HTC T-Mobile G2 User's Guide

T-Mobile G2
User’s Guide
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Copyright © 2010 T-Mobile. All Rights Reserved.
T-Mobile is a federally registered trademark of Deutsche Telekom AG.
Copyright © 2010 Google Inc. Used with permission.
Google, the Google logo and Google Maps are trademarks of Google, Inc. TeleAtlas® Map Data ©2010. Street View Images ©2010 Google.
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No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or storing in a retrieval system, or translated into any language in any form without prior written permission of HTC.
T-Mobile G2 User’s Guide
About this guide ........................................................................................... 10
Android basics............................................................................................... 13
Inside the box............................................................................................................................ 14
Your phone.................................................................................................................................15
Front panel with keyboard opened .........................................................................15
Top panel ..............................................................................................................................16
Back panel ............................................................................................................................17
Bottom panel .................................................................................................................17
Left and right panels .......................................................................................................18
Before turning on your phone ..........................................................................................19
Back cover............................................................................................................................ 19
SIM card................................................................................................................................. 20
Storage card........................................................................................................................ 21
Battery.................................................................................................................................... 22
Starting Android for the first time.................................................................................. 26
Your Google Account ..................................................................................................... 26
Customizing your phone............................................................................................... 28
Additional accounts and settings .............................................................................28
Getting to know the Home screen ................................................................................. 29
Customizing the Home screen ......................................................................................... 32
Using the touchscreen.......................................................................................................... 35
Using the Trackpad ................................................................................................................ 37
Monitoring your phone’s status ....................................................................................... 38
Status icons.......................................................................................................................... 38
Notification icons ..............................................................................................................39
Managing notifications ......................................................................................................... 40
Entering text.............................................................................................................................. 42
Using the hardware QWERTY.................................................................................... 42
Using the onscreen keyboard..................................................................................... 44
Using your voice to enter text.................................................................................... 47
Editing text................................................................................................................................. 49
Opening and switching applications .............................................................................51
Working with menus..............................................................................................................53
Options menus ...................................................................................................................53
Context menus ...................................................................................................................54
T-Mobile G2 User’s Guide
Searching your phone and the web............................................................................... 55
Searching and doing things by voice............................................................................ 59
Locking your phone ............................................................................................................... 61
Connecting quickly with your contacts ....................................................................... 62
Optimizing battery life.......................................................................................................... 63
Performing a hard/factory reset ..................................................................................... 65
Connecting to networks and devices................................................... 66
Connecting to mobile networks.......................................................................................67
Connecting to Wi-Fi networks ......................................................................................... 69
Connecting to Bluetooth devices ................................................................................... 72
Connecting to a computer via USB ............................................................................... 75
Connecting to virtual private networks ....................................................................... 77
Working with secure certificates..................................................................................... 79
Placing and receiving calls ....................................................................... 80
Placing and ending calls ...................................................................................................... 81
Answering or rejecting calls............................................................................................... 84
Working with the Call log.................................................................................................... 86
Calling your contacts............................................................................................................. 88
Listening to your voicemail ................................................................................................ 89
Dialing by voice........................................................................................................................90
Options during a call ............................................................................................................. 91
Managing multiple calls........................................................................................................ 93
Contacts........................................................................................................... 95
Opening your contacts......................................................................................................... 96
Adding contacts ......................................................................................................................98
Importing, exporting, and sharing contacts............................................................... 99
Adding a contact to your favorites................................................................................ 101
Searching for a contact........................................................................................................ 102
Editing contact details.......................................................................................................... 103
Communicating with your contacts .............................................................................. 106
Changing which contacts are displayed...................................................................... 108
Joining contacts....................................................................................................................... 110
Separating contact information....................................................................................... 111
Accounts.......................................................................................................... 112
Adding and removing accounts ...................................................................................... 113
Configuring account sync and display options........................................................116
User’s Guide T-Mobile G2
Gmail ................................................................................................................. 119
Gmail is different...................................................................................................................... 120
Opening Gmail and your Inbox ........................................................................................ 121
Reading your messages....................................................................................................... 123
Composing and sending a message.............................................................................. 126
Replying to or forwarding a message........................................................................... 128
Working with conversations in batches....................................................................... 130
Labeling a conversation....................................................................................................... 131
Starring a message.................................................................................................................132
Viewing conversations by label ....................................................................................... 133
Copying text from messages ............................................................................................134
Reporting spam........................................................................................................................ 135
Searching for messages....................................................................................................... 136
Archiving conversations ......................................................................................................137
Synchronizing your messages .......................................................................................... 138
Appending a signature to your messages.................................................................. 140
Changing Gmail settings...................................................................................................... 141
General Settings ................................................................................................................141
Notification settings ........................................................................................................ 142
Calendar........................................................................................................... 143
Viewing your calendar and events .................................................................................144
Working in Agenda view .....................................................................................................146
Working in Day view.............................................................................................................. 147
Working in Week view.......................................................................................................... 148
Working in Month view ........................................................................................................ 149
Viewing event details ............................................................................................................150
Creating an event....................................................................................................................151
Editing or deleting an event .............................................................................................. 152
Setting an event reminder ..................................................................................................153
Responding to an event reminder .................................................................................. 154
Synchronizing and displaying calendars .....................................................................155
Changing Calendar settings............................................................................................... 156
Google Voice.................................................................................................. 157
Configuring Google Voice...................................................................................................158
Opening Google Voice and your Inbox........................................................................ 160
Reading or listening to your voicemail......................................................................... 161
Exchanging text (SMS) messages ..................................................................................163
Starring messages .................................................................................................................. 164
Viewing messages by label ................................................................................................165
Placing calls with Google Voice....................................................................................... 166
T-Mobile G2 User’s Guide
Changing Google Voice settings..................................................................................... 167
General Settings ................................................................................................................167
Sync and notifications settings.................................................................................. 168
Google Talk..................................................................................................... 169
Signing in and opening your Friends list .....................................................................170
Chatting with friends............................................................................................................. 171
Changing and monitoring online status....................................................................... 174
Managing your Friends list ................................................................................................. 176
Changing Google Talk settings ........................................................................................178
Email.................................................................................................................. 179
Opening Email and the Accounts screen....................................................................180
Reading your messages....................................................................................................... 183
Responding to a message .................................................................................................. 184
Starring messages .................................................................................................................. 185
Working with message in batches.................................................................................. 186
Composing and sending email .........................................................................................187
Working with account folders .......................................................................................... 188
Appending a signature to your messages.................................................................. 189
Adding and editing email accounts ...............................................................................190
Changing email account settings.................................................................................... 192
Account settings ...............................................................................................................192
Incoming server settings............................................................................................... 193
Outgoing server settings .............................................................................................. 194
Messaging........................................................................................................ 195
Opening Messaging................................................................................................................ 196
Exchanging messages .......................................................................................................... 197
Changing Messaging settings ...........................................................................................201
Storage settings ................................................................................................................ 201
Text message (SMS) settings .....................................................................................201
Multimedia message (MMS) settings ...................................................................... 201
Notification settings ........................................................................................................ 202
Browser ............................................................................................................ 203
Opening Browser .................................................................................................................... 204
Navigating within a webpage ........................................................................................... 207
Navigating among webpages........................................................................................... 210
Working with multiple Browser windows................................................................... 212
Downloading files.................................................................................................................... 213
Working with bookmarks.................................................................................................... 215
User’s Guide T-Mobile G2
Changing Browser settings................................................................................................ 217
Page content settings..................................................................................................... 217
Privacy settings.................................................................................................................. 218
Security settings................................................................................................................219
Advanced settings............................................................................................................ 220
Maps ..................................................................................................................221
Opening Maps and viewing your location .................................................................. 222
Obtaining details about a location ................................................................................. 224
Starring a location................................................................................................................... 226
Changing map layers............................................................................................................. 228
Searching for locations and places ................................................................................ 230
Getting directions ................................................................................................................... 231
Navigating with spoken, turn-by-turn directions.................................................... 233
Finding your friends with Google Latitude ................................................................ 241
Camera ............................................................................................................. 245
Opening Camera and taking pictures ...........................................................................246
Changing Camera settings .................................................................................................249
Camera settings.................................................................................................................250
Camcorder settings ......................................................................................................... 251
Gallery............................................................................................................... 253
Opening Gallery and viewing your albums ................................................................ 254
Working with albums ............................................................................................................256
Working with pictures .......................................................................................................... 260
Working with videos.............................................................................................................. 264
Goggles ............................................................................................................ 266
Opening Goggles and searching with pictures ........................................................ 267
Working with your search history................................................................................... 269
YouTube........................................................................................................... 270
Opening YouTube and watching videos .....................................................................271
Changing YouTube settings .............................................................................................. 274
Music.................................................................................................................. 275
Transferring music files to your phone......................................................................... 276
Opening Music and working with your library.......................................................... 277
Playing music ............................................................................................................................ 279
Working with playlists .......................................................................................................... 282
T-Mobile G2 User’s Guide
News & Weather...........................................................................................284
Checking the news and weather .....................................................................................285
Changing News & Weather settings.............................................................................. 288
Weather settings............................................................................................................... 288
News settings...................................................................................................................... 288
Refresh settings ................................................................................................................. 289
Clock.................................................................................................................. 290
Viewing the date, time, and other information......................................................... 291
Setting alarms ...........................................................................................................................293
Changing Clock alarm settings......................................................................................... 295
Car Home......................................................................................................... 296
Using Car Home....................................................................................................................... 297
Calculator ........................................................................................................ 299
Using the Calculator............................................................................................................... 300
Market ............................................................................................................... 301
Opening Android Market and finding applications ................................................302
Downloading and installing applications.....................................................................306
Managing your downloads .................................................................................................308
Settings ............................................................................................................ 312
Opening Settings..................................................................................................................... 313
Wireless & networks .............................................................................................................. 314
Wi-Fi settings screen ...................................................................................................... 314
Advanced Wi-Fi settings screen ...............................................................................315
Bluetooth settings screen............................................................................................. 315
VPN settings screen ........................................................................................................ 316
Mobile networks settings screen............................................................................... 316
Call settings................................................................................................................................318
Voicemail............................................................................................................................... 318
Other call settings............................................................................................................. 318
Fixed Dialing Numbers screen.................................................................................... 319
Sound settings.......................................................................................................................... 320
Display settings........................................................................................................................ 322
Location & security settings .............................................................................................. 323
Screen unlock screen ...................................................................................................... 324
User’s Guide T-Mobile G2
Applications settings............................................................................................................. 325
Applications settings screen .......................................................................................325
Application Info screen ..................................................................................................326
Development screen ....................................................................................................... 326
Accounts & sync settings.................................................................................................... 328
Accounts & sync settings screen .............................................................................. 328
Account screen.................................................................................................................. 329
Privacy settings........................................................................................................................ 330
SD card & phone storage settings..................................................................................331
Search settings......................................................................................................................... 332
Search settings screen ...................................................................................................332
Google search settings screen ...................................................................................332
Language & keyboard settings ........................................................................................ 333
Language & Keyboard screen .................................................................................... 333
Android keyboard settings screen........................................................................... 334
Device Keyboard settings screen .............................................................................335
Voice input & output settings ...........................................................................................336
Voice recognizer settings screen.............................................................................. 336
Text-to-Speech settings screen ................................................................................ 336
Accessibility settings............................................................................................................. 338
Date & time settings .............................................................................................................. 339
About phone.............................................................................................................................. 340
About Phone screen........................................................................................................ 340
T-Mobile G2 User’s Guide
This guide describes how to use release 2.2 of the Android™ mobile technology platform.
This guide does not describe the physical features of your phone (its parts and accessories, how to replace its battery, turn it on , and so on) or its specifications; for that information, refer to your phone’s owner’s guide.
Chapter Describes

About this guide

“Android basics” on page 13
“Connecting to networks and devices” on page 66
“Placing and receiving calls” on page 80
“Contacts” on page 95
“Accounts” on page 112
“Gmail” on page 119 Sending and receiving messages using Gmail™ webmail
Getting to know the phone and the accessories that come with it, starting Android the first time, signing into your Google™ Accounts so you can take full advantage of Google Apps™, and performing basic Android tasks.
Configuring how your phone connects to mobile and Wi-Fi™ networks, to Bluetooth™ devices, and to a com­puter, and it describes how to share your phone’s mobile data connection via USB or as a portable Wi-Fi hotspot. This chapter also describes how to secure your connec­tions to virtual private networks (VPNs) and other net­works.
Using your phone to place, receive, and manage multiple calls.
Organizing and finding contact information for the peo­ple you know.
Adding and synchronizing email and other accounts, including Google Accounts.
User’s Guide T-Mobile G2
About this guide 11
Chapter Describes
“Calendar” on page 143
Viewing and creating events on your calendar and syn­chronizing them with the Google Calendar™ calendaring service on the web.
“Google Voice” on page 157
“Google Talk” on page 169
Checking your voicemail and placing calls with Google Voice.
Communicating with friends by using the Google Talk™ instant messaging service.
“Email” on page 179 Configuring your phone so you can send and receive
email via a conventional email service.
“Messaging” on page 195
“Browser” on
Exchanging text and multimedia messages with other phones.
Browsing the web on your phone.
page 203
“Maps” on page 221 Discovering the world with street and satellite data from
the Google Earth™ mapping service, getting directions, finding your location, sharing your location through the Google Latitude™ user location service, navigating with spoken turn-by-turn directions from Google Maps Navi­gation, and the many other features available on your phone in the Google Maps™ mapping service
“Camera” on
Taking and previewing photos and videos.
page 245
“Gallery” on page 253
Viewing, sharing, and uploading your photos and videos to the Picasa™ photo organizing software service and the YouTube™ user-generated content website.
“Goggles” on page 266
Using the Google Goggles™ visual search service to search the web for information about the subjects of photos you take or to get information about nearby businesses.
“YouTube” on
Viewing YouTube videos.
page 270
“Music” on
Listening to music by the song, album, or playlist.
page 275
T-Mobile G2 User’s Guide
12 About this guide
Chapter Describes
“News & Weather” on page 284
“Clock” on page 290
“Calculator” on page 299
“Market” on page 301
“Settings” on page 312
Checking the news and weather on your Home screen or in detail.
Checking the time and setting alarms.
Calculating the solutions to math problems.
Finding new applications on Android Market™ down­loadable applications service, purchasing paid applica­tions with Google Checkout™ payment and billing service, and installing them.
Opening the Settings application and its many tools for configuring and customizing your phone.
User’s Guide T-Mobile G2

Android basics

When you first turn on your phone, you have the opportunity to learn more about it and to sign into your Google Account. Then it’s a good idea to become familiar with the basics of your phone and how to use it—the Home screen, the touchscreen and buttons, applications, search, and so on.
In this section
“Inside the box” on page 14
“Your phone” on page 15
“Before turning on your phone” on page 19
“Starting Android for the first time” on page 26
“Getting to know the Home screen” on page 29
“Customizing the Home screen” on page 32
“Using the touchscreen” on page 35
“Using the Trackpad” on page 37
“Monitoring your phone’s status” on page 38
“Managing notifications” on page 40
“Entering text” on page 42
“Editing text” on page 49
“Opening and switching applications” on page 51
“Working with menus” on page 53
“Searching your phone and the web” on page 55
“Searching and doing things by voice” on page 59
“Locking your phone” on page 61
“Connecting quickly with your contacts” on page 62
“Optimizing battery life” on page 63
T-Mobile G2 User’s Guide
14 Android basics

Inside the box

You will find the following inside the box:
G T-Mobile G2™ Phone
G USB cable
G AC adapter
G 3.5mm stereo headset
G Battery
G microSD card
G Quick start guide
G Terms & Conditions
User’s Guide T-Mobile G2
Android basics 15

Your phone

Front panel with keyboard opened

1 Hardware QWERTY
See "Using the hardware QWERTY" to learn how to use the hardware QWERTY keyboard.
2 Menu
Press to open a list of actions that you can do on the current screen.
3 Home
• While on any application or screen, press to return to the Home screen.
• Press and hold to open the recently-used applications window.
4 Search
Press to do a search.
5 Back
Press to go back to the previous screen, close a dialog box, options menu, or the Notifications panel, or hide the onscreen keyboard.
T-Mobile G2 User’s Guide
16 Android basics
6 Trackpad
Swipe your finger over to highlight items or press to select items onscreen.
7 Notification LED
This LED shows a:
• Solid green light when the phone is connected to the power adapter or a computer and the battery is fully charged.
• Flashing green light when you have a pending notification.
• Solid red light when the battery is being charged.
• Flashing red light when the battery level reaches very low.
8 Earpiece
Listen to a phone call here.
9 Touch screen

Top panel

10 3.5mm audio jack
Connect a 3.5mm stereo headset for hands-free conversation or for listening to music.
11 Power
• When the phone is off, press to turn on the phone.
• When the phone is on and the screen is unlocked, press to turn off or on the phone display.
• With the screen unlocked, press and hold to open the phone options menu that lets you turn off the phone, and switch your phone to silent mode or airplane mode.
User’s Guide T-Mobile G2
Android basics 17

Back panel

12 5.0 megapixel camera
13 Speaker
14 LED flashlight
15 Back cover

Bottom panel

16 Microphone
T-Mobile G2 User’s Guide
18 Android basics

Left and right panels

17 Volume Up
• While on a call, press to increase earpiece volume.
• While not on a call, press to increase the ringer volume.
• While watching videos, press to increase the volume.
18 Volume Down
• While on a call, press to decrease earpiece volume.
• While not on a call, press to decrease the ringer volume.
• While watching videos, press to decrease the volume.
19 USB connector
• Connect the power adapter to charge the battery.
• Connect the supplied USB cable to transfer files to your phone from your computer.
20 Camera
• When not using the camera, press and hold to open the camera.
• When using the camera to take photos, press to take the shot.
• When using the camcorder to shoot videos, press to start record­ing. Press again to stop recording.
21 Back cover lock
User’s Guide T-Mobile G2
Android basics 19

Before turning on your phone

Back cover

If you need to replace or install the battery, SIM card, or storage card, you must remove the back cover.

Removing the back cover

1 With the phone turned off, hold your phone securely with the
front facing down.
2 Slide down the back cover lock, and then lift the back cover to
remove it.
Back cover lock

Replacing the back cover

1 Insert and secure the tabs of the right part of the back cover into
the two openings located at the right part of the phone’s exposed back panel.
2 Press the back cover against the phone until it is in place. The
back cover lock clicks when the back cover is in place.
T-Mobile G2 User’s Guide
20 Android basics

SIM card

The SIM card contains your phone number and phonebook/message memory. Your phone supports both 1.8V and 3V SIM cards.

Inserting the SIM card

1 Remove the back cover. Refer to "Removing the back cover."
2 If the battery is installed, remove the battery. Refer to "Removing
the battery."
3 Locate the SIM card slot at the top of the battery compartment.
4 Insert the SIM card into the slot with its cut-off corner first and its
gold contacts facing down, and then push it in completely into the slot.

Removing the SIM card

1 Remove the back cover. Refer to "Removing the back cover."
2 If the battery is installed, remove the battery. Refer to "Removing
the battery."
3 Slide the SIM card towards the direction of the battery
4 Slide the SIM card out from the slot using your thumb.
User’s Guide T-Mobile G2
Android basics 21
If your GSM phone doesn’t have a SIM card installed, you can’t connect to T-Mobile for voice and data services such as voice calling and sending SMS/MMS messages. But you can connect to a Wi-Fi network to sign into your Google Account and to use all other features of your phone.

Storage card

Store your pictures, music, and applications in the microSD card that came with your phone.

Inserting the storage card

1 Remove the back cover. Refer to "Removing the back cover."
2 If the battery is installed, remove the battery. Refer to "Removing
the battery."
3 Slide down the storage card holder towards the edge of the
battery compartment, and then flip it to open.
4 Insert the storage card with its gold contacts facing the
connectors on the storage card slot, and then slide the storage card completely into the holder.
T-Mobile G2 User’s Guide
22 Android basics
5 Close the storage card holder, and then slide it up to lock it in

Removing the storage card

1 Remove the back cover. Refer to "Removing the back cover."
2 If the battery is installed, remove the battery. Refer to "Removing
the battery."
3 Slide down the storage card holder towards the edge of the
battery compartment, and then flip it to open.
4 Pull out the storage card, and then close the storage card holder.


Your phone uses a rechargeable battery. Please use only original batteries and accessories that came with your phone or replacements that we recommend.
How long the battery can last before it needs recharging depends on how you use your phone. Among these are the phone features and accessories you use (for example, leaving your Bluetooth connection always on uses more power). Long phone calls and frequent web browsing use up much battery. Also, consider your location: poor signal strength from your mobile network and extreme temperature make the battery work harder.
User’s Guide T-Mobile G2
Android basics 23

Inserting the battery

1 Remove the back cover. Refer to "Removing the back cover."
2 Insert the contacts side of the battery first and then gently push
the battery into place.

Removing the battery

1 Remove the back cover. Refer to "Removing the back cover."
2 Lift out the battery from the notch at the top of the battery
T-Mobile G2 User’s Guide
24 Android basics

Charging the battery

The battery is partially charged when shipped. Before you turn on and start using your phone, it is recommended that you charge the battery. Some batteries perform best after several full charge/ discharge cycles.
1 Connect the smaller plug of the USB cable to the sync connector
on your phone.
2 Connect the other plug of the USB cable to the USB port of the
AC adapter.
3 Plug in the AC adapter to an electrical outlet to start charging the
As the battery is being charged, the notification LED shows a solid red light when the battery is being charged. The light turns to solid green when the phone is fully charged.
When you charge the battery while the phone is on, the charging battery icon ( ) is displayed in the status bar of the Home screen. After the battery has been fully charged, a full battery icon ( ) will be displayed in the status bar of the Home screen.
G Only the AC adapter and USB sync cable provided with your phone must
be used to charge the battery
G Do not remove the battery from the phone while you are charging it using
the AC or car adapter.
G As a safety precaution, the battery stops charging when it overheats.
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Android basics 25

Turning on your phone

S Press the Power button.
When you turn on the phone for the first time, you will be prompted to set up your phone. For more information on how to set up your phone for the first time, see "Starting Android for the first time."

Entering your PIN

Your SIM card is preset with a PIN (personal identification number), you will be prompted to enter the PIN to proceed. Enter the SIM PIN, then tap OK.
To learn how to enable or disable the SIM PIN, see “Location & security settings” on page 323.
Important If you enter the wrong PIN three times, the SIM card is blocked. If this hap-
pens, you can unblock it with the PUK (PIN Unblocking Key) obtained from T-Mobile.

Turning off your phone

If you do not need to use your phone, you can turn the power off to save battery life.
1 If the display is off, press the Power button to turn the display
back on.
2 Unlock your phone if the Lock screen is displayed. See “To wake
up the phone” on page 30 to learn how to unlock the screen.
3 Press and hold the Power button for a few seconds.
4 When the Phone options options menu appears, tap Power off.
5 Tap OK when prompted to turn off the phone.
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26 Android basics

Starting Android for the first time

The first time you power on your phone (after setting it up, as described in the previous section), you’re introduced to the latest features of your phone. Touch Next to proceed.

Your Google Account

You must sign into a Google Account to use Gmail, Google Talk, Google Calendar, and other Google Apps; to download applications from Android Market; to back up your settings to Google servers; and to take advantage of other Google services on your phone.
If you don’t sign into a Google Account during setup, you are prompted to sign in or to create a Google Account the first time you start an application that requires one, such as Gmail or Android Market.
Important If you want to restore your settings to this phone from another phone that
was running Android release 2.0 or later, you must sign into your Google Account now, during setup. If you wait until after setup is complete, your set­tings are not restored.
If you don’t have a Google Account, touch Google Account in the Customize your phone screen, and then tap Next > Sign in.
Touch to open the onscreen keyboard, to enter your Google Account username.
Touch to enter your password.
When you’re finished, press the phone’s Back button to close the onscreen keyboard, so you can touch the Sign in button at the bottom of the screen.
When you sign in, you’re prompted to enter your username and password, using the onscreen keyboard.
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Android basics 27
For information about navigating the touchscreen and entering text, see “Using the touchscreen” on page 35 and “Using the onscreen keyboard” on page 44.
If you have an enterprise Gmail account through your company or other organization, your IT department may have special instructions on how to sign into that account.
When you sign in, your contacts, Gmail messages, Calendar events, and other information from these applications and services on the web are synchronized with your phone.
If you have a Google Account but have forgotten your password, you must reset it before you can sign in. On your computer, go to http://, click Sign In, click “Can’t access your account?” in the sign-in box, and then follow the instructions for resetting your password.
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28 Android basics

Customizing your phone

After setting up your Google Account, you can touch Finish setup or press Back to return to the Customize your phone screen and set up Google Voice, Quick Keys, or add a POP3/IMAP email account.
Touch Next when you’re done setting these up.
You can then choose whether to take advantage of Google’s location service, which provides applications with your approximate location without using GPS, and whether to use your location for Google search results and other Google services. For information about changing these settings later, see “Location & security settings” on page 323 and “Privacy settings” on page 324. Touch Next to proceed.
Touch any of the options and then touch Home to display the Home screen. You can set these settings and applications later by touching Setup on the Launcher screen.

Additional accounts and settings

After setup, you can add Google, Facebook, conventional email, and other kinds of accounts to your phone, and sync some or all of their data, as described in “Accounts” on page 112. However, only the first Google Account you sign into is backed up to Google servers. Some applications that only work with a single account display data only from the first account that you sign into.
You can choose to back up some of your data, such as your bookmarks, your user dictionary, your Wi-Fi passwords, and many other settings, to your Google Account, on Google servers. Some third-party applications may also take advantage of this feature. That way, when you need to replace your phone (when you upgrade or replace a lost phone), your data and settings are restored to your new phone when you first sign in. For information about changing this setting later, see “Privacy settings” on page 324.
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Android basics 29

Getting to know the Home screen

After setting up Android for the first time, the Home screen opens.
The Home screen is your starting point to access all the features on your phone. It displays application icons, widgets, shortcuts, and other features. You can customize the Home screen with different wallpaper and display the items you want. See “Connecting quickly with your contacts” on page 62.
The Status bar shows the time, signal strength, battery status, and other information. It also displays notification icons.
Widgets are applications that you can use directly on the Home screen.
Touch items on the Home screen to open them. Touch & hold an empty spot to add a shortcut to an application, a widget, and so on.
Touch the Launcher icon to open the Launcher and view all your applications.
At the top of the screen, the Status bar displays the time, information about the status of your phone, and icons for notifications that you’ve received. To learn more, see “Monitoring your phone’s status” on page 38 and “Managing notifications” on page 40.
Touch the Launcher icon at the bottom of the screen to view all installed applications. See “Opening and switching applications” on page 51.
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30 Android basics

To wake up the phone

If you don’t use the phone for a while, the Home screen or other screen you are viewing, is replaced with the lock screen and then the screen darkens, to conserve the battery.
1 Press the Power button.
If you’ve locked your screen, you must draw an unlock pattern or enter a PIN or password to unlock it. See “Locking your phone” on page 61.
If you haven’t locked your screen, this lock screen appears.
2 Drag the lock icon to the right.
The last screen you were working on opens.

To return to the Home screen

S Press the Home button at any time, in any application.
User’s Guide T-Mobile G2
+ 310 hidden pages