HP M507n Data sheet

Data sheetData sheet
HP LaserJet Enterprise M507 seriesHP LaserJet Enterprise M507 series
Handle business solutions securely, plus help conserve energy with HP EcoSmart toner.Handle business solutions securely, plus help conserve energy with HP EcoSmart toner.
Choose an HP LaserJet Enterprise printer designed to handle business solutions securely and efficiently, and helps conserve energy with HP EcoSmart black toner. Keep up with the demands of growing business with a printer you can rely on.
Dynamic securit
y enabled printer. Only intended to be used with cartridges using an HP original chip. Cartridges using a non-HP chip may not work, and
HP LaserJHP LaserJet Entet Entererprise M507nprise M507n
HP LaserJHP LaserJet Entet Entererprise M507dnprise M507dn
TThhee wwoorrllddss mmoosstt sseeccuurree pprriinnttiinngg
Each printer in your fleet checks its operating code and repairs itself from attacks. Your printer’s outgoing network connections are inspected to stop suspicious requests and thwart malware. Memory activity is monitored to continually detect and stop attacks. Firmware is automatically checked during startup to determine if it’s authentic code— digitally signed by HP.
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Stay productive with reliable cartridges, and help save energy while printing with HP EcoSmart black toner. Spend less time replacing toner, and more on business. Choose optional high-yield toner cartridges. Enhanced energy savings - up to 29% over prior products plus save with Auto-on/Auto­off technology. This printer fits in tight places to boost performance in almost any workspace.
YYoouurr wwhhoollee fflleeeett.. AAtt yyoouurr ccoonnttrrooll..
Centralize control of your printing environment with HP Web Jetadmin4—and help build business efficiency. Gain insights into print costs, behaviors, utilization to drive efficiencies with this cloud­based printer. Set security configuration policies and automatically validate settings for every HP printer in your fleet.
EEnnhhaanncceedd pprroodduuccttiivviittyy kkeeeeppss bbuussiinneessss mmoovviinngg
Submit print jobs on the go and securely release them at any HP Roam-enabled office printer, securely. Don’t wait for documents. Print your first page in as little as 10 seconds from energy-
HP LaserJHP LaserJet Entet Entererprise M507xprise M507x
efficient sleep mode.
Data sheet | HP LaserJet Enterprise M507 series
Product walkaroundProduct walkaround
2nd generation Hardware
Integration Pocket1
Easy-access USB port2
Top cover release button
100-sheet multipurpose tray 1
supports media sizes up to
216 x 356 mm
550-sheet input tray 2 supports
media sizes up to 216 x 356 mm
550-sheet input tray 3 supports
media sizes up to 216 x 356 mm3
Front view
HP LaserJet Enterprise M507x
10.9 cm (4.3-inch) colour touchscreen
250-sheet output bin
Top cover (access to JetIntelligence toner cartridge)
Automatic two-sided printing5 Dual-band Wi-Fi® with
Bluetooth® Low Energy6
Slot for cable-type security lock
Gigabit Ethernet, Host USB port
Hi-Speed USB 2.0 printing port
USB port for connecting external USB devices
Rear I/O panel closeup
Series at a glance
Model (product number)
Print speed (black)7 Up to 43/45 pages per minute (ppm) (A4/letter) (all models)
Control panel 6.9 cm (2.7-inch) LCD with keypad 6.9 cm (2.7-inch) LCD with keypad 10.9 cm (4.3-inch) touchscreen
Automatic two-sided printing Manual (driver support provided)
100-sheet multipurpose tray 1, 550-sheet input tray 2
Standard 550-sheet paper tray 3 Not available Not available
Optional 550-sheet paper tray Add up to three Add up to three Add up to two
Optional printer cabinet Add up to one (all models)
Input capacity (standard/maximum8) Up to 650/2,300 sheets Up to 650/2,300 sheets Up to 1,200/2,300 sheets
Hardware Integration Pocket1 Not available
Recommended Monthly Page Volume9 2,000 to 7,500 pages (all models)
Cartridge yield10 Black: ~ 5,000/10,000/20,000 (standard/high-yield/extra-high-yield) (all models)
Wireless direct printing11/NFC touch-to­print12
Dual-band Wi-Fi® with Bluetooth® Low Energy6
M507n (1PV86A) M507dn (1PV87A) M507x (1PV88A)
Optional Optional Built-in wireless direct printing;
optional NFC touch-to-print
Optional Optional Built-in
+ 3 hidden pages