21 September 1998
This file contains the most up-to-date information on the following topics:
Sources of Information about the OmniBook and Windows
Preca ut ions
Replacing Batteries
Using a Pointing Device During Rebooting and Resuming
Synchronizing an External Display or Projector
Smart CPU Mode (BIOS Setup Utility)
Using an Older Microsoft Mouse Model
Using Microsoft or Logitech PS/2 Mice with a Scrolling Button
Status Panel Shows Incorrect Battery Charge Level
Installing More Than 512 MB of RAM in the OmniBook
Using DVDs with t he HP OmniBook 4150
Windows 95/98
Energy Star Feature for Display Timeout
Docking the O mniBook 7150 for the First Time (Windows 98 only)
Agate Tioman Hot Swap Software and DVD Devices (Windows 98 only))
PS/2 Functionality and Hot Docking
Using Infrared Communications
Installing Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.01 (Windows 95 Only)
Automatic Suspend and Automatic CD Detection (Windows 95 Only)
Microphone Mute
Using a Video Card in the F1477A Docking System.
Windows NT
Suspend to RAM and the F1477A docking system
Enabling Automatic Suspend After Installing Retail Windows NT 4.0
Using PC Cards
Using McAfee VirusScan and Windows NT Card Executive
Installing Service Pack 3 for Windows NT 4.0
Installing Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.01 under Windows NT
Minor Keyboard Drivers
Synaptics Touchpad Driver
Euro Currency Symbol
Best P rac tices for Usi ng Your HP O mniBook
Physical Care
General Use
Sources of Information
* The online User's Handbook introduces the OmniBook and sh ows you the O mniBook ba s ics. It a lso
contains troubleshooting information (Start, Programs, OmniBook Library).
* The printed OmniBook Reference Guide shows how to set up the operating system, install and
connect accessories, and maintain and upgr ade the OmniBook.

* The Micros oft Windows man ual , shipp e d with your O mniBook, c ontains information about using the
standard features of your Windows operating system.
* For updates to the BIOS and other technical documentation, connect to our website at
http :// www.h p.com/omnibook or http :// www.europe .h p.com/omnibook (European mirror).
Preca ut i on s
This section describes certain situations that could cause serious loss of data.
Do not remove a data storage PC Card while it is actively reading or writing. This could cause its data
to become corrupted .
Certain applications, such as Intuit's Quicken, keep their working files open, and they update the files as
you make changes. For such applications, you should open only files that reside on the hard drive, not
on a removable disk. An open file on a removable disk (such as a floppy disk or PC Card) is susceptible
to corruption in certain situations.
Before suspe nding , dock ing, or un docki ng your OmniBook, a lways sa ve your data and close any
applications you have open, especially applications that are not power aware, audio and video
applications, and applications using PC Cards and I/O devices such as a CD-ROM drive.
Replacing Batteries
A newly installed OmniBook battery can take up to 3 seconds to provide power to the OmniBook. To
pr e vent loss of p ower to the OmniBook, wait at least 3 seconds after inserting the battery to disconnect
ac power or to remove a second battery.
Using a Pointing Device During Rebooting and Resuming
While the O mniBook is rebooting, resuming ( turning itse lf on after sus pens ion), starting Windows, or
exiting Windows, do not touch the OmniBook poin ting de vices or an attached external pointing device.
This may result in the pointing device not functioning. Wait until the screen is stabilized and the hour
glass ceases to appear. If the pointing device is not functional, try the following steps, in this order, until
it is functional.
1. Press any key on the keyboard.
2. S uspend t he OmniBook and then r e s ume i t (press the power button br iefly to suspe nd, then pres s th e
button again to resume).
3. S hut down Windows, then turn the Om niBook off and on ( Start men u, Shut down, Restart the
Synchronizing an External Display or Projector
If you connec t an ext ernal disp lay, projec tor, or proje c tion panel to the Om niBook dis play output, and
its image is not stable, try one of the following ways to deal with display resolution differences:
* Use a display or projector that matches the resolution of the OmniBook disp lay.

* Change t he Display Pr operties of the O mniBook t o match the resolution of the projector or external
display: In Control Panel, Display, Settings, change the Desktop Area to 800 by 600 pixels, 640 by
480 pixels, or 1024 by 768 pixels.
* Turn off the Om niBook 's display and r e tain the external display by pressing Fn+F5, as needed.
Smart CPU Mode (BIOS Setup Utility)
Smart CPU mode should always be set to Off. It is not needed with power-managed systems such as
OmniBook s and can interfer e with some time-sensitive operations, such as downloading files via
modem. Smart CPU mode is automatically set to Off by the default Power Management setting,
Maximum Power Saving.
Using an Older Microsoft Mouse Model
The OmniBook c annot use Suspend mode with two of M icrosoft's older mouse models (parts #28898
and #07685). Th e suspend an d resume activity causes the OmniBook to lock u p with these mice. If you
are using one of these mice, do the following to prevent this problem:
1. Open the BIOS Setup utility (reboot, then pres s F2).
2. In the Power menu, disable the setting for Resume on Serial Ring.
3. Save and exit the Setup utility.
Using Microsoft or Logitech PS/2 Mice with a Scrolling Button
The current drivers for the a bove scroll button mi c e reac t di fferentl y to docki ng and s uspend/res ume
* To ensure that you are always able to use the scroll button:
- Leave the PS/2 Devices setting in the BIOS setup utility on Auto.
- If the MS mouse is attached to the OmniBook while the O mniBook is ru nn ing or in suspend m ode,
reboot the OmniBook to enabl e the s c roll button.
* If the MS mouse is attached to a dock, docking the OmniBook while it is runn ing, i n sus pend mode , or
off enables scrolling.
* If the Logitech mouse is attached to the OmniBook while the O mniBook i s running, t he OmniBook
must be suspended and resumed to enable scrolling.
* If the Logitech mouse is attached to a dock, the OmniBook mu st be su spended and resumed after it is
hot d ocked .
* Dock ing the OmniBook whi le it is suspended will enable the scroll button for both mice.
Check with your vendor for updated drivers for these scroll button mice.