Husqvarna 268K, 272K User Manual

Operator’s Manual
Read through the Operator’s Manual carefully and understand the contents before you use the power cutter.
101 87 70-27
Svenska – 1


Symbols on the power cutter:
Read through the Operator's Manual carefully and understand the contents before you use the power cutter.
Always use:
• A protective helmet
• Ear protection
• Protective glasses or full face protection
Symbols in the Operator's Manual:
Checks and/or maintenance shall be carried out with the engine switched off, with the stop switch in the "STOP" position.
Always wear protective gloves.
Regular cleaning required.
Ocular control.
2 –English
Protective glasses or visor must be used.


Before using your new Power cutter
• Read the Operator’s Manual carefully.
• Check the assembly and adjustment of the cutting disc, see chapter ”
• Start the engine and check the carburettor settings. See chapter ” correctly the cutting disc should not rotate when idling. Setting the idling speed is described in the Operator’s Manual. Adjust the speed according to these instructions. Do not use the power cutter if the idling speed is not correctly adjusted!
• Let your Husqvarna dealer check the power cutter and carry out essential adjustments and repairs.
IMPORTANT INFORMATION! A too lean carburettor adjustment significantly increases the risk of an engine breakdown. Insufficient care of the air filter will cause deposits on the spark plug resulting in abnormal wear to engine parts.
Assembly Maintenance
”, section ”
WARNING! Under no circumstances may the original design of a power cutter be modified without the written permission of the manufacturer. Unauthorised modifications can result in safety be jeopardised.
”. When adjusted
List of Contents
Symbol explanation ....................................... 2
Safety instructions
Personal safety equipment ..................................... 4
The power cutter’s safety equipment ...................... 4
Control, maintenance and service of the machine‘s safety
equipment............................................................................ 5
General safety instructions ..................................... 6
Transport and storage ......................................................... 6
Fuel safety........................................................................... 7
General working instructions................................... 7
Cutting ................................................................................. 7
Kickback .............................................................................. 8
Care and storage................................................................. 9
Cutting discs and blades....................................... 10
Abrasive discs ................................................................... 10
Cutting discs...................................................................... 11
Diamond discs................................................................... 11
What is what?
What is what on a power cutter? ....................................... 12
Fitting the cutting head ...................................................... 13
Checking the drive shaft and flanges ................................ 13
Fitting the cutting disc........................................................ 13
Fuel handling
Fuel mixture....................................................................... 14
Fuelling.............................................................................. 14
Start and stop
Start and stop .................................................................... 15
Adjusting the drive belt ...................................................... 16
Changing the drive belt ..................................................... 16
Carburettor ........................................................................ 17
Fuel filter............................................................................ 18
Air filter .............................................................................. 18
Starter................................................................................ 19
Spark plug ......................................................................... 20
Silencer ............................................................................. 20
Cooling system.................................................................. 20
Daily maintenance............................................................. 21
Weekly maintenance ......................................................... 21
Monthly maintenance ........................................................ 21
Technical Data
268 K ................................................................................. 22
272 K ................................................................................. 22
English – 3


WARNING! Incorrect or careless use of a
power cutter can turn it into a dangerous tool that can cause serious or even fatal injury. It is extremely important that you read and understand this manual.
WARNING! When using a power cutter, safety
equipment approved by the appropriate authorities must be used. Personal safety equipment does not eliminate the risk of accidents, however, it can reduce the effects of an injury in the event of an accident. Ask your dealer for help when choosing safety equipment.
This section describes the power cutter’s safety equipment, its function and how checks and maintenance are carried out to ensure that it operates correctly. (See the chapter
to locate where this equipment is positioned on your
power cutter.)
WARNING! Never use a power cutter with
defective safety equipment. Follow the control, maintenance and service instructions described in this manual.
1 Anti-vibration system
Your power cutter is equipped with an anti-vibration system. This is designed to give as low vibration levels and comfortable usage as possible.
“What is
The power cutter’s anti­vibration system reduces the transfer of vibration between the engine/cutting equipment and the cutting trolley. The engine body including the cutting equipment is suspended in a handle system via anti-vibration elements.
2 Stop switch
The stop switch should be used to stop the engine.
4 – English
3 Silencer
WARNING! During use and for some time
The silencer is designed to give the lowest possible noise level and to direct the engine‘s exhaust fumes away from the user. The engine‘s exhaust fumes are hot and can contain sparks, which can lead to the outbreak of fire.
In countries that have a warm and dry climate the risk of forest fires is obvious. We have therefore fitted certain silencers with a spark arrest screen. Make sure that your silencer is fitted with this kind of screen.
after the silencer is very hot. Do not touch the silencer if it is hot!
Control, maintenance and service of the machine‘s safety equipment
WARNING! All service and repairs to the power cutter require special training. This
1 Anti-vibration system
Check the anti-vibration elements regularly for material cracks and deformation.
applies especially to the power cutter’s safety equipment. If the power cutter does not meet any of the controls listed below you should contact your service workshop. The purchase of one of our products guarantees that professional repair and servicing will be carried out on it. If the point of purchase is not one of our servicing dealers, please ask for details of the closest service workshop.
MPORTANT INFORMATION! It is extremely important that the instructions for checking, maintaining and servicing the silencer are followed. (see the section
maintenance and service of the power cutter’s safety equipment“
4 Disc guard for the cutting disc
WARNING! Always check that the disc guard
The disc guard is mounted above the cutting disc and prevents cutting fragments from being thrown towards the user.
is correctly fitted before starting the machine.
Check that the anti-vibration elements are securely mounted between the engine unit and the handle system.
2 Stop switch
Start the engine and make sure that the engine stops when the stop switch is moved to the stop position.
English – 5
3 Silencer
Never use a machine that has a defective silencer.
Check regularly that the silencer is secured to the engine body.
If your silencer is fitted with a spark arrest screen then it should be cleaned regularly. A blocked screen leads to the engine overheating with serious damage as a result. Never use a
silencer with a defective spark arrest screen.
IMPORTANT INFORMATION! Do not use the power cutter until you have read the entire contents of this Operator’s Manual. All servicing, in addition to the points listed in the section ”
power cutter’s safety equipment”
out by trained service specialists.
• Use the equipment recommended in the chapter
safety equipment”.
• Never use the machine when you are tired, under the influence of medicines/drugs or alcohol.
• Do not lend the power cutter to anyone without providing this Operator’s Manual. Ensure the person using the power cutter understands the information in this Operator’s Manual.
Control, maintenance and service of the
, should be carried
Transport and storage
• Store the power cutter under lock and key so that it’s out of reach for children and unauthorised persons.
• Do not store or transport the power cutter with the cutting disc fitted.
4 Disc guard for the cutting disc
Never use a defective disc guard or a disc guard that is not fitted correctly.
WARNING! Check that the cutting disc is fitted correctly and does not show signs of
! !
6 – English
damage. A damaged cutting disc can cause personal injury.
WARNING! Never use a power cutter with defective safety equipment. The power cutter’s safety equipment should be checked and maintained as described in this Operator’s Manual. If your power cutter does not meet any of these controls you should contact your service workshop.
Fuel safety
(Filling/Fuel mixture/Storage)
WARNING! Exercise great care when handling
• Never fill the machine while the engine is running.
• Provide good ventilation when filling or mixing fuel (petrol and 2-stroke oil).
• Move the machine at least 3 m from the filling position before starting.
• Never start the machine:
• Store the power cutter and fuel so that any leakage or fumes do not risk coming into contact with sparks or naked flames. For example, electric machines, electric motors, electrical switches/power switches, heaters or the like.
• When storing fuel, approved containers intended for this purpose must be used.
• When storing the power cutter for long periods the fuel tank must be emptied. Contact your local petrol station to find out how to dispose of excess fuel.
fuel. Bear in mind the risk of fire, explosions and inhaling fumes.
a) If you have spilt fuel on it. Wipe up all spillage.
b) If you have spilt fuel on yourself or your clothes. Change your clothes.
c) If there is a fuel leak. Make regular checks for leakage from the fuel cap and the fuel supply pipes.
This section takes up the basic safety precautions for working with the power cutter. Follow these general working instructions, but never use a machine without the possibility of calling for help in the event of an accident.
Basic safety precautions
IMPORTANT INFORMATION! Never work with a power cutter that is defective or incorrectly adjusted. Do not work with a power cutter that is incomplete or where assembly has not been carried out in a satisfactory manner. Check that the cutting disc stops rotating when the throttle is released. If you encounter a situation where you are uncertain how to proceed you should ask an expert. Avoid all usage which you consider to be beyond your capability.
• Check that no one is in the immediate vicinity when the machine is started or while working with the machine to ensure that people, animals or other things cannot affect your control of the power cutter.
• Avoid usage in unfavourable weather conditions, for example, thick fog, heavy rain, strong winds or extreme cold, etc. To work in bad weather conditions is tiring and can create dangerous circumstances, e.g. slippery surfaces.
• Never start to work with the power cutter before the working area is clear and you have a firm foothold. Look out for any obstacles with unexpected movement (roots, stones, branches, pits, ditches, etc.). Take great care when working on sloping ground.
• Make sure clothing and parts of the body do not come into contact with the cutting disc when the engine is started.
• Maintain a safe distance from the cutting disc when the engine is running.
• The disc guard should always be fitted when the engine is running.
Only use the machine in areas with good
ventilation. Neglect can result in serious injury or death.
WARNING! A safe distance from the power cutter is 15 metres. You are responsible that
• Start cutting with the engine at full throttle.
• Always hold the power cutter firmly, with both hands. Hold the machine so that the thumb and fingers grip around the handle.
animals and onlookers are not in the working area. Do not start to work with the power cutter before the working area is clear and you have a firm foothold.
English – 7
Over exposure to vibrations can result in
Cutting technique
The technique described below is of a general character. Check information for each disc regarding individual cutting characte­ristics. (For example, a diamond disc requires less feeding pressure than a abrasive disc).
1.Support the work piece in such away that you can predict what will happen and so it will not pinch.
2.Always cut at full throttle.
3.Start cutting gently, do not force or squeeze the disc in.
4.Use a high disc speed.
5.Move the disc slowly backwards and forwards.
blood-vessel or nerve injury to persons suffering with blood circulation problems. Seek medical attention if you experience physical symptoms that can be related to over exposure to vibrations. Examples of such symptoms are numbness, lack of feeling, “tickling“, “pricking“, pain lack of or a reduction in normal strength, changes in the colour of the skin or its surfaces. These symptoms normally appear in the fingers, hands or wrists.
Water cooling
WARNING! Water cooling, which is only used for petrol-driven power cutters and when
Sharpening discs
Discs can become dull when the wrong feeding pressure is used or when cutting some materials such as heavily reinforced concrete. To force a dull disc results in overheating and finally the loss of segments (part of the disc).
Sharpen against a soft material such as sandstone, silica or haydite brick.
Disc vibration
The disc can become out of shape (not round) and vibrate if a too high feeding pressure is used or if the disc is pressed into the work piece.
A lower feeding pressure ought to stop the vibration. Otherwise replace the cutting disc.
cutting concrete, cools the cutting disc and increases its service life as well as reduce dust formation (see the section ”
”). Among the disadvantages are
difficulties at very low temperatures and the risk of damaging the floor and other sections of the building.
Kickback can occur very suddenly and with great force. If the following directives are not followed, it can result in serious or even fatal injury.
6.Use a small part of the disc’s cutting edge.
7.Only use the disc’s cutting edge when cutting.
8.Cut with the disc fully vertical – at right angles to the work piece.
WARNING! Under all circumstances avoid cutting using
the side of the disc; it will almost certainly be damaged, break and can cause immense damage. Only use the cutting section.
If the sector of the disc illustrated below is used for cutting the disc can start to climbing and kickback the power cutter upwards and backwards towards the user with immense force.
How to avoid kickback
1.Never cut with the segment illustrated in the diagram.
2.Keep a good balance and a firm foothold.
3.Use both hands and take a firm grip with the thumb and fingers around the handle.
4.Keep the work piece at a comfortable distance.
5.Use the cutter at full throttle.
6.Take care when inserting the disc in an existing cut.
7.Never cut above shoulder height.
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WARNING! Do not lean the disc to the side, this can cause the disc to jam or break with personal injury as a consequence.
8.Be alert to movement of the work piece or anything else that can occur, which could cause the cut to close and pinch the disc.
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