All information in this Owner's Manual is current at the time of pub-lication.However,Hyundai reserves the right to make changes atany time so that our policy of continual product improvement maybe carried out.
This manual applies to all models of this vehicle and includesdescriptions and explanations of optional as well as standard equip-ment.As a result,you may find material in this manual that does notapply to your specific vehicle.
Your Hyundai should not be modified in any way.Such modifications may adversely affectthe performance, safety or durability of your Hyundai and may, in addition, violate conditionsof the limited warranties covering the vehicle.Certain modifications may also be in violationof regulations established by the U.S.Department of Transportation and other federal orstate agencies.
Your vehicle is equipped with electronic fuel injection and other electronic components.It ispossible for an improperly installed/adjusted two-way radio or cellular telephone to adverse-ly affect electronic systems.For this reason, we recommend that you carefully follow theradio manufacturer's instructions or consult your Hyundai dealer for precautionary meas-ures or special instructions if you choose to install one of these devices.
This manual includes information titled as WARNING, CAUTION and NOTICE.These titles indicate the following:
This indicates that a situation may result in harm,serious injury or death to youor other persons if the warning is not heeded.Follow the advice provided with thewarning.
This indicates that a situation may result in damage to your vehicle or its equip-ment if the caution is not heeded.Follow the advice provided with the caution.
This indicates that interesting orhelpful information is being provided.
Thank you for choosing Hyundai.We are pleased to welcome you to the growing number of discriminating peoplewho drive Hyundais.The advanced engineering and high-quality construction of each Hyundai we build is somethingof which we are very proud.
Your Owner's Manual will introduce you to the features and operation of your new Hyundai.It is suggested that youread it carefully because the information it contains can contribute greatly to the satisfaction you receive from yournew car.
The manufacturer also recommends that all service and maintenance on your car be performed by an authorizedHyundai dealer.Hyundai dealers are prepared to provide high-quality service, maintenance and any other assistancethat may be required.
Severe engine and transmission damage may result from the use of poor quality fuels and lubricants thatdo not meet Hyundai specifications.You must always use high quality fuels and lubricants that meet thespecifications listed on Page 8-5 in the Vehicle Specifications section of the Owner's Manual.
Note:Because future owners will also need the information included in this manual, if you sell this Hyundai, please
leave the manual in the vehicle for their use.Thank you.
Copyright 2013 Hyundai Motor America.All rights reserved.No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored inany retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means without the prior written permission of Hyundai MotorAmerica.
Guide to Hyundai GenuineParts
1.What are Hyundai Genuine Parts?
Hyundai Genuine Parts are thesame parts used by Hyundai MotorCompany to manufacture vehicles.They are designed and tested forthe optimum safety, performance,and reliability to our customers.
2.Why should you use genuineparts?
Hyundai Genuine Parts are engi-neered and built to meet rigid manu-facturing requirements.Using imita-tion, counterfeit or used salvage partsis not covered under the HyundaiNew Vehicle Limited Warranty or anyother Hyundai warranty.
In addition, any damage to or fail-ure of Hyundai Genuine Partscaused by the installation or failureof an imitation, counterfeit or usedsalvage part is not covered by anyHyundai Warranty.
3.How can you tell if you are pur-chasing Hyundai Genuine Parts?
Look for the Hyundai Genuine PartsLogo on the package (see below).
Hyundai Genuine Parts exportedare packaged with labels writtenonly in English.
Hyundai Genuine Parts are onlysold through authorized HyundaiDealerships.
How to use this manual / Fuel requirements /Vehicle break-in process /Vehicle data collection and event data recorders
Seats / Seat belts / Child restraint system /Air bag
Features of your vehicle
Keys / Door locks /Trunk /Windows / Hood / Fuel filler lid / Sunroof / Steering wheel / Mirrors /Instrument cluster / Lighting /Wipers &Washers / Climate control system / Multimedia system / Etc.
Driving your vehicle
Before driving / Engine start/stop button /Transaxle / Brake system / Cruise control system /Active ECO system /Winter driving /Vehicle load limit / Etc.
What to do in an emergency
Road warning / Emergency while driving / Emergency starting / Engine overheat /TPMS / Flat tire /Towing / Etc.
Vehicle data collection and event data recorders. 1-7
We want to help you get the greatestpossible driving pleasure from yourvehicle.Your Owner’s Manual canassist you in many ways.We strong-ly recommend that you read theentire manual.In order to minimizethe chance of death or injury, youmust read the WARNING and CAU-TION sections in the manual.
Illustrations complement the wordsin this manual to best explain how toenjoy your vehicle.By reading yourmanual, you will learn about fea-tures, important safety information,and driving tips under various roadconditions.
The general layout of the manual isprovided in the Table of Contents.Use the index when looking for aspecific area or subject;it has analphabetical listing of all informationin your manual.
Sections:This manual has eight sec-tions plus an index.Each sectionbegins with a brief list of contents soyou can tell at a glance if that sectionhas the information you want.
You will find various types of safetyinstructions in this manual.Theseinstructions were prepared to enhanceyour personal safety.Carefully readand follow ALL procedures and rec-ommendations provided in theseinstructions.
Symbols used in this manual
Warnings,cautions and Notices
A WARNING indicates a situa-tion in which harm,serious bod-ily injury or death could result ifthe warning is ignored.
A CAUTION indicates a situationin which damage to your vehiclecould result if the caution isignored.
ANOTICE indicates interesting orhelpful information is being provided.
Symbols used in illustrations
Safety symbol
The symbol means to "Avoid"or "Do not do anything".
Indicates the location.
Indicates the action (pressing,turning, etc.) or outcome of anoperation.
Your new vehicle is designed to useonly unleaded fuel having a pumpoctane number ((R+M)/2) of 87(Research Octane Number 91) orhigher.
Your new vehicle is designed toobtain maximum performance withUNLEADED FUEL, as well as mini-mize exhaust emissions and sparkplug fouling.
Never add any fuel system cleaningagents to the fuel tank other thanwhat has been specified.(Consult anauthorized HYUNDAI dealer fordetails.)
WARNING - Refueling
•Do not "top off" after the noz-zle automatically shuts offwhen refueling.Attempts toforce more fuel into the tankcan cause fuel overflow ontoyou and the ground causing arisk of fire.
•Always check that the fuel capis installed securely to pre-vent fuel spillage in the eventof an accident.
Tighten the cap until it clicks onetime, otherwise the warning light“Check Fuel Cap” will illuminate onthe LCD display.
Gasoline containing alcohol andmethanol
Gasohol, a mixture of gasoline andethanol (also known as grain alco-hol), and gasoline or gasohol con-taining methanol (also known aswood alcohol) are being marketedalong with or instead of leaded orunleaded gasoline.
Do not use gasohol containing morethan 10% ethanol, and do not usegasoline or gasohol containing anymethanol.Either of these fuels maycause drivability problems and dam-age to the fuel system.
Discontinue using gasohol of anykind if drivability problems occur.
Vehicle damage or drivability prob-lems may not be covered by themanufacturer’s warranty if they resultfrom the use of:
1.Gasohol containing more than10% ethanol.
2.Gasoline or gasohol containingmethanol.
3.Leaded fuel or leaded gasohol.
"E85" fuel is an alternative fuel com-prised of 85 percent ethanol and 15percent gasoline, and is manufac-tured exclusively for use in FlexibleFuel Vehicles.“E85”is not compati-ble with your vehicle.Use of “E85”may result in poor engine perform-ance and damage to your vehicle'sengine and fuel system.HYUNDAIrecommends that customers do notuse fuel with an ethanol contentexceeding 10 percent.
YourNew VehicleLimited Warrantydoes not coverdamage to the fuelsystem orany performance prob-lems caused by the use of “E85” fuel.
Gasoline containing MMT
Some gasoline contains harmfulmanganese-based fuel additivessuch as MMT (Manganese TricarbonylHYUNDAI does not recommend theuse of gasoline containing MMT.This type of fuel can reduce vehicleperformance and affect your emis-sion control system.The malfunction indicator lamp onthe cluster may come on.
Do not use methanol
Fuels containing methanol (woodalcohol) should not be used in yourvehicle.This type of fuel can reducevehicle performance and damagecomponents of the fuel system.
YourNew VehicleLimited Warrantymay not coverdamage to the fuelsystem and any performance prob-lems that are caused by the use offuels containing methanol.
Fuel Additives
HYUNDAI recommends that you usegood quality gasolines treated withdetergent additives such as TOPTIER Detergent Gasoline, whichhelp prevent deposit formation in theengine.These gasolines will help theengine run cleaner and enhance per-formance of the Emission ControlSystem.For more information onTOP TIER Detergent Gasoline,please go to the website (
For customers who do not use TOPTier Detergent Gasoline regularly,and have problems starting or theengine does not run smoothly, addi-tives that you can buy separatelymay be added to the gasoline.IfTOP TIER Detergent Gasoline is notavailable, one bottle of additiveadded to the fuel tank at every 7,500miles or 12 months is recommended.Additives are available from yourauthorized HYUNDAI dealer alongwith information on how to use them.Do not mix other additives.
Operation in foreign countries
If you are going to drive your vehiclein another country, be sure to:
•Observe all regulations regardingregistration and insurance.
•Determine that acceptable fuel isavailable.
No special break-in period is needed.By following a few simple precautionsfor the first 600 miles (1,000 km) youmay add to the performance, econo-my and life of your vehicle.
•Do not race the engine.
•While driving, keep your enginespeed (rpm, or revolutions perminute) between 2,000 rpm and4,000 rpm.
•Do not maintain a single speed forlong periods of time, either fast orslow.Varying engine speed isneeded to properly break-in theengine.
•Avoid hard stops, except in emer-gencies, to allow the brakes to seatproperly.
•Do not let the engine idle longerthan 3 minutes at one time.
Items contained in motor vehi-cles or emitted from them areknown to the State of Californiato cause cancer and birthdefects or reproductive harm.These include:
•Gasoline and its vapors
•Engine exhaust
•Used engine oil
•Interior passenger compart-ment components and materi-als
•Component parts which aresubject to heat and wear
In addition,battery posts,termi-nals and related accessoriescontain lead,lead compoundsand other chemicals known tothe State of California to causecancer and reproductive harm.
This vehicle is equipped with anevent data recorder (EDR).Themain purpose of an EDR is torecord,in certain crash or nearcrash-like situations,such as anair bag deployment or hitting aroad obstacle,data that will assistin understanding how a vehicle'ssystems performed.The EDR isdesigned to record data related tovehicle dynamics and safety sys-tems for a short period of time,typically 30 seconds or less.TheEDR in this vehicle is designed torecord such data as:
•How various systems in yourvehicle were operating;
•Whether or not the driver andpassenger safety belts werebuckled/fastened;
•How far (if at all) the driver wasdepressing the acceleratorand/or brake pedal;and,
•How fast the vehicle was travel-ing.
These data can help provide a bet-ter understanding of the circum-stances in which crashes andinjuries occur.NOTE:EDR data arerecorded by your vehicle only if anon-trivial crash situation occurs;no data are recorded by the EDRunder normal driving conditionsand no personal data (e.g.,name,gender,age,and crash location)are recorded.However,other par-ties,such as law enforcement,could combine the EDR data withthe type of personally identifyingdata routinely acquired during acrash investigation.
To read data recorded by an EDR,special equipment is required,andaccess to the vehicle or the EDR isneeded.In addition to the vehiclemanufacturer,other parties,suchas law enforcement,that have thespecial equipment,can read theinformation if they have access tothe vehicle or the EDR.
Loose objects in the driver’sfoot area could interfere withthe operation of the foot pedals,possibly causing an accident.Do not place anything under thefront seats.
Driver responsibility forpassengers
The driver must advise the pas-senger to keep the seatback inan upright position wheneverthe vehicle is in motion.If a seatis reclined during an accident,the occupant’s hips may slideunder the lap portion of the seatbelt applying great force to theunprotected abdomen.Seriousor fatal internal injuries couldresult.
Occupants should never sit onseat cushions.The passenger'ships may slide under the lapportion of the seat belt duringan accident or a sudden stop.Serious or fatal internal injuriescould result because the seatbelt cannot operate normally.
WARNING - Driver’s seat
To avoid serious injury or death:
•Never attempt to adjust theseat while the vehicle is mov-ing.This could result in lossof control,and an accidentcausing death,serious injury,or property damage.
•Do not allow anything to inter-fere with the normal position ofthe seatback.Storing itemsagainst a seatback or in anyother way interfering with prop-er locking of a seatback couldresult in serious or fatal injuryin a sudden stop or collision.
•In order to avoid unnecessaryand perhaps severe air baginjuries,always sit as far backas possible from the steeringwheel while maintaining com-fortable control of the vehicle.A distance of at least 10 inchesfrom your chest to the steeringwheel is recommended.
Safety features of your vehicle
Always lock the rear seatbackbefore driving.Failure to do socould result in passengers orobjects being thrown forwardinjuring vehicle occupants.
•Do not adjust the seat whilewearing seat belts.Moving theseat cushion forward maycause strong pressure on theabdomen.
•Use extreme caution so thathands or other objects are notcaught in the seat mechanismswhile the seat is moving.
Front seat
Automatic adjustment
The front seat can be adjusted byusing the control switch located onthe door and outside of the seatcushion.Before driving, adjust theseat to the proper position so as toeasily control the steering wheel,pedals and switches on the instru-ment panel.
The power seat is operable withthe ignition OFF.
Therefore,children should neverbe left unattended in the vehicle.
•The power seat is driven by anelectric motor.Stop the motoroperation once the adjust-ment is completed.Excessiveoperation may damage theelectrical equipment.
•When in operation,the powerseat consumes a large amountof electrical power.To preventunnecessary charging systemdrain,do not adjust the powerseat longer than necessarywhile the engine is not running.
•Do not operate two or morepower seat control switches atthe same time.Doing so mayresult in power seat motor orelectrical component malfunc-tion.
Forward and rearward
1.Push the control switch forward orrearward to move the seat to thedesired position.
2.Release the switch once the seatreaches the desired position.
Seatback angle
1.Push the upper part of the controlswitch forward or rearward to movethe seatback to the desired angle.
2.Release the switch once the seatreaches the desired position.
Safety features of your vehicle
Seat cushion height
1.Push the front portion of the con-trol switch up to raise or down tolower the front part of the seatcushion.Push the rear portion ofthe control switch up to raise ordown to lower the rear part of theseat cushion.
2.Release the switch once the seatreaches the desired position.
Safety features of your vehicle
Lumbarsupport (fordriver’s seat)
1.Press the front portion of theswitch to increase support or therear portion of the switch todecrease support.
2.Release the switch once it reach-es the desired position.
Cushion extension(fordriver's seat, if equipped)
1.Push the switch forward to raisethe cushion extension.Push theswitch rearward to lower the cush-ion extension.
2.Release the switch once the cush-ion extension reaches the desiredposition.
The driver's and front passenger'sseats are equipped with a headrestfor the occupant's safety and comfort.
The headrest not only provides com-fort for the driver and front passenger,but also helps to protect the head andneck in the event of a collision.
For maximum effectiveness in caseof an accident, the headrest shouldbe adjusted so the middle of theheadrest is at the same height of thecenter of gravity of an occupant'shead.Generally, the center of gravityof most people's head is similar withthe height of the top of their eyes.
Also, adjust the headrest as close toyour head as possible.
For this reason, the use of a cushionthat holds the body away from theseatback is not recommended.
•Do not operate the vehiclewith the headrests removedas severe injury to the occu-pants may occur in the eventof an accident.Headrests canprovide critical neck and headsupport in a crash.
•Do not adjust the headrestheight while the vehicle is inmotion.Driver may lose con-trol of the vehicle.
Forward and rearward adjustment
The headrest may be adjusted for-ward to 4 different positions bypulling the headrest forward to thedesired detent.To adjust the head-rest to it’s furthest rearward position,pull it fully forward to the farthestposition and release it.Adjust theheadrest so that it properly supportsthe head and neck.
Safety features of your vehicle
Adjusting the height up and down
To raise the headrest, pull it up to thedesired position (1).To lower theheadrest, push and hold the releasebutton (2) on the headrest supportand lower the headrest to the desiredposition (3).
Safety features of your vehicle
To remove the headrest:
1.Recline the seatback (2) with therecline switch (1).
2.Raise headrest as far as it can go.
3.Press the headrest release button
(3) while pulling the headrest up (4).
NEVER allow anyone to ride in aseat with the headrest removed.
Always make sure the headrestlocks into position after rein-stalling and adjusting it properly.
To reinstall the headrest:
1.Put the headrest poles (2) into theholes while pressing the releasebutton (1).
2.Recline the seatback (4) with therecline switch(3).
3.Adjust the headrest to the appro-priate height.
Safety features of your vehicle
Type A
Type B
Seat warmer (if equipped)
The seat warmer is provided to warmthe front seats during cold weather.With the ignition switch in the ONposition, push either of the switchesto warm the driver's seat or the frontpassenger's seat.
During mild weather or under condi-tions where the operation of the seatwarmer is not needed, keep theswitches in the "OFF" position.
•Each time you press the button,
the temperature setting of the seatwill change as follows :
Type A
→HIGH ()→LOW ()
Type B
•The seat warmer defaults to theOFF position whenever the ignitionswitch is turned on.
•With the seat warmer switch in theON position, the heating system inthe seat turns off or on automati-cally depending on the seat tem-perature.
Safety features of your vehicle
•When cleaning the seats,donot use an organic solventsuch as paint thinner,ben-zene,alcohol and gasoline.Doing so may damage the sur-face of the heater or seats.
•To prevent overheating theseat warmer,do not place any-thing on the seats that insu-lates against heat,such asblankets,cushions or seatcovers while the seat warmeris in operation.
•Do not place heavy or sharpobjects on seats equippedwith seat warmers.Damage tothe seat warming componentscould occur.
WARNING - Seat warmer
Never allow passengers whomay not be able to take care ofthemselves to be exposed tothe risk of seat heater burns.These include:
2.Persons with sensitive skinor those that burn easily
3.Fatigued individuals
4.Intoxicated individuals
5.Individuals taking medicationthat can cause drowsiness orsleepiness (sleeping pills,cold tablets,etc.)
Air ventilation seat (if equipped)
The air ventilation is provided to coolthe front seats during hot weather byblowing air through small vent holeson the surface of the seats and seat-backs.While the engine is running,press the rear portion of the switch tocool the driver's seat or the front pas-senger's seat.
When the operation of the air ventila-tion is not needed, keep the switchesin the OFF position.
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