Using MSN Explorer for the First Time
HP Pavilion
home PC
You may see an error message when you first use MSN®Explorer. This
document describes how to complete the registration process to use MSN
Explorer as your Internet Service Provider (ISP) or as a browser.
Before you begin these steps, connect the modem cable from the
computer modem connector to the telephone wall jack (see the setup
poster that came with your computer).
To complete the registration process:
1 Click Start on the taskbar, choose All Programs,andthenclick
MSN Explorer.
2 Click Yes touseMSNExplorerforyourISP,orclickNo to use
MSN Explorer as a browser only.
3 Click Continue. A series of screens appears. Enter the registration
information and click Continue for each screen.
4 Click OK when the following message displays.
5 Click OK again when the following message displays.
6 Close the program window by clicking the X in the corner.
This completes the registration process. To use MSN Explorer, click Start
on the taskbar, choose All Programs,andthenclickMSN Explorer.
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