HT instruments M70 User Manual

User manual
Copyright HT ITALIA 2014 Release EN 2.01 - 13/01/2014
1.SAFETY PRECAUTIONS AND PROCEDURES .......................................................... 2
1.1. Preliminary instructions ..................................................................................................... 2
1.2. During use ......................................................................................................................... 3
1.3. After use ............................................................................................................................ 3
1.4. Overvoltage categories - definitions .................................................................................. 3
2.GENERAL DESCRIPTION ........................................................................................... 4
2.1. Features ............................................................................................................................ 4
3.PREPARATION FOR USE ........................................................................................... 4
3.1. Preliminary checks ............................................................................................................ 4
3.2. Power supply ..................................................................................................................... 4
3.3. Calibration ......................................................................................................................... 4
3.4. Storage .............................................................................................................................. 4
4.OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS ..................................................................................... 5
4.1. Instrument - Description .................................................................................................... 5
4.1.1. Switch on of meter ...................................................................................................................... 5
4.1.2. Auto Power OFF ......................................................................................................................... 5
4.1.3. Backlight ..................................................................................................................................... 5
4.2.1. Anomalous cases which may occur during measurements ..................................................... 6
: DC voltage measurement ............................................................................................ 6
4.3. : AC voltage measurement ............................................................................................. 7
4.3.1. Anomalous cases which may occur during measurements ..................................................... 7
4.4.1. "ZERO" mode ............................................................................................................................. 8
4.4.2. Anomalous cases which may occur during measurement ................................................. 9
: Resistance measurement and continuity test ........................................................... 8
4.5. Lo: Continuity test on earth, protective and equalizing potential conductors ................ 10
4.5.1. "ZERO" mode ........................................................................................................................... 11
4.5.2. Anomalous cases which may occur during Lo measurement ............................................... 11
4.6. M: Insulation resistance measurement test voltage 250V, 500V, 1000V DC ............... 12
4.6.1. Measurement time setting mode .............................................................................................. 13
4.6.2. Anomalous cases which may occur during M tests ............................................................... 13
5.MAINTENANCE ......................................................................................................... 14
5.1. General............................................................................................................................ 14
5.2. Battery replacement ........................................................................................................ 14
5.3. Cleaning .......................................................................................................................... 14
5.4. End of life ........................................................................................................................ 14
6.TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS ................................................................................ 15
6.1. Characteristics ................................................................................................................. 15
6.1.1. Electrical ................................................................................................................................... 16
6.1.2. Safety standards ....................................................................................................................... 16
6.1.3. General specifications .............................................................................................................. 16
6.2. ENVIRONMENT .............................................................................................................. 16
6.2.1. Environmental conditions ......................................................................................................... 16
6.3. ACCESSORIES .............................................................................................................. 16
6.3.1. Standard accessories ............................................................................................................... 16
7.SERVICE .................................................................................................................... 17
7.1. Warranty conditions ......................................................................................................... 17
7.2. After-sale service ............................................................................................................. 17
EN - 1
This instrument complies with safety IEC/EN61557-1 and IEC/EN61010-1 guidelines related to electronic measuring instruments.
For your own safety and to avoid damaging the instrument follow the procedures described in this instruction manual and read carefully all notes
preceded by this symbol .
When taking measurements:
Avoid doing that in humid or wet places - make sure that humidity is within the limits
indicated in section “environmental conditions”. Avoid doing that in rooms where explosive gas, combustible gas, steam or excessive dust is present
Keep you insulated from the object under test Do not touch exposed metal parts such as test lead ends, sockets, fixing objects,
circuits etc
Avoid doing that if you notice anomalous conditions such as breakages, deformations,
fractures, leakages of battery liquid, blind display etc.
Be particularly careful when measuring voltages exceeding 25V in particular places
(building yards, swimming pools, etc.) and 50V in ordinary places to avoid risks of electrical shocks.
The following symbols are used:
CAUTION - refer to the instruction manual - an improper use may damage the instrument or its components
DC voltage
AC voltage
Danger high voltage: risk of electric shocks.
Double insulated meter.
This instrument has been designed for use in environments of pollution degree 2 It can be used for tests on electrical installations of overvoltage category III 265V and
550V maximum rated interlinked voltage (and to earth)
You are recommended to respect the usual safety regulations aimed at protecting you
against dangerous currents and protecting the instrument against improper use
Only the original test leads supplied along with the instrument guarantee compliance
with the safety Standards in force. They must be in a good conditions and, if necessary, replaced with identical ones
Do not test nor connect to any circuit exceeding the specified overload protection Do not take measurements under environmental conditions exceeding the limits
indicated in this manual
Make sure that batteries are correctly installed Before connecting the test probes to the installation make sure that the right function is
EN - 2
Read the recommendations which follow and the instructions in this manual:
An improper use may damage the instrument and/or its components or injure the operator.
Before selecting any function, first disconnect the test leads from the circuit under test When the instrument is connected to circuits never touch any unused terminal Do not measure resistance in presence of external voltages; although the instrument is
protected, an excessive voltage may cause malfunctioning.
If the “low battery” symbol is displayed during use interrupt testing and replace batteries following the procedure described in § 5.2.
Disconnect the test leads from the circuit under test and switch off the instrument If you expect not to use the instrument for a long period remove batteries.
Standard IEC/EN61010-1 (Safety requirements for electrical equipment for measurement, control and laboratory use, Part 1: General requirements) defines what a measurement category (usually called “overvoltage category”) is. At § 6.7.4: Measuring circuits it says:
Circuits are divided into the following measurement categories:
Measurement category IV is for measurements performed at the source of the low-
voltage installation.
Examples are electricity meters and measurements on primary overcurrent protection devices and ripple control units.
Measurement category III is for measurements performed in the building installation.
Examples are measurements on distribution boards, circuit breakers, wiring, including cables, bus-bars, junction boxes, switches, socket-outlets in the fixed installation, and equipment for industrial use and some other equipment, for example, stationary motors with permanent connection to fixed installation.
Measurement category II is for measurements performed on circuits directly
connected to the low voltage installation.
Examples are measurements on household appliances, portable tools and similar equipment.
Measurement category I is for measurements performed on circuits not directly
connected to MAINS.
Examples are measurements on circuits not derived from MAINS, and specially protected (internal) MAINS-derived circuits. In the latter case, transient stresses are variable; for that reason, the norm requires that the transient withstand capability of the equipment is made known to the user.
EN - 3
Dear Customer, the instrument you have purchased, whether used according to the instructions given in this manual, will grant you accurate and reliable measurements. Thanks to a development of newest conception assuring double insulation and overvoltage category III you will enjoy the highest safety.
1000V - M: insulation resistance measurement with test DC voltage of 1000V  500V - M: insulation resistance measurement with test DC voltage of 500V  250V - M: insulation resistance measurement with test DC voltage of 250V  Lo: continuity test on earth, protective and potential equalising conductors
with a test current higher than 200mA and open voltage ranging from 4V to 24V
: measurement of resistance / continuity with sound signal  : AC voltage measurement
: DC voltage measurement
This instrument was checked both mechanically and electrically prior to shipment. All possible cares and precautions were taken to let you receive the instrument in perfect conditions. Notwithstanding we suggest you to check it rapidly (eventual damages may have occurred during transport – if so please contact the local distributor from whom you bought the item). Make sure that all standard accessories mentioned in § 6.3. are included. Should you have to return back the instrument for any reason please follow the instructions mentioned in § 7.
The instrument is powered by 4x1.5V batteries type AA LR6. When batteries are low, a low battery indication is displayed. To replace/insert batteries follow the instructions indicated in § 5.2.
The instrument complies with the technical specifications contained in this manual and such compliance is guaranteed for 1 year. Annual recalibration is recommended.
After a period of storage in extreme environmental conditions exceeding the limits mentioned in § 6.2.1 let the instrument resume normal measuring conditions before using it.
EN - 4
1. Inputs
2. Inputs
3. Display
4. ON/OFF key
5. LOCK key
6. ZERO and backlight key
7. GO key
8. FUNC HOLD key
Fig. 1: Instrument description
key to switch on/off the instrument
LOCK key to select the continuous mode measurement and to set the
insulation measurement time
ZERO key to calibrate the cables being used
key to on and off the backlight
GO key to start a measurement
ARROW keys to select measurements
4.1.1. Switch on of meter
When the instrument is turned on all display segments are lit for just a while. Then the instrument is ready for DC voltage measurement.
4.1.2. Auto Power OFF
The instrument automatically turns off 15 minutes after last pressure of keys. To resume operation turn on the instrument again. When the instrument must be used for long voltage measurements, the operator may need to disable the auto power off function. In order to
do so press the LOCK key. On next switch on autopower off will be automatically restored.
On the instrument’s LCD the symbol is displayed only when auto power off is active.
4.1.3. Backlight
Press ZERO key to activate backlight function in any position of selector. This function is automatically off after about 30s or pressing again ZERO key.
EN - 5
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