Huawei CBTS3612-800 User Manual

Airbridge cBTS3612-800 12-carrier CDMA Base Station
Airbridge cBTS3612-800 12-carrier CDMA Base Station User Manual
Manual Version Product Version BOM 31013260
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Airbridge cBTS3612-800 12-carrier CDMA Base Station User Manual
Version: T2-030160-20020720-C-1.20
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About This Manual
The manual introduces the insulation methods and procedure of cBTS3612-800. It is divided into three modules:
l Module 1: System Description
1. System Overview 2 Hardware Architecture 3 Software Architecture 4 System Function 5 System Configuration Appendix A Technical Indices of Receiver and Transmitter Appendix B EMC Indices Appendix C Environment Indices Appendix D Standard Compliance Appendix E Abbreviation l Module 2: BTS Maintenance Sub Module 1 Routine Maintenance Instructions Sub Module 2 Common Fault Analysis and Locating Sub Module 3 Board and Part Replacement Sub Module 4 Board Indicators and DIP Switches
Target Readers
The manual is intended for the following readers:
l Engineers & technicians l Operation & maintenance personnel
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I. General conventions
Convention Description
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Terminal Display
Terminal Display is in
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Courier New
II. Command conventions
Convention Description
boldface font Command keywords (which must be input unchanged) are in boldface.
italic font Command arguments for which you supply values are in italics. [ ] Elements in square brackets [ ] are optional.
{ x | y | ... }
[ x | y | ... ]
{ x | y | ... } *
[ x | y | ... ] *
! A line starting with an exclamation mark is comments.
Alternative keywords are grouped in braces and separated by vertical bars. One is selected.
Optional alternative keywords are grouped in square brackets and separated by vertical bars. One (or none) is selected.
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; message input by the user
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IV. Keyboard operation
Format Description
<Key> Press the key with key name expressed with a pointed bracket, e.g.
<Key1+Key2> Press the keys concurrently; e.g. <Ctrl+Alt+A>means the three keys should
<Key1, Key2> Press the keys in turn, e.g. <Alt, A>means the two keys should be pressed
[Menu Option] The item with a square bracket indicates the menu option, e.g. [System]
[Menu1/Menu2/Menu3] Multi-level menu options, e.g. [System/Option/Color setup] on the main
<Enter>, <Tab>, <Backspace>, or<A>.
be pressed concurrently.
in turn.
option on the main menu. The item with a pointed bracket indicates the functional button option, e.g. <OK> button on some interface.
menu indicates [Color Setup] on the menu option of [Option], which is on the menu option of [System].
V. Mouse operation
Action Description
Click Press the left button or right button quickly (left button by default). Double Click Press the left button twice continuously and quickly. Drag Press and hold the left button and drag it to a certain position.
VI. Symbols
Eye-catching symbols are also used in this document to highlight the points worthy of special attention during the operation. They are defined as follows:
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Note Comment, Tip, Knowhow, Thought
: Means a complementary description.
User Manual
Table of Contents
Airbridge cBTS3612-800 12-carrier CDMA Base Station
Table of Contents
2 Hardware Architecture ...............................................................................................................2-1
2.1 Overview ............................................................................................................................2-1
2.2 Baseband Subsystem........................................................................................................2-4
2.2.1 Overview..................................................................................................................2-4
2.2.2 Control & Clock Module (BCKM).............................................................................2-6
2.2.3 Control Interface Module (BCIM).............................................................................2-8
2.2.4 Channel Processing Module (BCPM) ......................................................................2-9
2.2.5 Resource Distribution Module (BRDM) .................................................................2-11
2.2.6 Baseband Backplane Module (CBKM)..................................................................2-13
2.2.7 E1 Surge Protector (BESP)...................................................................................2-14
2.2.8 Fan Module (BFAN)...............................................................................................2-16
2.3 RF Subsystem..................................................................................................................2-19
2.3.1 Overview................................................................................................................2-19
2.3.2 Transceiver Module (BTRM) .................................................................................2-20
2.3.3 High Power Amplifier Module (BHPA)...................................................................2-24
2.3.4 Transceiver Backplane Module (BTBM)................................................................2-26
2.3.5 Combining Duplexer Unit (CDU) ...........................................................................2-27
2.3.6 Duplexer Filter Unit (DFU).....................................................................................2-28
2.3.7 Receive LNA Distribution Unit (RLDU)..................................................................2-30
2.3.8 RF Fan Module (BRFM) ........................................................................................2-32
2.4 Antenna & Feeder Subsystem.........................................................................................2-35
2.4.1 Overview................................................................................................................2-35
2.4.2 RF Antenna & Feeder............................................................................................2-35
2.4.3 Dual-Satellite Synchronization Antenna & Feeder................................................2-37
2.5 Power Supply Subsystem................................................................................................2-39
2.5.1 Overview................................................................................................................2-39
2.5.2 General Structure ..................................................................................................2-40
2.5.3 Technical Indices...................................................................................................2-40
2.5.4 Power Supply Monitoring.......................................................................................2-43
2.5.5 BTS Direct Current Switchbox (BDCS) .................................................................2-43
2.6 Environment Monitoring ...................................................................................................2-43
2.6.1 Alarm Box Input.....................................................................................................2-44
2.6.2 Alarm Indicator.......................................................................................................2-44
2.6.3 Interface of Executive Mechanism.........................................................................2-45
2.6.4 Communication......................................................................................................2-45
2.7 Lightning Protection System ............................................................................................2-45
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2.7.1 Overview................................................................................................................2-45
2.7.2 Lightning Protection for DC ...................................................................................2-46
2.7.3 Lightning Protection for Trunk Line........................................................................2-47
2.7.4 Lightning Protection for Antenna & Feeder Port....................................................2-50
3 Software Architecture.................................................................................................................3-1
3.1 Overall Architecture............................................................................................................3-1
3.2 Module Description.............................................................................................................3-2
3.2.1 Main Control Software.............................................................................................3-2
3.2.2 O&M Software .........................................................................................................3-4
3.2.3 Clock Software.........................................................................................................3-5
3.2.4 BCIM Software.........................................................................................................3-6
3.2.5 BCPM Software.......................................................................................................3-7
3.2.6 BRDM Software.......................................................................................................3-8
3.2.7 BTRM Software .......................................................................................................3-8
4 System Function.........................................................................................................................4-1
4.1 Transmission Networking...................................................................................................4-1
4.2 Call Procedure....................................................................................................................4-2
4.2.1 Speech Service Call Procedure...............................................................................4-2
4.2.2 Data Service Call Procedure...................................................................................4-5
4.3 Signaling Processing..........................................................................................................4-8
4.4 Baseband Processing........................................................................................................4-9
4.5 RF Functions....................................................................................................................4-10
4.5.1 Power Control........................................................................................................4-10
4.5.2 Handoff ..................................................................................................................4-12
4.5.3 Flexible Configuration............................................................................................4-13
4.5.4 Radio Configuration and Channel Support............................................................4-13
4.5.5 Easy Installation, Operation and Maintenance......................................................4-17
4.5.6 Receive Diversity and Transmit Diversity ..............................................................4-17
4.5.7 Cell Breath.............................................................................................................4-18
4.6 Operation and Maintenance.............................................................................................4-18
4.6.1 Software Downloading...........................................................................................4-18
4.6.2 Interface Management...........................................................................................4-19
4.6.3 Test Management..................................................................................................4-19
4.6.4 Status Management...............................................................................................4-20
4.6.5 Event Reporting and Processing...........................................................................4-21
4.6.6 Equipment Management .......................................................................................4-22
4.6.7 Site Configuration..................................................................................................4-23
4.6.8 Operation Status Tracing.......................................................................................4-24
4.6.9 Other Functions.....................................................................................................4-24
5 System Configuration.................................................................................................................5-1
5.1 Configuration Overview......................................................................................................5-1
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5.1.1 Basic/Extended Cabinet Configuration....................................................................5-1
5.1.2 Baseband Subrack Configuration............................................................................5-4
5.1.3 Power Supply Subrack Configuration......................................................................5-5
5.1.4 RF Part Configuration..............................................................................................5-6
5.1.5 Configuration of Antenna Parts ...............................................................................5-6
5.2 Typical Configurations........................................................................................................5-6
5.2.1 O(1) Configuration...................................................................................................5-7
5.2.2 S(1/1/1) Configuration..............................................................................................5-9
5.2.3 S(2/2/2) Configuration............................................................................................5-10
5.2.4 S(3/3/3) Configuration............................................................................................5-11
Appendix A Technical Performance of Receiver and Transmitter.......................................... A-1
A.1 Performance of Receiver.................................................................................................. A-1
A.1.1 Frequency Coverage.............................................................................................. A-1
A.1.2 Access Probe Acquisition....................................................................................... A-1
A.1.3 Reverse Traffic Channel (R-TCH) Demodulation Performance............................. A-1
A.1.4 Receiving Performance.......................................................................................... A-7
A.1.5 Limitations on Emissions........................................................................................ A-8
A.1.6 Received Signal Quality Indicator (RSQI) .............................................................. A-8
A.2 Performance of Transmitter.............................................................................................. A-9
A.2.1 Frequency Requirements.......................................................................................A-9
A.2.2 Modulation Requirements...................................................................................... A-9
A.2.3 RF Output Power Requirement............................................................................ A-10
A.2.4 Limitations on Emissions...................................................................................... A-10
Appendix B EMC Performance.................................................................................................... B-1
B.1 EMI Performance.............................................................................................................. B-1
B.2 EMS Performance............................................................................................................. B-1
Appendix C Environment Performance...................................................................................... C-1
C.1 Ambient Temperature and Humidity................................................................................. C-1
C.2 Cleanness ......................................................................................................................... C-1
C.3 Illumination........................................................................................................................C-2
C.4 Atmospheric Condition......................................................................................................C-2
Appendix D Electromagnetic Radiation......................................................................................... D-1
D.1 Introduction....................................................................................................................... D-1
D.2 Maximum Permissible Exposure (MPE)...........................................................................D-1
D.3 Calculation of the Safe Distance ...................................................................................... D-3
D.4 Prediction of the Exposure to Electromagnetic Fields...................................................... D-3
D.5 Calculation of the Safe Distance ...................................................................................... D-3
D.6 Location of Base station antennas ...................................................................................D-4
D.6.1 Exclusions Zones:..................................................................................................D-4
D.6.2 Guidelines on arranging antenna sites:................................................................. D-4
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Appendix E Standard Compliance.............................................................................................. E-1
E.1 Um Interface ..................................................................................................................... E-1
E.2 Abis Interface.................................................................................................................... E-1
E.3 Lightning Protection.......................................................................................................... E-2
E.4 Safety................................................................................................................................E-2
Appendix F Abbreviation ..............................................................................................................F-1
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System Overview
Airbridge cBTS3612-800 12-carrier CDMA Base Station 1
1 System Overview
This chapter firstly presents an overview to the cBTS3612-800 base station system, then briefs the system features, technical index and external interfaces, followed by and introduction to the system reliability design in aspects of hardware and software. By reading this chapter, users can have a basic understanding of cBTS3612-800.
1.1 System Overview
The cdma2000 1X mobile communication system comprises the Base Station Subsystem (BSS) and the Core Network (CN). The BSS comprises the Base Transceiver Station (BTS), Base Station Controller (BSC) and Packet Control Function (PCF), while the CN comprises the packet domain network and circuit domain network. The equipment of packet domain inter-works with Internet, and that of the circuit field inter-works with the conventional PLMN and PSTN/ISDN. The system's operation and maintenance is implemented via the mobile integrated network management system (iManager M2000).
The position of BTS in CDMA system is as shown in Figure 1-2.
Mobile Network
Management System
MS: Mobile Station BTS: Base Transceiver Station BSC: Base Station Controller ISDN: Integrated Service Data Network PLMN: Public Land Mobile Network PSTN: Public Switched Telephone Network PCF: Packet Control Function Softsite: Soft Site BSS: Base Station Subsystem CN: Core Network Internet: Internet
Packet Domain
Network Equipment
Circuit Domain
Figure 1-1 Network structure of cdma2000 1X mobile communication system
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System Overview
Airbridge cBTS3612-800 12-carrier CDMA Base Station 1
cBTS3612-800 is located between the Base Station Controller (BSC) and the Mobile Station (MS) in the cdma2000 1X mobile communication system.
Under the control of the BSC, the cBTS3612-800 serves as the wireless transceiving equipment of one cell or multiple logical sectors. By connecting to BSC via the Abis interface, it assists the BSC with the radio resource management, radio parameter management and interface management. It also implements, via the Um interface, the radio transmission between the BTS and the MS as well as related control functions.
cBTS3612-800 cabinet is as shown in Figure 1-2.
Baseband subrack
Fan subrack
Power subrack
RF subrack
CDU/RLDU subrack
RF subrack
Figure 1-2 cBTS3612-800 cabinet
cBTS3612-800 has the following functions:
I. Interface function
Um interface supports cdma2000 1X. Its basic features meet the requirement of cdma2000 Release A. It is fully compatible with IS-95A/B. The physical layer supports a rate as high as 307.2kbit/s. It supports hard handoff, soft handoff and softer handoff. It also supports fast forward power control, slow forward power
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control, fast reverse power control and reverse open-loop power control. It further supports omni-cell, directional 3 sectors and 6 sectors configurations.
Abis interface supports E1/T1 trunk mode and optical fiber transmission mode (optical fiber transmission mode will be available in the coming version). E1/T1 trunk mode supports as many as 16xE1/T1 trunk lines and optical fiber transmission mode will support 2 pairs of STM-1 optical fibers. It also supports chain, star and tree networking modes.
II. Optional function
Support Orthogonal Transmit Diversity (OTD) and Space Time Spreading (STS).
l Support softsite(ODU3601C) extended afar via optical fiber.
III. Basic functions of operation and maintenance
l Software downloading
Abis interface management
l Air interface (Um) management
Test management
l Status management
Event report handling
Equipment management
l Site configuration management
BTS running tracing
l Telnet logon
1.2 System Features
cBTS3612-800 is a BTS of large capacity, high integration and low power consumption. One cabinet can accommodate as many as 12 sector carriers. It caters for the customer's needs in all aspects such as capacity, configuration, installation, power supply, transmission and service. It's a typical "All In One" BTS. Its features are highlighted as follows:
1.2.1 Advanced Technology and Excellent Performance
Advanced architecture, well-developed Huawei ATM platform and cell switching & broadband processing technology, providing standard interface, and open application.
Designed with the resource pool mode, which helps increase the availability of hardware resources and the system's fault-tolerance.
Equipped with the digital intermediate frequency technology to enhance the signal processing capability.
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Designed with the technology of diversity receiving and transmission to improve the radio signal transceiving performance.
Supporting remote installation of the softsite via optical fiber and able to realize flexible networking
Equipped with the blind mate technology on the radio frequency module for convenient maintenance.
Controlled with intelligent fans which prolongs the fan's service life and reduces its noise.
1.2.2 Protecting User Investment
The cBTS3612-800 is compatible with IS-95A/B. It can be added to on the existing IS-95 network, and through channel assignment, can support both IS-95 or cdma2000 1X equipment on the network, so no equipment modification is needed when upgrading the entire network.
The cBTS3612-800 features large-capacity design, modular structure and high integration. A single cabinet can accommodate up to 12 sector carriers. It also supports 36 sector carriers with three fully configured cabinets combined together.
Its baseband processing employs the resources pool design to reduce equipment redundancy and improve reliability.
Its Abis interface supports 16 E1s or 2 STM-1 optical interfaces (in the coming version), oriented to future high-speed data service.
Its excellent inheritance guarantees the original antenna and feeder equipment (including CDU, DFU, RLDU, antenna, feeder and the optional tower-top amplifier) can be fully used in the event of BTS expansion or upgrade.
1.2.3 Convenient Operation and Maintenance
Emergency serial ports are provided for the board and system operation to ensure the alarm information to be reported in the case of communication link fault so as to raise the effective and real-time level of maintenance.
Supporting the real-time status query, online board test and system fault locating as well as system restart.
Provided with a Telnet Server so that the user can log in to the BTS via the local Ethernet interface in the standard Telnet mode to performance O&M.
Supporting the Modem dial-up so that the remote O&M can be performed.
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All boards and modules support hot plug/unplug for the sake of ready maintenance, upgrade and expansion.
Blind mate of the radio frequency module guarantees that all operations can be done at the front side of the equipment. During expansion and configuration, wiring at the back need not be modified.
Its modularized structure reduces the internal connections and improves the reliability of the system, and thus makes the installation and maintenance easier.
In the case of whole BTS interruption due to power supply or transmission causes, the cBTS3612-800 system can restart automatically right after the faults are cleared.
1.2.4 Flexible Networking Mode
I. Suitable for networking of large capacity and broad coverage
A single cabinet supports as many as 12 sector carriers. 3 spliced cabinets provide a maximum capacity of 36 sector carriers.
Large capacity trunk. Abis interface of BTS can support as many as 16xE1 transmission. The coming version will support STM-1 optical transmission in ATM mode at Abis interface and provide two STM-1 ports for Abis interface trunk.
l Support multiple BTS configurations such as omni 4 carriers, 1%3, 2%3, 12%3,
6%6 (carrier%sector).
II. Support multiple BTS networking modes such as chain, star and tree
Refer to "4.1 Transmission Networking" for details.
III. Soft BTS networking (the SoftSite will be available in the coming version)
In this networking mode, the baseband adopts the centralized processing mode. The baseband signals and maintenance information are transferred through the fiber to the SoftSite (ODU3601C). The SoftSite can be applied indoors, outdoors or underground, and so on.
The SoftSite, small in size, is equipped with built-in power supply, temperature regulator and environment monitoring device. It can be used in severe environments, e.g. outdoors. The feeder loss of the SoftSite is trivial, making large coverage of macro cells possible.
SoftSites in the chain-networking mode are applicable to highways and subways. A maximum of 6 SoftSites can be connected in serial in one optical fiber.
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1.2.5 Advanced and Reliable Power Supply System
DC/DC power supply with -48V DC power input, +27V DC output. The whole power supply system is composed of 5 modules in full configuration, with automatic current equalization function, 4+1 backup, meeting the requirement of 8000W power supply.
Current equalization hot backup, centralized management, and decentralized power supply. It makes the power supply system safer and more reliable. It provides automatic alarming and reverse connection protection through monitoring interface to the power fan, input under-voltage, output over-voltage and overheat. This ensures the safety of the power system. Remote power on/off function provides unattended BTS operation and remote maintenance.
1.3 Technical Index
1.3.1 General index
I. Standard for structure design, physical appearance and dimension
1) Structure design complies with IEC297 standard and IEEE standard
2) Dimension of the cabinet
l Height: 1800mm
Width: 800mm
l Depth: 650mm
3) Package dimension of the cabinet should be not more than
l Height: 1900mm
Width: 900mm
Depth: 750mm
4) Physical appearance of PCB and the dimension for installation
Base band board dimension: 33.35mm (H)%460mm (D), 2.5mm thick
l Base band backplane dimension: 664.00mm (W)%262.00mm (H), 4.8mm thick
II. Input power
-48V DC: -40~-60VDC
III. Power consumption
The maximum power consumption of a single cabinet in full configuration is no more than 7000W.
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IV. Weight
The weight of a single cabinet in full configuration should not exceed 450kg. Weight bearing of the equipment room (battery weight not considered): 6kN/m2 Power consumption of a BTS with typical configuration and the weight of the cabinet:
BTS configuration Power consumption (W) Weight (kg)
S(1/1/1) <2000 351 S(2/2/2) <3500 388 S(4/4/4) <7000 500
V. Working frequency band
BTS working frequency band:
l BTS receiver (RX): 824 ~ 849MHz l BTS transmitter (TX): 869 ~ 894MHz
VI. Clock parameter
Frequency: 10MHz, precision must be within !0.5Hz before delivery. Temperature characteristics: <!0.2%10-7, one-hour test after heating up for 15 minutes Annual aging rate: <!0.5%10-9
VII. Receiver sensitivity
Better than-126dBm (tested according to TAI/EIA-97D)
VIII. Transmit power
The maximum power of each 1.23M carrier measured at the feeder port on the top of the BTS is 20W.
1.3.2 Radio Interface Index
BTS receiver and transmitter work in 824~849MHz band and 869~894MHz band respectively. The performance meets or exceeds the requirement specified in TIA/EIA IS-97-D Recommended Minimum Performance Specification for cdma2000 Spread Spectrum Base Station. Refer to "Appendix A Technical Performance of Receiver and Transmitter " for details.
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1.3.3 Environment Index
In terms of environment adaptability, cBTS3612-800 conforms with the following specifications:
IEC 60721-3 series, IEC 60068-2 and ETS 300 019-2 series. For details, please refer to Appendix C Environment Performance.
1.3.4 EMC Index
EMC specification of cBTS3612-800 conforms with ETSI EN 300 386 Electromagnetic compatibility and Radio spectrum Matters (ERM), Telecommunication network equipment, ElectroMagnetic Compatibility (EMC) requirements, which are world-adopted standards. For details, please refer to Appendix B EMC Performance.
1.3.5 Noise
In compliance with ETS 300 753 Noise Requirement for telecommunication equipment and base station environment, BTS is designed in compliance with the requirement of a dedicated telecommunication equipment room, where noise should be less than 72dB. Actually the equipment noise is less than 70dB.
1.3.6 Environmental Protection
BTS protects environment in stages of designing, manufacturing and running. Following environment friendly principles should be observed:
l Reduce power consumption of products whenever possible. l Compactness of products and energy saving in product transportation.
Recycle proposal attached to the product design.
l Materials used for the equipment do not produce hazardous gas (except CO and
HCl, which are inevitable). Do not use materials that may do harm to the environment (such as BeO, ream, mercury, cadmium and siloxane).
1.4 External Interface
1.4.1 Overview
The external interfaces of cBTS3612-800 are shown in Figure 1-3.
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Ethernet interface
Figure 1-3 BTS external interface
l Um interface: interface with MS.
Abis interface: interface with BSC.
l OML interface: interface with the remote OMC. It shares the transmission
resources with Abis interface
LMF interface: interface with BTS local maintenance console.
l System synchronization interface: including GPS/GLONASS antenna interface
and system external synchronization interface. When GPS/GLONASS is not available and there is other clock synchronization equipment, the clock synchronization output of the equipment can be connected with the external synchronization interface of BTS system.
l BTS test interface: provide interface for BTS test, such as 10MHz, 2s signal.
Remote maintenance serial interface: another interface with remote console. This is a standby maintenance interface when the active maintenance link between OMC and BTS is interrupted.
l Environment alarm interface: interface with environment alarm collection box.
alarm box
alarm interface
Abis interface
Remote maintenance serial port
OML interface
1.4.2 Um Interface
I. Um interface overview
In Public Land Mobile Network (PLMN), MS is connected with the fixed part of the network through the radio channel, which enables the subscribers to be connected with the network and to attain communication service. To implement interconnection
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between MS and BSS, systematic rules and standards should be established for signal transmission on radio channels. The standard for regulating the radio channel signal transmission is called radio interface, or Um interface.
Um interface is the most important interface among the many interfaces of CDMA system. Firstly, standardized radio interface ensures that MSs of different manufacturers are fully compatible with different networks. This is one of the fundamental conditions for the roaming function of CDMA system. Secondly, radio interface defines the spectrum availability and capacity of CDMA system.
Um interface operates with the following features:
l Channels structure and access capacity.
Communication protocol between MS and BSS.
l Maintenance and operation features.
Performance features.
l Service features.
II. Um interface protocol mode
Um interface protocol stack can be in 3 layers, as shown in Figure 1-4.
Figure 1-4 Um interface layered structure
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l Layer 1 is the physical layer, i.e. the bottom layer. It includes various physical
channels, providing a basic radio channel for the transmission of higher layer information.
Layer 2 is the data link layer, including Medium Access Control (MAC) sublayer and Link Access Control (LAC) sublayer. The cdma2000 MAC sublayer performs the mapping between logic channels and physical channels, and providing RLP function. The cdma2000 LAC sublayer performs such functions as authentication, ARQ, addressing and packet organization.
Layer 3 is the top layer. It performs radio Resource Management (RM), Mobility Management (MM) and Connection Management (CM) through the air interface.
III. Physical layer
1) Working band Cellular band: Reverse (MS? BTS): 824 ~ 849MHz. Forward (BTS? MS): 869 ~ 894MHz. Duplex spacing: 25MHz. Channel bandwidth: 1.23MHz Carrier spacing: 1.25MHz
2) Physical layer function
l Service bearer: the physical channel in the physical layer provides a bearer for
the logic channel of the higher layer.
l Bit error check: the physical layer provides a transmission service with error
protection, including error checking and error correction.
l User identification: the physical layer provides an exclusive ID for every user by
code division.
3) Radio configuration The cdma2000 physical layer supports multiple Radio Configurations (RC). Different
RCs support different traffic channel data rates. For detailed introduction, please refer to Section 4.5.4 Radio Configuration and Channel Support.
IV. Data link layer
Data link layer at Um interface includes two sublayers: MAC and LAC. The purpose of introducing MAC and LAC is to:
l Support higher level services (signaling, voice, packet data and circuit data).
Support data services of multiple rates (from 1.2kbit/s to 2Mbit/s).
l Support packet data service and circuit data service of higher quality (QoS).
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l Support multi-media service, i.e. processing voices, packet data and circuit data
of different QoS levels at the same time.
1) MAC sublayer To support data service and multi-media service, cdma2000 1x provides powerful
MAC layer to ensure the reliability of services. MAC layer provides two important functions:
l Provide radio link protocol (RLP), ensuring reliable transmission on the radio link.
Provide multiplex function and QoS function, with diversified services and higher service quality.
2) LAC sublayer LAC layer performs such functions as ARQ (Automatic Repeat Request),
authentication and addressing.
V. Layer 3
The higher layer signaling performs the functions such as radio resource management, mobility management and call control management of air interface.
1) Radio resource management It is mainly used to create, operate and release radio channels, performing functions
such as soft switching, softer switching and hard switching.
2) Mobility management It is mainly used to support the mobility features of the mobile user, performing such
functions as registration, authentication and TMSI re-distribution.
3) Call control It is mainly used to create, maintain and terminate calls in circuit switching mode.
VI. Power control
Um interface utilizes power control technology to reduce the system interference and improve the system capacity. There are forward power control and reverse power control.
1) Forward power control supports closed-loop power control Forward closed-loop power control means that MS checks the quality of received
frames and received power, makes judgment and sends request to BTS for controlling BTS transmitting power. Then BTS adjusts its transmitting power according to the request. Power control command is sent at a rate of 50bit/s or 800bit/s.
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Forward power control includes power control based on power measurement report, control based on EIB, and quick forward power control.
2) Reverse power control includes open-loop power control and closed-loop power control.
l Reverse open-loop power control means that MS adjusts its transmitting power
as the receiving power changes.
l Reverse closed-loop power control means that BTS compares the received MS
transmitting power with the preset power control threshold and sends power control command based on the comparison. MS changes its transmitting power as required by the received power control command. Power control commands are transmitted on F-TCH at a rate of 800bit/s.
For more information about power control, please refer to Section 4.5.1 Power Control.
VII. Handoff
Um interface can utilize many handoff technologies. It supports three types of handoff in traffic channel communication:
1) Hard handoff: MS interrupts the connection with the old BTS before creating connection with a new BTS.
2) Soft handoff: MS creates connection with a new BTS while maintaining the connection with the existing one.
3) Softer handoff: soft handoff that occurs in different sectors of the same BTS. Soft handoff technology can improve the rate of handoff success, reduce dropouts
and effectively improve the system performance. For more information, please refer to Section 4.5.2 Handoff.
1.4.3 Abis Interface
I. Abis interface overview
Abis interface is defined as the interface between BSC and BTS, the two functional entities in the base station subsystem (BSS). It is the interface for BTS accessing BSC via the terrestrial link.
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1) Composition of Abis interface Abis interface consists of three parts: Abis service, Abis signaling and OML signaling,
as shown in Figure 1-5. Abis service is the interface connecting SDU of BSC and the channel unit of BTS. It is
used to bear user service. Abis signaling is the signaling transmission channel between BSC and BTS. It is used
to control the cell setup, transmission of messages in paging channels and access channels and call setup & release.
OML signaling is used to perform operation and maintenance. It is a customized signaling by equipment manufacturers. In Abis interface, there is a transparent channel, used to transmit customized signaling OML between OMC and OMU on BTS.
Abis Interface
Abis Traffic
Abis Signaling
SPU£ºSignaling Process Unit SDU£ºSelection/Distribution Unit
MC£º Main Control
Figure 1-5 Composition of Abis interface
2) Protocol stack of Abis interface
Abis Signaling
Abis Traffic
CEs£º Channel Elements OMU£ºOperation & Maintenace Unit
The protocol stacks used by Abis signaling and the signaling performing operation & maintenance are as follows:
Abis Signaling Application/OAM Application
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Physical Layer
Protocol stacks used by Abis service are as follows:
Abis Traffic
Physical Layer
II. Physical layer of Abis interface
The physical layer of Abis interface can use E1/T1 interface or STM-1 interface. With E1/T1 interface used, its physical electric parameters comply with CCITT G.703
recommendations. The multiple E1/T1 trunk lines transmit ATM cells by means of inverse multiplexing on ATM (IMA).
III. Data link layer of Abis interface
ATM is used in the data link layer of Abis interface. Signaling matches with AAL5 and is borne in IPOA (IP Over ATM) mode. At Abis
interface, Abis signaling path connects the main control software (MC) and SPU of BSC via PVC to transmit Abis signaling. So it is with the transmission path of signaling that performs operation & maintenance. It also uses PVC to connect OMU of BTS and BSC, which will transmit it to OMC transparently. BSC does not process any signaling that performs operation and maintenance.
Abis service adapts itself through AAL2. At Abis interface, BCPM uses several PVCs to connect the channel unit of BTS and SDU of BSC, for BTS to transmit the uplink data received from the air interface to BSC, and for BSC to transmit the downlink data to be transmitted via the air interface to BTS.
IV. The Layer 3 of Abis interface--service management.
At Abis interface, Abis signaling and Abis service are in the domain of service management. Specifically, Abis service management includes the following functions:
1) BTS logic operation & maintenance function
l Resource status indication: with this function, BTS requests logic configuration
from BSC, reports logic status to BSC and checks logic resource regularly.
Cell configuration function: with this function, BSC configures logic parameters of cells to BTS, specifically including cell pilot channel PN offset, sector gain, public channel number and parameter.
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l General message updating: with this function, BSC configures or update general
message to BTS.
l Cell breath control function.
Cell blocking function.
l Radio measurement report function.
2) Common channel management procedure Paging channel management procedure: it is used to transmit paging channel
messages that BSC send to MSs through Abis interface. Access channel management procedure: it is used to transmit access channel
messages that are received on the access channel of BTS to BSC through Abis interface.
3) Procedure of dedicated channel creation and release It is used to control the setup and release of air dedicated radio channel and Abis
interface terrestrial channel. Abis interface supports the setup and release of various dedicated channels specified
in IS95A/B and cdma2000 1x, specifically including IS95-FCH, IS95-SCCH, IS2000-FCH, IS2000-DCCH and IS2000-SCH.
Each radio channel is allocated with one AAL2 link on Abis interface to bear user service data.
Softer handoff is only allocated with one AAL2 link on Abis interface.
4) Service bearing procedure BTS needs to process Abis interface frame protocol, to transmit the data received
from the reverse traffic channel at the air interface to BSC and the data that BSC sends through the forward traffic channel at the air interface.
Traffic channel bearing procedure also performs functions such as AAL2 service matching, time adjustment of service data frame, reverse external loop power control adjustment and forward power control adjustment.
5) Power control Abis interface supports various power controls of CDMA. Power control is performed
through setting parameters. Power control falls into 4 types: forward fast closed-loop
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power control, forward slow closed-loop power control, reverse fast closed-loop power control and reverse open-loop power control.
1.4.4 OML Interface
OML interface is the interface between BTS and remote OMC. It is actually one of Abis interface applications. But in the application layer, OML interface is the interface between BTS and the remote OMC. OML interface shares resources of Abis interface, including physical layer, ATM, AAL5 and TCP/IP. Refer to Abis interface.
OML interface is used for OMC to perform operation and maintenance to BTS. It is a signaling defined by various manufacturers. On Abis interface, it is a transparent path.
1.4.5 LMF Interface
LMF interface is the interface between BTS and local maintenance function (LMF). Its interface protocol stack is shown as below:
LMF Signaling Application (self-defined)
Data Link Layer
Physical Layer (10/100 Base-T)
1.4.6 System Synchronization Interface
System synchronization interface includes GPS/GLONASS antenna interface and system external synchronization interface.
1) GPS/GLONASS antenna interface: GPS is in compliance with ICD200c: IRN-200C-001-IRN-200C-004: Interface Control Document of GPS. GLONASS is in compliance with GPS/GLONASS Receiver Interface Language (GRIL).
2) System external synchronization interface: the external synchronization interface without GSP/GLONASS is in compliance with the requirement of Technical
Specifications of Interface Between GPS/GLONASS Dual-Mode Receiver and Base Station in CDMA Digital Cellular Mobile Communication Network.
1.4.7 BTS Test Interface
BTS test interface provides 10MHz and 2s signals that may be necessary for testers.
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1.4.8 Remote Maintenance Serial Port
Remote maintenance serial port is an RS-232 serial port, connected with PSTN via an external Modem. It is used for emergence maintenance by dial-up with a modem when OML between OMC and BTS is interrupted.
1.4.9 Environment Alarm Interface
Environment alarm interface is an RS-485 serial port, connected with the external environment alarm collection box, performing a centralized monitoring to the environment. A communication protocol defined by manufacturer is used between BTS and the environment alarm collection box. Therefore, BTS must support an environment alarm collection box of the matched type.
1.5 Reliability Design
Reliability design of a system is shown in the stability and reliability of the product running.
Huawei cBTS3612-800 is designed based on reference to the following standards:
YD/T 1029-1999 800MHz General Technical Specifications of CDMA Digital Cellular Mobile Communication Network Equipment
YD/T 1030-1999 800MHz Technical Requirement for Interface of CDMA Digital Cellular Mobile Communication Network
l TIA/EIA/IS-97D Minimum Performance Standard of CDMA Base Station
Huawei product reliability design index and related technical specifications
The design of all boards is in strict accordance with the requirement of above standards pertaining to reliability design. Many measures have been taken to ensure the reliability of boards. In addition, some key parts of the system are designed with redundancy (such as active/standby mode and resource pool) to improve the reliability of the system.
The reliability model of the system is as shown in Figure 1-6.
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