HP Xw460c, ProLiant xw2x220c, Remote Graphics Software 5.3.0, RGS 5.3.0 User Manual

HP Remote Graphics Software 5.3.0 User Guide
Part number: 391829-409
Eighteenth edition: September 2009
© Copyright 2009 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
The information contained herein is subject to change without notice. The only warranties for HP products and services are set forth in the express warranty statements accompanying such products and services. Nothing herein should be construed as constituting an additional warranty. HP shall not be liable for technical or editorial errors or omissions contained herein.
The HP Remote Graphics Sender for Windows uses Microsoft Detours Professional 2.0. Detours is Copyright 1995-2004, Microsoft Corporation. Portions of the Detours package may be covered by patents owned by Microsoft corporation.
Microsoft, Windows, Windows NT, Windows XP and Windows Vista are registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the U.S. and other countries.
Intel is a registered trademark of Intel Corporation or its subsidiaries in the U.S. and other countries.
Part number: 391829-409
Eighteenth edition: September 2009
Acknowledgments—HP Remote Graphics Software was developed using several third party products including, but not limited to:
OpenSSL: This product includes software developed by the OpenSSL Project for use in the OpenSSL Toolkit (http://www.openssl.org/). This
product includes software written by Tim Hudson (tjh@cryptsoft.com). This product includes cryptographic software written by Eric Young (eay@cryptsoft.com)
log4cplus: This product includes software developed by the Apache Software Foundation (http://www.apache.org/). log4cplus is available from http://log4cplus.sourceforge.net/
Advanced Linux Sound Architecture (ALSA): ALSA provides audio and MIDI functionality to the Linux operating system. ALSA is released in source code format under the GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version 2.1, February 1999. ALSA is used in the HP Remote Graphics Software Receiver for Linux.
Jack Audio Connection Kit (JACK): JACK is a low-latency audio server, written for POSIX conformant operating systems such as GNU/Linux and Apple's OS X. JACK is released in source code format under the GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version 2.1, February
1999. JACK is used in the HP Remote Graphics Software Receiver for Linux.
Libsndfile: Libsndfile is a C library for reading and writing files containing sampled sound (such as MS Windows WAV and the Apple/SGI AIFF format) through one standard library interface. Libsndfile is released in source code format under the GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE. Libsndfile is used in the HP Remote Graphics Software Receiver for Linux.
This product includes software developed by the Apache Software Foundation (http://www.apache.org/).
Portions of this software were originally based on the following: software copyright (c) 1999, IBM Corporation, http://www.ibm.com.
Where required, related source code and licenses are re-distributed with HP Remote Graphics Software.
Contents 4
1 Introduction to HP Remote Graphics Software
1-1 Typical RGS configuration............................................................................................................. 12
1-2 RGS Sender and Receiver ............................................................................................................. 13
1-3 RGS features ............................................................................................................................... 14
1-4 Additional RGS features................................................................................................................ 14
1-5 Tabloid-size page ........................................................................................................................ 15
1-6 Obtaining HP technical support ..................................................................................................... 15
1-6-1 Software Service Strategy for Non-HP Hardware.................................................................... 15
2 RGS overview
2-1 Supported computers and operating systems ................................................................................... 18
2-2 RGS version numbering ................................................................................................................ 19
2-3 RGS licensing.............................................................................................................................. 19
2-4 RGS products .............................................................................................................................. 20
2-5 Sender and Receiver interoperability .............................................................................................. 21
2-6 Application support...................................................................................................................... 21
2-7 Networking support ..................................................................................................................... 21
2-8 Connection topologies.................................................................................................................. 21
2-8-1 The Remote Computer frame buffer....................................................................................... 21
2-8-2 One-to-one connection ........................................................................................................ 22
2-8-3 Many-to-one connection ...................................................................................................... 24
2-8-4 One-to-many connection...................................................................................................... 24
2-9 Establishing an RGS connection using Standard Login ...................................................................... 25
2-10 Single Sign-on and Easy Login ............................................................................................. 26
2-11 RGS operating modes......................................................................................................... 27
2-12 Multi-monitor configurations................................................................................................. 28
2-13 Remote Computer monitor blanking overview ........................................................................ 29
2-14 Video overlay surfaces........................................................................................................ 29
2-15 Image quality .................................................................................................................... 30
2-16 Remote USB overview......................................................................................................... 31
2-16-1 USB session switching......................................................................................................... 31
2-16-2 Isochronous USB support..................................................................................................... 31
2-16-3 Install-time configuration of remote USB................................................................................. 32
2-16-4 Unique smartcard handling ................................................................................................. 33
2-16-5 Computers supporting remote USB ....................................................................................... 35
2-16-6 Supported USB devices....................................................................................................... 35
2-17 Remote audio overview....................................................................................................... 35
2-17-1 Remote audio on Windows ................................................................................................. 36
2-17-2 Remote audio on Linux........................................................................................................ 38
2-17-3 Support of sound recording devices on Microsoft Windows XP Professional............................... 40
2-17-4 Computers and operating systems which support RGS audio ................................................... 41
2-18 Remote Clipboard overview ................................................................................................ 42
2-19 Interoperability of RGS and Microsoft Remote Desktop Connection ........................................... 44
2-20 Using RGS with desktop virtualization................................................................................... 44
2-21 Remote Computer power saving states .................................................................................. 45
2-22 Supported keyboard locales ................................................................................................ 45
2-23 RGS security features.......................................................................................................... 46
3 Installing RGS
3-1 Installing RGS on Windows........................................................................................................... 47
3-1-1 Installing the Receiver on Windows ...................................................................................... 47
3-1-2 Installing the Sender on Windows ........................................................................................ 52
3-2 Installing RGS on Linux ................................................................................................................. 68
3-2-1 Installing the Receiver on Linux............................................................................................. 68
Contents 5
3-2-2 Uninstalling the Receiver on Linux......................................................................................... 69
3-2-3 Installing audio on the Linux Receiver.................................................................................... 69
3-2-4 Installing the Sender on Linux............................................................................................... 71
4 Pre-connection checklist
4-1 Local Computer (Receiver) checklist ................................................................................................ 74
4-2 Remote Computer (Sender) checklist ............................................................................................... 74
4-3 NIC binding on the Sender ........................................................................................................... 76
4-3-1 Manual NIC reconfiguration................................................................................................ 76
4-3-2 NIC reconfiguration using the NIC binding properties ............................................................ 78
4-4 Using RGS through a firewall ........................................................................................................ 79
5 Using RGS
5-1 Using RGS in Normal Mode.......................................................................................................... 80
5-1-1 Receiver Control Panel........................................................................................................ 82
5-1-2 Setup Mode ...................................................................................................................... 82
5-1-3 Remote Display Window Toolbar ......................................................................................... 85
5-1-4 Remote Computer monitor blanking operation ....................................................................... 86
5-2 Linux connection considerations..................................................................................................... 87
5-2-1 Full-screen crosshair cursors................................................................................................. 87
5-2-2 Gamma correction on the Receiver....................................................................................... 87
5-2-3 Black or blank connection session with the Linux Sender.......................................................... 87
5-3 RGS login methods ...................................................................................................................... 88
5-3-1 Standard Login .................................................................................................................. 88
5-3-2 Easy Login ........................................................................................................................ 90
5-3-3 Single Sign-on ................................................................................................................... 91
5-4 Changing your password.............................................................................................................. 92
5-5 Collaborating.............................................................................................................................. 93
5-5-1 Creating a collaboration session .......................................................................................... 93
5-5-2 Collaboration notification dialog.......................................................................................... 94
6 Advanced capabilities
6-1 General options........................................................................................................................... 97
6-2 Remote audio operation................................................................................................................ 98
6-2-1 Configuring audio on the Microsoft Windows XP Professional Sender....................................... 98
6-2-2 Calibrating audio on the Microsoft Windows XP Professional Sender...................................... 101
6-2-3 Disabling audio on the Sender........................................................................................... 103
6-2-4 Using audio .................................................................................................................... 104
6-2-5 Potential audio issues........................................................................................................ 105
6-3 Remote USB operation................................................................................................................ 106
6-3-1 Attaching a local USB device to a Remote Computer ............................................................ 107
6-3-2 USB session switching....................................................................................................... 109
6-3-3 Auto-remoting of USB devices ............................................................................................ 109
6-3-4 Supported remote USB devices .......................................................................................... 110
6-3-5 Remote USB Access Control List ......................................................................................... 111
6-3-6 Determining USB device information................................................................................... 113
6-3-7 Troubleshooting remote USB.............................................................................................. 114
6-4 Adjusting Network timeout settings............................................................................................... 118
6-4-1 Network timeouts ............................................................................................................. 118
6-4-2 Dialog timeouts................................................................................................................ 123
6-5 Hotkeys .................................................................................................................................... 124
6-5-1 Changing the Setup Mode hotkey sequence ........................................................................ 125
6-6 Remote Clipboard operation ....................................................................................................... 126
6-6-1 Remote Clipboard data transfers ........................................................................................ 127
6-6-2 Remote Clipboard filtering................................................................................................. 129
6-6-3 Using the RGS log to detect clipboard problems................................................................... 130
6-7 Receiver and Sender logging....................................................................................................... 133
6-7-1 Receiver logging .............................................................................................................. 133
6-7-2 Sender logging................................................................................................................ 134
Contents 6
6-8 Statistics ................................................................................................................................... 135
7 Using Directory Mode
7-1-1 Directory file format.......................................................................................................... 136
7-1-2 Starting the Receiver in Directory Mode .............................................................................. 137
7-1-3 Selecting Remote Display Windows while in Directory Mode................................................. 138
8 RGS properties
8-1 Property syntax.......................................................................................................................... 139
8-2 Setting property values in a configuration file ................................................................................ 139
8-3 Setting properties on the command line ........................................................................................ 140
8-4 Authenticator properties.............................................................................................................. 140
8-5 RGS Receiver properties ............................................................................................................. 141
8-5-1 Receiver property hierarchy............................................................................................... 141
8-5-2 Receiver property groups .................................................................................................. 142
8-5-3 Receiver general properties ............................................................................................... 145
8-5-4 Receiver browser properties .............................................................................................. 150
8-5-5 Receiver audio properties.................................................................................................. 151
8-5-6 Receiver microphone property ........................................................................................... 151
8-5-7 Receiver USB properties.................................................................................................... 151
8-5-8 Receiver network properties............................................................................................... 152
8-5-9 Receiver hotkey properties................................................................................................. 152
8-5-10 Receiver Remote Clipboard properties ................................................................................ 153
8-5-11 Receiver logging properties ............................................................................................... 154
8-5-12 Receiver image codec properties........................................................................................ 155
8-5-13 Windows placement and size properties............................................................................. 156
8-6 RGS Sender properties ............................................................................................................... 157
8-6-1 Sender property groups .................................................................................................... 157
8-6-2 Sender general properties ................................................................................................. 158
8-6-3 Sender microphone property ............................................................................................. 160
8-6-4 Sender network timeout properties...................................................................................... 161
8-6-5 Sender USB access control list properties ............................................................................ 161
8-6-6 Sender NIC binding properties .......................................................................................... 161
8-6-7 Sender clipboard property ................................................................................................ 162
9 Sender event logging on Windows
9-1 The HPRemote log...................................................................................................................... 163
9-2 Usages of the HPRemote log........................................................................................................ 165
9-3 Additional information on event logging ....................................................................................... 166
10 Remote Application Termination
10-1 RGS connection and user status ......................................................................................... 167
10-2 HPRemote log format ........................................................................................................ 167
10-3 Sample agent .................................................................................................................. 170
10-4 Agent design issues.......................................................................................................... 173
10-5 Additional safeguard features for Windows systems ............................................................. 174
11 Optimizing RGS performance
11-1 Performance tuning for all platforms.................................................................................... 176
11-2 Performance tuning for Windows ....................................................................................... 176
11-3 Troubleshooting graphics performance................................................................................ 177
11-4 Configuring your network for optimal performance............................................................... 177
12 Troubleshooting RGS
12-1 Potential RGS issues and troubleshooting suggestions ........................................................... 179
13 RGS error messages
13-1 Receiver error messages ................................................................................................... 180
Appendix A: Using RGS with HP VDI
A-1 VMware ESX networking considerations ........................................................................................... 184
Contents 7
A-2 Using RGS with static HP VDI .......................................................................................................... 184
A-2-1 Create a new virtual machine .................................................................................................. 184
A-2-2 Modify the VMware ESX configuration (.vmx file) ....................................................................... 185
A-2-3 Installing the RGS Sender on the virtual machine ........................................................................ 187
A-3 Using RGS with dynamic HP VDI (based on VMware View)................................................................. 187
A-3-1 Create a new virtual machine .................................................................................................. 188
A-3-2 Install the RGS Sender on View Master/Parent VM and modify the configuration file to optimize for
VMware View environment ......................................................................................................... 188
A-3-3 Install View Agent on View Master/Parent VM ........................................................................... 188
A-3-4 Install the RGS Receiver and View Client on the client computers .................................................. 188
A-4 Running RGS diagnostics ............................................................................................................... 189
A-5 Disabling the RGS warning popup .................................................................................................. 189
A-6 RGS operating modes available with VDI......................................................................................... 189
A-7 Using HP Session Allocation Manager with HP VDI ........................................................................... 189
Appendix B: USB devices supported by RGS
Appendix C: Linux remote audio device support
Figures 8
Figure 1-1 Typical RGS configuration ........................................................................................................... 12
Figure 1-2 RGS Sender and Receiver............................................................................................................ 13
Figure 1-3 Features of HP RGS .................................................................................................................... 14
Figure 2-1 Computers and operating systems that support RGS 5.3.0 ............................................................... 18
Figure 2-2 RGS version numbering............................................................................................................... 19
Figure 2-3 Dialog generated when the RGS Sender is unlicensed..................................................................... 20
Figure 2-5 The Remote Computer frame buffer containing the Windows desktop ................................................ 21
Figure 2-6 Display of the Remote Computer frame buffer on the Local Computer ................................................ 22
Figure 2-7 Addition of scroll bars if the Remote Display Window is resized smaller ............................................ 23
Figure 2-8 A Local Computer displaying two desktop sessions ......................................................................... 24
Figure 2-9 Multiple users can access the desktop of a Remote Computer ........................................................... 24
Figure 2-10 Sharing between workstations.................................................................................................... 25
Figure 2-11 Standard Login process ............................................................................................................. 25
Figure 2-12 RGS connection process if another user is already logged into the Remote Computer ........................ 26
Figure 2-13 Remote Computer frame buffer requires two monitors to view the Windows desktop ......................... 28
Figure 2-14 A Remote Display Window spanning two monitors ....................................................................... 28
Figure 2-15 Each Remote Display Window can be positioned to occupy a single monitor ................................... 29
Figure 2-16 Image quality slide bar in the Remote Display Window Toolbar ..................................................... 30
Figure 2-17 Remote Computer can access the local USB devices...................................................................... 31
Figure 2-18 The local USB devices can be attached to only one Remote Computer at a time................................ 31
Figure 2-20 Receiver installation dialog to specify the Remote USB Configuration .............................................. 32
Figure 2-21 USB device accessibility for the setting “USB devices are Local/Remote” ......................................... 33
Figure 2-22 Smartcard reader accessibility pre- and post-RGS connection for settings “USB devices are Remote” or
“USB devices are Local/Remote” .................................................................................................................. 34
Figure 2-23 Configurations supporting remote USB ........................................................................................ 35
Figure 2-24 RGS audio subsystem on Windows............................................................................................. 36
Figure 2-25 RGS audio subsystem on Linux ................................................................................................... 38
Figure 2-26 Configurations that support remote audio .................................................................................... 41
Figure 2-27 Remote Clipboard operation ...................................................................................................... 42
Figure 2-28 Enabling Remote Clipboard during Sender and Receiver installation on Microsoft Windows systems... 43
Figure 3-1 Receiver Remote USB configuration dialog..................................................................................... 48
Figure 3-2 Remote Clipboard Configuration dialog ........................................................................................ 48
Figure 3-3 Dialog to enable or disable Remote USB in the Sender.................................................................... 52
Figure 3-5 Dialog to enable Single Sign-On or Easy Login............................................................................... 53
Figure 3-6 Configuration of the RGS Sender license ....................................................................................... 53
Figure 3-7 Diagnostics prompt dialog........................................................................................................... 54
Figure 3-8 Output of the RGS Diagnostics Tool .............................................................................................. 54
Figure 3-9 Sender GUI ............................................................................................................................... 56
Figure 3-10 The Remote Graphics Sender service .......................................................................................... 57
Figure 3-14 3D Updates tab........................................................................................................................ 58
Figure 3-15 Dialog to enable or disable Single Sign-on and Easy Login............................................................ 59
Figure 3-16 The dialog presented during Sender installation to enable Single Sign-on or Easy Login..................... 60
Figure 3-17 Using the rgadmin tool to enable Single Sign-on........................................................................... 61
Figure 3-18 Addition of the GinaDLL key to the registry................................................................................... 62
Figure 3-19 Addition of the GinaDllMode key to the registry ........................................................................... 62
Figure 3-20 Addition of the GinaDllMode key to the registry ........................................................................... 64
Figure 4-1 Viewing NICs ............................................................................................................................ 76
Figure 4-2 NIC IP addresses........................................................................................................................ 76
Figure 4-3 Determining the first NIC ............................................................................................................ 77
Figure 4-4 Advanced Settings dialog............................................................................................................ 77
Figure 4-5 Restarting the RGS Sender ........................................................................................................... 78
Figure 4-6 NIC binding order numerical sequence ......................................................................................... 78
Figure 4-7 RGS operation through a firewall ................................................................................................. 79
Figure 5-1 Starting the Receiver on Windows ................................................................................................ 80
Figures 9
Figure 5-2 Receiver Control Panel ................................................................................................................ 81
Figure 5-3 Remote Display Window ............................................................................................................. 81
Figure 5-4 Dimming of the Remote Display Window in Setup Mode ................................................................. 83
Figure 5-5 Remote Display Window selection dialog ...................................................................................... 84
Figure 5-6 Remote Display Window Toolbar ................................................................................................. 85
Figure 5-7 Local Computer warning dialog if the Remote Computer is unable to blank its monitor ........................ 86
Figure 5-8 Message dialog ......................................................................................................................... 86
Figure 5-9 Log in selection flowchart ............................................................................................................ 88
Figure 5-10 Standard Login process ............................................................................................................. 89
Figure 5-11 Easy Login process ................................................................................................................... 90
Figure 5-12 Single Sign-on process .............................................................................................................. 91
Figure 5-13 Dialog indicating that the password must be changed................................................................... 92
Figure 5-14 Change Password dialog .......................................................................................................... 92
Figure 5-15 Multiple local users can view and interact with the primary user’s desktop ....................................... 93
Figure 5-16 Disabling of the local users’ mice and keyboards by the primary user ............................................. 93
Figure 5-17 Primary user dialog to authorize a local user to connect to the primary user’s desktop ...................... 94
Figure 5-18 Collaboration notification dialog displayed on the Sender and in each Remote Display Window........ 94
Figure 5-19 Windows Sender GUI to disconnect non-primary users.................................................................. 95
Figure 6-1 Tabs to access advanced RGS capabilities .................................................................................... 96
Figure 6-2 General tab options.................................................................................................................... 97
Figure 6-3 Sound and Audio Devices Properties dialog................................................................................... 98
Figure 6-4 Microphone device selection and audio playback device selection on the Sender............................... 99
Figure 6-5 Recording Control window ........................................................................................................ 100
Figure 6-6 Example volume controls ........................................................................................................... 100
Figure 6-7 Recording Control window ........................................................................................................ 101
Figure 6-8 Volume control window............................................................................................................. 101
Figure 6-9 Recording Control window ........................................................................................................ 102
Figure 6-10 Sound and Audio Devices Properties window............................................................................. 103
Figure 6-11 Audio controls........................................................................................................................ 104
Figure 6-12 USB configuration during Receiver installation—USB devices are Local or Remote........................... 106
Figure 6-13 USB tab options ..................................................................................................................... 107
Figure 6-14 Prior to remote attachment of the USB drive key.......................................................................... 108
Figure 6-15 After remote attachment of the USB drive key ............................................................................. 108
Figure 6-16 Dynamically moving USB devices to another Remote Computer .................................................... 109
Figure 6-17 Checkbox to enable Remote USB.............................................................................................. 115
Figure 6-18 HP Remote Virtual USB driver................................................................................................... 116
Figure 6-19 Enable installation of remote USB ............................................................................................. 116
Figure 6-20 Options available under the Network tab .................................................................................. 118
Figure 6-21 Receiver Control Panel ............................................................................................................ 119
Figure 6-22 Receiver timeout sequence ....................................................................................................... 120
Figure 6-23 The Hotkeys tab options .......................................................................................................... 124
Figure 6-24 Enable remote clipboard checkbox ........................................................................................... 126
Figure 6-25 Transfer of data when a cut and paste is performed from a Remote Display Window to a Local Window
.............................................................................................................................................................. 127
Figure 6-26 Cut and paste computer nomenclature....................................................................................... 128
Figure 6-27 Cutting and pasting between Remote and Local Computers.......................................................... 128
Figure 6-28 Receiving-side filtering of cut and paste data.............................................................................. 129
Figure 6-29 Transmission of the filter string property from the RGS Receiver to the RGS Sender.......................... 130
Figure 6-30 Transmission of the filter string property from the RGS Receiver to the RGS Sender.......................... 131
Figure 6-31 Remote Clipboard log entries for cut and paste .......................................................................... 132
Figure 6-32 Options available under the Logging tab ................................................................................... 133
Figure 6-33 logSetup file .......................................................................................................................... 134
Figure 6-34 Options available under the Statistics tab .................................................................................. 135
Figure 7-1 Starting the Receiver in Directory Mode....................................................................................... 137
Figure 7-2 The Receiver Control Panel in Directory Mode .............................................................................. 137
Figure 7-3 Remote Display Window selection dialog .................................................................................... 138
Figure 8-1 Receiver property hierarchy ....................................................................................................... 141
Tables 10
Figure 8-2 The Receiver timeout error IsMutable property is set to 0................................................................ 144
Figure 8-3 The Receiver timeout error property menu is grayed out................................................................. 144
Figure 8-4 The Receiver maintains a list of the most recently connected Senders. .............................................. 145
Figure 8-5 Prior to RGS 5.1.3, only one image update would be in-process at any time.................................... 148
Figure 8-6 Sequence chart for the default property value of 4 ........................................................................ 149
Figure 8-7 Pointer Options tab in the Sender Mouse Properties dialog ........................................................... 150
Figure 8-8 Sender properties hierarchy....................................................................................................... 157
Figure 9-1 The HPRemote log .................................................................................................................... 163
Figure 9-2 Event Properties window............................................................................................................ 164
Figure 9-3 Reporting of the Local Computer IP address, port number and hostname when a connection is made to the
Sender .................................................................................................................................................... 165
Figure 9-4 MSDN event logging information ............................................................................................... 166
Figure 10-1 Remote Computer Sender recovery options ................................................................................ 175
Table 2-1 Windows RGS audio data paths ................................................................................................... 36
Table 2-2 Linux RGS audio data paths.......................................................................................................... 38
Table 10-1 RGS Sender events logged in the HPRemote log .......................................................................... 167
Table 12-1 Potential RGS issues and troubleshooting suggestions ................................................................... 179
Table A-1 VMware ESX versions that support RGS ....................................................................................... 183
Table A-2 VMware View versions that support RGS...................................................................................... 184
Introduction to HP Remote Graphics Software 11
1 Introduction to HP Remote Graphics Software
This guide provides information that you will need to install, configure, and use HP Remote Graphics Software (RGS). RGS enables you to view and interact with the desktop of a remote computer over a standard TCP/IP computer network.
HP Remote Graphics Software (RGS) is a high-performance remote desktop connection protocol that delivers an exceptional remote desktop user experience for rich user environments that include video, web flash animations and graphics intensive applications. All applications run natively on the remote system and take full advantage of the compute and hardware graphics resources of the sending system.
HP RGS captures the desktop of the remote system and transmits it over a standard network to a window on a local client using advanced image compression technology specifically designed for text, digital imagery and high frame rate video applications. A local hardware keyboard and mouse is supported as well as USB device redirection to provide an interactive, high performance, multi-display desktop experience.
HP RGS supports a broad range of client virtualization technologies including multi-user virtual desktop infrastructure (VDI) solutions, blade PCs, blade workstations, desktop PCs, mobile PCs and workstations.
IMPORTANT: Beginning at RGS 5.2.0, HP implemented licensing for the RGS Sender. The RGS Receiver
remains a free download, and can be used on any number of computers. For an overview of RGS licensing, see Section 2-3, “RGS licensing.” For detailed information on RGS licensing, see the HP Remote Graphics Software Licensing Guide, available at www.hp.com/support/rgs_manuals
This guide is organized as follows:
Chapter 1: Introduction to HP Remote Graphics Software
—This chapter provides an introduction to RGS, describing a typical RGS configuration, and the roles of the Local and Remote Computers. This chapter also describes the primary features of RGS.
Chapter 2: RGS overview
—This chapter gives an overview of the RGS capabilities, including the supported computers and operating systems, RGS connection topologies, multi-monitor configurations, licensing information, remote USB, and remote audio.
Chapter 3: Installing RGS
—Installation of the RGS Sender and Receiver is described in this chapter.
Chapter 4: Pre-connection checklist
—Establishing an RGS connection from a Receiver to a Sender requires that the Local and Remote Computers be in the correct state. This chapter provides a checklist of items that should be verified before attempting an RGS connection.
Chapter 5: Using RGS
—This chapter describes how to use RGS. Establishing a connection from the Local Computer to the Remote Computer in Normal Mode is described, including the different login methods. Features such as collaboration are also described.
Chapter 6: Advanced capabilities
—This chapter describes the RGS advanced capabilities that are provided by
each of the tabs in the Receiver Control Panel.
Chapter 7: Using Directory Mode
—Establishing RGS connections using Directory Mode is described in this
Chapter 8: RGS properties
—This chapter describes each of the RGS Sender and Receiver properties.
Chapter 9: Sender event logging on Windows
—This chapter describes the Windows event logging capability of
Chapter 10: Remote Application Termination
—This chapter describes how the Windows event logging capability
of RGS can be used to terminate applications if a desktop session is left running without supervision.
Chapter 11: Optimizing RGS performance
—This chapter provides a number of suggestions to optimize RGS
Introduction to HP Remote Graphics Software 12
Chapter 12: Troubleshooting RGS—This chapter describes how to troubleshoot issues related to establishing an RGS connection, network timeouts, graphics performance, remote audio, and remote USB.
Chapter 13: RGS error messages
—This chapter lists each of the errors reported by the RGS Receiver and
describes their probable cause.
Appendix A: Using RGS with HP VDI—This appendix describes how to use RGS with the HP Virtual Desktop Infrastructure solution.
Appendix B: USB devices supported by RGS
—This appendix lists the USB devices that are supported by RGS. Note that, prior to RGS 5.2.0, this list was maintained in a separate document—this list is now integrated into this document as Appendix B.
Appendix C: Linux remote audio device support
—This appendix provides information on audio devices that are
supported on Linux-based Remote Computers.
For a version of the HP RGS 5.3.0 User Guide that may be more current than this document, visit the HP
website www.hp.com/support/rgs_manuals
For release-specific information, refer to the release notes provided with the RGS product.
For additional RGS product information, visit the RGS homepage at www.hp.com/go/rgs
1-1 Typical RGS configuration
Figure 1-1 shows a typical RGS configuration, consisting of a blade workstation and a thin client. The user’s applications run on the blade workstation while the user interacts with these applications from the thin client.
Figure 1-1 Typical RGS configuration
The blade workstation desktop image is transmitted over the network to the thin client, which displays the desktop image locally in a window. RGS is designed to provide fast capture, compression, and transmission of the desktop image over standard TCP/IP networks. RGS also captures user keyboard and mouse inputs from the thin client, and sends them to the blade workstation for processing by Windows or Linux, and the applications running on the blade workstation.
RGS also supports remote USB, which enables a user to connect USB devices to the thin client, and have the USB devices accessible by the blade workstation. In addition, HP RGS supports remote audio, whereby audio output from the applications is transported over the network for playback on the thin client.
TCP/IP network
desktop image
keyboard & mouse
HP ProLiant xw460c Blade Workstation
User applications run on
the blade workstation under
Windows XP Professional
HP Compaq t5720 Thin Client
This symbol denotes the HP RGS
product. The stylistic R stands for “Remote” while the Greek gamma symbol stands for “Graphics”.
Introduction to HP Remote Graphics Software 13
1-2 RGS Sender and Receiver
Figure 1-2 shows the two primary RGS software components, the RGS Sender and RGS Receiver. The RGS Sender runs on the Remote Computer while the RGS Receiver runs on the Local Computer.
Figure 1-2 RGS Sender and Receiver
The Sender and Receiver provide the following functionality:
Sender—Runs on the Remote Computer, and transmits graphics updates, audio, and USB data to the RGS
Receiver on the Local Computer. The RGS Sender receives and processes keyboard events, mouse events, and USB data from the Receiver.
Receiver—Runs on the Local Computer. The RGS Receiver establishes a connection to the Remote Computer,
requests graphics updates from the Remote Computer Sender, and displays the desktop of the Remote Computer inside a window on the Local Computer. The RGS Receiver transmits keyboard and mouse events to the RGS Sender.
The RGS Sender captures the actual screen pixels that are generated by the graphics adapter on the Remote Computer. This process is often referred to as screen scraping, and operates independently of whether or not a monitor is actually connected to the Remote Computer.
NOTE: HP RGS uses a pull model when establishing a connection, in contrast to a push model. With a pull model, the
connection is established by the Local Computer user, who uses the RGS Receiver to “pull” the connection from the Remote Computer (RGS Sender). This is in contrast to a push model, where the Remote Computer would “push” the connection to the Local Computer. The pull model is preferred because, in many cases, the Remote Computer (RGS Sender) is operating unattended, and there is no user to establish a connection.
NOTE: Local user refers to the person physically located at the Local Computer. Remote user refers to the person
physically located at the Remote Computer (if, in fact, a person is present at the Remote Computer).
A local user who establishes an RGS login to the Remote Computer is known as the primary user. Once a primary user has been established, another local user can view the Remote Computer desktop session using RGS only if allowed by the primary user. There are situations, however, where a local user may replace the previous primary user and become the new primary user.
The process by which a local user can become a primary user or view the primary user’s desktop is described in detail in this guide.
TCP/IP network
desktop image
keyboard & mouse
HP ProLiant xw460c Blade Workstation
HP Compaq t5720 Thin Client
RGS Sender
RGS Receiver
Local Computer
Remote User
(if present)
Local User
Introduction to HP Remote Graphics Software 14
1-3 RGS features
HP RGS supports a number of features designed to optimize performance, security, and functionality (see Figure 1-3).
Figure 1-3 Features of HP RGS
Application transparency—HP RGS supports application transparency, which enables applications to be run
on the Remote Computer, and accessed from the Local Computer, without modifications.
Graphics acceleration hardware—Performance is enhanced because the applications running on the Remote
Computer use its graphics acceleration hardware.
HP compression/decompression algorithms—Proprietary, high-performance HP image
compression/decompression algorithms enable real-time remote visualization that is visually lossless and highly interactive.
Selective screen updates—Only those portions of the screen which change are captured, compressed, and
transmitted from the Remote Computer to the Local Computer, further improving performance.
Security—RGS supports many security features, including encryption of the pixel data sent from the Remote
Computer to the Local Computer.
Collaboration—Multiple users can simultaneously connect to the same Remote Computer, allowing the users
to view and interact with the same desktop session and applications.
1-4 Additional RGS features
RGS provides many additional features, including:
3D application support—Users can interact with OpenGL 3D applications running on the Remote Computer.
Direct3D applications can be used as well, provided they are not in full-screen mode. 3D applications use the full power of graphics acceleration hardware on the Remote Computer.
Remote USB—USB devices connected to the Local Computer can be attached to, and accessed by, the
Remote Computer.
Remote Audio—Smooth, continuous, low-latency, high-quality remote audio is transmitted from the RGS
Sender to the RGS Receiver.
TCP/IP network
HP ProLiant xw460c Blade Workstation
Local Computer #1
Performance is enhanced through the use of graphics acceleration hardware
HP-developed compression algorithms are used
to minimize data transmission requirements.
Security is provided through
encryption of the pixel data
sent over the network
Only those sections of the screen which
change are captured, compressed and
transmitted to the Local Computer.
Collaboration – Multiple Local
Computers can connect to a
single Remote Computer, allowing
all users to simultaneously view
and sequentially interact
with the applications running
on the Remote Computer.
Local Computer #2
Introduction to HP Remote Graphics Software 15
Audio follows focus—The RGS Receiver can be configured to enable audio for the session displayed in the
Remote Display Window that currently has focus, and is muted for all other remote sessions/windows.
Directory Mode—Directory Mode enables the Receiver to look up a user’s pre-assigned computers from a
Easy Login—Enables fewer authentication steps when connecting to an HP blade workstation running
Windows XP.
Single Sign-on—Enables fewer authentication steps and automatic login and unlocking of the desktop when
connecting to an HP workstation running Windows XP.
Windows Event Logging—Network outages or loss of connectivity between a Receiver and Sender can leave
a desktop session running without supervision. To safeguard running applications, customer-designed agents can monitor the status of connections to determine if termination of applications is required. Windows event logging provides a mechanism for agents to determine the status of the connection between the Receiver and Sender.
NOTE: See the RGS 5.3 data sheet for latest list of features.
1-5 Tabloid-size page
This guide contains a tabloid-size page that is best viewed either on your computer monitor or by printing it on size B (11 inches by 17 inches) or ISO A3 (297 mm by 420 mm) paper. The tabloid page is included to permit a complex diagram (Figure 5-10 on page 89) to be documented on a single page while maintaining read
ability. If you print this document, it is recommended that you use a printer capable of handling letter and tabloid-size paper simultaneously. If your printer handles only letter-size paper, you should specify, if available, scaling to letter-size or scale-to-fit paper in the print dialog. This will cause the figure on the tabloid page to be scaled to fit on the letter size paper.
The tabloid page may also be printed individually if you have access to a tabloid-capable printer. Go to page 89, select Current Page in the print dialog, and select Properties to view the paper size and orientation options. Depending on your printer, paper size may be listed as tabloid, size B, or size A3. Orientation should be set to landscape.
1-6 Obtaining HP technical support
If you encounter an issue that requires technical support, please do the following prior to contacting HP for assistance:
Be in front of the Local Computer or Remote Computer, whichever one is appropriate.
Note the operating system.
Note any applicable error messages.
Note the applications you were using when you had the issue.
Be prepared to spend the time necessary to troubleshoot the problem with the service technician.
For a listing of all worldwide technical support phone numbers, visit www.hp.com/support
, select your region,
and click Contact HP in the upper-left corner.
IMPORTANT: If your phone call is answered by a voice recognition system, and if you’re asked to provide the
name of the product, please say “Remote Graphics Software”, not “RGS”.
1-6-1 Software Service Strategy for Non-HP Hardware
RGS 5.3 and above is designed for and compatible with Microsoft Windows operating systems on hosted OS Virtual Machine and physical machine environments.
Windows XP Professional 32 and 64 bit
Windows Vista Ultimate, Business and Enterprise 32 and 64 bit
RGS 5.3 is designed for and compatible with RHEL V4 and V5 32 and 64 bit operating environment on HP Blade Workstations and HP Personal Workstations.
Introduction to HP Remote Graphics Software 16
Telephone support service is for RGS software installation and configuration support.
Customer must have a fully functioning system with standard Microsoft Windows software loaded and
Software patch updates are available through Software Depot at http://software.hp.com under Client Virtualization.
Software assurance (enhancement upgrades) are available through separate Software Assurance products
1-6-2 Other RGS Documents
Other RGS documents such as the HP Remote Graphics Software Licensing Guide and the HP Remote Graphics Software RGS Session Information Interface Specification can be found at:
RGS overview 17
2 RGS overview
Before exploring how to use RGS, it’s important to first understand the required system environments and security features used and supported by RGS.
Supported computers and operating systems
RGS version numbering
RGS licensing
RGS products
Sender and Receiver interoperability
Application support
Networking support
RGS connection topologies
RGS operating modes
Multi-monitor configurations
Remote USB operation
Supported keyboards
Security features
This chapter provides an overview of each of these features.
For a description of new features and other late breaking topics, see the README.txt file in the installation directory of either the RGS Receiver or RGS Sender. The file is best viewed using Wordpad, Microsoft Word or Openoffice swriter.
RGS overview 18
2-1 Supported computers and operating systems
This section describes the computers and operating systems which support HP RGS 5.3.0 (see Figure 2-1). Any RGS Sender can interoperate with any RGS Receiver.
Figure 2-1 Computers and operating systems that support RGS 5.3.0
Receiver Support Matrix
Windows XPe/WES
Windows XP Professional SP1, SP2, SP3 32-BIT, X64
Windows Vista Business, Ultimate and Enterprise 32-bit, 64-bit
Embedded Linux
RHEL V4 (update 5 or later) V5 (update 2 or later) 32-bit, 64­bit
Desktops Personal
X X HP xw and z series
Mobile Workstations
Desktop PCs X X Notebook PCs X X Performance Thin Clients HP GT7725 HP ThinPro GT HP GT7720 XPe HP GT7720w WES HP dc73 Blade WS
HP Blade WS
HP dc72 Blade WS Client
HP Blade WS
Client Mobile Thin Clients (may not be suitable for 720p and higher multi-media content) HP 4410t WES HP 6720t XPe HP 2533t XPe Flexible and Mainstream Thin Clients (may not be suitable for 720p and higher multi-media content) HP t5730w WES HP t5630w WES HP t5730 XPe HP t5630 XPe HP t5720 XPe HP t5545 HP ThinPro
Desktop receiver systems require 1.5 GHz or greater processor with SSE2 multi-media instruction extension, 32-bit color display adapter and 512 MB minimum RAM.
Sender Support Matrix
Windows XP Professional SP1, SP2, SP3 32-BIT, X64
Windows Vista Business, Ultimate and Enterprise 32-bit, 64-bit
RHEL V4 (update 5 or later) V5 (update 2 or later) 64-bit
Blade Clients HP Blade
X X HP only
HP Blade PCs 32-bit only 32-bit, non-aero only VDI Servers 32-bit hosted desktop 32-bit, non-aero only Desktops Personal Workstations X X HP only Mobile Workstations X X Desktop PCs X X Notebook PCs X X
Desktop sender systems require 1.5 GHz or greater processor with SSE2 multi-media instruction extension, 32-bit color display adapter and 512 MB minimum RAM. Microsoft Windows Vista Aero theme desktop running on a Sender requires an nVidia graphics card and a compatible nVidia driver.
Supported VDI Client Virtualization Software: VMware ESX 3.01, 3.02, 3.02 Update 1, ESX 3.03, ESX 3.5 Update 1, 2, 3, 4 and ESX 4.0.
In this document, references to “Windows” in the context of the RGS Sender refer to those Microsoft operating systems in Figure 2-1 that support the RGS Sender. Similarly, references to “
Windows” in the context of the RGS
Receiver refer to those Microsoft operating systems in Figure 2-1 that support the RGS Receiver.
For more
information on HP products, please visit http://www.hp.com/support
RGS overview 19
2-2 RGS version numbering
The RGS version (for example, version 5.3.0) contains the following three numbers:
1. Version major number
2. Version minor number
3. Version patch number
Figure 2-2 shows the positioning of the three
version numbers.
Figure 2-2 RGS version numbering
NOTE: Each patch release is a complete release of the entire RGS product, regardless of what components
have changed. For example, if a patch release is needed to make an RGS Sender security fix available, the entire RGS product (including both the RGS Sender and Receiver) would be included in the patch release.
2-3 RGS licensing
IMPORTANT: RGS licensing applies to the RGS Sender only. The RGS Receiver is a free download and can be
used on any number of computers. Therefore, the following discussion of RGS licensing applies only to the RGS Sender. For detailed information on RGS licensing, see the HP Remote Graphics Software Licensing Guide, available at www.hp.com/support/rgs_manuals
Two types of licenses are supported by the RGS Sender:
Local license file—With local licenses, each system running the RGS Sender requires a license file.
A license must be purchased and the license file installed for each RGS Sender computer.
Floating licenses—With floating licenses, a pool of RGS licenses is purchased, which are dynamically
allocated on a first-come, first-serve basis whenever an RGS Receiver first attempts to connect to an RGS Sender. In licensing terminology, a floating license is checked-out when a connection is established to the RGS Sender, and is checked-in when the connection terminates. Floating licenses allow a company to
# # #
A major release contains sufficient changes such that interoperability with the prior major release is not guaranteed. For example, Sender version 5.3.0 is not guaranteed to interoperate with Receiver version 4.2.0.
Patch releases are generated for a security issue or for a major defect in a feature. A patch release is indicated by this number being non-zero
. Therefore, RGS 5.3.0 is not a patch release. RGS 5.3.1 would be a patch release.
RGS 5.3.0
Minor releases introduce new RGS features and functionality. Minor releases will also include (roll up) the changes in any prior patch releases.
RGS overview 20
purchase, for example, 75 licenses but support a user community of perhaps hundreds of users as long as no more than 75 users ever attempt to establish an RGS connection simultaneously. Floating licenses require a license server, which can be installed on one of the computers running the RGS Sender, or the license server can be installed on a separate computer. The RGS product includes a setup.exe file that installs the license server—see the HP Remote Graphics Software Licensing Guide, available at
, for further details.
IMPORTANT: Prior to installing the RGS Sender license, you can still establish a connection from the Local
Computer to the Remote Computer, and can interact with the Remote Computer desktop. However, in the absence of a license, the dialog shown in Figure 2-3 will be generated by the Remote Computer, and display
ed in the window on the Local Computer that is showing the Remote Computer desktop.
igure 2-3 Dialog generated when the RGS Sender is unlicensed
This dialog cannot be moved or closed. Once the RGS Sender is licensed, the above dialog will no longer be displayed.
2-4 RGS products
HP offers these RGS products:
1. HP RGS Desktop Trial Edition—HP offers a free, 60-day trial version of RGS Desktop; no license purchase is
2. HP RGS VDI—This RGS product runs on HP and non-HP VMware VDI (Virtual Desktop Infrastructure) and HP
Blade PC platforms. HP RGS VDI uses a local license file key. A separate HP RGS VDI license is required for each virtual machine using RGS.
3. HP RGS Desktop local license— This RGS product runs on all RGS supported platforms, including:
notebooks, desktop PCs, mobile workstations, personal workstations and HP blade workstations. In addition, this key will also run on VMware VDI and HP Blade PC platforms that are supported by the RGS VDI license key.
4. HP RGS Desktop floating license— This RGS product runs on all RGS supported platforms, including:
notebooks, desktop PCs, mobile workstations, personal workstations and HP blade workstations. In addition, this key will also run on VMware VDI and HP Blade PC platforms that are supported by the RGS VDI license key.
All RGS products include the same RGS Sender and the same RGS Receiver. The RGS Receiver is unlicensed and can be installed on any number of computers.
IMPORTANT: Except for the 60-day HP RGS Desktop Trial Edition, the above RGS products never expire once
they are installed and licensed.
When you purchase RGS, you are entitled to free upgrades to all future patch releases. For example, if you purchase RGS 5.3.0, you are entitled to a free upgrade to patch release 5.3.1, if available. In order to upgrade to new enhancement releases, you must purchase RGS Software Assurance or re-purchase a new license at upgrade time. To ensure you can download and install future minor and major releases (such as RGS 5.4 or 6.0), HP offers the following 1 Year RGS Software Assurance products for each of the above RGS products (except the HP RGS Desktop Trial Edition):
1 Year RGS Software Assurance—This product entitles you to upgrade to new major/minor releases of RGS
for one year from purchase date. The software assurance can be renewed annually at 25% of the internet list price of a new license.
For more detailed information on the RGS products, see the HP Remote Graphics Software QuickSpec available on the RGS homepage at www.hp.com/go/rgs
RGS overview 21
2-5 Sender and Receiver interoperability
RGS provides interoperability between versions of RGS Senders and Receivers that have the same major version number. For example, Sender version 5.0 and Receiver version 5.1 will interoperate together. However, Sender version 4.2 is not guaranteed to interoperate with Receiver version 5.0. Connection between a Receiver and a Sender should only be attempted when their major version numbers are the same. Beginning with RGS 5.3.0 the Microsoft Windows Vista Sender added the capability to notify the Receiver prior to shutting down. The Microsoft Windows Vista Sender must exit and then restart under several conditions such as: login, logoff, fast user switching or Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) transition. This behavior allows the Receiver to automatically reconnect after the Sender has restarted. Receivers prior to 5.3.0 will show a pink or black screen and then a Reconnect dialog box if the Sender has exited.
2-6 Application support
Except as noted in the next paragraph, RGS provides application transparency, meaning that the Local Computer user, in executing applications on the Remote Computer, is typically unaware that the application is executing remotely.
RGS supports all applications, except gaming applications and those applications that use full screen exclusive mode. If a full-screen MS-DOS command prompt window is created on the Sender (using, for example, command.com), the window will be reset to its default size by RGS. Likewise, if a full-screen Windows command prompt window is created (using cmd.exe or the command prompt icon), the window will also be reset to its default size by RGS. Full-screen DirectDraw applications are not supported (however, DirectDraw applications in a Window may work, and should be qualified individually).
On Remote Computers running Linux, OpenGL-based applications can only be remoted if the Remote Computer is using NVIDIA graphics.
2-7 Networking support
RGS uses TCP/IP over a standard computer network, and supports Ethernet connection speeds of 10/100/1000BASE-T (Gigabit). The RGS Sender listens on TCP/IP port 42966. The port used by the RGS Receiver is assigned by the Local Computer OS and can vary. HP recommends full-duplex operation between the Sender and Receiver. For information on using RGS through a firewall, see Section 4-4, “Using RGS through a
NOTE: At RGS 5.2.5, the capability was added to specify the port number used by the RGS Sender. The default
Sender port number is 42966, as noted above. The Sender port number can be changed using the Rgsender.Network.Port property. If this property is used to change the Sender port number from its default value of 42966, the Sender port number must then be specified in establishing an RGS connection from the Receiver to the Sender.
2-8 Connection topologies
This section describes the connection topologies supported by RGS, such as how a single Local Computer may connect to multiple Remote Computers.
2-8-1 The Remote Computer frame buffer
After making a connection between a Local Computer and a Remote Computer, the Remote Computer Sender transmits its complete frame buffer to the Local Computer. The frame buffer is the memory on the Remote Computer video adapter that holds the bitmapped image that is typically displayed on a monitor—for Windows XP, the frame buffer contains the familiar Windows desktop (see Figure 2-4).
Figure 2-4 The Remote Comp
uter frame buffer containing the Windows desktop
RGS overview 22
The monitor itself is optional on the Remote Computer. For example, if the Remote Computer is a Personal Workstation, a monitor (plus a keyboard and mouse) would typically be attached. If the Remote Computer is an HP ProLiant Blade Workstation, it is not possible to attach a monitor to view the primary (NVIDIA) frame buffer because the video signal from the NVIDIA graphics adapter is not available on a connector—the contents of the frame buffer can only be viewed remotely using RGS.
NOTE: For clarity in this guide, the bitmapped image contained in the Remote Computer frame buffer will often
be shown in association with the Remote Computer, independent of whether a monitor is actually connected (or can be connected) to the Remote Computer.
2-8-2 One-to-one connection
The simplest RGS connection is a single Local Computer making a connection to a single Remote Computer. The entire frame buffer of the Remote Computer is displayed in a window on the Local Computer (see Figure 2-5). The window on the Local Computer is called the Remote Display Window.
Figure 2-5 Display of the Remote Computer frame buffer on the Local Computer
In Figure 2-5, the Remote Computer frame buffer fits completely within the Remote Display Window on the Local Computer monitor. However, it is possible for the Remote Computer frame buffer size to exceed the size of the Local Computer monitor (as measured in horizontal pixels by vertical pixels). As before, the Remote Display Window will be the size of the Remote Computer frame buffer. If the Remote Display Window is larger than the Local Computer monitor, the window will extend off the monitor.
Regardless of the size of the Remote Display Window (that is, whether it fits on the Local Computer monitor or extends off the monitor), if the local user resizes the Remote Display Window to be smaller than when it was originally created, scroll bars will be added to allow the local user to view the complete Remote Computer frame buffer (see Figure 2-6).
frame buffer
to Local Computer
Remote Computer
Local Computer
The entire frame buffer of the Remote Computer is mapped to a window on the Local Computer, called the Remote Display Window.
RGS overview 23
Figure 2-6 Addition of scroll bars if the Remote Display Window is resized smaller
NOTE: RGS does not provide a scale-to-fit capability to allow the contents of the Remote Computer frame buffer to be
scaled to fit the Local Computer monitor. If the Remote Computer frame buffer is larger than the Local Computer monitor, the Remote Display Window will simply extend beyond the edges of the monitor. If the Remote Display Window is resized to fit on the monitor, scroll bars will be added.
Remote Computer
Local Computer
Scroll bars are created if the Remote Display Window is resized smaller than when it was originally created.
RGS overview 24
2-8-3 Many-to-one connection
The RGS Receiver supports a many-to-one connection, allowing a single Local Computer to connect to multiple Remote Computers (see Figure 2-7), each running a desktop session—see Section 2-11, “RGS operating modes,” specifically Directory Mode. The frame buffer of each Remote Computer is displayed in a separate Remote Display Window on the Local Computer.
Figure 2-7 A Local Computer displaying two desktop sessions
IMPORTANT: Starting up two (or more) instances of the RGS Receiver to achieve a many-to-one connection is
not supported. Achieving a many-to-one connection is only supported through the use of Directory Mode.
The many-to-one connection capability allows implementation of a virtual KVM (keyboard, video, and mouse) switch. The virtual KVM switch emulates the functionality of a standard KVM switch in software to provide a convenient method to connect a single monitor, keyboard, and mouse (all on the Local Computer) to multiple Remote Computers. Using the RGS Setup Mode (see Section 5-1-2, “Setup Mode
”), you can switch the local monitor to display each of the Remote Computer frame buffers. The Receiver can also switch audio between active sessions as described in the Controlling Receiver Settings section using the audio follows focus option.
2-8-4 One-to-many connection
RGS also supports a one-to-many connection, allowing the frame buffer of a Remote Computer to be displayed on multiple Local Computers (see Figure 2-8). In this figure, there is one primary user who is logged into the Remote Computer, and two local users
who are viewing the primary user’s desktop session on the Remote Computer.
Figure 2-8 Multiple users can access the desktop of a Remote Computer
Remote Computer
Local Computers
Primary User
Local User 1
If the Remote Computer is a blade workstation, it will typically not have a monitor connected to it. The above image associated with the Remote Computer is for clarit y, to show the source of the desktop image
(logged into
Remote Computer)
(viewing primary
user’s desktop
Local User 2
(viewing primary
user’s desktop
Remote Computer 1
Remote Computer 2
Local Computer
RGS overview 25
The one-to-many configuration is ideal for collaboration because each user can interact with the applications running on the Remote Computer (subject to RGS policies which arbitrate which user is able to provide keyboard and mouse inputs to the Remote Computer at any particular time). As one user interacts with the applications on the Remote Computer, all other users can view these interactions. See Section 5-5, “Collaborating
,” for details.
In the previous example, it was assumed that the primary user and the local users were all physically separate from the Remote Computer. This, however, doesn’t have to be the case. RGS works equally well sharing between workstations (see Figure 2-9).
Figure 2-9 Shari
ng between workstations
In Figure 2-9, the primary user is directly logged into the Remote Computer using its attached keyboard, mouse and monitor. In other words, the primary user is physically present at the Remote Computer, while local user 1 and local user 2 are physically separate from the Remote Computer. RGS can be used by local users 1 and 2 to connect to the primary user’s desktop
2-9 Establishing an RGS connection using Standard Login
In normal operation, users are required to authenticate twice when establishing an RGS connection from a Local Computer to a Remote Computer. This is the Standard Login process—the two steps are:
1. The first authentication step is from the RGS Receiver to the RGS Sender—this is called authenticating the
RGS connection. The dialog for this authentication step is generated and displayed by the RGS Receiver on
the Local Computer.
2. The second authentication step is when logging into or unlocking the Remote Computer desktop session—this
is called logging into the Remote Computer. The login or unlock dialog is generated by the Remote Computer, and is displayed in the Remote Display Window on the Local Computer.
Figure 2-10 shows the two-step Standard Login RGS connection process.
Figure 2-10 Standard Login process
Remote Computer
Primary User is logged into the computer using its attached keyboard, mouse and monitor.
Local User 1
(viewing primary
user’s desktop
Local User 2
(viewing primary
user’s desktop
Step 1: Authenticating
the RGS connection
Step 2: Logging into
the Remote Computer
RGS Connection
RGS overview 26
If another user is already logged into the Remote Computer, the second authentication step is replaced by an authorization step, in which the currently logged-in user receives an authorization prompt to allow or disallow the new user to join (connect to) the existing desktop session (see Figure 2-11). The new user is allowed to connect to the existing RG
S connection only if the currently logged-in user authorizes the connection.
Figure 2-11 RGS connection process if another user is already logged into the Remote Computer
There are a number of variations of the Standard Login process, as detailed in Section 5-3-1, “Standard Login
2-10 Single Sign-on and Easy Login
RGS supports two additional login methods on certain Windows-based Remote Computers. These login methods are currently only supported on Windows XP sender platforms. These two methods allow users to enter their credentials only once in connecting to a Remote Computer—these methods are described below, along with which authentication process is used:
Single Sign-on—The RGS connection authentication process is used (step 1 in Figure 2-10 and Figure 2-11).
If authentication is successful,
the user will immediately see the Windows desktop session without needing to explicitly log into Windows or unlock the desktop. Single Sign-on is described further in Section 5-3-3, “Single Sign-on
Easy Login— The user is pre-connected to the system and standard Windows login screens are used to login
to the desktop or unlock the screen. If Windows authentication is successful, the user will immediately see the desktop session without needing to be first authenticated by the RGS Receiver/Sender. Easy Login is described further in Section 5-3-2, “Easy Login
If neither Single Sign-on nor Easy Login is selected, the default Standard Login will be used. In terms of selecting between Single Sign-on and Easy Login, two factors to consider are:
If Single Sign-on is used with HP Session Allocation Manager (SAM), the user will only need to enter their
credentials once to connect to multiple Remote Computers. The credentials are entered when authenticating with SAM—thereafter, each RGS connection is automatically authenticated, and a Remote Display Window from each Remote Computer is automatically displayed on the Local Computer.
Easy Login supports GINA (Graphical Identification and Authentication) chaining, allowing custom 3
party login mechanisms to be integrated into RGS. Single Sign-on does not support chaining of 3rd party GINA modules.
For example, a 3
party fingerprint reader will typically install a custom GINA module. The GINA module will allow the user to be authenticated through their standard username/password mechanism (because the GINA modules are chaining) or with their fingerprint. The fingerprint reader would be physically attached to the Local Computer but would be logically connected to the Remote Computer using remote USB. If Easy Login is used, only a single login step is required—the fingerprint reader will provide the credentials for logging into the Remote Computer.
Step 1: Authenticating
the RGS connection
Step 2: Authorization
by the currently-logged
in user
RGS Connection
Displayed on the Local Computer
Displayed for the currently-logged in user
RGS overview 27
2-11 RGS operating modes
RGS supports two basic operating modes:
1. Normal Mode—This mode enables RGS to connect to a single Remote Computer, as described in Section 2-
8-2, “One-to-one connection
.” Normal Mode is described in Chapter 5, “Using RGS.”
2. Directory Mode—This mode enables RGS to connect to multiple Remote Computers, as described in Section
2-8-3, “Many-to-one connection
.” Directory Mode is based on a user-created file which specifies which Remote Computers the RGS Receiver should connect to. Directory Mode is described in Chapter 7, “Using
Directory Mode.”
NOTE: Prior to RGS 5.2.0, RGS supported a third operating mode—Enterprise Service Mode. Enterprise
Service Mode was based on the creation of a network service which specified which Remote Computers the RGS Receiver should connect to. Enterprise Service Mode has been superseded by HP Session Allocation Manager (SAM), and therefore has been discontinued as of the RGS 5.2.0 release.
RGS overview 28
2-12 Multi-monitor configurations
Many computers have a frame buffer that is larger in size (as measured in horizontal pixels by vertical pixels) than what can be displayed on a single monitor. In these situations, the default operation is that a portion of the frame buffer is used, allowing the utilized portion (containing the Windows desktop) to be displayed on a single monitor. It is possible, however, to configure a computer so that the Windows desktop occupies the complete frame buffer—this typically requires multiple monitors to view the complete frame buffer (Windows desktop).
In Figure 2-12, the Windows desktop is configured to occupy
the complete frame buffer of the Remote Computer,
which, for this particular Remote Computer, requires two monitors to display the Windows desktop.
Figure 2-12 Remote Computer frame buffer requires two monitors to view the Windows desktop
When a Local Computer establishes an RGS connection to the Remote Computer of Figure 2-12, the Remote Computer will, as usual, transmit its complete frame buffer. In order for the local user to view the complete desktop of the Remote Computer, the Local Computer must have a comparably-sized frame buffer, which will typically require two monitors to view (see Figure 2-13 ).
Figure 2-13 A Remote Display Window spanning two
Remote Computer
Frame buffer containing the Windows desktop requires two monitors for display
Remote Computer
The frame buffer containing the Windows desktop requires two monitors for display
Local Computer
If the Local Computer desktop expands across two monitors, RGS will be able to create a Remote Display Window that displays t he complete Remote Computer fram e buffer.
RGS overview 29
Multiple monitors on the Local Computer are also useful in the configuration described in Section 2-8-3, “Many-to-
one connection.” If the Local Computer is connected to two Remote Computers, each Remote Computer frame
buffer can be displayed on its own monitor if the Local Computer has two monitors (see Figure 2-14).
Figure 2-14 Each Remote
Display Window can be positioned to occupy a single monitor
As always, each Remote Computer (Sender) frame buffer is displayed in its own Remote Display Window. In Figure 2-14, the user has positioned each Re
mote Display Window to occupy a single monitor, achieving the result that the left monitor is dedicated to Remote Computer 1 while the right monitor is dedicated to Remote Computer 2.
2-13 Remote Computer monitor blanking overview
New in RGS 5.0, this feature blanks the Remote Computer monitor (if one is connected) when the local user establishes an RGS connection to the Remote Computer and logs in—in other words, becomes the primary user. This feature is provided for security, to ensure that the primary user’s desktop session on the Remote Computer is not visible on a monitor connected to the Remote Computer. For details on monitor blanking, see Section 5-1-4, “Remote Computer monitor blanking operation
2-14 Video overlay surfaces
When the Windows Sender is installed on a computer, video overlay surfaces (also known as overlay planes) are disabled on the computer. Some media players that use video overlay surfaces will not display correctly. This can often be resolved by disabling the use of video overlay surfaces in the media player.
Most OpenGL applications will detect the disabling of overlay surfaces, and will work correctly. However, if your OpenGL application attempts to use the disabled overlay surfaces, it may display incorrectly. If this is the case, check to see if your OpenGL application provides a mechanism for the user to manually disable the use of overlay surfaces.
Remote Computer 1
Remote Computer 2
Local Computer
RGS overview 30
2-15 Image quality
RGS provides high-quality, high-performance image compression and decompression. Image compression is performed on the Remote Computer to reduce the network bandwidth requirements—this enables RGS to be used on standard networks. Image decompression is performed on the Local Computer.
RGS supports setting of the Image quality on a per-Receiver basis. Image quality is adjusted using the slide bar in the Remote Display Window Toolbar (see Figure 2-15). As the image quality is increased toward 100, the amount of c
ompression decreases, and the required network bandwidth increases. If a Receiver is supporting multiple
Remote Display Windows (see Section 2-8-3,”Many-to-one connection
”), the slide bar in any Remote Display
Window Toolbar can be adjusted—the slide bars in the other Remote Display Windows will automatically track.
The Boost checkbox was added beginning with RGS 5.2.6, and requires that both the RGS Sender and Receiver be version 5.2.6 or later. Checking the Boost checkbox will improve (boost) image quality for certain types of images, primarily images containing significant amounts of text or lines. For further information, see Section 5-1-3, “Remote Display Window Toolbar
Figure 2-15 Image quality slide bar in the Remote Display Window Toolbar
NOTE: Even with an image quality of 100, RGS still performs some image compression to reduce the network
bandwidth requirements. While the image quality on the Receiver will usually appear visually lossless to the user, the actual image data sent over the network will be “lossy” to a limited extent.
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