Huawei Cloud Terraform Provider User Manual

HuaweiCloud Terraform Provider
User Guide
Issue 01
Date 2021-03-11
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Issue 01 (2021-03-11) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. i
HuaweiCloud Terraform Provider User Guide Contents


1 HUAWEI CLOUD Provider Authentication......................................................................... 1
2 Elastic Cloud Server (ECS)..................................................................................................... 3
2.1 Creating an ECS....................................................................................................................................................................... 3
2.2 Adding an EVS Disk................................................................................................................................................................ 4
2.3 Binding an EIP.......................................................................................................................................................................... 5
3 Auto Scaling (AS).................................................................................................................... 6
4 Virtual Private Cloud (VPC)................................................................................................10
Conguring the Network................................................................................................................................................... 10
4.2 Binding a Virtual IP Address..............................................................................................................................................12
5 NAT Gateway......................................................................................................................... 15
6 Object Storage Service (OBS).............................................................................................18
6.1 Performing Basic Operations............................................................................................................................................ 18
Conguring Static Website Hosting............................................................................................................................... 20
7 Cloud Container Engine (CCE)........................................................................................... 23
7.1 Creating a CCE Cluster........................................................................................................................................................ 23
7.2 Creating a CCE Node........................................................................................................................................................... 26
8 Relational Database Service (RDS)...................................................................................28
8.1 Creating an RDS MySQL DB Instance............................................................................................................................ 28
8.2 Binding an EIP to an RDS DB Instance.......................................................................................................................... 31
8.3 Adding a Read Replica........................................................................................................................................................ 33
Issue 01 (2021-03-11) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. ii
HuaweiCloud Terraform Provider User Guide 1 HUAWEI CLOUD Provider Authentication

1 HUAWEI CLOUD Provider Authentication

HUAWEI CLOUD Provider uses AK/SK for authentication. You can provide credentials as either static credentials or environment variables.
Static Credentials
Congure parameters region, access_key, and secret_key in the provider block. For example:
provider "huaweicloud" { region = "cn-north-1" access_key = "my-access-key" secret_key = "my-secret-key" }
Static credentials are simple to use. However, they require AKs and SKs to be stored in recommended that you provide credentials as environment variables.
conguration les in plaintext, which risks secret leakage. It is
Environment Variables
Congure the region, AK, and SK as environment variables. For example:
$ export HW_REGION_NAME="cn-north-1" $ export HW_ACCESS_KEY="my-access-key" $ export HW_SECRET_KEY="my-secret-key"
After setting the environment variables, declare the HUAWEI CLOUD provider.
provider "huaweicloud" {}
Issue 01 (2021-03-11) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 1
HuaweiCloud Terraform Provider User Guide 1 HUAWEI CLOUD Provider Authentication
Parameter Description
Table 1-1 Provider authentication parameters
Parameter Manda
region Yes HW_REGION_NAME Region where the HUAWEI
access_key Yes HW_ACCESS_KEY Access key ID of a user. For
secret_key Yes HW_SECRET_KEY Secret access key of a user. For
domain_nameNo HW_DOMAIN_NAMEHUAWEI CLOUD account name.
Environment Variable
CLOUD service is located. For details, see Regions and
If you want to create cloud services in
congure parameter alias or region for the resource
corresponding to the cloud service.
details on how to obtain an access key ID, see Access Keys.
details on how to obtain a secret access key, see Access Keys.
For details on how to obtain an account name, see API
dierent regions,
project_nameNo HW_PROJECT_NAMEHUAWEI CLOUD project name.
For details on how to obtain a project name, see API
enterprise_p roject_id
max_retries No HW_MAX_RETRIES Maximum number of retries
Enterprise project ID. For more information about enterprise projects and how to obtain enterprise project IDs, see
Enterprise Management User Guide.
allowed when a network transmission problem occurs. The default value is 5.
Issue 01 (2021-03-11) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 2
HuaweiCloud Terraform Provider User Guide 2 Elastic Cloud Server (ECS)

2 Elastic Cloud Server (ECS)

2.1 Creating an ECS

Application Scenario
An Elastic Cloud Server (ECS) is a basic computing unit that consists of vCPUs, memory, OS, and Elastic Volume Service (EVS) disks. After creating an ECS, you can use it like using your local computer or physical server. HUAWEI CLOUD provides a variety of ECS types for an ECS, select specications, image type, and disk type and congure network parameters and security group rules based on your scenario requirements.
Related Resources
Step 1 Use data source to query the AZ, ECS
Create the le, enter the following information, and save the le:
data "huaweicloud_availability_zones" "myaz" {}
data "huaweicloud_compute_avors" "myavor" { availability_zone = data.huaweicloud_availability_zones.myaz.names[0] performance_type = "normal" cpu_core_count = 2 memory_size = 4 }
dierent scenario requirements. When creating
specications, image, and network
data "huaweicloud_images_image" "myimage" { name = "Ubuntu 18.04 server 64bit" most_recent = true }
data "huaweicloud_vpc_subnet" "mynet" { name = "subnet-default" }
Issue 01 (2021-03-11) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 3
HuaweiCloud Terraform Provider User Guide 2 Elastic Cloud Server (ECS)
Step 2 Create an ECS that supports login with a random password.
1. Add the following information to the le:
resource "random_password" "password" { length = 16 special = true override_special = "!@#$%*" }
resource "huaweicloud_compute_instance" "basic" { name = "basic" admin_pass = random_password.password.result image_id =
avor_id = data.huaweicloud_compute_avor.ids[0] availability_zone = data.huaweicloud_availability_zones.myaz.names[0] security_groups = ["default"]
network { uuid = } }
2. Run terraform init to initialize the environment.
3. Run terraform plan to view resources.
4. After you conrm that the resource information is correct, run terraform apply to start ECS creation.
5. Run terraform show to view the created ECS.
Sample Code master/examples/ecs/basic/

2.2 Adding an EVS Disk

Application Scenario
Create an EVS disk and attach it to the ECS.
Related Resources
Step 1 Add the following information to the
resource "huaweicloud_evs_volume" "myvolume" { name = "myvolume" availability_zone = data.huaweicloud_availability_zones.myaz.names[0] volume_type = "SAS" size = 10 } resource "huaweicloud_compute_volume_attach" "attached" { instance_id = volume_id = }
Issue 01 (2021-03-11) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 4
HuaweiCloud Terraform Provider User Guide 2 Elastic Cloud Server (ECS)
Step 2 Run terraform plan to view resources.
Step 3 After you conrm that the resource information is correct, run terraform apply to
start EVS creation.
Step 4 After the EVS disk is attached to the ECS, you need to initialize the disk before you
use it.
Sample Code master/examples/ecs/attached-volume/

2.3 Binding an EIP

Application Scenario
Purchase an EIP and bind it to the ECS.
Related Resources
Step 1 Add the following information to the
resource "huaweicloud_vpc_eip" "myeip" { publicip { type = "5_bgp" } bandwidth { name = "mybandwidth" size = 8 share_type = "PER" charge_mode = } } resource "huaweicloud_compute_eip_associate" "associated" { public_ip = huaweicloud_vpc_eip.myeip.address instance_id = }
Step 2 Run terraform plan to view resources.
Step 3 After you
conrm that the resource information is correct, run terraform apply to
purchase the EIP and bind the EIP to the ECS.
Sample Code master/examples/ecs/associated-eip/
Issue 01 (2021-03-11) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 5
HuaweiCloud Terraform Provider User Guide 3 Auto Scaling (AS)

3 Auto Scaling (AS)

Application Scenarios
AS automatically adjusts service resources to keep up with your demand based on pre-congured AS policies. With automatic resource adjustment, you can enjoy reduced costs, improved availability, and high fault tolerance. AS applies to the following scenarios:
E-commerce: Large-scale e-commerce promotions can attract visits that may
Live streaming: A live streaming website broadcasts popular programs from
Related Resources
Step 1 Create an AS conguration.
Create the le, enter the following information, and save the le:
data "huaweicloud_availability_zones" "myaz" {}
Heavy-trac forums: Service load changes of a heavy-trac forum website are dicult to predict. AS dynamically adjusts the number of cloud servers based on monitored ECS metrics, such as vCPU Usage and Memory Usage.
break your website. AS automatically adds ECSs and increases bandwidth to ensure that promotions will go smoothly.
14:00 to 16:00 every day. AS automatically adds ECSs and increases bandwidth during this period to ensure smooth viewer experience.
data "huaweicloud_compute_avors" "myavor" { availability_zone = data.huaweicloud_availability_zones.myaz.names[0] performance_type = "normal" cpu_core_count = 2 memory_size = 4 } data "huaweicloud_images_image" "myimage" { name = "Ubuntu 18.04 server 64bit"
Issue 01 (2021-03-11) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 6
HuaweiCloud Terraform Provider User Guide 3 Auto Scaling (AS)
most_recent = true }
resource "huaweicloud_as_conguration" "my_as_cong" { scaling_conguration_name = "my_as_cong"
instance_cong {
avor = data.huaweicloud_compute_avor.ids[0] image = key_name = var.my_keypair disk { size = 40 volume_type = "SSD" disk_type = "SYS" } } }
Step 2 Create an AS group.
Add the following information to the
data "huaweicloud_vpc" "vpc_1" { name = var.vpc_name } data "huaweicloud_vpc_subnet" "subnet_1" { name = var.subnet_name vpc_id = } data "huaweicloud_networking_secgroup" "secgroup_1" { name = var.secgroup_name }
resource "huaweicloud_as_group" "my_as_group" { scaling_group_name = "my_as_group"
scaling_conguration_id = huaweicloud_as_conguration.my_as_con desire_instance_number = 2 min_instance_number = 0 max_instance_number = 10 vpc_id = delete_publicip = true delete_instances = "yes" networks { id = } security_groups { id = } tags = { owner = "AutoScaling" } }
Step 3 Add a scale-out policy.
In this example, add a metric-based policy. The following content that you will add to the
le indicates that when the average CPU usage is greater than or
equal to 80%, an ECS is automatically added.
resource "huaweicloud_ces_alarmrule" "scaling_up_rule" { alarm_name = "scaling_up_rule" metric { namespace = "SYS.AS" metric_name = "cpu_util" dimensions { name = "AutoScalingGroup" value = }
Issue 01 (2021-03-11) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 7
HuaweiCloud Terraform Provider User Guide 3 Auto Scaling (AS)
} condition { period = 300 lter = "average" comparison_operator = ">=" value = 80 unit = "%" count = 1 } alarm_actions { type = "autoscaling"
notication_list = [] } } resource "huaweicloud_as_policy" "scaling_up_policy" { scaling_policy_name = "scaling_up_policy" scaling_policy_type = "ALARM" scaling_group_id = alarm_id = cool_down_time = 300 scaling_policy_action { operation = "ADD" instance_number = 1 } }
Step 4 Add a scale-in policy.
In this example, add a metric-based policy. The following content that you will add to the
le indicates that when the average CPU usage is equal to or lower
than 20%, an ECS is automatically reduced.
resource "huaweicloud_ces_alarmrule" "scaling_down_rule" { alarm_name = "scaling_down_rule" metric { namespace = "SYS.AS" metric_name = "cpu_util" dimensions { name = "AutoScalingGroup" value = } } condition { period = 300
lter = "average" comparison_operator = "<=" value = 20 unit = "%" count = 1 } alarm_actions { type = "autoscaling"
notication_list = [] } } resource "huaweicloud_as_policy" "scaling_down_policy" { scaling_policy_name = "scaling_down_policy" scaling_policy_type = "ALARM" scaling_group_id = alarm_id = cool_down_time = 300 scaling_policy_action { operation = "REMOVE" instance_number = 1 } }
Step 5
Congure variables.
Issue 01 (2021-03-11) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 8
HuaweiCloud Terraform Provider User Guide 3 Auto Scaling (AS)
Create the le, enter the following information, and save the le. You can change the variable values based on your needs.
variable "my_keypair" { default = "default" } variable "vpc_name" { default = "vpc-default" } variable "subnet_name" { default = "subnet-default" } variable "secgroup_name" { default = "default" }
Step 6 Create resources.
1. Run terraform init to initialize the environment.
2. Run terraform plan to view resources.
3. After you
conrm that the resource information is correct, run terraform
apply to start resource creation.
4. Run terraform show to view the created resources.
Sample Code
----End master/examples/auto-scaling/alarm_policy
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