Hubbell Underground T-Type Pulling Grips Catalog Page

Kellems® Wire Management Products
Underground T-Type Pulling Grips
Flexible Eye, Double Weave, Galvanized Steel
T-Type G r i ps
Kellems® Flexible T-Type Pulling Grips are made of high strength galvanized steel strand. They feature double weave mesh for positive holding power in medium to heavy pulling jobs. The grip eye will easily attach to a swivel.
T-Type G r i ps
Cable Diameter Range Inches (cm)
.5 0"-.6 2" (1. 27-1.57) 4,500 (20,016) 8" (20.32) 21" (53.34)
.6 3"-.74" (1.60 -1.8 8) 5,600 (24,909) 8" (20.32) 24" (60.96)
.75"-.99" (1.90 -2.51) 6,800 (30,246) 9" (22.86) 24" (60.96)
1.0 0"-1.49" (2.54- 3.78) 9,600 (42,701) 9" (22.86) 24" (60.9 6)
1.50"-1.99" (3.81-5.05) 16,400 (72,947) 11" ( 2 7. 9 4 ) 24" (60.96)
2.00"-2.49" (5.08-6.32) 18,500 (82,288) 12" (30.48) 24" (60.96)
2.50"-2.99" (6.35-7.59) 24,500 (108 ,976 ) 12" (30.48) 24" (60.96)
3.00"-3.49" (7.62-8.86) 24,500 (108,976) 14" ( 35.56) 24" (60.96)
3.50"-3.99" (8.89-10.13) 31,000 (137,888) 14" (35.56 ) 26" (66.04)
.75"-.99" (1.90 -2.51) 6,800 (30,246) 9" (22.86) 36" (91.4 4)
1.0 0"-1.49" (2.54- 3.78) 9,600 (42,701) 9" (22.86) 3 6" (91.4 4)
1.50"-1.99" (3.81-5.05) 16,400 (72,947) 11" (27.94) 3 6" (91.4 4)
2.00"-2.49" (5.08-6.32) 18,500 (82,288) 12" (30.48) 36 " ( 91.44 )
2.50"-2.99" (6.35-7.59) 24,500 (108 ,976 ) 12" (30.48) 36 " ( 91.44 )
3.00"-3.49" (7.62-8.86) 24,500 (108,976) 14" (3 5.56) 3 6" (91.4 4)
3.50"-3.99" (8.89-10.13) 31,000 (137,888) 14" (35.56 ) 40" (101. 60)
Note: E- Eye length. M-Mesh length at nominal diameter.
See page V-25 for multiple cables in a si ngle pulling grip.
Approx. Breaking Strength Lbs. (N)
M Inches (cm) Catalog Number
Read all breaking strength, safety and technical data relating to this product. Pages V-17 to V-26.
033041082 033041083 033041084 033041085 033041086 033041087 033041088 033041089 033041090
033041091 033041092 033041093 033041094 033041095 033041096 033041097
Wiring Device-Kellems