Pub. 42004-615L2
Model 670-801-EX and 670-801-U L
SmartSeries Amplifiers
for CENELEC Zone 1 and UL Div. 1
Confidentiality Notice
This manua l is provide d sole ly as an operatio nal, installation, and ma inte nance guide and conta ins
sensitive business and t e chnical informatio n tha t is confidentia l and pr opri et ary to GAI- Tronics.
GAI-Tronics retains all intellectual property and other rights in or to the information contained herein,
and such information may only be used in connection with the operation of your GAI-Tronics product or
system. This manu al may not be dis clos e d in any form, in whole or in pa rt, direct ly or i ndir ectly, to a ny
third pa r ty.
The assembly described in this manual is an explosion-proof enclosure and intelligent speaker amplifier
designed to be installed in hazardous areas where combustible gases exist or may exist. The extra thick
cast aluminum enclosure, while not gas tight, is designed to withstand repeated internal explosions
without expelling gases hot enough to ignite the external atmosphere. This is accomplished through the
use of a precision-machined enclosure opening flame path that cools the exiting gases to a temperature
below the fla sh poin t of the ext ernal, explosi ve atmosphere.
How to Use the A ssembly/Model
The ha zardou s a rea Smart Ser ies amplifier is designed to provide clear communications even in high noise
areas where explos ive atmos pheres exist o r ma y exi st.
The Model 670-801-EX is BASEEFA approved to CENELEC Standards Ex dib for Zone 1, Group IIC
The Model 670-801-UL is approved by Underwriters Laboratories for:
• Cla ss 1, Div. 1, Groups C and D
• Class I I, Div. 1, Groups E, F, and G
• Class III, Div. 1
The intelligent SmartSeries
system cab le. It includes micro-controller s tha t are programmed t o :
• Receive and send data messages on the system cable
• Measure ambient noise and adjust speaker level
• Monitor and control optiona l ext ernal equipm e nt
GAI-Tronics Corporation P.O. Box 1060, Readi ng, PA 19607-1060 USA
amplifier is designed for use on the GAI-Tronics single party or multi-party
610-777-1374 800-492-1212 Fax: 610-796-5954

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Model 670-801-EX and 670-801-UL S martSeries Amplifiers Page: 2 of 15
Hardware Configuration
The exterior view of the cast aluminum explosion-proof enclosure is shown in Figure 1 below:
Figure 1. Model 670-801-EX/UL SmartSeries Amplifier
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Exter nal
The enclosure and cover are fabricated from thick aluminum castings. The cover and the enclosure mate
at machined rims to form the flame path seal. The cover is secured to the enclosure with bolts around the
perimeter. The enclosure entries are as follows:
The Model 670-801-EX cable gland entries are shown in Figure 2:
On the base: Three M25 entries, two fitted with plugs; and one M16 entry.
Figure 2. Model 670-801-EX Cable Gland Entries
The Model 670-801-UL conduit entries are shown in Figure 3:
On th e top: O ne 1½- inch N PT ent ry fit ted with a plug, and one ¾- inch N PT ent ry.
On the base: Two threaded 1½-inch NPT entries (one fitted with plug).
Figure 3. Model 670-801-UL Top and Bottom Views
OTE: Ensure any unused openings are sealed with proper fittings per local standards.
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The SmartSeries amplifier contains the following
• Chassis
3.56 MAX
• Bias Power Supply sub-assembly fixed to the front panel
• Speaker transformer fixed at the top of the chassis
• Base-16 printed circuit board assembly (PCBA) with a
plug at the top, pointing to the rear
• FSK Modem PCBA fixed to the Base-16 PCBA
Figure 4. SmartSeries Amplifier-Side View
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Block Di agram
Figure 5. Model 670-801 Block Diagram
As shown on Figure 5, P1 is the 16-pin male connector located on the back of the Base-16 PCBA. It
plugs into the socket located inside the cast aluminum enclosure. The socket provides connection to the
multi-party cable containing the page/party lines and ac power.
The Base-16 PCBA conducts ac power to the Bias Power Supply PCBA through connector J6 and
receives +5 V dc and +/-15 V dc in return. The Base-16 PCBA uses the bias supplies and also passes
them (as well as control, monitoring, and line signals) to the FSK Modem PCBA via J1, a 24-pin stacking
connector. Connector J2 on the Base-16 PCBA connects the speaker transformer for the station’s external
speaker, and J3 connects optional external devices.
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