HP Workstation i2000 Read Before Installation Linux 7.1

Hewlett-Packard Company 3404 East Harmony Road Fort Collins, Colorado 80528-9599
Read Before Installation
Linux 7.1 for i2000 hp workstation
Before you start the installation process, the following conditions must be met:
Power on the i2000 workstation.
Open the CD drive.
Identify the installation CDs and insert CD #1.
Leave accessory drive door open while installing Linux; CD-ROMs will
Refer to http://www.hp.com/workstations/support website for the latest information on upgrading your pre-release operating system to the release version.
There are four types of installations available. In this document we follow a “Custom” Installation Procedure. You will choose your partitioning scheme, format the newly created partitions, select and install packages in the following procedure.
i2000 Installation Instructions for Linux
automatically eject during the install process
1. During the initial boot you will see a large Itanium logo; you can wait for the program to proceed
or press [
2. At the opening display, you must select a boot option. Choose “efi” shell press [ENTER]
3. Choose the file system w/ CD-Rom and type <fs0:> or <fs1:> at prompt. [ENTER]
4. Start loader and type <elilo> at prompt. [ENTER] Displays ,“Loading SCSI Driver, Loading
QLA1280 driver”.
5. The installer software is loading. You will see an intermediate interface.
6. Select language [NEXT]
7. Choose the keyboard that best suits your system. [NEXT]
8. Choose the correct mouse for your system. [NEXT]
9. Welcome to Linux [NEXT]
10. Install Options “custom system” [
11. Automatic partitioning; “manually partition w/ disk druid” [
12. Partitions
a. Select any and all partitions to remove and push “delete”
b. “Add” or “Delete” to complete & match the table below:
Mount point Device Requested Actual Type
/boot/efi sda1 101M 101M 16-bit >= 32M
/ sda2 6000M 6000M Linux Native
<swap> sda5 1000M 1004M Linux Swap
13. Choose Partitions to format; you may optionally check for bad blocks.
14. Choose your network card and whether you would like to configure using either DHCP (see
network admin.) or manually setup here. [NEXT]
15. Choose your security level; Firewall configuration select “no firewall” [NEXT]
16. You must select a language to use as the default Language; make selection [NEXT]
17. You can set your Time Zone selection by your computer’s physical location or by your time
zone’s offset from Universal Coordinated Time (UTC); click on map or select from list. [NEXT]
18. Assign account configuration; type root password and confirm [
19. Select authentication configuration and fill out as appropriate;
a. enable MD5,
b. enable shadow passwords
c. enable NIS
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