HT instruments SPEED418 User Manual

ISO410 - SPEED418 - COMBI419 - COMBI420
User manual
400 Series
Copyright HT ITALIA 2012 Release EN 1.07 - 05/06/2012
Table of contents:
1.SAFETY PRECAUTIONS AND PROCEDURES .......................................................... 4
1.1. Preliminary instructions ..................................................................................................... 4
1.2. During use ......................................................................................................................... 4
1.3. After use ............................................................................................................................ 5
1.4. Overvoltage categories - definitions .................................................................................. 5
2.GENERAL DESCRIPTION ........................................................................................... 6
2.1. Introduction ........................................................................................................................ 6
2.2. Instrument operation ......................................................................................................... 6
3.PREPARATION FOR USE ........................................................................................... 7
3.1. Initial checks ...................................................................................................................... 7
3.2. Instrument power supply ................................................................................................... 7
3.3. Calibration ......................................................................................................................... 7
3.4. Storage .............................................................................................................................. 7
4.OPERATION DESCRIPTION ....................................................................................... 8
4.1. Instrument description ....................................................................................................... 8
4.2. Backlighting ....................................................................................................................... 8
4.3. Keyboard description ......................................................................................................... 9
4.4. Display description ............................................................................................................ 9
4.5. Initial screen ...................................................................................................................... 9
5.MAIN MENU ............................................................................................................... 10
5.1. AUTO ÷ PWR .................................................................................................................. 10
5.2. SET – Instrument settings ............................................................................................... 10
5.2.1. Language ............................................................................................................................... 10
5.2.2. Auto power off ........................................................................................................................ 11
5.2.3. Nominal voltage ..................................................................................................................... 11
5.2.4. Frequency .............................................................................................................................. 11
5.2.5. System ................................................................................................................................... 11
5.3. MEM ................................................................................................................................ 11
6.ELECTRICAL SYSTEM TEST .................................................................................... 12
6.1. AUTO .............................................................................................................................. 12
6.1.1. Description of anomalous results ........................................................................................... 14
6.2. LOWOHM: Continuity test of earth leads with 200mA .................................................... 16
6.2.1. CAL mode .............................................................................................................................. 18
6.2.2. Description of anomalous results ........................................................................................... 19
6.3. M: Measurement of the insulation resistance ............................................................... 21
6.3.1. Description of anomalous results ........................................................................................... 23
6.4. RCD: Test on A-type and AC-type RCDs ........................................................................ 25
6.4.1. AUTO mode ........................................................................................................................... 27
6.4.2. x½ mode ................................................................................................................................ 28
6.4.3. x1, x2, x5 mode ...................................................................................................................... 29
6.4.4. mode ................................................................................................................................. 29
6.4.5. RA mode ................................................................................................................................ 30
6.4.6. Description of anomalous results ........................................................................................... 31
6.5. LOOP: Measurement of Line/Loop impedance ............................................................... 35
6.5.1. P-N mode ............................................................................................................................... 37
6.5.2. P-P mode ............................................................................................................................... 38
6.5.3. P-PE mode in TT or TN systems ........................................................................................... 39
6.5.4. P-PE mode in IT systems ...................................................................................................... 40
6.5.5. Description of anomalous results ........................................................................................... 40
6.6. R
6.6.1. Description of anomalous results ........................................................................................... 45
15mA: measurement of the total earth resistance through the socket-outlet ............. 43
6.7. 123: Phase sequence test ............................................................................................... 48
6.7.1. Description of anomalous results ........................................................................................... 51
7.AUXILIARY MEASUREMENTS .................................................................................. 52
7.1. AUX: real time measurement of the environmental parameters ..................................... 52
7.1.1. dB mode ................................................................................................................................. 53
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7.1.2. AIR, RH, TMP °F, TMP °C, Lux mode ................................................................................... 54
7.1.3. Description of anomalous results ........................................................................................... 54
7.2. LEAK: real time measurement of the leakage current through an external clamp .......... 55
7.2.1. Description of anomalous results ........................................................................................... 56
8.MAINS ANALYSIS ...................................................................................................... 57
8.1. PWR: real time measurement of the mains parameters ................................................. 57
8.1.1. PAR mode .............................................................................................................................. 58
8.1.2. HRM V ane HRM I mode ....................................................................................................... 58
9.MEMORY ................................................................................................................... 59
9.1. How to save a measure ................................................................................................... 59
9.1.1. Description of anomalous results ........................................................................................... 59
9.2. Saved data management ................................................................................................ 60
9.2.1. How to recall a measure ........................................................................................................ 60
9.2.2. How to delete the last measure or all of them ....................................................................... 61
9.2.3. Description of anomalous results ........................................................................................... 61
10.CONNECTING THE INSTRUMENT TO A PC ............................................................ 62
11.MAINTENANCE .......................................................................................................... 63
11.1.General ............................................................................................................................ 63
11.2.Battery replacement ........................................................................................................ 63
11.3.Instrument cleaning ......................................................................................................... 63
11.4.End of life ........................................................................................................................ 63
12.SPECIFICATIONS ...................................................................................................... 64
12.1.Technical feratures .......................................................................................................... 64
12.2.Safety Specification ......................................................................................................... 68
12.2.1. General .................................................................................................................................. 68
12.2.2. Reference standards for verification measurements ............................................................. 68
12.2.3. AUX ........................................................................................................................................ 68
12.3.General characteristics .................................................................................................... 68
12.4.ENVIRONMENT .............................................................................................................. 68
12.4.1. Environmental working conditions ......................................................................................... 68
12.5.Accessories ..................................................................................................................... 68
13.SERVICE .................................................................................................................... 69
13.1.Warranty conditions ......................................................................................................... 69
13.2.Service ............................................................................................................................ 69
14.PRACTICAL REPORTS FOR ELECTRICAL TESTS ................................................. 70
14.1.Continuity measurement on protective conductors ......................................................... 70
14.1.1. Purpose of the test ................................................................................................................. 70
14.1.2. Installation parts to be checked ............................................................................................. 70
14.1.3. Allowable values .................................................................................................................... 70
14.2.Insulation resistance measurement ................................................................................. 71
14.2.1. Purpose of the test ................................................................................................................. 71
14.3.Check of the circuit separation ........................................................................................ 74
14.3.1. Definitions .............................................................................................................................. 74
14.3.2. Purpose of the test ................................................................................................................. 74
14.3.3. Installation parts to be checked ............................................................................................. 74
14.3.4. Allowable values .................................................................................................................... 74
14.4.Working test of RCDS ..................................................................................................... 76
14.4.1. Purpose of the test ................................................................................................................. 76
14.4.2. Installation parts to be checked ............................................................................................. 76
14.4.3. Allowable values .................................................................................................................... 76
14.4.4. Note ........................................................................................................................................ 76
14.5.Test of RCD tripping current ............................................................................................ 77
14.5.1. Purpose of the test ................................................................................................................. 77
14.5.2. Installation parts to be checked ............................................................................................. 77
14.5.3. Allowable values .................................................................................................................... 77
14.5.4. Note ........................................................................................................................................ 77
14.6.Measurement of short-circuit impedance ........................................................................ 78
14.6.1. Purpose of the test ................................................................................................................. 78
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14.6.2. Installation parts to be checked ............................................................................................. 78
14.6.3. Allowable values .................................................................................................................... 78
14.7.Fault loop impedance measurement ............................................................................... 78
14.7.1. Purpose of the test ................................................................................................................. 78
14.7.2. Installation parts to be checked ............................................................................................. 78
14.7.3. Allowable values .................................................................................................................... 78
14.8.Earth resistance measurementin TT systems ................................................................. 79
14.8.1. Purpose of the test ................................................................................................................. 79
14.8.2. Installation parts to be checked ............................................................................................. 79
14.8.3. Allowable values .................................................................................................................... 79
14.9.Voltage and current Harmonics ....................................................................................... 80
14.9.1. Theory .................................................................................................................................... 80
14.9.2. Limit values for harmonics ..................................................................................................... 80
14.9.3. Presence of harmonics: causes ............................................................................................. 81
14.9.4. Presence of harmonics: consequences ................................................................................. 82
14.10.Power and Power Factor definition ................................................................................. 82
14.10.1.Note ........................................................................................................................................ 83
14.10.2.Conventions on powers and power factors ........................................................................... 83
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This instrument has been designed in compliance with directives IEC/EN61557-1 and IEC/EN61010-1 regarding electronic measuring instruments. Before and while measuring, carefully follow the instructions below:
Do not perform voltage or current measurements in humid environments. Do not perform measurements near explosive gas or material and fuels or in dusty
Avoid contact with the circuit tested if no measurement is being performed. Avoid contact with exposed metal parts, test terminals not in use, circuits, etc. Do not perform any measurement if instrument anomalies are detected, such as
deformations, breaks, leakage of substances, no display reading, etc.
Pay special attention when measuring voltages above 25V in special environments
(building yards, swimming pools...) and above 50V in ordinary environments, as there is a risk of electric shock.
Only use original HT accessories.
In this manual, following symbols are used:
CAUTION: Follow the instructions given in this manual; improper use may damage the instrument, its components or create dangerous situations for the operator.
DC or AC voltage or current.
Unidirectional pulsating voltage or current.
This instrument has been designed for use in the environmental conditions specified in
§ 12.2.1 and § 12.4.1. Do not use in different environmental conditions.
The instrument may be used for measuring and verifying the safety of electrical
systems. Do not use on systems exceeding the limit values specified in § 12.2.1.
We recommend following the ordinary safety rules aimed at: your protection against
dangerous currents, the instrument’s protection against improper use.
Only the accessories provided with the instrument guarantee compliance with safety
standards. They must be in good conditions and must be replaced, if necessary, with identical models.
Check that batteries are correctly inserted. Before connecting the test leads to the circuit being tested, check that the desired
function has been selected.
We recommend carefully reading the following recommendations and instructions:
Failure to comply with the CAUTIONs and/or instructions may damage the instrument and/or its components or cause dangers for the operator.
Before changing function, disconnect the test leads from the circuit tested. When the instrument is connected to the circuit tested, never touch any lead, even if
not in use
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Avoid measuring resistance with external voltages; although the instrument is protected,
an excessive voltage may cause damage.
While measuring current, place the clamp toroid as far as possible from the conductors
not involved in measurement, as the magnetic field they produce could interfere with the measuring operations.
During current measurement, place the conductor as much as possible in the middle of
the toroid so as to optimize precision.
While measuring voltage, current, etc., if the value of the quantity being tested remains
unchanged, check and, if necessary, disable the STOP function.
The symbol indicates the charge level. When there are five bars next to the battery symbol, it means that batteries are fully charged; a decrease in the number of bars to " " indicates that the batteries are almost low. In this case, interrupt tests and replace the batteries
according to the indications given in § 11.2. The instrument is able to keep
data stored also with no batteries.
When measuring operations are completed, turn off the instrument by pressing and holding the ON/OFF key for a few seconds. Should the instrument remain unused for a long time, remove batteries and follow the indications given in § 3.4.
Standard IEC/EN61010-1 (Safety requirements for electrical equipment for measurement, control and laboratory use, Part 1: General requirements) defines what a measurement category (usually called “overvoltage category”) is. At § 6.7.4: Measuring circuits it says:
Circuits are divided into the following measurement categories:
Measurement category IV is for measurements performed at the source of the low-
voltage installation.
Examples are electricity meters and measurements on primary overcurrent protection devices and ripple control units
Measurement category III is for measurements performed in the building installation.
Examples are measurements on distribution boards, circuit breakers, wiring, including cables, bus-bars, junction boxes, switches, socket-outlets in the fixed installation, and equipment for industrial use and some other equipment, for example, stationary motors with permanent connection to fixed installation
Measurement category II is for measurements performed on circuits directly
connected to the low voltage installation.
Examples are measurements on household appliances, portable tools and similar equipment
Measurement category I is for measurements performed on circuits not directly
connected to MAINS
Examples are measurements on circuits not derived from MAINS, and specially protected (internal) MAINS-derived circuits. In the latter case, transient stresses are variable; for that reason, the norm requires that the transient withstand capability of the equipment is made known to the user
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The instrument you purchased, if used in compliance with the instructions given in this manual, will guarantee accurate and reliable measures. This manual covers following products: ISO410, SPEED418, COMBI419, COMBI420. The differences in model characteristics are described in the following table:
Function ISO410 SPEED418 COMBI419 COMBI420
 
     
Tab. 1: Characteristics of 400 Series models
   
The instrument can perform following tests (compatibly with the characteristics described in the table above):
AUTO Test which automatically performs the following test sequence: total
earth resistance through socket, tripping time of the differential switch, insulation resistance between phase and earth.
LOW Continuity test of earth conductors, protective conductors and equipotential
conductors with test current higher than 200mA and open circuit voltage between 4V and 24V.
M Insulation resistance measurement with a direct test voltage of 50V, 100V,
250V, 500V or 1000V.
RCD Measurement of following parameters on A-type ( ) and AC-type ( )
general and/or selective differential switches: tripping time, tripping current, contact voltage (Ut), total earth resistance (RA).
LOOP Measurement of line impedance and fault loop impedance with
calculation of the assumed fault current.
Ra 15mA
Measurement of total earth resistance with 15mA without causing the
differential protections’ tripping.
123 Indication of the phase sequence.  AUX Measurement of the environmental parameters (temperature, humidity, air
speed, lighting and noise level) by means of optional probes.
LEAKAGE Function for measuring leakage current in real time by means of an
(optional) HT96U clamp.
POWER Real-time displaying the values of the electrical quantities in a single-
phase system and the harmonic analysis of voltage and current up to the 49
harmonic with THD% calculation.
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Before shipment, the instrument’s electronics and mechanics have been carefully checked. All possible precautions have been taken in order for the instrument to be delivered in optimum conditions. However, we recommend rapidly checking the instrument in order to detect possible damage occurred during transport. Should you detect anomalies, please immediately contact the dealer.
It is also recommended to check that the package contains all parts indicated in § 12.5. In case of discrepancies, please contact the dealer. Should it be necessary to return the instrument, please follow the instructions given in § 13.
The instrument is battery supplied. For battery type and life, see § 12.3.
The symbol " battery symbol, it means that batteries are fully charged; a decrease in the number of bars to "
" indicates that the batteries are almost low. In this case, interrupt tests and
replace the batteries according to the indications given in § 11.2.
The instrument is able to keep data stored also with no batteries.
For the insertion of batteries, follow the indications given in § 11.2.
The instrument is provided with advanced algorithms to maximize the batteries’ life. In particular:
the instrument automatically turns off the display’s back lighting after ca. 5 seconds. in order to increase battery autonomy, should the voltage supplied by batteries be too
low, the instrument disables the display’s back-lighting function.
The instrument’s technical specifications are those described in this manual. Its performance is warranted for one year from the date of purchase.
In order to guarantee precise measures, after the instrument has remained stored for a long time under extreme environmental conditions, wait for the instrument to return to normal conditions (see the environmental specifications listed in § 12.4.1).
" indicates the charge level. When there are five bars next to the
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1. Inputs
2. Display
3. Connector for optoisolated cable
4. ,, , / ENTER key
5. GO/STOP key
6. SAVE key
7. ON/OFF key
8. HELP key
9. ESC/MENU key
Fig. 1: Description of the front part of the instrument
1. Connector for remote probe
2. E, N, P inputs
3. In1 input
Fig. 2: Description of the upper part of the instrument
1. Connector for optoisolated cable
Fig. 3: Description of the instrument’s side
During instrument operation, a further short pressing of the key turns on the display’s backlighting (if battery voltage level is sufficiently high). In order to preserve battery efficiency, backlighting automatically turns off after ca. 20 seconds.
A frequent use of back lighting reduces the batteries’ life.
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The keyboard includes following keys:
ON/OFF key to switch on/off the instrument ESC key to exit the selected menu without confirming
MENU key to activate menu management
    keys to move the cursor through the different screens in order to select the desired programming parameters
ENTER key to confirm the modifications and the selected programming
parameters and to select the function from the menu
GO key to start measurements STOP key to stop measurements
SAVE key to save the measured values HELP key (long pressure) to display an indicative scheme of the connections
between the instrument and the system being tested in the function set
key (short pressure) to turn on the display’s backlighting
The display is a graphic module with a resolution of 128 x 128 dots. The display’s first line indicates the type of active measurement and the battery charge indicator
R+ R-
-.-- -.--
--- mA --- mA
When turning on the instrument the instrument displays an initial screen for a few seconds. It displays the following:
the instrument’s model the manufacturer’s name the serial number (SN:) of the instrument the firmware version (FW:) in the instrument's memory the date of calibration (Calibration:).
Then, the instrument switches to the last function selected.
Func Lim CAL
SN: 12345678
FW: 1.20 Calibration: 02/03/2012
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Pressing the MENU/ESC key in any allowable condition of the instrument displays the
following screen, in which the instrument may be set, the saved measures can be displayed and the desired measuring function may be set.
AUTO : Ra, RCD, M LOW M RCD : RCD test LOOP : impedance Ra : earth res. 123 : PH sequence AUX : environment LEAK : leakage curr. PWR : analyzer
MEM : memory
5.1. AUTO ÷ PWR
By selecting one of the measurements listed between AUTO and PWR with the cursor, compatibly with the characteristics reported in Tab. 1, and confirming selection with
ENTER, the desired measurement is accessed.
Move the cursor to SET by means of the arrow keys (,) and confirm with ENTER. Subsequently, the displays shows
the screen which allows accessing the various instrument settings.
The settings will remain valid also after switching off the instrument.
: continuity
: insulation
SET : settings
Language Auto power off Nominal V Frequency
5.2.1. Language
Move the cursor to Language by means of the arrow keys (,) and confirm with ENTER. Subsequently, the displays
shows the screen which allows setting the instrument language.
Select the desired option by means of the arrow keys (,).
To store settings, press the ENTER key, to exit the changes made, press the ESC key.
Italiano English Español Deutsch Français Svenska
Norsk Dansk
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5.2.2. Auto power off
Move the cursor to Auto power off by means of the arrow keys (,) and confirm with ENTER. Subsequently, the
displays shows the setting screen which allows enabling/disabling the auto power off of the instrument after a period of 5 minutes inactivity.
ON 5 min
Select the desired option by means of the arrow keys (,).
To store settings, press the ENTER key, to exit the changes made, press the ESC key.
5.2.3. Nominal voltage
Move the cursor to Nominal V by means of the arrow keys (,) and confirm with ENTER. Subsequently, the displays
shows the screen which allows setting the value of the voltage to be used for calculating the prospective short-circuit current.
Vp-n=230V Vp-p=400V
Vp-n=240V Vp-p=415V
Select the desired option by means of the arrow keys (,).
To store settings, press the ENTER key, to exit the changes made, press the ESC key.
5.2.4. Frequency
Move the cursor to Frequency by means of the arrow keys (,) and confirm with ENTER. Subsequently, the displays
shows the screen which allows setting the value of the mains frequency.
50 Hz
60 Hz
Select the desired option by means of the arrow keys (,).
To store settings, press the ENTER key, to exit the changes made, press the ESC key.
5.2.5. System
Move the cursor to System by means of the arrow keys (,) and confirm with ENTER. Subsequently, the display
shows the screen which allows selecting the type of electric power supply system.
TT/TN system
IT system
Select the desired option by means of the arrow keys (,).
To store settings, press the ENTER key, to exit the changes made, press the ESC key.
5.3. MEM
By selecting MEM with the cursor and confirming selection with ENTER, the memory
management is accessed (§ 9).
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Press (short pressure) the key to activate the display’s backlighting should it be difficult to read the display.
Press (long pressure) the HELP key to display an indicative scheme of the
connections between the instrument and the system being tested in the function set
Should more help screens be available for the same function, use the and keys to scroll them.
6.1. AUTO
This function enables performing an automatic sequence of tests, including the main tests regarding the electric safety of a system, i.e.:
measurement of earth resistance through socket-outlet measurement of RCD tripping time measurement of insulation resistance between phase and earth
Press the ESC key to exit the on-line help and go back to the selected
Testing the RCD’s tripping time causes the RCD’s tripping. Therefore, check that there are NO users or loads connected downstream of the RCD being tested which could be damaged by a system downtime.
Disconnect all loads connected downstream of the RCD as they could produce leakage currents further to those produced by the instrument, thus invalidating the results of the test
Fig. 4: Instrument connection through shuko cable
Fig. 5: Instrument connection by means of single cables and remote probe
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Press the MENU key, move the cursor to AUTO in the main menu by means of the arrow keys (,) and confirm with ENTER.
Subsequently the instrument displays a screen similar to the one reported here to the side.
Ra = ---- Trcd = ----ms RP-Pe = ----M
50V 500V
Use the , keys to select the parameter to be modified, and the , keys
to modify the parameter value.
It is not necessary to confirm the selection with ENTER.
The virtual IdN key allows setting the nominal value of the RCD’s
tripping current, which may be: 10mA, 30mA, 100mA, 300mA,
500mA, 650mA
Make sure to select the correct value when setting the RCD’s test current. If setting a current higher than the nominal current of the device being tested, the RCD would be tested at a current higher than the correct one, thus facilitating a faster tripping of the switch
The virtual RCD key enables the selection of the RCD type, which
may be: AC, AC S , A, A S (the options A, A S are not available if
the electrical system set is IT)
When activating the test option for selective RDCs (symbol S), the time interval between the tests is 60 seconds (30 seconds for tests with ½IdN). The instrument display shows a timer indicating the time remaining before the instrument can automatically perform the test.
The virtual UL key allows setting the limit value of contact voltage
for the system being tested, which may be: 25V, 50V
The virtual VNom allows setting the value of test voltage for insulation
measurement, which may be: 50V, 100V, 250V, 500V, 1000V
3. Insert the green, blue and black connectors of the three-pin shuko cable into the corresponding input leads E, N and P of the instrument. As an alternative, use the single cables and apply the relevant alligator clips to the free ends of the cables. It is also possible to use the remote probe by inserting its multipolar connector into the input lead P. Connect the shuko plug, the alligator clips or the remote probe to the electrical mains according to Fig. 4 and Fig. 5
Press the GO/STOP key on the instrument or the START key on remote
probe. The instrument will start the automatic test sequence.
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If message “Measuring…” appears on the display, the instrument is
performing measurement. During this whole stage, do not disconnect the
5. Once the test is completed, if all measured values are correct, the instrument gives a double acoustic signal and displays the message “OK”, which signals that the test has been completed successfully, and a screen similar to the one reported here to the side
test leads of the instrument from the mains.
Ra = 49.1 Trcd = 24ms RP-Pe > 999M
30mA 50V 500V
Value of earth resistance
Value of the RCD’s tripping time
Value of the phase-to-earth insulation resistance
The results displayed can be saved by pressing the SAVE key twice or the
SAVE key and, subsequently, the ENTER key (§ 9.1)
6.1.1. Description of anomalous results
1. The instrument detects a resistance higher than the calculated limit value UL/IdN (1666 @ UL=50V and IdN=30mA) or higher than
Ra = 1789 Trcd = ----ms RP-Pe = ----M
Value of earth resistance
the full scale value. A screen similar to the one reported here to the side is displayed, a long acoustic signal is given and the automatic test
30mA 50V 500V
is interrupted
2. The instrument detects that the RCD trips out of its limit time, or does not trip at all. screen similar to the one reported here to the side is
Ra = 1789 Trcd > 999ms RP-Pe = ----M
displayed, a long acoustic signal is given and the automatic test is interrupted
3. If the measured phase-to-
30mA 50V 500V
earth insulation value is lower than the set limit, the instrument displays a screen similar to the one reported
Trcd > 999ms RP-Pe = 0.01M
Ra = 1789
here to the side and gives a long acoustic signal
30mA 50V 500V
Value of earth resistance
Value of the RCD’s tripping time
Value of earth resistance
Value of the RCD’s tripping time
Value of the phase-to-earth insulation resistance
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5. If the instrument detects that the phase and neutral leads are inverted, the message reported here to the side is displayed. Rotate the shuko
The results displayed can be saved by pressing the SAVE key twice or the SAVE key and, subsequently, the ENTER key (§ 9.1)
Ra = ---- Trcd = ----ms RP-Pe = ----M
plug or check the connection of the single cables
30mA 50V 500V
6. If the instrument detects that the phase and earth leads are inverted, the message reported here to the side is displayed. check the
Ra = ---- Trcd = ----ms RP-Pe = ----M
connection of the cables
30mA 50V 500V
7. If the instrument detects a phase-to-neutral voltage and a phase-to-earth voltage lower than the limit, the message reported here to the side is displayed. Check that the system being tested is energized
8. If the instrument detects a phase-to-neutral voltage or a phase-to-earth voltage higher than the limit, the message reported here to the side is displayed. Check that the instrument is not phase-to­phase connected
Ra = ---- Trcd = ----ms RP-Pe = ----M
Low voltage
30mA 50V 500V
Ra = ---- Trcd = ----ms RP-Pe = ----M
High voltage
30mA 50V 500V
The phase and neutral conductors are inverted
The phase and earth conductors are inverted
Insufficient voltage
High voltage detected
The previous anomalous results cannot be saved
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This function is performed in compliance with standard IEC/EN61557-4 and allows measuring the resistance of protective and equipotential conductors. The following operating modes are available:
CAL compensation of the resistance of the cables used for measurement. The
instrument automatically subtracts the value of cable resistance from the measured resistance value. It is therefore necessary that this value is measured
(by means of the CAL function) each time the test cables are changed or
AUTO the instrument performs two measurements with inverted polarity and displays
the average value of the two measures. Recommended mode for continuity test
R+ measurement with positive polarity and with the possibility of setting a test
duration time. In this case, the operator may set a measuring time long enough to be able to move the protective conductors while the instrument is performing the test, in order to detect a possible bad connection
R- measurement with negative polarity and with the possibility of setting a test
duration time. In this case, the operator may set a measuring time long enough to be able to move the protective conductors while the instrument is performing the test, in order to detect a possible bad connection.
The continuity test is performed by supplying a current higher than 200mA in case the resistance is not higher than ca. 10 (including resistance of the test cables saved in the instrument as offset after performing the calibration procedure). For higher resistance values, the instrument performs the test with a current lower than 200mA.
Fig. 6: Instrument connection by means of single cables and remote probe
Press the MENU key, move the cursor to LOW in the main menu by means of the arrow keys (,) and confirm with ENTER.
Subsequently the instrument displays a screen similar to the one reported here to the side.
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R+ R-
---- ----
---mA ---mA
Func Lim CAL
Use the , keys to select the parameter to be modified, and the ,
keys to modify the parameter value.
It is not necessary to confirm the selection with ENTER.
The virtual Func key allows setting the measuring mode of
the instrument, which may be: CAL, AUTO, R+, R-
The virtual Lim key allows setting the maximum continuity
limit, which may have the following values: 1.00, 2.00,
3.00, 4.00, 5.00
3. Insert the blue and black connectors of the single cables into the corresponding input leads N and P of the instrument. Apply the relevant alligator clips to the free ends of the cables. It is also possible to use the remote probe by inserting its multipolar connector into the input lead P.
4. Should the length of the cables provided be insufficient for the measurement to be performed, extend the blue cable.
Select the CAL mode to compensate the resistance of the cables used for measuring
according to the instructions given in § 6.2.1.
Use the arrow keys , to select the virtual Func key and set the desired
test mode by means of the arrow keys , .
It is not necessary to confirm the selection with ENTER.
Before connecting the test leads, make sure that there is no voltage at the ends of the conductor to be tested.
7. Connect the test leads to the ends of the conductor to be tested as in Fig. 6.
Always make sure, before any test, that the compensation resistance
value of the cables is referred to the cables currently used. In case of doubt, repeat the cable calibration procedure as in 6.2.1.
Press the GO/STOP key on the instrument or the START key on remote
probe. The instrument will start the measurement.
If message “Measuring…” appears on the display, the instrument is
performing measurement. During this whole stage, do not disconnect the test leads of the instrument from the conductor under test.
In case the R+ or R- mode has been selected, pressing the GO/STOP
key on the instrument or the START key on remote probe stops the test
before the set time has elapsed.
EN - 17
10. By using the AUTO mode,
once test is completed, in case the average value
between R+ and R- is lower than the set limit, the instrument gives a double
R+ R-
0.26 0.24 212mA 213mA
acoustic signal which signals the positive result of the test and displays a screen similar to the one reported here to
Func Lim CAL
the side
11. By using the R+ or R- mode,
once test is completed, in case the detected value is lower than the set limit, the instrument gives a double acoustic signal which signals
212mA 1s
the positive result of the test
and displays a screen similar to the one reported here to the side
The results displayed can be saved by pressing the SAVE key twice or the SAVE key and, subsequently, the ENTER key (§ 9.1)
Func Lim Temp CAL
6.2.1. CAL mode
Average value between R+ and R-
Values of the test currents for R+ and R-
Values of R+ and R-, respectively
Value of resistance R+ (or R-)
Values of test current and test time
Fig. 7: Calibration of single cables and remote probe
Use the arrow keys , to select the virtual Func key and set the CAL test
mode by means of the arrow keys , .
It is not necessary to confirm the selection with ENTER.
2. Short the leads of the measurement cables as in Fig. 7 making sure that the
conductive parts of alligator clips are well in contact.
Press the GO/STOP key on the instrument or the START key on remote
probe. The instrument starts the calibration procedure of the cables immediately followed by the verification of the compensated value.
If message “Measuring…” appears on the display, the instrument is performing measurement. If message “Waiting verify” appears on the
display, the instrument is verifying the calibrated value. During this whole stage, do not unshort the test leads of the instrument.
EN - 18
4. Once calibration is comple-
ted, in case the detected value is lower than 5, the instrument gives a double acoustic signal which signals the positive result of the test and displays a screen similar to the one reported here to the side
R+ R-
---- ----
---mA ---mA
Func Lim CAL
Value of the calibrated resistance
5. In order to delete the compensation resistance value of the cables, it is necessary to
perform a cable calibration procedure with a resistance higher than 5 at test leads (e.g. with open test leads).
6.2.2. Description of anomalous results
1. By using the AUTO, R+ or R-
mode, in case the detected value is higher than the set limit, the instrument gives a long acoustic signal and displays a screen similar to
R+ R-
5.92 5.91 210mA 210mA
the one reported here to the side
2. By using the AUTO, R+ or R-
mode, in case the detected value is higher than the full scale, the instrument gives a long acoustic signal and displays a screen similar to
Func Lim CAL
R+ R­ >99.9 >99.9
---mA ---mA
the one reported here to the side
3. By using the AUTO, R+ or R-
mode, if the instrument detects a resistance which prevents a current of 200mA to circulate, it gives a long acoustic signal and displays
Func Lim CAL
R+ R-
20.0 20.0 157mA 157mA
a screen similar to the one reported here to the side
The results displayed can be saved by pressing the SAVE key twice or the SAVE key and, subsequently, the ENTER key (§ 9.1)
Func Lim CAL
I < 200mA
I < 200mA
EN - 19
5. If the instrument detects a
voltage value higher than 10V at the input leads, the screen reported here to the side is displayed
6. In case it was detected that
the calibrated resistance is higher than the measured resistance increased by
0.05 (R
the instrument gives a long
R+ R-
---- ----
---mA ---mA
Func Lim CAL
R+ R-
0.00 0.00 214mA 214mA
acoustic signal and displays a screen similar to the one reported here to the side
7. By using the CAL mode, if
the instrument detects a resistance higher than 5 at input leads, a screen similar to the one reported here to the side is displayed, and the
Func Lim CAL
R+ R-
---- ----
---mA ---mA
instrument remains in the condition of no resistance calibrated
8. By using the CAL mode,
verifying the calibrated value at the end of the CAL procedure, if the condition: R
+ 0.05
is not met, a screen similar
Func Lim CAL
R+ R-
1.98 1.98 210mA 210mA
to the one reported here to the side is displayed, and the instrument remains in the condition of no resistance calibrated
Func Lim CAL
Vin > Vlim
Reset value
Not correct
The previous anomalous results cannot be saved
EN - 20
This function is performed according to standard IEC/EN61557-2 and allows measuring the insulation resistance between the active conductors and between each active conductor and the earth. The following operating modes are available:
MAN in this mode, the test continues until the GO/STOP key on the instrument (or the
START key on the remote probe) is held. If the GO/STOP key (or the START
key of the remote probe) is pressed and immediately released, the test has a duration of 2 seconds. Recommended mode for insulation test
TMR in this mode, the operator may set a measuring time long enough to be able to
move the test lead onto the conductors being tested, while the instrument is performing the test. For the whole measurement duration, the instrument will give a short acoustic signal every 2 seconds (in order to have a stable reading of resistance, it is recommended to wait at least two acoustic signals before moving the test lead to another conductor). While measuring, if insulation resistance reaches a lower value than the set limit, the instrument will give a
continuous acoustic signal. To stop the test, press the GO/STOP key on the instrument or the START key on the remote probe again.
Fig. 8: Instrument connection by means of single cables and remote probe
Fig. 9: Instrument connection through shuko cable
Press the MENU key, move the cursor to M
in the main menu by means of the arrow keys
(,) and confirm with ENTER. Subsequently
the instrument displays a screen similar to the one reported here to the side.
----V ---s
MAN 500V 0.50M
Func VNom Lim
EN - 21
Use the , keys to select the parameter to be modified, and the , keys to modify the parameter value.
It is not necessary to confirm the selection with ENTER.
The virtual Func key allows setting the measuring mode of the
instrument, which may be: MAN, TMR
The virtual VNom key allows setting the test voltage, which may
have the following values: 50V, 100V, 250V, 500V, 1000V
The virtual Lim key allows setting the minimum insulation limit,
which may have the following values: 0.05M, 0.10M, 0.23M,
0.25M, 0.50M, 1.00M, 100M
Only in TMR measuring mode, the virtual Temp key allows setting
the test duration time that may range between 10 and 999 seconds
3. We suggest setting the value of the voltage supplied while measuring and the
minimum limit to consider the measure correct according to the prescriptions of the reference standard (§ 14.2).
4. Insert the green and black connectors of the single cables into the corresponding input
leads E and P of the instrument. Apply the relevant alligator clips to the free ends of the cables. It is also possible to use the remote probe by inserting its multipolar connector into the input lead P.
5. Should the length of the cables provided be insufficient for the measurement to be
performed, extend the green cable.
Before connecting the test leads, make sure that there is no voltage at the ends of the conductors to be tested. Disconnect any cable not strictly involved in measurement and moreover check that no cable is connected to In1 input.
6. Connect the test leads to the ends of the conductors to be tested as in Fig. 8 and Fig. 9.
Press the GO/STOP key on the instrument or the START key on remote
probe. The instrument will start the measurement.
If message “Measuring…” appears on the display, the instrument is
performing measurement. During this whole stage, do not disconnect the test leads of the instrument from the conductors under test, as the circuit being tested could remain charged with a dangerous voltage due to the stray capacitances of the system
8. Regardless of the operating mode selected, the instrument, at the end of each test,
applies a resistance to the output leads to discharge the stray capacitances in the circuit
EN - 22
In case the TMR mode has been selected, pressing the GO/STOP key on
10. Should the measured value
be higher than the set limit, the instrument gives a double acoustic signal and displays the message “OK” which signals the positive result of the test and a screen similar to the one reported here to the side
11. Should the measured value
be higher than the full scale (§ 12.1), the instrument gives a double acoustic signal and displays the message “OK” which signals the positive result of the test and a screen similar to the one reported here to the side
the instrument or the START key on remote probe stops the test before the
set time has elapsed.
526V 15s
MAN 500V 0.50M 15s
Func VNom Lim Temp
> 999M
526V 2s
MAN 500V 0.50M
Func VNom Lim
The results displayed can be saved by pressing the SAVE key twice or the
SAVE key and, subsequently, the ENTER key (§ 9.1)
6.3.1. Description of anomalous results
1. Should the instrument not be
able to generate the nominal voltage, at the end of the test, it gives a long acoustic signal and displays and a screen similar to the one
64V 6s
reported here to the side
MAN 500V 0.50M
2. If the measured insulation
value is lower than the set limit, the instrument displays a screen similar to the one reported here to the side and gives a long acoustic signal
Func VNom Lim
526V 2s
MAN 500V 0.50M
Func VNom Lim
Not correct
Not correct
Insulation resistance
Applied test voltage and test duration time
Insulation resistance
Applied test voltage and test duration time
EN - 23
4. If the instrument detects a
voltage of about 10V on the upper input leads, it displays the message reported here to the side and stops measurement
The results displayed can be saved by pressing the SAVE key twice or the SAVE key and, subsequently, the ENTER key (§ 9.1)
----V ---s
Vin > Vlim
MAN 500V 0.50M 15s
Func VNom Lim Temp
The previous anomalous result cannot be saved
EN - 24
This function is performed in compliance with standard IEC/EN61557-6 and allows measuring the tripping time and the current of the system’s RCDs. The following operating modes are available:
AUTO the instrument performs measurement automatically with a leakage current
equal to half, once or five times the set value of nominal current and with a leakage current in phase with the positive and negative half-wave of the mains voltage. Recommended mode for RDC test
the instrument performs measurement with a leakage current equal to half the
set value of nominal current
x1 the instrument performs measurement with a leakage current equal to once the
set value of nominal current
x2 the instrument performs measurement with a leakage current equal to twice the
set value of nominal current
x5 the instrument performs measurement with a leakage current equal to five times
the set value of nominal current
the instrument performs measurement with an increasing leakage current. This
test could be performed to determine the real tripping current of the RCD
RA the instrument performs measurement with a leakage current equal to half the
set value of nominal current in order not to trip the RCD and measuring the contact voltage and the total earth resistance.
Testing an RCD causes the RCD’s tripping. Therefore, check that there are NO users or loads connected downstream of the RCD being tested which could be damaged by a system downtime.
If possible, disconnect all loads connected downstream of the RCD as they could produce leakage currents further to those produced by the instrument, thus invalidating the results of the test.
Fig. 10: Instrument connection for 230V single-phase or double-phase RCD test through
shuko cable
Fig. 11: Instrument connection for 230V single-phase or double-phase RCD test by means
of single cables and remote probe
EN - 25
Fig. 12: Instrument connection for 400V + N + PE three-phase RCD test by means of
single cables and remote probe
Fig. 13: Instrument connection for 400V + N (no PE) three-phase RCD test by means of
single cables and remote probe
Fig. 14: Instrument connection for 400V + PE (no N) three-phase RCD test by means of
single cables and remote probe
Press the MENU key, move the cursor to RCD
in the main menu by means of the arrow keys
(,) and confirm with ENTER. Subsequently
the instrument displays a screen similar to the one reported here to the side.
FRQ=50.0Hz Ut=0.0V VP-N=230V VP-Pe=230V
x1 30mA 50V
Use the , keys to select the parameter to be modified, and the , keys
to modify the parameter value.
It is not necessary to confirm the selection with ENTER.
The virtual Func key allows setting the measuring mode of the
instrument, which may be: AUTO, x½, x1, x2, x5, , RA
The virtual IdN key allows setting the nominal value of the RCD’s
tripping current, which may be: 10mA, 30mA, 100mA, 300mA,
500mA, 650mA
EN - 26
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