HTC One Remix Verizon Getting Started Guide

Get to Know Your Phone
Setting Up Your Phone
Welcome to Verizon Wireless. You’re now part of a growing movement that’s about speed, signal and strength. This guide will show you how to set up and use your phone, access special features, and find help.
Step 1. Insert the SIM Card
Pull out the SIM card tray. Place the SIM card into the tray with the Verizon logo facing up. Then insert the tray back into the slot.
Step 2. Charge the Phone
Before turning on your phone, charge it fully.
Insert the small end of the USB cable into the USB/Charging Port.
Insert the other end into the power adapter, and then plug the power adapter into an electrical outlet.
WARNING! Please use only an approved charging accessory to charge your phone. Improper handling of the charging port, as well as the use of an incompatible charger, may cause damage to your device and void the warranty.
Optional: Insert the microSD Card
Pull out the microSD card tray. Place the microSD card into the tray with the gold contacts facing down. Then insert the tray back into the slot.
NOTE: The microSD card is sold separately.
Notification Light
USB/Charging Port
Headset Jack
Front Camera
Card Slot
SIM Card Slot
Using Your Phone
Turning Your Phone On/Off
To turn ON, press and hold the Power/Lock key until the phone vibrates.
To turn OFF, press and hold the Power/Lock key and tap Power off.
Home Screen
Locking and Unlocking Your Phone
Prevent accidental button presses by locking your phone.
To lock your phone, press the Power/Lock key. Your phone will also lock automatically if you haven’t used it for a while.
To unlock your phone, press the Power/Lock key to wake up the screen. Then:
• Swipe up to unlock the s creen.
• Swipe right to go directl y to
HTC BlinkFeed™.
• Swipe le ft to go to the Home widget panel.
For added security, you can set up a screen lock such as a lock pattern or numeric PIN. To set up a screen lock:
1. > From th e Home scre en, tap Apps
> Settings > Security > Screen lock.
2. Selec t the kind of screen l ock you want
to use an d follow the in structions.
Setup Wizard
When you turn on your phone for the first time, you have the option to quickly set up email accounts, sync contacts that you have backed up with Verizon Cloud, turn on location services, and more. Simply follow the onscreen instructions to complete the initial setup of your phone.
NOTE: Devices and software are constantly evolving—the screen images and icons you see here are for reference only.
©2014 Verizon Wireless. All Rights Reserved.
Using the Touch Screen
Use touch gestures to move around the screen, open menus, select items, zoom in or out on web pages and more.
Tap — Tap the screen with your finger when
you want to select onscreen items or press onscreen buttons.
Touch and hold — To open the available
options for an item, just touch and hold the item.
Swipe or slide — Quickly swipe your finger
across the screen to go to other Home screens or to other tabs. Swipe up or down to scroll through documents, feeds, or websites.
Drag — Touch and hold an item and then
slide it to a new position.
Zoom — Slide two fingers together or
apart to zoom out or zoom in on a photo or a web page.
Making a Call
1. From th e Home scree n, tap the
Phone icon.
2. Enter t he number you wan t to call or
the fir st letter s of the conta ct’s name.
3. Tap Call or ta p the name of t he contact
from a li st of matche s.
Receiving a Call
Touch and hold the Answer icon and then
slide upwards to answer an incoming call.
Setting Up Voice Mail
1. Tap the Phone icon on the Home
2. Dial *86 and tap Call.
3. Follow th e prompts to s elect the
lang uage, set up yo ur voicemail password, and more.
Checking Voice Mail
1. From you r phone, dial *86 and tap Call. From othe r phones, en ter your
wireless number.
2. When yo u hear a gree ting, tap # to
3. Follow th e prompts.
NOTE: Voice mailboxes not set up within 45 days will be canceled. Your voice mailbox is not password protected until you create a password by following the setup instructions.
Sending a Text
1. > From th e Home scree n, tap
the text message icon. Then tap the compose icon.
2. Enter t he name or nu mber of the
pers on you want to send th e message to and yo u’ll see ma tching cont acts. Or just enter a phon e number.
3. Tap the message are a and enter yo ur
4. To add an at tachmen t to your
message, tap the add icon.
5. Review yo ur message a nd tap Send.
Setting Up Email
1. From th e Home scree n, tap Mail.
2. Select an email provider.
3. Enter your email address in th e Email
address field.
4. Enter your pass word in the Password
field, a nd tap Next.
5. At the Add accoun t screen, name the
accou nt and enter a scree n name to ident ify yourself on t his account.
6. Ta p Finish Setup to save the ne w account .
Google Play™ Store
From th e Home scree n, tap the Play
Store icon.
Sign in using your Google
account. Then
browse or search for apps. Play it up with music, videos, wallpapers,
apps and games. Keep up with Twitter and Facebook. For details and pricing, go to
Data usage may apply.
Installing Apps
Thou sands of app s are available to down load from the Goog le Play Store.
1. From th e Home screen, tap t he
Play Store icon.
2. Tap an app tha t you like.
3. Tap Install or t he price but ton. Revie w
which s ettings the ap p will have access to.
4. Tap Accept to dow nload and i nstall th e app.
Viewing Your Apps
To view preloaded and downloaded apps on your phone, from t he Home scree n, tap the Apps icon.
Uninstalling Apps
1. From the H ome screen , tap the
Apps icon.
2. Touch and hol d the downloaded a pp.
Drag and drop it onto the trash can
icon to uninst all the app.
With the cutting-edge camera, effects, and scenes, you can capture stunningly clear photos and videos anytime of the day.
Taking Photos
1. From th e Home scree n, tap the
Camera icon.
2. Using the phone’s sc reen as a
view finder, adjust t he image by aim ing the camera at the subject.
3. Slide two fingers together or apart to
zoom out or zoom in.
4. Tap the onscreen icons to us e various
camera options and settings.
5. You can also tap the sc reen to move
the focus to a de sired area of i nterest.
Tap the Camera icon unt il the shut ter sounds. The picture is automatically store d in your selec ted storag e location.
Improving Accessibility
Adjust accessibility settings to assist users who have impaired vision or hearing, or reduced dexterity.
1. > > Fro m the Home screen , tap
Apps > Settings > Accessibility.
2. Tap a categor y and set th e desired
optio ns to improve accessibilit y.
Using TalkBack
TalkBack provides screen reading to assist blind a nd low vision us ers.
1. > > Fro m the Home screen , tap
Apps > Settings > Accessibility.
2. Tap TalkBack, then ta p the TalkBack
switch to turn it on .
3. Tap Menu > Settings at the top of
the sc reen to adjus t the TalkBack settings.
NOTE: When TalkBack is on, double-tap when you hear the item you want. (You can change to single-tap in Settings.)
Support & More
My Verizon App
Manage your account, track your usage, edit account information, pay your bill and more.
Get Help Using Your Phone
Get information on how to use your phone in the Help app. Go to Tips & Help to check out walkthroughs and how-to videos.
From your computer, visit
Customer Service
Call (800) 922-0204. Follow us @VZWSupport.
More Information
User Guide
Download a User Guide from or call (866) 449-8358 to order a copy.
Customer Information
Your Wir eless Dev ice and T hird Par ty Se rvice s
Veriz on Wirel ess is th e mobile c arrier a ssocia ted wit h this wire less dev ice, but m any ser vices a nd feat ures of fered thro ugh th is wirel ess devi ce are pro vided by o r in conju nctio n with t hird pa rties . Verizo n Wirele ss is not re sponsi ble for your u se of thi s wireles s device o r any non -Verizo n Wirele ss appl icatio ns, ser vices an d produ cts in cludin g any per sonal info rmati on you cho ose to use , submi t or shar e with ot hers. Spec ific th ird par ty ter ms and con dition s, term s of use, and pr ivacy p olicie s shall ap ply. Pleas e review c arefu lly all appl icable te rms and c ondit ions and p olicies p rior to us ing this w ireles s device a nd any as sociat ed applic ation , produ ct or ser vice.
Hearing Aid Compati bility Information
This p hone ha s been tes ted and r ated for u se with h earin g aids fo r some of t he wire less tec hnolog ies tha t it uses. Howe ver, there m ay be som e newer w ireless t echno logies used i n this ph one tha t have not b een test ed yet for u se with hear ing aids . It is imp ortan t to try t he dif ferent f eatur es of thi s phone t horou ghly an d in diff erent lo catio ns, usin g your h earin g aid or coc hlear im plant , to deter mine if y ou hear a ny inte rferi ng nois e. Consu lt Verizo n Wirele ss or the manu fact urer of t his pho ne for inf ormat ion on he aring ai d comp atibil ity. If you h ave que stions a bout re turn or e xchan ge polic ies, con sult Veri zon Wir eless or y our pho ne retai ler.
HTC, t he HTC log o, HTC One , the HTC On e logo, an d HTC Bli nkFee d are trad emark s of HTC Co rpora tion.
Google and Google Play are trademarks of Google Inc. micr oSD is a tra demar k of SD-3C , LLC. LTE is a tra demar k of the Eu ropea n Telecommu nicat ions Standards Institute.