Huawei Compatibility Test Tool User Manual

Compatibility Test Tool User Guide (Based on TaiShan Servers)
Issue 06
Date 2021-01-23
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Issue 06 (2021-01-23) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. i
Compatibility Test Tool User Guide (Based on TaiShan Servers) Contents


1 Overview....................................................................................................................................1
2 Installation................................................................................................................................ 3
3 Compatibility Test................................................................................................................... 5
4 FAQs.......................................................................................................................................... 12
A Change History...................................................................................................................... 14
Issue 06 (2021-01-23) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. ii
Compatibility Test Tool User Guide (Based on TaiShan Servers) 1 Overview

1 Overview

About This Document
To solve the compatibility test issues that occur in the TaiShan server a compatibility test tool based on the
is developed.
This tool includes 15 automated test cases of the
Test Cases
consumption. It supports the Kunpeng certication of partners, allowing them to focus on function and performance tests.
and covers four aspects: compatibility, reliability, security, and power
Environment Requirements
HardwareOnly TaiShan servers (bare metal servers) are supported.
OS ● CentOS 7.6
● NeoKylin V7 Update 6
● Ubuntu 18.0.1
● Kylin 4.0.2
● Kylin 10
● UOS V20 SP1
● SUSE 12 SP5
● openEuler 20.03 LTS
Software General Certication Test
Software General Certication
Issue 06 (2021-01-23) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 1
Compatibility Test Tool User Guide (Based on TaiShan Servers) 1 Overview
Item Requirement
Tool Contact
Tool Updates
Depend ency
● For CentOS, NeoKylin, openEuler, and Kylin 10, run the following command to install the dependency package:
yum –y install nmap ipmitool dmidecode pciutils util-linux util­linux net-tools net-tools sysstat bc
● For Ubuntu, Kylin 4.0.2, and UOS, run the following command to install the dependency package:
apt –y install nmap ipmitool dmidecode lspci lscpu lsblk ifcong netstat sysstat bc
● For SUSE, run the following command to install the dependency package:
zypper install -y nmap ipmitool dmidecode lspci lscpu lsblk ifcong netstat sysstat bc
2020-09-11 1. The test procedures and criteria of reliability test cases are
2. The timeout setting for security scanning is added.
2020-08-28 1. The OS software source check is removed. After the command
does not exist, the yum install command is invoked. If the installation fails, a message is displayed, asking the user to check the Yum source.
2. The system environment is checked before the test and I/O statistics (iostat) are invoked to check the drive I/O usage. Data is collected for multiple times to determine the indicator.
2020-07-08 1. The openEuler OS is supported.
2. The startup script and command can contain the command for switching the directory.
3. Multiple startup tasks can correspond to one startup script.
Issue 06 (2021-01-23) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 2
Compatibility Test Tool User Guide (Based on TaiShan Servers) 2 Installation

2 Installation

Installation Procedure
Step 1 Obtain the compatibility_testing.tar.gz or tool.
You can download the tool at
Step 2 Use tools, such as WinSCP, FlashFXP, or Xftp, to upload the
compatibility_testing.tar.gz or to the server. Ensure
that the drive where the upload directory is located has plenty of space for downloading subsequent software packages. Take /home/compatibility_testing as an example:
cd /home/compatibility_testing
tar -xzvf compatibility_testing.tar.gz or unzip
cd compatibility_testing
The compatibility_testing directory contains the following main script tool
compatibility_testing.conf: tool the name of the application process to be tested, startup and stop scripts of the application, and the startup command of the pressure test tool
, document for brief description
conguration le, which is used to congure
Issue 06 (2021-01-23) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 3
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