HT instruments MPP300 User Manual [en, de, es, fr]

User manual
Copyright HT ITALIA 2012 Version EN 2.00 - xx/xx/2012
1.PRECAUTIONS AND SAFETY MEASURES ............................................................... 2
1.1. Preliminary instructions ..................................................................................................... 2
1.2. During use ......................................................................................................................... 3
1.3. After use ............................................................................................................................ 3
1.4. Definition of measurement (overvoltage) category ............................................................ 3
2.GENERAL DESCRIPTION ........................................................................................... 4
2.1. Introduction ........................................................................................................................ 4
2.2. Instrument functions .......................................................................................................... 4
3.PREPARATION FOR USE ........................................................................................... 5
3.1. Initial checks ...................................................................................................................... 5
3.2. Instrument power supply ................................................................................................... 5
3.3. Calibration ......................................................................................................................... 5
3.4. Storage .............................................................................................................................. 5
4.OVERVIEW .................................................................................................................. 6
4.1. Instrument description ....................................................................................................... 6
4.2. Description of the indication LEDs .................................................................................... 6
4.3. MASTER instrument .......................................................................................................... 6
4.3.1. Displaying the status of MPP300 by means of MASTER instruments of Type 1 .................... 7
4.3.2. Displaying the status of MPP300 by means of MASTER instruments of Type 2 .................... 7
5.SETTINGS ON MASTER INSTRUMENTS ................................................................... 8
5.1. MASTER instruments OF type 1 - Remote unit settings .................................................. 8
5.2. MASTER instruments OF type 2 – Remote unit settings .................................................. 8
6.OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS ..................................................................................... 9
6.1. PV system testing for instruments of Type 1 (SOLAR I-V) ................................................ 9
6.1.1. Te s t i n g o f P V s ys t e m s w i t h s i ng l e / m u l t i - M P P T in v e r t e r - s i ng l e / t h r e e - p ha s e A C o u t p u t .......................... 9
6.2. PV system testing for instruments of Type 1 (SOLAR 300N) .......................................... 15
6.2.1. Te s t i n g o f P V s y st e m s w i t h s i n gl e / m u l t i - M P P T i nv e r t e r - s i n g le / t h r e e - p h a se A C o u t p u t ........................ 15
7.MAINTENANCE .......................................................................................................... 21
7.1. General information ......................................................................................................... 21
7.2. Status of the internal rechargeable batteries ................................................................... 21
7.3. Cleaning the instrument .................................................................................................. 21
7.4. End of life ........................................................................................................................ 21
8.TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS ................................................................................. 22
8.1. Technical specifications for test on PV systems ............................................................. 22
8.2. Reference standards ....................................................................................................... 23
8.3. General characteristics .................................................................................................... 23
8.4. Environmental conditions for use .................................................................................... 23
8.5. Accessories ..................................................................................................................... 23
9.APPENDIX – THEORETICAL OUTLINE .................................................................... 24
9.1. Testing photovoltaic systems .......................................................................................... 24
9.2. NOTES on MPPT (Maximum Power Point Tracker) ........................................................ 25
10.SERVICE .................................................................................................................... 26
10.1.Warranty conditions ......................................................................................................... 26
10.2.Service ............................................................................................................................ 26
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The instrument has been designed in compliance with directive IEC/EN61010-1 relevant to electronic measuring instruments. Before and while carrying out measurements, observe
the following indications and read all notes preceded by the symbol with the utmost attention
In case the instrument is used in a way different from the one described in this user manual, this could result in a failure of the protections the instrument is provided with
Do not carry out any voltage or current measurement in humid environments Do not carry out any measurements in case gas, explosive materials or flammables are
present, or in dusty environments
Avoid contact with the circuit being measured if no measurements are being carried out Avoid contact with exposed metal parts, with unused measuring probes, circuit s, etc Do not carry out any measurement in case you find anomalies in the instrument such as
deformation, breaks, substance leaks, absence of display on the screen, etc
Pay special attention when measuring voltages higher than 20V, since a risk of
electrical shock exists
Only use original accessories In this manual, and on the instrument, the following symbols are used:
CAUTION: observe the instructions given in this manual; an improper use could damage the instrument or its components
High voltage danger: electrical shock hazard Double insulation DC voltage or current
AC voltage or current Connection to earth
This instrument has been designed for use in an environment with pollution level 2 and
in the environmental conditions specified in § 8.4. Do not use in different environmental conditions
We recommend following the normal safety rules devised to protect the user from
dangerous currents and the instrument from an incorrect use
The instrument may be used for measuring VOLTAGE in CAT III 1000V DC or CAT IV
300V AC to earth. Do not use on systems exceeding the limit values specified in § 8
The instrument may be used for measuring CURRENT by means of external clamp
Only original HT accessories guarantee safety standards. They must be in good
conditions and replaced with identical models, when necessary
Before connecting the measuring cables to the circuit being measured, check that the
instrument has been correctly set
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Please carefully read the following recommendations and instructions:
Failure to comply with the notes and/or instructions may damage the
instrument and/or its components or be a source of danger for the operator
The red flashing “POWER” LED indicates that the internal rechargeable
batteries are almost flat. In this case, connect the external power supply as described in § 7.2
The IDC1, IDC2, IDC3 input connectors are type 4-pole type. Use only
clamps with 4-pin output connector or interpose adapter ACON3F4M between the clamp output connector and the instrument input.
The instrument maintains the data stored also in case of flat battery The instrument is particularly sensitive to ESD nearby and on the USB
port while it is operating; we recommend connecting the cables to the USB port when the instrument is off
When measurements are completed, turn off the instrument by pressing and holding the ON/OFF key for some seconds. If the instrument is not to be used for a long time, please follow the instructions given in § 3.4
Standard “IEC/EN61010-1: Safety requirements for electrical equipment for measurement, control and laboratory use, Part 1: General requirements” defines what measurement category, commonly called overvoltage category, is. § 6.7.4: Measured circuits, reads:
Circuits are divided into the following measurement categories: Measurement category IV is for measurements performed at the source of the low-
voltage installation
Examples are electricity meters and measurements on primary overcurrent protection devices and ripple control units
Measurement category III is for measurements performed on installations inside
Examples are measurements on distribution boards, circuit breakers, wiring, including cables, bus-bars, junction boxes, switches, socket-outlets in the fixed installation, and equipment for industrial use and some other equipment, for example, stationary motors with permanent connection to fixed installation
Measurement category II is for measurements performed on circuits directly
connected to the low-voltage installation
Examples are measurements on household appliances, portable tools and similar equipment
Measurement category I is for measurements performed on circuits not directly
connected to MAINS
Examples are measurements on circuits not derived from MAINS, and specially protected (internal) MAINS-derived circuits. In the latter case, transient stresses are variable; for that reason, the standard requires that the transient withstand capability of the equipment is made known to the user
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Dear Customer, thank you for choosing one of the instruments in our range. If used according to the instructions given in this manual, the instrument you have just purchased will guarantee accurate and reliable measures. The instrument is designed to guarantee maximum safety, thanks to a newly conceived development, which ensures double insulation and enables the instrument to reach overvoltage category CAT III 1000V DC and CAT IV 300V AC (to earth)
The instrument has been designed as an accessory for an instrument, hereafter called the MASTER instrument (see par. 4.3), for the purpose of carrying out testing operations on single-phase and three-phase PV systems.
Together with a MASTER instrument, MPP300 is the ideal solution for testing and analyzing the possible problems linked to possible low efficiency values of photovoltaic systems
The instrument has the following features:
Measurement of 3 DC voltages and currents Measurement of DC string power and total DC power Measurement of 3 AC TRMS voltages and currents Measurement of total AC power Measurement of irradiation [W/m2] by means of a reference cell connected to unit
Measurement of panel and environmental temperature by means of probe PT300N
connected to SOLAR-02
Testing of PV systems with single/multi-MPPT inverter - single/three-phase AC output Parameter recording of a PV system with 5s to 60min programmable IP Internal memory for data saving RF/USB interface for transferring the data to the MASTER instrument
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Before shipping, the instrument has been checked from an electric as well as mechanical point of view. All possible precautions have been taken so that the instrument is delivered undamaged. However, we recommend checking it to detect any damage possibly suffered during transport. In case anomalies are found, immediately contact the dealer.
We also recommend checking that the packaging contains all components indicated in
§ 8.5. In case of discrepancy, please contact the Dealer. In case the instrument should be returned, please follow the instructions given in § 10.
The instrument only operates with a Li-ION rechargeable battery (3.7V, 1900mAh) housed inside the instrument itself. Use the external power supply A0055 provided to recharge the battery. For indications on the status of the battery, please refer to § 7.2
The instrument maintains the data stored also in case of completely flat battery.
The instrument has the technical specifications described in this manual. Its performance is guaranteed for 12 months from the date of purchase.
In order to guarantee precise measurement, after a long storage time under extreme environmental conditions, wait for the instrument to come back to normal condition (see the environmental specifications contained in § 8.4).
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1. DC voltage inputs
2. DC current inputs
3. AC voltage inputs
4. AC current inputs
5. Indication LEDs
6. USB connector (only for MASTER instruments of Type 2, see § 4.3)
7. ON/OFF key
8. Connector for external supply
Fig. 1: Description of the instrument’s front panel
LED name Status Description
GREEN steady GREEN flashing RED flashing
GREEN steady GREEN flashing RED flashing RED steady
GREEN flashing OFF
GREEN flashing OFF
MPP300 supplied by external power supply MPP330 supplied by internal batteries Batteries of MPP300 almost flat
MPP300 in synchronization phase before starting recording MPP300 in recording phase MPP300 memory full Internal error of MPP300 (see § 4.3.1 and Message table in the User Manual of the MASTER instrument)
MPP300 is connecting to the MASTER unit MPP300 is NOT connecting to the MASTER unit
MPP300 is connecting to unit SOLAR-02 MPP300 is NOT connecting to unit SOLAR-02
Table 1: Description of the indication LEDs on MPP300
4.3. MASTER INSTRUMENT MPP300 may be controlled only by the following MASTER instruments:
MASTER instrument Instrument type Firmware Fw update
SOLAR I-V 1 (RF connection) 5.02 or higher C a n b e c a r r i e d o u t b y t h e u se r SOLAR 300N 2 (USB connection) 1.27 or higher Ca n b e c a rr i e d o u t b y t h e u s e r
Table 2: Characteristics of the MASTER instruments
All controls are sent to the instrument via RF communication (MASTER
instrument of Type 1) or via USB port (MASTER instrument Type 2)
We recommend the user verifies that the software version (Firmware) in
the MASTER instrument to which MPP300 should be connected is consistent with the indications given in Table 2. This information is present in the initial screen shown when switching on the MASTER instrument. The results of the measurements carried out by MPP300 are sent to the MASTER instrument to which it is connected and shown on the master instrument’s display. All measures stored in the MASTER instrument’s memory can be subsequently displayed and can be transferred to a PC
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4.3.1. Displaying the status of MPP300 by means of MASTER instruments of Type 1
In case the MASTER instrument is near MPP300, it is possible to display the general parameters and obtain information about a possible error state of MPP300 (STATUS LED red steady). For a description of the error conditions, please refer to the Message table in the User Manual of the MASTER instrument
1. Position the cursor onto EFF by using the arrow keys (,) and confirm with ENTER. The display shows the screen here to the side, which contains the global parameters of the system
15/05/10 15:34:26
PRp - - - Irr - - - W/m2
Pnom 150.0 kW Tc - - - °C
Te - - - °C Pdc - - - kW Pac - - - kW ndc - - - nac - - -
GO – start rec
2. Press the ENTER key. The instrument shows the following options: MPP300 status, Set PV Plant and Set Instrument
3. Use the arrow keys (,) to select “MPP300 status” and confirm with ENTER. The instrument shows the screen here to the side, which indicates the main general parameters of the instrument
15/05/10 15:34:26
Power supply Batt Battery In use Charge 99%
SOLAR-02 detected SI Version 1.01 SN 11010030
MPP300 Status
Set .PV plant Set Instrument
4.3.2. Displaying the status of MPP300 by means of MASTER instruments of Type 2
In case the MASTER instrument is connected to MPP300 though USB cable, it is possible to display the general parameters and obtain information about a possible error state of MPP300 (STATUS LED red steady). For a description of the error conditions, please refer to the Message table in the User Manual of the MASTER instrument In GENERAL MENU select the “Instrument informations” icon and press ENTER key. The herewith screen is shown by the instrument:
12/09/2006 – 16:55:10
Model: MPP300 SN: xxxxxxxx Hw: xx Fw: 1.xx
Press ESC key (or smart icon ) to back to GENERAL MENU screen.
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Instructions are given according to the Type of instruments, classified according to Table 2. Further in this manual, a brief description is provided of the settings of the MASTER instrument for use together with MPP300. For an exhaustive description of the controls and functions of the MASTER instrument, please refer to the User Manual of the instrument itself.
Turn on the instrument, press the MENU key, position the cursor onto SET by using the arrow keys (,) and confirm with ENTER. The display shows the screen which lists the different settings of the instrument
1. Position the cursor onto Remote Unit by using the arrow keys (,) and confirm with ENTER
2. In parameter “Remote U EFF”, set MPP300
3. Press SAVE to confirm
15/05/10 15:34:26
Remote U EFF MPP300
Remote U I-V NO Sens. Alpha : 0.060 %/°C
SAVE to save
In the GENERAL MENU select ANALYZER SETTINGS, press the F2 key or touch the “ADVANCED” item on the display. The herewith screens are shown by the meter:
Selection of rem. U. SOLAR-01 Selection of rem. U. SOLAR-02 Selection of rem. U. MPP300
1. By means of the F3 or F4 key (or items MOD(+) or MOD(-) on the display), select the desired unit SOLAR01 or SOLAR02, MPP300
The selection of remote unit MPP300 automatically disables the “Pyranometer” field as the sensitivity of the used irradiance probe (pyranometer or reference cell) should be set inside the internal menu of SOLAR-02 (see user manual of SOLAR-02). The selection of the type of system MPP-1 or MPP-3 shall automatically force MPP300 as remote unit type.
2. Press the SAVE or ENTER key (or the smart icon ) to save the selected setting by confirming with “Ok”. In this way, the settings made will remain valid also after turning off the instrument.
3. To quit the settings made or to exit without saving, press the ESC key (or the smart icon ).
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Further in this manual, a brief description is provided of the use of MPP300 together with the MASTER instrument. For an exhaustive description of the controls and functions of the MASTER instrument, please refer to the User Manual of the instrument itself. For the sake of simplicity, further in this manual, the word “string” will be used, although often the term “photovoltaic field” would be more correct. From the point of view of the instrument, the management of a single string or of more parallel strings (photovoltaic field) is identical. Furthermore, the acronym MPPT (Multiple Power Point Tracker) shall indicate the characteristic of the DC/AC converter (inverter), capable of maximizing the DC power which can be taken from the photovoltaic field, the acronym PRp shall indicated the Performance ratio (evaluated on active powers). See § 9.1 for further details
For the evaluation of the PRP only, the measurement of the DC (voltage and current) is not strictly necessary. Conversely it is necessary if you want to evaluate the performance of the photovoltaic section (ndc) and DC / AC conversion (nac)
6.1.1. Testing of PV systems with single/multi-MPPT inverter - single/three-phase AC output
The instrument SOLAR I-V, used together with remote units SOLAR-02 and MPP300, allows testing PV systems characterized by 1 or more strings (with the same direction and inclination) and single-phase or three-phase output The remote unit MPP300 is capable of communicating with SOLAR I-V (to manage synchronization and data download) and with the remote unit SOLAR-02 (for recording irradiation and temperature values) via a wireless radiofrequency (RF) connection, which is active up to a maximum distance of 1m between the units
Fig. 2: Connection of MPP300 for testing a single-phase PV system
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Fig. 3: Connection of MPP300 for testing a three-phase PV system
When SOLAR I-V is set in order to use MPP300 as a remote unit, ALL
connections relevant to electrical quantities (voltages and currents) must be carried out on unit MPP300. SOLAR I-V must have no voltage nor current connected to its inputs
The maximum voltage for the inputs of MPP300 is 1000VDC between
inputs VDC1, VDC2, VDC3 and 600VAC between inputs VAC1, VAC2, VAC3. Do not measure voltages exceeding the limits given in this manual. Exceeding these limits could result in electrical shocks to the user and damage to the instrument
In order to guarantee the operator’s safety, while making the connections,
disable the system being measured by means of the switches/breakers upstream and downstream of the DC/AC converter (inverter)
1. Check and, if necessary, set the sensitivity of the reference cell on SOLAR-02 consistently
with the type of PV modules which will be measured (please refer to the user manual of SOLAR-02)
2. We recommend making a preliminary evaluation of the value of irradiation on the surface of
the PV modules being tested by means of unit SOLAR-02 (operating independently) and the reference cell
3. Switch on SOLAR I-V, check and, if necessary, change the settings relevant to the type of
remote unit, to the minimum irradiation threshold, to the full scale of the AC and DC clamps, to the integration period and to the parameters of the system being measured (see the User Manual of SOLAR I-V)
4. In order to guarantee the operator’s safety, disable the system being measured by means of
the switches/breakers upstream and downstream of the DC/AC converter (inverter)
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5. Bring SOLAR I-V, SOLAR-02 and unit MPP300 nearer (maximum distance of 1m between
them). All instruments must be switched on (see the User Manuals of SOLAR-2 and MPP300 for further details)
6. On SOLAR I-V, press the MENU key, select the function EFF and press ENTER; wait for
the three units to start communicating with each other. This condition is highlighted by the contemporary presence of the following indicators:
Symbol steady (not flashing) on the display of SOLAR I-V Symbol steady (not flashing) on the display of SOLAR-02 MASTER and REMOTE LEDs flashing green on unit MPP300
7. Connect the VDC1(+) and VDC1(-) inputs of unit MPP300 to the output terminals of the
string, respecting the polarities and the colors indicated in Fig. 2 or Fig. 3.
8. Repeat the operation described in the step above for other possible DC power trackers to be
monitored by using the VDC2 and VDC3 inputs according to the number of DC inputs set (see the user manual of SOLAR I-V)
9. Connect the output connector of the DC clamp to the IDC1 input of unit MPP300
BEFORE CONNECTING THE DC CLAMPS TO THE CONDUCTORS Switch on the clamp, check the LED indicating the status of the clamp’s internal batteries (if present), select the correct range, press the ZERO key on the DC clamp and check on the display of SOLAR I-V the actual zeroing of the corresponding Idc value (values up to 0.02A are acceptable)
10. Insert the DC current clamp onto the positive output conductor of the string, respecting the direction of the arrow found on the clamp itself as indicated in in Fig. 2 or Fig. 3. Position the clamp toroid as far as possible from the inverter and from the negative output conductor of the string itself
11. Repeat the operations described in the two steps above for other possible DC power trackers to be monitored by using the IDC2 and IDC3 inputs according to the number of DC inputs set (see the User Manual of SOLAR I-V)
12. Connect the VAC1 and N inputs of unit MPP300 to the Phase and Neutral conductors respectively, respecting the polarities and the colours indicated in Fig. 2 or Fig. 3. In case of three-phase systems in which no Neutral conductor is available, connect input N to earth
13. In case of inverter with three-phase output (see the User Manual of SOLAR I-V), repeat the operation described in the step above for the remaining phases by using the VAC2 and VAC3 inputs of MPP300
14. Connect the AC clamp to the Phase L1 conductor, respecting the direction of the arrow found on the clamp itself as indicated in Fig. 2 or Fig. 3. Position the clamp toroid as far as possible from the inverter and from the Neutral conductor. Connect the clamp output to the IAC1 input of MPP300
15. In case of inverter with three-phase output (see the User Manual of SOLAR I-V), repeat the operation described in the step above for the remaining phases by using the IAC2 and IAC3 inputs of MPP300
16. Restore the operation of the electrical system being measured
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17. The display of SOLAR I-V will show the values of the general electrical parameters of the system being measured
In particular, in this screen: Pdc = General dc power (sum of the string powers) Pac = ac power (if single-phase) or sum of the ac powers (if three-phase)
We recommend checking that the values of the electrical parameters (Pnom, Pdc, Pac) and of the ac performance (ac) are consistent with the system being measured (e.g.: ac > 1 is not physically acceptable)
18. On SOLAR I-V, press key () to access the second screen which contains the values of the output DC parameters of the strings according to the number of DC inputs set (see the User Manual of SOLAR I-V)
In particular, in this screen: Vdcx = dc voltage of string x. Idcx = dc current of string x. Pdx = dc power of string x.
We recommend checking that the values of the electrical parameters (Vdc, Idc, Pdc) are consistent with the system being measured
19. On SOLAR I-V, press key () to access the third screen which contains the values of the electrical parameters on the AC side of the inverter, consistently with the settings made (see – SOLAR I-V user’s manual, single-phase, three-phase 4 wires).
In particular, in this screen: Vacxy = ac voltage between Phase and Neutral (if single­phase) or between Phases x and y (if three-phase) Iacx = ac current of phase x Pacx = ac power of phase x
We recommend checking that the values of the electrical parameters (Vac, Iac, Pac) are consistent with the system being measured
20. Keeping the three instruments near each other (max distance approx. 1m), press the GO/STOP key on SOLAR I-V to start testing. Consequently:
The display of SOLAR I-V shows the message “Rec. start
The display of SOLAR-02 shows the message “HOLD” and
the time, expressed in seconds, remaining before the recording is started
On MPP300, the STATUS LED turns on green (not flashing)
15/05/10 15:34:26
PRp - - - Irr - - - W/m2
Pnom 3.500 kW Tc - - - °C
Te - - - °C Pdc 3.125 kW Pac 2.960 kW ndc - - - nac
GO – start rec
15/05/10 15:34:26
Vdc1 460.1 kW Vdc2 461.4 V Vdc3 462.5 A
Idc1 2.25 A Idc2 2.31 A Idc3 2.21 A Pdc1 1.035 kW Pdc2 1.066 kW Pdc3 1.024 kW
GO – start rec
15/05/10 15:34:26
Vac12 401.4 V Vac23 401.1 V Vac31 400.1 V
Iac1 4.26 A Iac2 4.26 A Iac3 4.27 A Pac1 987 W Pac2 986 W Pac3 985 W
GO – start rec
Example of a screen for PV systems with three­phase output
15/05/10 15:34:26
PRp - - - Irr - - - W/m2
Pnom 3.500 kW Tc - - - °C
Te - - - °C Pdc 3.125 kW Pac 2.960 kW ndc - - - nac
Rec.Start Waiting
EN - 12
21. Upon reaching the instant “00” after pressing the GO/STOP key, the test is started and the three units are synchronized with each other. In these conditions:
The display of SOLAR I-V shows the message “rec.
The display of SOLAR-02 shows the message
On MPP300, the STATUS LED flashes green
22. At any time it will be possible to analyze the current recording status by pressing the MENU key. The following information will be shown:
starting date and time of recording  the value set for the integration period  the number of periods elapsed from the beginning of the
recording the remaining memory capacity for recording Press the ESC key to exit the screen
15/05/10 15:35:00
PRp - - - Irr - - - W/m2
Pnom 3.500 kW Tc - - - °C
Te - - - °C Pdc 3.125 kW Pac 2.960 kW ndc - - - nac
Rec. running
15/05/10 15:35:00
Start 14/02/00 17:18:00 Period: 5s
IP Number 61 Rec. time 0d 1h
Reg. in corso
Rec running
23. Now it is possible to bring the unit SOLAR-02 near the PV strings to measure irradiation and
temperature by means of the relevant probes. When the distance between unit SOLAR-02 and MPP300 does not allow the RF connection, on the display of SOLAR-02 the symbol
” flashes for approx 30s and then disappears. Unit MPP300 steadily searches for the RF connection with unit SOLAR-02
24. Position the reference cell onto the surface of the PV modules. Please refer to the relevant
User Manual for a correct assembly
25. Put the temperature sensor in contact with the rear side of the panel and fasten it with some
tape; prevent touching it with your fingers (as this could alter the measure)
26. Wait for a few seconds to allow the probes to reach a steady measure and then connect the
irradiation probe to input PYRA/CELL and the temperature probe to input TEMP of unit SOLAR-02
27. Wait for the message “READY” to appear on the display of SOLAR-02 to indicate that the
unit has detected the data with solar irradiation > minimum threshold set (see the User Manual of SOLAR I-V)
28. With the message “READY” shown on the display, wait for approximately 1 minute in
order to take a certain number of samples
29. Disconnect the irradiation and temperature probes from unit SOLAR-02 and bring the unit
near unit MPP300. Bring the main unit SOLAR I-V near MPP300 too. The three units must be near each other (max distance 1m)
30. The main unit SOLAR I-V must be in EFF mode; if no flashing symbol “ ” appears,
press key to activate the RF connection search again
31. Press key on SOLAR-02 to activate the RF connection again. Consequently, the main
unit will show the message “radio connection activated”
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32. To stop testing, press the GO/STOP key on instrument
SOLAR I-V and confirm with ENTER that you want to stop recording
33. The display of SOLAR I-V will show the message “DATA
DOWNLOAD” to indicate that the data will be transferred to the main unit during its various phases
34. After the automatic data transfer phase, the instrument: Do not show any results if do not exist on the PV
installation a “stable irradiance” condition more than the minimum irradiance threshold (see see user’s manual of MASTER instrument) or all PRp values are not valid (PRp > 1.15).
Display the best performance values if during the
recording, the Irradiance values reached the “stable” condition and its values were higher than the minimum irradiance threshold (see user’s manual of MASTER instrument).
35. Press SAVE to save the results or ESC to exit the screen of
the results and go back to the initial screen
15/05/10 15:35:00
PRp Irr
Pnom 3.500 kW Tc 45.1 °C
Te Pdc 3.125 kW Pac 2.960 kW ndc 0.86 nac
Analysis Result
.5 °C
EN - 14
6.2.1. Testing of PV systems with single/multi-MPPT inverter - single/three-phase AC output
The instrument SOLAR300N, used together with remote units SOLAR-02 and MPP300 (optional), allows carrying out long recordings on PV systems characterized by 1 or more PV fields (with the same direction and inclination), each connected to an MPPT of the inverter (see § 9.1) and single-phase or three-phase output. The remote unit MPP300 is capable of communicating with SOLAR300N via USB cable (to manage data synchronization and download) and with the remote unit SOLAR-02 (for recording irradiation and temperature values) via a wireless radiofrequency (RF) connection, which is active up to a maximum distance of 1m between the units.
Fig. 4: Connection of MPP300 for testing a single-phase PV system
Fig. 5: Connection of MPP300 for testing a three-phase PV system
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When SOLAR300N is set in order to use MPP300 as a remote unit, ALL
connections relevant to electrical quantities (voltages and currents) must be carried out on unit MPP300. SOLAR300N must have no voltage nor current connected to its inputs.
The maximum voltage for the inputs of MPP300 is 1000VDC between
inputs VDC1, VDC2, VDC3 and 600VAC between inputs VAC1, VAC2, VAC3. Do not measure voltages exceeding the limits given in this manual. Exceeding these limits could result in electrical shocks to the user and damage to the instrument.
In order to guarantee the operator’s safety, while making the connections,
disable the system being measured by means of the switches/breakers upstream and downstream of the DC/AC converter (inverter).
1. Check and, if necessary, set the sensitivity of the reference cell on SOLAR-02
consistently with the type of PV modules which will be measured (please refer to the User Manual of SOLAR-02).
2. We recommend making a preliminary evaluation of the value of irradiation on the
surface of the PV modules being tested by means of unit SOLAR-02 (operating independently) and the reference cell
3. Switch on SOLAR300N, check and, if necessary, change the settings relevant to the
type of remote unit, to the minimum irradiation threshold, to the full scale of the AC and DC clamps, to the parameters of the system being measured and to the value of the integration period (see SOLAR300N user’s manual).
4. In order to guarantee the operator’s safety, disable the system being measured by
means of the switches/breakers upstream and downstream of the DC/AC converter (inverter).
5. Connect SOLAR300N to the MPP300 unit via the USB cable and bring SOLAR-02 and
MPP300 nearer (max distance approx. 1 m). All instruments must be switched on (see the User Manuals of SOLAR-2 and MPP300 for further details). The display of SOLAR300N must show (for 5 seconds) the message “MPP300 connected”.
6. On SOLAR300N, access the GENERAL MENU, select the function View Measures
and press ENTER; wait for the three units to start communicating with each other. This condition is highlighted by the contemporary presence of the following indicators:
a. Symbol steady (not flashing) on the display of SOLAR-02 b. MASTER and REMOTE LEDs flashing green on unit MPP300
7. Connect the VDC1(+) and VDC1(-) inputs of the MPP300 unit to the output terminals of
the string, paying attention to the polarity and the colours indicated in Fig. 4 or Fig. 5.
8. Repeat the operation described in the step above for other possible DC power trackers
to be monitored by using the VDC2 and VDC3 inputs according to the number of DC inputs set (see SOLAR300N user’s manual).
EN - 16
9. Connect the output connector of the DC clamp to the IDC1 input of unit MPP300.
BEFORE CONNECTING THE DC CLAMPS TO THE CONDUCTORS Switch on the clamp, check the LED indicating the status of the clamp’s internal batteries (if present), select the correct range, press the ZERO key on the DC clamp and check on the display of SOLAR300N the actual zeroing of the corresponding Idc value (values up to 0.02A are acceptable).
10. Insert the DC current clamp onto the positive output conductor of the string, respecting the direction of the arrow found on the clamp itself as indicated in Fig. 4 or Fig. 5.
Position the clamp toroid as far as possible from the inverter and from the negative output conductor of the string itself.
11. Repeat the operations described in the two steps above for other possible DC power trackers to be monitored by using the IDC2 and IDC3 inputs according to the number of DC inputs set(see SOLAR300N user’s manual).
12. Connect the VAC1 and N inputs of unit MPP300 to the Phase and Neutral conductors respectively, respecting the polarities and the colours indicated in in Fig. 4 or Fig. 5. In case of three-phase systems in which no Neutral conductor is available, connect input N to earth.
13. In case of inverter with three-phase output (see SOLAR300N user’s manual), repeat the operation described in the step above for the remaining phases by using the VAC2 and VAC3 inputs of MPP300.
14. Connect the AC clamp to the Phase L1 conductor, respecting the direction of the arrow found on the clamp itself as indicated in Fig. 4 or Fig. 5. Position the clamp toroid as far as possible from the inverter and from the Neutral conductor. Connect the clamp output to the IAC1 input of MPP300.
15. In case of inverter with three-phase output (see SOLAR300N user’s manual), repeat the operation described in the step above for the remaining phases by using the IAC2 and IAC3 inputs of MPP300.
16. Restore the operation of the electrical system being measured.
17. The display of SOLAR300N will show the values of the general electrical parameters of the system being measured.
In particular, in this screen: Pdc = General dc power (sum of the string powers) Pac = ac power (if single-phase) or sum of the ac powers (if three-phase)
We recommend checking that the values of the electrical parameters (Pnom, Pdc, Pac) and of the ac performance (ac) are consistent with the system being measured (e.g.: ac > 1 is not physically acceptable).
EN - 17
18. On SOLAR300N, press key F3 to access the second screen which contains the values of the output DC parameters of the strings according to the number of DC inputs set (see SOLAR300N user’s manual).
In particular, in this screen: Vdcx = dc voltage of string x. Idcx = dc current of string x. Pdx = dc power of string x. We recommend checking that the values of the electrical parameters (Vdc, Idc, Pdc) are consistent with the system being measured.
19. On SOLAR300N, press key F4 to access the third screen which contains the values of the electrical parameters on the AC side of the inverter, consistently with the settings made (see SOLAR300N user’s manual - single-phase, three­phase 4 wires).
In particular, in this screen: Vacxy = ac voltage between Phase and Neutral (if single-phase) or between Phases x and y (if three­phase) Iacx = ac current of phase x Pacx = ac power of phase x We recommend checking that the values of the electrical parameters (Vac, Iac, Pac) are consistent with the system being measured.
20. Keeping the three instruments connected, press the F1 key on SOLAR300N to start recording. Consequently:
a. The display of SOLAR300N shows the icon .
The display of SOLAR-02 shows the message “HOLD” and the time, expressed in seconds, remaining before the recording is started
b. On MPP300, the STATUS LED turns on green (not
Example of a DC screen for PV
systems with 3 MPPTs
Example of an AC screen for PV
systems with three-phase
21. Upon reaching the instant “00” afte r pres sin g the F1 key, the test is started and the three units are synchronized with each other. In these conditions:
a. The display of SOLAR300N shows the icon . b. The display of SOLAR-02 shows the message
c. On MPP300, the STATUS LED flashes green
EN - 18
22. At any time while recording it will be possible to analyze its current status by selecting the button
Saved data management in the GENERAL MENU. The following information will be shown:
a. starting date and time of recording b. the value set for the integration period c. the number of periods elapsed from the
beginning of the recording
d. the remaining memory capacity for
Press the ESC key to exit the screen
23. Now it is possible to bring the unit SOLAR-02 near the PV strings to measure irradiation and temperature by means of the relevant probes. When the distance between unit SOLAR­02 and MPP300 does not allow the RF connection, on the display of SOLAR-02 the
symbol “
” flashes for approx 30s and then disappears. Unit MPP300 steadily
searches for the RF connection with unit SOLAR-02.
24. Position the reference cell onto the surface of the PV modules. Please refer to the relevant User Manual for a correct assembly.
25. Put the temperature sensor in contact with the rear side of the module and fasten it with some tape; prevent touching it with your fingers (as this could alter the measure).
26. Wait for a few seconds to allow the probes to reach a steady measure and then connect the irradiation probe to input PYRA/CELL and the temperature probe to input TEMP of unit SOLAR-02.
27. Wait for the message “READY” to appear on the display of SOLAR-02 to indicate that the unit has detected the data with solar irradiation > minimum threshold set (see SOLAR300N user’s manual).
28. With the message “READY” shown on the display, wait for a time period at least equal to the set integration period (see SOLAR300N user’s manual) in order to take a significant number of samples (>=2).
29. Disconnect the irradiation and temperature probes from unit SOLAR-02 and bring the unit near unit MPP300. The two units must be near each other (max distance 1m).
30. Connect (if disconnected) the SOLAR300N unit to the MPP300 unit. The MASTER LED must always be flashing to indicate the connection between SOLAR300N and MPP300.
31. Press key  on SOLAR-02 to activate the RF connection again. Consequently, the REMOTE LED on unit MPP300 will start flashing.
EN - 19
32. To stop recording, press the GO/STOP key on the instrument SOLAR300N and confirm with ENTER that you want to stop recording.
33. The display of SOLAR300N will show various messages indicating the different phases of data transfer to the main unit. The transferred data will be saved automatically.
34. After the automatic data transfer phase, the instrument:
Do not show any results if do not exist on the PV
installation a “stable irradiance” condition more than the minimum irradiance threshold (see see user’s manual of MASTER instrument) or all PRp values are not valid (PRp > 1.15).
Display the best performance values if during the
recording, the Irradiance values reached the “stable” condition and its values were higher than the minimum irradiance threshold (see user’s manual of MASTER instrument).
35. Press SAVE to save the obtained results. Pressing the key will display the virtual keyboard for adding possible comments. Further pressing the SAVE key will archive the measure and the added comments and will go back to the initial screen for a new measurement.
Example of a result combined
with MPP300
EN - 20
The instrument you purchased is a precision instrument. While using and storing the instrument, carefully observe the recommendations listed in this manual in order to prevent possible damage or danger during use. Do not use the instrument in environments with high humidity levels or high temperatures. Do not expose to direct sunlight. Always switch off the instrument after use.
The status of the POWER LED provides indications about the operating/charge status of the instrument’s internal rechargeable batteries
POWER: GREEN steady: MPP300 supplied by external power supply GREEN flashing: MPP330 supplied by internal batteries RED flashing: Batteries of MPP300 almost flat
In case the LED indicates the condition of almost flat batteries, we
recommend connecting the instrument to power supply. It is not necessary to stop possible measurements in progress to connect the power supply
If the instrument detects a too low battery voltage, it stops possible
recordings in progress and switches off
The instrument maintains the data stored also in case of flat battery
Use a soft and dry cloth to clean the instrument. Never use wet cloths, solvents, water, etc
CAUTION: this symbol indicates that the appliance, its accessories and the
internal batteries must be collected separately and correctly disposed of
EN - 21
Uncertainty is indicated as [%reading + (no. of digits) * resolution] at 23°C ± 5°C, <80%HR
DC voltage
Range [V] Resolution [V] Uncertainty
10.0 999.9
Phase-Neutral AC TRMS voltage
Range [V] Frequency Resolution [V] Uncertainty
10.0 300.0 42.5 69.0Hz
Max peak factor: 1,5
Phase-Phase AC TRMS voltage
Range [V] Frequency Resolution [V] Uncertainty
50.0 594.0 42.5 69.0Hz
Max peak factor: 1,5
DC current (by means of external clamp transducer)
Range Resolution Uncertainty
5.0mV 319.9mV
320.0mV 999.9mV (0.5rdg)
Current values corresponding to a voltage < 5mV are zeroed
AC TRMS current (by means of external clamp transducer STD type)
Range Frequency Resolution Uncertainty
5.0mV 219.9mV
220.0mV 999.9mV (0.5rdg)
Peak factor <= 1.5 – Current values corresponding to a voltage < 5mV are zeroed.
42.5 69.0Hz
AC TRMS current (by means of external clamp transducer of FLEX 8.5uV/A – FS 100A type)
Range Frequency Resolution Uncertainty
0.008 8.50mV 42.5 69.0Hz
Peak factor <= 1.5 – Current values < 1A are zeroed.
AC TRMS current (by means of external clamp transducer of FLEX 8.5uV/A – FS 1000A type)
Range Frequency Resolution Uncertainty
0.085 85.0mV 42.5 69.0Hz
Peak factor <= 1.5 – Current values < 5A are zeroed.
DC power (Vmeas > 150V) ; AC power (Vmeas > 200V, PF=1)
Clamp FS [A] Range [W] Resolution [W] Uncertainty
1< FS 10
10< FS 100
100< FS 1000
Vmeas = voltage at which power is measured; Imeas = measured current
0.000k 9.999k
10.00k 99.99k
0.00k 99.99k
100.0k 999.9k
0.0k 999.9k
1000k 9999k
(0.5rdg + 0.06%FS)
(0.5rdg + 0.06%FS)
(0.5%rdg + 7dgt)
(0.5%rdg + 15dgt)
0.1k 1k
(0.5rdg + 2dgt)
(0.5rdg + 2ddgt)
(0.7rdg + 2dgt)
Protection against
Protection against
Protection against
Protection against
(0.7rdg + 3dgt)
(Imeas < 10%FS)
(Imeas 10%FS)
EN - 22
Instrument safety: IEC/EN61010-1 Safety of measuring accessories: IEC/EN61010-031 Technical documentation: IEC/EN61187 Insulation: double insulation Mechanical protection: IP 40 Pollution level: 2 Measurement category: CAT III 1000V DC, Max 1000V between DC inputs CAT IV 300V AC to earth, max 600V between AC inputs
Memory capacity: 2 MBytes
Integration Period: 5,10,30,60,120,300,600,900,1800,3600s Battery duration (with SOLAR-02): approx. 1.5 hours (@ PI = 5s) approx. 8 days (@ PI = 600s)
Characteristics of radio module
Frequency range: 2.400 2.4835GHz R&TTE category: Class 1 Max transmission power: 30W Max RF connection distance: 1m (39in)
Power supply
Internal power supply: Internal rechargeable Li-ION battery (3.7V, 1900mAh) Battery duration >3 hours External power supply: AC/DC power supply 100240VAC/50-60Hz – 5VDC
Mechanical characteristics Dimensions (L x W x H): 300 x 265 x 140mm ; (12 x 10 x 6in) Weight (batteries included): 1.2kg (2lv)
Reference temperature: 23° ± 5°C (73° ± 41°F) Operating temperature: 0 ÷ 40°C (32 ÷ 104°F) Allowable relative humidity: <80%HR Storage temperature: -10 ÷ 60°C (14 ÷ 140°F) Storage humidity: <80%HR Max operating altitude: 2000m (*) (6562ft)
(*) Prescriptions for the use of the instrument at altitudes between 2000 and 5000m
As regards inputs, the instrument must be considered as downgraded to overvoltage category CAT II 1000V DC and CAT III 300V to earth max 1000V between inputs. The marks and symbols found on the instrument are valid only when the instrument is used at altitudes <2000m
This instrument satisfies the requirements of Low Voltage Directive 2006/95/EC
(LVD) and of EMC Directive 2004/108/EC
See the attached packing list
EN - 23
According to the requirements of the laws in force, the result of the test depends on settings about Temperature effects compensation and PRp calculations (see MASTER instrument settings):
Tmod Tamb
Tcel value PRp calculation
Tcel = PV Module Temp. measured Tcel = PV module Temp. calculated
 
Tcel = PV Module Temp. measured
- - -
Symbol Description Meas. unit
 
 
NOCT Normal Operating Cell Temperature (@ 800W/m2, 20°C,
40)-(Tcel- 1 100
C)40Tcel (if 1
C)40Tcel (if
Irradiance on PV module surface
Standard Irradiance = 1000 Nominal Power = sum of all power module (Pmax )
included in the part of PV plant under test AC Active Power measured
Thermal Corrective factor
Absolute value of Pmax thermal coefficient
AM=1.5, vel. Aria =1m/s).
 
Previous relationship are valid if Irradiance > Min Irraddiance value (see user manual
of the MASTER instrument) and the Irradiance values are “steady”: if IP 1min (Irr
max – Irr min) < 20W/m
The final OUTCOME can be: Non-displayable: if the obtained values are inconsistent (e.g. PRp >1.15) or if
irradiation has never reached a steady value > minimum threshold set (see user’s manual of MASTER instrument).
The maximum performance point (PRp) of the system The highest performance (maximum value of PRp) is detected according with previous
EN - 24
Solar irradiation on a surface such as the surface of a photovoltaic system has extremely variable characteristics, since it depends on the position of the sun with respect to the surface and on atmospheric conditions (typically, on the presence of clouds). A photovoltaic module presents, for different solar irradiation values, and for different temperature values, a range of characteristic curves of the type shown in the following figure. In particular, the figure shows three I-V curves (in bold) which correspond to three values (1000, 800, 600W/m2) of solar irradiation
On each characteristic curve there is one single point in which the power transfer towards a hypothetical charge supplied by the photovoltaic module is maximized. The maximum power point corresponds to the voltage-current pair for which the product V*I is maximum, where V is the value of voltage at the module’s terminals and I is the current which runs in the circuit obtained by closing the module on a hypothetical charge
With reference to the figure above, the product V*I is represented, for the three solar irradiation values mentioned above, through the three curves in thinner lines The figure shows that, as stated above, these curves only have one single maximum point. For example, for 1000W/m2, the maximum power point corresponds to a voltage value of approx. 36V and to a current value of approx. 5.5A. Obviously, if the power provided by the system is maximized, it is possible to make the most of the system, both in case the system is connected to mains, and in case it is stand-alone
MPPT is an inbuilt device in the inverters. It typically reads the voltage and current values at any instant, calculates their product (i.e. the power in Watts) and, by causing small variations in the conversion parameters (duty cycle), it is capable of determining, by comparison, if the photovoltaic module is working in maximum power conditions or not. According to the result, it operates again on the circuit in order to bring the system to an optimal condition The reason why MPPTs are used is simple: a photovoltaic system without MPPTs may operate anyway; however, with the same solar irradiation, it provides less energy.
EN - 25
This instrument is warranted against any material or manufacturing defect, in compliance with the general sales conditions. During the warranty period, defective parts may be replaced. However, the manufacturer reserves the right to repair or replace the product
Should the instrument be returned to the After-sales Service or to a Dealer, transport will be at the Customer’s charge. However, shipment will be agreed in advance. A report will always be enclosed to a shipment, stating the reasons for the product’s return. Only use original packaging for shipment; any damage due to the use of non-original packaging material will be charged to the Customer. The manufacturer declines any responsibility for injury to people or damage to property
The warranty shall not apply in the following cases:
Repair and/or replacement of accessories (not covered by warranty) Repairs that may become necessary as a consequence of an incorrect use of the
instrument or due to its use together with non-compatible appliances
Repairs that may become necessary as a consequence of improper packaging Repairs which may become necessary as a consequence of interventions performed
by unauthorized personnel
Modifications to the instrument performed without the manufacturer’s explicit
Use not provided for in the instrument’s specifications or in the instruction manual The content of this manual cannot be reproduced in any form without the manufacturer’s
Our products are patented and our trademarks are registered. The manufacturer reserves the right to make changes in the specifications and prices if this is due to improvements in technology
If the instrument does not operate properly, before contacting the After-sales Service, please check the conditions of the battery and of the cables. Should the instrument still operate improperly, check that the product is operated according to the instructions given in this manual
Should the instrument be returned to the After-sales Service or to a Dealer, transport will be at the Customer’s charge. However, shipment will be agreed in advance. A report will always be enclosed to a shipment, stating the reasons for the product’s return. Only use original packaging for shipment; any damage due to the use of non-original packaging material will be charged to the Customer
EN - 26
Manual de Instrucciones
Copyright HT ITALIA 2012 Versión ES 2.00 - 12/10/2012
+ 84 hidden pages