HP ProLiant DL585 User Manual

HP ProLiant Storage Server user guide
This guide provides installation, conguration, and administration information for the HP ProLiant Storage Server.
Part number: 440584-001
irst edition: February 2007
Legal and notice information
12.212, Commercial Computer Software, Computer Software Documentation, and Technical Data for Commercial Items are licensed to the U.S. Government under vendor's standard commercial license.
The information contained herein is subject to change without notice. The only warranties for HP products and services are set forth in the express warranty statements accompanying such products and services. Nothing herein should be construed as constituting an additional warranty. HP shall not be liable for technical or editorial errors or omissions contained herein.
Microsoft, Windows, Windows XP, and Windows NT are U.S. registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. UNIX is a registered trademark of The Open Group.


Aboutthisguide ......................... 11
Intendedaudience..................................... 11
Gettinghelp ....................................... 11
Relateddocumentation................................... 11
Conventions ....................................... 11
Documentconventionsandsymbols ........................... 12
Textsymbols ..................................... 12
HPtechnicalsupport.................................... 12
HPsubscriber'schoice ................................. 13
HP-authorizedreseller ................................. 13
Otherhelpfulwebsites................................. 13
HPhardwaresupportservices.............................. 13
1 Installing and conguringtheserver ................ 15
Setupoverview ...................................... 15
Planningforinstallation................................. 15
Planning a network conguration ............................ 16
Congurationchecklist................................. 16
Installingtheserver .................................... 17
Locatingandwritingdowntheserialnumber........................ 17
Checkingkitcontents.................................. 17
Poweringontheserver................................. 18
Factoryimage..................................... 18
Physical conguration ............................... 18
Defaultbootsequence ............................... 19
AccessingtheHPStorageServerManagementconsole ..................... 19
Usingthedirectattachmethod.............................. 19
Usingtheremotebrowsermethod ............................ 20
UsingtheRemoteDesktopmethod ............................ 22
Loggingoffanddisconnecting.............................. 23
TelnetServer ..................................... 23
EnablingTelnetServer ............................... 23
UsingtheIntegratedLights-Out2method ......................... 23
Conguringtheserveronthenetwork ............................ 25
Beforeyoubegin ................................... 25
RunningtheRapidStartupWizard............................ 26
Completing system conguration............................... 26
2Storagemanagementoverview .................. 29
Storagemanagementelements ............................... 29
Storagemanagementexample.............................. 29
Physicalstorageelements................................ 30
Arrays...................................... 31
Faulttolerance .................................. 31
Onlinespares................................... 32
Logicalstorageelements ................................ 32
Logicaldrives(LUNs)................................ 32
Partitions..................................... 33
Volumes ..................................... 33
Filesystemelements .................................. 34
HP ProLiant Storage Server 3
Filesharingelements.................................. 34
VolumeShadowCopyServiceoverview.......................... 34
Usingstorageelements................................. 34
Clusteredserverelements................................ 34
Networkadapterteaming.................................. 35
3Fileservermanagement ..................... 37
FileservicesfeaturesinWindowsStorageServer2003R2.................... 37
StorageManagerforSANs............................... 37
SingleInstanceStorage................................. 37
FileServerResourceManager.............................. 37
WindowsSharePointServices.............................. 38
HPStorageServerManagementConsole......................... 38
Fileservicesmanagement.................................. 38
Congurable and pre-conguredstorage ......................... 38
Storagemanagementutilities .............................. 39
Arraymanagementutilities ............................. 39
Array CongurationUtility ............................. 40
DiskManagementutility .............................. 40
Guidelinesformanagingdisksandvolumes........................ 41
Whenmanagingdisksandvolumes:......................... 41
Schedulingdefragmentation............................... 41
Diskquotas...................................... 42
Addingstorage .................................... 42
Expandingstorage................................. 43
ExtendingstorageusingWindowsStorageUtilities................... 43
ExpandingstorageforEVAarraysusingCommandViewEVA .............. 44
Expanding storage using the Array CongurationUtility................. 44
Volumeshadowcopies................................... 44
Shadowcopyplanning................................. 45
Identifyingthevolume ............................... 45
Allocatingdiskspace ............................... 45
Identifyingthestoragearea............................. 46
Determining creation frequency . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
Shadowcopiesanddrivedefragmentation ........................ 46
Mounteddrives .................................... 47
Managingshadowcopies ............................... 47
The shadow copy cache le............................. 48
Enablingandcreatingshadowcopies ........................ 49
Viewingalistofshadowcopies ........................... 50
Setschedules................................... 50
Viewingshadowcopyproperties........................... 50
Redirectingshadowcopiestoanalternatevolume ................... 50
Disablingshadowcopies.............................. 51
Managingshadowcopiesfromthestorageserverdesktop.................. 51
ShadowCopiesforSharedFolders............................ 52
SMBshadowcopies................................ 52
NFSshadowcopies ................................ 53
Recovery of lesorfolders ............................. 54
Recovering a deleted leorfolder .......................... 54
Recovering an overwritten or corrupted le ...................... 55
Recoveringafolder ................................ 55
Backupandshadowcopies............................. 55
ShadowCopyTransport ................................ 56
Folderandsharemanagement................................ 56
Foldermanagement .................................. 57
Sharemanagement .................................. 63
Shareconsiderations................................ 63
DeningAccessControlLists ............................ 64
Integrating local lesystemsecurityintoWindowsdomainenvironments.......... 64
Comparingadministrative(hidden)andstandardshares................. 64
Managingshares ................................. 64
FileServerResourceManager................................ 65
Quotamanagement .................................. 65
Filescreeningmanagement............................... 65
Storagereports .................................... 65
OtherWindowsdiskanddatamanagementtools ....................... 66
Additional information and references for leservices...................... 66
Backup........................................ 66
HPStorageWorksLibraryandTapeTools ......................... 66
Antivirus ....................................... 66
Security ....................................... 66
Moreinformation ................................... 66
4Printservices .......................... 69
MicrosoftPrintManagementConsole............................. 69
NeworimprovedHPprintserverfeatures........................... 69
HPWebJetadmin................................... 69
HPInstallNetworkPrinterWizard ............................ 69
HPDownloadManagerforJetdirectPrinterDevices..................... 69
MicrosoftPrintMigratorutility.............................. 69
Networkprinterdrivers................................. 69
Printservicesmanagement ................................. 70
MicrosoftPrintManagementConsole........................... 70
HPWebJetadmininstallation .............................. 70
Web-basedprintermanagementandInternetprinting.................... 70
Planningconsiderationsforprintservices ......................... 70
Printqueuecreation .................................. 71
Sustainingprintadministrationtasks ............................. 71
Driverupdates .................................... 72
Printdrivers.................................... 72
User-modevs.kernel-modedrivers.......................... 72
Kernel-modedriverinstallationblockedbydefault.................... 72
HP Jetdirect rmware................................ 72
Printerserverscalabilityandsizing............................ 72
Backup........................................ 72
Bestpractices....................................... 73
Troubleshooting...................................... 73
Additionalreferencesforprintservices ............................ 73
5MicrosoftServicesforNetworkFileSystem(MSNFS) ......... 75
MSNFSFeatures...................................... 75
UNIXIdentityManagement............................... 75
MSNFSusescenarios ................................... 76
MSNFScomponents.................................. 76
AdministeringMSNFS ............................... 77
ServerforNFS .................................. 77
UserNameMapping ............................... 81
MicrosoftServicesforNFStroubleshooting....................... 83
MicrosoftServicesforNFScommand-linetools..................... 83
OptimizingServerforNFSperformance........................ 83
PrintservicesforUNIX ............................... 83
6Othernetworkleandprintservices................ 85
FileandPrintServicesforNetWare(FPNW).......................... 85
InstallingServicesforNetWare ............................. 85
ManagingFileandPrintServicesforNetWare....................... 86
HP ProLiant Storage Server
CreatingandmanagingNetWareusers.......................... 87
AddinglocalNetWareusers ............................ 87
EnablinglocalNetWareuseraccounts ........................ 88
ManagingNCPvolumes(shares) ............................ 89
CreatinganewNCPshare............................. 89
ModifyingNCPshareproperties........................... 90
PrintServicesforNetWare ............................... 90
PointandPrintfromNovelltoWindowsServer2003.................. 90
Additionalresources................................ 90
AppleTalk and leservicesforMacintosh ........................... 91
InstallingtheAppleTalkprotocol............................. 91
InstallingFileServicesforMacintosh ........................... 91
CompletingsetupofAppleTalkprotocolandshares..................... 91
PrintservicesforMacintosh ............................... 92
InstallingPrintServicesforMacintosh........................... 92
PointandPrintfromMacintoshtoWindowsServer2003 .................. 92
7Enterprisestorageservers..................... 93
WindowsServerRemoteAdministrationApplet......................... 93
MicrosoftiSCSISoftwareTarget ............................... 94
Virtualdiskstorage .................................. 94
Snapshots ...................................... 94
Wizards ....................................... 94
Hardwareproviders .................................. 95
Clustersupport .................................... 95
8 Cluster administration ...................... 97
Clusteroverview...................................... 97
Clustertermsandcomponents................................ 98
Nodes........................................ 98
Resources....................................... 98
Clustergroups..................................... 99
Virtualservers..................................... 99
Failoverandfailback.................................. 99
Quorumdisk ..................................... 99
Clusterconcepts...................................... 99
Sequenceofeventsforclusterresources.......................... 100
Hierarchyofclusterresourcecomponents ......................... 100
Clusterplanning...................................... 101
Storageplanning ................................... 101
Networkplanning................................... 102
Protocolplanning ................................... 102
Preparingforclusterinstallation ............................... 103
Beforebeginninginstallation .............................. 103
Usingmultipathdatapathsforhighavailability ...................... 104
EnablingclusterawareMicrosoftServicesforNFS(optional)................. 104
Checklistsforclusterserverinstallation .......................... 105
Networkrequirements ............................... 105
Shareddiskrequirements.............................. 105
Clusterinstallation..................................... 105
Settingupnetworks .................................. 106
Conguring the private network adapter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106
Conguringthepublicnetworkadapter........................ 106
Renamingthelocalareaconnectionicons....................... 106
Verifyingconnectivityandnameresolution....................... 107
Verifyingdomainmembership............................ 107
Settingupaclusteraccount............................. 107
AbouttheQuorumdisk............................... 107
Conguringshareddisks .............................. 107
Verifyingdiskaccessandfunctionality ........................ 107
Conguringclusterservicesoftware ............................. 107
UsingClusterAdministrator............................... 108
UsingClusterAdministratorremotely ......................... 108
TheHPStorageServerManagementConsole ..................... 108
Creatingacluster ................................... 108
Addingnodestoacluster................................ 108
Geographicallydispersedclusters ............................ 108
Cluster groups and resources, including leshares ....................... 109
Clustergroupoverview................................. 109
Node-basedclustergroups ............................. 109
Loadbalancing .................................. 109
Fileshareresourceplanningissues............................ 109
Resourceplanning................................. 110
Permissionsandaccessrightsonshareresources.................... 110
NFS cluster-specicissues.............................. 110
Non cluster aware lesharingprotocols.......................... 111
Addingnewstoragetoacluster............................. 111
Creatingphysicaldiskresources........................... 111
Creating leshareresources ............................ 111
CreatingNFSshareresources............................ 112
Shadowcopiesinacluster ............................... 112
ExtendaLUNinacluster................................ 112
MSNFSadministrationonaservercluster ......................... 112
BestpracticesforrunningServerforNFSinaservercluster ............... 113
Printservicesinacluster .................................. 113
Creatingaclusterprinterspooler............................. 113
Advancedclusteradministrationprocedures.......................... 114
Failingoverandfailingback .............................. 114
Restartingoneclusternode ............................... 114
Shuttingdownoneclusternode ............................. 115
Poweringdownthecluster................................ 115
Poweringupthecluster................................. 115
Additionalinformationandreferencesforclusterservices .................... 116
9Troubleshooting,servicing,andmaintenance ............ 117
Troubleshootingthestorageserver.............................. 117
Maintenanceandservice.................................. 117
Maintenanceandservicedocumentation ......................... 118
Maintenance updates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118
Systemupdates .................................. 118
Customerselfrepair .................................. 118
Firmware updates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118
CerticateofAuthenticity.................................. 119
10Systemrecovery........................ 121
TheSystemRecoveryDVD.................................. 121
Torestoreafactoryimage ................................. 121
SystemswithaDON'TERASEpartition............................ 121
Managingdisksafterarestoration.............................. 121
AServercomponents . . ..................... 123
ML310G4hardwarecomponents.............................. 123
DL320shardwarecomponents................................ 126
DL585G2hardwarecomponents .............................. 129
BConfiguringstorageserverforWebaccess(optional)......... 133
HP ProLiant Storage Server
SettingupanInternetconnection............................... 133
CRegulatorycomplianceandsafety................. 135
Federal Communications Commission notice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135
ClassAequipment................................... 135
ClassBequipment................................... 135
Declaration of conformity for products marked with the F CC logo, United States only . . . . . . . 135
Modications..................................... 136
Cables........................................ 136
Lasercompliance ..................................... 136
Internationalnoticesandstatements ............................. 137
Canadiannotice(AvisCanadien) ............................ 137
ClassAequipment................................. 137
ClassBequipment................................. 137
EuropeanUnionnotice................................. 137
BSMInotice...................................... 137
Japanesenotice.................................... 138
KoreannoticeA&B................................... 138
ClassAequipment................................. 138
ClassBequipment................................. 138
Safety .......................................... 138
Batteryreplacementnotice ............................... 138
Taiwanbatteryrecyclingnotice ............................. 139
Powercords...................................... 139
Japanesepowercordnotice............................... 139
Electrostaticdischarge ................................. 139
Preventingelectrostaticdischarge .......................... 139
Groundingmethods ................................ 139
Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) directive . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 40
Czechoslovakiannotice................................. 140
Danishnotice..................................... 140
Dutchnotice ..................................... 140
Englishnotice..................................... 141
Estoniannotice .................................... 141
Finnishnotice..................................... 141
Frenchnotice ..................................... 141
Germannotice .................................... 142
Greeknotice ..................................... 142
Hungariannotice ................................... 142
Italiannotice ..................................... 142
Latviannotice..................................... 143
Lithuaniannotice ................................... 143
Polishnotice ..................................... 143
Portuguesenotice ................................... 143
Slovakiannotice.................................... 144
Sloveniannotice.................................... 144
Spanishnotice .................................... 144
Swedishnotice .................................... 144
................................. 147
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
9 10 11
12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32
33 ..Proxyserversettings .............................. 133
..Internetoptionsscreen.............................. 20
..HPStorageServerManagementconsole...................... 22
..Storage man
..Conguringarraysfromphysicaldrives ...................... 31
..RAID0(datastriping)(S1-S4)ofdatablocks(B1-B12)................ 31
..Two arrays (A1, A2) and ve logical drives (L1 through L5) spread over ve physical drives 33 ..System admi
..Shadowcopiesstoredonasourcevolume..................... 48
..Shadowcopiesstoredonaseparatevolume.................... 49
..AccessingshadowcopiesfromMyComputer.................... 52
..Client GU
..Recovering a deleted leorfolder ........................ 55
..Propertiesdialogbox,Securitytab ........................ 58
..AdvancedSecuritysettingsdialogbox,Permissionstab ............... 59
..UserorgroupPermissionEntrydialogbox..................... 60
..AdvancedSecuritySettingsdialogbox,Auditingtab ................ 61
..SelectUserorGroupdialogbox ......................... 61
..AuditingEntrydialogboxforfoldernameNTFSTest................. 62
..AdvancedSecuritySettingsdialogbox,Ownertab ................. 63
..AccessingMSNFSfromHPStorageServerManagementconsole ........... 77
..FileandPrintServicesforNetWaredialogbox................... 87
..NewUserdialogbox.............................. 88
..NetWareServicestab.............................. 89
..Storageserverclusterdiagram.......................... 98
..Clusterconceptsdiagram ............................ 100
..ML310G4frontpanel ............................. 124
..DL320sfrontpanel............................... 127
..DL320srearpanel ............................... 129
DL585G2frontpanel.............................. 130
85G2rearpanel.............................. 131
..Automatic congurationsettings ......................... 133
agementprocessexample ...................... 30
nistratorviewofShadowCopiesforSharedFolders............ 48
I................................... 53
G4rearpanel ............................. 125
HP ProLiant Storage Server 9
1 2 3
4 5 6 7 8
10 11 12 13 14 15
16 17 18
..Documentconventions.............................. 12
..Networkaccessmethods ............................ 16
..HP ProLiant hardware RAID congurations..................... 18
..Server congurationworksheet.......................... 25
..SummaryofRAIDmethods............................ 32
..Tasks and utilities n e eded for storage server conguration .............. 39
..Authenticationtable............................... 78
..MSNFScommand-lineadministrationtools..................... 83
..Sharingprotocolclustersupport ......................... 103
..Power sequ
..ML310G4frontpanelcomponents........................ 125
..ML310G4rearpanelcomponents........................ 125
..DL320sfrontpanelcomponents ......................... 127
..DL320sSASandSATAharddriveLEDcombinations................. 128
..DL320srearpanelcomponents.......................... 129
..DL585G2frontpanelcomponents ........................ 130
..DL585G2rearpanelcomponents ........................ 131
nandconfigurationchecklist....................... 17
encingforclusterinstallation ...................... 106

About this guide

This guide p rovides information for setting up, conguring, and administering the HP ProLiant Storage Server.
This guide is available on the HP web site and is also provided as a PDF document on the HP ProLiant Storage Server documentation CD.
Intended audi
This book is intended for use by technical professionals who are experienced with the following:
System and st
administrative procedures
orage congurations
Getting help
If you still have a question after reading this guide, contact an HP authorized service provider or access our web site: h
Known issues and work arounds for the storage server products and the service release are addressed in release notes. To view the latest version, visit h
and troubleshooting information and enter a product name/number. Under self-help resources, select manuals (guides, supplements, addendums, etc.).
Related documentation
In addition to this guide, see the following document for more information:
HP Integrated Lights-Out 2 User Guide
This document is available on the documentation CD or it can be obtained at h
storageservers. Select your product, then click Technical documentation under the Support section.
ttp://www.hp.com/go/suppor t.SelectSee support
For product specications and additional ordering information, see the HP Network At tached Storage (NAS) web site at h
This document contains the following conventions and symbols:
• Document conventions
HP ProLiant Storage Server
Document conventions and symbols
Table 1 Document conventions
Blue text
Medium blue, underlined text
Bold font
Italic font
Monospace font
Monospace, italic font
Monospace, bold font
Text symbols
Cross-reference links and e-mail addresses Web site addresses
Key names
Text typed into a GUI element, such as into a box
GUI elements that are clicked or selected, such as menu and list
items, buttons, and check boxes
Text emphasis
File and directory names
System output
Text typed at the command line
Code variables
Command-line variables
Emphasis of le and directory names, system output, code, and text typed at the command line
Indicates that failure to follow directions could result in bodily harm or death.
Indicates that failure to follow directions could result in damage to equipm ent or data.
Provides clarifying information or specic instructions.
Provides additional information.
Provides helpful hints and shortcuts.
HP technical support
Telephone numbers for worldwide technical support are listed on the HP suppor t web site:
About this guide
Collect the following information before calling:
Technical support registration number (if applicable)
Product serial numbers
Product model names and numbers
Applicable error messages
Operating system type and revision level
Detailed, specicquestions
For continuous quality improvement, calls may be recorded or monitored.
HP subscribe
HP strongly recommends that customers sign up online using the Subscriber's choice web site:
Subscribing to this service provides you with e-mail updates on the latest product enhancements,
After signing up, you can quickly locate your products by selecting Business support, and then
r's choice
newest versions of drivers, and rmware documentation updates, as well as instant access to numerous ot
Storage under Product Category.
her product resources.
HP-authorized reseller
For the name of your nearest HP-authorized reseller:
In the United States, call 1-800-282-6672.
Elsewhere, visit the HP web site: h
and telephone numbers.
Other hel
pful web sites
For other product information, see the following HP web sites:
ttp://www.hp.com.Then,clickContact HP to nd locations
HP hardware support services
HP Instant Support Enterprise Edition (ISEE) provides proactive remote m onitoring, diagnostics, and troubleshooting to help you enhance the availability of your servers, as well as storage and network devices. The ISEE software is located on the storage server in the c:\hpnas\components\ISEE folder. For more information, go to the HP web site:
ttp://h20219.www2.hp.com/services/cache/10707-0-0-225-121.a spx.
HP Services provides service tools that notify you when a signicant system event has or will o ccur. These tools, WEBES System Event Analyzer (SEA) and OSEM, are used both as part of the ISEE remote ser vice offering and as standalone tools to HP service customers. They are designed to send a notication only when an event or series of events has occurred that require service action. They are not intended to be real-time system state monitors that trigger with every event. Most system components have the capability of sending hundreds of state events during normal operation. SEA a n d OSEM are designed to lter these component events and only notify customers and /or HP Services when action n ee ds to be taken to resolve or prevent an outage. As designed they will not report a ll events. Other utilities are available to monitor real time system state. The software is lo cated on the storage ser ver in the c:\hpnas\components\OSEM and c:\hpnas\components\WEBES folders.
HP ProLiant Storage Server 13
About this guide
1 Installing and conguring the server

Setup overview

Your HP ProLiant Storage Server comes preinstalled with either the Windows® Storage Server2003 R2 operating system or the Microsoft® Windows® Unied Data Storage Server 2003, Enterprise x64 Edition operating system.
Microsoft Windows Storage Server 2003 R2 extends the Windows Storage Server 2003 operating system, providing a more efcient way to manage and control access to local and remote resources. In addition, Windows Storage Server 2003 R2 provides a scalable, security-enhanced Web p latform for simplied branch server management, improved identity and access management, and more efcient storage management.
Microsoft® Windows® Unied Data Storage Server 2003, Enterprise x64 Edition operating system provides unied storage server management capabilities, simplied setup and management of storage and shared folders, and support for Microsoft iSCSI Software Target.
For more information about Microsoft® Windows® Unied Data Storage Server 2003 operating system, see "Enterprise storage servers"onpage93.
Planning for installation
Before you install your HP ProLiant Storage Server, you need to make a few decisions.
Determining a network access method
Before beginning setup and startup procedures, decide upon a n access method to connect to the storage server. The type of net work access you select is determined by whether or not the network has a D ynamic Host Conguration Protocol (DHCP) server. If the network has a DHCP server, you can access the storage server through the direct attachment, remote browser, Remote Desktop, or iLO 2 methods. If your network does not have a DHCP server, you must access the storage server through the direct attachment method.
The direct attachment method requires a display, keyboard, and mouse.
HP ProLiant Storage Server
Table 2 Network access methods
Access method
Direct attachment
Remote browser
Remote deskt
HP Integrated Lights-Out 2 (iLO
2) connectivity
I.E. 5.5 or later required?
Yes Yes
Planning a network conguration
You use the Rapid Startup Wizard to congure your storage ser ver. This wizard is displayed automatically when you rst start your system. Before you run the Rapid Startup Wizard, it is helpful to gather the network conguration information you need, including:
User name and administrator password (the system provides you with defaults you need to change)
E-mail addresses to set up system alerts
SNMP settings
Local area network (LAN) conguration settings
Storage server desktop access
HP ProLiant Rap
Startup Wizard
Directly from the storage server desktop.
Directly from the HP ProLiant Storage Server Management console.
Indirectly from the storage server desktop.
Indirectly from the storage server desktop.
Requires a monitor, mouse, and keyboard.
Does not display the storage server desktop.
Windows Remo Desktop capa required on
See the HP
Integrated Lights-Out 2 User Guide for server
access instructions.
To help you gather this information, see "Conguring the server on the network" on page 25.
Conguration checklist
Use the following checklist to make sure you have completed all conguration tasks for your HP ProLiant Storage Server. The steps for each task are explained in more detail in subsequent chapters of this guide.
Installing and conguring the server
Table 3 Installation and conguration ch ecklist
1. Unpack server, check kit contents, and become familiar with front and back panels of storage server. Locate and write down serial number of storage server.
2. If you plan to rack the server, complete the rail installation instructions.
3. Connect cables; (optional) connect a keyboard,mouse,andmonitor;power on server, and log on to the server.
4. Access the HP Storage Server Management console.
5. Complete the storage server conguration worksheet.
6. Run Rapid Startup Wizard. See "Rapid Startup Wizard"onpage26.
7. Complete system conguration. See "Completing system conguration"onpage26.
8. Congure storage server for Web access, if necessary.
See "Checking kit contents"onpage17.
See the HP ProLiant rail installation instructions and tower-to-rack conversion instructions, if applicable.
See Powering on the server and Direct attach method.
See "Accessing the HP Storage Server Management
See "Server conguration worksheet"onpage25.
See "Conguring storage server for Web access
(optional)" on page 133.

Installing the server

To install your HP ProLiant Storage Server, follow the instructions in the sections below:
• Locating and writing down the serial number
• Checking kit contents
• Powering on the server
Locating and writing down the serial number
Before completing the installation portion of this guide, locate and write down the storage server's serial number, which may be needed to access the HP Storage Server Management console later on during the set up process.
The HP ProLiant Storage Server's serial number is located in three places:
Top of the storage server
Back of the storage server
Inside the storage server shipping b ox
Checking kit contents
Remove the contents, making sure you have all the components listed below. If components are missing, contact HP technical support.
HP ProLiant Storage Server (with operating system preloaded)
Power cord(s)
Product Documentation and Safety and Disposal Documentation CD
HP ProLiant Storage Server Installation and System Recovery DVD
End User License Agreement
Certicate of Authenticity Card
HP ProLiant Storage Server
ProLiant Essentials Integrated Lights-Out 2 Advanced Pack
Powering on the server
Power on the server after connecting the cables. For more information on your storage server model's hardware compo
nents, see "Server components" on page 123.
1. Power on server by pushing the power but ton. The power LED illum inates green.
2. When the server powers on, an installation progress screen is displayed. The installation process
takes approxi
mately 10 to 15 minutes to complete and the server will reboot twice. No user
interaction is required.
Do not interrupt the installation process; when the installation sequence is complete, the system prompt appears.
Go to "Accessing the HP Storage Server Management console" on page 19 to set up server access.
Factory image
HP ProLiant Storage Servers are precongured with default storage settings and preinstalled with either the Windows Storage Server 2003 R2 operating system or the Microsoft® Windows® Unied Data Storage Server 2003 operating system. This section provides additional details about the precongured storage.
Physical conguration
The logical disks reside on physical drivess as shown in "HP ProLiant hardware RAID
congurations" on page 18. The DON'T ER ASE volume contains an image that is deployed onto the
OS partition during system installation.
Table 4 HP ProLiant hardware RAID congurations
Logical Disk 1 Logical Disk 2 Logical Disk 3
ML310 G4
DL585 G2
In the HP Array Conguration Utility (ACU), logical disks are labeled 1 and 2. In Microsoft Disk Manager, logical disks are displayed as 0 and 1. For HP Smart Array conguration information, see
The DON’T ERASE logical disk supports the recovery process only and does not host a secondary operating system. If the operating system has a failure that might result from corrupt system les, a corrupt registry, or the system hangs during boot, see "System recovery"onpage121.
Operating System Volume
Physical Drives 0–3
Operating System Volume
Physical Drives 0–1
Physical Drives 0–3
Physical Drives 0–1
Data Volume
Physical Drives 0–3
If the data volume is not carved at the factory or during the installation process, it must be congured manually by the end user. Be sure to back up your user data, and then use the System Recovery DVD to restore the server to the factory default state as soon as conveniently possible.
Installing and conguring the server
Default boot sequence
The BIOS supports the following default boot sequence:
2. HD D
3. PXE (network boot)
Under normal ci
If the system experiences a drive failure, the drive displays an amber disk failure LED.
If a single drive failure occurs, it is transparent to the OS.
rcumstances, the storage servers bo ot up from the OS logical drive.

Accessing the HP Storage Server Management console

Before accessing the HP Storage Server Management console, verify that the storage ser ver is completely installed in the rack, and that all cables and cords are connected.
To access the HP Storage Server Management console, you can use these access methods:
Direct attach To connect directly to the storage server without using the network.
Remote browser To establish a browser-based connection to the HP ProLiant Storage
Server Management console from a remote client running Internet Explorer 5.5 (or later).
Remote Desktop To establish a connection from a remote client without using a browser.
This method requires the client to have Windows Remote Desktop capability.
HP Integrated Lights-Out 2 (iLO 2)
For more information, see "Planning for installation" on page 15.
An IP address can be substituted for a storage server's serial number and hyphen when using either remote browser or Remote Desktop methods to access the HP Storage Server Management console. For example: can be substituted for TWT08466-.
To establish a browser-based connection from a remote client using the iLO 2 interface.
Using the direct attach method
You can access the HP Storage Ser ver Management console using a monitor, mouse, and keyboard directly attached to the storage server.
To connec t the storage server to a network using the direct attach method
1. Log on to the HP ProLiant Storage Server with the default user name administrator and the
password hpinvent. The H P ProLiant Storage Server Management console and Rapid Startup Wizard will start
HP ProLiant Storage Server 19
You can change the administrator name and password when you congure the server using the "Rapid Startup Wizard"onpage26.
2. To complete network conguration using the Rapid Startup Wizard, see "Conguring the ser ver on
the network"onpage25.
Using the remote browser method
The storage server ships with DHCP enabled on the network port. If the server is placed on a DHCP-enabled network and the serial number of the device is known, the server can be accessed through a client running Internet Explorer 5.5 (or later) on that network, using the TCP/IP 3202 port.
Before you begin this procedure, ensure that you have the following:
Windows-based PC loaded with Internet Explorer 5.5 (or later) on the same local network as the
storage server
DHCP-enabled network
Serial number or IP address of the storage server
To connect the server to a network using the remote browser method, you must rst ensure that the client is congured to download signed ActiveX controls.
To enable Ac tiveX controls
1. On the remote client m achine, open the Internet Explorer web browser and select Tools > Internet
Options > Security.
Figure 1 Internet options screen
2. On th
e Security screen, select Intern et or Local intranet Web content zone, then click Custom Level.
Installing and conguring the server
3. Scroll down to locate the ActiveX Controls and plug-ins settings.
4. At Download signed ActiveX controls settings, select Enable to enable ActiveX or Prompt to launch a
notice requiring ap p roval before ActiveX is enabled.
5. Click OK to close the Security Settings dialog box.
6. If prompted Are you sure you want to chang e the security settings for this zone,clickYES.
7. On the Internet Options dialog box, click OK to nish.
1. On the remote client m achine open Internet Explorer and enter https:// and the serial
number of the storage ser ver followed by a hyphen (-), and then:3202. For example, https://D4059ABC3433-:3202 Press Enter.
If you are able to determine the IP address from your DHCP server, you can substitute the IP address for the serial number and hyphen (-). For example:
2. Click OK on the Security Al ert prompt.
3. Log on to the HP ProLiant Storage Server Management c onsole with the default user name
administrator and the password hpinvent.
You can change the administrator name and password when you congure the server using the "Rapid Startup Wizard"onpage26.
4. To complete network conguration using the Rapid Startup Wizard, see "Conguring the server on
the network"onpage25.
If you are Rapid St
using the remote browser method to access the HP Storage Server Management console and
artup Wizard, always close the remote session before closing your Internet browser. Closing theInternetbrowserdoesnotclosetheremotesession. Failuretocloseyourremotesessionimpactsthe limited number of remote sessions allowed on the storage server at any given time.
Connecting to the storage server permits you to access the HP Storage Server Management console (Figure 2). From the console, you can access snap-ins that allow complete server system management.
HP ProLiant Storage Server 21
Figure 2 HP Storage Server Management console
Using the Remote Desktop method
Remote Desktop provides the ability for you to log onto and remotely administer your server, giving you a method of managing it from any client. Installed for remote administration, Remote Desktop allows only two concurrent sessions. Leaving a session running takes up one license and can affect other users. If two sessions are running, additional users will be denied access.
To connect the storage server to a network using t h e Remote Desktop method
1. On the PC client, select Start > Run.AtOpen,typemstsc,thenclickOK.
2. Enter the serial numb er of the storage server followed by a hyphen (-) in the Computer box and
click Connect. For example: D4059ABC3433-.
If you are able to determine the IP address from your D HCP server, you can substitute the IP address for the serial number and hyphen (-). For example:
3. Log on to the HP ProLiant Storage Server with the default user name administrator and the
password hpinvent. The HP ProLiant Data Protection Storage Server Management console and Rapid Startup Wizard
will start automatically.
You can change the administrator name and password when you congure the server using the "Rapid Startup Wizard"onpage26.
4. To complete network conguration using the Rapid Startup Wizard, see "Conguring the ser ver on
the network"onpage25.
Installing and conguring the server
Logging off and d
Remote Desktop system.
Disconnecting leaves the session running on the server. You can reconnect to the server and resume the session. If you are performing a task on the server, you can start the task and d isconne ct from the session. Later, you can l This is especi
Ending the ses application The next time you log onto the server, a new session is created.
Remote Desktop requires that all connecting users be authenticated, which is why users must log on each time the
ally helpful when operating over a remote connection on a long-distance toll line.
sion is known as logging off. Logging off ends the session running on the server. Any
s running within the session are closed, and unsaved changes made to open les will be lost.
y start a session.
Telnet Server
Telnet Server is a utility that lets users connect to machines, log on, and obtain a command prompt remotely. Telnet Server is preinstalled on the storage server, but must be activated before use.
For security reasons, the Telnet Server is disabled by default. The service needs to be modied to enable access to the storage server with Telnet.
Enabling Telnet Server
provides two options when closing a client: you can either disconnect or log off the
og back on the server, re-enter the session, and either resume the task or check results.
The Telnet Ser ver service needs to be enabled prior to its access. The service can be enabled by opening the services MMC:
1. Select Start > Run, and then enter services.msc.
2. Locate and right-click the Telnet service and then select Properties.
3. Choose one of the following:
• For the Telnet service to start up automatically on every reboot, in the Startup Type d rop-down
box, click Automatic, and then click OK.
• For the Telnet service to be started manually on every reboot, in the Startup Type drop-down
box, click Manual, and then click OK. On the storage server, access the command line interface, either by Remote Desktop or a direct
connection, and then enter the following command:
net start tlntsvr
Sessions information
The sessions screen provides the ability to view or terminate active sessions.
Using the Integrated Lights-Out 2 method
Integrated Lights-Out 2 (iLO 2) is HP's fourth g eneration of Lights-Out management technology that allows you to perform virtually any system administrator or maintenance task remotely as if you were using its keyboard; mouse; monitor; power button; and oppy, CD or USB key, whether or not the server is operating. It is available in t wo forms, iLO 2 Standard and iLO 2 Advanced. iLO 2 Standard provides basic system board management functions, diagnostics and essential Lights-Out functionality on supported ProLiant servers. iLO 2 Advanced p rovides advanced remote administration functionality as a licensed option, which is included with the ProLiant Storage Server.
HP ProLiant Storage Server 23
TheIntegratedLights-Outportonthestorageservercanbeconfigured through the Rapid Startup Wizard or through the iLO 2 ROM-Based Setup Utility (RBSU). SNMP is enabled and the Insight Management Agents are preinstalled.
The HP iLO 2 management processor provides multiple ways to congure, update, operate, and manage servers remotely. The H P ProLiant Storage Server comes precongured with iLO 2 default factory settings, including a default user account and password. These settings can be found on the iLO 2 Default Network Settings tag found on the front of the server. If iLO 2 is connected to a network running DNS and DHCP, you can use it immediately without changing any settings.
For more information on using HP iLO 2, see the HP Integrated Lights-Out 2 User Guide.
To quickly set up iLO 2 using the default settings for iLO 2 Standard and iLO 2 Advanced features, follow the steps below
1. Ensure that a network cable is connected to the i LO 2 port located on the back of the storage server.
This connection method is easiest when the connection is to a DHCP and DNS supported network.
2. If you are not using dynamic D HCP (IP addressing), you will need to input a static IP address by
using the direct attach method and the iLO 2 RBSU.
3. Using the methods described in the HP Integrated Lights–Out 2 User Guide, connect to the iLO 2 port.
To nd the default iLO 2 log on settings, see the iLO 2 Default Network Settings card attached to your server. The default DNS, administrator name, and password needed to logonwillbeonthiscard.
4. If desire
your pre
d, you can change the d efault user name and password on the administrator account to
dened selections.
5. Set up your user accounts, if using the local accounts feature.
6. Activate iLO 2 advanced features by entering a license key from the included ProLiant Essentials
Integrated Lights-Out 2 Advanced Pack.
7. Access the HP ProLiant Storage Server using the iLO 2 Remote Console functionality. Log on to
the HP ProLiant Storage Server with the default user name administrator and the password
ent. The HP ProLiant Storage Ser ver Management console starts automatically.
When t
he Remote Console feature is enabled, you can get access to the storage server's
login screen.
The Integrated Lights-Out 2 port comes with factory default settings, which the a dministrator can change. Administrators may want to add users, change SNMP trap d estinations, or change networking settings. See the HP Integrated Lights-Out 2 User Guide for information about changing these settings. To obtain this guide, go to h
ttp://www.hp.com/support/manuals, navigate to the servers section, and select
Server management. In the ProLiant Essentials Software section, select HP Integrated Lights-Out 2 (iLO
2) Standard Firmware.
Installing and conguring the server
Conguring the server on the network
Before you b egin
When rst powering on the storage server you need to have some conguration data readily available to complete the Rapid Startup Wizard. Complete the Server conguration worksheet and use the data collected to initialize the storage server.
Ensure you are logged into the HP ProLiant Storage Server as a local or domain administrator.
Table 5 Server cong uration worksheet
Conguration Worksheet
Administrative Identity
User name
Change system administrator's user name, which is set by default to administrator.
User password
Alert E-mail Notication
E-mail address a lert sent to
E-mail address alert sent from Must be a valid, well-formed e-mail address that will appear as the
SMTP server name or IP address
SNMP Settings (to be completed only if needed) Contact person
System location Any text string, such as a location or phone number. For example,
Community name No. 1
Trap destination No. 1
Community name No. 2
Trap destination No. 2 Same as above.
Change system administrator's password, which is set by default to hpinvent.
E-mail address for critical, warning, or informational messages about server status.
sender of server status e-mail alerts. Must be an e-mail server on your net work that supports the Simple
Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP).
System administrator for the storage server. The contact and location will be provided to any SNMP management computer that requests them.
Floor #3, Financial Services Bldg. The community name is used for network authentication when
sending outgoing SNMP messages. The IP address of a management computer that will receive SNMP
messages from the storage server using the above community name. Same as above.
Network Interfaces (to be completed for non-DHCP congurations) Local area connection 1
IP address
Subnet mask A mask is used to determine what subnet an IP address belongs to. Default gateway
A local area connection is automatically created for each network adapter that is detected.
An Internet Protocol (IP) address is assigned to the server. If it is not automatically assigned, enter the IP address that you want to assign to this server.
The gateway in a network that the network adapter will use to access all o ther networks.
HP ProLiant Storage Server 25
Conguration Worksheet
ction 2
Any additional l confusion.
Same as above. Change the host name, IP settings, and administrator settings. A Domain Name System (DNS) server name is required to provide
for domain name to IP address resolution. A Windows Internet Naming Service (WINS) server name is
required to determine the IP address associated with a particular network computer.
Assignauniquenametothestorageserver.Thisnameidentifies the storage server on the network.
Local area conne
IP address Same as above. Subnet mask Same as above. Default gatew iLO 2 settings DNS server
WINS server
Server Name
Server name
Running the Rapid Startup Wizard
The Rapid Startup Wizard is only displayed during the initial setup process. This wizard guides you through the conguration process.
The Rapid Startup Wizard guides you through con guring the following system settings:
Date, time, and time zone
Administrator identity (user name and password)
Alert e-mail notication
Integrated Lights-Out 2 (iLO 2) settings
Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) settings
Network interfaces
Server name
For more information about the conguration settings available in the Rapid Startup Wizard, click Help to see the corresponding Rapid Startup Wizard online help topic.
ocal area connections can be renamed to prevent
Completing system conguration
After the storage server is physically set up a nd the basic conguration is established, additional setup tasks must be completed. Depending on the de p loyment scenario of the storage server, these steps can vary. T
Running Microsoft Windows Update—HP highly recommends that you run Microsoft Windows
Creating and managing users and groups—User and group information and permissions
Joining workgroup and domains—These are the two system environments for users and groups.
hese additional steps can include:
updates to identify, review, and install the latest, applicable, critical security updates on the storage server. For recommendations, instructions, and documentation to help manage the software update, hotx, and security patches process on the storage server, see Microsoft Software Updates on HP ProLiant Storage Servers at h
determine whether a user can access les. If the storage server is deployed into a workgroup environment, this user and group information is stored locally on the device. By contrast, if the storage server is deployed into a domain environment, user and group information is stored
the domain.
Because users and groups in a domain environment are managed through standard Windows or
tive Directory domain administration methods, this document discusses only local users and
Installing and conguring the server
groups, which are stored and managed on the storage server. For information on managing users and groups on a domain, see the domain documentation available on the Microsoft web site.
Using Ethernet NIC teaming (optional)—Select models are equipped with an HP or Broadcom
NIC Teaming utility. The utility allows administrators to congure and monitor Ethernet network interface controller (NIC) teams in a Windows-based operating system. These teams provide options for increasing fault tolerance and throughput.
Activating iLO 2 Advanced features using a license key—The Remote Console feature of iLO 2
requires a license key. The key is included with the storage server inside the Country Kit. See the iLO 2 Advanced License Pack for activation instructions.
Adjust logging for system, application, and security events.
Installing third-party software applications—For example, these might include an antivirus
application that you install.
HP ProLiant Storage Server 27
Installing and conguring the server

2 Storage management overview

This chapter provides an overview of some of the components that make up the storage structure of the HP ProLiant Storage Server.

Storage management elements

Storage is divided into four major divisions:
Physical storage elements
Logical stora
File system elements
File sharing elements
Each of these elements is composed of the previous level's elements.
Storage management example
Figure 3 depicts m any of the storage elements that one would nd on a storage device. The following
sections provide an overview of the storage elements.
ge elements
HP ProLiant Storage Server 29
Physical Disks
RAID Arrays
Logical Drives
Selective Storage Presentaion
Visible Disks
Single Server Cluster Implementation
Shadow Copy
NTFS Volumes
File Folders
Shadow Copies
Cluster Physical Disk Resources
Cluster Virtual Server Groups
(Network Name) (IP Address) (Cluster Admin)
Fault-tolerant CIFS/SMB and NFS File Shares
\Engineering \Marketing
from 02/10/03 09:30 \snapshot.0
from 02/10/03 11:30 \snapshot.1
\Users \Sales \Marketing \Engineering \Snapshot.0 \Snapshot.1
\Users \Sales \Engineering
CIFS and NFS File Shares
File Sharing Elements
\Users \Sales \Customers
from 02/10/03 09:30 \snapshot.0
from 02/10/03 11:30 \snapshot.1
\\VirtualServerA IP Addresss
\Sales \Marketing \Engineering \Snapshot.0 \Snapshot.1
\\VirtualServerA IP Addresss
\Users \Customers
Figure 3 Storage management process example
Physical storage elements
Thelowestlevelofstoragemanagementoccursatthephysicaldrivelevel. Minimally,choosingthebest disk carving strategy includes the following policies:
Analyze current corporate and departmental structure.
Plan properly to ensure the best con guration and use of storage.
Include the appropriate number of physical drives in the arrays to create logical storage elements
30 Storage management overview
yze the current le server structure and environment.
• Determine the desired priority of fault tolerance, performance, and storage capacity.
the determined priority of system characteristics to determine the optim al striping policy
and RAID level.
of desired sizes.
+ 120 hidden pages