Inspection, etc.) --- Inspection, repair, adjustment and similar work involving industrial robots
(exceptions apply)
Article 150 --- Measures to be taken by the user of an industrial robot
Requirements for Industrial Robots under Ordinance on Industrial Safety and
Work area
teaching, etc.
Cutoff of drive source Measure Article
Signs for starting operation Article 104 Outside
Not cut off
Cut off (including
stopping of operation)
Not cut off
Cut off
Not cut off (when
inspection, etc., must
be performed during
Installation of railings, enclosures, etc. Sign, etc., indicating that work is in progress Preparation of work rules Article 150-3 Measures to enable immediate stopping of operation Sign, etc., indicating that work is in progress Provision of special education Article 36-31 Checkup, etc., before commencement of work To be performed after stopping the operation Sign, etc., indicating that work is in progress Preparation of work rules Article 150-5 Measures to enable immediate stopping of operation Sign, etc., indicating that work is in progress Provision of special education (excluding cleaning and lubrication)
Article 150-4 Article 150-3
Article 150-3 Article 150-3
Article 151 Article 150-5 Article 150-5
Article 150-5 Article 150-5 Article 36-32
Applicable Modes of IAI’s Industrial Robot
Machines meeting the following conditions are not classified as industrial robot s according to Notice of Ministry of Labor No. 51 and Notice of Ministry of Labor/Labor Standards Office Director (Ki-Hatsu No. 340):
(1) Single-axis robo with a motor wattage of 80 W or less (2) Combined multi-axis robot whose X, Y and Z-axes are 300 mm or shorter and wh ose rot ating p art, if any,
has the maximum movement range of within 300 mm
(3) Multi-joint robot whose movable radius and Z-axis are within 300 mm
Among the products featured in our catalogs, the following models are classified as industrial robots:
1. Single-axis ROBO Cylinders RCS2/RCS2CR-SS8 whose stroke exceeds 300 mm
2. Single-axis robots The following models whose stroke exceeds 300 mm and whose motor capacity also exceeds 80 W: ISA/ISPA, ISDA/ISPDA, ISWA/ISPWA, IF, FS, NS
3. Linear servo actuators All models whose stroke exceeds 300 mm
4. Cartesian robos Any robot that uses at least one axis corresponding to one of the models specified in 1 to 3
5. IX SCARA robots
All models whose arm length exceeds 300 mm (All models excluding IX-NNN1205/1505/1805/2515, NNW2515 and NNC1205/1505/1805/2515)
including the end of the rotating part
Notes on Safety of Our Products
Common items you should note when performing each task on any IAI robot are explained below.
No. Task Note
1 Model
2 Transportation
3 Storage/
4 Installation/
This product is not planned or designed for uses requiring high degrees of safety.
Accordingly, it cannot be used to sustain or support life and must not be used in the
following applications: [1] Medical devices relating to maintenance, management, etc., of life or health [2] Mechanisms or mechanical devices (vehicles, railway facilities, aircraft facilities, etc.)
intended to move or transport people [3] Important safety parts in mechani cal devices (safety devices, etc.) Do not use this product in the following environments: [1] Place subject to flammable gases, ignitable objects, flammables, explosives, etc. [2] Place that may be exposed to radiation [3] Place where the surrounding air temperature or relative humidity exceeds the
specified range [4] Place subject to direct sunlight or radiated heat from large heat sources [5] Place subject to sudden temperature shift and condensation [6] Place subject to corrosive gases (sulfuric acid, hydrochloric acid, etc.) [7] Place subject to excessive dust, salt or iron powder [8] Place where the product receives direct vibration or impact Do not use this product outside the specified ranges. Doing so may significantly
shorten the life of the product or result in product failure or facility stoppage.
When transporting the product, exercise due caution not to bump or drop the product. Use appropriate means for transportation. Do not step on the package. Do not place on the package any heavy article that may deform the package. When using a crane of 1 ton or more in capacity, make sure the crane operators are
qualified to operate cranes and perform slinging work. When using a crane, etc., never hoist articles exceeding the rated load of the crane,
etc. Use hoisting equipment suitable for the article to be hoisted. Calculate the load
needed to cut off the hoisting equipment and other loads incidental to equipment
operation by considering a safety factor. Also check the hoisting e quipment for
Do not climb onto the article while it is being hoisted. Do not keep the article hoisted for an extended period of time. Do not stand under the hoisted article.
The storage/preservation environment should conform to the installation environment.
Among others, be careful not to cause condensation. (1) Installing the robot, controller, etc.
Be sure to firmly secure and affix the product (including its work part).
If the product tips over, drops, malfunctions, etc., damage or injury may result. Do not step on the product or place any article on top. The product may tip over or the
article may drop, resulting in injury, product damage, loss of/drop in product
performance, shorter life, etc. If the product is used in any of the following places, provide sufficient shielding
measures: [1] Place subject to electrical noise [2] Place subject to a strong electric or magnetic field [3] Place where power lines or drive lines are wired nearby [4] Place subject to splashed water, oil or chemicals
No. Task Note
4 Installation/
(2) Wiring the cables Use IAI’s genuine cables to connect the actuator and controller or connect a teaching
tool, etc. Do not damage, forcibly bend, pull, loop round an object or pinch the cables or place
heavy articles on top. Current leak or poor electrical continuity may occur, resulting in
fire, electric shock or malfunction.
Wire the product correctly after turning off the power. When wiring a DC power supply (+24 V), pay attention to the positive and negative
Connecting the wires in wrong polarities may result in fire, product failure or
malfunction. Securely connect the cables and connectors so that they will not be disconnected or
come loose. Failing to do so may result in fire, electric shock or product malfunction. Do not cut and reconnect the cables of the product to extend or shorten the cables.
Doing so may result in fire or product malfunction. (3) Grounding
Be sure to provide class D (former class 3) grounding for the controller. G roun ding is
required to prevent electric shock and electrostatic charges, improve noise re sistance
and suppress unnecessary electromagnetic radiation. (4) Safety measures
Implement safety measures (such as installing safety fences, etc.) to prevent entry into
the movement range of the robot when the product is moving or can be moved.
Contacting the moving robot may result in death or serious injury. Be sure to provide an emergency stop circuit so that the product can be stopped
immediately in case of emergency during operation. Implement safety measures so that the product cannot be started only by turning on
the power. If the product starts suddenly, injury or product damage may result. Implement safety measures so that the product will not start upon cancellation of an
emergency stop or recovery of power following a power outage. Failure to do so may
result in injury, equipment damage, etc. Put up a sign saying “WORK IN PROGRESS. DO NOT TURN ON POWER,” etc.,
during installation, adjustment, etc. If the power is accidently turned on, electri c shock
or injury may result. Implement measures to prevent the work part, etc., from dropping due to a power
outage or emergency stop. Ensure safety by wearing protective gloves, protective goggles and/or safety shoes,
as necessary. Do not insert fingers and objects into openings in the product. Doing so may result in
injury, electric shock, product damage, fire, etc. When releasing the brake of the vertically installed actuator, be careful not to let the
actuator drop due to its dead weight, causing pinched hands or damaged work part,
5 Teaching
Whenever possible, perform teaching from outside the safety fences. If teaching must
be performed inside the safety fences, prepare “work rules” and make sure the
operator understands the procedures thoroughly. When working inside the safety fences, the operator should carry a handy emergency
stop switch so that the operation can be stopped any time when an abnormality
occurs. When working inside the safety fences, appoint a safety watcher in addition to the
operator so that the operation can be stopped any time when an abnormality occurs.
The safety watcher must also make sure the switches are not operated inadvertently
by a third party. Put up a sign saying “WORK IN PROGRESS” in a conspicuous location.
No. Task Note
When releasing the brake of the vertically installed actuator, be careful not to let the
actuator drop due to its dead weight, causing pinched hands or damaged load, etc. * Safety fences --- Indicate the movement range if safety fences are not provided.
6 Confirmation
7 Automatic
8 Maintenance/
9 Modification The customer must not modify or disassemble/assemble the product or use
10 Disposal When the product becomes no longer usable or necessary, dispose of it properly as an
After teaching or programming, carry out step-by-step confirmation operation before
switching to automatic operation. When carrying out confirmation operation inside the safety fences, follow the specified
work procedure just like during teaching. When confirming the program operation, use the safety speed. Failure to do so may
result in an unexpected movement due to programming errors, etc., causing injury. Do not touch the terminal blocks and various setting switches while the power is
supplied. Touching these parts may result in electric shock or malfunction. Before commencing automatic operation, make sure no one is inside the safety
fences. Before commencing automatic operation, make sure all related peripherals are ready
to operate in the auto mode and no abnormalities are displayed or indicated.
Be sure to start automatic operation from outside the safety fences. If the product generated abnormal heat, smoke, odor or noise, stop the product
immediately and turn off the power switch. Failure to do so may result in fire or pr oduct
damage. If a power outage occurred, turn off the power switch. Otherwise, the product may
move suddenly when the power is restored, resulting in injury or product damage. Whenever possible, work from outside the safety fences. If work must be performed
inside the safety fences, prepare “work rules” and make sure the operator underst ands
the procedures thoroughly.
When working inside the safety fences, turn off the power switch, as a rule. When working inside the safety fences, the operator should carry a handy emergency
stop switch so that the operation can be stopped any time when an abnormality
occurs. When working inside the safety fences, appoint a safety watcher in addition to the
operator so that the operation can be stopped any time when an abnormality occurs.
The safety watcher must also make sure the switches are not operated inadvertently
by a third party.
Put up a sign saying “WORK IN PROGRESS” in a conspicuous location. Use appropriate grease for the guides and ball screws by checking the operation
manual for each model. Do not perform a withstand voltage test. Conducting this test may result in product
damage. When releasing the brake of the vertically installed actuator, be careful not to let the
actuator drop due to its dead weight, causing pinched hands or damaged work part,
etc. * Safety fences --- Indicate the movement range if safety fences are not provided.
maintenance parts not specified in the manual without first consulting IAI. Any damage or loss resulting from the above actions will be excluded from the scope
of warranty.
industrial waste. When disposing of the product, do not throw it into fire. The product may explode or
generate toxic gases.
Indication of Cautionary Information
The operation manual for each model denotes safety precautions under “Danger,” “Warning,” “Caution” and “Note,” as specified below.
Level Degree of danger/loss Symbol
Failure to observe the instruction will result in an imminent danger leading to death or serious injury.
Failure to observe the instruction may result in death or serious injury.
Failure to observe the instruction may result in injury or property damage.
The user should take heed of this information to ensure the proper use of the product, although failure to do so will not result in injury.

1. Overview

1.1 Forward

Thank you very much for purchasing the RCS controller . Thi s manual explains the features of this machine a nd its operating procedures.
Without knowing beforehand how to correctly use or operate the controlle r, not only will the user be unable to take full advantage of all the functions built into this product but the user might also, inadvertently cau se damage to the robot or shorten its life. Please read this manual as well as other manuals carefully pert aining to the product to acquire an understanding of the proper method of handling and operating the controller. Keep this manual handy so that you can refer to the appropriate sections as the need arises.
Also refer to the operation manuals for the various actuators you ar e using, as well as the operation ma nual(s) for the optional PC software and/or teaching pendant if applicable.
Absolute Specifications: With the absolute home controller, once power is applied, and absolute reset is executed, you can execute
positioning without the need to home after reapplying the power. Other basic functions are the same as the standard RCS controller.
Absolute reset is not set at time of shipment. Please execute absolute reset by yourself.
Only RCS actuators of absolute specification can be used with the absolute RCS controller. The standard RCS actuator cannot be used.
Actuator duty
It is recommended that IAI’s actuators be used at a duty of 50% or below as a guideline in view of the relationship of service life and accuracy. Duty is calculated by the formula below:
Duty (%) =
* We have paid utmost attention to ensure accuracy of this manual. Should you find any error, however, or if you
have any input, please contact IAI. We recommend that you keep this manual in a convenient place so that you can reference it readily when needed.
hours Operating
x 100
hours operating-Non hours Operating

1.2 How to Read Model Number

<Controller type> E: Economy type
<Input power-supply voltage> 0: 24 VDC
<Applicable actuators> [1] Actuator type Slider type
Rod type
RA35 RA35R RA45 RA45R RB7525
Flat type F45 [2] Encoder type I: Incremental A: Absolute [3] Motor capacity
20 (20 W) 30 (30 W)

1.3 Safety Precautions

Please read the following information carefully in order to gain an understanding of safety precaution s.
This product was developed as components fo r driving automated equipment and is designed not to produce greater torque or speed than is necessary. However, strictly observe the following items to prevent any accidents from occurring.
1. As a rule, any handling or operating methods not described in this manual should be viewed as things that should not be attempted. Please contact IAI if any portion of the contents of this manual are unclear.
2. Use only the products specified for wiring between the actuator and controller.
3. Stand clear of the operating range of the machine when it is in motion or is ready to operate (when the control power is on). Surround the system with safety partitions if there is a possibility that people can enter the area where the machine is being used.
4. When assembling, adjusting, or performing maintenance on the machine, always disengage the power supply to the controller. During work, display a sign stating work in progress where it is readily visible. Also, keep the power cable close to the operator so that another person cannot inadvertently switch on the power.
5. When more than one person is working on the system, agree on signals beforehand to ensure everyone's safety before beginning work. In particular, when doing work involving axis movement, always call out for everyone's safety regardless of whether power is ON or OFF, or the axis is to be mechanically driven or manually moved.
6. When the user needs to lengthen the cables, check the wiring carefully to make sure it is correct before turning the power ON since miswiring can lead to malfunction.

1.4 Warranty Period and Scope of Warranty

The RCS controller undergoes stringent testing before it is shipped from our factory. IAI provides the following warranty:
1. Warranty Period
The warranty period expires upon elapse of one of the following periods, whichever occurs first.
18 months after the shipment from IAI 12 months after delivery to the location specified by the use r.
2. Scope of Warranty
If within the period specified above, a breakdown occurs while operating the controller under normal conditions and is clearly the responsibility of the manufacturer, IAI will repair the unit at no cost. However, the following items are not covered by this warranty:
Faded paint or other changes that occur naturally over time. Consumable components that wear out with use (battery , etc.). Unit seems to be noisy or similar impressions that do not affect machinery perf ormance. Damage resulting from improper handling or use. Damage resulting from user error or failure to perform proper maintenance. Use of any part which is not a genuine part of IAI Any alterations not autho rized by IAI or its representatives, including parameters. Damage caused by fire and other natural disasters or accidents.
The warranty pertains to the purchased product itself and does not cover any loss that might arise from a breakdown of the product. Any repairs will be done at our factory.
Make sure you understand the foregoing terms of warranty.

1.5 Setting Environment and Noise Measures

Please be careful for controller setting environment
1.5.1 Installation Environment
This controller can be used in an environment of pollution degree 2*1 or equivalent. *1 Pollution degree 2: Normally only nonconductive pollution occurs. Temporary conductivity caused by
condensation is to be expected. (EN60947-5-1) (1) Do NOT block the air vents of your controller when installing your IA system.
(Unavailability of sufficient ventilation not only prevents the controller from demonstrating its designed performance, but it may also lead to a controller failure.)
(2) Prevent foreign matters from entering the controller through the vent holes. Your controller is NOT dust,
water, or oil proof. Avoid using your IA system in environments subj ect to contamination by dust, oil, mist, or cutting oil.
(3) Do not expose your IA system to direct sunlight or radiation heat from a large heat source such as heat treat
furnace, etc.
(4) Avoid placing your IA system under conditions of extreme temperatures above 40C or below 0C. The level
of humidity should not be exceed 85%. Do NOT expose to corrosive or inflammable gas. (5) Avoid external vibration, unnecessary impact, or excessive shocks to your controller. (6) Take steps to shield controllers and wiring cabl es from electromagnetic noise.
1.5.2 Power Source
The supplied voltage is 24 VDC 10%.
1.5.3 Noise Elimination Measures and Grounding
(1) Noise Elimination Grounding
1. Directly screw the main body to the metal box.
[3] Precautions regarding wiring method
Use a twisted cable for connection to the 24-VDC external power supply.
Separate the controller cables from high-power lines such as a cable connecting to a power circuit. (Do not
bundle together the controller cables with high-power lines or place them in the same cable duct.)
When extending the supplied motor cable or encoder cable, consult IAI’s Technical Support or Sales
Engineering Section.
Use as thick a cable as practically possible and wire it over the shortest possible distance.
Metal frame
[2] If the controller cannot be
screwed onto the frame, connect it to the frame as shown in the figure at left.
(2) Noise sources and elimination
Among the numerous noise sources, solenoid valves, magnet switches and relays are of p articular concern
when building a system. Noise from these sources can be eliminated by implementing the measures
specified below.
[1] AC solenoid valves, magnet switches and relays Measure: Install a surge absorber in parallel with the coil.
[2] DC solenoid valves, magnet switches and relays Measure: Install a diode in parallel with the coil. Determine the diode capacity in accordance with the load
Install a surge absorber to each coil over a minimum wiring length. Installing a surge absorber to the terminal block or other part will be less effective because of a longer distance from the coil.
In a DC circuit, connecting a diode in reverse polarity will damage the diode, internal parts of the controller and/or DC power supply, so exercise due caution.

1.6 Heat Radiation and Installation

Design the control panel size, controlle r layout and cooling method in su ch a way that the temperatu re aroun d the controller will not exceed 40C.
Install the controller vertically on a wall, as shown below. Since cooling is provided by way of natural convection, always observe this installation direction and provide a minimum clearance of 50 mm above and bel ow the controller to ensure sufficient natural airflows.
When installing multiple controllers side by side, providing a ventilation fan or fans above the controllers will help maintain a uniform temperature around the controllers.
Keep the front panel of the controller away from the wall (enclosure) by at least 100 mm.
Regardless of whether your system consists of a single controller or multiple controllers, provide sufficient clearances around each controller so that it can be installed/removed easily.
50 mm or more
50 mm or more
100 mm or

2. Specification

2.1 Base Specifications

Item Specification
Supply voltage
Type RA35 RA45, F45 RB75 (60 W) SA4, SA5 SA6
24 VDC 10%
Supply current [A]
Rating Peak
1.8 4.3 2.4 6.0 3.9 7.5 1.2 3.7 1.4 3.9
Maximum motor output 60 W (Torque limit x 2) / Other (x 3) Surrounding air
0 to 40C, 85%RH or less
Surrrounding environment IP10, free from corrosive gases Weight 540 g
Protective functions
Regenerative voltage error, motor overcurrent, power-stage overheat, encoder error , motor overload, overspeed
LED indicators RDY (green), RUN (green), ALM (red), ENC (orange) DI/DO interface 24 VDC, isolated
8 dedicated input ports
Command position number (4-bit binary) * Pause Reset Servo-ON Completed position number (4-bit binary)
Position complete Home return completion
10 dedicated output ports
Zone * Alarm * Emergency stop Moving
Serial interface input/output Number of positions 16 Data entry method Teaching pendant, PC software Storage device EEPROM 8 kbytes, S-RAM 128 kbytes
Note: Supplying the power-supply port or any I/O port with a voltage beyond the specified level may
result in controller failure. * indicates a b-contact signal.

2.1.1 Backup Battery (Absolute Specification)

(1) Battery Specification
Item Description Type Lithium battery Manufacturer Toshiba Battery Co., Ltd. Model number ER3VP
Nominal voltage 3.6 V Rated capacity 2000 mAh
Weight Approx. 8.5 g Battery retention time Note 1)
Note 1) Approx. 100 A of current is consumed while data is backed up by the absolute data backup
battery (as opposed to approx. 4 A consumed while the main controller power is on). * Do not modify or extend the wires. It may cause failure. * The battery is replaced together with the board. Since what you will replace is not the battery alone,
always use the product specified by IAI. An absolute reset must be performed after the battery has been replaced.
Approx. 20,000 hours (at a surrounding air temperature of 20C).

2.2 Names and Functions of Parts

2.2.1 Names

[1] Motor connector (M)
[8] LED indicators
[2] Brake release switch (BK)
[9] Encoder/brake connector
[3] SIO connector (SIO)
[4] Port switch (PORT)
[5] Main communication port connector
[10] PIO connector (PIO)
[6] Regenerative resistor connector
[11] Piano switches
[7] Power/emergency-stop terminal

2.2.2 Functions

[1] Motor connector (MBK)
A connector for the actuator’s motor power cable.
[2] Brake release switch (BK) This switch is available only when the brake option is selected.
RLS: Brake is forcibly released NOM: Brake is in use (Normal setting)
[3] SIO connector (SIO)
A connector for linking another controller when two or more controllers are conne cted.
[4] Port switch (PORT)
ON: The PORT IN port (teaching pendant/PC software) becomes active. If a dedicated teaching
pendant or cable is not connected to this port, the controller will recognize an emergency-stop
OFF: The PORT IN port (teaching pendant/PC software) becomes inactive. (Controller-to-controller
communication is possible.)
[5] Main communication port connector (PORT IN)
A connector for receiving the communication cable from a dedicated teaching pendant or external equipment. It also receives a controller link cable when two or more axes are connected.
[6] Regenerative resistor conn ect or (RB)
A connector for regenerative discharge resistor. The controller will come with a regenerative resistor if the specified actuator capacity is 30 W or above. However, connection is basically optional, and it should be connected when a regene rative discharge error occurs. The error code of the regenerative discharge error is “0C9.”
[7] Power/emergency-stop terminal block
EMG: Both terminals are used to connect an emergency-stop switch.
(EMG terminals are short-circuited at default.)
24V: Connect the positive side of the 24-VDC power supply.
This becomes the common terminal for the PIO input circuit
N: Connect the negative side of the 24-VDC power sup ply.
This becomes the common terminal for the PIO output circuit.
[8] LEDs
RDY (green): Indicate that the CPU is operating normally. RUN (green): This LED turns on while the actuator is moving.
The LED also turns on when the voltage of the absolute-data backup battery drops.
ALM(red): This LED remains lit while an alarm is present. ENC (orange): This LED turns on when the encoder cable is open or otherwise the encoder
cannot be recognized.
[9] Encoder/brake connector (ENC)
An encoder/brake (optional) cable connector.
[10] PIO connector (PIO)
A PIO cable connector.
[11] Piano switches (SW)
There are six piano switches. The role of each switch is shown below.
Piano switch number Role
6 FWP: Write protect switch 5 ABS-CLR: Absolute data clear switch (absolute specification) 4 3 2 1
Actuator address setting switches
Note: All piano switche s are de signated as Nos. 1, 2, etc., from the bottom.
With the piano switch in front of you, tilt it to the right side to turn on the switch, or tilt it to the left side to turn off the switch.
Piano switches 1 to 4 --- Address switches
Use these switches to set the address of the applicable actuator if two or more axes are connected to the SIO connector. A desired address between 0 to 15 can be set. (The factory setting is OFF for all of switch Nos. 1 to 4. This setting represents a condition where only one axis is used.) Use these switches to set a desired address for each controller . Make sure no addre ss is duplicated amon g the controllers. As long as they are unique, the addresses may not be contiguou s and missing numbers are allowed.
1 2 3 4
Piano switch numbers
The controller link cable is 200 mm long. A maximum of 16 controllers ca n be connected.
Piano switche 5 ABS-CLR (absolute specification) (Second from the top) This switch clears the data of the absolute encoder. Use it to perform an absolute reset. Normally this switch should be in the OFF position.
Piano switche 6 (First from the top) Write protect switch. This switch is used for remote update. Normally this switch should be in the OFF position.

2.2.3 Pin Assignments of the Communication Ports

Pin assignments of the SIO connector
Pin No. Signal name Function
1 (+5V) (5-VDC power output) or (preliminary signal termin al) 2 SGA Positive logic side of the line transceiver I/O 3 GND Communication ground 4 SGB Negative logic side of the line transceiver I/O 5 GND Communication ground 6 (+5V) 5-VDC power output
Pin assignments of the main communication port
Pin No. Signal name Function
1 SGA Serial communication 2 SGB Serial communication 3 5V 5-V power output 4 EMGS Emergency-stop status 5 EMGA *1 6 24V 24-V power output 7 GND Ground
*1 Used to actuate an emergency stop (contact b). Short these pins to cancel an emergency stop.
Motor connector [Molex 5569-04A1]
8 ENGB *1
Pin No. Signal name Connected wire
1 U Motor phase U 2 V Motor phase V 3 W Motor phase W 4 (-)
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