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1.1BEFORE YOU BEGIN .......................................................................................................................................6
3.3RECLASSIFY HP DEVICES.............................................................................................................................32
3.4VERIFYING A SUCCESSFUL INSTALLATION ...................................................................................................32
4 INSTALLING HP WEB JETADMIN FOR UNICENTER...........................................................................37
5.5MANAGING HP KAYAKS, VECTRAS, AND VISUALIZE WORKSTATIONS ...........................................................48
5.6MANAGING HP OMNIBOOKS..........................................................................................................................53
5.7MANAGING HP SERVERS...............................................................................................................................54
5.8MANAGING HP TOPTOOLS REMOTE CONTROL CARDS ....................................................................................58
5.9MANAGING HP LASERJET PRODUCTS ............................................................................................................60
5.10MANAGING HP PROCURVE AND ADVANCESTACK NETWORKING DEVICES ....................................................64
6.1USING HP TOPTOOLS IN STANDALONE MODE ...............................................................................................72
FEATURES ................................................................................................................................................................72
10.2VERIFYING A SUCCESSFUL UNINSTALL ........................................................................................................84
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HP Toptools for Unicenter User Guide
1 Overview
HP Toptools for Unicenter is an HP Toptools Enterprise Product that enhances CA Unicenter’s ability to access the
manageability built into HP computing products. HP Toptools for Unicenter customizes the Unicenter environment
to discover and monitor HP products while integrating or ‘bridging’ Toptools applications into the Unicenter
HP Toptools is a collection of applications and agents that enable fault, configuration, performance, security, and
asset management of HP Netserver, Visualize, Kayak, Omnibook, Vectra, NetPC, Advancestack, Procurve, palmtop,
Surestore and LaserJet products. At the center of Toptools solutions is the Toptools server, a web-based device
management application which generates web pages to display information obtained from managed devices,
permitting monitoring and administration of HP hardware from anywhere on the network through the use of a web
Console session is initiated
from anywhere on network
via a web browser.
Figure 1-1. The HP Toptools Device Manager consists of a Toptools Server
Toptools Server
NetserversLaserJets OmnibooksHP PCs
and a browser-based console.
Web Browse
The HP Toptools server includes integrated modules that may be obtained and deployed independently, such as HP
Toptools for Hubs and Switches, HP Toptools for Servers, and HP Web JetAdmin.
HP Toptools Enterprise Products is an accessory product. For more information on HP Toptools products, visit the
HP Toptools website at www.hp.com/toptools
For information on which Toptools products are supported by HP Toptools for Unicenter, check the "Requirements"
section of this document.
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HP Toptools for UnicenterUser Guide
HP Toptools for Unicenter increases your management control of HP products through:
• Automatic discovery and identification of HP products in Unicenter browsers and maps
• Automatic reception of events into Unicenter’s Event Console
• DSM management of HP Netserver, Toptools Remote Control card, and LaserJet products
• Access to Toptools actions on selected devices
• Launching Toptools property pages to ‘drill down’ on device configuration
1.1 Before You Begin
Which HP products do you need to manage?
The HP Toptools for Unicenter installation wizard offers two options:
• HP Toptools for Unicenter – Integrates management of HP Netserver, Kayak, Vectra, Omnibook, Visualize,
Procurve, Advancestack, and LaserJet products into Unicenter and links to an HP Toptools server.
• HP Web JetAdmin for Unicenter – Integrates management of HP LaserJet products into Unicenter and links
to a Web JetAdmin server.
You must first decide which product types you wish to manage. If you wish to manage only LaserJet products, you
may elect to install HP Web JetAdmin for Unicenter. Web JetAdmin provides management for an unlimited
number of printers and may be installed on a variety of operating systems such as Solaris or Windows NT. It may
also be used in combination with the HP JetDirect Trap Proxy Server available in the contributed library.
If you wish to manage other HP products (including LaserJets), you should install HP Toptools for Unicenter. HP
Toptools integrates with Web JetAdmin and enables LaserJet management as part of the overall solution. As you
install the HP Toptools server, you will be prompted to select which types of devices you wish to manage.
Which components will you need to install?
HP Toptools for Unicenter consists of 6 components (Figure 1-2):
• The HP Toptools server (or Web JetAdmin) application
• The CA Unicenter application
• Management agents on HP devices
• A web browser installed on Unicenter’s console
• Integration software, referred to as the 'platform bridge' installed on the Unicenter server
• Integration software, referred to as the 'server bridge' installed on the Toptools server
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HP Toptools for Unicenter User Guide
Web JetAdminTrap Proxy
Server Bridge
Platform Bridge
Toptool s
Unicent er
Management Agents
Figure 1-2. Location of HP Toptools for Unicenter components
Where will you install Toptools ?
HP Toptools for Unicenter supports two options:
• Toptools installed on a separate system (preferred as shown in Figure 1-2)
• Toptools installed on the same system as Unicenter (also referred to as a single system installation)
Installing Toptools on a separate system will result in better system performance for both Toptools and Unicenter.
However, depending on the size of your network and available resources, you may wish to have a single, centralized
system. More information on using HP Toptools for Unicenter in distributed Unicenter environments is provided in
the “Advanced Configuration” section of this Guide.
Do you need to use pcAnywhere or the System Performance Advisor?
HP Toptools 5.6 for Unicenter provides access to pcAnywhere and System Performance Advisor from the Unicenter
console, please refer to the “Advanced Configuration” section for additional information.
For more information on installing these solutions:
HP Toptools for Unicenter on a Unicenter server and Toptools server
Installation sections in this User Guide
HP Toptools HP Toptools User Guide
HP Web JetAdmin HP Web JetAdmin User Guide
HP JetDirect Trap Proxy Server (Contributed Library) HP JetDirect Trap Proxy Server User Guide
HP Toptools for Unicenter with pcAnywhere or System Performance
Page 7
Advanced Configuration section in this User Guide
HP Toptools for UnicenterUser Guide
1.2 Requirements
Prior to installing the server and platform bridge components, supported versions of HP Toptools, CA Unicenter,
and a web browser must be installed and verified operational.
1.2.1 Supported hp toptools Configuration
HP Toptools 5.6 for Unicenter supports the following version of the HP Toptools server:
• HP Toptools 5.6 (Build A.05.60) included on the HP Toptools 5.6 Enterprise Products CD.
Documentation describing HP Toptools 5.6 server software installation is included on the HP Toptools CD is
provided in the readme file located at the root of the CD-ROM, as well as in the HP Toptools User's Guide
The installation of HP Toptools 5.6 permits the selection of which management components are installed. Any
combination of the four components (“desktops”, “servers”, “printers”, or “hubs and switches”) may be selected for
operation with this bridge. In addition, “Advanced Configuration” should be selected at the end of that installation
and all discovery categories (IPX, WMI, etc) enabled as appropriate*. Discovery should NOT be scheduled. Note
that you may be prompted to overwrite existing files during the TT 5.6 install. You MUST choose to overwrite
existing files or the installation will fail.
*Unless you intend to use HP Toptools for Hubs and Switches management features, do not enable 'Topology'
1.2.2 Supported Unicenter Configuration
The following versions of Unicenter are supported by HP Toptools for Unicenter:
• CA Unicenter 2.4 and 3.0
1.2.3 Supported hp Computing Products
The following HP computing products are supported by HP Toptools for Unicenter:
• HP IA-32 Servers (previously known as Netservers) and Toptools Remote Control cards
• HP IPF Servers
• HP Visualize workstations
• HP Kayak workstations
• HP Vectra desktops
• HP Omnibook notebooks
• HP LaserJet printers and plotters
• HP Advancestack and Procurve networking products
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HP Toptools for Unicenter User Guide
HP Toptools Remote Control card, Advancestack, and Procurve devices support firmware agent software. Firmware
may be updated using HP Toptools. HP Netserver, Visualize, Kayak, Vectra, and Omnibook products support HP
Toptools agents that are loaded into the Operating System.
All agents and firmware are provided with purchased products and may also be downloaded from the HP website.
Upgrading agents and firmware to current versions is highly recommended.
*Support for Windows-Based Terminals is limited to early models.
1.2.4 Supported Web Browsers and Configuration
The Toptools console is accessed using a web browser. A web browser must be installed on each Unicenter console
on which you intend to install the bridge. Microsoft Internet Explorer v.5.0 is included on the HP Toptools 5.6 CD.
To enable operation of the Toptools console you must:
• Use a supported web browser application and version.
• Be authenticated with HP Toptools (the web server application).
Make sure that the platform user is a member of the Toptools “admin” group on the Toptools server. Use the NT
User Manager add authorized users to the Toptools server. Only members of the Toptools groups can access
You can access Toptools from any system using browser versions in the table below:
Browser System Browsers
Windows 2000, NT, or XP IE 4.01 SP2 (JVM 2436)
Browser Settings
To configure the browser on your management platform:
1. Set your browser to exclude using a proxy to access your Toptools server. This can be done for your entire
domain or just for the server depending on your network requirements.
2. On IE, check Bypass proxy server for local addresses as well as entering the domain in the Exceptions list on
the Advanced configuration page.
3. The URL to the management server should include your domain:
4. Always accept cookies and always refresh new page.
5. Enable Basic Authentication for the IIS service on the Toptools server
It is also helpful to set your browser to check for newer versions of stored pages on every visit to the page.
To verify correct operation of browser connection to the Toptools server, perform the following test:
1. Launch Toptools from your browser (the URL to the Toptools server should include your domain (e.g.,
2. The product will start up. If you set up NTFS on the management server, and set your IIS to BASIC security
(required for using Netscape), you will be challenged for your username and password (domain\username for
Installation of the bridge sets the Directory Security on the following virtual directories to Basic Authentication
on the Toptools server:
Installed Components Virtual Directories to set “Basic Authentication”
Device Manager Hptt, Viewer
Device Manger + Desktops or Netservers or Windows
Based Terminals
Hubs & Switches HpttTopology, Scripts
Hptt, Viewer
To Configure Access on the Toptools Server:
1. Start the Internet Service Manager
2. Start->Programs->Windows NT 4.0 Option Pack->Microsoft II or PW Server->Internet Service Manager
3. Select the Hptt virtual directory, right mouse to bring up the context menu and select Properties.
4. Select Directory Security, click Edit, select Basic Authentication, and OK. Do not change any other settings
in this dialog.
5. Repeat for the Viewer virtual directory.
6. Repeat for the hpttTopology virtual directory if you installed Toptools for Hubs & Switches.
7. Repeat for the Scripts virtual directory if you installed Toptools for Hubs & Switches.
8. Stop the Toptools Services.
9. Stop the Web Server Services.
10. Start the WW Web Service (last entry in the services menu).
11. Start the Toptools Services
In all cases of using Netscape, the “afc11.zip” file must be present in the java\classes directory. Toptools will sense
the presence or absence of this file the first time you connect to it via Netscape and walk you through installation of
this file. Do not unzip it.
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HP Toptools for Unicenter User Guide
1.2.5 Disk Space Usage
Approximately 5 MB on the Unicenter system, 1 MB on the Toptools system. The 1 MB on the Toptools system is
in addition to the disk space required for the Toptools installation. Refer to the Toptools documentation for
additional information on Toptools requirements.
1.2.6 Memory Requirements
HP Toptools for Unicenter uses approximately 4 MB of memory in background processes on the Unicenter system,
and approximately 2 MB of memory on the Toptools server. If both Unicenter and Toptools are installed on the
same system along with the bridge, the system should have a minimum of 196 MB. (It is recommended that two
separate systems be used.)
1.2.7 Processor Requirements
The requirements for the bridge are the same as the requirements for Unicenter and Toptools. If Unicenter and
Toptools are installed on the same system, a minimum of a 300 MHz Pentium is suggested for adequate
1.2.8 Single System Installation
HP Toptools and CA Unicenter may be installed on the same system.
1. Make sure the system has enough memory for both programs. A minimum of 256 MB of memory is required,
with higher amounts recommended. Beyond the disk space requirements of Unicenter and Toptools, an
additional 10MB of disk space is required for HP Toptools for Unicenter bridge components.
2. Install Microsoft SQL Server and Unicenter first as the Toptools server installation will update the Data Access
3. Install the Toptools server.
The following are REQUIREMENTS for a supported single system installation on Windows NT (not required for
Windows 2000):
4. Remove the SNMP services.
5. Reboot the system.
6. Reinstall SNMP Services.
7. Reboot the system and reinstall Service Pack 5 and above.
8. Verify that traps are being received in Unicenter. If not repeat steps 4 and 7.
9. Install the server bridge component.
10. Reboot the system.
11. Install the platform bridge component.
12. Reboot the system.
For older model HP hubs the Toptools action items “Properties (Device View)”, “SNMP/Trap Configuration”, and
“Update firmware” are only available when the Toptools server is installed on the same system as Unicenter.
1.2.9 Evaluation and Registration
The HP Toptools Enterprise Products CD provides a 60-day, full featured evaluation of each HP Toptools Enterprise
Product that expires unless a free license key is obtained by registration. To enable evaluation, follow the installation
instructions as described below.
Registration: To obtain a free license key for HP Toptools for Unicenter, go to the HP Toptools website
Page 11
) and click on “registration key”.
HP Toptools for UnicenterUser Guide
Fill in the registration form. Be sure to enter a valid email address as this is where your license file will be sent.
You must provide the IP address of the Unicenter server. •
When you register to receive your license key, you will be emailed a new license.dat file.
License Installation:
• Copy the license file to <drive>:\<Unicenter-Home directory>\BIN\license.dat on the Unicenter system..
Activate and verify the new license by stopping and then restarting Unicenter. You should be able to access
Toptools features for HP devices.
1.2.10 Support and Contact information
Both pre- and post-sales support for HP Toptools for Unicenter is provided free-of-charge and may be obtained from
the HP Customer Care Centers: http://www.hp.com/cposupport/mail_support.html
web site www.hp.com/toptools
Training modules describing Toptools are provided on the Toptools web site
Page 12
for updates and information on and future releases.
. Also refer to the HP Toptools
HP Toptools for Unicenter User Guide
2 Installing the hp toptools Server Bridge Component
There are two bridge components that compose HP Toptools for Unicenter, a Toptools server bridge
and a platform bridge. The server bridge must be installed on the Toptools server as described below, while the
platform bridge must be installed on the Unicenter system as described later.
2.1 Preparing the toptools Server
The Toptools Device Manager must be installed and accessible to the system running Unicenter. Using the
browser, invoke the URL http://<Toptools_Server>/hptt where <Toptools_Server> is the fully-qualified DNS
hostname or IP address of the system running the Toptools Device Manager. If you are unable to access the
Toptools server, consult the Toptools Device Manager documentation to troubleshoot the problem. Refer to Section
You may be prompted for a login. Only members of one of the three Toptools user groups “toptools”, “toptools
operator”, or “toptools admin” are authenticated to access the Toptools server.
To simplify logins from the Unicenter server, use the Windows NT User
Manager to add Unicenter users to the appropriate Toptools group(s) on the
Toptools server. Otherwise, each browser launch will be accompanied by an
authentication prompt.
Discovery is turned off by
this installation. Proper
operation of both Toptools
and the bridge require that it
NOT be turned on again.
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HP Toptools for UnicenterUser Guide
2.2 Step-by-Step Instructions
The Toptools server bridge component is installed on the Toptools system. It must be installed prior to installing the
platform bridge component.
The Toptools server bridge component installation process consists of the following:
1. Verify that the Toptools server is operational. (Refer to Section 1.)
2. Install the Toptools server bridge component on the Toptools server.
2.2.1 Installation
To install the server bridge component, go to the Enterprise\Tt4tng\SrvrBrdg directory and run Setup.exe. You will
see the following screen:
Figure 2-1. Opening screen of installation program for Toptools Server bridge component.
After a few moments, the license agreement screen is displayed as shown below. Notice that the version number for
the HP Toptools Server Bridge, the Toptools Server bridge component, is displayed.
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HP Toptools for Unicenter User Guide
Figure 2-2. License Agreement for HP Toptools Server bridge
After accepting the software agreement, setup asks for a directory to install to and permits you to specify a different
directory as shown in Figure 2-3.
Figure 2-3. The Toptools Server Bridge uses a default install directory of c:\TTBridge.
The setup program stops and restarts the Toptools server services:
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HP Toptools for UnicenterUser Guide
Figure 2-4. Setup stops and restarts the Toptools services.
Setup displays the port number on which it intends to service requests. The default is 5041. If for some reason this
TCP port is not available on your system, select an available port, and specify it here. A list of reserved TCP ports
is available in the \winnt\system32\drivers\etc\services file. Listed ports may not be in use, but have already been
specified for use by other applications. You can see a list of actively used ports by using ‘netstat –p tcp’.
Regardless of which free TCP port you select, make a note of it as you will be prompted to enter the port during the
platform bridge component installation.
Figure 2-5. TCP port 5041 is the default used by Toptools for Unicenter.
Next, setup requests the address of the Unicenter system. Enter the Community string and IP address into the fields.
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HP Toptools for Unicenter User Guide
Figure 2-6. Enter the IP address of the system running Unicenter.
When installation is complete, you will see the following screen:
Figure 2-7. Final screen of server bridge installation.
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HP Toptools for UnicenterUser Guide
2.3 Post Installation Recommendations
The Toptools server must have its discovery database cleared AFTER the installation of the Toptools server bridge
component. This is because the devices discovered by Unicenter are sent to Toptools to populate MEDS (the
Toptools database).
To clear the Toptools database:
• On the Windows NT Service Control Panel, set: “HP Toptools Services” to manual startup.
• Reboot the system.
• Select
Start->Programs->HP Toptools->Clear Database to launch the following screen:
• Select “Discovered Devices (MEDS)” and press the OK button to completely clear the database.
• On the Windows NT Service Control Panel, change “HP Toptools Services” to automatic startup.
2.4 Verifying a Successful Installation
There are two simple ways of verifying that the installation of the server bridge was successful. First, after the
system has rebooted a new process should be listed in the task manager: HPTTsrvbrg.exe as shown below.
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HP Toptools for Unicenter User Guide
Figure 2-8. The Toptools Server bridge component uses a background process called "HPTTSrvbrg.exe".
Second, this process should be listed as one of the Toptools services managed by the RViewSCM.exe manager, a
Toptools server process called the Service Control Manager. You can verify this by launching a console session
directly to Toptools. (As indicated by an icon on the workspace of the system running the Toptools server, or by
launching IE with the URL http://<Toptools_Server_IP address>/hptt.) From the main screen shown by the
browser, select Settings->Toptools Services and verify the status of the Toptools server bridge as shown in the
following figure.
Figure 2-9. The Toptools Services window displays the status of the Toptools Server Bridge.
The Toptools server bridge background task should be “Active” and the current activity should be “Bridge running
normally”. Reboot is not required, but recommended.
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HP Toptools for UnicenterUser Guide
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HP Toptools for Unicenter User Guide
3 Installing the CA Unicenter Platform Bridge Component
The platform bridge component must be installed on the Unicenter system following the installation of the server
bridge component on the Toptools server.
The Unicenter platform bridge component installation process consists of the following:
1. Prepare the Unicenter console for installation by following the steps listed in this section.
2. Run the platform bridge installation wizard.
3. Perform post-installation wizard steps for Unicenter as specified in “Step-by-Step Instructions”.
3.1 Preparing the Unicenter System
In addition to having a properly installed and functioning CA Unicenter for Windows version 2.4 or 3.0 system, the
platform bridge component requires the installation of Microsoft Internet Explorer version 4.01 or greater. Refer to
the “Requirements” section of this Guide for more information on supported web browsers and their configuration.
3.1.1 Pre-installation Check and Configuration
Before installing the platform bridge component do the following:
• Verify that Unicenter is installed and functioning properly.
• Verify that Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.01 or greater is installed and configured properly and can connect to
the Toptools server. Configure the browser to “Bypass Proxy Server for local addresses” and specify the IP
address and host name of the Toptools server as a system to access by bypassing.
• Enter SNMP communities for managed HP devices.
• Use the browser to verify that the HP Toptools Server bridge component has been successfully installed, is
running, and is reachable over the network:
• Activate the SNMP trap server for Unicenter
1. On the Unicenter system Telnet to the Toptools IP address and port number.
At the DOS prompt enter "Telnet" <Toptools server address>
Example: Telnet 5041
2. A flashing cursor indicates a successful connection. If it fails to connect it will display the message,
"failure to connect". If you receive a failure, verify the IP address and port number that you entered
matches the address of the Toptools server and the port you entered during installation of the server
Figure 3-1. Bringing up the Unicenter Settings screen.
3. This brings up the CA-Unicenter Settings window as shown below:
Figure 3-2. Both Client and Server Preferences must have SNMP Trap Server activated.
4. Select both “Component Activation Flags” on the bottom tab, and “Client Preferences” on the right
5. Find the row “SNMP Trap Server Activated”. The value should be “Yes”. Double-click on the
settings column to set this value to “Yes”.
6. Select both “Component Activation Flags” on the bottom tab, and “Server Preferences” on the right
7. Find the row “SNMP Trap Server Activated”. The value should be “Yes”. Double-click on the
settings column to set this value to “Yes”.
• To allow reception of DMI and WMI alerts forwarded from the Toptools server as SNMP traps, go to the
Unicenter Settings screen (Figure 3-2) and click on the Event Management tab at the bottom of the dialog.
Scroll down and find the entry for Users authorized to issue commands. There should be an entry for the person
who installed Unicenter. There should be an entry for person who installed Unicenter as well as Unicenter’s
CAUNINT account. Additional users can be added if required. Refer to the Unicenter documentation.
• Set the Windows NT SNMP Trap service to manual.
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HP Toptools for Unicenter User Guide
1. Select Start->Settings->Control Panel.
2. Select Services.
3. Select SNMP Trap service entry.
Figure 3-3. Set the "SNMP Trap Service" to "Manual" startup.
4. Set the Startup Type to Manual.
3.2 Step-by-Step Instructions
The platform bridge component is installed on the Unicenter system running the Repository and WorldView
console. To install the platform bridge component, go to the Enterprise\Tt4tng\PlatformBrdg directory on the CD
and run Setup.exe. After a few moments, the license agreement screen is displayed along with the headline “HP
Toptools for Unicenter
Figure 3-4. The first screen displayed is the Welcome Screen.
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HP Toptools for UnicenterUser Guide
The next screen allows you to select HP Toptools for Unicenter or the HP Web JetAdmin for Unicenter platform
bridge components. For an explanation of the difference between these two products, refer to Before You Begin in
the “Requirements” section of this Guide.
Figure 3-5. Component Selection screen.
Select HP Toptools for Unicenter to install the HP Toptools for Unicenter platform bridge component. Refer to
section 4 “Installing HP Web JetAdmin for Unicenter” for instructions on installing and using HP Web JetAdmin
for Unicenter. Additional information on Web JetAdmin is provided by the online help in the Web JetAdmin
Figure 3-6. The first screen displayed by the installation is the License Agreement.
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HP Toptools for Unicenter User Guide
Setup determines where Unicenter is installed and displays this information:
Figure 3-7. Setup indicates the destination of installation files.
Next, the installation program displays a warning about prerequisites. These were detailed in the previous section.
Figure 3-8. Setup indicates prerequisites for this installation.
At this point, the installation program prompts you to enter the IP address of the system running the Toptools server
and server bridge, along with the TCP port number specified during server bridge installation. The default port is
5041; however, if you specified a different port number earlier, then you must enter the new number now.
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HP Toptools for UnicenterUser Guide
This screen is shown below:
Figure 3-9. The TCP port number must match the port number entered previously.
After entering the Toptools server information, the installation program continues installing as shown below.
Figure 3-10. Installation of the platform bridge component should complete in less than ten minutes.
Before completion, the installation program will attempt to gain access to the Unicenter database. You will be
prompted to login:
Page 26
+ 59 hidden pages
You need points to download manuals.
1 point = 1 manual.
You can buy points or you can get point for every manual you upload.