HT instruments T2100 User Manual

User manual
Copyright HT ITALIA 2013 Release EN 2.00 - 31/10/2013
Table of contents:
1. PRECAUTIONS AND SAFETY MEASURES ................................................................ 2
1.1. Preliminary instructions ........................................................................................................ 2
1.2. During use ............................................................................................................................ 3
1.3. After use ............................................................................................................................... 3
1.4. Definition of measurement (overvoltage) category .............................................................. 3
2. GENERAL DESCRIPTION ............................................................................................ 4
2.1. Measuring average values and TRMS values ..................................................................... 4
2.2. Definition of true root mean square value and crest factor .................................................. 4
3. PREPARATION FOR USE ............................................................................................ 5
3.1. Initial checks ........................................................................................................................ 5
3.2. Instrument power supply ...................................................................................................... 5
3.3. Calibration ............................................................................................................................ 5
3.4. Storage ................................................................................................................................ 5
4. OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS ..................................................................................... 6
4.1. Instrument description .......................................................................................................... 6
4.2. Description of function keys ................................................................................................. 6
4.3. Display description ............................................................................................................... 7
4.4. Switching on/off the instrument ............................................................................................ 8
4.5. Resistance measurement .................................................................................................... 9
4.5.1.Operating principle ........................................................................................................................ 9
4.5.2.Clamp operation check ................................................................................................................ 10
4.5.3.Methods for resistance measurement on earth rods .................................................................. 11 systems ..................................................................................................................... 11 composed of a single rod ................................................................................................. 12
4.5.4.HOLD ........................................................................................................................................... 15
4.5.5.MEM ............................................................................................................................................ 15
4.5.6.Anomalous situations .................................................................................................................. 15
4.6. Current measurement (T2000) ........................................................................................... 16
4.6.1.HOLD ........................................................................................................................................... 16
4.6.2.MEM ............................................................................................................................................ 17
4.6.3.Anomalous situations .................................................................................................................. 17
4.7. Leakage current measurement (T2000) ............................................................................. 18
4.7.1.HOLD ........................................................................................................................................... 18
4.7.2.MEM ............................................................................................................................................ 19
4.7.3.Anomalous situations .................................................................................................................. 19
4.8. Managing the memory ....................................................................................................... 20
4.8.1.Storage of data in the memory .................................................................................................... 20
4.8.2.Recalling the results stored in the instrument’s memory ............................................................ 20
4.8.3.Deleting the last datum saved ..................................................................................................... 21
4.8.4.Deletion of all saved data ............................................................................................................ 21
4.9. Setting of alarm thresholds ................................................................................................ 22
4.10.RS232 communication with a Master instrument (T2100) ................................................. 23
5. MAINTENANCE .......................................................................................................... 24
5.1. General information............................................................................................................ 24
5.2. Battery replacement ........................................................................................................... 24
5.3. Cleaning the instrument ..................................................................................................... 24
5.4. End of life ........................................................................................................................... 24
6. TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS ................................................................................. 25
6.1. Reference conditions ......................................................................................................... 25
6.2. Technical characteristics .................................................................................................... 25
6.2.1.Reference guidelines ................................................................................................................... 26
6.2.2.General characteristics ................................................................................................................ 26
6.3. Environment ....................................................................................................................... 26
6.3.1.Environmental conditions for use ................................................................................................ 26
6.4. Accessories provided ......................................................................................................... 26
7. SERVICE ..................................................................................................................... 27
7.1. Warranty conditions ........................................................................................................... 27
7.2. Service ............................................................................................................................... 27
This manual refers to two models: T2000 and T2100. Further in this manual, the word “instrument” will be used to generically refer to both models unless otherwise specified. The instrument has been designed in compliance with directive IEC/EN61010-1 relevant to electronic measuring instruments. For your safety and in order to prevent damaging the instrument, please carefully follow the procedures described in this manual and read all
notes preceded by the symbol with the utmost attention. Before and after carrying out the measurements, carefully observe the following instructions:
Do not carry out any current measurement in humid environments. Do not carry out any measurements in case gas, explosive materials or flammables are
present, or in dusty environments.
Avoid any contact with the circuit being measured, even if no measurements are being
carried out.
Avoid any contact with exposed metal parts, with unused measuring probes, circuits, etc. Do not carry out any measurement in case you find anomalies in the instrument such as
deformation, breaks, substance leaks, absence of display on the screen, etc.
In this manual, and on the instrument, the following symbols are used:
CAUTION: observe the instructions given in this manual; improper use could damage the instrument, its components and create dangerous situations for the operator.
High voltage danger: electrical shock hazard.
Double-insulated meter
Connection to earth
This instrument has been designed for use in environments of pollution degree 2. The instrument can be used for Resistance measurements (T2000 and T2100) and AC
current measurements (T2000) on installations with overvoltage category CAT III 150V to earth. For a definition of measurement categories, see § 1.4.
We recommend following the normal safety rules devised by the procedures for carrying
out operations on live systems and using the prescribed PPE to protect the user against dangerous currents and the instrument against incorrect use.
The instrument can be used on TT, TN and IT electrical systems of industrial, civil,
medical or zoo-technical type, both under ordinary conditions where contact voltage limit is 50V, and under special conditions where contact voltage limit is 25V.
We recommend following the normal safety rules devised to protect the user against
dangerous currents and the instrument against incorrect use.
Only the accessories provided together with the instrument will guarantee safety
standards. They must be in good conditions and replaced with identical models, when necessary.
Do not test circuits exceeding the specified current limits (T2000). Do not perform any test under environmental conditions exceeding the limits indicated in
this manual.
Check that the batteries are correctly inserted.
Please carefully read the following recommendations and instructions:
Failure to comply with the Caution notes and/or Instructions may damage the instrument and/or its components or be a source of danger for the operator.
Operate the clamp lever twice before switching on the instrument, to make sure that the
clamp jaws are completely closed.
When switching on the instrument, DO NOT operate the clamp lever and do not clamp
any cable.
Avoid measuring resistance if external voltages are present. Even if the instrument is
protected, excessive voltage could cause malfunctions.
During current measurement (T2000), any other current near the clamp may affect
measurement precision.
When measuring current (T2000), always put the conductor as near as possible to the
middle of the clamp jaw, to obtain the most accurate reading.
While measuring, if the value of the quantity being measured remains unchanged, check
if the HOLD function is enabled.
If the symbol “ ” is displayed during use, interrupt testing, disconnect the instrument from the system, switch off the instrument and replace its batteries (see § 5.2).
When measurements are completed, switch off the instrument by pressing the
multifunction key “1” (see § 4.4).
If the instrument is not to be used for a long time, remove the batteries.
Standard “IEC/EN61010-1: Safety requirements for electrical equipment for measurement, control and laboratory use, Part 1: General requirements” defines what measurement category, commonly called overvoltage category, is. § 6.7.4: Measured circuits, reads:
Circuits are divided into the following measurement categories: Measurement category IV is for measurements performed at the source of the low-
voltage installation.
Examples are electricity meters and measurements on primary overcurrent protection devices and ripple control units
Measurement category III is for measurements performed on installations inside
Examples are measurements on distribution boards, circuit breakers, wiring, including
cables, bus-bars, junction boxes, switches, socket-outlets in the fixed installation, and equipment for industrial use and some other equipment, for example, stationary motors with permanent connection to fixed installation
Measurement category II is for measurements performed on circuits directly connected
to the low-voltage installation.
Examples are measurements on household appliances, portable tools and similar equipment.
Measurement category I is for measurements performed on circuits not directly
connected to MAINS.
Examples are measurements on circuits not derived from MAINS, and specially protected (internal) MAINS-derived circuits. In the latter case, transient stresses are variable; for that reason, the standard requires that the transient withstand capability of the equipment is made known to the user.
T2000 allows carrying out the following functions:
Resistance measurement on earth rods with resistive loop method Direct measurement on earth probes without any cable interruption Measurement of leakage current on earth systems (T2000) Setting of alarm thresholds on measurements Storage of measurement results Download to MASTER instrument (by means of RS232 port) of resistance values and all
measurements stored in the instrument’s memory
There are 3 multifunction keys on the instrument. The selected quantity appears on the LCD display with the indication of the measuring unit and of the enabled functions. The instrument is also equipped with an Auto Power OFF device which automatically switches off the instrument approx. 5 minutes after the last time a function key was pressed or the clamp was opened, and with an LCD backlight to carry out measurements even in poorly illuminated environments.
Measuring instruments of alternating quantities are divided into two big families: AVERAGE-VALUE meters: instruments measuring the value of the sole wave at
fundamental frequency (50 or 60 Hz)
TRMS (True Root Mean Square) VALUE meters: instruments measuring the TRMS
value of the quantity being tested. With a perfectly sinusoidal wave, the two families of instruments provide identical results. With distorted waves, instead, the readings shall differ. Average-value meters provide the RMS value of the sole fundamental wave; TRSM meters, instead, provide the RMS value of the whole wave, including harmonics (within the instrument’s bandwidth). Therefore, by measuring the same quantity with instruments from both families, the values obtained are identical only if the wave is perfectly sinusoidal. In case it is distorted, TRMS meters shall provide higher values than the values read by average-value meters.
The root mean square value of current is defined as follows: “In a time equal to a period, an alternating current with a root mean square value with an intensity of 1A, circulating on a resistor, dissipates the same energy that, during the same time, would have been dissipated by a direct current with an intensity of 1A”. This definition results in the numeric expression:
The Crest Factor is defined as the relationship between the Peak Value of a signal and its RMS value: CF (G)=
sinusoidal wave it is 2 =1.41. In case of distortion, the Crest Factor takes higher values as wave distortion increases.
The root mean square value is indicated with the acronym RMS.
This value changes with the signal waveform, for a purely
Before shipping, the instrument has been checked from an electric as well as mechanical point of view. All possible precautions have been taken so that the instrument is delivered undamaged.
However, we recommend rapidly checking it to detect any damage possibly suffered during transport. In case anomalies are found, immediately contact the dealer
We also recommend checking that the packaging contains all components indicated in the §
6.4 which comes with the instrument. In case of discrepancy, please contact the dealer. In case the instrument should be returned, please follow the instructions given in § 7.
The instrument is supplied by alkaline batteries (see § 6.2.2). When the batteries are flat, the flat battery symbol “ ” appears on the display. Replace/insert the batteries by following the instructions given in § 5.2.
The instrument has the technical specifications described in this manual. Its performance is guaranteed for one year starting from the date of purchase.
In order to guarantee precise measurement, after a long storage time under extreme environmental conditions, wait for the instrument to come back to normal conditions (see §
1. Double input clamp
2. Multifunction key “1”
3. Multifunction key “2”
4. Multifunction key “3”
5. LCD display
6. Jaw trigger
7. RS232 half-duplex interface (T2100)
Fig. 1: Instrument description
switching on and off the clamp ”: selecting the resistance measuring mode A”: selecting the current measuring mode (T2000) RECALL”: recalling the data stored in the instrument’s memory RS232”: communication with a MASTER instrument (T2100) ESC”: exiting the “HOLD” function (if activated) or the setting mode of
the alarm thresholds “SET LIM.
MEM”: saving data in the memory CLEAR LAST”: deleting the last result saved in the memory. “”: increasing the number of memory locations when displaying the
saved data.
HOLD”: activating or deactivating the Hold function. SET LIM.”: setting the Resistance or Current alarm thresholds (T2000). “”: decreasing the number of memory locations when displaying the
saved data.
Description of functions
1. Symbol of activated alarm
2. Symbol of low battery charge
3. Symbol of saving in the memory
4. Symbol of access to memory area
5. Display of memory location number
6. Current measuring unit (T2000)
7. Resistance measuring unit
8. Symbol of presence of interferences in the measured circuit
9. Symbol of active Data HOLD function
10. Symbol of open clamp
11. Symbol of resistance lower than the minimum measurable value
12. LCD display decimal points
13. LCD display segments
Symbol Description of special symbols
This symbol indicates the communication mode to a MASTER instrument (T2100).
This symbol is displayed when the instrument’s clamp is open or not completely closed while measuring resistance. Should this symbol be displayed continuously, the clamp may be damaged. In this case, it is necessary to stop measuring.
This message is displayed when, during the instrument’s calibration process (see § 4.4 – before the indication “CAL3” of the countdown is displayed), the clamp is opened. After the clamp is closed, the calibration process starts once again automatically from the beginning.
This symbol is shown when battery voltage drops under 5.3V. In this case, measurement accuracy is not granted and batteries must be replaced.
This symbol indicates overload conditions during resistance measurement.
This symbol indicates that the resistance measured is lower than the minimum limit for which the accuracy indicated in the manual is granted. This symbol indicates overload conditions during current measurement. (T2000)
This symbol flashes on the display when the measured value exceeds the pre-set threshold value. At the same time, the instrument gives out an intermittent sound.
This symbol appears on the display for approximately 2 seconds when measurements are saved in the memory, or steadily when the memory area is accessed. This symbol appears on the display when the memory area is accessed. This symbol is displayed when the instrument detects disturbance current on resistance measurement loop. In this case, measurement accuracy is not granted.
When switching on the instrument, do not operate the clamp lever, do not
open the clamp and do not clamp any cable.
When the message “OL. ” appears on the display, it is possible to open
the clamp and clamp a cable being measured.
Open and close the jaws twice before switching on the instrument in order
to check that the clamp properly closes.
After switching on the instrument, keep it under normal conditions without
applying any pressure on the clamp in order to maintain measuring accuracy.
1. Press and hold the multifunction key “1” for more than 2 seconds to switch on the instrument. In a sequence, the instrument displays:
The screen with all existing symbols (see Fig. 2 – left side) The screen with the loaded firmware version (see Fig. 2 – central part) Carries out the calibration process, showing a countdown which starts from “CAL.5
and comes down to “CAL.0” (see Fig. 2 – right side).
Fig. 2: Sequence of screens upon switching on the instrument
2. If, during the instrument’s calibration process, the clamp is opened before the indication “CAL3” of the countdown is displayed, the screen in Fig. 3 appears. After the clamp is closed, the calibration process starts once again automatically from the beginning.
3. At the end of the switching-on sequence, under normal operating conditions, the screen in Fig. 4 appears on the display, associated with a continuous sound.
4. To switch off the instrument once you have finished to use it, press and hold the multifunction key “1” for more than 3 seconds and the screen in Fig. 5 will appear for a few seconds.
Fig. 3
Fig. 4
Fig. 5
5. Approximately 5 minutes after switching on the instrument, if it remains idle, an auto­power off procedure starts in order to spare the charge of the internal batteries.
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