Getting to know your phone
Thank you f or choosing the HUAWEI s martphone.
First, le t's take a look at a few basics.
Press and ho ld the power butt on to power on yo ur phone. After
your phone is powered up, y ou can use the powe r button to turn
the screen o ff and on.
HUAWEI Y360- U103:
Preparing your phone
To insert the SIM c ard, the battery and a microSD card, p lease
perform the few steps shown i n the followi ng figures.
Your phone is shi pped with the batte ry partial ly charged. It i s
recommende d that you ful ly charge the battery before usin g it
for the f irst ti me.
Locking and unlocking the
When you a re not using your p hone, press the po wer button to
turn off the screen.
After bein g idle for a spe cified perio d of time , your phone locks
its screen aut omatica lly.
Follow the onscreen inst ructions and slide to unlock the screen.
Making a call
On the hom e screen, touch .
You can dial a p hone number d irectly.
You can also touch a phone number i n places like me ssages,
email and webpages to make a call.
To answer an inc oming call, dr ag to .
Sending messages
On the hom e screen, touch .
Adding a photo or audi o clip to a text message turns it in to a
mult imedia me ssage.
You can also save attachments from m ultime dia messages.
Taking a photo or video
On the hom e screen, touch .
Flick le ft or right to switch between photo an d video capture
When the s creen is turned off, do uble-press the volume down
button to t ake a snapshot.