HP ProLiant 300, ProLiant 500 Administration Manual

HP ProLiant Storage Server administration guide
Part number: Part Number: 378127–002 SecondEditionedition: (March2005)

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HP ProLiant Storage Server administration guide


About this Guide . .................... 13
Intendedaudience.............................. 13
Prerequisites ................................ 13
Conventions................................. 13
Gettinghelp ................................ 14
1SystemOverview.................... 17
Productdefinitionandinformation ....................... 17
Deploymentscenarios ............................ 18
Environmentscenarios ............................ 19
Userinterfaces ............................... 20
Documentconventions.......................... 13
Textsymbols .............................. 13
HPtechnicalsupport........................... 14
HPstoragewebsite........................... 15
HPauthorizedreseller .......................... 15
Serverhardwareandsoftwarefeatures................... 17
Productinformation ........................... 17
Productmanageability.......................... 17
Productredundancy........................... 18
Workgroup............................... 20
Domain ................................ 20
Storageserverweb-baseduserinterface .................. 20
Storageserverdesktop.......................... 21
StorageServerManagementConsole................. 22
NICTeamSetup.......................... 22
2 Basic Administrative Procedures and Setup Completion . . . . 23
Basicadministrativeprocedures ........................ 23
Settingthesystemdateandtime...................... 24
Shuttingdownorrestartingtheserver ................... 24
Viewingandmaintainingauditlogs .................... 25
UsingRemoteDesktop.......................... 154
ImproperclosureofRemoteDesktop.................. 27
Settingupe-mailalerts.......................... 27
Changingsystemnetworksettings..................... 28
Setupcompletion .............................. 29
Managingsystemstorage ........................ 29
Creatingandmanagingusersandgroups ................. 29
Creatingandmanagingfileshares .................... 30
ActivatingtheiLOportusingthelicensekey................. 30
SettingupEthernetNICTeams(Optional).................. 30
3DiskandVolumeManagement .............. 31
Storageserverswithconfigurablestorage .................... 31
Storageconfigurationoverview ...................... 32
Step1:Creatediskarrays...................... 33
Step2:Createlogicaldisksfromthearrayspace............ 33
Step3:Verifynewlycreatedlogicaldisks ............... 33
HP ProLiant Storage Server administration guide
Step4:Createavolumeonthenewlogicaldisk ............ 33
ArrayConfigurationUtility(SmartArray-basedstorageonly).......... 34
UsingtheACUtoconfigurestorage.................. 34
ACUguidelines .......................... 37
Managingdisksonconfigurablestorageservers............... 37
CreatinganewvolumeviatheWebUI................... 38
AdvancedDiskManagement....................... 40
Guidelinesformanagingdisks.................... 41
Volumespage ............................. 52
Managingvolumes......................... 43
Managingdisksafterquickrestore .................... 48
Storageserverswithpre-configuredstorage ................... 48
DiskManagementutility......................... 49
DiskManagementguidelines .................... 50
AdaptecStorageManager........................ 51
Volumespage ............................. 52
Schedulingdefragmentation.......................... 53
Diskquotas................................. 55
Enablingquotamanagement....................... 55
Settinguserquotaentries......................... 56
DiskPart .................................. 58
ExampleofusingDiskPart ........................ 59
4ShadowCopies .................... 61
Overview.................................. 79
Shadowcopyplanning............................ 61
Identifyingthevolume.......................... 62
Allocatingdiskspace .......................... 62
Convertingbasicstoragediskstodynamicdisks ............ 63
Identifyingthestoragearea........................ 63
Determiningcreationfrequency ...................... 64
Shadowcopiesanddrivedefragmentation ................... 64
Mounteddrives ............................... 64
Managingshadowcopies........................... 65
Theshadowcopycachefile ....................... 67
Enablingandcreatingshadowcopies ................... 68
Viewingalistofshadowcopies...................... 69
Setschedules.............................. 69
Schedulingshadowcopies ..................... 69
Deletingashadowcopyschedule .................. 69
Viewingshadowcopyproperties ..................... 70
Disablingshadowcopies......................... 71
Managingshadowcopiesfromthestorageserverdesktop............. 72
ShadowCopiesforSharedFolders....................... 72
SMBshadowcopies........................... 73
NFSshadowcopies........................... 74
Recoveryoffilesorfolders ........................ 75
Recoveringadeletedfileorfolder..................... 75
Recoveringanoverwrittenorcorruptedfile ................. 76
Recoveringafolder ........................... 76
Backupandshadowcopies........................ 77
5UserandGroupManagement .............. 79
Overview.................................. 79
Domaincomparedtoworkgroupenvironments.................. 79
Userandgroupnameplanning ........................ 79
Managingusernames.......................... 79
Managinggroupnames......................... 80
Workgroupuserandgroupmanagement .................... 80
Managinglocalusers .......................... 80
Addinganewuser......................... 81
Deletingauser........................... 82
Modifyingauserpassword ..................... 82
Modifyinguserproperties...................... 82
Managinglocalgroups ......................... 83
Addinganewgroup........................ 83
Deletingagroup.......................... 84
Modifyinggroupproperties ..................... 84
6Folder,Printer,andShareManagement .......... 87
Foldermanagement ............................. 87
Navigatingtoaspecificvolumeorfolder.................. 87
Creatinganewfolder.......................... 88
Deletingafolder ............................ 89
Modifyingfolderproperties........................ 89
Creatinganewshareforavolumeorfolder ................ 90
Managingsharesforavolumeorfolder .................. 91
Managingfilelevelpermissions...................... 92
Sharemanagement ............................. 98
Shareconsiderations .......................... 99
DefiningAccessControlLists ....................... 99
Integrating local file system security into Windows domain environments . . . . . 99
Comparing administrative (hidden) and standard shares . . . . . . . . . . . 99
Planningforcompatibilitybetweenfilesharingprotocols ........... 100
NFScompatibilityissues....................... 100
Managingshares............................ 100
Creatinganewshare........................ 133
Deletingashare.......................... 135
Modifyingshareproperties ..................... 135
Protocolparametersettings .......................... 106
DFSprotocolsettings .......................... 107
DeployingDFS........................... 107
DFSAdministrationTool ......................... 108
AccessingtheDFSnamespacefromothercomputers............. 109
SettingDFSsharingdefaults ..................... 109
CreatingalocalDFSroot ...................... 110
DeletingalocalDFSroot ...................... 111
PublishinganewshareinDFS ...................... 111
PublishinganexistingshareinDFS .................... 113
RemovingapublishedsharefromDFS ................... 113
Storagemanagement............................. 114
Directoryquotas ............................ 115
Establishingdirectoryquotas ....................... 116
Filescreening................................ 117
Storagereports ............................... 118
Printservices(wherelicensed) ......................... 119
Configuringtheprintserver........................ 119
Removingtheprintserverrole .................... 121
Addinganadditionalprinter ....................... 121
Adding additional operating system support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123
InstallingprintservicesforUNIX...................... 123
HPWebJetadmin .............................. 123
7ServicesforNFS/UNIX ................ 125
ServerforNFS................................ 125
Authenticatinguseraccess ........................ 125
S4U2functionality ........................... 126
IndicatingthecomputertousefortheNFSusermappingserver . . . . . . . . 127
HP ProLiant Storage Server administration guide
Loggingevents ............................. 128
ServerforNFSserversettings....................... 129
Installing NFS Authentication software on the domain controllers and Active
Directorydomaincontrollers ....................... 130
InstallingSFU3.5fromCD........................ 131
UnderstandingNTFSandUNIXpermissions................... 132
NFSfileshares ............................... 133
Creatinganewshare .......................... 133
Deletingashare.......................... 135
Modifyingshareproperties ..................... 135
AnonymousaccesstoanNFSshare.................. 137
NFSonly ............................. 138
NFSprotocolpropertiessettings ........................ 138
NFSasync/syncsettings......................... 139
NFSlocks............................. 140
NFSclientgroups .............................. 141
Addinganewclientgroup........................ 142
Deletingaclientgroup.......................... 143
Editingclientgroupinformation...................... 143
NFSuserandgroupmappings......................... 144
Typesofmappings ........................... 145
Explicitmappings ......................... 145
Simplemappings.......................... 145
Squashedmappings ........................ 145
Usernamemappingbestpractices .................... 146
Creatingandmanaginguserandgroupmappings.............. 147
Generaltab............................ 148
Simplemappingtab ........................ 148
Explicitusermappingtab ...................... 149
Explicitgroupmappingtab ..................... 150
Backingupandrestoringmappings .................... 152
Backingupusermappings...................... 152
Restoringusermappings ...................... 153
CreatingasampleNFSfileshare ....................... 153
RemoteAccess ............................... 154
UsingRemoteDesktop.......................... 154
UsingTelnetServer ........................... 155
UsingRemoteShellService........................ 155
Interix ................................... 155
Shells................................. 156
ProgrammingLanguages......................... 156
EnablingsetuidbehaviorforInterixprograms ................ 156
8NetWareFileSystemManagement ........... 157
InstallingServicesforNetWare ........................ 157
ManagingFileandPrintServicesforNetWare.................. 158
CreatingandmanagingNetWareusers..................... 160
AddinglocalNetWareusers ....................... 160
EnablinglocalNetWareuseraccounts................... 160
ManagingNCPvolumes(shares)........................ 161
CreatinganewNCPshare........................ 162
ModifyingNCPshareproperties ..................... 164
9RemoteAccessMethodsandMonitoring......... 165
Web-baseduserinterface........................... 165
RemoteDesktop............................... 165
TelnetServer ................................ 165
EnablingTelnetServer.......................... 166
Sessionsinformation ........................ 166
IntegratedLights-Outport........................... 166
Features................................ 167
Securityfeatures .......................... 167
ManageUsersfeature ....................... 167
ManageAlertsfeature ....................... 167
IntegratedLights-OutPortconfiguration................... 168
Using the Integrated Lights-Out Port to Access the Storage Server . . . . . 168
HPInsightManagerVersion7......................... 169
10ClusterAdministration ................ 171
Clusteroverview............................... 171
Multi-nodesupportbeyondtwonodes ................... 171
Clustertermsandcomponents......................... 172
Nodes................................. 172
Resources ............................... 172
Virtualservers ............................. 172
Failover ................................ 173
Quorumdisk.............................. 173
Clusterconcepts............................... 173
Sequenceofeventsforclusterresources .................. 173
Hierarchyofclusterresourcecomponents.................. 174
Clusterplanning............................... 175
Storageplanning............................ 176
Networkplanning............................ 176
Protocolplanning............................ 177
Preparingforclusterinstallation ........................ 178
Beforebeginninginstallation ....................... 178
UsingSecurePath............................ 178
UninstallingStorageManager ...................... 179
Checklistsforclusterserverinstallation ................... 179
Networkrequirements........................ 180
Shareddiskrequirements ...................... 180
Clusterinstallation.............................. 180
Settingupnetworks........................... 181
Configuringtheprivatenetworkadapter................ 181
Configuringthepublicnetworkadapter ................ 181
RenamingtheLocalAreaNetworkicons................ 182
Verifyingconnectivityandnameresolution............... 182
Verifyingdomainmembership .................... 182
Settingupaclusteruseraccount ................... 182
AbouttheQuorumdisk....................... 182
Configuringshareddisks ...................... 183
Verifyingdiskaccessandfunctionality................. 183
Configuringclusterservicesoftware....................... 183
Creatingacluster............................ 183
Addingnodestoacluster ........................ 185
Geographicallydispersedclusters..................... 186
HP ProLiant Storage Server software updates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 186
Clustergroupsandresources,includingfileshares ................ 187
Clustergroupoverview.......................... 187
Node-basedclustergroups ..................... 187
Loadbalancing .......................... 211
Clusterresourceoverview ........................ 188
Fileshareresourceplanningissues..................... 188
Resourceplanning ......................... 188
Permissionsandaccessrightsonshareresources ............ 189
NFScluster-specificissues ...................... 189
Nonclusterawarefilesharingprotocols .................. 190
Creatinganewclustergroup....................... 190
Addingnewstoragetoacluster...................... 191
HP ProLiant Storage Server administration guide
Creatingphysicaldiskresources...................... 192
Creatingfileshareresources ....................... 193
SettingpermissionsforanSMBfileshare ............... 194
CreatingNFSshareresources....................... 196
SettingpermissionsforanNFSshare ................. 197
CreatingIPaddressresources....................... 198
Creatingnetworknameresources ..................... 199
Basicclusteradministrationprocedures ..................... 200
Failingoverandfailingback....................... 200
Restartingoneclusternode........................ 201
Shuttingdownoneclusternode...................... 201
Poweringdownthecluster ........................ 201
Poweringupthecluster.......................... 202
Shadowcopiesinaclusteredenvironment.................... 202
Creatingaclusterprinterspooler........................ 203
ANICTeaming .................... 205
InstallingtheHPNetworkTeamingUtility .................... 205
OpeningtheHPNetworkTeamingUtility .................... 207
AddingandconfiguringNICsinateam..................... 207
Faulttolerance ............................. 210
Loadbalancing............................. 211
ConfiguringtheNICteamproperties ...................... 212
Renamingtheteamedconnection ..................... 212
Showingaconnectionicononthetaskbar ................. 212
ConfiguringtheTCP/IPprotocolonthenewteam .............. 212
Checkingthestatusoftheteam ........................ 214
NICteamingtroubleshooting ......................... 215
Index......................... 217
1Storageserverdesktop ............................. 22
2Maintenancetab................................ 24
3DateandTimepage .............................. 24
4Shutdownpage................................. 25
5Logspage................................... 25
6RemoteDesktopsession ............................. 27
7Networktab.................................. 29
8Disksmenu—configurablestoragemodels ..................... 32
9ArrayManagementpage ............................ 35
10SystemsManagementHomepage ........................ 36
11ManageDiskspage—configurablestorageserver ................. 38
12Creatinganewvolume,page1......................... 39
13Creatinganewvolume,page2......................... 40
14DiskManagementutility ............................ 50
15Volumespage................................. 88
16ManageVolumespage............................. 44
17ExpandingaLUN(SmartArrayonly)....................... 45
18Extendingavolume(basicdisk)......................... 46
19Extendingavolume(dynamicdisk)........................ 47
20Diskstab—mediumandsmallbusinessclass.................... 49
21DiskManagementutility ............................ 50
22 Adaptec Storage Manager . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88
23Volumestab ................................. 53
24Settinguserquotas............................... 57
25Addnewquotaentry.............................. 57
26ShadowCopiespage ............................. 66
27Shadowcopiesstoredonsourcevolume ..................... 67
28Shadowcopiesstoredonseparatevolume .................... 67
29ShadowCopyPropertiespage ......................... 71
30AccessingShadowCopiesfromMyComputer................... 72
31ClientGUI .................................. 74
32Recoveringadeletedfileorfolder ........................ 76
33LocalUserspage ............................... 81
34CreateNewUserpage............................. 82
35UserPropertiespage.............................. 83
36LocalGroupspage .............................. 83
37CreateNewGrouppage,Generaltab ...................... 84
38GroupPropertiespage,Generaltab ....................... 85
39GroupPropertiespage,Memberstab....................... 86
40Volumespage................................. 88
41Folderspage ................................. 88
42CreateaNewFolderpage,Generaltab ..................... 89
43FolderPropertiespage,Generaltab ....................... 90
44CreateNewSharepage,Generaltab ...................... 134
45Propertiesdialogbox,Securitytab........................ 93
46AdvancedSecuritySettingsdialogbox,Permissionstab............... 94
47UserorGroupPermissionEntrydialogbox .................... 95
48AdvancedSecuritySettingsdialogbox,Auditingtab ................ 95
49SelectUserorGroupdialogbox......................... 96
50AuditingEntrydialogboxforfoldernameNTSFTest ................ 97
51AdvancedSecuritySettingsdialogbox,Ownertab................. 98
52CreateaNewSharepage,Generaltab ..................... 134
53SharePropertiespage,Generaltab ....................... 135
54SharePropertiespage,WindowsSharingtab ................... 103
HP ProLiant Storage Server administration guide
55SharePropertiespage,UNIXSharingtab..................... 104
56LocalAreaConnectionPropertiespage,Installoption................ 105
57FileSharingProtocolspage........................... 107
58DFSWin32GUI................................ 108
59DFSPropertiespage,Generaltab ........................ 110
60DFSPropertiespage,LocalDFSRoottab ..................... 111
61DFSshareexample .............................. 112
62DFSshareexample,mappeddrive........................ 113
63Uninstallstoragemanager ........................... 115
64DirectoryQuotaPoliciespage.......................... 117
65MicrosoftServicesforNFSscreen,Settingstab................... 128
66ServerforNFSscreen,Loggingtab........................ 129
67ServerforNFSscreen,ServerSettingstab..................... 130
68CreateaNewSharepage,Generaltab ..................... 134
69SharePropertiespage,Generaltab ....................... 135
70UNIXSharingtab ............................... 136
71NFSSharingProtocolspage .......................... 139
72NFSAsync/SyncSettingspage ......................... 140
73NFSLockspage................................ 141
74NFSClientGroupspage ............................ 142
75NewNFSClientGrouppage .......................... 143
76EditNFSClientGroupspage .......................... 144
77Mappingserver“ls-al”commandexample .................... 146
78UserandGroupMappingspage,Generaltab................... 148
79UserandGroupMappingspage,SimpleMappingtab ............... 149
80UserandGroupMappingspage,ExplicitUserMappingtab............. 150
81UserandGroupMappingspage,ExplicitGroupMappingtab............ 151
82UserNameMappingscreen,MapMaintenancetab ................ 152
83LocalAreaConnectionPropertiespage,Installoption................ 158
84InstallingFileandPrintServicesforNetWare ................... 158
85FileandPrintServicesforNetWaredialogbox................... 159
86NewUserdialogbox ............................. 160
87NetWareServicestab ............................. 161
88CreateVolumedialogbox ........................... 162
89AccessThroughSharePermissionsdialogbox ................... 163
90AddUsersandGroupsdialogbox........................ 163
91Storageserverclusterdiagram.......................... 172
92Clusterconceptsdiagram............................ 174
93UninstallStorageManager ........................... 179
94Clustertab .................................. 183
95Addinganewnode .............................. 185
96Clusterupdatetool............................... 186
97ClusterGroupspage.............................. 191
98ClusterResourcespage............................. 192
99Creatingafileshareresource.......................... 194
100ResourceparametersforSMBfileshare ..................... 195
101Setresourcepermissions............................ 196
102NFSShareResourceparameters ........................ 197
103SetNFSShareresourcepermissions....................... 198
104 Creating an IP address resource . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 199
105NetworkNameParameters .......................... 200
106InstallingNetworkTeaming .......................... 206
107NetworkTeaminginstallationcomplete ..................... 206
108HPNetworkTeamingutilityicon ........................ 207
109HPNetworkTeamingPropertiesdialogbox ................... 208
110NICProperties,TeamingControlstab,FaultTolerantoption............. 209
111HPNetworkTeamingdialogbox........................ 210
112NICProperties,TeamingControlstab,LoadBalancingoption............ 211
113NICTeamPropertiesdialogbox ........................ 213
114NICTeamTCP/IPPropertiesdialogbox..................... 214
115NICTeamingstatus.............................. 215
HP ProLiant Storage Server administration guide
1Documentconventions.............................. 13
2WebUImainmenutabs ............................. 21
3Welcomescreencontents ............................ 21
4Diskstaboptions................................ 32
5ManageDisksoptions.............................. 38
6Volumespageobject/taskselector ........................ 43
7ManageVolumesoptions ............................ 44
8Diskstaboptions................................ 49
9Volumespageobject/taskselector ........................ 53
10CommonDiskPartcommands .......................... 59
11ShadowCopiesfields ............................. 66
12ShadowCopiestasks ............................. 66
13Groupnameexamples............................. 80
14CommandLineInterfaceCommandPrompts.................... 154
15Sharingprotocolclustersupport......................... 178
16Powersequencingforclusterinstallation...................... 181
17NICTeamingTroubleshooting.......................... 215

About this Guid e

Intended audience

This b ook is intended for system administrators who are experienced with setting up and managing a network server


Before beginning, make sure you consider the items below.
Knowledge of HP hardware
Location of all documentation shipped with your server


Conventions consist of the following:
• Document conventions
Document conventions
This document follows th e conventions in Table 1.
Table 1 Document conventions
Blue text: Figure 1
Bold Menu items, buttons, k eys, tabs, and box names
Monospace font User input, commands, code, file and directory
Monospace, italic font
lue underlined sans serif font text
Cross-reference links
ext emphasis and document titles in body text
names, and system responses (output and messages)
Command-line and code variables
Web site addresses
Text symbols
The following symbols may be found in the text of this guide. They have the following meanings:
HP ProLiant Storage Server administration guide
Text set off in this manner indicates that failure to follow directions in the warning could result in bodily harm or death.
Text set off in this manner indicates that failure to follow directions could result in damage to equipment or data.
Text set off in this manner provides additional help to readers by providing essential information to help avoid problems.
Text set off in this manner presents commentary, sidelights, or interesting points of information.

Getting help

If you still have a question after reading this guide, contact an HP authorized service p rovider or access our web site: h
HP technical support
Telephone numbers for worldwide technical support are listed on the following HP web site:
ttp://www.hp.com/support/. From this web site, select the country of origin.
For continuous quality improvement, calls may be recorded or monitored.
Be sure to have the following information available before calling:
About this Guide
Technical support registration number (if applicable)
Product serial numbers
Product model names and numbers
Applicable error messages
Operating system type and revision level
Detailed, specific questions
HP storage web site
The HP web site has the latest information on this product, as well as the latest drivers. Access storage at:
ttp://www.hp.com/country/us/eng/prodserv/storage.html. From this web site, select the appropriate
product or solution.
HP authoriz
For the name of your nearest HP authorized reseller:
In the United States, call 1-800-282-6672
In Canada, call 1-800-863-6594
Elsewhere, see the HP web site for locations and telephone numbers: h
ed reseller
HP ProLiant Storage Server administration guide
About this Guide


The HP ProLiant Storage Server products can be used in many types of computing environments, from basic Microsoft Windows workgroups to complicated multiprotocol domains using DFS, NFS, FTP, HTTP, and Microsoft SMB. The corresponding varieties of clients that can be ser viced include any Windows, UNIX, Linux, Novell, or Macintosh variant.
This chapter provides an overview of these environments and deployments and includes a brief descriptions of the available user interfaces.

Product definition and information

The HP ProLiant Storage Server family of products includes enterprise class, as well as remote office or small to medium business class solutions that provide reliable performance, manageability, and fault tolerance.
The HP ProLi discussed i
ant Storage Server Installation Guide includes a chart to help users determine which features
n this administration guide apply to a specific model.
Server har
dware and software features
Refer to the HP ProLiant Storage Server QuickSpecs for a list of server hardware and software features available on the HP we b site: h

Product information

The storage server provides performance gains over general purpose servers by integrating optimized hardware components and specialized software. Integrating storage servers into the network improves the performance of existing servers because storage servers are optimized for file serving tasks.
Each HP ProLiant Storage Server has been specifically designed to function as a network attached storage server. Unless specifically authorized by HP, do not use the server software to support additional applications or significant functionality other than system utilities or server r esource management, or similar software that you install and use solely for system administration, system performance enhancement, and/or preventative maintenance of the server.

Product manageability

The storage server ships with the following utilities and features:
HP ProLiant Storage Server administration guide
Rapid Startup Wizard—User friendly configuration utility that ensures easy configuration.
Web-based user interface (WebUI)—Simple, graphical user interface that helps with
administration tasks.
Abilit y to connect d irectly to the console.
Insight Manager (not available on all models)—Monitors the operations of HP servers,
workstations, and clients. Insight Manager provides system administrators more control through comprehensive fault and configuration management, and remote management.
Integrated Lights-Ou t feature (not available on all models)—Provides remote access,
sends alerts, and performs other management functions, even if the operating system of the host server is not responding.

Product redundancy

The storage standard components to ensure reliability.
Other industry standard features, such as re dund ant array of independent drives (RAID) and remote manageability, further enhance the overall dependability of the storage server.
The clustering ability of select storage servers further ensures continuous data availability b ecause data being pro cessed by one server transitions over to the other server in a failover situation.
Various deployment scenarios are possible. See the HP ProLiant Storage Server installation guide for configurations. Typical application of storage servers include:
server is specifically designed to perform file serving tasks for networks, using industry
18 System Overview
File server consolida tion
As businesses continue to expand their information technology (IT) infrastructures, they must find ways to manage larger environments without a corresponding increase in IT staff. Consolidating many servers into a single storage server decreases the number of points of administration, and increases the availability and flexibility of storage spa ce.
Multiprotocol environments
Some businesses require several types of computing systems to accomplish various tasks. The multiprotocol support of the storage server allows it to support many types of client computers concurrently.
Protocol and platform transitions
When a transition between platforms is being planned, the ability of the storage server to support most file sharing protocols allows companies to continue to invest in file storage space without concerns about obsolescence. For example, an administrator planning a future transition from Windows to Linux can deploy the storage server with confidence that it can support both CIFS and NFS simultaneously, assuring not only a s mooth transition, but also a firm protection of their investment.
Remote office deployment
Frequently, branch offices and other remote locations lack dedicated IT staff members. An administrator located in a central location can use the WebUI of the storage server, Microsoft Terminal Services, and other remote administration methods to configure and administer all aspects of the storage server.
Microsoft Windows Storage Server 2003 Feature Pack deployment
The Feature Pack is available for select storage servers. The Feature Pack allows Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 databases and transaction logs to be stored on a storage server running Microsoft Windows Storage Server 2003. A single storage server computer running the Feature Pack can host the databases and transaction logs of up to two Exchange servers and up to 1,500 Exchange mailboxes.
The Feature Pack installs new components on both the storage server computer and Exchange Server 2003. These components provide tools and services that allow Exchange databases and transaction logs to be moved to a storage server computer, and they perform the necessary configuration updates to give Exchange Server 2003 access to the remotely stored files.

Environment scenarios

The storage server is deployed in one of two security modes:
Domain (Windows NT® Domain or Active Directory Domain)
The storage server uses standard Windows user and group administration methods in each of these environments.
Regardless of the deployment, the storage server integrates easily into multiprotocol environments, supporting a wide variety of clients. The following protocols are supported:
Distributed File System (DFS)
Network File System (NFS)
Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP)
File Transfer Protocol (FTP)
Microsoft Server Message Block (SMB)
HP ProLiant Storage Server administration guide


In a workgroup environment, users and groups are stored and managed separately, on each member server of the workgroup. Workgroups are typical for very small deployments where little or no computing environment p
In a clustered enviro nments are only supported in non-clustered deployments.


When operating in a Windows NT or Active Directory domain environment, the storage server is a member of the domain and the d omain controller is the repository of all account information. Client machines are also members of the domain and users log on to the domain through their Windows-based client machines. The domain controller also administers user accounts and appropriate access levels to resources that are a part of the domain. Additional information about p lanning for domain environments can be found at:
lanning is required.
deployment (servers only), the clusters must be members of a domain. Therefore, workgroup
The storage server obtains user account information from the domain controller when deployed in a domain environment. The storage server itself cannot act as a domain controller, backup domain controller, or the root of an Active Directory tree as these functions are disabled in the operating system.

User interfaces

Thereareseveraluserinterfacesthatadministratorscanusetoaccessandmanagethestorageserver. Two of these interfaces are:
Storage server WebUI
Storage server desktop
Each interface contains the same or similar capabilities, but presents them in a different manner. Each of these interfaces are illustrated in the following sections.

Storage server web-based user interface

The WebUI provides system administration, including user and group management, share management, and local storage management.
Refer to the HP ProLiant Storage Server Installation Guide for detailed information on using the Rapid Startup Wizard for initial setup.
To access the WebUI, launch a web browser, and then enter the following in the address field:
https://<your machine name or IP Address>:3202/
20 System Overview
The default user name is Administrator. The default password is hpinvent.Onlinehelpforthe WebUI is available by clicking the Help tab on the primary WebUI screen.
Table 2 WebUI main menu tabs
Disks Manage disks, volumes, disk quotas, and shadow copies.
Array Management (select models)
HP Utilities
Cluster (select models)
View alerts generated by the WebUI.
Access system settings, including system identification, global settings, interfaces settings, administration settings, Telnet settings, and SNMP settings.
Manage local users and groups.
Create folders and shares to control access to files. Define protocols and protocol pa rameters.
Manage arrays and pathing software.
Access maintenance tasks including setting date and time, performing system restarts and shutdowns, viewing audit logs, setting up e-mail alerts, linking to remote management, and selecting and configuring the UPS.
Access HP system management utilities such as File and Print Services for NetWare.
Configure and manage clusters.
Access help information for the WebUI.
Table 3 Welcome screen contents
Installation Overview (not on all models)
Take a Tour Learn how to use the storage server.
Rapid Startup Wiz ard
Set Administrator Password
Set Server Name
Set Default Page Choose which page the storage server displays first.

Storage server desktop

The storage server desktop can be accessed by:
Directly connecting a keyboard, mouse, and monitor.
Using the WebUI Maintenance tab, and then selecting Remo te Desktop.
Using the Integrated Lights-out port (not available on all models).
When using Remote Desktop to connect to the storage server desktop do not use the window close feature
). Select Start > Log Off Administrator to exit Remote Desktop.
Set up and configure the storage server. This is an online, supplemental guide. A more comprehensive paper document is provided in the country kit that shipped with the server.
Enter system setup and configuration information.
Create a password for the storage server administrator.
Choose a name so that client computers can connect to the server.
HP ProLiant Storage Server administration guide
Figure 1 Storage server desktop
The following icons are available from the desktop:
Storage Server Management Console
NIC Team Setup

Storage Server Management Console

Click this icon to access the following folders:
Core Operating System—Used to manage local users and groups, access performance
logs and alerts, and manage the event viewer.
Disk System—Contains access to the HP Array Configuration Utility (select m o dels), and local
disk management, including a volume list and a graphical view of the disks.
File Sharing—Contains modules for the configuration of file sharing exports. CIFS/SMB
(Windows) and NFS (UNIX) file shares are managed through this folder.
System—Contains system summary information.

NIC Team Setup

Click the NIC Team Setup icon to install the HP N etwork Teaming and Configuration utility. See Appendix A for additional information on this feature.
The HP Network Teaming and Configuration utility is not supported nor available on all models.
22 System Overview

2 Basic Administrative Procedures and Setup Completion

Basic system administration functions are discussed in this chapter.
This chapter also continues the process of setting up the system that was started using the HP ProLiant Storage Server Installation Guide by discussing additional setup pro cedures and options.
Unless otherwise instructed, all procedures are performed using the storage server web-based user interface (WebUI).
Thestorageserverdesktopcanbeaccessedviaadirectlyconnectedkeyboard,mouse,andmonitoror through Remote Desktop. Select models can use a RILOE or iLO port.

Basic administrative procedures

Basic administrative procedures include:
Setting the system date and time
Shutting down or restarting the server
Viewing and maintaining audit logs
Using Remote Desktop
Setting up e-mail alerts
Changing system network settings
These functions are performed in the Maintenance tab of the WebUI except for changing system network settings, which is in the Network tab.
HP ProLiant Storage Server administration guide
Figure 2 Maintenance tab

Setting the system date and time

To change the system date or time:
1. From the WebUI, click Maintenance,andthenDate/Time.TheDate and Time Settings
page is displayed.
2. Enter the new values, and then click OK.
Figure 3 Date and Time page

Shutting down or restarting the server

Notify users before powering down the system. Both UNIX and Windows NT users can be drastically affected if they are not prepared for a system power-down.
1. From the storage server WebUI, click Maintenance, Shutdown.Severaloptionsare
displayed: Restart, Shut Down,andScheduled Shutdown.
Basic Administrative Procedures and Setup Completion
Figure 4 Shutdown page
a. To shut down and automatically restart the server, click Restart.
b. To shut down and power off
c. To schedule a shutdown, click Scheduled Shutdown.
2. Regardless of the choice, a confirmation prompt is displayed. After verifying that this is the
desired action, click OK.
Client computers do not receive a warning message prior to shutdown.

Viewing and maintaining audit logs

A variety of audit logs are provided on the storage server. System events are grouped into similar categories, representing the seven different logs.
To access the logs from the WebUI, click Maintenance, Logs.TheLogs page is displayed.
the server, click Shut Down.
Figure 5 Logs page
A variety of logs are available and are listed in Figure 5.
Each log has viewing, clearing, printing, and saving options.
HP ProLiant Storage Server administration guide
You should not use the WebUI to view log files greater than 2 MB. Select Log properties to adjust the maximum file size, or download the file to view.
NFS logging is disabled by default. Enable NFS logging using the Management Console. NFS stops logging when the log file is full.

Using Remote Desktop

Remote Desktop is provided in the WebUI to allow for additional remote system administration and the use of approv approved applications.
To open a Remote Desktop session from the WebUI, select Maintenance, Remote Desktop.A Remote Desktop session is opened. Enter the appropriate password to log on to the server.
ed third-party applications. Backup software and antivirus pro grams are examples of
Basic Administrative Procedures and Setup Completion
Figure 6 Remote Desktop sess ion
Two open sessions of Remote Desktop are allowed to operate at the same time. After completing an application do not use the window close feature (
>LogOffAdministratorto exit Remote Desktop.
Improper closure of Remote Desktop
Certain o perations can leave the utilities running if the browser is closed versus exiting from the program via the application menu or logging off the Remote Desktop s ession. A maximum of two Remote Desktop sessions may be used at any given time. Improper exit from a session can result in the sessions becoming consumed. Sessions and processes can be terminated using the Terminal Services Manager via Start >Programs >Administrator Tools.
The Terminal Services Manager must be accessed via the direct attached console, or via the RILOE or iLO port on select models.
) to close that session of Remote Desktop. Select Sta r t

Setting up e-mail alerts

E-mail messages are limited to the alerts generated from the WebUI status bar or the WebUI status page, as well as some event log messages. Some alerts, such as the restart of the server, only occur if the WebUI
HP ProLiant Storage Server administration guide
was utilized to initiate the request. For example, a restart initiated using the WebUI generates an e-mail message indicating a restart has occurred. Initiating a restart using the Windows Storage Server 2003 schedule or Desktop will not. Messaging in the status bar and page is limited to the following areas:
WebUI Alerts
• NTBackupbackupstarted
• NTBackup restore started
• UPS power failure
• Quota management alerts
Event Log Messages
• NTBackup Information
• UPS power failed
• UPS system shutdown
• Quota management alerts
To activate this option:
1. From the WebUI, click Maintenance.ThenclickAlert E-mail.TheSet Alert E-Mail
page is displayed.
2. Select Enable Alert E-mail.
3. Indicatethetypesofmessagestobesent.
• Warning alerts
• Informational alerts
4. Enter the desired e-mail address in the appropriate boxes.
5. After all settings have been entered, click OK.

Changing system network settings

Network properties are entered and managed from the Network tab. Most of these settings are entered as part of the Rapid Startup process. Settings made from this tab include adding the storage server to a dom ain.
Online help is available for these settings. Figure 7 is an illustration of the Network tab.
Basic Administrative Procedures and Setup Completion
Figure 7 Network tab
Select models also include an option for configuring iLO settings.

Setup completion

After the storag steps must be co vary.
Additional setup steps can include:
Managing system storag
Creating and managing users a nd groups
Creating and managing file shares
e server is physically set up and the basic configuration is established, additional setup
mpleted. Depending on the deployment scenario of the storage server, these steps can

Managing system storage

The storage server administrator uses Disk Management to manage volumes, and Shadow Copies to manage snapshots. See the following chapters for more detailed information on managing system storage:
Chapter 3 discusses disk management procedures.
Chapter 4 discusses snapshot (shadow copy) management procedures.
Chapter 6 discusses folder and share management procedures.

Creating and managing users and groups

User and group information and permissions determine whether a user ca server is deployed into a workgroup environment, this user and group i the device. By contrast, if the storage server is deployed into a domai informationisstoredonthedomain.
To enter local user and group information, see Chapter 5.
HP ProLiant Storage Server administration guide
nformation is stored locally on
n environment, user and group
naccessfiles. Ifthestorage

Creating and managing file shares

Files shares must be set up, granting and controlling file access to users and groups. See Chapter 6 for complete information on ma naging file shares.
UNIX specific information is discussed in the “Services for NFS/UNIX” chapter.
It is highly recommended to run Microsoft Windows Update to Identify, review, and install the latest, applicable, critical security update on the storage server. For recommendations, instructions, and documentation to help manage the software update, hotfix, and security patch processes on the storage server, see “Microsoft Software Updates on HP ProLiant Storage Servers” on the HP web site:

Activating the iLO port using the license key

Select models include an iLO port. The Remote Desktop feature of the iLO port requires a license key. The key is included with the product inside the Country Kit. Refer to the iLO Advanced License Pack for activation instructions.
To access the iLO port, click H P Utilities,andthenclickRemote Management.

Setting up Ethernet NIC Teams (Optional)

Select mod allows ad aWindows through
els are equipped with the HP Network Teaming and Configuration utility. The utility
ministrators to configure and monitor Ethernet network interface controllers (NIC) teams in
-based operating system. These teams provide options for increasing fault tolerance and
put. See Appendix A for information on setting up NIC teams.
Basic Administrative Procedures and Setup Completion
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