Getting to know your phone
Thank you f or choosing the H UAWEI Y360- U31 smart phone .
First, le t's take a look at a few basics.
Press and ho ld the power butt on to power on yo ur phone. After
your phone is powered up, y ou can use the powe r button to turn
the screen off and on.
Preparing your phone
To insert a SIM card, the battery and a microSD card ple ase
perform the few steps shown i n the followi ng figures.
Your phone is shi pped with the batte ry partial ly charged. It i s
recommende d that you ful ly charge the battery before usi ng it
for the f irst ti me.
Locking and unlocking the
When you a re not using your phone, press the p ower button to
turn off the screen.
After bein g idle for a spe cified perio d of time , your phone locks
its screen aut omatic ally.
Follow the onscreen inst ructions and slide on the screen to
Making a call
On the hom e screen, touch to open t he dialer.
You can dial a p hone number d irectly.
You can also touch a phone number in places like me ssages,
email and webpages to make a call.
To answer an inc oming call, dr ag
to .
Sending messages
On the hom e screen, touch to open
Adding a photo or audi o clip to a text message turns it in to a
mult imedia me ssage.
You can also save attachments from m ultime dia message s.
Taking a photo or video
On the hom e screen, touch to ope n
Flick le ft or right to switch between photo an d video capture
Listening to music
On the hom e screen, touch to open
You can copy son gs to your phone and immerse you rself with
extraordi nary audio ex perience anyt ime.
You can also mark your songs to add them to the playl ist.