HP StorageWorks D2D4004, StorageWorks D2D4009 D2D Backup System

HP StorageWorks D2D
Backup System
D2D4004 and HP D2D4009
User Guide
Par t number: E H938-90924
hird edition: September 2008
Legal and notice information
© Copyright 2008 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. Condential computer software. Valid license from HP required for possession, use or copying. Consistent with FAR 12.211 and
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The information contained herein is subject to change without notice. The only warranties for HP products and services are set forth in the express warranty statements accompanying such products and services. Nothing herein should be construed as constituting an additional warranty. HP shall not be liable for technical or editorial errors or omissions contained herein.
Linear Tape-Open, LTO, LTO Logo, Ultrium and Ultrium Logo are trademarks of Quantum Corp, H P and IBM in the US, other countries or both.
Patented under one or more of U.S. Patents Nos. 5,003,307; 5,016,009; 5,463,390; 5,506,580; held by Hi/fn, Inc. Microsoft, Windows, Windows N T, and Windows XP are U.S. registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. Intel and Itanium are trademarks or registered trademarks of Intel Corporation or its subsidiaries in the United States and other
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Aboutthisguide ......................... 11
Intendedaudience..................................... 11
Relateddocumentation................................... 11
Documentconventionsandsymbols ............................. 11
HPtechnicalsupport.................................... 12
Customerselfrepair .................................... 12
Productwarranties..................................... 12
RegisteringyourHPD2DBackupSystem ........................... 12
Subscriptionservice .................................... 13
HPwebsites........................................ 13
Documentationfeedback .................................. 13
1Beforeyoustart......................... 15
Overview......................................... 15
Optionaltapeattach.................................... 16
Softwareandhardwarerequirements............................. 16
Terminology ....................................... 17
Autoloaders...................................... 17
Backupdevicesandslots................................ 17
Emulationtypes .................................... 17
FibreChannel..................................... 17
HostsonanEthernetnetwork .............................. 18
HostsonanFCnetwork ................................ 19
Import/ExportandCopy ................................ 19
iSCSI ........................................ 19
Libraries ....................................... 19
Mailslots(import/exportelements)............................ 20
Physicaltapedrives .................................. 20
RAID......................................... 20
Storagecapacity ..................................... 20
Physicalstorage.................................... 20
Taperotationstrategies................................. 20
Datadeduplication .................................... 21
Technologytypes ................................... 21
DatadeduplicationandtheHPD2D ........................... 21
BenetsofHPD2Ddeduplication ............................ 21
Deduplicationandcompression ............................. 22
Taperotationexamplewithdatadeduplication....................... 22
Retentionpolicy.................................. 22
Dataparameters.................................. 22
Typicalsavings .................................. 22
2ConnectingandinstallingtheHPD2DBackupSystem ........ 25
Installingtherailkit .................................... 25
Overview....................................... 25
Kitcontents...................................... 25
Importantsafetyinformation............................... 25
Installationguidelines ................................. 25
Mountingtheserver .................................. 26
Connectingthehardware.................................. 29
D2D Backup SystemHP D2D4004 and HP D2D4009
Supported Ethernet congurations .............................. 30
Ethernetnetworkconnection............................... 30
IPv4andIPv6networkprotocols........................... 30
Dualnetworkports................................. 30
DHCPandstaticIPaddressing............................ 30
HPD2DonaGigabitEthernetnetwork........................ 30
PoweringontheHPD2D .................................. 32
Software installation, discovery and conguration ....................... 32
InstallationwizardforWindowsusers........................... 32
RunningtheInstallationwizard............................ 33
Recommendedwebbrowsersettings ............................. 35
InternetExplorer7.X .................................. 36
InternetExplorer6.X.................................. 36
MozillaFirefox1.5andFirefox2.X............................ 36
3Attachingaphysicaltapedrive(optional).............. 37
HardwarerequirementsforTapeAttach............................ 37
Tapedriveinstallationoverview ............................... 37
Removingthetopcover................................... 38
InstallingtheHBA ..................................... 38
RemovingthePCICage................................. 39
Removingtheslotcover................................. 40
InstallingthePCIeCard................................. 41
ReinstallingthePCICage................................ 42
Replacingthetopcover................................... 43
Connectinganexternalorrackmounttapedrive ........................ 44
4 Advanced installation ...................... 45
Manualdriverinstallation.................................. 45
HPLTOTapedriver .................................. 45
Mediumchangerdriver................................. 45
UsingDHCPtodiscovertheHPD2DBackupSystem(IPv4only).................. 46
UsingtheDiscoveryEnginetodiscovertheHPD2DBackupSystem(IPv4only) ........... 46
Beaconmode..................................... 47
If the HP D2D Backup System is new and not yet congured ................. 47
If the HP D2D Backup System has been conguredincorrectly ................ 47
Ifthenetworksetuphasbeenchanged .......................... 47
UsingtheconsoletodiscovertheHPD2DBackupSystem(IPv4andIPv6) ............. 47
Toconnectthesystemconsole.............................. 47
iSCSIInitiator....................................... 49
ManualiSCSIinitiatorinstallation ............................ 50
TheiSCSIInitiatorandAuthentication........................... 50
TheMicrosoftiSCSIInitiator............................... 51
Generaltab.................................... 51
Discoverytab................................... 53
Targetstab.................................... 54
PersistentTargetstab................................ 56
BoundVolumes/Devicestab............................. 57
LinuxandUNIXiSCSIinitiators ............................... 57
5HPD2DBackupSystemsandFibreChannel............. 59
FibreChanneltopologies.................................. 59
Zoning.......................................... 59
FibreChannelconnection.................................. 60
Fibre Channel (Conguration)................................ 61
To edit the FC conguration............................... 61
FibreChannel(Status) ................................... 61
Devicessection .................................... 62
Librarysection..................................... 62
6LEDs.............................. 63
FrontpanelLEDs...................................... 63
HarddriveLEDs.................................... 63
RearpanelLEDs...................................... 64
FibreChannelcardLEDs .................................. 65
Beaconmode....................................... 66
7TheWebManagementInterface.................. 67
WhatistheWebManagementinterface?........................... 67
ToruntheWebManagementInterface............................ 67
Summary(Home) ..................................... 68
Statusicons...................................... 69
Devices (Conguration)................................... 69
Emulationtypesfortapedevices............................. 70
Libraries, slots and storage capacity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71
Userrecommendations............................... 71
Toviewdevicedetails ................................. 71
Toeditdevicedetails.................................. 71
Tocreateanewdevice................................. 72
Todeleteadevice................................... 73
Cartridges (Conguration) ................................. 74
Emptyslots...................................... 75
Todeleteacartridge.................................. 76
Towriteprotectacartridge ............................... 76
Toeditmaximumsize ................................. 76
Tocreateacartridge.................................. 76
Network (Conguration) .................................. 77
Network conguration ................................. 77
Toeditnetworksettings............................... 77
Resettingnetworksettingstofactorydefaults........................ 78
Beaconmode..................................... 79
Fibre Channel (Conguration)................................ 79
Email Alerts (Conguration)................................. 79
To congureMicrosoftExchangeServer.......................... 80
Disk(Status)........................................ 81
Diskusage ...................................... 82
RAID(Status) ....................................... 82
RAIDstatus...................................... 83
Physicaldisks..................................... 83
iSCSI(Status) ....................................... 84
FibreChannel(Status) ................................... 84
Log(Status)........................................ 84
TapeAttachpages..................................... 85
Admin(Settings)...................................... 85
Resettingthepassword................................. 86
Shutdown(Settings) .................................... 86
Firmware(Settings)..................................... 87
Backup(Settings) ..................................... 89
To generate the conguration le............................. 89
To upload the conguration le ............................. 90
Support(Settings) ..................................... 90
License(Settings) ..................................... 90
To apply the license key . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91
8 Export, import and copy using an attached tape drive . . . . . . . . 93
RequirementsforconnectingatapedrivetotheHPD2D..................... 93
D2D Backup SystemHP D2D4004 and HP D2D4009
Anoteaboutterminology.................................. 93
Archivingmethods..................................... 94
Cartridgecopy .................................... 94
WhyusetheCopyfunctionality?........................... 95
WhenwouldCopybeused? ............................ 95
Whenisitnecessarytorestorefromacopiedcartridge? ................ 95
DisadvantagesofCopy............................... 96
Cartridgeexport.................................... 96
WhyusetheExportfunctionality? .......................... 97
WhenwouldExportbeused?............................ 97
WhenwouldIrestorefromanexportedcartridge? ................... 97
DisadvantagesofExport .............................. 98
Compression ..................................... 98
Cartridgeimport.................................... 98
Tapespanning .................................... 99
UsingtheWebManagementinterfacetocopy/export/importcartridges ............. 99
Conguration(TapeAttach)............................... 99
Addingtapedrivestothelist ............................ 99
Upgrading tape drive rmware ........................... 100
Copy/Export/Import(TapeAttach)............................ 100
Tocopytoattachedtapedrive............................ 100
Toexporttoattachedtapedrive........................... 101
Toimportfromattachedtapedrive.......................... 102
Status(TapeAttach) .................................. 103
Tocancelajob .................................. 103
Ifanerroroccurs ................................. 104
Schedule(TapeAttach)................................. 104
Tocreateaschedule................................ 104
Toview,editordeleteexistingschedules ....................... 106
JobHistory(TapeAttach)................................ 106
9Copyusingatapedriveattachedtothehost ............ 109
Requirements ....................................... 109
Tapedrivessupported ................................. 109
Archivefromhosttotapeprocess .............................. 109
Furtherinformation................................... 110
Compression ....................................... 110
10Restoreprocesses ....................... 111
Restorescenarios ..................................... 111
RestoringfromtheHPD2DBackupSystem........................... 112
Restoreanddeduplication.................................. 112
ReconnectingtotheHPD2Dafterhostfailure ......................... 112
11 Troubleshooting . . . . .................... 117
Connectingthehardware.................................. 117
ConnectingtotheHPD2Dfromthebackupapplication..................... 117
Connectingtothenetwork ................................. 117
Performance ....................................... 118
Network ....................................... 118
WebManagementInterfaceerrorsandwarnings........................ 118
DiskRAIDerrorsandwarnings ............................. 118
Networkwarnings................................... 119
Systemstate...................................... 119
PowerOn/OffProblems .................................. 119
HPD2Dshutsdownautomatically ............................ 119
HPD2Ddoesnotbootupcorrectly............................ 119
HP D2D System Health LED is ashingRED ........................ 120
HPD2Dbootsupcorrectly,butcannotbeseenonthenetwork................ 120
CannotconnecttoWebManagementInterface ........................ 120
HPD2Disnotvisibleonthenetwork........................... 120
CannotlogintotheWebManagementInterface...................... 120
CannotauthenticateaniSCSIsession............................. 120
IftheHPD2DBackupSystemrunsoutofdiskspace ...................... 120
HP D2D congurationproblems ............................... 121
Icannotseeanewlycreateddevice ........................... 121
I cannot see additional slots from the backup application . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121
Upgradelicenses ..................................... 121
CanItransfertheLicenseToUsetoadifferentHPD2D?................... 121
Morediskspresentthanarelicensed........................... 121
Replacementofhardware.................................. 121
Eventlogdisplays‘InvalidBIOSAssemblyname’...................... 121
RAIDbatterybackupstatus ............................... 121
IftheRAIDbatteryfails................................. 121
12Harddiskreplacement ..................... 123
RAID6.......................................... 123
HowdoIknowadiskhasfailed? .............................. 123
Ifyouhaveasystemconsole .............................. 125
Ifyouhaveemailalerts................................. 126
TheEventLog..................................... 126
Replacingtheharddisk................................... 127
EmailalertsandLog.................................. 129
Ifyouhaveasystemconsole .............................. 129
Ifseveraldisksfail..................................... 130
Replacingthedisks .................................. 131
InitializingRAID.................................... 132
Createcartridges ................................. 132
13 Capacity Upgrade . . ..................... 133
Anoverviewofthecapacityupgradeprocess ......................... 133
Installingtheupgradekit .................................. 133
Summary and R A ID pages after adding disks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135
About the Capacity Licence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136
ApplyingtheLTU ..................................... 136
CompletingtheRAIDexpansion............................... 137
Index .............................. 141
D2D Backup SystemHP D2D4004 and HP D2D4009
FrontviewoftheHPD2DBackupSystem...................... 15
Rear view of the
Device congurationwithonehost ........................ 18
Device congurationwithmultiplehosts ...................... 19
Datastoredafterdeduplication.......................... 21
Space saving
Attachtherailstotherackcolumns ........................ 27
Insert the H
CTObracketlocation .............................. 28
SecuretheHPD2Dtotherack .......................... 29
Networkandpowerconnectors.......................... 29
Connectingtoadedicatedbackupnetwork..................... 32
PoweringontheHPD2DBackupSystem...................... 32
Removingthetopcover ............................. 38
RemovingthePCIcage ............................. 39
Removingtheslotcover(fullheight) ........................ 40
Removing the slot cover (low prole)........................ 41
ngtoabusinessserveronthemainnetwork ................ 31
HPD2DBackupSystem...................... 16
withdeduplication ......................... 23
PD2Dserverintotherack ....................... 28
InstallingthePCIecard(fullheight) ........................ 41
InstallingthePCIecard(inthelowprofileslot) ................... 42
ReinstallingthePCIcage............................. 42
28 29
ringthePCIcage.............................. 43
Replacingthetopcover ............................. 43
SystemconsoleconnectionsontheHPD2D..................... 48
Systemconsolescreen.............................. 49
CSIInitiatordownloadpage .......................... 50
Generaltab(iSCSI)............................... 52
HAPsecret.................................. 53
Discoverytab(iSCSI) .............................. 53
Addtargetportal................................ 54
Targetstab(iSCSI) ............................... 55
AdvancedsettingsCHAP ............................ 56
PersistentTargetstab(iSCSI) ........................... 57
Front view of the
HPD2DBackupSystem...................... 63
35 DriveLEDs................................... 64
RearpanelLEDs ................................ 65
Cartridgecopy................................. 95
Cartridgeexport ................................ 97
Cartridgeimport ................................ 98
Archiving to
DriveLEDs................................... 123
41 42
Summary pag
Identifyingthefaileddisk(s) ........................... 125
System con
Logshowingdiskfailure............................. 127
Disknumbering ................................ 127
Removingtheharddrive............................. 128
RAIDrebuilding ................................ 129
SystemconsoleduringRAIDrebuild........................ 130
Statusshowingmultiplediskfailure ........................ 131
RAIDshowingthreediskfailures ......................... 131
DevicespageawaitingRAIDinitialization ..................... 131
54 55 56
mconsoleafterthreedisksarereplaced.................... 132
Disknumbering ................................ 134
tape................................ 110
ewithRAIDstatuswarning...................... 124
soleshowingfaileddisks........................ 126
ngareplacementharddisk......................... 128
ingtheharddriveblank .......................... 134
Installingaharddisk .............................. 135
Summarypageafteraddingdisks......................... 135
RAIDpageafteraddingdisks .......................... 136
Summarypageafterexpansionpromptingforreboot ................ 138
RAIDafterexpansionandreboot ......................... 139
D2D Backup SystemHP D2D4004 and HP D2D4009
1 Documentconventions.............................. 11
2 3
4 5
Datadeduplicationsavings,example1 ...................... 23
FCcardLEDs ................................. 65
Summarypagelayout.............................. 68
Deviceparameters(tophalfofthepage)...................... 70
6 Device param
Cartridge parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
Network par
Networkportparameters ............................ 78
Emailparameters................................ 80
Physicaldiskparameters............................. 83
Jobscheduleparameters............................. 106
13 Restorescenarios................................ 111
eters ............................... 72
ameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
About this guide
This guide provides information about:
Installing the HP StorageWorks D2D Backup System
Using the HP StorageWorks D2D Backup System
Troubleshooting the HP StorageWorks D2D B ackup System
Intended audi
This guide is intended for users who install, operate and maintain the HP StorageWorks D2D Backup System.
Related documentation
In addition to this guide, the following document provides related information:
‘Start here’poster foranoverviewofthe installation informationinthisguide (available in
English, French, German and Japanese)
You can nd these documents from the Manuals page of the HP Business Support Center website:
In the Storage section, click Storage Solutions and then select your product.
Document conventions and symbols
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and list items, buttons, tabs, and check boxes
Italic text Text emphasis
Monospace, italic text
Monospace, bold text
File and directory names
System output
Commands, their arguments, and argument values
Code variables
Command variables
Emphasized monospace text
D2D Backup SystemHP D2D4004 and HP D2D4009
Indicates that failure to follow directions could result in bodily harm or death.
Indicates that failure to follow directions could result in damage to equipment or data.
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ying information or specic instructions.
HP technical support
For worldwide technical support information, see the HP support website:
Before contacting HP, collect the following information:
Product model names and numbers
Technical supp
Product serial numbers
Error messages
Operating sys
Detailed questions
ort registration number (if applicable)
tem type and revision level
Customer self repair
HP customer self repair (CSR) programs allow you to repair your StorageWorks product. If a CSR part needs replacing, HP ships the part directly to you so that you can install it at your convenience. Some parts do not qualify for CSR. Your HP-authorized service provider will determine whether a repair can be accomplished by CSR.
For more information about CSR, contact your local service provider. For North America, see the CSR website:
Product warranties
For informa
tion about HP StorageWorks product warranties, see the warranty information website:
Registering your HP D2D Backup System
Once you have installed and tested your HP D2D Backup System please take a few minutes to register your product. You can register via the web (h
About this guide
To ensure your registration is complete, there are a number of questions on the electronic form that are mandatory. Other questions are optional. However, the more you feel able to complete, the better HP can
meet your needs.
Subscription service
HP recommends that you register your product at the Subscriber’s Choice for Business website:
After registering, you will receive e-mail notication of product enhancements, new driver versions, rmware updates, a nd other product resources.
HP websites
For additional information, see the following H P websites:
• h
• http://www.hp.com/go/ebs
• http://www.hp.com/go/connect
• http://www.hp.com/go/storage
• http://www.hp.com/service_locator
• http://www.hp.com/support/manuals
• http://www.hp.com/support/downloads
Documentation feedback
your feedback.
HP welcome To make comments and suggestions about product documentation, please send a message to
storagedocs.feedback@hp.com. All submissions become the property of HP.
D2D Backup SystemHP D2D4004 and HP D2D4009
About this guide
1 Before you start
In this chapter:
Overview” on page 15
Optional tape at tach”onpage16
Software and hardware requirements” on page 16
Terminology” on page 17
Storage capacity” on page 20
Data deduplication” on page 21
The HP StorageWorks D2D Backup System is an iSCSI or Fibre Channel disk-based storage appliance that tape device is congured as an Ultrium Tape Library or Autoloader. An emulation type is selected during initial conguration and this determines the m aximum number of drives and the maximum number of slots MSL2024 Tape Library, which provides a loader with one drive and 24 slots.
es up to 16 tape devices, which can be used to back up host network servers or PCs. Each
that may be conguredfor thedevice. Thedefault configuration emulates the HP StorageWorks
1. Powe
2. Hot plug drives
3. HP D2D Beacon LED
4. System Health LED 8. Disk Beacon LED
Figure 1 Front view of the HP D2D Backup System
LAN Port 1 LED
LAN Port 2 LED
D i s k On l i n e LE D
D2D Backup SystemHP D2D4004 and HP D2D4009
1. Power supply cable sockets (two) 5. PCIe slots (two full and one low profile)
2. LAN port 1
3. LAN port 2
4. Management LAN port (Do not connect to this port)
view of the HP D2D B a ckup System
Figure 2 Re
OnefullPCIeslothas aP400 controller card pre-installed. Theother slot is availablefor optional Tape Attach. If you have the Fibre Channel product, a FC card will be pre-installed in the other full PCIe slot. You must in
stall the Tape Attach card in the low prole slot.
6. VGA p ort for system console monitor
7. PS/2 ports for system console keyboard and mouse
Optional tape attach
An external or rackmount Ultrium Tape Drive may be attached directly to the HP D2D Backup System, allowing the user to store backups offsite. Both SAS and SCSI tape drives are supported and require installation of a host bus adapter (HBA). External tape drives may be half-height or full-height. Rackmount tape
drives are installed in a rackmount enclosure, such as a 1U Rack, 3U Rack or a TapeArray.
To nd out which Ultrium Tape Drive models and HBAs are supported, refer to
ttp://www.hp.com/go/connect or http://www.hp.com/go/ebs.
Software and hardware requirements
Refer to http:/ /www.hp.com/go/connect or http://www.hp.com/go/ ebs for the latest connectivity and compatibility information.
When connecting to a Fibre Channel network, the HP D2D Backup System is supplied with the
correct FC card pre-installed. Cables are not supplied;
When connecting to an Ethernet network, the HP D2D Backup System should be connected to a
Gigabit Ethernet network. 10 0 Base-T Ethernet will limit per formance; 10 Base-T Ethernet will severely limit performance.
For backup and restore you need software that supports tape autoloaders and libraries. This
software resides on the host, not the HP D2D B a ckup System. The device may be used with the major backup applications from HP, Symantec, EMC, Computer Associates and others.
Before you start
An autoloader is a backup device that has a single tape drive and multiple storage slots. (A library has multiple tape drives, see “Libraries” o n page 19.) Each storage slot contains a cartridge that can be allocated to a specic backup task; for example, one cartridge can hold Monday’s data, another can hold Tuesday’s data, and so on. In this way, backup applications are able to implement tape rotation strategies that accommod ate differing backup requirements for daily, weekly, monthly, yearly backups.
Backup device
Backup device the
A number of emulation t ypes are available; you select the appropriate one for your data protection strategy during initial conguration and when you subsequently create a device. The default conguration is
an HP Stora slots. (Oth “Devices (C
When you con select det LTO-2 defa of a tape library with multiple slots, each containing a 200, 400 or 800 GB cartridge. Both tape spanning and, more importantly, exible tape rotation strategies are possible.
sand slots
HP D2D Backup System which, as in tape terminology, is referred to a s slots or cartridges.
ermines the amount of physical disk space that is made available for each congured slot.
Emulation types
HP D2D products emulate a range of physical Tape Autoloaders or Tape Libraries. Supported emulation types are listed below:
HP 1x8 G2 Autoloader
HP MSL2024 Library
HP MSL4048 Library
HP D2DBS Library
If it is supported by your backup application, HP D2DBS Library is the preferred emulation type to be used because it does not emulate any physical library types in existence and is clearly identiable as a D2D device. It is the most exible emulation type available; however, backup application support varies by
software vendor. See also “Emulation types f or tape devices” on page 70.
appear to the host as locally-attached tape devices, but physically, they use disk space on
geWorks MSL2024 Tape Library with one attached Ultrium LTO-3 Tape Drive and 24
emulation types, such as MSL4048, allow for a greater number of drives and slots, see
onguration)” on page 69.)
gure your HP D2D Backup System with a tape library, the drive emulation type that you
ults to 200 GB, LTO-3 defaults to 400 GB and LTO-4 defaults to 800 GB. This is the equivalent
Fibre C
Fibre Channel supports network connectivity over bre optic cabling or copper wiring. It has a different set of standards and network connection protocol to Ethernet and different conguration requirements. The FC version of the HP D2D Backup System m ay be connected to both a Fibre Channel SAN and an Ethernet (as an iSCSI device) network. The FC connection is used only to transfer backup data from the
the HP D2D. Access to the H P D2D Web Management interface is always across an Ethernet
connection. See also “HP D2D Backup Systems and Fibre Channel”onpage 59.
It is not possible to upgrade an iSCSI HP D2D to FC; the iSCSI product can only be congured with iSCSI
D2D Backup SystemHP D2D4004 and HP D2D4009
Each emulated backup device is uniquely mapped to an individual host; this is the network server or PC that you wish to back up.
The backup devi
The backup device is accessed and managed from the backup software running on the host.
The backup device is not visible to other devices on the network.
Multiple serv Figure 3 on pa
Host 1. The specify the n hosts. The H wizard automatically generates a library for each host. The user may specify the number of slots during installation.
rnet network
appears to the host as a locally-attached tape autoloader or library.
ers may not back up to a single backup device.
18 shows a conguration with a single host. The Installation wizard has been run
D2D Backup System c an be used to back up a maximum of sixteen hosts. The Installation
Backup System automatically generates a library for the host. The user may
of s lots during installation. Figure 4 on page 19 shows a conguration with three
Host3Host2 Host4 onwards Host1
Library 1
HP StorageWorks D2D Backup System
3Deviceconfiguration with one h ost
By default, only onedeviceisvisible to thehost, thelibrary that hasbeenconfigured for it during
installation. Data from each host goes to its corresponding library.
Each b ackup device is visible only to the host for which it has been congured.
may have multiple devices congured for it on the HP D2D Backup System, but this means
hosts may be connected (not illustrated).
Before you start
Library 1 Library 2 Library 3
HP StorageWorks D2D Backup System
Figure 4 Device conguration with multiple hosts
Host4 onwards Host1 Host2 Host3
Hosts on a
The h ost is the net work server o r PC that you wish to back up. Library devices on the HP D2D cannot be created for a specic host during installation. When you create
library using the Web Management interface you assign it to a FC port (port 1 or port 2) and the
then be visible on the FC SAN. When you log in, you log in to the switch to which the host
library w is connected, which means that the library is visible to all other devices on the SAN. You can zone your network so that only specic devices have access to it, but generally it is visible to all. See also “HP D2D B
ackupSystems andFibre Channel” on page 59.
Import/Export and Copy
If you attach a supported, physical tape drive directly to your HP D2D Backup System, you will be able to copy or export data to the physical tape drive so that backups can be stored offsite. This is an important requirement for Disaster Recovery strategies. The main difference between copy and export is that
copied data remains on the HP D2D Backup System; exported data is removed from it, but can
imported easily when required. These functions are grouped under the Tape Attach section of the Web Interface. Please see “Export, import and copy to an attached tape drive” on page 9 3 for more details about working with Tape Attach.
On an Ethernet network the HP D2D Backup System is congured as an iSCSI device. This means that the HP D2D Backup System plugs directly into the network, but it presents devices as directly-attached SCSI autoloaders to host machines. In order to function, it requires an iSCSI initiator. On “Connecting and installing the HP D2D Backup System” on page 25. For more information about iSCSI, see “Advanced installation” on page 45. Linux and UNIX users should also refer to the “UN IX Conguration Guide” on the HP StorageWorks Tape CD-ROM for more information.
ndows systems, this is normally downloaded by the Installation wizard, as described in
A tape library is also a backup device that has multiple drives and multiple storage slots. Each storage slot
contains a cartridge. The difference between an autoloader and a library is that a library ca n
D2D Backup SystemHP D2D4004 and HP D2D4009
support multiple tape drives whereas an autoloader only has one tape drive. This provides considerable storage capacity and full support for tape rotation strategies. (It may be necessary to upgrade your backup application to support libraries.)
Mail slots (import/export elements)
Amail slot isa import and exp Backup applic Export job, a
term borrowed from tape terminology to identify a dedicated slot that is used specically to ort cartridges. They are sometimes called import/export elements by backup applications.
ations that support this feature move cartridges from the mail slot when the user runs an
look for cartridges in the mail slot when the user runs an Import job.
Physical tape drives
A physical tape drive is a tape drive that is attached to the HP D2D Backup System or the host computer, so that data with the tape drive device that is attached to the library device on the HP D2D Backup System (see “Devices (Conguration)” on page 69.)
can be moved from the HP D2D Backup System and stored offsite. (It should not be confused
RAID stands for Redundant Array of Inexpensive (or Independent) Devices, which is a data storage scheme that divides data among multiple hard drives, increasing data reliability and throughput. The HP D2D capacity disk is re
Backup System is a RAID 6 device, which offers the best combination of data protection and
for disk arrays. It provides protection against double disk failures and failures while a single
building. The failed disk should be replaced as soon as possible.
Storage capacity
Physical storage
The physical storage capacity of the HP D2D Backup System is 4.5 TB (6 x 750 G B ) or 9.0 TB (12 x 750 GB). However, in order to ensure a high level of data integrity, the disks use RAID 6 protection. This reduces the available capacity but ensures that, in the event of a disk failure in the device, there will be no data loss.
3 TB for the 6–disk HP D2D Backup System
7.5 TB for the 12–disk HP D2D B ackup System
Data de backups and means that more histories of data can be stored and retained for longer on each library. See also “ Da ta deduplication” on page 21.
storage c apacity is approximately:
duplication is enabled by default for each library device. This eliminates duplicate data from
If you have the 6–disk model, it is possible to extend disk space by purchasing and installing the 6–disk extension pack. This more than doubles the storage capacity. Other options for creating space are:
your backup jobs to see if you can reduce the size of backup or retention time.
Use the backup application job settings to overwrite or erase data.
Export cartridges to physical tape.
Tape rotation strategies
Tape rotation strategies determine when backups are run, the number of cartridges that are required and how they are reused. The HP D2D Backup System is a very exible device that can easily be incorporated into
most tape rotation strategies. If your organization does not yet have a tape rotation strategy in place,
see “Tape rotation example with deduplication” on page 22 for example congurations.
Before you start
Data deduplicat
Data deduplica previously sto rather than storing the duplicate data sets. This removes, or “deduplicates,” the redundant blocks. The key part of this is that the data deduplication is being done at the block level and not at the le level which reduces the volume of data stored signicantly.
Figure 5 Data stored after deduplication
tion compares blocks of data being written to the backup device with data blocks
red on the device. If duplicate data is found, a pointer is established to the original data,
In actual practice, data deduplication is often used in conjunction with other forms of data reduction such as
conventional data compression to offer the greatest reduction in data volume stored.
Technology types
There are a number of technology types that use different deduplication algorithms. The HP D2D applies on-the-y de duplication to chunks of backup data as they are written to the unit. It does not matter which application was used to create the backup. For further information about deduplication techniques and relative benets, refer to the white papers at h
Data deduplication a nd the HP D2D
deduplication is applied per library device. When you congure the library, it defaults to deduplication enabled. If you disable it, deduplication cannot be selectively applied to any data on the library device. Compression is also disabled, if deduplication is disabled.
A library is associated with a host server and deduplication allows a greater amount of backup history to be stored for that host. A larger number of full b a ckups can be achieved, which makes possible a rotation strategy with a longer retention history. It does not increase the number of host servers that may be connected. The deduplication factor that has been applied to a library device is calculated and
displayed on the Web Interface. This gure is dynamic, it updates automatically as more data is
written to the library.
Benets of HP D2D deduplication
The main benet is that it is possible to store more data and retain data for longer on each cartridge within a library. The host using the library device has access to a greater depth of historical data that
would otherwise have been archived ofine.
Provides efcient use of storage capacity by eliminating duplicate data
D2D Backup SystemHP D2D4004 and HP D2D4009
Reduces disk expenditures by reducing storage space required. You can get more backups for each
host on the samesizeofstorage (HPD2D device)
Prolongs disk data retention periods
Reduces the volume of data that must be sent across a WAN for remote backups, replication, and
disaster recovery – reducing both risk and operational costs
Deduplication and compression
Compression is applied as part of deduplication. You can expect 1.6:1 compression even on the rst backup where n o (or only a small amount of) deduplication can occur. If you disable deduplication, see “Devices (Co
nguration)” on page 69, no compression is applied to data on that device.
Tape rotation example with data deduplication
The two most signicant factors affecting the deduplication ratio for backup are:
How long do you retain the data?
How much data changes between backups?
The following example shows projected savings for a 1 TB le server backup.
Retention policy
1 week, daily incrementals (5)
6 months, weekly fulls (25)
Data parameters
Data compression rate = 2:1
Daily change rate = 1% (10% of data in 10% of les)
Typical savings
The following table illustrates a reduction of approximately 11:1 in data stored. In practice, assuming
1.25 TB is available for backup for this library, this mea n s:
Without data deduplication: only two weeks of data retention is possible before it is necessary to
With data deduplication: even af ter six months less than 1.25 TB of disk space has been used.
The following table illustrates how this affects the space required to store the data over 25 weeks. The gures are used to generate the graph shown af ter the table.
data ofine.
Before you start
Table 2 Data deduplication savings, example 1
1st daily full backup
1st daily incremental backup 2nd daily incr
emental backup 3rd daily incremental backup 4th dai ly incremental backup 5th dai ly incremental backup
2nd weekly full backup 3rd weekly full backup 25th weekly full backup
Data stored nor
Data stored wit
500 GB 500 GB
50 GB 5 GB 50 GB 5 GB 50 GB 5 GB 50 GB 5 GB
50 GB 5 GB 500 GB 25 GB 500 GB 25 GB 500 GB 25 GB
TOTAL 12,750 GB 1,125 GB
Space saving with deduplication
Space in GB
Without Dedupe
With Dedupe
123456789 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
End of week
Figure 6 Space saving with deduplication
D2D Backup SystemHP D2D4004 and HP D2D4009
Before you start
2 Connecting and installing the HP D2D
In this chapter:
Installing the rail kit” on page 25
Connecting the hardware”onpage 29
Supported network congurations”onpage 30
Powering on the HP D2D” on page 32
Software installation, discovery and conguration” on page 32
Web browser settings” on page 35
This section contains instructions for installing HP rack rails into square and round hole racks for the HP D2D
Kit contents
Two rack rails (left and right)
Mounting hardware for square and round hole racks
Two tie wr
Backup System
rail kit
(1U) and HP D2D (2U) Backup Systems.
If mounting the HP D2D into threaded hole or telco racks, please see h purchase mounting hardware.
Important safety information
See also the Safety Booklet on the HP StorageWorks CD-ROM.
Electrostatic discharge (ESD) can damage electronic components. Be sure you are properly grounded (earthed) before beginning any installation procedure.
Installation guidelines
This installation is to be performed by qualied individuals who have knowledge of the procedures, precautions, and hazards associated with equipment containing hazardous electrical circuits.
ttp://www.racksolutions.com to
D2D Backup SystemHP D2D4004 and HP D2D4009
These rails, when installed, form only a shelf for the server to rest on. The server is not attached to the rail by any other means. Use extreme caution when pulling the server out from the rack; it can slip and fall, causing dam age to the server or injury. HP is not responsible for any damage or injury caused by the mishandling of the server.
Ensure that the rack is level and stable before working on the rack. Be sure the leveling jacks (feet) extend to
the oor and that the full weight of the rack rests rmly on the oor.
Ensure that the rack has anti-tip measures in place. Such measures may include oor-bolting, anti-tip feet, ballast, or a combination of these as specied by the rack manufacturer and applicable codes.
Ensure that sufcient personnel are on hand to support the product(s) during the installation process. Use of
the appropriate lifting device is recommended as an installation aid.
Always load the rack from the bottom up. Load the heaviest items in the rack rst . This mak es the rack bottom-heavy and helps prevent it from becoming unstable.
Do not overload the branch circuit that provides power to the rack. The total rack load should not exceed 80 percent of the branch circuit rating.
Mounting the server
1. Position left and right rack rails at the desired ’U’ position in the rack.
Therails canbeadjustedto fitthe rack.
2. Secure rack rails to the front and back rack columns using screws. Make sure that the shoulders
the screws t inside the square or round holes of the rack.
If installing rails into a square hole rack, use larger-sized shoulder screws and pins for mounting. If installing rails into a round hole rack, use smaller-sized shoulder screws and pins for mounting.
Connecting and installing the HP D2D Backup System
Figure 7 Att ach the rails to th e rack columns
3. Slide the HP D2D into position on the rails.
The rear ends of the rails have a CTO bracket that must overlap the chassis tab in order to secure the HP
D2D to the rails.
D2D Backup SystemHP D2D4004 and HP D2D4009
Figure 8 Insert the HP D2D server into t he rack
Figure 9 CTO bracket location
4. Secure the HP D2D to the rack rails using thumbscrews on the front bezel.
Connecting and installing the HP D2D Backup System
Figure 10 Secure the HP D2D to the rack
5. Using the holes provided in the rear rack rails, install tie wraps and route external cable as
Connecting the hardware
1. Power connectors
3. LAN port 2 connector
Figure 11 Network and power connectors
1. Use the supplied power cord to connect the HP D2D Backup System to the main power supply. This
HP-approved cord is appropriate for your specicgeographicregion. The HP D2D Backup System has a redundant power supply. Make sure that both power cords
are connected. For detailed safety information, see the Safety Guide on the HP StorageWorks CD-ROM.
2. Use any CAT-5E network cable (also supplied with the product) to connect to a Gigabit network
switch. 100 Base-T Ethernet will limit performance; 10 Base-T Ethernet will severely limit performance. There are two LAN por ts. LAN Port 1 should always be connected because this is the port that the
Web Management Interface uses. (See also “Dual network ports”onpage30.)
2. LAN port 1 connector, must be connected
4. Fibre Channel card with optical ports
D2D Backup SystemHP D2D4004 and HP D2D4009
The Web Management Interface is used to congure devices and it requires an Ethernet connection. LAN Port 1 (the lower LAN port on the rear of the HP D2D) must always be connected, even if you are using the FC ports to back up and restore data to the HP D2D.
The HP D2D also supports direct connection of a monitor and keyboard. Please refer to “Using the system console to discover the HP D2D” on page 47 for more information about this.
Supported Ethernet congurations
Ethernet network connection
IPv4 and IPv6 network protocols
The HP D2D supports both IPv4 and IPv6. Setup and conguration will default to I Pv4, if the network is congured to support it. On an IPv6–only network, it is normally sufcient to enter the
IPv6 MAC Address (found on the label on the top of the unit) when running the Installation Wizard. However, if this does not work, you can use the system console, as described in “Using the system console to discover the HP D2D” on page 47.
Dual network ports
The two physical network ports provide three network conguration modes:
Single Por
used (Port 1).
Dual Port Conguration : The HP D2D is connected to two different networks. Both network ports are
used. If dual port conguration is required, the networks must be on different sub-nets.
High Avai
network ports are used, but the two ports are bound together.
Single port conguration is the default mode, but it may easily be changed from the Web Management Interface. The High Availability mode is the recommended option, because it provides port failover and increased bandwidth, but the network switch must support port bonding.
tConfiguration: The H P D2D is connected to one network only; only one network port
lability Dual Port Conguration: The HP D2D is connected to a single network. Both
DHCP and static IP addressing
DHCP network addressing is enabled by default as long as you are connecting the HP D2D as an IPv4 device; this means that an IP address and other network settings are assigned automatically when you connect the HP D2D Backup System to an IPv4 network that has a DHCP server. If preferred, you can use static IP addressing and assign settings manually during the installation process. If you are connecting to an IPv6–only network,itisnormallysufficient to enter the IPv6 MAC Address (found on the label on the top
of the unit) when running the Installation Wizard.
The HP D2D Backup System should be on the same logical and physical net work as the host machine connecting to it. This is normally the case because, typically, the HP D2D Backup System is connected to the
same Gigabit network switch as the host machines backing up to it.
HP D2DonaGigabitEthernetnetwork
TheHPD2D Backup System is connected to aspareport onanexistingGigabitnetwork switch.
Connecting and installing the HP D2D Backup System
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