128/238-Slot, 5.2 Gbyte-Drive
Optical Jukebox
Upgrade and Conversion Instructions
Edition 1
Part No. C1104-90018
Printed in USA 3/98
Printing History
Part number C1104-90018 Edition 1 March 1998
Typographical Conventions
The following typographical conventions are used in these instructions: Emphasis: Denotes important information.
Keycap: Keys on the libr ary.
Computer Output: Information displayed in the display window an d screen menu items that you can select.
WARNING Warnings call attention to a procedure or practice that could result in personal
injury if not correctly performed. Do not proceed until you fully understand and meet the required conditions.
CAUTION Cautions call attention to an operating procedure or practice that could damage the
product if not correctly performed. Do not proceed until understanding and meeting these required conditions.
NOTE Notes provide information that can be helpful in u nderstanding the operation of the
These Instructions
These upgrade/conversion instructions include the following topics: Chapter 1 Checking the parts in your kit against the parts list. Checking
that you have the corr ect tool s. Checkin g that you have t he most
current firmware for the jukebox controller and the drives. Chapter 2 Procedures for adding drives to the jukebox. Chapter 3 Procedures for converting models of this jukebox from using
2.6 Gbyte drives to using 5.2 Gbyte drives.
Chapter 4 Checking and upgrading the jukebox controller and drives
firmware to the most current revision level. Chapter 5 Verifying proper jukebox operation, applying labels and
nameplates reflecting the upgrade/conversion, and cleanup.
1 First Steps
First Steps
This chapter provides the following:
Contents of each upgrade and conversion kit
A checklist of equipment, tools, and firmware needed
First Steps
Upgrades, Conversions, and Kit Contents
Upgrades, Conversions, and Kit Contents
These instructions explain how to install upgrade/con version kits for the following:
Adding two drives to upgrade a four-drive jukebox to a six-drive jukebox.
Adding four drives to upgrade a six-drive jukebox to a ten-drive jukebox.
Activating and additional 110 sl ots to upgrade a 128-slot jukebox to a 238 -s lot jukebox.
Converting 2.6 Gb, four- or six-drive, 128-slot jukeboxes to 5.2 Gb, four- or
six-drive, 128-slot jukeb oxes . Converting 2.6 Gb, 6-, 8-, 10-, or 12-drive, 238-slot jukeboxes to 5.2 Gb 4-, 6-,
or 10-drive, 238-slot jukeboxes.
NOTE A “J,” “K,” and “L,” suffix on a kit number denotes the sales channel in which it is
What is an Upgrade?
Upgrades add drives or available slots to the jukebox. The 5.2-Gb-drive-based jukebox is.shipped with a all slots installed. The slot
upgrade is done on a “half” jukebox and makes an additional 110 of these pre-installed slots available for use. Total slots available becomes 238.
For an upgrade, use the following steps: Step 1 - Check the upgrade kit contents and that you have the necessary equipment,
tools, and firmware.
Step 2 - Go to Chapter 2, “Upgrading Drives and Capacity in 5.2 Gb Drive
Jukeboxes” Step 3 - Go to Chapter 4, “Checking/Downloading Firmware” Step 4 - Go to Chapter 5 - “Verifying Proper Jukebox Operation and Labeling.”
First Steps
Upgrades, Conversions, and Kit Contents
Table 1-1 Contents of the C1154J/K/L Upgrade Kits
Part Qty
The “x” in the 60000-series part numbers represents a number from “0” to “9” depending on the revision of the part.
5.2 Gbyte drive 2 C1113-60x08 drive SCSI cable 1 C1107-60x46 drive interface cable 1 C1107-60x63 drive power cable 1 C1107-60x55 drive enclosure air seal 1 C1107-80604 M3x6 T-10 screw 12 0515-2382 cable clamp 2 1400-0611 product label 1 5181-9902 placed over the current
Upgrade and
1 C1104-90018 These instructions.
Conversion Instructions
Table 1-2 Contents of the C1158J/K/L Upgrade Kits
product label
Part Qty Part Number Comments
The “x” in the 60000-series part numbers represents a number from “0” to “9” depending on the revision of the part.
5.2 Gbyte drive 4 C1113-60x08 power supply, 200 W 1 C1107-60x32 drive enclosure
3 C1107-60x47
assembly drive enclosure air seal 2 C1107-80604 drive power cable 2 C1107-60x55
Upgrades, Conversions, and Kit Contents
Part Qty Part Number Comments
First Steps
lower drive power
1 C1107-60x68
cable drive interface cable 2 C1107-60x63 drive SCSI cable 2 C1107-60x46 lower interposer PCA 1 C1110-60x05 lower interposer SCSI
1 C1107-60x60
cable SCSI interface PCA 1 C1150-60x08 ferrite RFI clamp 1 9170-1648 SCSI module p ort label 1 C1192-84304 drive/slot map label 1 C1110-84300 single-ended SCSI
1 1250-2548
terminator SCSI port dust cover 1 1252-5089 wide differential
1 A1658-62024
terminator 68-pin port dust cover 1 1252-7123 M3x6 T-10 screw 24 0515-2382 T-20 screw 18 0515-2282 2-56 screwlock 8 1252-7212 jumper 1 1258-0209 cable clamp 4 1400-0611 short 12 V AC cable 1 C1107-60x50 standoffs 6 0380-4416
First Steps
Upgrades, Conversions, and Kit Contents
Part Qty Part Number Comments
T-15 screw 6 2360-0552 product label 1 5181-9902 placed over the current
product label
Upgrade and
1 C1104-90018 These instructions.
Conversion Instructions
Table 1-3 Contents of the C1159J/K/L Upgrade Kits
Part Qty
The “x” in the 60000-series part numbers represents a number from “0” to “9” depending on the revision of the part.
configuration module 1 C1110-60x03 product label 1 5181-9902 placed over the current
1200ex nameplate
1 C1107-84310 or 10/238 nameplate (see
Note below) NOTE:
The 10/238 nameplate is used on 4-,6-, and 10-drive versions of the 238-slot jukebox. See the product numbers below.
product label C1159J kit
C1159K, C1159L option #726 kits only
C1107K/L option #726 C1110K/L option #726 C1111K/L option #726
Upgrade and
1 C1104-90018 These instructions. Conversion Instructions
First Steps
Upgrades, Conversions, and Kit Contents
What is a Conversion?
Conversions of this jukebox mean changing from a previous capacity drive technology (2.6 Gbyte) to the new capacity (5.2 Gbyte).
The drives are changed one-to-one. If the jukebox had four 2.6 Gb drives before, it will have four 5.2 Gb drives after the conversion.
All jukeboxes based o n 5.2- Gbyte drives are ship ped with al l possi ble cartr idge slot s installed. When converting a older jukebox, based on 2.6 Gb drives, slot magazines are included in the kit so that the converted jukebox will match the configuratio n of
the jukeboxes as currently shippe d — all slots installed. Future upgrading of the converted jukebox from a “half” to a “full” capacity only
requires plugging in the configuration module — the same as current, 5.2 Gb jukeboxes.
Check your conversion kit contents in the following table before you begin. You will be using the following chapters:
Chapter 3 - “Converting From 2.6 Gb Disk Drives to 5.2 Gb Disk Drives”
Chapter 4 - “Checking/Downloading Firmware”
Chapter 5 - ““Verifying Jukebox Operation, Labeling, and Cleanup”
Table 1-4 Contents of the C5138J/K/L Conversion Kits
Part Qty
The “x” in the 60000-series part numbers represents a number from “0” to “9” depending on the revision of the part.
5.2 Gbyte drive 4 C1113-60x08 upper interposer PCA 1 C1110-60x04 interface PCA 1 C1150-60x08 8-slot magazine 24 C1100-44400 6-slot magazine 6 C1160-41215 drive/slot map label 1 C1107-84311 ferrite RFI clamp 2 9170-1735
First Steps
Upgrades, Conversions, and Kit Contents
Part Qty
EMI gasket 3 C1160-80602 flat RFI cable clamp 6 1400-0514 cable clamp 2 1400-1742 T-20 screw 6 0515-2282 M3x6 T-10 screw 24 0515-2382 T-15 screw 6 2360-0552 cable clamp 4 1400-0611 wheel chock 1 4320-0448 product label 1 5181-9902 placed over the current
product label
660ex nameplate or 6/128 nameplate
1 C1104-84302
or C1104-84304
C5138J kit only
C5138K and C5138L option #726 kits only
NOTE: The 6/128 nameplate is used on 4- and 6-drive of the 128-slot jukebox. See the
product numbers below. C1104K/L option #726 C1105K/L option #726
First Steps
Upgrades, Conversions, and Kit Contents
Part Qty
User Guide 1 C1104-90015
or C1104-90016 or C1104-90017
User Guide, localized
1 C1112-90000 C5138J kit only
CD ROM Upgrade and
1 C1104-90018 These instructions.
Conversion Instructions
Table 1-5 Contents of the C5139J/K/L Conversion Kits
Part Qty
The “x” in the 60000-series part numbers represents a number from “0” to “9” depending on the revision of the part.
C5138J kit only
C5138K and C5138L #726 kits only
C5138L #700 and #768 kits only
5.2 Gbyte drive 4 C1113-60x08 upper interposer PCA 1 C1110-60x04 interface PCA 1 C1150-60x08 configuration module 1 C1110-60x03 drive/slot map label 1 C1107-84311 ferrite RFI clamp 2 9170-1735 on SCSI cable below lower
interposer PCA EMI gasket 3 C1160-80602 flat RFI cable clamp 6 1400-0514 ferrite clamp 2 9170-1648 cable clamp 2 1400-1742
First Steps
Upgrades, Conversions, and Kit Contents
Part Qty
T-20 screw 6 0515-2282 extra assembly and panel
mounting screws
M3x6 T-10 screw 20 0515-2382 for mounting drives in the
drive enclosure wheel chock 1 4320-0448 cable clamp 6 1400-0611 product label 1 5181-9902 placed over the current
product label 1200 ex nameplate
or 10/238 nameplate (see
Note below)
1 C1107-84310
or C1107-84312
C5139K and C5139L #726
kits only NOTE:
The 10/238 nameplate is used on 4-,6-, and 10-drive versions of the 238-slot jukebox. See the product numbers below.
C1107K/L option #726 C1110K/L option #726 C1111K/L option #726
User Guide 1 C1104-90015
C1139J kit only
User Guide, localized
C1104-90016 or C1104-90017
1 C1112-90000 C5133J kit only
C5139K and C5139L
option #726 kits only
C5139L #700 and #768 kits
CD ROM Upgrade and
1 C1104-90018 These instructions.
Conversion Instructions
First Steps
Equipment, Tools, and Firmware Needed
Equipment, Tools, and Firmware Needed
PC Tool Equipment and Software Needed
When upgrading or co nvertin g the librar y you wil l be connect ing your PC too l to th e jukebox for two reaso ns: downlo ading firmwar e to the jukebox co ntroller and drives and verifying proper operation of the drives after installation. The following hardware and software is required:
IBM AT-compatible computer
Adaptec interface board
Cables and adapters that will enable you to connect the SCSI port of your PC tool to a high-density SCSI port on the jukebox.
In addition to a service SCSI cable stored inside the jukebox you may need an adapter from the list below:
PTI cable: 50-pin to 68-pin cable (PTI part number HP01) Adaptec products Adaptec APA 1460 connector
(Adaptec part no. ACK-1460-50HD) Internal converter
(Adaptec part no. ACK-68P-50P-IU) Standard 68-pin male to 68-pin male SCSI cable
A firmware download utility
An MO scratch disk for testing the d r ives.
SCSI PRO® CoComp www.cocomp.com
SCSI Toolbox® Peripheral Test Instruments (PTI) www.pti.com
First Steps
Equipment, Tools, and Firmware Needed
Tools Required
T-10 and T-20 Torx® drivers
Firmware Needed
Before begi nning an upgrade or conversion, obtain the most current version of the jukebox controller and drive firmware for the model and option of the jukebox you are upgrading/converting.
Firmware for all models and options of this jukebox is available for download at: www.hp.com/isgupport/optical/fw/firmware.html.
2 Upgrading Drives and Capacity in
5.2-Gb Drive Jukeboxes
Upgrading Drives and Capacity in 5.2-Gb Drive Jukeboxes
Before You Begin
Before You Begin
Check the kit contents, tools and equipment needed for this upgrade in Chapter 1.
IMPORTANT Before you begin, make sure you have the most current firmware for the jukebox
controller and the drives for the model and option jukebox you are upgrading. Firmware may be obtained at www.hp.com/isgsupport/optical/firmware.html.
A Guide to this Chapter
FIRST — Access the drive/electronics area using directions on page 2-3. THEN:
If you are upgrading drives, go to page 2-4
If you are upgrading slot capacity, go to page 2-23.
Upgrading Drives and Capacity in 5.2-Gb Drive Jukeboxes
Access the Drive /Electronics Area
Access the Drive /Electronics Area
WARNING Disconnect the power cord before taking the jukebox apart to prevent possible
electrical shock.
CAUTION Do not switch off power to the jukebox until you are sure the SCSI bus is inactive.
Switching off the jukebox when the SCSI bus is active can caus e data loss and/or indeterminate bus states.
Figure 2-1 Access Panels
Upgrading Drives and Capacity in 5.2-Gb Drive Jukeboxes
Upgrading Drives (C1154J/K/L, C1158J/K/L Kits)
Upgrading Drives (C1154J/K/L, C1158J/K/L Kits)
NOTE If you are upgrading the capacity on a four- or six-drive jukebox, go to “Upgrading
Slot Capacity from 128 to 23 8 Slo ts In a Four- or Six -Drive Jukeb ox” on page 3-23.
Adding Two Drives (Upgrading a 4- Drive to a 6-Drive Jukebox ­C1154J/K/L Kit)
1. Remove the empty drive enclosure at position #3 (see Figure 2-2). a. Disconnect the drive fan power cable from the interposer PCA.
b. Remove the two T-20 screws that mount the drive enclosure to the chassis.
Upgrading Drives and Capacity in 5.2-Gb Drive Jukeboxes
Upgrading Drives (C1154J/K/L, C1158J/K/L Kits)
Figure 2-2 Drive and Drive Cover Plate Locations
2. Remove the top and bottom cover on the dri ve enclosure as s hown in Figure 2- 3.
Upgrading Drives and Capacity in 5.2-Gb Drive Jukeboxes
Upgrading Drives (C1154J/K/L, C1158J/K/L Kits)
Figure 2-3 Top and Bottom Access Panels on the Drive Enclosure
3. Route the drive cables for two drives into the enclosure as shown in Figure 2-4.
Figure 2-4 Routing Cables to the Drives in the Enclosure
Upgrading Drives and Capacity in 5.2-Gb Drive Jukeboxes
Upgrading Drives (C1154J/K/L, C1158J/K/L Kits)
4. Mount the cable clip on the rear of both drives as shown in #4 of Figure 2-4.
5. Slide the bottom drive into the enclosure far enough to connect a set of drive cables to the drive as shown in #1, #2, and #3 on Figure 2-4.
As you connect the drive interface cable, slide the cable into the cable clip on the rear of the drive.
6. Slide the top drive into the enclosure far enough to connect a set of drive cables to the drive as shown in #1, #2, and #3 on Figure 2-4.
As you connect the drive interface cable, slide the cable into the cable clip on the rear of the drive.
7. Insert the T-10 screws to mount the drives (see screws labeled #3 and #4 on Figure 2-5).
Each drive uses four screws; two on each side.
Figure 2-5 Mounting the Drives Into the Drive Enclosure
8. Remount the top and bottom covers on the enclosure (see #1 and #2 on Figure 2-5)
Upgrading Drives and Capacity in 5.2-Gb Drive Jukeboxes
Upgrading Drives (C1154J/K/L, C1158J/K/L Kits)
9. Mount the air seals on the two sides of the enclosure as shown in Figure 2-6. Mount an air seal on the left side of the enclosure to cover the remainder of the
hole used by the cables. Mount a smaller air seal on the hole on the right side of the enclosure.
Figure 2-6 Applying the Air Seals to the Drive Enclosure
Upgrading Drives and Capacity in 5.2-Gb Drive Jukeboxes
Upgrading Drives (C1154J/K/L, C1158J/K/L Kits)
10. Insert the drive enclosure into position #3 in the chassis and secure the enclosure with two T-20 screws on each side (see #5 on Figure 2-7).
11. Connect the cables from the drives to the interposer PCA as shown in #1, #2, #3, and #4 on Figure 2-7.
#1 - drive power cable (for both drives)
#2 - drive interface cable (split, one for each drive)
#3 - drive enclosure fan power cable
#4 - SCSI cable (to both drives)
Figure 2-7 Connecting Drive Cables to the Interposer for Enclosure #3
Upgrading Drives and Capacity in 5.2-Gb Drive Jukeboxes
Upgrading Drives (C1154J/K/L, C1158J/K/L Kits)
Adding Four Drives and Support Components (Upgrading a 6-Drive to a 10-Drive Jukebox ­C1158J/K/L Kit)
Step 1: Remove Drive Enclosure #3
1. Remove the three right-side panels and the upper and lower RFI panels (see Figure 2-1).
Figure 2-8 Drive and Drive Cover Plate Locations
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