Hy-Gain 23 Plus, 603 Installation & Operation Instructions

Plate Power Input
to Final: Modulation: Harmonic Suppression: Carri er Oeviation: Antenna Match:
Sensitivity: Selectivity: Intermediate FreQJency: Image Rejection:
Audio Output
External Speaker
Net Weight:
5 watts AM; up to 100%capacility Bett(:!rthan 55db down
Less than .005%
50-75 ohms
.8uV for 10db S+N to N ratio 6KHz bandwidth -6 db
1st IF-11.275MHz; 2nd IF-455KHz
-75 db
4 watts
105-120 volts, 50/60 cycl es AC; 12 volts DC AC -80 watts DC -3 1/2 amps rec.; 4 amps trans 12"W x 5"H x 81/4" 0 171bs.
Rural Route3 Lincoln, Nebraska 68505
V2 V3
V5 V6
V7 V8
01,02 1N60/1N34 03 1S1516
04 1S72
05 1001 06 1004 07 1004
08,091004 010,011 1006 012 1006
6BA6 6BA6
12AX7 6A05 6GH8 6GH8
RFamp/1 st Mi xer 2nd Mixer/2nd Osc. IF Amp (455 KHz) IF Amp (455 KHz)
1st Audio/Mvdulator/Mic Preamp Audio Output/Modulator Local Osc. Converter/1st Osc. Buffer Amp RFPower Amp Buffer/Synthesi zer
Meter Rectifier
Oet/AVC ANL Squelch bias Mod. hooster
Mod.Iimiter Absorber B+ Rectifier Bias Supply Rectifier
The Hy-Gain 23 Plus is designed to receive AM signals in the 26.965 to 27.255 MHz Citizens Band. The circuit is a highly sensitive and selective dual-conversion super- heterodyne type with one RF and two IF amplifiers. Full 23 channels, crystal-controlled operation is provided by a frequency-synthesized circuit consisting of 12 crystals.
The receiver section includes an SMeter for reading signal strerg~h, an adjustable squelch control to eliminate back- ground noise when no signal is being received, an auto- matic noise Iimiter to s~ppress atmospheric and man-made
interference, and a band spread which has a range of 2.5
KHz, which permits reception of stations that are trans-
The transmitter is designed to transmit AM signals in the
26.965 to 27.255 MHz Citizens Band. The crystal synthe- sized circuit used in the receive section is commonto,the
transmitter, and provides full 23 channel crystal-controlled operation. A push-to-talk ceramic microphone control s the reliable relay switching. Plate modulation with.100%
capability is used with up to 5 watts plate power input to the fi nal RF stage. An RF meter -jildi cates reiati ve RF power at the antenna duri ng the transmit mode when the meter switch is in the appropriate position.
Select theAC power cord and attach the a-pin connector to the a-pin connector at the rear of the unit.
coil cord into the transceivers microphone connector in the center of the front panel. Be certain that it is secured firmly with the knurled ring.
Always line up the key \-tay properly before pushing thft cable connector onto the transceiver. Do not attempt to force the connector onto the pins, when it is properly lined up, the connector will slip on easily. Make certain the transceiver is off (the switch is located at the extreme counter-clockwise position of the volume control), then insert the AC plug into the AC outlet. For protection, the
AC input to the transceiver is fused within the unit.
The antenna lead-in cable (RG-58Uor RGaU) should be
terminated with a PL~259type coaxial connector which
should then be attached to the antenna connector at the rearof the transceiver.
The mobile mounting bracket may be used in a base instal-
lation by attaching it to the underside of the transceiver.
Whenso used the four rubber feet may.be attached with a bracket. This wiII all ow the transceiver to be set at an angle, providing a better view of the front panel.
Before installing the Hy-Gain 23 Plus in the car, truck,
boat, etc., make certain to use a location which permits the driver to operate the controls of the unit without inter- ferring with his driving functions. The transceiver can be mounted to the undersi.deof the instrument panel, on the floor, or above the drivers head if in a truck cab. Remove the bracket from the transceiver by loosening the four (4)
knurled screws at the sides. Using the bracket as a pat-
tern, locate the positions of the screws anddrill holes for
the four (4) self-threading screws which ara provided.
After mounting the bracket, secure the transceiver to the bracket by meansof large knurled screws.
The Hy-Gain23Plus is designed for use only in vehicles
employinga negative ground system. Do not use in posi-
tive ground vehicles!
The red wire in the DC power cabla should be connected to the positive battery sourceof the vehicle. This lead is fused for a amps. Points normalIy available for connection are the accessory posts on the ignition switch, the acces-
sory side of th~ fuse block, or directly to the positive
lead of the vehicles battery. The black lead should be connected to any metal portion of the vehicle chassis.
When the red and black leads have been properly connec- ted, the 8-pin connector of the DC power cord should then be attached to the power connector at the rear of the trans-
cei ver. AI ways line up the keyway properl y before pus h-
ing the cable connector into the transceiver. Do not
attempt to force the connector onto the pins, when pro- perly lined up the connector will slip on easily.
Attach the 4-pi n connector at the end of the microphones coil cord to the microphone connector in the center of the transceivers front plate. Secure it firmly by means of the
knurled securi ng ri ng.
vertically po larized whip which can be ei1her ed type, or a full quarter wave. body of the vehicle as a ground piChe. The antenna can be mounted on the trunk deck, eithel" of tile or on the roof. When purchasing your nmbile antenna, you wi II find fu II instructions for installation included with the antenna.
For optimum results of the mobile installation, the length of the coaxi al cabl e should be ideally 11'9"or multiples thereof. However, Iengths other than multiples can prO-
vide optimum results if the antenna used can be tuned.
The lead-in cable should be terminated with a PL-259 coaxial connector which is then attached to the antenna connector at the rear of the transceiver.
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1) Illuminated Meter -- indicates strength of incoming sig-
nal in "S" units; or RF antenna power of the transmi tier.
2) Meter Selector Switch -- when in "S" position meter reads "S" units; when in RF position meter reads RF power.
3) Channel Indi cator -- illuminated di al shows channel to which the transceiver is set.
4) Channel Sel ector -- rotating switch sel ects anyone of 23 CB channel s.
5) Speaker -- 5" round speaker mounted behind front plate.
6) Modulation Indicator -- operates when the unit is in the transmit position, Iight glows brighter as modulation
reaches 100%.
7) PA-CB Switch -- CB position provides normal CB oper- ations. PA position permits use of the transceiver as a
publ ic address system when in the transmit mode. When
in the receive mode, the PA position enables you to moni-
tor over the external speaker.
Phone Jack -- standard phone jack for external speaker or headphones. Insertion of the plug into the jack auto- matically silences the internal speaker.
10) Band Spread -- Enables you to "tune-in" stations that
are off frequency.
11) Volume/On-Off Switch -- controls output level from the speaker. When in the full counter-clockwi se position it operates as a power switch.
12) Squelch Control -- this control is used to block out background noi se when no si gnal is on the channel. Squelch is adjustable with higher sensitivity in the full clockwi se position.
13) Load Control and Plate Cohtrol -- these two controls should be alternately adjusted to indicate maximum power on the meter when the meter is in the RF position.
14) Antenna Connector -- This connector wi II accept a standard PL-259 from your base or mobile ant8nna.
15) TVI Trap -- this is an adjustable network inserted
in the antenna circuit. When tuned correctly it suppresses television interference.
16) Power Connector -- th is connector connects to ei ther
the AC or DC power cord.
17) Meter Adjust -- th is adjustment adjusts the el ectrical "zero" of the "S" Meter.
Place the PA CB Switch in the CB position. Rotate the
squelch control to the extreme counter-clockwise position (without operating the stand-by switch), and select desired
channel. Rotate the volume control knob until the on/off
switch clicks, and the unit is in the on position. The meter Iight wi II glow softl y. Advance the vol ume control about 50%. After approximatel y 20 seconds the tubes wi II warm up and you will hear the characteristic rushing sound of the receiver. Adjust the volume control to a comfort- able listening level.
The squelch control is used to el iminate background noi se when there are no signal s present on the channel. To ad- just the squelch control sel ect a channel where there is no signal. Turn the volume up to a fairly high level. Ro- tate the squel ch control clock wi se unti I the background noise disappears. This point is called the "squelch
thmshold"; and at this squelch position the receiver will
be quiet when there is no signal on the channel, but an
incoming signal wi II be able to overcome the squelch
action and be heard. This control is variable, and as it is advanced the squelch action is increased and consequent-
ly a stronger signal is required to break the threshold. To
recei ve extremelyweak si gnal s or to di sabl e the squel ch circuit, merely turn the control fully counter-clockwise-- do not operate the stand-by switch.
In the stand-by position of the squelch control the high voltages in the transceiver are switched off but the tube fi lament voltages are maintained. This reduces power con-
sumption when the unit is not in actual use, while allow-
ing the unit to remain in a "warmed-up" condition ready for instant use when needed.
The band spread control has a range of approximately 2.5 KHz, and can be used for tuning in a station that is sl ight-
Iy off frequency. The switch can be rotated either clock- wi se or counter-clockwi se to fine-tune stations that are either high or low in frequency. When using this control, tune for the best reception and the highest "S" meter
The meter is associated with a rocker switch which places
it either in the "S" meter or RF Meter position.
During the receive mode, the "S" meter provides a rela-
tive indication of the signal strength of incoming signals. The S meter ci rcuit has been preadjusted at the factory to
indicate "5-9" with 100 microvolts at the antenna input, The "S" meter should read "0" when in a receive position
and with no antenna connected. To adjust, if the meter is not at the "0" po,;iti on, adjust the "Meter Adj ust" control at the rear of the ::;et.
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